Asmongold's First Stream of Bloodborne | FULL VOD

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[Music] here we [ __ ] go all right give me one second yeah I do need to change my category all right we're good okay category has changed Japan studio um shed you online or offline what do you guys think online yeah wow did I just play online [ __ ] it okay give me actually one second I make sure this is oh wait a PlayStation Plus the [ __ ] is this can I get a free trial you need to add a payment method do you want to add one now no okay so new game alright that's that the [ __ ] is that dude alrighty here we go paying for online yeah can you believe that alright let's do a new game [Music] it sounds really good tell me if there's an echo here is this bad for you guys because for some reason I can only hear it through okay no it's fine okay it's good it's loud okay I'll turn it down there okay let me go ahead and set this up sorry for all the difficulties okay that should be good right okay boys it's been a while but I'm back Dark Souls 1 was a joke Dark Souls 2 also basically a joke we are back again to defeat blood-borne many people have told me this game will be too hard for me those people will be wrong today I begin this game today I [ __ ] kill every I'm not gonna kill every boss I'm gonna kill every boss that I see I'm not gonna give up it's not gonna be any kind of [ __ ] I'm just gonna do it and that's the truth the literal God let's get this done let me make sure it one of my system thinks controls environment brightness I'm just gonna keep all this at normal okay here we go is it louder let's fix the sound right now okay guys does it need to be louder okay how about that is that a good volume okay this is the volume we are going to play a let's go I just slider until man is visible and beasts invisible well he's never invisible I'm just gonna make it at four okay that should be fine okay camera Y axis x axis camera sensitivity auto target switched off I don't know if I want to use that or not we'll see let's see a camera auto adjust on I don't know if I want that or not I've just I haven't played to the controller for a long time so honestly the hardest part about this game is the right place what do we discussed x-men - too quiet okay I have to get a contract alrighty change can change the the thing is updated the category is updated Oh entry and complete okay let me make my name okay good our two gender male okay okay no all right I was gonna see how many genders they had that's all age young mature or aged I'm gonna go with young origin milk toast ordinary happy upbringing all attributes average lone survivor high life essence and vigor suffered misfortune and youth highly resilient as a result okay terribly violent past rash but stronger for it professional born specialist fit for sleuthing or academia experienced in war a soldier with strength and skill that seems really good scion to a respectable line with faith in your pedigree okay so that's like a rich person cruel fate faced terrible hardships but now confident in your purpose you are nothing talentless you shouldn't have been born well why is everybody telling me to play that one huh what the [ __ ] man where did I do to deserve this I think I'm gonna go with let's see it's vitality or vigor gonna be the one that has this has more vitamin survivor arcane so strength is 14 this is only strength 11 level 10 I think this one makes the most sense for me a soldier with strength and skill I don't know what else could better to find me so let's go with this one right here appearance okay let's set this up gender age okay I read that all right voice who cares build okay let's go with very slim I'm a skinny boy scale adjustment head okay this guy's heads a little bit too big let's go right there chest you know what I'm gonna give him a little bit of a bigger chest okay this guy works out maybe once every other weekend all right abdomen he doesn't eat a lot of food though arms he works out his arms but he does skip leg day okay base skin color if I change this that would be racist so we're gonna go ahead and skip these two yeah skin tone one yeah all right let's just go with this this seems completely fine I don't really care too much this is completely fine yeah I mean this is actually I mean whenever you think about it this actually pretty good I mean you think about it yeah this is perfect okay face preset similar face okay which one looks like me maybe that one I guess yeah kind of that like not really but it's probably the best most accurate ones that I have features let's see apparent age young facial aesthetic masculine okay we're gonna make this very very masculine not feminine at all okay not at all and form emphasis we're gonna make him very strong all right good 180 that way you can see everything around him face shape okay four of what I have to I mean it's just is this real life like am I actually like oh okay he's gonna have a very very deep forehead wait is that did that give him a lump on his head what the [ __ ] well I don't want to look like that okay forehead protrusion all right let's go ahead and push it the forehead out as much as possible I think that concave is like in I'm assuming convex is out yeah okay that's good and all right this is a massive [ __ ] forehead you look at this guy's forehead he could headbutt a ram and knock it the [ __ ] out okay I don't care about his nose at all all right nobody cares about his nose let's go brow Ridge let's do his eyebrows okay hi wait was this is this even changing like I don't feel like I'm making any changes on this guy at all inner brow outer brow I don't even like what is this oh okay it's moving up a little bit all right that's good and let's see changes don't matter that's what you think now but whenever you see how good my eyebrows is gonna look after this I'm gonna beat every boss in one try okay eye position I don't want to change that let's see I slants the [ __ ] I spacing that's so nothing ever gets by him okay uh let's go yeah yeah we're gonna name the character mischief but no alright alright let's go ahead we'll start here actually does kind of look like him which is kind of funny alright um let's do ya this this is fine nose Ridge nostrils I don't think we really needed to change that his art his chin but to make sure he has a IIIi dis is so this is so much I'm not even gonna [ __ ] with this right now okay skin color and makeup okay let's make sure he has lipstick dark red lipstick it's 2018 okay so if he wants to wear this it's totally fine and lipstick - we're gonna make this also dark red okay yeah wait oh it's 29 I forgot dude okay there that's perfect okay this guy he looks like he's a gay vampire from Twilight I I don't know really I mean is that it is that good I mean I don't think that it is a ball then go no I'm not gonna make him bald okay guys I'm sorry all right I'm gonna make his eyes very dark there we go okay eyeliner we're gonna give a very very dark eyeliner this guy likes to listen to my Chemical Romance okay eyeshadow same thing we're almost ready to go all right perfect making no what are you guys are wrong Oh change by 10 oh wow okay thank you I didn't even see that eyeliner uh no that looks weird dude I don't want to go at it this looks normal that one looks weird okay what about this right here okay um oh I don't like that okay that should be yeah yeah that's good right there eyelid brightness I think you know what we really don't need to deal with the eyelids hair and facial hair okay hair brow and beard color let's go ahead and make this oops we'll make it kind of my color okay yeah that's kind of my color of hair that looks good enough all right let's look at hair okay so we have okay so we've got me we've got I don't know really what this would be let's see well this looks good I like this that doesn't I don't like that at all this is kind of decent oh god dude okay I don't know about this okay we've got the final fantasy hair here we've got the alt rock band from 2005 hair we've got the Justin Bieber 2008 here we've got the every metal bassist in the history of metal bassist history or the metal bassist hair let's see what's this one J Allen Brack Stephanie Amanda or sorry Matilda Stacey I don't even know about this one Cameron Diaz maybe these are all girl hairstyles right yeah okay I don't want to go with a girl hairstyle okay in the interest of being accurate let's go ahead and go with this okay actually you know what I'm not going with that I'm gonna go like this I'm sorry guys but this is a fantasy game this is a fantasy game we're gonna go with this one it looks a little bit better and I I feel better about it okay guys this is just a little bit too much okay I haircut Cara did hair color who cares about that eyebrows okay so bushy eyebrows lined eyebrows was this even a change oh there it is okay we're good [Music] I'm not doing that one sorry okay we're gonna go with this one right here okay actually yeah yeah yeah we'll go with this one ah actually I don't know yeah let's just go with that that looks fine brow color nobody cares beard okay this is important okay so we've got our French lieutenant french general amish 45 year old man that listens to Godsmack Tom Hanks in castaway Civil War general me basically or from back in the day it used to be me Salvador Dali basically me a guy that shouldn't have any facial hair a mountain man a kid that just learned he could grow facial hair and he's only 19 Union Civil War general oil man from the 1800s I don't know about this yeah I don't know about this one either those two ones at the bottom are a little bit supid yeah rockefeller yeah exactly okay let's go yeah unions putting in more effort that's why they're won the war I mean come on I want to go with I think I'm just gonna go with the way it would look like for me right this is basically me let's go ah I could go with this one too it's a little bit too big don't you think what do you guys think this color or this color this one like this is one the other ones too I think I should go with one oh the big beard no I don't like that one a lot let's go with one okay beard color let's make my beard I'm an aspiring streamer I just hit affiliate and I want to do a couple of things to spice up my stream and make people remember me so one of those things is randomly dyeing my hair and my beard blue and that way people will you know notice me more often yeah twitch streamer beard exactly eyelashes okay this is where it really gets important okay yeah we're not gonna do that we're not gonna try to look like James Charles okay eyelash color don't care about that at all pupils I really don't give a [ __ ] about this um let's see I'm gonna make my eyes red okay just a second there we go all right perfect oh really look good okay let's go there no I don't like that color either okay now they're just pink I [ __ ] up didn't I okay whatever this guy's a rainbow at this point so we're just gonna make them this way all right guys everything's going great okay um let's see right people color okay who cares about that all right we're good tattoo marks all right so I could be sodapoppin Gerald I don't know what that is really I've got the thing on there the double slashes or nothing basically let's see I'm just gonna go with that right there okay I'm a guy that can take a hit okay um so I actually you know honestly probably could make it look like Soto like with the other pink hair that'd be really funny I don't want to do that right now though let's see and I'll make this a little bit yeah it would take like if it's alright 20 minutes to do I don't wanna I want to focus on okay um yeah let's just have it be like that maybe blue okay fine let's do blue he got some of the dye on his face a tweaked tattoo what the [ __ ] is a tweaked tattoo oh it's this okay we'll put it on his forehead that's whenever he head-butted something that was really hard glasses okay so John Lennon John Lennon Johnny Depp monopoly I don't I don't know who would wear any glasses like that I what the [ __ ] is it Wednesday my dudes we could go with this okay um let's just go with no glasses all right I vote yea Elton John I don't know really I don't know a lot about Elton John so I can't really say that that would work okay that's good and guys I feel like we have just created one of the greatest characters that's ever been seen the man this is truly something amazing and I feel very proud of myself change the hair you know what I'm gonna do that hair color I'm gonna make it pink I am this is a second how do i how do I make pink I failed art class by the way [Music] okay dude oh no it's so bad okay just a minute this is just absolutely incredible I love it okay perfection thanks I'm glad that you feel that way I don't know it's okay dude all right everything's good okay um let's see if you pull somewhere face okay everything is good everything is ready let's get this done yeah this is an obvious military veteran this right here military veteran okay face details save to favorites okay I don't want to ever forget about this one okay guys okay so build gender Wow this is okay so I'll go back right all right here we go true guys thanks to the five subs and so it begins messengers are inhabitants of the dream who revere the brave hunters use them to send messages to other worlds I'm assuming that's like the soap stones for this game a solid shard that forms in cold wood after death the substance in the blood hardens which does not crystallize as a bloodstone at the workshop blood stones are embedded and weapons to fortify them okay so titanite shards threaded cane who gives a [ __ ] all right now what this be 10% louder man I'm really like wait what the [ __ ] is that the first boss already what okay all right let's go bro I'm ready Oh what yeah that's definitely a boss wait what he just killed himself oh boy oh boy oh boy the guy's got a vagina for a mouth that's great okay oh they're gonna eat me you found yourself a hunter oh [ __ ] okay let's use some abilities here okay that's the attack that's the big attack I'm assuming okay and then where's do I have a role um let's see okay alrighty good okay let's go down this way what what do i loo here okay I destroy [ __ ] everything I'm dangerous and I attack everything look at this alright so how do I the [ __ ] was that what am i picking up nothing it's just my hand what am i playing [ __ ] rock-paper-scissors but okay uh-oh two handing okay alright I got it okay so two handing whoa okay this is what I like to see okay great [ __ ] yeah alright um let's see okay I destroyed basically everything in here so open the door door does not open from the side so do I have a roll or anything I mean you're do i oh oh okay good okay here we go alright so let's start this up we're off to a very good start so far it was this view notes attack right hand weapon got it all right what's the next one um lock on and release target are three okay that's this right there okay mouse button down okay we don't want to karate chop through everything dinner in thank you how much to the five gifted subs appreciate that okay I don't know what loot looks like [ __ ] okay okay okay wait am i dead [ __ ] okay let me see if I can get this done this time wait what oh the werewolf took me to church I need Jesus okay inspect an abandoned doll yeah I definitely should have made the character look like soda ah okay um let's look over here first how do I run okay all right oh it's circle okay eyes I see so it's hold to run and then tap to roll okay or jump okay that's fine got it okay okay this transform weapon transform the attack oh okay that that's one hand verse two hand got it strong attack hold to charge attack oh okay that's good to know hitting an enemy from behind with charge attack causes them to stagger that's actually very good to know shooting your firearm winter up than staggering enemy when properly timed to their attack okay so shooting them is like a parry okay what is this when staggered next to staggered enemy visceral attack okay after taking damage and enemy there's a period of time and what's attacking enemy in return will restore an amount of HP wow I like that a lot we see the assistance from the hunters of the worlds okay that's for summoning a small resident though okay let's see what are these entrusting your notes so the messengers were all hundreds of the world - again nobody cares about that don't give a [ __ ] okay that's like just the words do things already I read this one didn't I okay switch weapons okay so this is switch weapons alrighty emergency Quicksilver billet reprint we print with replenishment use with caution okay this is Estus flask and can I open this nope okay what's this tradin echoes with messengers to buy and selling item purchase items all right what's this guy gonna sell special blood vial special bullets okay Molotov cocktail pebbles okay so I can literally throw rocks at people that's great okay materials key items a tire okay that's just a random armor and I can't afford that right now okay blood gems karna and chalices I don't know what any of that is so let's go ahead and leave there okay all right we're going to church guys okay never mind thank God okay let's go this way then I didn't read these what does this say the messengers offer you a firearm choose one firearms are wielded with the left hand employed and beast hunting or wait oh okay so hunter pistol hmm what do you guys think I think I'm gonna go with the pistol yeah oh it doesn't matter right let's just go with the pistol received 100 pistol we're gonna go with it okay alrighty so how do I use the gun again controls like what where is it equip it well oh yeah inventory okay using this item what is used I have it equipped okay move camera cameras fine I mean the inventory doesn't matter messengers offer you a trick weapon trick weapons are wheeled with the right hand and employed a piece line okay oh oh this is it so I can go with a cleaver and axe for a threaded cane okay obviously I'm gonna go with the axe I mean everybody knows I'm gonna use the axe let's go got it okay a notebook received from the messengers leave messages with these loyal servants to serve them with hugs it's okay I don't really care about that so inventory so I have that weapon it's equip right okay so let me open the door wait it's closed [Music] wait what the [ __ ] what did I just do why did I just lose health second row oh okay got it okay so how do i okay there's a pistol good got it okay and I'll switch my weapons whoa okay here we [ __ ] go I'm dangerous now let's get this done Hera's blocking the hood I don't think it is oh yeah it's slightly okay when we move that down and I'll move this down too there we go okay that should be fine sorry I didn't know it was doing that all right we're good l1 okay let me try l1 okay dude okay Wow all right I'm [ __ ] ready let's go okay I can't do that can't we talk to her again okay I probably shouldn't have tried to do that what is this done yarn him headstone did I just teleport back I think I did right uh yeah I think I did let's see if that's true okay here we go I'll be honest like playing with the controller is so weird for me ok let's go this way are you out on the hunt yeah yeah very sorry but I cannot open this door I am Yosef Kerr the patients here in my clinic must not be exposed to infection what's wrong with me I know that you hunt for us for our town but I'm sorry please this is all that I can do yourself cos blood vial now go and good hunting ok okay I'll use that how do I use this oh okay all righty okay so now I have to fight this guy right okay Jesus Christ okay Wow Wow okay I didn't oh I didn't walk on okay all right let me see I can figure this out Jesus cry all right all right all right that did not go very well okay yeah I getting used to playing with the controller is gonna be really hard for me okay let's do this again okay okay okay I'm stuck in the wall okay all right I got him okay [ __ ] yeah one vial great so how do I use that what is a blood vial is like souls oh I see I see okay so the more of these things I kill the more I can heal got it okay that makes sense okay what about this here restore HP use blood boil okay good all right I beat the first enemy guys I'm basically amazing at this game okay so that's a sparkly I need to click on that quick silver bullets so how do I use how do I use my gun again left d-pad what'd I just do there the [ __ ] was that oh are those bullets okay so that takes out the gun okay let's go let's try and just use the axe and practice here okay close by a device okay [Music] all righty easy game well it's a dead horse my loot oh no I can't do anything to the doors let's go down here see what this guy has blood vial okay that's good that's like just more healing this a person no okay there's no chest in here either okay let's go this way all right that's and watch out for him you don't want him to get you okay I'll use triangle to heal and I don't get anything from that okay we should be fine okay that was easy whew there we [ __ ] go dude all right l2 to shoot that was not shooting it's better than shooting actually okay these guys are dead and I'm assuming that that thing at the top is my soul's right okay caused by a device oh this is the device okay we figured it out guys we got it oh okay so I haven't even taken damage yet except for the time that I died but like that's you know I didn't have my weapon okay okay what's going on here a pebble okay okay all right so I just oh okay so I heal my health back whenever I kill something that's [ __ ] amazing Wow for some reason I thought they were like why whenever they said that okay this is a guy with the shield wait what oh okay all right that guy's dead perfect all right we're making progress let's go okay do I jump down here I kind of want to fight him but I don't want to deal with that yet so let's go down to the bottom first this bonfire okay dude just give me a second is this a is this like a bonfire okay Oh Oh a lamb I see so these are a lamp now transports you back to the hunters dream upon death you awaken at this lamp okay that's cool all right so I can't open this way and all right let's go back up to the top and keep making progress all right so I know where the lamp is that's good now let's keep going okay I could jump down or I could go this way let me make sure that this isn't somewhere where I need to go okay okay is this a boss No um okay let's go okay okay Wow oh my god Wow all right let me try this again holy [ __ ] this is hard okay gun tu'pari I I mean I've got to figure out like I mean it playing this game like is is really disorienting for me so it's gonna take me a little bit of time to understand what I need to do all right let me get this guy another shot okay like I'm very like controllers are really hard for me to use this guy wait what he's not yet how's he not dead okay I'll kill myself got him okay that guy's actually dead good got him okay all right now we'll go down we'll fight this guy again whoa whoa where's well where's what up okay alright got okay okay uh its Christ okay good [ __ ] all right I think I'm getting it all right I think I'm getting it now all right we're good okay we've killed them we're making progress this is gonna take quite a while for me to learn all right like I I don't think you guys understand how completely disoriented I am playing with a controller all right let's go this way okay so what's he gonna do all right so he does that then I hit him that's a whoa [Music] okay good he does one of those and then I do one of these okay [ __ ] yeah there we go so what did I get for killing him nothing I I got nothing great so okay blood echoes I don't know what blood echoes are all right I guess I'll open this up right now never mind okay is there a gate here oh yeah yeah I see you okay I'll open this I think this is where I came in from isn't it um yeah I'll go down this way this is this is a guy oh this is the first guy that I fought okay yeah yeah yeah okay so I came out through here and I need to go back around now I know where to go okay guys let's go what is this what the [ __ ] okay alright okay got him that was easy [ __ ] yeah yeah this game is a lot different than Dark Souls man Dwight do I talk to him or okay no he's gonna try to kill me okay you're dead okay what stone shard good okay I got him so where's the boss I think that I alright I'm understanding how to at least kill these guys so we're doing a little bit better alright let's keep going whoa okay okay okay okay got him I do I need to use one of my heels here I'll go down this way and hopefully kill this guy wait where are these guys are they these des moms respond in this game I'm really confused here okay no okay so I just kill all these guys right [Music] ah okay all right let me try that a little bit better next time so I [ __ ] up there let's keep going we'll try it again can we time out the people that are spamming please okay where did I go I think I went yeah I went this way oh yo why am I not using that all the time I'm gonna try and jump down this time see what this does got him okay yeah this is like okay finding him good wait what's up what will you mean what's up am i lagging am i good okay Jesus Christ like I have to fight all these guys at the same time okay I'll heal myself what the how did I get hit by that got them this game feels like it's more difficult than Dark Souls okay or at least it does to me alright we're good a OE oh wow wait what the [ __ ] just happened oh okay are we good just a second I make sure we're frozen ok just doesn't let me disable or deactivate and reactivate it hopefully this will work ok yeah I don't know why that happened I did not die everything's fine ok let's keep going okay okay that didn't work that did not work that did not work okay I can't okay let me heal what where's that like oh [ __ ] man okay let's try it again holy [ __ ] Wow is there a way I can connect the keyboard and mouse to to the the PlayStation like I mean the kids because I'm gonna probably just do that next time yes okay I'm gonna look that up and see if I can figure out how to do that okay okay let's go this way run okay but where's that where's that tack book okay good got them perfect you count on fortnight okay all right this guy's dead that okay wait oh I don't I don't get to keep my blood vials is that how it works okay let me try and kill these guys here No Wow okay that guy's it keeps disconnecting man like what the [ __ ] is going on okay [ __ ] okay let me do you activate it and reactivate it okay we're good all right I don't know what the [ __ ] this is to make sure everything's plugged in all the way okay make sure it's plugged into my four alright let me try and do this using the HD 60s yes I am I'm using the HD 60s okay alright let's go this way is it working now am i moving okay I'm moving I'm trying man okay oh I keep forgetting what my attack button is okay I need to walk on that's right okay I'm walking on good he's dead I just want to get to the boss I'll be able to beat the boss easy but like these mobs are small so it's hard for me to hit him okay good how hard is it it just I'm actually I'm struggling a lot okay got him alright so I'm gonna I'm gonna do this another try and I'm gonna see if I can get it okay god I'm perfect alright so I have to go in there I'm not gonna make any mistakes I'm just gonna kill him here [Music] I don't know what I don't know what to do like I don't know what yeah what I don't know why this is happening let me look it up 60 disconnecting okay let's see what this is keeps disconnecting and reconnecting help okay what did they do move it to a separate port having the same issue so I bought another one HD TCP I think I have that turned off yeah I've disabled that I don't I don't I really don't know what to do maybe I can try another USB port I mean I think that seems like the the best option here so that unplugged it right let me try and plug it into one in the back no it's not long enough I can't even do that alright let me see if this is gonna work USB 2.0 I'm not sure man okay this is working right okay let me deactivate and reactivate again good uhh H normal I got the hd60 Pro ok let me see if this is gonna work alright I'll pretend like everything like everything is fine okay got him good let's keep going ok hopefully it won't disconnect me again I what is wrong with me alright I'm just getting destroyed in this game okay um got'em good okay we're back here at the same spot I'll make sure they hear me okay rolling out of that okay one guy one guy right now got him okay there we go all right once one guy is dead we're making massive [ __ ] improvements already got him okay now we're learning we're learning now all right here we go [ __ ] you and [ __ ] you well not quite there okay I at least hit him once all right good holy [ __ ] okay rolling out of that the swirling I'm rolling out of everything right now I had to take that hit oh I had to go for it I had to go for it okay got him alright now I loot this right okay I'm looting all these and I didn't get any heals all I got one heal okay good all right we're fine one at a time pull this guy back okay I don't even know how I hit him with that that's fine okay moving out of this okay whoa whoa whoa wait this is oh my god like I need I need to use a [ __ ] keyboard man this is so weird alright um blood echoes retrieved I'm not sure really what that is okay looking at that maybe that guy doesn't hit me good that guy's dead rolling on the bat attack good and let me sneaking with this guy how do I hit this guy I can't so how do I use the gun or just a minute all right let me go back let me go back over here when we go back over here okay the gun this one okay l2 that wasn't it okay one-handed than l2 I used l2 it's not working you unequipped the gun wait what there's no way i unequip the gun wait okay there we go oh wow okay so I shoot this guy right Wow that's easy why can't I [ __ ] okay just a minute let me all right let me get on this guy now got him all right we're fine everything's fine making great great progress okay now I I playing with the controller is really hard okay kill this guy good okay that one's dead now all the rest these guys I shouldn't need to use the gun for well it's really hard I mean like maybe it's a hard for you it's hard for me like I don't play the controller for a long [ __ ] time this is not what I'm used to okay better that kill this guy got him and then exactly over there and I'll kill him okay easy all right now we're getting the hang of this though quick silver bullets okay and I'll go look this over here all right good we're fine okay it's a second controller is easy well I'm just like I get that like for other people it is but for somebody who's played with the mouse a keyboard for ten years controller is extremely disorienting and that that's really my my concern right that's why I'm not very good is because I'm just not good at playing with the controller okay alright who's this guy [ __ ] you [ __ ] you and [ __ ] you alright Gotham we're fine camera down a bit I think camera should be fine there's nothing wrong with the camera I can make it a little bit smaller let me do that yeah oh yeah yeah it is too big yeah it is way too big okay just a second we move it to like right there and then I'll move this to here that should be fine okay and I move it down a tiny bit perfect okay all right we're actually good okay and let's go okay blood vial that's good now I guess I have to go this is this one of the lanterns no it's not okay I wonder where the lanterns are oh let me heal up I think I'm hearing like loud noises so oh is this a boss okay okay all right I killed all the bar the birds that's good okay oil urn I'm not really sure let me see what that does inventory oil earn earn that covers the target oil and thrown oh that's like if you can set them on fire I guess that makes sense good alright we're exploring now we're making progress um I don't want to fight him unless I have to let's see okay I'm gonna loot this here okay cold blood do let me see what that is I'm just gonna look at it right now cold blood do you used to gain blood echoes our blood echoes Souls okay yes all right that's that's good all right I'll try to fight this guy okay there it is there it is dude there it is wait what god I'm dude okay there we [ __ ] go all right blood vial is got and I'll heal myself up good okay we're doing great now Molotov cocktail and a torch okay that that I'm sure will be useful in a game and a part of the game that I don't probably I don't know I'll probably forget about it by the time we get there it's okay let's go up here yeah [ __ ] that's a dog that's a dead [ __ ] dog okay [ __ ] that dog all right second dog whoa wait a minute okay all right let me he'll come out my double heel double healing double healing okay got him that's one down okay that guy all right we're rolling out of that rolling under that so he doesn't hit me am i doing this the right way I feel like this is really hard like it's harder than I would say Dark Souls yes okay I'm doing it the right way okay Quicksilver bullets that's great where's the lantern mmm a pet wait a pebble really oh come on pick this up blood-stained shard what does this do oh these are the okay I use those to upgrade my weapon got it nice that's actually really important okay that's this one over here what's a OA nother one psycho down there let's go down there okay I'll go here I'll go here and I'll go over here all right so I'll jump down here and I'll fight this guy [ __ ] got him got him got him dude there it is there it is there it is we got him he had a lot of health it was nothing man beat his [ __ ] ass let's keep going okay who's this dick-sucker come on okay fine I'll do that Wow no these are supposed to be hard I'm actually so good at this game dude this is insane what the [ __ ] look at this oh okay never mind all right we got we got him all right let's heal up okay whoa is there a way to walk suck my [ __ ] dick suck my [ __ ] dick there it is we got him whoa holy [ __ ] that was actually really bad I was worried there okay um so I don't think actually I should be able to jump down there but I don't know how far I can drop before I take fall damage a hunter hat okay inventory hunter hat display what is hunter guard oh okay all right where's where's poise how do I have poise because I if this is okay but this just seems like it's better okay I'm gonna use that helmet okay this seems like it's better to I'll use that and I'll use this okay well this is way better look at me now I actually look really good look at me look at me look at me right here this is like the guy on the box okay if I can go down there I just don't know like I don't know how like exploring in this game works so that's why I took really confusing for me or saving in this game works [ __ ] got him okay no harm no foul right so he's gonna do that got him easy what do you okay now I go in on him now I going on now I go in on him there he is he's dead he's done he's finished it's literally the same to still an turn yeah but I need to lantern see once I get my timing down I'm unstoppable I can't be stopped watch I won't even get hit just a minute everyone okay good well that that's fine no because I was able to heal back the damage anyway okay so what's over here wait why did I do this I didn't even get anything for going over here what the [ __ ] okay well great all right I guess I've got to go down the other way let's go okay so if I jump to here can I go down there I don't know if I can I'm gonna fall off whoa wait wait wait what the [ __ ] are these oh [ __ ] okay um this is disturbing okay I'm rolling back I'm just gonna I'm going to play this really safe I'm not gonna make any mistakes okay how do I use my gun again l - that's not l - okay use it like that okay there that all right that guy's all right big art so now I use okay that guy's dead okay whoa no no no no no no no we popped that guy off right now okay I don't want to use up all my bullets actually okay let's go all right one hit okay - this is gonna take time okay guys time and patience two things that I am not good at [ __ ] there we go okay [ __ ] yeah way old camera died wow what a day okay let me turn this off should be good all righty uh okay let's go ahead bold hunter's mark quick silver bullets that's good blood vial wait I did all this for nothing I just did it for blood vials wait what the [ __ ] is this invisible wall okay I guess that's not how it works in this game ouch I go up here let me see okay this seems like a boss area it's not so where am I going now I wanted to try to get that thing that's why I went up here oh it's really far away okay oh [ __ ] alright I'll kill this guy real quick those guys down at the bottom we're really hard to deal with though these guys are easy okay let's go kill that guy over there how far have I come I haven't gotten to a boss yet I'm not sure if that's because I don't know what I'm doing or why okay she dead yeah all right so I can pull combo that guy down but not the guys with the spears those are too powerful okay so I don't want to go down there either I can't use these contraptions I'll fight this guy next easy game dude easy [ __ ] game all right um I guess I'll kill this guy too oh that's a pokey voice okay watching avoiding pokey boys those are very dangerous got them perfect okay this guy's dead let's keep going this way yeah I don't I don't need it by the only time I ever want advice is finding lanterns because I hate reap regressing through the same thing I think that's like just bad content that's the only thing that I care about anything else besides out oh wait oh oh okay here we go all right what is this cold blood do okay and wait what the [ __ ] okay oh there's another one over there okay and we cut this down over here yes see I'm smart that [ __ ] was in Dark Souls 1 I remember that ok good wait oh there all the way down there I'm not I don't even know if I'm gonna go down oh okay is this is this guy on my side a hunter are you and an outsider what a mess you've been caught up in and tonight oh yeah exactly here to welcome the new hunter bold hunter's mark prepare yourself for the worst well [ __ ] there are no humans left there are flesh hungry beasts now [ __ ] okay oh boy oh boy why is this happening I I really wish I knew let's go ps4 game screen I'll deactivate and I have to read I have to like reactivate this thing like every five seconds okay that's good alright okay yeah that's exactly right shake off Cape what are you still doing here enough trembling in your boots a hunter must hunt what they used to okay well all right so I got a useless gesture I think I'm assuming that's a gesture I don't even know I don't even know okay okay so I need to go oh I have to jump down again I guess okay I'll jump back down because there's nothing else really that's going on up there I'll heal myself and we'll keep going killer I don't know about like killing NPCs man like it seems like a bad idea okay so I was right here okay I went up to this way this is where I need to go now okay that guy's dead [ __ ] him then do you know any safe places wait what oh it's in here what the [ __ ] Wow tor what okay so the only option is no I guess we'll go with no okay yeah true yes what a [ __ ] I'm gonna knock on her door again what you think we're getting married the [ __ ] is this no okay well [ __ ] her all right not literally let's go over this way sure oh there's dogs and cases well that's easy to kill them because they can't move okay I'll kill this guy - I'm assuming they come out of the cages for some reason so I'm gonna just be extra careful and make sure that I kill all of them all right there we go perfect I don't know am I doing this right like should I be killing these I don't even know okay hey so I oh oh okay what's this cold blood do I guess that's good do I get to love love my character cuz I feel like I'm gonna need more health the health bar is pretty small oh [ __ ] two of them what the [ __ ] okay I've got alright I'm locked on now I'm off going we're good wait no now he ran away [ __ ] is this okay that guy is dead easy Gotham alright I got the blood vial good now I fight the other guy alright I'm gonna play this really safe okay that was that was pretty rough news use heavy attack tone I'll come down I don't know if I can use heavy attack these are so fast like heavy attack in this game it feels like it's a lot slower than the heavy attack in the other games Oh what's this man every single thing that I go to click on doesn't work this is insane okay let's go this way can I open these doors yeah I don't think I can okay I don't see oh there's a [ __ ] okay let's kill this [ __ ] got em got him perfect okay is there anything oh wait wait is this the guy is this thing was that the guy in the cinematic [Music] oh wait what the [ __ ] I mean this seems kind of I mean like we're going around killing disabled people I mean damn I mean this game is pretty hardcore right I mean but [ __ ] okay I'll go up here there's one [ __ ] you look at this dick-sucker the hiding in the corner like I can't [ __ ] see them dude I know you I know you get out of here all right let's loot this what is this item cold-blood do I've gotten a lot of these cold blood dues okay I'll go up here kill this guy what's going on here I'm trying to figure out why this is I'm dying okay all right oh let's see I'll go ahead and try and start the new camera see if this any better okay where's the camera well it's now it's not even can we turn this on okay so camera is good let me see if I can set up the the capture card now and make it work like I don't know what I can do man I really don't okay starting this it's even happening I don't know I don't know like I have no idea okay I've got to restart this here ps4 game screen properties deactivate and activate oh now it's not even showing my video at all plug this in okay I'm gonna see if this is gonna work okay he is streamed directly from the ps4 I don't even know I have no idea how to do that okay let's see if I can fix this deactivate activate well now now my new camera isn't working okay let me see I can get the okay ah good to see you back streaming yep having a great time okay I will activate the cam link again okay what about this one does this work no okay so now I'm stuck with I don't understand what's going what's going wrong calm down well I'm actually like to be honest I'm pretty calm right now I'm just disappointed nothing's working that's all okay III guess I'm gonna try to unplug and replug everything back in okay it's the second this is so [ __ ] ridiculous alright I'll plug the ps4 back into okay [Music] all right so the sound is back let's see if I can plug it back in and start it up okay decoder I don't know what's wrong okay properties all right let me deactivate and activate this again well now it's not my camera's not working like okay HD pro freezing well no now it's not even showing up at all so it's not even about the HD pro freezing or not it's literally just not even showing up like I mean a suit like ignore the camera like I can't even get the ps4 on here now this is so like oh man why can't I just get anything right okay um ps4 game screen can I try and configure video maybe that's it no it's not I don't see this is the thing is I don't know what the problem is let me try and unplug and replug everything back in alright so hopefully this should work this is exactly the that's the same setup that I had before I same problem for me it's USB shutting off I have to literally restart the computer well that's the thing is like I don't know if restarting OBS is even going to work because if I deactivate and reactivate the capture okay so now this is working okay a new camera let's see if I can get this to work okay so for whatever reason the other USB slot like just wasn't wasn't working okay so let's go ahead before we start and we continue let's take a bet at how long it's gonna take for everything to go wrong again I'm gonna say about six minutes yeah yeah six minutes or so okay let's try it again okay can I go this way no I can't so I I died because I auto ran because I couldn't see my character and how can I get back to where I was at can I like run down there or something okay this guy's good run to the bridge can I run I mean I feel like I'll die I'm gonna try okay I'm on my way well I thought that okay I go up here I go here that's right okay I go up here move out of that looting this book so voice alright got it can I go through here no I can't okay getting out of there where did I even go I forgot where I win okay I don't even know if I went here or not I really don't remember I feel kind of dumb but I [ __ ] can't remember anything I'm dead geez yeah I lost I lost five thousand souls there okay let me try it let me try to do this again this is fine like I mean mr. shortcut how am I supposed to know where the shortcut is in a game I've never played like I I don't quit why did I do that okay all right killing this guy good he's dead alright let's try and do this again - the death avoiding these guys I like out there slow and so I can actually just run through everything that's how people like speed run these games okay so I was right here but then where did I go after this when I'm stuck okay killing this guy good all right I'll get my health back this guy [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you all right he's dead good yeah I think is it the other side all right I'll go to the other side okay all right I go up here okay okay all right we're good so now we go through here let's start this up god damn that was [ __ ] awful wait have I been here before I think I have yeah and this is where the big guy was out right there okay yeah all right so this is our I'm on I'm on the right path now and I can't open this can I know okay let's keep going up here then I'm really disappointed i watch the progress though okay so nothing over here kill this guy oh come on man just a second I almost died there okay [Laughter] this is so bad hey this is the worst dream I've ever had wait oh no I'm getting out getting attacked again Hey hopefully you guys are able to see it okay and all right am I gonna live through this yep somehow I did okay let's double heal I don't even care at this point I really don't even care like this is it's so ridiculous I'm not even mad [ __ ] you okay read your donations or something about fixing oh yeah sure I'm sure random person knows how to fix it like let me read them I will I mean cuz I'm obviously desperate in row think I should attend gifted subs man we're sorry oh wait why is this here oh oh not 10 you just the first letter was tender than the guy's name think emotionally gift thing was uh appreciate that don't have stuff to you but here you go feels bad man thanks to the five I appreciate him and when the freezing happens again please try to Google again Elgato developer posted steps to fix okay sure I mean HD Pro freezing hook on the first reddit result alright sure I'm okay HD fro freezing in OBS tried these two things in the previews running open the HD pro device properties okay device properties make sure the resolution is set to 1080p and 60fps is checked okay custom resolution is set to 1080p and fps is set to 60 okay um all right what's the next step if that's does not work check the boxes of this custom resolution okay let's try this and see if it's going to work hopefully it doesn't die again on me all right this games a lot darker than I expected yeah I think so too we're joining you to tell you that mr. Boston a bridge you're going to complete opposite way why you like why do you think that I'm stupid because I don't know what's going on in a game I've never played like I don't understand why people are so autistic about that kind of stuff like obviously I don't know where I'm going like yeah I I don't I don't know where to go because I never played the game if I played the game before I'd know where to go but I haven't played it that's why I don't know where to go okay wait was I wait I think I was here was I yeah I think I was a hundred percent I was here okay alright let's kill these werewolves can I fight only one at a time are these the bosses this is a pretty hard boss okay I can't move I literally can't roll okay I thought I could hit him there love that like am I supposed to fight them like I don't even I don't even know what's going on like honestly like all these like technical difficulties and everything I'm just completely [ __ ] up like my concentration okay I do have to fight them okay let's see if I can beat him here this guy at least it's not gonna take me too long to get up over there again so that that's that's at least applause okay I'm just gonna run through all these [ __ ] guys oh okay and running uses my stamina just like Dark Souls got it okay I think I went this way right yeah I think this is where I went okay yeah yeah it's down here okay there's a big guy all right we'll run back we'll try and beat these guys here speed run yeah you're goddamn right like I want to spend more time sitting here fighting okay it's all these [ __ ] guys that's what's so insane about this games is there's so many [ __ ] mobs I have to deal with okay got them good a heal and we'll see if I can beat these these two giant mobs again okay what if I pulled one at a time with the gun okay there we go I can't I can't sleep okay all right we're gonna beat them this is it this is it welcome got him got him okay that's one down one down one down one down one down what all right III can't okay all right we're making progress all right all right now we can fight him all right one hit then I move back one hit and I move back [ __ ] man I a this is really III I'm having a really hard time getting used to a controller man like I'm hitting the wrong buttons constantly got him okay Oh God I'm actually like I'm not even kidding about this I'm going to hook up tonight how do you make a keyboard and mouse work with this game because I really did this is embarrassing and it's because I have to play with this controller that I just I don't I'm really bad at playing with a controller like that's all I can say let me fight this guy okay [ __ ] got him all right perfect okay you're doing fine yeah maybe it's just uh it's a matter of practice but it's like really the the issue for me is like whenever it gets into like the muscle memory where you have to like respond instantly whenever I I play with the controller I don't have the muscle memory okay what is this is this wait what who's this okay that guy's dead good is this a boss okay all right we focus up we kill them easy easy easy easy [Music] okay you just move out of the attacks and that's it okay good yeah no hits oh oh I forgot about that let me go look this thing over here okay good I don't think there's anything over there let's go this way this is the boss area I know this is a boss area let's go back I'm gonna take a drink right now I had to get ready for this this is no game I'm not here to have fun okay let's look around there's nothing really here whoo watch the oh my god dude my weapon is gonna be so [ __ ] through that man it's gonna be insane okay am I missing a bonfire like is that cheating if I asked that like I I don't want to have to go all the way back I mean especially with like all the the setbacks I've had you know what like oh wait oh oh that's where I was at before I'm not gonna I'm not gonna if I find it on my own that's good but if I don't that's too bad let's just keep going oh that's familiar okay okay [Music] why millennium 415 oh there we go okay Wow okay holy [ __ ] um what the [ __ ] yeah okay so that's I think I need to go to that area right okay let me try and fight this guy again that that was that was not good okay yeah this is I'll be honest like all that technical stuff and like the the everything dying over and over like really threw me off so it's gonna take me a while I don't even know if I'm gonna get back in a good mindset for this today this is just [ __ ] I come come on man let's go so many deaths I don't even know how many deaths honestly it's just it's been like like seven or eight I think somewhere around there maybe more good alright that guy's dead I don't have to fight the werewolves again do I cuz like that would be really really dumb to fight the fight fight them wait I burn oh I burned myself [ __ ] okay let's go I'm Ronnie I'll run through all these guys I'm just gonna run straight to the [ __ ] boss okay good I'm just gonna eat I'm gonna even run through the dogs man [ __ ] it let's get this done okay let's go down here I'm not I don't even think I need to fight the dogs I'm just gonna run all the way up and try and fight the boss directly okay yet okay we're fine we're fine we're fine okay good we're fine all right here we go okay so what's he gonna do okay one of those easy I can avoid that okay okay are you up again can we heal up twice I just do once okay I hit him there Wow okay um let's try it again let's go again Jesus Christ if this is no I need I need a [ __ ] mouse and keyboard man like that straight up like I know you guys are gonna say it's dumb but like I need a mouse and keyboard this is awful okay let's fight this guy okay he's dead all right let's keep running but why did I use the I hit the wrong button okay right and like you can you can map out everything if you you use a mouse and keyboard right like that it's not it's not impossible I just want to make sure No [ __ ] okay I can't I'll heal whenever I get to the top actually I can do one heal right now okay [ __ ] all right I'll see if I see if I'm being this time holy [ __ ] okay I I can say alright okay alright when we wait for image over to me okay how do I hit him okay [ __ ] okay what is this this another item I can't move oh I got him I got him I got him this is it this is it right here okay oh okay okay I'll use one of this [ __ ] let me heal I'm a double heel right now This Is It this is it this is the kill I can't [ __ ] move oh I beat him I beat him here we go dude wait what [Applause] [Music] okay then there's no way he's supposed to have as much help there's no [ __ ] way I should move away from that maybe not oh come on dude whoa well we'll wait wait a minute let me heal again [ __ ] oh I'm out of heals [Music] okay okay there's no way dude there's no way it's that hard go to the left not the boss okay I'll go to the left not the boss like this is just it's I mean this is awful we restart this okay okay look let's all right let's go again all right let's keep going yeah I'm doing what I can't man oh I already I already did step 2 I already did that okay let's go all the way over there I'll go back to where I was at and then I'll go to the left instead okay ignoring all these mobs getting away from him okay left turn before the bosses shortcut I understand like 50,000 people have told me that like III look I mean I don't want the advice and chat but like people were just gonna spam it anyway like there's literally no way for me to get rid of it like people spam it if they're subs like they spam it no matter what I'm not gonna ban people for spamming advice either like autistic so I mean I don't know what to do the people who are mad about that's too bad okay these guys are dead okay I don't have the vials okay well how the [ __ ] am I supposed to stay alive I'm gonna die in like one hit okay this guy's dead perfect emote only I'm gonna have to emo told me that's [ __ ] [ __ ] okay so where the [ __ ] do I get vials now [ __ ] ok let's try it again you can buy vials well how do how do I like how do I upgrade my what can I upgrade my weapon okay wrong button wait where where do i all right where do I upgrade my weapon this is a second go to the dream I have to do that through the lantern right okay wait I thought I went okay wait what's the F for oh my camera died okay good all right okay I am here in this train to look after you honorable hunter pursue the echoes of blood and I will channel them into your strength okay you will hunt beasts and I will be here for you okay to embolden your sickly spirit Oh very well okay so what do i level up I don't have anything okay don't do I have things that okay so this gives me blood echoes right okay let me use all of these okay good and I'll use this as well perfect so now level up oh that's why okay everybody always says that okay all right so I should upgrade I'll just upgrade my HP twice [ __ ] yeah oh yeah hell yeah I'm gonna do that okay so where do I upgrade my weapon okay cool consume insight and ring the beckoning bell to enlist the cooperation wonders in the world okay at the church okay oh it's open now who's this guy welcome to the hunters dream this will be your home but now okay gamin friend to you hunters Oakland or she'll to be in a fine haze about now but don't think too hard about all of this just go out and kill a few beasts it's for your own good you know it's just what hunters do you'll get used to it this was once a safe haven for hunters the workshop where hunters used blood to enhance their weapons okay now we're talking we time to have as many tools as we once did that you're welcome to use whatever you find okay that's nice what a generous person this was okay memory altar workshop tool required for this task is missing okay what's this for define weapon okay here we go oh I need more okay okay dude all right do I have anything else they'll give me echoes give me blood echoes okay so I should use these right the cold blood do I just want to make sure that I should use them okay got it okay let me go back over here and I will do the upgrades fortify weapon alright one out of here what's so next three perfect okay now I'm ready to [ __ ] go I have my plus-one weapon I'm a literal god let's get this [ __ ] done okay bye vials wait how do i buy vials soon a little oh the little guy that fell all right you have all guy at the fountain okay okay purchase item blood vial okay so I have to buy my Estus flasks what or form them willed I mean that's effectively the same thing okay let's do it we can i upgraded my stuff let's take this a little bit more seriously let's do what we can all right no more [ __ ] [ __ ] we've had problems we've had setbacks we've had numerous issues okay no more no more issues no more [ __ ] problems let's go but why am I using one hand okay there we go now I'm ready to go so how much do I hit for now okay I hit for like six more damage man I thought that was gonna be way more okay let's go down this way then yeah this isn't as good as I thought it was gonna be see the charge which one what's a charge move the charge move okay that guy's dead hold r2 okay all right I'll keep that in mind so all right let me try to run through all these guys goddamn I almost died there okay we're good let me heal myself now one down should I try and kill these guys for the vials I think I should right there they got him yeah cuz that that would be like more that guy's dead perfect yes okay all right I'll try to kill the big guy this time before I go up there because I mean he's gonna add grow anyway I might as well deal with them now okay let's go fat-ass Wow okay did I take a piss I'll be right back and then we'll take this a little bit more seriously now okay let's get it done all right I'll kill myself we're gonna put in a hundred percent right now no more clown gameplay nothing we just do everything right with no mistakes see that blood at what our blood echoes souls okay all right got it okay you know what I think that we're gonna be just fine let's go this way so you guys want me to go left is this way left yeah this is left isn't it okay so I go over here no oh okay all right there we go aggro just one of them come on come on come on let's go dude [ __ ] I didn't mean to do that actually straight up like that that was okay I'm gonna heal I mean he'll [ __ ] man I'm really like I okay alright alright okay let's go again try and we'll beat it there I can yeah I'll admit like the way this game like it feels like choppy to me it does maybe that's just me but it definitely feels that way okay kill this guy bottom [ __ ] you alright let's go all the way up to the top this is high I am let's look at positives here is I almost got them in there like that was really really good attempt on my part I was really good okay let's go up here and I'll fight the big guy again okay so the yellow bar is what I can heal back whenever I deal damage so I'll go over here and I'll hit this guy Wow wait you know what like why am I even trying to use the fast attacks I feel like I'm just wasting my time because if I use a heavy attack it's gonna do more damage like I've been playing this game all wrong oh let's just get this done okay that guy's dead good you look at that I have to do a faster sack there I didn't want to but I had to okay got him down perfect okay so alright they didn't drop anything we're back where we're at do I get my souls back if I die or is that is that a thing okay um no okay I don't that's too bad okay whatever let's just keep going alright I'll try and fight these guys again there we go he moved Wow [Music] highway I killed one okay all right that's amazing okay let's keep going my ways first yeah I don't know all right blood echoes retrieved equals you got your souls back oh okay all right I get it now still we can try it again okay let's run back you don't use heavy attacks because you use all your stamina that you can't roll to be fair I wasn't even thinking about rolling whenever I was fighting that guy I was just thinking about killing him okay let's go ready just avoid all this and then I'll get right over there I'll be just fine okay perfect I mean I passed the characterization screen yes actually I mean you you make that sound like a joke but it really wasn't like I mean if there's like five things that went wrong by that time so yeah okay here we go why don't I just always use that yeah why don't I just use that all the time because all I have to do is whirlwind and they just die [ __ ] okay let's keep going here okay I forgot that I threw out the BIOS all right let me go back there and get that sorry I've just I forgot okay where the [ __ ] is this guy oh [ __ ] there's all of them got him alright alright killing everything killing everything there we go I got my souls back okay that's good okay so blood echoes through the souls got it okay perfect alright let's try these werewolves again I'm gonna get them this time for sure let them know okay okay what oh boy oh boy okay um let's try this one again I told you if I can say if I had the mouse and keyboard dude actually I don't even know I mean I think mouse and keyboard did help me about I mean like like all means aside I don't know I don't know baby okay okay oh I don't even know why I was fighting though so let's just leave here let's skip through all these guys I need to practice my heavy attacks that's the main thing I need to work on here once you get used to the controller it's way better I don't know why so many people are fixated on using a controller there's nothing inherently better about a controller like I really don't think so why am i doing so well against these guys now cuz before I was playing like trash in troy's it's trigger worse yeah I mean if controllers are so much better than why does like any like serious player it plays like FPS and this is an FPS gamer who plays with a good with the mouse and keyboard I feel like being able to move around that having like controls is like much better like maybe I'm just like maybe it's just what I'm comfortable with but to me I really a controller and like any sort of a serious way okay yeah I've yet to find somebody that's actually given me a genuine reason why controllers are better rather than it just being like coming down to personal preference okay I think one of those agroed right [ __ ] yeah I did got'em okay this is it this is I don't know how I didn't get it by that he's he dead he said okay I'm healing healing healing okay we're making progress beside okay all right good okay alright alright now we're good we're good alright he's dead now he's dead he's dead goddamn holy [ __ ] Oh alright I've got my vials we're good to go let's move up here that was actually pretty good we got him down everything's done okay so there's a random guy that's like trying to run after me yeah it's this guy here the [ __ ] is this wait I think I was here because this is where like I killed the crippled guy right yeah okay okay and I was right here before but wait where is this oh what's this oh oh okay [ __ ] yeah alright let's go down here then but wait what's over here oh those are those two big guys that I fought earlier okay let's go back up top and we'll all right we'll attempt this boss again and we're gonna kill him okay no [ __ ] we just go in here we get it done let's go level up oh yeah I should level up yeah it's a good idea alright yeah let me love love it I forgot about that let's go hey let's look on the bright side I'm not gonna have to worry about content for months like this game's gonna take me so long like this is great way I'm not gonna have to worry about anything let's go let me see if I can upgrade my weapon again I don't know if I can or not okay a fortify weapon [ __ ] this game okay I can't do that alright so let me go back over and try to level up can I attack you yeah I can okay all right channel blood echoes all right I'm gonna upgrade that what is endurance okay that's stamina strength makes me do more damage okay so I'm gonna go vitality I'm gonna put one point in strength what do you guys think about this trick question I don't give a [ __ ] I'm going with it anyway okay we're ready we're going to fight this boss we're gonna beat his dick off that's all it's gonna be let's try this again you turn I parry with the gun I don't know how to use the gun like I know how to use a two-handed weapon I can get that and like also like there's no way I can parry that big of a boss like I mean like cuz you like what am I gonna do shoot his fingernail give me a [ __ ] break all right let's go okay all right got him I'll play it again all right you know let's just go all the way up to the top I'm gonna loot this guy first though okay use a blood vial good okay right right okay I got wait what what I do that okay yeah this is all right this is run okay let's go this way all right we're going after him right now we're gonna beat his ass this is me versus the boss right now let's go the literal god okay slow and steady wins the race he can't kill me at this pace okay then I do one of these you know much damage okay he's mad right now [ __ ] well how do I avoid that [Music] alright I'll get him this time for sure 100% I'll get him this time okay if this doesn't work I might have to change up what I'm doing because it seems like I mean it seems like an excuse me I'm like missing something like I like I feel like I should be hitting him for like twice as much damage as I'm hitting before okay let's try this again okay I'm just gonna go in on his ass dude well I'm not even gonna waste my time just going in on his ass is this good no okay okay where is he where's the boss okay all right we're doing pretty well all right here it is I heal up right here I heal up oh there it is there it is dude okay I'll do one heel this is it this is it right now let's go all righty okay if I hit them right now okay slow and steady [Music] there we go okay focusing here what's he doing now Oh give me a [ __ ] brain got him oh this is it this is it I'm winning I'm winning [Music] okay alright healing oh wait how do you hit me from there okay double healing I'm double healing right now alright let's go oh I just have to run away I got it okay got'em can i execute him this is it boys [Music] yes god damn we didn't oh my god that was really hard like this think these bosses are really really difficult maybe it's because um like I don't know maybe it's just because I'm not familiar with uh with the game yet okay let me go ahead and use my uh I use my heels here easiest boss brawl light that's an easy boss like I uh actually no I mean like I don't know like just the way the game is it feels really difficult to me but I don't think it's actually because of the difficulty of the game if that makes sense right okay I'll use two of those and I'll put one more point in strength wait I can oh I can only do two okay that's fine alright I'm healing up again perfect okay um now I'll go back to the boss right okay great bridge here we go yeah I don't know like really what to do I'll just keep going forward man [ __ ] it let's keep going the weapons garbage oh I'm sure it's garbage yeah I just don't really know what to do okay make a habit of buying vials I don't think I want to buy vials cuz like I'd use my souls I can level up instead it seems like a better idea wait what the [ __ ] what I didn't need to go over here what and you guys told me I did what the [ __ ] man I believed you guys oh my god okay all right I see how it is all right boys all right okay III get it now it's fine let's keep going okay um let me refresh this you know what it might be it might be because I have both of the things active at the same time because I never had any trouble before then as soon as I turned on my camera this is the first time it happened okay now I'll fight this guy got him see this timing that I have is absolutely incredible and like I just need to play to my strengths okay so do I have to fight these guys again then oh I didn't loot him oops okay yeah it's a run okay okay guys got him that's one hit [ __ ] okay oh man okay all right I can't fight these guys this is insane I'm just gonna go back to the thing okay run around those yeah I don't even know how to let me try to turn off the camera and see if that's gonna make the difference okay because I want to see if this is actually what's causing the problem okay I'm turning this off and I'll refresh this okay I mean I'm not even mad anymore about this like I'm honestly impressed like it's like what else can go wrong you know what I mean there's a I'm just waiting it's you know it's like you see a crazy person throwing [ __ ] around at Walmart and you just want to see how far they'll [ __ ] go that's the same way I feel man like I don't even wait oh I didn't get my soul's okay just a minute all right go to the vendor okay I'll go to the vendor just a minute yeah this is just this is a hard boss man this is a hard game I feel like the game would be like twice as easy if I knew how to use a controller while though like the controller part I really do feel like is holding me back and maybe I'm just being a [ __ ] I get that but for me it's hard okay let's go this way yomo boy TV shows 20 gifted subs man thank you so much I appreciate that thank you thank you thank you dude Wow where are my souls did I lose them okay all right let me dad Tibetan activate again okay should be good again stream from the ps4 I have no idea how to do that I really don't want to try to learn how to do that right now I don't know like I don't know what that's going to be like is that a like yeah that's not it's not good is it I mean like if stream from the ps4 is actually like a legit thing I'll look into it tonight but I I've never heard of anybody doing that before it's trashy I assumed that it was trash okay like I just guessed that but okay it's trash okay why don't you that okay um so purchase items okay so what can i buy here antidote by that by the hammer the [ __ ] is that okay yharnam hunter cap how much do I have only a 1,700 okay you know what I'm just gonna make some progress and I can maybe buy that item later on okay it seems like the best idea okay let's go back over to the bridge and we'll see how far we can get okay yeah I know it froze again okay all right everything should be fine all right let's keep going how far in the game are you not very far okay let's go why is he so fast it's like Mike Tyson okay got him perfect and I'll get my vials and I'll heal myself good all right we have made progress now I think I need to get through these guys again to go the other way because I don't know where to go right now yeah maybe I could go here yeah this seems like a better idea yeah I'll go down here okay have I been here before I don't think I have okay [ __ ] you so I have been here yeah okay I have been here I see so maybe okay that's where the fat boys are at okay I don't want to go the fat boys all right let's go this way then okay okay this area is new got it okay now we're actually going somewhere I think this is wait oh no there's no way I was there okay let's go over here wait no yeah there wait okay let's go this way let's yeah we're gonna go towards the light yeah I have not been here I know for a fact that I'm dude okay wait I've been here before maybe it's up here Dinah miss something up here oh no that's just the open area so I wait I do I need to go down I'm gonna go down let me go fight this guy first though I still can't get over how much damage it does like I'm so [ __ ] good with this weapon I'm a god alright let's go we're down here I'll fight the rats wait I have to do two hits on a lap really come on man okay there's a bloodstone shard that's perfect can I get over there I don't think I can jump that far I'll kill the rat real quick though [ __ ] you mr. rat you're dead it's your final using whoa I don't know okay I'll jump down I guess check oh okay this pressure here treasure here let's go hey oh [ __ ] okay you're dead what do they get out of this madman's knowledge what is that skull of an enlightened madman use to gain insight oh wow it died completely this time let's see I wonder why that happened yeah that the entire game just died okay let's try and unplug it and refo get back in I guess like maybe the capture card is broken or something turn off HDCP in ps4 settings I know for a fact that's turned off okay now it's working again let me go ahead and refresh here okay now it's not letting me do it again that's what you get for buying cheap equipment man I wish you were right I spent a ton of money on this actually like I did I I'm just thinking like why it's not working okay yeah scammed exactly III don't know I mean I kind of don't want to say like what's wrong or like I'm trying to activate it now and download PlayStation remote play for Windows so you don't have to use a capture card I mean man this is I thought you like scams though I like scamming people I don't like getting scammed I feel like I'm scamming everybody out of the blood-borne run man this is this sucks a guy I want to do this like I'm playing like trash but who cares I mean I I still want to play the game there's clothes on the line man I don't want to I don't want to play that game man just a second let me see if I can figure this out here's what I think I should do like I mean I'm gonna try to keep I'm gonna try and get this working oh man this is just it's like there's actually like no there's no element of my stream that's working right like camera's broken the game doesn't work audios broken at the beginning of the stream like this is actually like what a [ __ ] telltale what a what a telling sign you know that it's the second that I turned on my computer or turned on my stream it was [ __ ] this is some sort of like [ __ ] foreshadowing I feel like you could read this in like a Shakespeare tragedy you know Esmond gold and the you know I don't even [ __ ] know I never really I never read any Shakespeare in high school I just read the spark notes for it okay see I don't know what to do now because let me try and unplug it and plug it back in okay got it activating okay all right six more minutes of gameplay guys you ready let's go let's do this as fast as we can we'll make as much progress as possible which means probably donning to the next like three rats okay let's go I can't climb up here right now alright let's go and guys I want to say I really apologize for this like this is I mean I don't know if it's like my fault this is happening like I mean who cares whose fault it is it's happening and I'm sorry it's happening it's it's just as disappointing for me as it is for you all after today I'm gonna I've already bought a second capture card and I because if I know anything about everything anything it's that usually things don't go the way they're supposed to so oh I don't want to fight them again I actually have already bought a second capture card but I have to install it into a PCI slot and the problem with that is that my motherboard is broken so I had to install one of those whoa okay what the [ __ ] is going on oh it's just a [ __ ] bird that's way too much noise for a bird okay let's go down this way scuff set up yeah so my motherboards broken so I ordered a second motherboard but I haven't installed the second motherboard because I haven't needed to it's like this is like it's like a it's like dominoes right except for an instant of Domino's it's just technical difficulties really impressive I know guys I'm a professional streamer okay and got those dead perfect okay I probably I'm just gonna kill this guy right now [ __ ] them okay got him I really like being able to do that heavy attack though that's actually really [ __ ] nice okay what vile got it okay [ __ ] yeah really like why do these birds make so much noise they're not even that dangerous wait I don't get that at all wait why did it wait the bird took fall damage regardless of anything I'm gonna plug this [ __ ] back in now I'm gonna kill that [ __ ] look that rat that pig that piece of [ __ ] whatever the hell it is give me a minute okay are we good we are good let's get him down all right we're on the clock come there it is holy [ __ ] that was a beefy boy when we got him that's what it takes that's all it takes let's keep going see whenever it comes to like movement and everything I'm gonna be usually fine there's just number of things that like I've got to really work on in terms of like the way I play this game like I I don't know like like be real with me guys do you think I should just like try to plug in a controller and mouse a keyboard and mouse I mean because I really think this is like a huge weakness for me No why not well okay well let me so if you feel like yeah why not it's laggy it doesn't work and oh there's input lag adapt Oh improvise well yeah improvising is using the tools that I have available that I'm most comfortable with and best at using that that's what improvising is I would consider this this is the definition of improvising Game Capture broke again well yeah I know it's been three minutes like what do you mean of course it broke yeah duh oh now it's not turning on okay all right let's see deactivate it again I'll reactivate it again okay let me unplug it okay plug it back in all right where are we at come on okay good and I'll activate it now okay good honestly I here's here's why I'm doing this I didn't really want to talk about this but I guess I will so as a lot of you guys know there are a number of highlight channels on YouTube and the highlight channels on YouTube have to obviously take my content and then upload it on to their their their channel and they make money off of this so the thing is that the time that they put into putting these videos together is very very minimal because obviously you're just like basically cutting you know a section of it in out and then just putting it up on YouTube so what I'm doing this for I'm actually unplugging it myself with my with my feet I've got a pedal and it just like I have soon as I hit the pedal it just [ __ ] up the setup it's like you know a little whack-a-mole thing and each little mole is a different thing to go wrong with my stream and this is gonna make them have to spend more time like editing things together and actually you know like cutting things up there's somebody alright no more jokes I'm a popular student stick off okay all right he's dead so one of the one of the guys that makes YouTube videos about me he sent me a screenshot of his income from one month yes $27,000 I'm not I didn't believe it oh yeah I didn't believe it that's why that's why I asked for the screenshot because I was like there's no way yeah $27,000 Wow okay bold hunters mark let's keep going here per month yeah that's a monthly monthly check I'm a job creator what can I say this guy's on my team right he is okay good okay let's see if I can fix it before okay activating all right my controllers rumbling that's not good okay all right hopefully this works tell me helo can you guys see me here okay okay you guys couldn't see me all right I've got to do this boss really faster then I'm gonna just go ahead and heal up right it seems to me all right focusing up focusing up focusing up 900% focusing up I didn't think I'd get hit by that no one to roll back okay okay okay slow and steady wins the race okay that was just stupid sometimes so instead he isn't actually the right choice okay whoa okay all right okay we're gonna use the old smo technique we're gonna hit him through the tree okay he's he knows about that all right all right got it holy [ __ ] okay all right um let me heal up look boys I couldn't I I mean if I died there I mean the camera would've died the game would have been broke I mean like I literally didn't have an option to die so I just had I had to beat him on the first try it's the way it goes I didn't want to have to do that I mean I you know I know I like drawing out content you know 15 tries getting mad slamming my hand down complaining about the controller complaining about the game complaining about FPS can plenty about the shat you know complaining about everything right but yeah I just it just wasn't I didn't have time for it okay let's see if I can upgrade my ax oh let me try go by the man like I don't know I'm upgrade my act I really like this weapon I'm gonna use this for the whole game [ __ ] this okay the hammer bro I don't even know if I should buy the hammer like like if y'all [ __ ] tell me like remember whenever you guys told me to upgrade what was it hammer is amazing well I don't know like I mean alright one inch at if I should buy the hammer two inch at if I should not buy the hammer you know what [ __ ] it I'm gonna buy the hammer why who cares like I'll just go buy it I mean if I have the wrong thing I can just farm three thousand more souls who gives a [ __ ] let's go yeah purchasing items okay where is it uh Kirk's hammer okay and let me use the inventory and I'll equip this axe what oh I need 16 strength okay that's fine I can do that I thought y'all just [ __ ] debated me really hard okay just a second alright sixteen strength that's actually the same amount of strength that you need to equip this white hander and Dark Souls 1 so that's already a good sign a good omen a good correlation ok I'll use this right here but where's the hammer part Oh should I do I mean like I don't want to I can upgrade both actually [ __ ] this okay I'm gonna use axe is way better 100% bro I think it is too like straight up I think the axe is better let me try the hammer okay and alright so here's why I think the axe is better so it's a it's a it's the age-old argument between length and girth now this is a thick weapon this is a big thick hammer but if you look at the axe it's thin but it's got range and I feel like we should go with the axe I mean like from my personal experience what I'm used to it's more length than girth it's a little bit of both don't don't get me wrong but you know more length and girth I and so let's go ahead [ __ ] all right let me try and test out and see how this hammer works against other enemies is there any mobs around here no not really okay let's go this way you can equip both weapons yeah boy what are you gonna do with that why I mean there's no way just like a little [ __ ] skinny girl is gonna be able to swing both of them at the same time okay [Music] woot oh [ __ ] yo my bad well where is it yeah I mean like I don't know I just might be a little bit too much back seating like I don't know what do you guys think like I just like not listen to chat and just like not look cuz like yeah I mean is that I like reading Chad and like interacting but like man you guys need to like calm down like telling me what to do wait I don't even know where the [ __ ] we do [ __ ] it I'm not even going over there who cares let's go cuz I don't want to like the thing is what's so weird about it is like if I see it and then I don't do it it's like you know what what do you do do I pretend like you don't know that it's there or do you just do it and say yeah Chad told me like I don't know I think I eat oh is this a chest okay Oh [Music] blood gem workshop 200 that was the workshop tools that I didn't have earlier okay that's awesome okay okay okay okay [Music] okay this shit's easy let's go all right well I don't know I mean I don't know if this hammer is better or not I mean it's a point that shouldn't have that was dumb let me just heal myself right now I'm a double he'll just make sure I kill this guy he's right you see he saw me charging up the hammer he went the other direction Wow yeah I mean this is basically the same damage as the axe but it's less range I mean guys I really man like I don't know if this is the right choice like I I genuinely think the axe is better maybe this is like a Pharma for me listening the chat and not just figuring it out myself haven't talked yeah yeah you said yeah well I think the axe is better all right you know what let's go back I'm gonna go I'm gonna upgrade the axe again I don't think the hammer is the right choice because I have enough things to upgrade the the axe anyway so I might as well do it axe is more noob friendly to be honest well I mean I'm gonna need a lot of friends if that's the case just use both oh yeah I mean I don't know like alright cuz you can switch between weapons I forgot about that okay okay blood gem port okay let me upgrade the axe and blood gem fortification fortify weapons you with blood gems for Jim to be weapons and special characteristics okay so what could I do here select weapon okay so how do I do it oh I can't all right okay okay never mind I see now all right inventory rights okay and all I put this as well and I could just do this instead right oh [ __ ] okay I'm hitting all the wrong buttons man okay that's all I was talking about before with like the uh what do you call it [ __ ] like muscle memory yeah okay let's start this up again axe abuse without parry will come and bite waiter anyways well I mean I I I think that I'll know I know how to parry right it's just that like the thing with parrying is that it's always a risk right because if you do the parry wrong you get hit but if you don't and you just attack them from range or a further range there's a higher chance of you not taking damage right I mean I at least that's the way it was in Dark Souls 3 that's why I made the decision I did I didn't really carry a whole lot so do I have to fight this guy again yeah okay alright let me try them with this weapon yes does more damage I guess it does now cuz I got the upper a bit still yeah okay yeah I mean this I think the axe is a little bit better overall I'll go ahead up I'll go ahead and upgrade alright let's go to the top let's do it okay okay all right they're dead that was pretty easy I just need to practice this this stuff and we'll be okay alright can I open this no I can't closed by a device like a garage door opener can I get fire yeah okay yeah I can I can get that by that alright yeah it's a garage door opener Oh she'll yeah I could maybe right okay um off hand shield okay okay that's good I have this shield equip now so I guess I can't go over there well this leaves us at a conundrum what do I do now okay so I went there yeah I don't know what the hell oh can I go through KY open the store closed that means I can't open it okay let's go down this way there's a real dick sucker I'm getting better I'm getting substantially significantly better all right it's gonna take me a little bit of time but I'll do it see that timing that's only the beginning got it right there spin the wind hey you don't mess the success I've been doing it on my warrior for ten years okay what's this here my top hat I have no idea the stats on that but I'm gonna use it anyway okay where's the on this plan they're like we're doing my work right wait why not hit that can I hit the wrong button again okay use does one attack you can recover from that faster come on okay is that that was easy what the [ __ ] Wow all right I'll use the lever okay and I'll act like I knew what I was doing there device is not operable Oh [Music] okay I guess we'll go down first alright that's a beefy boy that's to beefy boys that was such horseshit there there's no way that you can hit me like this game is broke like 150 percent broke okay and apparently that guy's also deaf all right here we go [Music] I'm very dangerous not even a bird can defeat me okay I go down there I can but it's a waste of time what's over here oh that's right wasting my time let's go the other side all right we're good ok I know I didn't die like luckily I had kill them alright next mob so this is a really really big big beefy boy so I'm gonna walk up on him and I'm gonna hit him do that you had no idea okay all right so he's gonna alright alright yeah there it is I'm so that's called being a [ __ ] dumbass I thought I could get started there that was my fault there okay um blue elixir okay that's good I'm assuming okay it's good this one what's don't I actually have a lot of these now I'm gonna be able to upgrade my axe again okay we'll go down first what is going on in here well industry I feel like a plan Legend of Zelda over again voice holy yes all right ever since that first chest and sends fortress that [ __ ] dramatized me like I there's no way I'm gonna let that happen again closed again blood gem okay I got a blood gem now that's good Oh next time I go to town I'll I'll use it we'll go up to the top though right now when are you playing Elder Scrolls online I don't know I mean like maybe next time I get bored and I'll play the game sure okay I've explored this whole area it seems so I'll go back up to the top and then I'll close the gate and I will assume that closing that gate will unlock a second gate actually what's this Oh cosmetic okay yeah that's all assuming okay let's go up here well elderscrolls like I'm basically just using elder scrolls is like a like of just a thing to do if that makes sense okay it's not like I'm actually planning on playing elder scrolls like seriously I just wanted to play it and show people what the game was like wait what what does that say only a special emblem opens the main gate now I'm gonna I'm gonna use a 200 IQ here okay I don't really like to use that a lot but I will use it so I am assuming that by opening that gate or by closing that gate it opened the gate over on the other side that's what would make sense to me at least so I should come up here and the gate should be my the other gate could be unlocked okay I know I I know where to go okay [ __ ] you get out of here I hate you okay it's this one right here well this is odd okay why I didn't loot this guy I don't know why I didn't some blood vials there okay let's go this way then wait have I been here before have I no no I haven't this is new okay just I just kill him did it doesn't matter I heal through it and just kill him it's an easy game what can I say he's mad okay Molotov cocktail okay come on man come on man like what is this like my movement like my camera controls are so bad with the key below with that we didn't solar man like that was my fault I couldn't even move over and see them okay blood vial I got that all right so I broke even with those guys at least oh that guy who lit himself on fire wait why he's not dead okay now he is alrighty what's over here umm can I open this door I always like there's so many doors in this game that I feel like I should be able to open by can't wait have I been here no I haven't ok madman's now okay yeah this axe is really [ __ ] good dude like I really really like this axe a lot okay looking around exploring there doesn't seem to be anything else in here what is in sight I don't even know I'll have to look up and try and see if I can figure out what it's a second all right deactivating inactivity somebody donated 10,000 bits yo blacktops think you merch to 10,000 bits man I appreciate that thank you thank you thank you dude have you try by posting with Bissell we'll make certain bosses and enemies piece of cake you'll need it get the timing down you're golden yeah I mean timing with 30fps that's not a good time but I am probably gonna figure that out myself yeah like right now I'm just trying to play through the game honestly I'm like like I'm mad by like what happened but like you know gives a [ __ ] it's just it's frustrating so I think that's kind of why I'm a little bit off thank you though I appreciate that but I think the only tier 3 subscribe to thank you so much man I appreciate that please know the camera thing which the five dollars I appreciate that it's fine right now man it's completely that can everything is fine okay it's a second here Lester donated resub for nine months thank you thank you thank you dude okay just a second and I think I read everybody else thank you guys so much for all the other resets and everything and thank you thank you thank you guys okay one second let's start this up donating to a billionaire if you keep it up I will be everybody in chat has to donate a million dollars okay that's it okay okay good all right we're fine okay all right let's keep making making parts [ __ ] you I like how one thing I like about this game is that arrows do more damage in this game I think that's good because in Dark Souls arrows were just like who gives a [ __ ] like what would it even matter if some is using heroin you it doesn't even matter okay what's this oh okay oh okay alrighty let's go in here have I been here before I don't think I have there's no way I've been you're a beast hunter aren't you I knew it that's precisely how I started out Oh big partner you may call me Alfred I'm Batman protege of master logarius hunter of vilebloods so what say you dumpster things two ton sorry Mike thank you very much good we are hunters thank you thank you thank you oops sorry oops I discussed the things we've learned oh very good very good indeed take this to celebrate our acquaintance fire paper that seems like an oxymoron but okay beast hunting is a sacred practice may the good blood guide your way okay what does fire paper do a coarse rubbing paper that applies fire to oh is that like the what he called the enchancia on your weapon and darksouls sound of a Pete's your interest oh I don't give a [ __ ] about this um yeah the resin okay let's go back this way okay am i coming up on a boss I feel like I am yeah loot this one gemstone alright that missus anything else in this room no okay let's go this way I'm ready for a boss Oh damnit man okay got him yes [ __ ] in his mouth right there what still in chart oh okay yeah that's more for upgrading my weapon I've gotta upgrade it again really soon okay let's keep looking around yeah boss defeated not quite a boss but it's good enough okay there's something wait can I get that I bet I probably could that's just that's such a risk though I I don't want to go after it wait oh I can just go down here I even notice that okay nevermind who cares all right we're good let's go to top antidote okay that's probably for poison I'm assuming I don't think I've been poisoned so far hopefully they're not giving me that telling me that I'm about to be okay Oh Anne turn okay [ __ ] yeah all right I'm gonna upgrade my [ __ ] upgrade the weapon upgrade me it's gonna be [ __ ] perfect yeah I'm gonna level up right now we're learning we're getting better at the game every single one of these games I'm gonna be honest with you guys every single one of these games it starts off the same [ __ ] way I feel like I can't like I don't know what I'm doing and then I just get better at it and it's like okay I I guess I don't know if that like makes sense like at the beginning I'm just like completely overwhelmed I'm like what the [ __ ] am i doing like I'm an idiot and then I get better at the game and it's fine okay let's fortify the weapon we are going to put the axe to level three okay that's good and twin blood charts okay so those are like heavy titanite shards blood gem fortification okay HP continues to occur plus one this one seems like it's just superior I think I'm gonna use this one right here yeah I'm gonna put this on okay good and yeah I'm gonna use that one there oh I can just use both okay damn alright that was easy and now I'll go level up I'm gonna sue me I can't buy any of those stones it's not yet good hunter alrighty okay I'm gonna upgrade vitality a lot actually you know what I'm gonna put one point in strength too okay perfect now we'll go back I think we need to go to old yarn or wherever the hell that is why is the characters here purple because he's an aspiring streamer and he wants other people who go through his channel to notice his hair and then for some reason subscribe to him because of the hair like that's a boy a guy I mean it's like a meme right boy I think it's like kind of funny how like you see like a lot of people that are like starting out streaming think that they're gonna do like something weird like that it's like ninja like ninjas been doing [ __ ] like that forever right I mean it's like if everyone else that does it after ninja doesn't that's what I'm really talking about okay the song is town the town that this the town is long abandoned hunters are not wanted here ok let's open up the door it seems like they're in need of my services oh Jesus double Jesus more Jesus's okay I can't give a [ __ ] dude like I give a [ __ ] dude I play the game away ever I want come here how are we how do i okay all right now I'm ready walk out of here get the [ __ ] out get the [ __ ] out of here dude okay let's go all right so wow that was like that was totally so [ __ ] lucky Wow okay blood while we got that yeah I'm good at this game now I've improved okay let's keep running around easy game okay I can't open that up I'll go around here yeah I think I'm getting a lot better at this game like after I beat that second guy without even dying I'm starting to get a little bit of confidence back like I'll be honest I was what was that sound whoops okay I should have he should be use that there okay got him see I've got the long stick man that's what it is got him man that guy's fast see like this axe here it's so long it just hits anything before they hit me okay um looking around here nothing okay see if I can activate this again all right we're good what's starting weapon by far yeah I mean I don't know I mean I would have always gone with the axe [ __ ] great okay so he gets to have a machine gun and I have a blunderbuss is that right I mean this seems like a little it seems a little unfair okay he's got a 50 caliber [ __ ] machine gun nests okay I'm gonna move back here oh I'm getting hit I'm getting hit okay got them all right I've gotta use another blood vial here I'm taking so much [ __ ] damage and the doats again good is this a waste of time yes it is okay um what's so hard nice alrighty god this invisible wall okay never mind alright let's go down this way he's emailed to shoot me here isn't he yep I don't like how he can't kill his own guys I figure I feel like that would you better if you could kill his own dudes okay don't think I'm in bed with walls anytime soon really okay Wow okay cutting them up that's right all righty a fast wait is faster okay okay that's a big boy all right let's go I'm ready see that I hit him from behind - it doesn't matter guy little dude I wish that Dark Souls [ __ ] had this man I actually really like being able to deal damage and heal this is [ __ ] awesome okay um I don't know if I want to go there yet so let's look around here I kind of want to go up there and kill that guy okay can you shoot me from here yeah okay let's go maybe above okay looks like we're going below looks like I have no idea where the [ __ ] I am because there's actually nowhere for me to go okay that I'm rhyming I'm trying to figure out a way where I can go okay I can't see any this is literally like the main thing I don't like about these games is getting stuck up against a [ __ ] wall okay this is so bad okay this is all because of the [ __ ] like I I can't use the cat like man this is why I use a [ __ ] Mouse like ie Jesus Christ this is [ __ ] annoying okay I'm just gonna go through here [ __ ] that I don't want to deal with it okay looking down here see I charge that because I knew I'd hit him from behind me wait oh what the [ __ ] all right focusing I'm dead it froze right there wait no somehow I'm alive I swear to God somehow on a life okay just a minute I'm sorry I'll show you guys in a minute I have to kill these mobs I should not be alive man okay got it all right they're both dead just a minute how do I use an antidote cuz I got slow poison what the [ __ ] is antidote okay got it all right we're fine just a minute let me go ahead and tap out and make sure I set this up again okay we're good I have no idea how that [ __ ] happened all right we're good yeah everything's working now right but vile what vile okay what vile great where is this area leave me too I don't I don't want to jump down there seems like a bad idea that guys right there isn't again got him got him Oh what up boys what up boys I can't move now okay there we go I'm fine got him [ __ ] you in the ass okay we got him I almost got poisoned again there all right everything is fine wait what the [ __ ] is an wait two more the [ __ ] what I do deserve this okay I'm gonna get poisoned I don't know how I did in there okay yeah that this camera [ __ ] is like really like I I'm sorry like III feel bad like cuz I just keep talking about it but like it might my controller is vibrating right now I'm poison again I got poison again okay just give me a second okay that one's dead there's one more I've got to kill the other one before I change it again okay all right is he dad yeah he's dead okay good all righty let me go ahead and heal up and I'll change it back okay all right we should be good buy a new Super Nintendo uh I don't think the capture card could handle that framerate actually yeah I shouldn't got hit by that okay got him got him okay perfect ooh treasure nice let's go get that Mavin's knowledge great I don't really know what those do but it doesn't matter okay let's keep going what is this it's a [ __ ] harpy nice all right what is this over here inspect ritual blood huh okay great just what I wanted is it freezing what's happening is the capture card is losing its connection every like few minutes or so oh I thought I killed him [ __ ] okay this guy's still alive okay shitty [ __ ] bird wait a minute I'm not gonna die to a bird am i no okay good you're doing fine console sucks been out why it's freezing no no it has nothing to do with the console I think that so there there has to be a faulty connection like and I don't know like there's so many things that it could be it could be the HDMI cord it could be the capture card it could be the port on the computer it could be the port on the ps4 right all these things could have caused that to happen all of them and I don't know which one it is what I here's I'm going to do is I'm gonna probably okay once a only refresh this I'm gonna make a second channel and I'm gonna broadcast that channel and I'll play like I don't know like smash brothers or like I guess it probably should be a ps4 game so like Red Dead Redemption or something like that and I'll try that out that way I know if this is going to go wrong again right and I'll like know ahead of time because I tried it out and I I played around on their bed and I never had this problem occur whenever I was testing everything out or I would have waited to play a game which is like you know it kind of sucks how's the game freezing the capture card is losing connection and because the capture cards by then you that's a bad boy run away okay I do not want to have to fight him with the machine business why is he shooting me what did I do to deserve that okay I'll heal up again try this one more time come on Wow well what the [ __ ] this guy's got a lot of help oh my god okay got him okay so we're gonna bug him out here okay that's [ __ ] stupid see he can't run after me because he's leashed here so I can just okay I'm done I can just keep doing that over and over and he'll eventually die ban some guy wait what's going on who cares wait did he deal there's no way he healed right okay we probably can't do it twice okay all right he's not gonna heal this time yeah there's no way he's gonna heal okay I'll finish them here I know that was close I was a little bit sloppy great [ __ ] timing for this to crash again okay perfect just one second let me go ahead and start this up again mmm man this is just ridiculous okay all right bone marrow ash okay let's look through here I should be able to get through here before the guy kills me where am I even going I can't get through the bird okay it's right here okay I'm gonna call it man Mike this has just been like so so frustrating like I I'm just gonna call it because I I can't even really play the game because like every other minute I I have to restart and I'm not like I want to make sure like people think I'm like great it's like every time I end it streaming over something if this happens I'm like great I'm not ragequitting right it's just disappointing this happened and I feel like it's not really good content for the whole game to pause and it to just break every five minutes so I really apologize for today if there's any way I knew this would have happened I would have fixed it but I had no idea honestly I really didn't and it really sucks it was like first stream of blood-borne and I don't know it's disappointing so here's what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna look at trying to install the other capture card I can't promise that I'll have everything fixed tomorrow like I just can't promise that but we'll figure something out and we'll go from there okay yeah maybe I can do Elder Scrolls or something like that I really do apologize for this I'll try to figure it out soon but I don't want to let this like get to me because like I will be very upset if I like die because of that happening so thank you guys very much for watching I think we made a lot of pretty good progress and I'm happy about it so thank you guys very much please go ahead and follow the stream up above please go ahead and follow me everybody go and follow me that's the ps4 streaming I need to make a test account to do that too so that's pretty much it Oh Twitter wait an ice-cream I'm not gonna do it tonight because I need to get some sleep I only slept like four hours last night because I want to get up in time to do my stream today okay guys follow my Twitter follow my stream that's pretty much all I've got thank you very much thank you for awesome stream yeah thanks a lot guys again really sorry about the technical difficulties not what I wanted to have happen and I will probably be spending the next few hours masturbating and also trying to fix the problem okay so that's what's going to happen thank you guys so much for for the support today means a lot and I'll let you know I'll keep everybody posted on what's gonna happen so until next time well you know what [ __ ] it I'm gonna run ads like I've got it I've got to run ads I mean how the [ __ ] can we get up here for the new capture card Yona run hats All Right see y'all later peace for a second I was really really good I don't know like I feel like my biggest weakness in this game is the fact that I have to use a controller I mean besides the defective caption I I might three ads in a row Oh bro like you're not even halfway done it's six yeah I'm selling out right now like don't even think about leaving either like these capture cards are [ __ ] expensive I just wasted like [ __ ] three or four hundred dollars on this I'm pissed man I'm actually I'm mad I don't know like am I really mad like honestly if anything I'm just really disappointed I'm really just [ __ ] disappointed this happened I was I'm really looking forward to playing this game and enjoying it and I feel like this is just always gonna be like a [ __ ] a sore on my side that this happened so just return it I bought it too long for it to be returned so I'll look at let me make actually make a list okay notepad things to try USB power saving okay let's see KB adapter drivers I'm just going to type these up now that I'm in the mindset of it excellent ps4 okay USB three it is a USB slot I know it is for sure let's see okay all right ads are over hey guys thanks a lot again for watching really [ __ ] appreciate it and I'll see you guys later
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 523,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, bloodborne, asmongold highlights, best of asmongold, twitch chat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 20sec (14300 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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