Shadowlands Story Catch-Up! Asmongold reacts to Platinum WoW Lore RECAP

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all right here we go the battle for azeroth expansion can be described as many things okay the average lore consumer okay it can be explained as complicated well blizzard has improved their storytelling immensely over the past expansions battle for azeroth was filled with dozens of story lines that can be difficult to follow it's like okay so there's a giant sword in the world but there's also this powerful resource called azerite but there's also this is so we go on a cruise boat and then we fall down here and now sylvanas is uber powerful and ripped a hole through space and time to the surprise [ __ ] how did we get here why is silvana so powerful and out of all of this who knows what is important for you to know to understand what is going on she's very powerful because of feminism and that's just it's it's the empowering uh it's like a hidden buff uh nobody can see it but yeah it's because of feminism and so uh i i just i think obviously like blizzard does much better telling like larger grand scale stories than the small scale stories especially in terms of the game because people don't really play all the small scale stories and because all the small scale stories have like impact into the larger scale of the expansion as a whole i think it becomes very confusing for players because they don't have the ability to understand everything that's going on at a time because they haven't spent a bunch of time watching videos like this or watching novel videos or playing through the even the quest themselves on in shadow lands well to answer those questions we are going to need to go back a couple of expansions okay we're going to go to the moon sylvanas used to be alive but during the siege of both the loss she was a kick-ass power slide right in front of arthas and was turned into a banshee yeah eventually she'd become the leader of the forsaken and it was her life's well undead life's mission to kill the lich king for what he did to her that's right jump to the wrath of the lich king and tyrion forgering guys characters kill the lich king yep they beat his dick off the problem is there must always be a witch king if the scourge apparently not leader they'll just swarm across azeroth and a friend jeez i hope that's where poor dragon chooses to sacrifice himself to be the new lich king instead sylvanas was not able to see arthas fall firsthand because i i guess she was stuck yeah she was in traffic i guess and the banshee queen ventured to the frozen throne after just to make sure that arthas was dead he was gone so i guess he was dead and the victory was empty for sylvanas in her undead life she was depressed but driven by vengeance now she was just depressed so she threw herself off the throws and throne onto the spikes below [Music] not good not good at all and death sylvanas only saw darkness if only that would have just like we could have just ended it right there and it would have just been done everything would have been fine uh reading in the expansion of symplans no it's not a simple ends what do you mean dude in the short story the edge of night yeah it's described as there were others in the darkness things she could not recognize because nothing so terrible could exist in the world of the living claws toward her but she had no mouth with which to scream eyes looked at her but she could not look back this was to be her eternity the endless void the dark unknown realm of anguish that sucks that sucks dick that sucks man [Music] we can wait so does that mean she went yeah she went through this horrific reality sylvanas was in was the ma yeah a realm in the shadowlands where irredeemable souls are damned to live in anguish for all eternity within the maw sylvanas was offered a deal by nine valkyries one in which would take her place in the ma so she could return back to the land of the living which is depicted in this totally not over sexualized art although this wait wait wait a minute is this actual is is this was this in the game sexualized art although this is very in the short story we know that this is when sylvanas got in contact with an ancient being called the jailer also they just make us lord evil is it actually no doctor eva the details about sylvanas and the ruler of the maw's relationship is still unknown but what we do know is they've made a pact with each other yeah every soul that goes into the maw makes the jailer and sylvanas more power yeah of course you compete me i love you now with a hidden motive to make herself more powerful sylvanas is brought back to our reality to live once more wait that's a toilet hey the cataclysm expansion happens and nothing is important except for garrosh calling sylvanas a beach nothing important happens warlords of draenor happens and somebody got to say it everything is pointless legion happens and demons are raging across azeroth in the battle for the broken shore the horde's warchief vol'jin is killed by a random foul guard [Music] it's pretty sad isn't it i mean that's like the that's like the big guy you know like it really was [ __ ] embarrassing you have like these big [ __ ] like at least tyrion got killed by a boss like varian got disenchanted by gul'dan and valjen literally just died he just died like it sucks man jen's final moments a mysterious whisper invaded his mind compelling him to make sylvanas warchief in his last dying breath turns out what a mysterious whisper was muzala a loa of death who serves the jailer that's a stupid sylvanas as warchief she has a ton of sway in the fate of azeroth that's dumb before her plans can be put into motion we need to defeat the legion yeah the expansion involves doing just that yeah they beat the [ __ ] out meanwhile at some point during the end of legion the jailer broke how the shadow lands works uh-huh typically souls are sent to an endless amount with pocket dimensions that suit them best but now every soul is being sent straight into the maw making a jailer and sylvanas incredibly powerful oh no also the ruler of the burning legion sargeras stabs a giant sword in azeroth as he's being defeated now there's a new powerful resource called azerite which incentivizes the horde how can the alliance to fight each other secretly sylvanas's hidden motive is to cause as much death in azeroth to make her and the jailer more powerful i think that's stupid personally i feel like muzala whispering to vol'jin is like a bad plot device yeah like i i don't know i just i felt like it was a bad plot device like i i didn't like it it was stupid because like it just it came out of nowhere and it just kind of it makes sense in the story i know that it makes sense in the story but i feel like whenever you whenever you fool the player that's not something that i i'm i don't like i don't like being fooled in that way because you're making decisions in the game thinking one thing thinking that you understand everything and then they reveal that there's something else going on it's like a big [ __ ] debate and i i just wasn't a fan of that and of all jen's the real war chief that's not something you like so you do what do you mean it's not a bad plot device it's lazy writing i don't know what you want to call it right it just it feels like it's like you know whenever you're like a really little kid and like you you're like you know acting out a story and then it's like oh well i'm not actually a warrior i'm a [ __ ] angel and you know i can kill you with one hit with my sword and then you know your little brother hits you with a stick and he's like you have to die now because i'm an angel and you're dead like that's what it feels like this is that's exactly what it feels like this is and i don't like it i feel like it's lazy it's boring it's not contextual and it comes out of nowhere that that's the i can't believe i came up with that analogy because that's exactly the way i [ __ ] feel about it powerful stupid sylvanas starts the fourth war off with a bang how convenient it's mass genocide and burns down told yourself giving her and the jailer power one million souls the battle for lordaeron happens and sylvanas is using chemical warfare on the alliance and her own troops i wonder why the expansion continues and we get busy dealing with problems in zandalar and cool terrace the battle for disarmament i didn't like king rastakhan dying i mean he had to die it was just kind of a uh it was kind of a disappointment i don't know i would like to see more of him especially with like because the thing is like with king rastakhan like people talk about king rastakhan and like the zandalari the islands in vanilla wow i just feel like the character coming into the story after so long and then just only existing in like this very short period of time was kind of disappointing now we have talanji give us a [ __ ] about her the night elves want revenge for teldrassil and the battle for darkshore happens and tyrande is especially pissed the high priestess of elune performs an ancient ritual that involves sacrificing an orc head into a moon well and turns into a night warrior she's an avatar of elune's wrath and now she is ready to kick ass during the battle tyrande and mafirian confront two valkyrs and the thanos oh [ __ ] you guys don't know who nathanos is well the thanos is basically a simp and why would they have the valkyr out there fighting like because if the valkyrie is so precious to sylvanas why would she have them out there fighting i don't know it seems like kind of a it's a it's like you know whenever you go and it's it's a bad it's bad logic like for example um [ __ ] [ __ ] riding yeah it's like you know whenever you're playing age empires 2 and you have like your king you don't actually bring your king into the battle you put their king in like [ __ ] five different walls so nobody can get to him so like yeah like what the [ __ ] would you do that for why would you send them out in the battle uh who is literally just a dead guy with a bow you would think that two demigods versus a dead guy with a bow would you something like this but in reality the thanos puts up a fight and it ends with one of the valkyries dying and he goes witch you shall pay dearly for that let's move i just shoot him with an arrow or anything this is literally my least favorite event that's ever happened in warcraft history it is really stupid to be fair it is really really stupid uh 10 searcher and kings ran into the battlefield to inspire them in you're right and do you know what the [ __ ] lifespan for those guys was like probably 35 okay like that's why you know later on they stopped doing that because it just didn't work too well for them read the text okay let me read the text real quick that's ever happened in warcraft are you really gonna tell me two of the strongest characters in all of warcraft can't kill the thanos tyrande can call down lasers from the [ __ ] moon and malfurion was the first druid ever and is ultra powerful yeah but you missed the part where the other guy had a bow see that's the part platinum's not remembering you see the other guy had a bow so uh there's no way for them to be able to handle it blood armor well he had a bow too i mean come on history the night elves win the battle and reclaim dark shore unceremoniously yeah back on the continent of coal terrace there are some naga that are trying to consume all of azeroth in a giant storm so we go kill him age your faithful servant oh mighty nazar at the end of the raid a mysterious blade called zalatath appears four players take it and give it to sylvanas that's a good idea uses the blade to strike a deal with queen azshara's she got in contact with by calling her on the phone or teleporting there or something yeah here's what you need to know wait what ninajara silvanus and the zoth are not working together it's what so ashara made a deal with sylvanas i thought i thought sylvanas made a deal with helya wait she made a deal with with both of them i think she's a lesbian nathanos would not be that mad think about how mad nathanos is all the time he would not be that mad if he was getting anything out of it on top of that how is it that silvanus just happens to be making these secret deals with all the other large female characters in the in the story like you you putting together you picking up what i'm putting down here i'm just saying like largemouth well i mean yeah they're they're physically big but i mean like large important characters in the story like if it comes out about yeah this could happen man this could [ __ ] happen more like they're all schemers who think they themselves benefit most from this alliance yeah plan is the horde and the alliance fall into nashitar queen azshara will then coerce them into the eternal palace i really think a queen ashara could have been way hotter if they gave her bigger boobs like i think she could have like because she's already really really hot but if they gave her like some [ __ ] like mega milkers oh my [ __ ] god dude like that would have been the best character in the whole story like people would have completely not even given a [ __ ] about the fact that she was uh she got resurrected or not resurrected she just got let go and like uh nilotha people would be happy because then they knew that they'd know that they'd see her again in the game like that's exactly it man use their hearts of azeroth to undergo that didn't happen then she will drive zalath into the old god yup killing him and finally freeing herself from her master sylvanus benefits from this interaction by having all the horde and the alliance champions dead how about that what sylvanas and azshara don't know is n'zoth is the old god of infinite truths and can foresee all possible futures he has been manipulating this event behind the scenes and knows ashara will fail and he will be unleashed it's like obviously like i don't think that yeah of course n'zoth is literally like look at look at this okay he's literally a five head really he is like an azoth is literally a five head there's no way that anybody was going to outsmart this thing like you she did she's stupid for even thinking like this is like you can't outsmart the [ __ ] old god yeah he just know he knows everything like but that is just the plan what really happens is horde adventures sail towards nashitar because nagas are bad and we need to kill them and the alliance follows closely behind of course nagas and ford are bad so we can kill them there it is those factions fall right into azshara's trap and she becomes fish moses and parts the sea she achieves this by using the tidestone of golgoneth tidestone that might ring a bell for you back in legion we use the tidestone the tomb of sargeras yeah i guess we just forgot about this incredibly powerful artifact and queen azshara just waltzed into the tomb of sargeras and took this look i understand this lore isn't important for you to understand shadowlands but it's also just completely batshit insane and i feel like i need to tell you about it anyways i think they probably should have had to shara do it with like magic or something because it would indicate that she was really powerful because like it would give people like a sense of like how powerful ashara was if she could have done it all on her own like that would have been smarter for them to do than for them to just create this like weird plot device to make it happen the horde and the alliance are now stranded on nazitar's ocean floor and need to learn how to survive thankfully the alliance and horde have fish people who somehow can breathe out of the water to help them also yeah thanos has zeal attack and needs to deliver it to queen azshara behind the horde's back and this happens off-screen all right everyone we need to remain united and work together as a team the risser find a safe haven so we can gather our troops blight color or need some fresh air but we are in an extremely hostile environment those naga will show you the shreds i uh um this is so [ __ ] ridiculous dude azerite where wow thanos delivers the blade to ashara and we go into her palace and somehow she didn't expect the horde in the alliance to work together despite us working together again and again for the past 15 years yeah azshara is defeated but n'zoth is released from his prison and pulls ashara into the darkness while all of this is going on there's also a subplot about sylvanas raising derek proudmoore kidnapping bane bloodhoof and wanting to burn down thunderbluff this plotline culminates in the horde and the alliance forces marching to the gates of oregon how did thrall grow his hair back like you guys ever wonder about that like how the [ __ ] did that ever happen like because it's like you could see like his hairline was clearly not there it's not like oh he just shaved his head no his hairline was clearly [ __ ] up and then the cinematics happen fence to raid well i i don't know like are there hair elementals in the game i guess there must be fire to stop sylvanas i'm not talking about any of this plot because it all gets resolved in bfa and uh this video is already way too complex with the story elements i am excited yeah it is what you need to know is surfing is an old orc and he wants to die an honorable death man he challenges sylvanas to a duel sylvanas is frustrated because her plan is falling apart and she says the horde is nothing that's exactly what she said i think also guess who wins the duel he needs some milk after this outburst sylvanas is obviously not the war chief anymore and she flies away like a chicken villain sylvanas then hangs out in the ghost lands i guess so it explains her plan my bargain with azshara will yet bear fruit the armies of azeroth will fight her master and he will line their streets with corpses in the end he too will serve death so sylvanas's plan was for enzoth to kill everyone on azeroth and then she will enslave enzoth i think that i don't think that's what it was i think that she knew that n'zoth was going to die or they'd be able to beat him but he'd kill a lot of people in the process like that's kind of what i i expected but okay it doesn't really matter one way or another this marks the end of the fourth war and the horde and the alliance are best friends again oh that's good dude look at that enzoth's grand plan after being released is corrupting two old zones no one cares about and with the help from stupid sexy wrathion we enter enzoth's home called nia lotha of course dude i feel like this raid wasn't it like i expected nilotha to just be like i don't know it wasn't as [ __ ] grandiose as i had expected like i had expected this to be like uh like argus or something like that like nylon that just yeah it's like just this massive like a zone with like a raid built into it it just it didn't feel the way that it should have and i don't even really entirely know why i think it's just might just be my opinion on it though in naialotha we help queen azshara who is being tortured azshara says thanks by pulling zalath out of her butt and giving it to wrathion then she kind of just exits stage left and we don't hear from her again yeah um to open a hole in his off and we defeat him by shooting a giant laser beam he might not actually be dead his essence might be in zalath somehow i just explained all of bfa without talking about magne wait so all that wait all the corruption's gone like so what about what what about yogg yogg's dead they retconned him to be dead damn well that's convenient a lot of stuff happens all you need to know is the horde and the alliance are looking for sylvanas sylvanas also ordered the thanos to kill bombswamby because he's been stopping troll souls from entering the maw shut up what are you doing here man it's not your time to pass on yet i'm sending them to the troll after life which is called the other side wellness fails in killing bobby salami like the loser he is a [ __ ] of course steve would of course he would fail like what the [ __ ] do you mean he's a one dude bob salami is like a loa this is that's the way he's gonna he's not gonna wait just to not be out there okay did you wash your hands while i wash my hands i got a clean dick meanwhile sylvanas is conducting phase two of her master plan oh phase two man king rules forever [ __ ] yep dude bolvar could have been so cool yeah he could have been so [ __ ] bad gets his ass kicked stupid as [ __ ] man damn with the helm of domination destroyed damn the barrier between the shadowlands is obliterated that was really cool though to be fair like i know that we uh you know don't have a lot of good things to say about that cinematic but the [ __ ] where she breaks it in half and then like it it's like everything happens you know like that was pretty [ __ ] cool to be fair that actually was cool allowing the jailer yeah minions direct influence in our plane how convenient also since there's no lich king the scourge have gone in a frenzy and azeroth has a cherry on top yeah but they're only level 80s infestation and then wait [ __ ] we're going to be level 50 into this unknown ground we're going to die oh no [ __ ] i didn't think about that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with all of bfa's story out of the way what is going on in shadow he didn't talk about jaina he didn't talk about rastakhan he didn't talk about uh uh what's cali and menethil he didn't talk about uh yeah he what about all the other plot lines what about every oh yeah just [ __ ] did that even matter who gives a [ __ ] dude oh all the word you need to know okay i didn't even read that okay yeah yeah okay all right makes sense now glance well there's an ancient being called the arbiter right entity judges all souls that enter the shadow lands and directs them to their appropriate afterlife of course if you live a selfless life where you sacrifice yourself for others you go to bastion if you live the life of a mighty warrior who values strength you go to maldraxas if you live a sinful wicked life you go to revenge wrath to repent for your sins and if you live a life with a connection to nature you go to arden wheel to help in the process of rebirth unless you're earth soccer then you just get [ __ ] just [ __ ] dude just get rid of you dude because it's you know it is what it is like yeah except if that happens these are just four of the limitless dimensions within the shadowlands but the issue is mysteriously the arbiter has ceased to function causing all the souls to drain directly into the law within the law there is a constant flowing slipstream not good filled with the cries of ghostly agony as they are damned to feed the unsatiable hunger of the jailer yep what is what is really random side tangent here back in hellfire citadel there is a boss called gorfing who gorged on so many draenei souls yeah he became this obese monstrosity i think shadowlands would have been much better if the jailer was just like sitting at the end of the slipstream and he was just like this huge fat guy jabba the hutt looking dude and he was all like get in my belly since all the souls are going that probably would have actually been better just like big old fat bring that soul over here man i'm hungry again yeah i probably would have made it a little bit funnier to the ma every other dimension in the shadow lands is starved of anima yeah anima is the life source every being has when they die the more experiences you have in life the more anima you produce experiences like your first kiss oh your big promotion at your job so i'd have no ambulance throwing a [ __ ] ton of orcs okay and smashing the like button on your favorite youtubers video also subscribe all of these okay fill your soul with okay dude and for everything to function in shadow lands these dimensions need it but yeah with the jailer gobbling it all up all of the other zones are in a drought and we as the player characters are there and they're fighting over it i think that's what happens and that is all the lore you need to know to start your adventure in the shadow lands that's actually a pretty good video detailed videos about the lore and the experience that's a pretty good video at least okay you guys are excited as i am and i'll see you later god damn yeah what's going on over there dude holy [ __ ] okay well you know what this video was really good i liked it a lot uh i obviously it's kind of weird how how it happened you know well but got delayed yeah there oh so he put out the video expecting for people to watch it for the expansion release and now the [ __ ] got delayed uh yeah this is obviously really good watch the end okay i'll watch it till the end thank you i'm so glad that we watched the rest of that yeah i i'm so so absolutely glad that we watched that yeah that's great man uh thank you so much for making me do [Music] that [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 316,155
Rating: 4.8950834 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold platinum wow, asmongold platinum, platinum wow, asmongold wow lore, world of warcraft lore, shadowlands, wow shadowlands, platinum wow shadowlands, shadowlands story, shadowlands explained, shadowlands story explained, shadowlands recap, wow catch up, world of warcraft catch up, platinum wow lore, shadowlands lore, wow lore, shadowland
Id: yVqN663mPlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 8sec (1928 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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