Asmongold's First Crucible of Storms Raid on Heroic Difficulty

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let me start this group like let's get jabber Meister let's get some people in here it would have just been another 415 I mean like who gives a [ __ ] let's see who else do I know in here van mango I like your name so I'm gonna invite you oh [ __ ] that's accurate we're gonna invite you and oral we're gonna invite you too let's see who else we missing tinderbox okay I don't know about that one a cup of bacon well he's from moon guard so I guess he can roleplay as that's a cup of bacon okay let's see what else do we need to get here who should we I'm gonna invite two more hewers I want to take always I really like having monkey words because revival is a really good oh [ __ ] cooldown so we're gonna hold on to that right there fan D by the way guys I mean I didn't mean to invite that guy shadows I don't know if we have a spot for you man unless you can play DPS like our girls allowed in this raid I mean like I've heard girls don't video games so I don't know I don't know she won't like a girl in the raid I'm just kidding of course I'm gonna invite fan D okay let's see how many more we don't we really don't need nine healers unless you guys really intend to [ __ ] up every mechanic so let's have a few more people go DPS like maybe to jad is I don't really want to kick you so hopefully you have a DPS spec but if you okay you do cool and hopefully you don't stop at the - wait you need a warlock oh [ __ ] we don't have a warlock that's so bad [Music] okay I know what to do let's be honest a lot of you guys are probably gonna [ __ ] up these mechanics right I mean that's what's gonna happen oh okay Farrah left okay okay problem solved all right um let's see who are we gonna invite let's get a warlock in here yo I love this song dude like this song reminds me of the Shire you know why Bilbo Baggins blowin [ __ ] smoke rings with Gandalf talking about how he's gonna abandon is his his only family is nephew yeah those are the days yeah what let's uh let's get a let's get a warlock we're locked whenever you think about it it's kind of crazy because warlocks are like the only class right now that you just invite because they're a warlock 60 yeah I know you okay I'll bring you I don't know why this song just makes me feel good I need one more quest but it's not here right now it's team Wendell Alliance we need Shadow Priests very Opie yeah well we don't have any unfortunately okay let's see is everybody here all right we do have a warlock let's go ahead and start summons and we'll get ready as soon as possible okay guess I have to watch ward of the rings again I I bet you won't see this but I have a full blessing that plates laying set you think I can get a good shield ex bog with it can you help me I mean like not really like I tried to find a good set for the Blessed battle cure of undead slang too and I never really had that great of a chance with it you've really got your work cut out for you there and also like one thing that's like interesting with that set is the gloves don't even match and it's like mainly the the helmet and like the shoulders and everything so it's definitely kind of hard to figure out something that's really gonna work and guys we're just waiting for a summon here and then we're gonna start up there okay there we go good do you think wow we'll just get better and better I hope the worst is behind us I want to watch a belly or video later on like I want to do the raid first and like kind of do that and maybe also do brawler's guild depends on how I feel like as I said I only got like three hours of sleep so I'm just kind of playing it by ear right now but there's a video where he talked about 8.2 and I wanted to watch that with you guys and see what he had to say and yeah I know we've got a look a certain sense got bills to pay we can't just you know let them let them go hungry oh well let me set this over the rug and as soon as we get a warlock over here and we'll just go inside and summon everybody inside and yeah except for the doorbell rings we're good okay it'll get better an X expansion yeah it's a pill said last expansion like I mean I [Music] if Blizzard wants to really start talking to the playerbase and addressing core concerns the playerbase has rather than like basing decisions off of metrics I think we can see the game get better but if you want my honest opinion like what I really think they need to do is they need a theme to hard reset on the game like they need to just reset the game somehow and I'm not saying like a while - for sure I mean that would be like a best-case scenario but they need like a full reset on the game because right now there's just like so many different items and rewards in the game that there's a certain amount of diminishing returns that you get so like I mean like there's just too many items in the game for anything to really feel meaningful and I think that's probably blizzards biggest that's their biggest challenge to overcome right now is making the game feel meaningful whenever there are so many rewards inside of it and personally the way that I think they need to do that excuse me the way I think they need to do that can oh great you know why the cam effed because I'm a big [ __ ] stupid idiot that forgot to turn it off last night it's amazing how like you can have one job and you still [ __ ] it up right streamers if they do one thing right everything's good okay let's see we're good let me go ahead and move this over okay so this angle is really bad move this up a little bit okay is this cord so [ __ ] okay this is really really [ __ ] but this is gonna have to do until the camera recharges a little bit let's go ahead and give it like maybe 20 minutes or so and then I'll be able to reset it go back to the gatorade bottle like the old days I still have my old gatorade bottle whenever I have the new camera on again I'll show it to you that way everybody can get the true 4k resolution of the moldy gatorade inside of it what's gonna summon out and let's start this up oh I'm gonna go outside and buy flasks you real quick I want to make sure I'm prepared for the raid yeah no it's not orange Gatorade bottle for jizz no not yet I'm working on that one that one's over in downstairs okay just a second let me go ahead and do this actually let me read some donations and [ __ ] right now while I do this I don't even know what my flask is called like I wait oh I can just look at it right here undertale 300 gold okay I'm just gonna buy I'm gonna buy like I'm gonna buy twenty actually I'll just buy ten right now ten should be good for today okay I like to always flasks and be completely ready for like anything that I do right and that way it just seems it just seems like the right thing to do I want to change like the way that I have like my streaming set up that way I can start reading donations and [ __ ] like as they come in because I do feel like I've been doing a really bad job at keeping up with like donations and like substance [ __ ] so I'm trying to do a better job with that 10 hour stream nothing let's be real but I will okay alright so yeah just keep keep damaging this guy down and we'll be fine he has basically double health as you did before let me go ahead and read the rest of these donations okay guys just give me a minute I thank you guys I'll you know what I'll read out some subs I've been really kind of bad about that recently the reason I stopped writing out subs mainly is because like I need to conserve like my voice I've had a lot of problems like running out of like you know like like my voice just getting kind of running out but I'll read some of these right now while we're moving in heathen thank you very much Robin would squeeze in our nugget cruncher it's jqt random drifter not alice jrc beeps cider pure 13 months dirty Rick thank you very much the resub as well somehow you rece up twice i don't even know how that happened Suman so smorc thank you much Theresa - welcome back my boy Oracle it's good to be back man thank you very much speaking of the Shire please play the road goes on ever part one I don't want to play that right now because you know I know that a lot of people want to steal this content and then upload it as like my first run of the raid and you know if I have copyrighted music on there then you know it's gonna make it harder for them to do it and so I you know I'm just trying to help them out I think it just also creates a little ambiance you know whenever ambience I don't know how to pronounce you know yeah you know what I'm saying and so I'll keep the in-game music going for now let's see that I miss anybody else six months earlier now seven GG twitch GG thank you very much as oh gosh with seven months man I appreciate that I'll scroll down a little bit more and make sure I don't miss anybody else let's go ahead and get some I get it let's go ahead and get some ins over here and we'll start it up okay I need to make sure that I'm not showing followers because that makes all of them to where I can't see filter okay okay filter okay there that that's a lot better okay we're good now all right we should be pretty much good and make sure I didn't miss anybody else yeah I do need to do a better job at reading these and I do apologize I'm I am gonna do a better job I just need to figure out like what I want to do just sir but he knows like pretty much what's going on is I want to have like a thing where I think OBS has this where it actually just shows your chat on like one side and like your donations on another side or like alerts so that way I can just look over and I have everything right there and I don't need to worry about any other kind of [ __ ] you know and I'd really like to do that too OBS live yeah I'm gonna try to figure that out maybe over the weekend or so and probably that way like next weekend you know I'll be able to have that because I'd like to have it first akiro to and that way I can just focus entirely on the gameplay and I'm looking like analytics and analyst stream or any kind of [ __ ] you know I just like focus entirely on play okay so guys let's go ahead and do the same thing that we did before we'll have Sal's X right there on the same side this is on rowing so let's make sure that we have everybody prepared ready to go flask the [ __ ] up I want to see everybody flashed up if you're not Falasca up for the new raid on heroic what the [ __ ] are you doing these bosses have like twice as much health actually do they don't we need to pay attention do this right and do it correctly okay we're gonna do the same I don't think the order really matters just try to make sure that we don't push two different artifact usages at the same time oh we got a food buff over here somebody decided to drop it Knight thank you very much and let's go ahead and get the food buffs and we'll be ready to go you're skinny Zachary I actually I really am I've thought about um whenever is he moves down here I've thought about doing gem streams with her and cuz like you know she's a personal trainer so I could be like a guinea pig or something like that it could be really fun I don't know really if I'm gonna do it or not wait what is this [ __ ] that's happening like what is this get off the [ __ ] mountain and it could be really fun to do I just don't really know if I'd want to commit to it I'd like to kind of gain like right now I'm about like 120 pounds and I'm I'm really tall too and it's completely unhealthy for me to be this skinny and I'd really like to get up to like maybe like 180 or so I think that'd be like a healthy weight for my height yeah I'm like hundred twenty pounds I'm like I'm like about 6-3 or so and it's not good I definitely do need to gain weight so yeah okay guys enough of that let's get ready for the boss blog thanks for the 5 subs man appreciate it ok let's get this [ __ ] done set to get some next scratches in there for a good walk okay guys yeah it's um yeah I know I need to eat more it's hard to do I know that might sound weird but uh you know there's no way it could be 120 you're right whenever I went to a doctor before I was 116 like it was really really bad and I need to gain weight and I've been trying to eat more and like gain more weight anyway yeah it's really really bad like I don't think it's equally as unhealthy as like being like 500 pounds but it's not healthy at all like I'm under no no delusions that you know I'm healthy in any regard even though like I did a blood test and everything and they said that I was completely healthy like they tested everything Oh move add the purple things let's make sure that if you get that debuff you move at the rate okay trippy a good job okay keep it up all righty move out of that cerebral assault pay attention there no but mais guy I don't know why your dad man fandy okay so fan D man okay so we've really got a deal we've really got to work on that we'll talk about that afterwards let's just keep focusing on this guy okay get him down to 75% and then we're gonna get ready for the other boss okay this is a long fight so just saddle up and let's go okay first transition right here okay Eldrick revelation okay let's cull and then X cast okay so let's cull cast first I am so bad at this game I'm actually terrible at this game okay um that is really really bad let's see if we can recover from that okay interrupt that all right good okay let's get back on zall's X move him over to Zhou six and let's cleave them down okay let that cast go off let that cast go off sorry guys I'm really bad at setting these markers actually have them key bound I totally forgot about that I haven't played for so long they're like needed to do that okay get on Zhou six right now get on Zhou six this is a little bit scuffed but it's fine okay I'll move out of that cerebral assault I don't want to see anybody get hit by this like can we please just like start paying attention and not getting hit something from Ragan rose [ __ ] up why am I not surprised come on man like so if he does that it just does damage to you and it makes you like especially in a way like there's mainly there's no excuse you need to pay better attention gets Alex down to 75% before we damage down for rule okay this is a slow flight so just take it slow okay no no going crazy or apeshit or anything like that we will use heroism whenever I call for it okay it's probably gonna be at the end of the fight or to give this to an important phase in the fight okay here's the first transition first you know I'm saying all right visit move out of that get on that Tara kit on that visit get on that visit let's go damage down to visit great job okay good job on Moving's Alex let's keep for Rule right over here let's keep for rule right over here don't let a [ __ ] die don't let oh [ __ ] die bring for rule back over to the other area okay wait why does that visitor not dead I wish I knew what visit just did whatever Oh we'll just damaged down for rule I'm gonna look them up after this heal me yeah keeps per Gord healed okay good job visit just basically dad just kill it okay moving out of that what does this do and puts damage damages news for the workplace with what ok so you need to move out with that ok as soon as parole gets that we're gonna damage them down it's so high okay skel and ex make sure scale gets off let X go off and interrupt this one wait how did everybody die Oh people didn't interrupt in time okay um let's just play it out play it out play it out play it out I know that it's a little bit scuffed but we're just gonna play it out oh no spur Ward's dead never mind wipe it up white flight white okay I'm gonna do a ready check to make sure everybody understands what cerebral assault is because I've seen so many people doing it wrong and there's really no excuse for it I understand that quote if as Monde wiped let me see if I can turn the new camera okay that's a little bit better hopefully it stays on for a while this cameras better yeah I kind of agree okay so that obviously was really bad we need to do a much better job with dealing with cerebral how is it taking like half the Ray died in three seconds and now you guys are taking an hour to do the other half let's get this done what the [ __ ] is that v-neck yo this shirt as comfortable as fugly honestly so I changed my shirt for the first time in four weeks yesterday or actually this morning have you ever seen like a dog in like one of those like you know sad dog movies or videos where it's talking about how you need to donate five dollars and like a dog is trapped in like a tar pool and they clean off the dog and he feels like super happy and you know he's like wow he's a completely new animal now that he doesn't have the tar all over him I kind of felt the same way about changing my shirt it was like really weird to wear a new shirt after wearing the same one for a month and I understand like probably all you guys know that feeling and you understand so I'm probably just preaching to the choir here I mean you know let's be real you're sitting here watching a rade stream so you understand what I'm saying let's go over here show the Gatorade we're pretty much ready to pull like I'll show the Gatorade after the suggestion your death will be no different okay please please please get this done focus up and let's go do you sleep with the same shirt on yeah I've actually found a really good way of making sure that I don't have to worry about like cuz it's you know how like in the morning where you have to put on your pants whenever you get up it's like really kind of frustrating I just sleep with my pants on and that way whenever I get up I don't have to put them on because they're already on for oh [ __ ] I'm really uh not very happy with how you're playing but we'll we'll keep going we'll just keep them together here it's not a big deal like I don't know why you like move them over here etc okay do not get hit by that [Music] Vann mango if you get hit by that again I'm gonna kick you out of the raid okay because you're not paying attention and you're not trying I don't want to have people like that in my raid I don't know why he's planning [ __ ] okay guys let's get this guy down and we'll be ready okay this is first in power all right do not let both of these ads go off okay interrupt the other one so let's go go off then X let's go go off then X now we get back on zall's X right I had no idea that normal mode was actually harder or easier than a than heroic this is insane like that I just do it right okay get on Zaza so let's go yeah I don't know what's going on here wait how is are you dead what why is a Cruz dead don't battle rez anybody right now okay just stay on jazak so Kay okay moving how that all right they're gonna pick up the item now let's get ready all right they're empowering let's go [ __ ] get on the visit kill the visit okay good and we need to damage this guy down we need to break the shield break the shield break the shield guys let's go keeps per Ward ups per Gord is almost dead why is sperg bored almost dead he needs to be healed up constantly okay everything is fine just let's just push now six again that was my fault I shouldn't have gotten hit by that okay we're doing fine okay okay we're doing better we're doing better just stay out of that let's keep going just stay out of these purple circles okay like good guy UI not as good as mechanics though like let's try to wait how do we get feared what was that terrifying echo what the [ __ ] was that okay it's fine it's fine we're still fine we're still fine focus up target change okay everything's fine just damage him down let's get him down that's visit oh wow okay okay stay out of that this is a long fight voice just keep paying attention okay second second ads or second relic okay get ready for the visit break this shield break this shield yeah this is gonna go off hundred percent actually Wow you just got deleted okay good job good job okay now we damaged down for rule make sure we're keeping heels on spur gourd right now keep heels on spur gourd right now let's keep going and we're gonna get four rule right here let's go okay stay out of these guys stay out I swear to God tighten this the [ __ ] up because I if we wipe again I'm gonna be really upset [Music] moving out of that please move out of these circles guys okay next one let's go this is it please interrupt all three of these at the beginning let X go let's go go our first an X ok good let's go go off only let's skull only go off stop interrupting skull ok good job now let X go off ok kill that visit nice try okay we'll be able to get that one off all right that's fine okay move them bolt over to this side we're gonna be fine let that last one go off I want to be crab battle rez want to be crab battle rez want to be crab he's our second VPS let's get him back up let's go move out of that move out of that excellent move excellent move keep it up okay now we can just cleave these down let's push let's push for rule first let's keep going this is that boys this is it okay what's all the crab dude he's your shout oh [ __ ] I don't have balance shut up you're right I don't know how I let that happen I'm actually really bad about that I need to get a week or something to tell me that okay damage down per rule I don't do any damage on Sal Josh I don't know how to [ __ ] say his name but you know don't do any damage on that guy let's make sure we get four rule down and we go through his transition first okay okay stay out of these swirly boys guys out of these swirly boys remember everybody on fethullah right now I'll say his name differently every single time I tried to say it that's my goal okay here we go all right guys we need to make sure we get this right skull and X let's skull go off and interrupt the other to interrupt the other two and let's skull go off interrupt the other two and let's skull go off interrupt the other two and let's skull go off good job okay now we let X go off let X go off right now and damage downs X right now okay that's two stacks why am I not surprised okay it's gonna clear anyway it's fine okay push downs Alex right now okay we have heroes um good job all right so I want to commend you guys you [ __ ] up but you still didn't [ __ ] up good job all right push this transition push this transition let's go okay let's go focus 900% focus let's go [Music] terrifying echo kill this ad do this boss do this boss don't even be in that don't you them be in there don't you even be in that okay good job finish this ad okay now they both need to die at the same time they both need to die at the same time damage them both down at the same time play like a champion I'm about to get the best loot in the game right now keep yourselves up what what is this it we're gonna kill it um probably shouldn't worry about the terrifying echo but we're just gonna ignore it probably just immunity through it it's not a big deal we can probably kill the bosses before the echo goes oh actually it's gonna fit this thing's gonna die anyway who gives a [ __ ] Wow look at you guys doing mechanics I'm proud of you okay yes dude nice [ __ ] job boys nice [ __ ] job good [ __ ] job I'm proud of you guys amazing skill excellent abilities good job all right do my watch watch me get this loot yo shut bonus roll [Music] ha bonus roll like I got like what dude like I'm a bonus roll just because it's a new raid [Music] that's really good holy [ __ ] oh my god wait oh my god this isn't pvp dude do think about how ridiculous this is no this is I think this is great oh my god dude let's just bust it dude day one day one heroic war Forge Wow okay that's [ __ ] for you he leaves the dot on you okay dude listen like Wow impressive yeah I mean I I really tried very hard to win that bonus for all I mean come on you've won the lottery okay let's look at the other items that we got though okay um yeah pillar of the Drowned cabal we still don't we got that before every 1000 mana Spence gives you a shield absorbing 2000 damage for eight seconds up to a maximum absorb of 2400 Blizzard have you guys ever thought of having abilities and items that would make the game faster think I'm I'm just saying like maybe that would be a good idea 24k is really good yeah anybody that thinks that it's not really good as an idiot okay okay all right let's see so let's see what else we got here bonus roll Bissell speaker gauntlet look I mean like everything is an absorb like let me just look at the what is it be the guide here the loot okay this is an absorb this is another this is absorb absorb absorb this is a heal like what here does damage slaying an aberration inspires for allies oh yeah that's great if I'm doing my law react give me a time machine to 2011 I'm gonna give a [ __ ] about this why would you even have this in the game this is like it's like oh man I can't believe I brought my insurgents cowering chained to give 73 critical strike rating - for people like this reminds me of those items in vanilla wow that gave you like one strength one agility and nine spirit that they were good for nothing nobody wanted them but you just still had them and I don't know why it's just it's ridiculous okay let's see what else we have that's the item that I got a sling aberration 90% hell damn thing abilities have a chance to deal frost damage high chance to restore yeah a high chance restore not wait wha below 90% health oh that's male holy [ __ ] dude you know like how do you guys feel like I'm actually curious about this how do you guys feel because like obviously wait oh oh fan D fandy got the staff congratulations there you go [ __ ] yeah she's gonna be reading with us next tier so it's actually really good let's see those legs for hunters are insane yo yo by the way like if you don't need those hunter oh wait oh we already did that yeah we're gonna have to do that next week for SSDs that way we can still play with the hunter because that seems ridiculous like imagine like every single time that you get hit there is a high chance of restoring 10000 health I just need the pole arm well let me look at what the pole arm is tried it of the deep ocean so this is so he can be the ocean master taking damage has a low chance to form a protective bubble around you for 40 seconds that absorbs 25% of incoming damage up to 40,000 when the bubble burst increases your primary stat for one minute stacking up to three times I would be completely ok with these items no man stat it's bad well I'll trust you proto over the multi Rank 1 gladiator that's competed at Blizzcon I like why can't they just add in the abilities that like they can counteract this with high damage right I mean because I don't see like what the problem with that is like I really like these abilities I actually I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna say something might be I'm popular I really think this is cool that like they're adding this stuff in you know kill the little mobs okay kill like the void priests and stuff and that way I think they like they spawn too bubbling voids or something actually I have no idea what I'm talking about but we'll just kill the small ass I'm pretty sure they don't respawn and I don't think we're gonna kill the big guy will class you're in partner we play KFC like KFC is not really good this season apparently but you know if somebody goes read the net I drink it okay okay the mail a trinkets feed on seven allies oh yeah yeah and we saw that oh this is it embrace embrace in zooss gift increasing your mastery for 900 for 30 seconds every one second gain suffering inflicting damage is that good like I I genuinely don't know if that's good or not I mean like let's see so okay so I really like this trinket because it's really it's a it's like a plus/minus thing you know like you get something and you lose something I like that a lot okay and try out a friendly target and darkness absorbing so you're basically giving every healer life cocoon and can you use this on yourself there's weight or weight does this PTR is up okay well let me let me go ahead and see if I can start downloading the PTR let me see do I have room to download PTR 7 gigabytes what can I delete fortnight okay let's see how big is fortnight anyway 36 gigs yeah we're deleting 49 okay I've actually thought about getting back into and playing fortnight again I was thing about that action oh yeah today cycle been let me just recycle this and I'll start downloading the the other thing okay cycle been okay it'll delete everything and I'll be fine apex I like apex a little bit better than fortnight but I feel like fortnight's more of a dynamic game apex has a lot of really core problems that I think stem from the fact that every fight and every every time that you like you play an apex game you can basically expect what you're gonna get and fortnight is gonna be it's like there's much more difference in like the the fights and the the games in fortnight and I think it stems from the fact like slaw people have said like Oh apex is boring why do I think people think apex is boring it's because every single gun is very common and if you contrast that with pub G like on a game that you got a car 98 it was like oh my god wow I got a car 98 but in fortnight it's like they're not for tonight in apex it's like every game you get a car 98 and also like long-range combat isn't really rewarded because of how easy it is to heal and recover and also because you're always playing on a team so you know that you're never gonna be able to down somebody and get like lucky snipe and kill them all they're really far away so that's like I mean I'm not like a huge be our guy right like I played them kind of regularly but this is like just my perspective on to think okay let's see I'll start the install okay okay let me know if I think that I might have to change my bitrate cuz I knew I should have downloaded the PTR last night I feel so stupid because I told myself I was gonna do it and I didn't but it's okay is the PTR actually up or are people just trolling okay well I can just keep downloading it off-screen so it's not really a big deal the loading screen is there heyno be arguing right yeah I mean like I've played a lot of be ours before right and I put like a thousand hours or so in the pub G I played fortnight for maybe like 300 hours and I play it like somebody who's played it for three hours and on apex I'll probably put like five six hundred hours into the game so like I'm not like really really into it but you know I think I know enough about it I think I know enough about it to have like you know at least a layman's opinion okay let's see okay it's downloading everything should be fine how is the house of framerate right now zero DPS 10 FPS okay [Music] okay all right I'm thinking what I should do because I could just let this go it's only gonna take like two minutes give me like one minute to do this okay I'm gonna just let this let this go through a bit right after noon a new place yeah yeah I'm gonna take one minute and just make sure it gets like the optimal it's gonna take like literally 30 seconds guys and then we'll get ready and pull the box okay it seems like the smart thing to do okay let's get this done guys make sure that you look up the mechanics and you know exactly what to do okay we're gonna try to not have to use the shield but we might have to will make that decision whenever we get to it all right let's go saved Oh are we good I have things improved already no I have okay let me just pause it right now I'm gonna go ahead and pause the the download and I'll focus on doing the raid right now and I'll do the download afterwards there's no real reason that I have to do it right now okay and I'd like to do it because if the PTR is actually out and I'm able to log onto it I will do it and yeah saved okay we're good guys let's go ahead and get somebody else in here okay everything should be fine check out the caster trinket it's actually really good for DPS okay you're damaging abilities had a chance to launch an oblivion spear at your target afflicting 22 thousand damage on impact this sphere will shadow towards you you will be silenced if struck that's [ __ ] bad-ass that that's actually really really cool I like that a lot if your Turkish lawyer he'll percentage than you you're damaging abilities of a high chance to sacrifice 2,000 of your health to deal 6000 shadow damage I as I said whoever designed these items for one needs a raise and two needs to design the rest of the items in the game I really like the way these items are let's invite the warlock get us something stone down and we'll get him in here this guy's been offline for a while I'm just gonna get rid of him and we're gonna invite another DPS because we're already kind of full on DPS anyway ro did I will invite you if you promise to give the polearm SSDs [Music] oh he left [Music] okay well we'll bring in another Pete appear to get gear all right I didn't even I didn't know I didn't know he left okay let's go this way we'll get him summoned inside and we'll start this up oh we got called into work okay that that's fine we'll do another run of this anyway it's not really a big deal okay let's get this done we got our drink [Music] leggings of the aberrant tyne surge is a hundred dps in Korea actually I'm just gonna keep drinking water right now that's a 100 dps increase over a hundred lakes okay I guess it's not really like super ridiculous then that's probably a good thing though okay let's get done all right everybody's here boys what's just doing just can't catch a break today guys had one good stream yesterday it's all downhill from there okay I'll just keep it off for the first few fights alright let's get this done no I forgot to turn my camera off last night it's it's not the cameras fault it's my fault okay ready check let's get this done we've been doing great so far let's keep it up all my cams muted shut the [ __ ] up you have to use the shield for this well let's get to the point to where you have to use the shield and then we'll we'll cross that bridge when ever we get to it I think that's probably a healthier way of dealing with the fight rather than trying to explain everything at the same time give some people some time to actually understand what to do and what will improve as think go on alright let's go first pool yesterday I did like a six hour stream with the camera and it was fine like it it's pretty clear that it was my car okay remember arrangements make sure you guys are on the edges get out of that swirly boy I said out of the swirly boy not on him okay wait what the [ __ ] what huh move out that what the [ __ ] taystee someone use the void stone why why'd you used why'd you use the void stone what was the what was the plan there guys look I mean I I'm gonna sue me I just didn't now avoid son for no reason didn't break this shield supposed to use the void zone for oblivion tear yeah I mean we don't even really need to worry about that anyway let's go ahead and just rez everybody back up and we'll try that again I'm gonna just I'm gonna write that one off not even worry about it your face cam looks weird today yeah I know I [ __ ] up my camera let me go ahead and read some of these while we wait I just get a rest please I'm lazy you're ready Alok in literal God the litter I got okay you had the hot that okay the capitalized I for the L very clever misfire speed demon Monday and protocol in Windows sour crab Muntz key hey screw a ramblin man I've been a Phoenix centrist thank you guys all for the resub - I appreciate that glad to see you back hope you feelin better hope the rate is going well good luck on getting world first you got this well I mean let's be real guys I mean we've already forsaken thing ever let's hear to sub I mean we've already gotten Laura thank you very much to think if it's up to we've already gotten one world first right I mean we've already gotten world first normal mode and on top of getting world first null mode we probably also had the world first wipe on the first boss - so I mean we're two for two right now and the only thing we need to change is we're gonna make that all the way up to three we're gonna kill this boss world first again and that's gonna be it I'm seeing your name on lines which again we're kind of world first yo thanks - all right let's get this done is everybody else here our dough let's move up guys I'm gonna ready I'm gonna do a pull timer for 20 seconds okay pay attention let's do it right Hallie's right behind you he's gonna be we did so like tally deseed or something like that right and like normal no like that's what I so people are telling me and chatting okayness world records right now yeah exactly yeah I wasn't really sure like what happened God already killed her looking at sword beam on all right well good well no we already did normal like we beat normal like we'd be normal a while ago we should have actually we should just started on heroic man actually no no I think I think sorry Elmo be fine yo hey really good job on standing in that really really good job I want to make sure that you guys understand how good of a job that was hey you know what's even better is tanking the boss we're sorry the mob that makes the boss immune to damage on top of the boss really really good job on that guys really proud of you keep up the good work yeah yeah this is this is really good [Music] yeah just I mean hey we're gonna have to do something about this like I don't know how this group has actually gotten worse from normal to heroic it's like okay well we did it once we used up all of our good brain cells and now we're just using the shitty ones because that's how that's how neurology works I'm pretty sure move out of that okay I just rally don't kill other players here can I kill other players okay good okay just just wipe it just wipe it right now oh [ __ ] attention oh [ __ ] I don't know if you're listening or if you're even alive because it seems like you're kind of not you're supposed to taunt the boss and make sure that you move the boss away from the ad because that's the way the mechanic is supposed to work like what's going on here I did okay here's here's what's gonna happen because you you you did stupid ship with tanking the first boss to cetanas you add about five times okay so you have no idea what you're doing so um here's what's gonna happen if you make another mistake I'm removing you from the raid okay so the reason that the add taunt didn't work is the boss creates his yeah yeah it's true no I know that you did do the time but what you what you might not have known let's go ahead let's open up the dungeon journal this is a warming experience for everyone let's look at undying Guardian or is it here touch of the void Blastoise frontal cone for 130,000 countdown making the current target for 30 seconds inflicting child am here in conditions all undying guardians are unnaturally drawn to this mark to feed what that means is that boon wow actually causes the ads to fixate on the other tank so that means whenever that ability is cast you need to taunt off the other tank units on the boss off the other tank to the other tank can move and go pick up the ads that's how it works like you'd know that if you if you looked up what to do taunt boss off got it okay yeah yeah that that's all you need to do don't worry about it easy oh it's not easy because it was easy you would have done it the first time but hey you know second time that's good enough okay let's get ready and we'll start this avoid crash do we even need to worry about this okay yeah okay almost well at first yeah yeah we're gonna get world-first and like about a minute and a half here no bye bad yeah that's why you have to like I mean it's like you know basically I don't know don't even worry about it dude who gives a [ __ ] like most people come into here like unprepared anyway hard you what do you get lost there we go all right let's get this done everybody come on over here let's start it up is this 8.2 no it's not I'm waiting for the 8.2 patch - I'm ringing for the raid to be over and then I'll do a to catch it plates you bad load of sheep craft well I mean I think a lot of people just like don't really they don't really prepare for the fights I mean like I don't really prepare for a lot of fights either but usually as a DPS I don't really have as much of a responsibility so it's not a big deal go play an eight-point-two well I will play 8.2 but I want to get this done first because are you able to log on to 8.2 or are you just able to to like look at it basically her delight to download it opinions on sex before marriage I don't need to have an opinion on that because the Bible already told me okay ready checking it up and let's get this done [Music] okay let's go boys [Music] can we get dr. pepper I'm the head brother let's go five four okay let's just pay attention do the mechanics right okay I want to I want to see us killing this boss this time okay move out of that swirly boy why please stop getting hit by those wake up please stop getting hit by those they're so easy to avoid come on move the boss around at the outside of the room if we if we have that happen again okay if we have one spawn of manly and that way hopefully the melee will be like hunter pets and they'll just chase the boss and they won't run through the Oblivion's here that's actually a really good place in all right good remember only one stack of this debuff only one stack see this is a to see twos are not once I'm gonna rally right now just to keep everybody alive let's go and just keep this together guys keep it together stay out of those stay out of those moving out of that okay now that our Bolivian terror move out of that really not supposed to have him in the middle of the room like this but it doesn't really matter okay stay out of that why would you stand in that battle reso [ __ ] but battle rest battle sm right now batteries him right now oh [ __ ] taunt the boss okay really good job on using that ability there whoever picked up the item a really really great job okay just wait till we get another battle eyes I will taunt the ads myself okay I'll try to separate the ads down yeah we know you're down you know how we know that's because we have raid frames okay let's get this done focus up resin as soon as we can okay burn them down all righty we're gonna have the the the ads and so just get ready to fight the ads okay move away from that oblivion tear I dream of a world that we don't get hit by every that we don't hit every above in turn like I mean I don't know really if that's ever gonna happen but can you imagine a world where we didn't hit every mechanic possible and do every single thing wrong okay we swap over and kill these ads slop over and kill his ass okay please don't kill these ads all at the same time okay the little ads oh really really good idea their damage down this undying guardian [Music] let's see I don't think we're really gonna have enough damage for that really smart with what you did oh nice dude [ __ ] nice nice [ __ ] job whoever is using that tried in or whatever the [ __ ] that is it does the ability you were doing an amazing job keep that up okay guys battle reso [ __ ] at some point I don't know when that's gonna happen hysteria okay pay attention get out of that oblivion terror let's get this done here we go this is the win I taught this I'd have to talk the boss okay we know we're raising oh [ __ ] okay that's fine all right we're good he's actually back just in time okay get on these Mindbenders here ah dude that's not good actually it doesn't matter it just does a heal okay interrupting that we can use the ability whenever we want but let's just damage these down just kill the small ads okay kill them one group at a time oh man this is really not good okay let's try to damage this thing down right now guys we're really really we're really dropping the ball here like can we please and this is a truly a group effort like it's not just you guys it's me too alright stay on that Mindbender damage these down good okay let's just go ahead and save yeah yeah back on yeah it's back on yeah it's back on yeah it's back on ads interrupt these ads okay and Rupp these ads let's get these guys are in control use the helmet whenever we can wait how did they get heal I'm actually confused about that okay move out of that okay everybody's still alive okay I know this might seem really bad why is the DK always dead what what DK bro what DK let's see what else we have let's get our tank in here okay like I don't know what else you want me to do like I mean the guy was just [ __ ] idiot like I mean just wasted everybody's time like that we can't one tank it's a white it's a white guys I'm really starting to say but it's a [ __ ] white it's just a terrible player and like I don't really mind playing with somebody who like is like a little bit bad but I feel like this person didn't even have like just your traditional game sense and a world this is another tank is this a tank that you think is good I have a tank okay I'm just gonna trust this guy and his judgement okay let's go ahead and wipe and do it again sorry about that guys I didn't know that was gonna happen now I should have removed him after we did the first boss and he was bad with positioning on the first dad but I thought I'd give him a bit of a more chance and it turned out that ended up to be a waste of time so that is my fault we'll go ahead and we'll get this other tank in here he's a DK that knows the the other prot warrior so we should have no more problems with tanking why don't you take well that's actually a good idea I probably should tank well we already got anyone oh [ __ ] no it's okay like I'm not really I'm I'm kind of mad at you because you didn't know what you were doing but Oh absurd you have to go okay we'll get someone else Wow Wow I think we invited this guy before yeah we'll just invite him it's okay [Music] see you later very good right take your fear and I said I'm not gonna get like I try not to get like super mad you know like it's not a big deal like the guy [ __ ] up who cares I mean it's a first day of the new raid like yeah he doesn't know the mechanics like he should have known them but all right we're just summing this guy and he will start it up he just got super mad bro you know I used to stab Forks in my arm you think that I'm super mad whenever I kick somebody at a raid I wasn't mad at all let me see if I can turn the camera back sorry about that guys really sound there okay yeah sorry yeah it's my bad okay bow before your true master his eyes behold every truth and No [Music] I wonder who did that who the [ __ ] rant Auto ran my ass into the boss turd yo like I bet it was oh [ __ ] he got back in the raid and he was trying to control your character to make himself look better so he wasn't the only person in the raid [ __ ] up I'm weary flask here is nobody here I'm ready yeah they are okay let's get this done cam isn't focused oh you're right sorry about that help me I'm gonna just main screen up real quick okay no more there okay that's better good alright yeah dude I can't believe oh [ __ ] messed you up like that how do I avoid getting feared like that by the way I'm not sure how you got feared honestly oh [ __ ] yeah I'm genuinely not sure I think like I mean honestly they're getting feared part like I wasn't really even mad about that it was just like you know that you died again yeah I don't know how you got fear okay let's get this done that's a deep v-neck bro I know dude okay let me ready check actually before we pull did a great job so far guys let's just go ahead and keep up the momentum and we've got a new tank in here and so hopefully a whirl will be able to help him and we'll have better positioning on the ads whoever was doing the the crown before please continue doing that you were doing a great job alright let's go why don't you just kill the boss that's a good idea RS Devin that's a great idea what me [ __ ] her what have we been doing for you I've just been stalling for content bro wait that's all keep moving moving the boss away from me man [ __ ] tanks trying to make me do low DPS you outrun you you didn't outrun that diva won't you stay on the [ __ ] boss and not get hit come on dude pay attention alright we got the first Guardian don't even worry about the Guardians until the end ok we'll probably just be able to kill guardians at the transition don't kill Guardians just get him to 50% or so they do what they're like the immortal Guardians they're like the immortal guardians from yogg-saron the lower health they are though less damage they deal because obviously you guys remember progressing on yogs ero 10 years ago so that's the way the boss works ok security make sure you don't get it by that it's I really don't like how that mechanic works because like you can't easily tell where he's positioned you guys remember ok yeah I thought so that's good I have very high end high end chat a cruise you got hit by that these these void zones I really wish they had like a circle around them like an outer circle and it would make it easier to tell like you know where they are and everything move out of that line nobody should be getting hit by this I said nobody not everybody come on guys pay attention okay get ready to use it can ready to damage these ads down we really shouldn't have killed that undying Guardian okay damage these these ads down now and then we'll use tempest colors use it now oh [ __ ] we're gonna have a Guardian going into this this is really kind of stupid wait what's that what is that item what is this oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that's crazy how much does this do how much does hip for it oh it just oh oh oh [ __ ] you got feared by disability that's why you got feared I I just realized that okay let's swap over and kill these ads I'm like you guys really are like [ __ ] awful at this okay let's keep going if we can damage down all these ads at the same time and just cleave them all down really shouldn't have moved the boss like that all right we should use the thing now yeah damage down these Guardians - okay good job good job get out of that get out of there see if we can get this Guardian to 25 okay we got them great job okay let's get back over to the boss okay good job good job good job let's recover right now recover right now and let's let's keep the boss a little bit closer to the middle here that way it's easier for us to switch over to the ads earner they spawn I interrupt them so we don't get those first casts okay we're doing pretty good now all right soft over killed the ads a noble terror move out of that actually I can just stand in this and just like get out of the the fear right yeah yeah an okay awesome it doesn't even do damage after we start damaging these down we can't let them cast because a cast full heals them okay good we don't want to damage all those down at the same time but we're doing it anyway okay good this is really bad like we should have damaged damage on these Guardians as much as we can okay I don't know if we're gonna be able to this is so bad [Music] just separate them right now separate and right now just keep going just keep going just keep going keep these interrupts out we really really really need to like don't use the the thing unless unless they're in half health okay because too many times we're using it really low are really high and it reduces the raids damage - you guys need to remember that this is so bad let's just let's all agree this is a wipe I mean this is obviously wipe let's just stop why am I taking ads the small ads it doesn't matter so here's what gonna do we're gonna go ahead and I am going to use I'm gonna be using the item myself and if I'm using the item myself that means that I can never complain that somebody else is doing it wrong so I'm gonna do I'm gonna use the item on my own and also like my damage is really bad right now because I'm like spending all the time like looking at grade and like what they're doing so I might as well just use the item so we're gonna go ahead and do that what does papaya mean it's basically like so a lot of people I think people use papaya because they think that [ __ ] is gonna get banned and so they're just like kind of pre-empting you know the language switch but papaya basically just means [ __ ] because like [ __ ] is like one of those words that's like borderline where it's like Oh nowadays it's like kind of a bad word to say or whatever to me I think it's stupid but you know that's that's the way that people are okay multiple people have to use it okay well I'll rotate it with um let's see I'll rotate it with I guess jatt tides yeah jatt tides I'll use mine first okay here we go let's get it done imagine being fended by words I can see like people like thinking the word that's offensive and like it's fine if you're offended I don't care if you're offended I just care if you tell me not to say it because it offends you I think that's the that's what matters I just don't like being told what to do I like other random people you know [ __ ] them let's go ahead and summon everybody over here and group up we'll get this done let's go triggered by emotes come on brah I wouldn't say I was like triggered by collection I was triggered by c'mon bro because I was triggered because I realized that many people could be collectively stupid at the same time because it was I was like wow this is actus can actually this is happening right now it's impressive [Music] okay let's get this done do you like this rate uh yeah yeah I don't like the red I'm I have very very high expectations for mythic I think that mythic on this rate is going to be really really fulfilling and it's going to be a really good rate I really like all these these smaller raids to III just I kind of prefer them personally yeah I usually I do only emotes that I really got rid of or like emotes that I thought like I'd the way that I do it is I think of like the kind of person that uses that emote and it's like do I want that person anywhere near me and usually you know it's like with like the come on bro and stuff it's like the answers probably no so I don't want to like have them you know doing that stuff unlike my stream you know what I mean okay let's get this done guys doesn't really matter about the emotes anyway I just feel like some of the emotes are like toxic and they're used for like just people that are like obnoxious and like just unpleasant to be around and it's like why even really have that on your stream it doesn't really seem like there's a point to it okay get through these lines let's go this is really bad okay focus up guys focus up let's get this done doing pretty well so far okay damage down that other Guardian please do not kill the other Guardian what are you doing wait how did I get it wait what did I just make a mistake okay damage down to son dying Guardian okay killed that one heal that one kill that one kill the other Guardian killed the others already in come on we got him we got him okay good job good job good job alright there's a crown right there in the middle okay guys focus up let's get this done move out of that circle everybody's doing great right now can you get out of that [Music] all right swamp overkill these ads swap over and kill these ads man we really need to watch out for these heels like these heels really need to get like can we get this [ __ ] under control somebody use the tempest use the tempest helm use the tempest Elm let's go damn into all this stuff down okay good good job good job good job all these are gonna die great [ __ ] job get back on the boss you man like what how did the tank die a battle Reza tank as soon as possible you ready to swap over to the ads again let's get through this phase guys get through this face get back on the ads back on the ads okay okay we can use the item now use the item now okay guys I know this is this is a bit of a longer wait how is the tank keep dying battle resume Gann dude battle resume again play it out wait it out play it out I don't want to hear any complaining let's keep going okay cool can't drop below 25 percent during crown yeah I know alrighty guys let's go ahead and just kill these ads okay cleave these down watch this watch literal God literal God right here good role God killing everything literal God killing everything in the entire group look at that I'm so [ __ ] good alright get back on the boss why do you guys keep getting hit by those circles I'm just so confused just stop all right let's go yeah that's that's my DPS right there I do the mechanics just be smart guys be smart I understand the fights taking a long time okay get back on these ads get back on these ads like why are we not like gripping these ads like what's going on like it's like really kind of frustrating that people like nobody knows what they're doing why is nobody picking up the helmet like it feels like sometimes like I'm the only person that knows like what's going on okay damage down these Guardians damage on the Guardians somebody used the helmet somebody use the [ __ ] helmet use the [ __ ] helmet good okay all right get back onto them while just try to push them to where does he transition 45% right he transitions on 45% 40 is it 40 or 45 let's see if it's 45 okay it's 40 okay now he's getting healed again just get through this set of ads and we're gonna push the boss get through this set of ads will push the boss do the thing do the thing do the thing why aren't you doing the thing okay finish this guy at least okay both of these are dead that's actually fine get back on the boss get back on the boss this has taken a long time but we're just gonna sit here we're gonna do it push the boss we're not swapping over to ads this time interrupt the ads yes okay good kill the Guardian kill the Guardian kill the Guardian wait why can't I use this oh it's inactive right now okay give me one second I'm gonna use this as soon as I can okay he's dead all right pop here is some pop heroism right now pop heroism right now big dick on boss big dick on boss big that gun boss copy or ISM right now let's go keep everybody above 25% get out there get get out the [ __ ] and get out the [ __ ] of that okay let's go maximum damage this is it swap on these ads we'll just keep playing it out alright everybody just focus up stayed together with insatiable torment get out of that oblivion tear I swear to God if somebody gets hit by that I'm gonna be mad I'm mad okay keep going stop your AoE damage never you do that okay okay Oh Oh these are in the last phase now okay all right getting out of that big damaged guy's big damaged [ __ ] I tried to I tried to rally for that guy that died a little bit too slow [ __ ] gcd today focus up focus up okay we're gonna have the line soon there's the wines moving away [Music] just keep it up guys keep it up we're doing our best we're not missing that many people okay twenty four percent twenty four percent we're halfway through where's the help can we use the helmet in the last phase or is it just like a burn okay oh man okay it's a way so where is the wires nobody using the helmet then okay here's what we're gonna do we're going to use the helmet on whenever we get three ads we'll use the helmet then we're not going to use the helmet before then on top of that can't you tell unless you call swap to add says they're above 25% no you're right our deal you're right and I will call a swamp to ads this time I'm gonna use the AoE damage roll yeah I know that that's what I'm gonna do use it after whines oh no no we don't want to do that we want to do it after the wines are like after buddy's top two after wines so there's basically two things that make you do a lot to make you take a lot of damage in the last phase there's the lines and then there's also lunacy we need to make sure that like there's no AoE going out whenever you castle into singles like if you do any friendly fire whenever one is C is out your [ __ ] garbage and I don't want to play with garbage so pay the [ __ ] attention and get it right we're gonna invite this mage in here okay did is summoning stone down right now let's get it done like we've had we've had some really good polls I'm really happy with our progress so far but we need to tighten up that last phase and we need to be a lot smarter with the way that we deal with the tempest thing so let's make sure that nobody [ __ ] dies the students mad but look look I'll show you guys this somebody's mad in chat so this guy was trying to message me but he had to be level 3 to message me so while we were doing a fight he leveled up to 3 by killing boars just so he could say [ __ ] isn't a bad word but c'mon bruh is what is wrong with you [ __ ] how do I smell patrician very intelligent okay yeah that that seems very good yeah we're gonna we're gonna report this guy I mean we can't I mean we really just can't have people going around like imagine I just imagine like what's going what's going through that guy's head I mean I guess never I said [ __ ] you know I took it personally which you know I can see why but you know like he's killing boys like I'm gonna give this [ __ ] a piece of my mind I'm gonna let this dude know that he is wrong I don't know right-click report yeah I want to fill out a ticket even like I love [ __ ] people's day up like that let's get this other priest in here we'll start this up I don't want to think about that anymore how many bosses be killed I've killed half of the bosses in the rape I mean - basically - [Music] we ready let me ready check right now just imagine I like sitting there killing horse dude [ __ ] tell Osman Gold [ __ ] dude whoa and then the first time I didn't even like I didn't respond so we send it again he's like hard if you didn't see it I didn't see it saying [ __ ] dude or I guess in it three times I don't know why it's just funny to think of how stupid somebody like that must be okay let's get this done for people like that are probably the strongest uh strongest arguments for post-war Kincaid post birth abortions okay let's get this done we did really well in the first phase let's just go ahead and keep that up move out of that let's make sure that we're we're not standing in those oblivion tears like we've done an absolutely terrible job with that and every single oblivion tear that you get hit by heels the boss I don't think people realize that but that should not ever happen okay let's go [Music] move out of that forever we're not going to deal with the ads at all until we get to the transition and then we're gonna kill the ads with the transition I'll actually start doing it it like I don't know like 70 to 72 percent or some things can move in that was a wide damage mental you need to make sure that you're not standing in the end both the lines at the same time we're gonna take too much damage okay please separate the boss from the ants get out of that okay I'm gonna wait I'm not gonna use the thing right now I'm gonna wait until this is done and like everybody sealed up okay I'll go pick it up and get ready though all right guys you ready to swap over and kill the ads swap over and kill ads now swap over and kill ads now kill ads now look at this timing okay all right get ready somebody needs to pick up the next the next helm for the the first set of ads okay are you gonna discord with them no no I'm just using stream like I mean I've got low latency on I mean it's not really the best solution but it's fine okay let's keep going all right get ready for these ads that are gonna spawn remember we want to have ranged interrupts on these ads get out of that get out of that terror we want to have big damage here okay we're gonna have like massive dick damage like everybody in here needs to be doing a lot more damage than they are doing I probably should just respect the fraud so I have an excuse for sucking dick okay let's go get on these ads get on these ads whenever the ads get the 25% let's go ahead and use the helmet and also damaged down the Guardian - now now now use it now use it now use it now use it now use it now use it now good [ __ ] job okay kill these okay get back on the boss get back on the boss remember momentum momentum guys not momentum into the infinity terror or whatever they're called I didn't mean that type of momentum okay don't even worry about the Guardian we're gonna pull the Guardians on top of the other ads I'm gonna kill all them together okay that's basically what the plan is gonna be okay see how much faster this is this time this is amazing okay swap over to these dads can these ads be gripped okay there we go let's move in all right use the thing actually I'll use it where is it where's the helmet okay somebody's using it good all right let's finish this Guardian all right after this we're gonna push the boss after this push the boss push boss push boss push boss we're gonna push boss and then we'll deal with any ads after the transition okay please don't get hit by that I don't want to heal on right now okay perfect all right damage this town damage this one down damage this one down let's see we really useless sometimes yeah just keep damaging it right now this is perfect let's save our battle res right now I'm using it as soon as I can okay okay big damage on boss after this is over populace and after this is over popular was an app that this is over pop heroism okay let's go boys so let's go big damage we're not gonna swap over to the ads until the third one is up okay all right guys keep it up pop heroes and let's go okay remember whenever he does insanity you don't want to do any any AoE damage stay together also if you get that debuff okay that circle van make sure that you're standing next to the other range why do you use the frost bomb whenever he's gonna do that thank god you're [ __ ] dead now you won't be able to do it again don't rez him okay I'm gonna rally right now like how are you guys so [ __ ] stupid with this friendly-fire [ __ ] okay that's the second dad remember no damage on ads move out of that okay lunacy okay great job there apparently just getting rid of that one guy fix everything okay all right we have the third ad after this is over and after the D buffs are through we are going to kill the ads okay swap over and kill the ads now do not use the thing do not use the thing until everyone stopped okay use it now use it now use it now use it now [Music] okay just keep going are you so [ __ ] stupid like I'm actually starting to get mad [Music] look why would you wait [Music] taystee true I don't get it like why would you do that to admit to wife I mean we can't recover from this ad was at 50% yes the Apple is at 50% and [Music] he would have gone down in 225 because people would do damage and if you waited which you did wait then the debuff would kill the players that are under 25 percent because lunacy would have happened and people would have friendly fired because they're [ __ ] dumb so we want to use it in between the window between the lines and lunacy and then we have all three of the ads together we kill all three of them then lunacy happens the debuff is there expired so it doesn't even matter whenever it happens at the beginning and it would be no [ __ ] problem that it was so simple it's so [ __ ] simple there is literally three things that you need to time and manage and pay attention to get it right please it doesn't make them immune to damage it makes them take half they have six million health I think that we could do three million effective dps I'm not mad [Music] I'm just disappointed [Music] I expect better of you guys and you were going to rise to that expectation you're gonna stop playing like robots and you're gonna do this right I believe everybody I'm not gonna kick and nobody's getting kicked out of this ring nobody's getting kicked out you're killing this boss I want you to [ __ ] look look at yourself in the [ __ ] mirror okay and tell yourself turn your monitor off I guess half people probably already do have never done that step turn your mind or turn keep it off look in the mirror look in the [ __ ] screen glare and look in your own goddamn eyes and say I can do this and then you turn your monitor off and then you [ __ ] do it okay you guys are just about as [ __ ] confused doing this fight as I was explaining that and that's really bad pay attention let's get this done okay all right we did let's suck what one positive before we start circle phase two was flawless [Music] like Phase two is actually really really good so let's keep let's keep that up and that we're gonna be just fine let's go is you know it's wake up story that's all like I mean committee looks like let's use potions in phase 3 I'm gonna use potions or buddy's potions in pastries whenever we get heroism spur gourd and they like both of you guys stood in the thing like it's not a big deal but it's just one of the things that shouldn't it shouldn't happen yeah we're killing this boss if I have to drag you kicking and screaming to ahead of the curve hey that's the way it goes I was talking about working out earlier anyway it's gonna happen keep damaging down the boss okay first sad about that let's just move past that I forgot all about the line you guys also really need to be a lot smarter with not getting 2d buffs in the last phase that was a really big mistake we made last time okay looking at error I move out of that alrighty let's go ahead and get ready to swap over to the ads I'll pick this up are we gonna push him before he does the second dad no no we're not okay alright as soon as he transitions kill the ads I'm gonna just start working on this ad anyone okay kill the ads kill the adds don't resum do not resin king it what happened there is I use the crown at the same time is you got hit by the void zone and it took you under 25% help that means that it instantly killed you that was your fault you should have not got hit by that void zone let's focus up don't battle rez him until the third phase let's get this done should not have got hit by that either another mistake can't you get out of that all right someone needs to get ready to use the crown remember these dads come up get ready for these ads really great damage on the boss let's keep up the momentum okay there's the ads really good positioning on these ads too let's cleave them all down all right use the thing now [Music] use the thing now great amazing timing okay amazing timing that's exactly what we want to see like the way that you did that was perfect okay whoever did that great job okay focus up always focus up someone else needs to get ready to use this second or sorry that the crown this time okay someone pick it up and get ready move out of that [Music] okay there's the ad - everybody swap over and kill these ads [ __ ] camera isn't working that's too goddamn bad we're killing this boss right now I'll swap it after the transition good job really great job let's keep this up okay finish the boss okay we're good finished boss okay all right and lemon Guardian don't even worry about it why did you run through that are you guys [ __ ] blind why would you run into that and why okay don't even worry about that Guardian focus entirely on the boss right here focus entirely on the boss pop heroism pop your potion let's go move out of that somebody's gonna get hit by that I just know it there we go okay get ready for lunacy don't a OE I swear to God if I see a frost war of during lunacy I'm gonna be pissed [Music] okay lunacy is gonna be going out get ready really great job on that okay we could do a little bit better with the the DK if you could be a little bit smarter with your d buffs other than that that was a really really good a good try let's go and just get through these right now separate the boss okay after this we're gonna use the the helmet we're gonna use the helmet right now get everybody healed up everybody k let's start damaging down the adds damage down the adds now damage down the adds now finish this last batch this is really bad [ __ ] [Music] [Music] I'm thinking what we're gonna do we that was kind of my fault okay alright so here's how we're gonna handle it from now on because if we have the helm go off no it was my fault like I mean it was my fault so let's talk about that we are going to have to use the helm after the second set of after the second one is C so after the second one to see we're gonna use the helmet I don't want to wait and try to do it in between because it's just too much of a risk so after the second lunacy everybody gets topped and we're gonna use the helmet now the risk there is gonna be with the beams and that's gonna be a personal responsibility thing so it uses many personal cooldowns as you have there and let's make sure we go into that phase with everybody alive and we have battle roses too okay let's get this done see if I'm up for the next place I know dude get your food bucks that was a really good try it was bad timing that was on my part bad timing and we're gonna do better this time [Music] why is your camera so low quality because the camera just said it's just shitty okay [Music] everybody here let's get this done can you go over insatiable torment yeah I will go over insatiable torment right now so basically you need to if you have insatiable torment you need to stand next to other people that don't have it and it's kind of a soft and rage where we have to kill the boss before insatiable torment becomes overwhelming so if you get the circle around you for insatiable torment be standing next to somebody else so you can actually feel them and in a group preferably and that way you heal yourself up as much as possible let's go [Music] ready check right now we'll get this done [Music] [Music] okay okay let's get this done this is the kill think like a winner imagine yourself killing this boss okay focus up everybody focus up let's get this done we've done really well so far let's just keep up the momentum and keep going [Music] maximum damage can't get out of those swirly boys nobody should be getting hit nobody should be getting hit good this is the kill right here can we ban the people that are talking [ __ ] about hotted get the [ __ ] out of my stream you're [ __ ] disgusting you know talk [ __ ] about hotted I wonder what you look like okay let's get this done damage down the ads right now davon sound the ads right now get on the other rap it's not good get on the other ad okay kill that one right there I I don't want like that kind of like [ __ ] like I've just been reading my chat like for past like five minutes like there's just a bunch of like toxic artists and there's the [ __ ] out dude like I I don't know I don't know like what what I did in the past like 20 minutes to to do that but just stop okay okay you get these ads together let's get it done yeah great grip good job on those grips okay let's get ready to use to think it ready to use the thing let's get this Guardian down use it use it okay good good finish these guys off finish this goes off see we can still damage through this it's not ideal but we can do it good job okay get back on the boss come on man like let's get on the ball with these okay somebody else seems to use this next this next item - I can't quite do it okay get these ads together grip the ads together well you could be really good we can grip that one nice yes okay all right get these together get these together a OEM down okay use the thing use the thing okay good that one's dead and finish this guy off will be good okay push boss push boss push boss push boss this is it boys this is it pushing before the next set of ads please don't spawn please don't spawn please do not spawn yes okay good all right let's go what is this here can I wait for this should I even do this no no it's not worth it it's not worth it don't use it don't use it don't wait for after this move them away from this wait for after this and we'll pop heroism use use your potions use everything menu use heroism whenever we have a 50% damage reduction wait what's going on okay let's get this done big damage as much damage as you can let's go lunacy is gonna be soon you should have waited on that frost orb that frost robe is gonna be up there and lunacy probably it's gonna be bad okay big damage move away from that this is the kill right here [Music] why would you do that it doesn't matter okay focus up focus up how many 2 stacks do we have by rally here we had so many two stacks [Music] okay move them out of that keep them circled around we're doing really well keep it up I'm gonna see again okay we're gonna get ready to use the thing after this everybody swap over to the ads right now everybody swap over to the ads right now so I'm part of the ads right now so I'm over to the ads right now so I'll put the ads right now stay alive use any personal that you have to stay alive here we just can't do it like keep going keep going keep going you know what keep going keep going I don't care keep going we're gonna kill them right now focus up do not let on or I'll die do not let on or I'll die stay on the boss we're not doing another set of ads keep the boss away from the ad to keep the boss away from the ads separate them separate them right now I could get out of that might have been latency could just been my own fault [Music] taystee true [Music] I'm just thinking right now on a strategy okay here's my tentative plan they were tested and found what if we never killed the ads [Music] but what if we never killed the ads tanks will die I don't think they will yeah I think that's what we need to do why not 20 tanks well that's a great idea but what are we gonna do with the other 10 slots DK died every time the DK died because he was doing the mechanics incorrectly I wouldn't really say that's the D case that that was the default of the strategy more so the fault of the player don't kill last set of ads in the end yeah I think so [Music] what if I take them I mean I might as well write I mean yeah I'm gonna respect I'm gonna tank laughs a warrior hardest [ __ ] look man it is hard to suck everybody looks to you for direction people are like man how do we play the game Warriors are the only ones that know all right let's get this done I've gotten I mean this is my main spec right I mean I've got like all 420 as write with best in slot traits these shoulders actually are not very good I don't have a deafening deafening crash on my shoulders but do a passion of mine and count surprisal not amazing but you know whatever the helmet is really good and so is the chess piece I'm happy with both of those okay on the air tank on Crown cuz thanks again yeah one other person needs to deal with the crown - rotten log is gross what do you mean dude do you know how long this [ __ ] took me to get this is the full elite war frontier I've been farming this [ __ ] on three different characters for like two months and on top and I'm using my tab for 2,400 you're gonna tell me my trans Malik sucks dick [ __ ] off it's really good everybody loves it if you don't you're banned when we ready check and start this up again okay we're doing great I'm not mad like just keep it up keep up the good work that's great yeah thanks guys I know I know all right let's go if this doesn't work Brittany we're gonna try your idea okay his idea is to use the healing word more often I'm a little bit skeptical about that but we'll see what happens and basically like my job only really happens in Phase three so like right now I'm kind of just killing okay as I'm thinking yeah yeah and what's my damage right now anyway it still kind of sucks but it's about the same as fury [Music] okay there's first ad stay out of the swirly boys good job avoid the mini swirly boys bad job MAV MAV oh you're not supposed to get hit by that okay how's law damage I don't know why it was so much that time what the [ __ ] okay get ready to use the crown get ready to use the crown let's get this done move out of that don't they see it okay kill the undying guilty and bang let's go use it use it use it use it let's go good job all righty here we go I will reaiiy will do tanking on this one okay Liana overall and I will do tanking you just focus on positioning the ads in a good way okay you just focus on ads first oh he's got he's got his cooldowns up okay good job make sure we get this other Mindbender over great job I'll use my CDs here okay got the boss let's see I'll just use this for now I just went under 25 percent Oh what are you doing over there dude okay alright big damage guys let's get this done this camera camera dead okay I need to just turn it off for a while okay just give me one second okay tanking is so easy you can literally just tap out okay finish that set of ads and we'll push the boss King it if you ever die again you're kicked out of the raid you were the only player that ever dies and like nobody else is dying you've died more than anyone else okay push boss push boss like I don't care why you died like you just you just make too many mistakes push boss good alright do not kill the gun actually can we kill the Guardian right now if we can't do it if not don't do it don't do it by now that's stream delay yes that that's not his fault okay let's get this done big damage guys oh nice good hero isn't again and make sure to keep using heroism whenever we have the 50% damage reduction okay it really helps out the raid [Music] okay this is it boys this is it focus up no damage on ads big dick on this box okay battle Reza here's my fault my fault my fault keep it up keep it up guys keep it up focus the boss focus the boss big dick on boss big dick on boss big dick on boss okay 25 percent do not die do not [ __ ] die wannabe okay come on let's get this done 17% why did you run through those okay keep it up all right this is big damage on me here I've got shield wall up taystee stroll your turn [Music] I'm just going to kick this guy at the raid was okay majors are a lien okay that guy just kicked he just died to me he dies like every pole like he's just trash like why are people get like [Music] oh man check friendly-fire okay how do I check friendly fire oh it's storm you're right no nevermind [Music] nevermind [Music] okay um yeah for a second I was really upset get a get a rise out please I'm deciding what we should do shouldn't be casting blizzard and phase three no reason III don't know what he's supposed to do okay tell them when they hear oh yeah like who popped hero last pull because it was heroism so it was either Zoll she or Jat tights who was it that popped heroism ill bushi theme was the five gifted subs man thank you thank you thank you who was it the pop tier was amaz poll I want to know okay [Music] all right so I use it because I thought we weren't using crown okay well I yeah just make sure you don't do that again all right yeah we're using ice crown it's like here's the thing is it like if I stay tank all we have to do is kill the ads once and we beat the fight but we can't do that because people just keep taking so much extra damage IRA's TCR thank you very much the [ __ ] you that subs again man thank you thank you thank you so much dude I appreciate it hang a deal with self-healing the boss does at 18% hell he doesn't really do self-healing does he what are you talking about self-healing he just dies yeah there's no self-healing he does it all [Music] yeah yeah that doesn't happen it's just because people were running into the the DeVos [Music] okay yeah we're gonna have to kill the ads we tried not killing the ads I don't think that's gonna work with our damage like maybe in like a week or two we'll be able to do that but right now it's not going to happen yeah let me I'll just go to about I'm gonna go back to DPS cuz like tanking it didn't really seem to help us okay I'm just thinking what we can do explain the lasers you're right about that so the lasers you get hit by one laser and then you need to wait for your debuff from that laser to fall off before you get hit by the second laser there are so many people that are getting hit by both lasers that can't happen like I'm gonna start calling people out like I don't know like why this is why this is going wrong but like we really need to get like weeds get our [ __ ] in gear let's go I'm already checking we're gonna pull we are gonna kill the ads we were going to kill the ads after the second lunacy well I have to maybe I don't have time I just don't I don't know like I'll do that I'll do the timing in my head on the first one and hopefully that should help are we pulling with 29 yeah we're gonna pull at 29 okay I mean we were basically pulling with 29 anyway so I mean business as usual the boss just got a nerf act like it's a you know yeah just act like the boss got an earth flew open to pooping the news to 20 gifted subs holy [ __ ] Thank You Man thank you thank you thank you I really [ __ ] appreciate that thank you so much okay let's go like [ __ ] yeah I appreciate that man Oh glory to the master focus up guys focus up just get back to that same place that we were at why do you guys keep getting hit by those like I I'm gonna look and see who's getting hit by these oblivion tears after this because this is insane like Sarris you're just getting hit by everything dude if you oh I'm not not you specificity you got hit again it's driving me crazy man the 60-odd like why do you have to debug like what are you doing [Music] Zehra Slyke that's the way she goes boys damage down the ads okay kill that guy this one's not gonna die cuz he used it too early let's go big damage on boss big damage on boss alright here we go phase two no one's dead ready kill first add to fast yeah anybody that was attacking down well being Guardian ahead of time this is an idiot okay ads are up get them together get all of these ads together let's go get all of these ads together where's the thing used to thing used to think damage down the Guardians okay the job good job okay let's go get back on the boss back on the boss what why would you break that one okay keep going are people getting hit by these on purpose stop getting hit by the void zones okay get on the ads [Music] bottom and good job really really good job on that timing there really good job rally right now cuz we're kind of well I don't want anybody to go under 25 great job okay we're gonna have to deal with the third set of ads because people kept getting hit okay here we go we're gonna kill all of the ads in the transition just push the boss into the transition then we kill the ads okay really rich fool okay get over there why wait what wait why did that one get popped what the [ __ ] is going on kill these ads or sorry kill the boss yeah we've got have to just killed it yeah just killed it let's go okay let's go kill these boards dad oh my god [Music] how can I check damage taken viability okay oblivion tear so Kiera accrues and trippy gee baby why did you get hit by wait why did you get hit by to oblivion tears like I'm just so confused a mistaken is literally nothing so whenever you get hit by an oblivion tear it heals the boss for 1% health that's why it's bad it's not because of the ability itself okay apparently we're still doing the boss so let's go I honestly I just I thought it was a wife let's go burning down [Music] okay here we go frost work out again big mais can you tell me what you died to like okay frost or actually no ice Lance why would you cast ice Lance if you have piercing ice during the transit during the four seconds of the fight where you can damage your your teammates you guys crazy to the mast can I keep going [Music] this is gonna be really sketchy he's got to get hit by that I can heal myself okay focus up guys focus up that's a wife wait no it's not no it's not it's not a wife but did we kill any Guardians okay stay on the boss stay on the boss move out of that stay on them focus up focus up 10% just stay on this boss battle res anybody that we can battle res anyone that we can let's go let's see some [ __ ] battle Reza's come on [Music] keep going keep going keep going he's got 12 million and so I'm just gonna get it by both of these anyway I'm dad so let me read your death log again so you said that you died too got hit by Van mangos I glacial spike by 60k than an ice Lance from him also van mongos that's what I'm gonna call you from now on van mongos why did you decide to kill one of the party members like great hell stone usage the debuff that I had reduces all healing taken by zero or sorry by a hundred percent did I so are you so you're saying that you're so stupid you don't even know what your characters doing like are you [ __ ] blind like I mean me [ __ ] I mean like [ __ ] okay I planned out what we're gonna do all right van [ __ ] if another player dies and a glacial spike or a frost orb or ice Lance from you is on their death log you're out of the rate you're out of the raid because this is ridiculous can we kick what can we kick Kiara XO the mage he literally spell steeled and interrupts and polyed me two times in a row where can i track CeCe [Music] like yeah alright let's just do this again okay rez this guy I don't want to have any trolling around okay if there's anybody who's [ __ ] around even in the slightest you're kicked out of the right because I'm okay with people that are just like they don't know what they're doing but if you're actively working against the raid and you're trying to make things go go badly I will kick you out immediately okay like I I'm not gonna waste any more time with this so let's focus up and pay attention and get this right because this is absolutely unacceptable get this done and get it right all right let's get this done check flask oh yeah I thought I clicked it all right ready checking let's go [Music] though damage uncheck auras I'm not going to waste my time with it right now okay this is the kill this is the kill right now let's go pay attention and get it right is eros I mean I know you're not tank speck but you might as well if you're gonna tank every void zone let's go then he's gotten hit by every single one okay focus up it's not a big deal if we hit those right now like Jats hides why do you have two stacks men and big minds why do you guys have two stacks of the debuff like you're standing there's no excuse for that let's go okay get out of that all right get out okay let's go damage this down damage on the other guardian alright boys this is it this is the kill right now focus up and let's get it done play like a champion nobody [ __ ] dies what are these annoying [ __ ] messages that keep coming up all right get over here is it like a toy that's so annoying okay me all right the image down these ads what's the stare even do Oh Mason go faster all right okay damage this down keep going I want you to rez Eris I want you to rest him right now rez Eris right now I don't care if you die dreads them right now Xero's if you die again you're kicked out of the rate this is your last shot right now it's not next poets right now kill these ads okay get on the small ads go to small ads focus up apparently it's the outside lip of that not the inside my fault there okay kill these good good good good alright back on the boss back on boss let's get this done this is it bad arrest Andy [Music] okay probably should've just stayed on the on the boss there it's my fault okay [Music] interrupt these let's go get them down rallying right now we didn't even kill any of these okay good we killed two of them that's fine man like this face is taking forever that's okay though that's okay like don't worry about it guys don't worry about the face taking a long time all right this is totally fine slow and steady wins the race if it takes longer that's just okay stop damage get on these ads actually we can just push them right now and kill the ads in the transition it doesn't matter boys play like a [ __ ] champion and let's kill this goddamn boss let's go pop heroism as soon as we get out of this space use your potions and let's get them down let's go let's go let's go pop heroism pop off get out of that move the boss thirty percent let's go try to move the boss over to the other side of the room okay because there's less oil less pools over there yeah please move in the other side the road good job on delaying that trap now somebody's gonna get hit by these I just know it yeah there's one I'm so bad I'm actually so bad at this game I was totally my fault okay to stay focused we've got lunacy coming up [Music] focus up when are we using the thing okay we're gonna wait for three ads and we're gonna use it oh this is really bad III there's no way I can avoid this other one is there I did I did okay good separate them separate them separate them please [Music] okay this one's gonna die anyway it's fine it'd be really good if we killed that one but I don't think we can right now okay that's in there frost orb in melee okay this is fine this is fine we can survive we can survive battle rez the other tank battle runs the other tanks separate that separate them from the boss we can kill them here we can kill them here just keep the tanks up keep our [ __ ] tanked up let's go pull them back pull them back we may late on ads away I'm gonna merely talk the odds away if the ads are fixated on the tank [Music] [Music] tasty straw DK's and demon hunters can taunt and pop the defensive that's not how it works unless there's some sort of like a bug [Music] I'm deciding what we can do we're gonna kill it I mean like I'm just trying to decide what to do kamilly who's the void stone and run over the pools can we do that we'll have to work together this okay is it knocks back replace little DPS called heard that's not the problem okay nobody is getting kicked they're removed that that's not the issue like I'll kick people or remove them if I feel like they're actually a detriment applies embraced avoids all features and players additionally perhaps to gaster run over void pool with the void stone during transitions if there's a healer who trusts themselves enough to do that I'm down to do that but I don't know if we have somebody like that I'm really not sure okay mental druid says I've been bottom heels and getting two stacks I'm gonna go cuz I'm dog trash all right I'll see you later man let's go ahead and get somebody else in here let's get this done got this deposit oh we're gonna kill it okay we're gonna invite this guy right here the experience okay let's invite him let's see who all should we take over all invite Sarah Huckabee this guy was in here before okay let's go that should be the the full group that we need the Perry Revere yeah I doing true pair if I could get a res and a stone down that'd be ideal yeah thank ya a little bit too thick but that's okay alright I dropped a hammer okay thank you so the ranged and everything need to be farther away or at least like on the edge of the room because people keep getting stacked up and that's why we have all those D bucks everywhere let me see like what's our healing right now I look at our healing okay I mean this is fine like I mean it's not the best but it's fine yeah this is okay all right let's see here see the crown of ground don't sit next to it yeah let's get a summon stone down and let's go ahead and get this done we had a really really really good pull but we need to do better with not getting hit by those debuff if a Heuer thinks that they can get the void zone and void stone and pick up all the the d buffs do it but i don't know if you know how to do it okay replace the lowest DPS each Pole yeah I mean that's not really how you how you succeed I mean like doing DPS and like killing a boss like obviously they're they're related but they don't necessarily like require one other like you can have people that do bad DPS here's one way to put it if you have 30 people that are really really good at DPS and terrible at mechanics you're not going to kill the boss but if you have 30 people that are really really really good at mechanics and their damage isn't ideal you will kill the boss every time mechanics in BFA that's what matters like there's no hard DPS check-in here like there's no there's nothing in here it's a hard DPS check both no you don't need both like you can auto attack this boss down probably like this boss fight can probably take twice as long as it's taking now and if you have people that perfectly execute the mechanics it will die but if you have people that have shitty [ __ ] shooting mechanics you'll never kill it that's the way that it works mythic Jeana no you're right there are exceptions but we're not at mythic Jeana right now okay let's go enough [ __ ] if here's can absorb some of the the circles do it but I don't want to take any risks let's get this done we've been here for a while we need damage for mechanics so how it works okay wait this guy left okay there's nothing else we can really do about that let's just go just keep going yeah that's pretty shitty let's go [Music] [Applause] there's a lot of people that are like stuck in like the wrath of the lich king like mentality where the only thing that matters I'm like fights is damage because the boss fights have no mechanics and like maybe that's true in like normal mode or something but on heroic and everything like the main challenge to raids now is actually just being able to do the mechanics and execute them nowadays like that's the only thing that really matters everything else is kind of irrelevant and and I'll actually be honest I think that I think that it should go back to the way it was entrapped well like damage really mattered a lot I don't like how you can't skip a lot of things with damage now that's obviously the way I personally feel about it yeah okay let's get this done whenever I said to absorb them running into them to heal the boss wasn't what I was thinking okay here we go I did that on purpose all right boys here we go can we timeout the people that are like spamming to get things it's just time about like the whole day is it's annoying all right here we go big damage guys big damage move out of that we had a perfect poll last time let's just have another one of those okay there's the ad see everybody get on the ad server to get on the ads get on the ads get on the ads really good grip there amazing grip perfect yes yes good job I'm not gonna be able to kill this in time yeah we good okay good you can use my thing there when Anna Oh No rez Liana rez Liana why let's just run into it okay here we go second set of ads is gonna be soon get ready this is it [Music] not one I'm okay with that way that wasn't a big deal because we're gonna transition after this anyway might as well kill a few more okay good all right this is as good of as good of a poll as we're gonna have let's do a boys [Music] so it begins let's go by the money outside here remember about this lunacy don't get hit by this lunacy don't cleave with lunacy okay this is it this is where we [ __ ] win wanna be almost died there where does that damage I'm gonna take two that damage should be fine damn it should be fine I should just stand on the boss there I don't know why I ran away don't res anybody except for the tanks this is really bad I'm in a rally for this lunacy how many people died of that only like three we can still do it we can still do it everything's fine we can still do this all right focus focus the boss focus the boss focus the boss focus the boss let's go guys come on yeah keep the tanks up keep the [ __ ] tank so stay on the boss stay on the boss stay away from those pools do not get it by those pools this is gonna be really tight really really tight focus up taystee [Music] your dream has ended I feel like we're we're like we're wiping at the same place every time we need a backup tank for the last phase I don't know if we need a backup tanks like that Stan yeah that's not really a I mean that was also from Van [ __ ] so I would I wouldn't really take the suggestion to seriously kill two ads in Phase three instead of waiting well we didn't do it correctly you know 30min group only look at deaths let me see how people are dying okay let's see miscellaneous deaths Liana you just got male aide probably should have used some sort of a cool-down I mean that's like three seconds four seconds [Music] wait why did why did the tank those 30 seconds without even getting without even getting a heal I code by soren 25% yeah I see that it's a ZK yeah I mean they should weigh oblivion tear so trippy trippy what is it that you like why is it that you have such a hard time dealing with oblivion ter because you you just keep getting hit by it and I don't really know why like it's like this is like the eighth time I've seen you get hit by the same mechanic who's this world person like I I'm just I don't know what to what to say I don't know why we're inviting another healer especially a paladin but it doesn't really matter van mango let's see you died too like why don't like I accidentally jumped over one they have a Z plane - I'm fell rushing and err over it no you're not because you're getting hit by it why would you in fell Russian air over it to begin with like why would that even be like a strategy that you would be trying to trying to do like your damage is [ __ ] terrible you're doing less damage than me and I'm not even playing the game half the time why don't you stop trying to be some sort of a [ __ ] ninja and just play the game and not [ __ ] the boss up for everybody if you hit one of those things you basically heal the boss for more damage than you've done for the entire fight so just stop playing like [ __ ] like I mean just think for like three seconds please okay am i great guys am I am I crazy I don't know what's wrong man there's no there's no way this is like I feel like if I'm not crazy like I will be after this [ __ ] raid like this is insane he's doing his best no he's not no he's not he's not like I I expect more out of people like I have invited you guys cuz it cuz you're good at the game like [ __ ] play like it prove me right tighten it the [ __ ] up in that last phase [ __ ] survive let's go battle rez Britney Perez Britney and let's do this I made a mistake here champ expecting something out of the wild community no it's fine man like obviously you know we're not this is not the greatest run that I've ever done but it's pretty good you know maybe this is a I'm thinking about this maybe this is actually a probably this is part of the raid and it's like Nezhat driving you insane because he puts all these mechanics in the raid that one person can [ __ ] you up on so it ends up actually turning the players insane you think about this is actually really smart I mean it's like the best raid blizzards ever made I mean the mechanics are in and out of game if Britney doesn't come back in a minute we're gonna go ahead and just find a replacement for him let's go ahead and take let's take probably wild torque if we get somebody else this guy it's a guild member is this a Raider or just like a random person it's a random person okay I don't know if this guy's any good okay we'll get Brittany 30 more seconds I wouldn't want to kick him out after he's been here the whole time so we'll take a second and see if Brittany he'll come back okay just a second let me go ahead and read some of these before I get too far behind thank you guys for all the racist purses a hand waiter Sexy's poofy puppy thank you very much tigey's angel Mario AI a message snapped by moderator don't be a bad boy thank you very much the two hours I appreciate that anonymous thanks to a $2 as well I appreciate that to the pale wood how long think are up to the 500 bits then watching your content since late mom great to see you back again well thank you very much man it's great to be back Khalil thank you very much for the $2 I appreciate that Yasmin Gold make world of warcraft great again bran just trying to make this raid great once all right I'll talk about the game afterwards thanks to the 2 bucks do I appreciate this is a DK sorry give me a break rate since day one we invited a promise not to die so much I promise to try my heart out to live please give me one more chance and if I [ __ ] up again okay keep me gone give me another chance jewel men like I mean listen like you made a lot of mistakes like let's be real like you made a lot of mistakes and I I don't want to be rude but like I'd rather take a chance with a new player like I I get it's just that alt of trial okay I'll take him having a having a monk is actually really useful let's go ahead and summon this guy in here and we'll get this done and like like you just made a lot of mistakes and maybe you'll come in and maybe you'll do well but there's nothing really for me to think that would happen like the only way like I'll be honest like if people really really really want to get into the raid the odds are they're probably gonna play well or at least play better than average because they don't want to get kicked out so oh man man go left okay let's get someone else to [Music] we don't need another tank though should we invite Ron Jeremy yeah we're doing it okay let's get a summoning stone down for Ron Van mango thanks a lot for coming man appreciate it sorry you weren't in for the kill alright let's get this done he's a cult earrin juice okay dude all right let's get this guy summoned in I know there's some new players in here so hopefully we'll still be able to keep our momentum let's get this done all right the day one not going to no fight that's a decayed just mess with a guy kicking out IQ doubt still learning it the idea was to learn it before you came in right and also like like what do you need to learn about like standing out of like void zones like that's that's like a base game mechanic to I mean if it was like something like fight specific that you did wrong I've never kicked you out for that but like I mean you just didn't understand like face mechanics and like that's that's why I removed you like I mean how many times you have to get hit by that to know that you're not supposed to get hit by that all right let's get it done okay focus up let's do it I think this is the kill yeah this this is definitely the kill we've got a new group fresh people and I think they're ready to win 100 [ __ ] percent neo pay attention no reason for you to be getting hit Sarah and in drove you you guys both got hit as well no reason you get hit don't read Zak right now don't read Zak I want to save reza's for the last face Zak I don't know how the [ __ ] you died dude okay let's keep going can move out of that okay spit the other ads out let's do a voice this is gonna take a while to kind of damage down this is really kind of scuffed but that's fine okay yeah we're gonna have to just wait until the first set of ads unfortunately [Music] okay guys let's get it done get out of that circle everybody focus up just get it right don't do anything stupid just chill out and let's get to that last face why would you use that why wouldn't you just use frost orb on the ads I mean if the ads are about to come up why wouldn't you just use it on there okay all right damage these down good that's one down two down three down okay hopefully we'll kill this one too good job the people just like not thinking all right focus focus let's get back on the boss alright that guy's gonna heal we'll just damage him down with the next set of ads the damage is really negligible so I'm not too worried about it here we go boys this is it all right ads are coming out they're ready okay it's gonna have a void that's okay burn these down burn these down finish him finish him interrupting that nice okay I don't know if we should just go into the next transition or not I think we probably should let's go yeah just stay on the boss push them push boss push boss yeah we can just we can do it during transition oh that's not good somebody's gonna get hit by that yeah I just knew it [Music] okay all right there's transition kill the ads right now this is perfect this is absolutely perfect let's go a little bit early but I guess it's actually not because now you're using it okay that's true fine never mind never mind good job okay this is it boys everybody is alive let's get this [ __ ] done let's go pop heroism maximum damage [Music] okay he's going down really really fast keep that in mind we're gonna have lunacy going out get ready get ready for a woman to see good good job all right now get ready for the beams stay alive do not [ __ ] die do not even think about [ __ ] dying do not even [ __ ] think about not don't even think about not thinking about it don't even just just do the fight let's go great job get out of that focus up this thing okay this is it yeah kill the ads kill the ads kill the ads kill the ads big personal cooldowns use every personal cooldown that you have right now use every personal that you have do not [ __ ] die kill at least one ad good get back on the boss get back on the boss get back on the boss stay on the boss we can kill the boss we can kill the boss okay we've got to stand that now they were not the ones you songs remaster we will find others to open the way does she know it was not a kill I don't think that we would have been able to do it I don't think we're gonna be able to [Music] I should not have switched the ads there I mean like I really think that we need to kill the ads like the crown phase [ __ ] you every time well yeah that's because people don't know how to use any personal cooldowns or they don't know how to play the game like anybody that died at that point let's see let's look at deaths here miscellaneous deaths so insatiable torment piercing gaze and then you died with cheat death still deny elation so probably didn't use cloak let's see what about this one here use any any personal heals like there's no there's nothing like I just I don't understand how how nobody here knows how to use a personal cooldown I can guarantee you every single player in this raid can survive through that and even if some of them couldn't the other half could it's a foreigner cahit no city involved there wait what's a foreigner cahit nobody's getting hit for 400 K would you get hit for 400 K what about Nyad let's see so you're getting healed you don't use a you don't use a hailstone you don't try to use like really anything you don't try to use like drain y4o I know you use a little bit no that's leech nevermind like world like you don't bubble okay I don't are still on cooldown there's no point in the game that in the fight where you should use your you're sorry hell stone not har stone there's no point where you should use your health stone besides that like if you don't have your personal cooldowns up at that point it's because you're bad you need to use tank bubble there no we don't I think maybe we could like maybe that would work but I don't think that's necessary for for us to win okay let's get red quest summoned in here and let's do it again I mean like I don't know how I can be I'm trying not to be like toxic or like rude right but at a certain point it's just it's kind of like frustrating because I don't know really what to do because it seems like these things are like this should be common sense right and like what to do and I don't know how to how to communicate that the deaf dogs had 480 K Overkill's yeah the reason why they had a 480 K overkill is because they reached 25% health and whenever you reach 25% health the helmet there instantly kills anything under 25% health those are mobs and also players that that's why it was a four hundred eighty k hit okay let's go and start booting for you're kidding mistakes but it's like it's not even that simple right I mean like Oh summon Aquaman or aqua Imperium because you're using a crown during double beams we have to jack this we have to use it during double beams because if we wait until after double beams what's gonna happen is we'll we'll run into hitting lunacy so it's like you either do it during beams or during lunacy and like my logic is that at least during beams you can heal other players so might as well do it during beams okay let's get this done can you just ignore crowned in Las Vegas I think that maybe on that poll we could've I mean realistic I think I think we might have been looking but it would have been a really big risk okay let's ready check and get this done what let's get it done boys [Music] we're coming back to stream hey it's my pleasure might seem like I'm a little bit frustrated right because I feel like I don't I feel like I don't know like what to do but I'm glad to be back every okay let's get it done it's the same guys man the same dudes like neo and Sarah hook me neo demon hunters are blind but you're not stop playing like you are it's Sarah Huckabee you're gonna have to rename your character to Helen Keller if you keep playing like that this is [ __ ] ridiculous just keep going boys just keep going sorry yeah me too bad that good if the boss is under 15% whenever we would naturally switch to ads we're going to stay on the boss if the boss is over 15% we're going to kill the ads that's going to be the way that we determine it okay that way we have like a you know a plan in place okay here we go don't get hit by that okay here we go I'm just I'm just gonna pop this one right now cuz like I mean I we all know we're gonna hit it like we might as well hit it now whenever we know it's gonna happen can I get out of that one let's turn around [Music] okay get ready for the ads let's get this done all right I don't know why you wouldn't actually not that's fine that's fine you unified okay I was just being hypercritical all right pull bah use it use it use it use it nice really really good timing and also if we get these ads it's not a big deal like the ads are only bad if they they die whenever we we don't have that up okay great job great job and excellent skill keep it up look at this [ __ ] look at this guy holy [ __ ] literal God we've got Odin in our raid figures Thor Thor is the god of thunder yeah Thor Thor sounds better anyway okay let's go get ready for the second set of ads okay get on these ads I think we're getting really good at this part of the fight though all things considered okay where's our thing are we gonna use the thing no I guess not okay wait why would you use it this oh [ __ ] MAV don't you [ __ ] die don't you even [ __ ] think about [ __ ] dying all right move out of that that was really really bad we basically wasted that entire time okay move out of that we're doing just we're doing just fine doc got hacked I'll talk about that after this okay okay kill these ads kill these ads on appeal oh trying to push the boss with the ads just do one or the other okay get out of these good good okay we're gonna go into the fight with one ad this is obviously not ideal but that's okay okay just slow down guys I'm actually gonna I'm gonna hit this one on purpose okay we've got 20 of room now we're gonna push boss into the transition while we're killing these ads okay do it perfect perfect perfect use the thing use the thing rally and so it begins let's go everybody focus up let's get this done pop off maximum damage everybody use your potions make sure you have your flasks on do not get hit by that [ __ ] thing trippy don't even [ __ ] think goddamn it you piece of [ __ ] rogue you got hit [ __ ] you mr. rogue let's keep going we're doing great let's do it move out of that alright we're gonna have lunacy soon get ready for that we're gonna see big mais oh look I've got a whole row of debuffs great job [Music] I'm gonna move back make sure I don't get two stacks here honestly it doesn't even matter if I get two sexes I can I can heal through everything but still going to make sure I don't don't do it set a good example why are you so [ __ ] bad kill boss your boss kill boss kill boss kill boss big cooldowns on tanks big cooldowns on tapes the tanks use everything you have on this lunacy use everything you have on this limousine make sure that you do not [ __ ] die do not [ __ ] die on this okay we've got beams coming out another rad put-put soul stones on both the tanks right now put soul stones on both the tanks right now thanks for joking okay finish the boss finish the boss let's go guys really great really great great tank swap their focus why did you battle Reza Heuer [Music] oh my [ __ ] god yes yes dude nice [ __ ] job amazing [ __ ] job yes dude yes the [ __ ] ocean master dude there it is oh my god mark yeah screenshot their world 5th waiter we're really world fat fish we're really world 5th let me see while progress column we open this up we are holy [ __ ] [Music] boy that's a good one man yo I'm gonna say soy boys like for one I'll talk about the docks in a minute okay let me let me focus on this right now okay let me screenshot it and I don't talk about that and everybody want to line up next week why don't I speak what the [ __ ] is this oh we got something this guy yeah yeah get this guy back in here let me go get doc stuff right now then I guess there disrespects [Music] [Music] oh man oh boy well I hope somebody from Twitter sees that and they're able to lock his account check his twitch account okay just give me a sec when we pull it up let me actually immediately get a screenshot here real quick let me get right here in the middle so it's a little bit better [ __ ] yes dude what helps the skeletons okay there it is I'm kind of worried if I open up his stream what's gonna happen I'm doing it on mute with it off offline Oh what chosen is offline okay that's that's good they fix the switch that that's really good yeah I mean they probably should just like Banias account or like take his account offline that way people can't just like talk [ __ ] or like do anything like that yeah they should have been him not funny oh yeah want me there's kids you know it's the way it goes let's say BAM well I mean they're not really banning him they're just you know basically like locking the account to prevent further bad things from happening right I mean it's not necessarily oh we're gonna punish you right I mean like it's more or less like a safety measure PTR data-mining yeah I'll take a look at that yellow oice can we right now let's get a round of applause right now for this group you guys stuck through it through thick and thin great [ __ ] job we stick through it we persevere and we succeed that's the way it goes I got up this morning with this goal the goal has been achieved the vision has been realized and the Trident has been earned congratu-fucking-lations boys wait I can use this in PvP oh man I'm never gonna die I never thought you pu pu what do you mean definitely 2500 like I was almost top 100 like two weeks ago whenever I played like I I want to go for top lawyer on na but I don't know if that's gonna happen like I'd be really like would you guys want to see like some actual like [ __ ] hardcore arena like I know it's like kind of boring but it would be like interesting to do for like a day or two right boosted shut the photo if I fought one Blizzcon field sales boosted I'm the worst player on my team I'll definitely give you that but I'm not that bad all right you know what maybe maybe one of these days I'll talk to the boys and we'll set up a date and I'll actually do some like legitimate arena cuz I'm trying to get gladiator that for this season anyway so I need to get a lot of wins anyway it's not like your whole stream yeah yeah it's like why not they fail and feel awkward again no no I'm not gonna fail like I mean and if I do it's it's not really a big deal like whenever I'm not gonna really care anymore like if people get mad or like talk [ __ ] about like me being bad at the game like there's a [ __ ] dude like I do play worse on stream that's definitely true cuz I'm spending all this time thinking about like what I'm doing but it's really not that difficult check well head whenever you can yeah give me like maybe five or ten minutes and we'll take a look at while head I want to look at some of the other pieces that people got and then we'll look at the the items that people got from wild head let's see here harbingers it's excludable will void Jen Ren Wow that is ridiculous okay that's really really good Thrall back really you should 15s is rich he's a good player honestly like he's really good at demon hunter so maybe I could Idina here isn't like super meta but it's more than good enough UI congrats EUI on the trinket that's awesome harbingers well oh wow so we got like every trinket so far and we got the plate leggings yo congrats big mais on plate legs god damn yeah what does it try to look like [Music] let's go that's real good I really like this weapon I'm super happy you know shut the [ __ ] up it looks like [ __ ] like what do you mean it looks like [ __ ] like no [ __ ] you guys like you guys want to have like all these like super over designed weapons like these all these new items that we have now let me pull up the [ __ ] swords okay this dude like this is too much it's too much it just have something basically I was so happy whenever Blizzard made like this hammer right this hammer is [ __ ] master crafted I love this hammer it's simple its basic but it has a theme and it's well designed I want to see more armor and more gear like this and like this is also like even kind of the same way I don't like how you grip it so high up I know that's realistic but I'm killing dragons so let's have a little bit farther down I'm very happy about this okay people don't like the pole arm to [ __ ] bed it's even got a barnacle on it you mean like all the years well yeah I mean like look at all deers the two and that's what I got from all dear like I love this sword but it has it it's kind of basic right like you look at the stuff from like a let's see what where's my stamp like this is kind of basic too like this one like way to over-design like it's way too much look at this this is the most disgusting item that I've ever seen in my entire life and Blizzard thought this would be the reward for doing challenge notes but I guess I mean it was in wide so you know it's the way it goes like there are so many of these items that are [ __ ] garbage and I'm happy look at this this is this was have so much potential and it was just not really good I get it gammon it had so much potential and it wasn't really there and you look at these other swords like this one right here what the [ __ ] is this like what this see I like this that's simple its basic it's clean I like things that are clean like I wish they had more clean armor like even this armor here is is like clean and like basic in a way I like that okay they design something for everybody no they need to design the entire game for me like what do you mean for everybody know anybody that doesn't like what I like is wrong and it should be about me show good examples okay for like a couple basically I want to go over the wild head stuff I don't want to [ __ ] around with this too much I think this is kind of a basic looking weapon another basic item this is basic I like that let's see this in a way is basic in terms of design but not necessarily the ornate nature of like the the hilt and everything or not the hill but the the police are really right there I'm not sure what that is on a sword I'll give one more example and then we'll go take a look that's an opposite example I think this is fine though this this is very basic hammer like you see somebody with this you don't need to figure out what the [ __ ] it is you know what it is you just look at it you're like oh [ __ ] I don't want to be next to that because it's gonna smash my dick there it is you know I get on [ __ ] artists goes no guild group while progress probably I mean like they're probably just not gonna put me up there because they don't want to demoralize the other guilds because if people went on there and they saw asman goldstream pug cleared it they probably wouldn't even go into the raid so Blizzard probably contacted them and said listen this guy we can't get rid of them but somehow he cleared the new raid and if you guys tell people that nobody's gonna want to go in there so just don't even put it on it's like look at these other items this is way too much way too much she's not the last but the first drown her and you will see what is that doesn't that mean that like Sylvanas is being under control of nazar yeah I don't know I mean that that's drowned Fangio Oh relax achievement stream am i doing achievement stream next week I'd really like to start working towards 3100 or 31,000 I'm pretty far behind in achievements like my achievement scores really casual right now and I'd like to start developing you know better achievements okay let's go over here and I'll take a look yeah I had no fancy dude what the [ __ ] wrong with that guy rape my MOG I'll write your Magni logic let's see this looks just like the transmog of somebody that would hit every single void zone in the fight
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 930,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, BFA, WoW, asmongold highlights, best of asmongold, twitch chat, crucible of storms, raid, world of warcraft, battle for azeroth
Id: Xl7n6zIGAx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 48sec (13128 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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