Asmongold Reacts to "World of Warcraft's Most Famous & Infamous Players" by MadSeasonShow

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hey guys what say thank you very much to the five different unity subs man thank you so much dude thank you very much that man Susan here back with another video for you over the years of World of Warcraft's lifespan there have been some players or moments that have stood out from the rest either in a good way or a bad way so in this video I thought I'd take a step out of the game for a moment and talk about some of the more famous or infamous players of World of Warcraft I won't really include YouTube content creators because that's a little boring I think instead I want to focus on the people who were involved in some interesting or some funny in-game event people who left such an impression that they have in game references or I mean what the [ __ ] thank you so much Beth like I really [ __ ] appreciate that man thank you thank you thank you dude oh my god I really [ __ ] appreciate your support thank you so much with the 100 gifted subs man what the [ __ ] thank you so much Beth quack I really really do appreciate it it means a lot thank you so much for your support I [ __ ] love you man thank you thank you thank you so much I yeah thank you so much dude such an [ __ ] no mccomus not an [ __ ] he he's just in a bad God why don't you guys suck his dick already won't you give him your [ __ ] snapchat you should let this guy DM you on Twitter and discord you should let this guy join your guild actually make this guy GM of your guild I mean it's such a great person well you salty about failing your trial balcony to see you're gonna bring that up again no I don't give a [ __ ] while you're talking about joining the guild and you know I was just curious if that's something that's I'm just saying you you should give this guy more than a 10 second reaction for $2,000 it's off what do you want me to do I mean he's clearly a very very supportive guy I do I have appreciated a lot thank you so much white I think you're just trying to make me you just it was named after them so let's get into it these are the most famous or infamous players of World of Warcraft oh great start I love this oh yeah art yzma groans slowly biting number one get drained the dwarf and his dorvan hand cannon out of boredom one day gidran went to go exploring in the deeper and tram that connects Stormwind to iron forge and he came upon a interesting scene you see gidran was on a role-playing realm and he came upon two nights in the middle of a very special role play you know tip and Artemisa hey nothing says romance like a dark dank corner of a public transit station you know tip settles for nothing less than his top high-class venues to engage in cyber diddling the hairy dwarf sculpt the shadows assessing the situation from afar and seizing the moment gidran decided to join in he emerged from the shadows and interjected himself into their intimate uh-hmm role-playing experience he tried his best but for some reason he was rejected from joining in Ino tempted enrolled that way apparently so get around quickly retreated into the shadows to watch from a safe distance from Ino tips roaming fingers but the moment had passed before get Rin could even whip out his dwarf and hand cannon Artemisa took her leave in fact she walked her butt all the way back to Ironforge uber didn't exist back then apparently Ino tip not too pleased with this turn of events prepared to take his leave as well no one stands in the way of a night off and his action here equips his clothing and verbally but bastard the dirty drawer for dropping in uninvited feeling remorse for ruining the moment Garen offered an apology but it wasn't taken he had done quite enough and in otep walked off into the sunset never to be seen again for number two we have karma as the Paladin back in vanilla there was an ability called reckoning this would give the paladin an extra attack on his next attack upon being critically hit stacking infinitely a paladin by the name of karma saw the potential in this and using the dueling mechanic he stacked reckoning to an absurd amount to become a weapon of mass destruction he did this right next to the outdoor raid boss Kazik and when he was ready he charged in and solo them a video of the event was released paladins worldwide started emulating it using it to one-shot people in PvP kill Kazakh themselves etc the reckoning was quickly hotfix to only store five charges max before more damage could be done and karma as a result became a legend amongst paladins next up we have our first infamous player analogue kid Rummel loot has never been in short order in this game but centered around an alive Kid it reached its apex in the Burning Crusade expansion he was a rogue in the vicarious guilt on the area 52 server from the Sun wall plateau raid the final boss there kil jaeden dropped the legendary hunter ball or hauled the stars fury I have this was the first legendary item for hunters it was perfect it had a slow speed amazing stats and best of all its own ammo this was better hunters needed to buy ammo for their bows and guns it was the item and every hunter wanted it well they dropped for the vicarious guild and one of two hunters would be the lucky recipient or so they thought citing that analog kid was more loyal to the guild the item was given to him a rogue to use as a stat stick over the two hunters in the raid remember this was also back when rogues had arranged weapon slot and hunters had melee weapon slots they could equip both but obviously ranged wasn't the ropes primary and was just used for extra stats word of this quickly spread and the whole guild and analog kid became the subject of ridicule and anger the ongoing joke in the game was that everything was a hunter weapon well for this day only this legendary bow was a rogue weapon that's right let's take a break from the drama next up on our list we have in dalla Mars the warrior of the guild nerfed and when I say the warrior I mean the warrior back in the game's infancy during the beta no one really knew how to play everyone caught in close whew that Warriors were the worst class in the game they killed things much too slowly and you're constantly calling for buffs on the forums and whatnot everyone knew they were underpowered except in Delamar he called out against these Christ 4 buffs and said that warriors were an underpowered but rather overpowered if you knew what you were doing no one believed him so he put his money where his mouth was it made a video showing how it's done he showcased a 3-minute run of him steam rolling through high level knobs often killing them in just two hits which was unheard of those days back then her stability worked much like victory rush where it was triggered off of kills so he just chained killed an entire compound without having to stop once to heal to everyone shock he was right Warriors were overpowered in a storm of people saying that they were weak he showed that with corporate organizations and talents they were wrecking balls shortly absolutely it was released warriors were hit with the nerf bat and everyone pointed their fingers at and Alamar as the cause he was just a little too good and the class suffered because of it in fact he was so good that Blizzard hired him as an itemization developer he's had a few items named after him Ram Aladdin his blade of culling and icy grasp which is just his name spelled backwards and even in Diablo 3 you have the RAM Aladdin ease gift which gives a socket to any legendary he also got his own card in world Warcraft trading card game like I said he was the warrior imagine being so good at a game did the developer just hires you but that was Blizzard back in the day man they were like yo this guy's a [ __ ] badass let's just pay him to make the game there it is man next up we have Zuzu and shacks Zuzu was a rogue in the method guild back during the Burning Crusade expansion and at the time he gained the reputation of being the most geared he had the server first legendary or claves of azzinoth and most of the tier 6 said he was a very hardcore trader with the gear to back it up well someone with a lot of money started whispering Suzhou offering him real life money in exchange for his account Oh Suzhou initially refused the stranger's offer but he persisted offering more and more money as time went on the figure eventually reached 7,000 euros which was nearly ten thousand US dollars at the time yep eventually something happened with Suzhou in his personal life and he found himself strapped for cash so he finally accepted the stranger's offer he sold him his grave rock for 7,000 euros The Strangers renamed the rogue two shacks and got to play for all of five days before he was banned by blizzard you see blade ropes were very rare back then so it was obvious what happened suzhou a high-profile character due to his gear disappeared and this new rogue who had the exact same gear ISM took his place and it didn't help his shacks character was also spectacularly bad at the class since he had never played it before which was kind of hilarious to people considering he had the legendary glaives people quickly pasted together what went down the details of the trade were leaked and word spread like wildfire Blizzard quickly caught wind of it investigated and dropped the banhammer and shacks essentially setting fire to his 7,000 euros it was such a big event that it was even covered by the BBC although due to legal reasons everyone chose to remain anonymous in a fit of rage shacks was planning and suing both Zuzu and blizzard but nothing ever came of it with 32.3 three repeating of course percentage [Applause] [Music] everyone knows Leroy being the subject of one of the first viral videos of World of Warcraft Leroy was a paladin in the pals for life guild the guild was running the Opera Blackrock Spire instance and we're coming up with a plan of attack for the next room while they were constructing a strategy Lyra came back from his afk and with the battle cry abruptly charged into the room guns blazing or swords blazing rather he pulled to the entire room of enemies and the entire raid was overwhelmed and eventually died this gave birth to the Leroy term which is ascribed to reckless or stupid behavior in-game people use the video quickly became quite popular with it even being referenced in the game show Jeopardy although none of those filthy casuals knew the answer shameful blizzard also suffit to acknowledge Leroy in game through many different ways and released an achievement to enter the same room he did and kill 50 else this awards the Jenkins title in game and in the warlords of draenor expansion there was an event to where you could resurrect an npc named Leroy Jenkins who after a short amount of time would rush to the end of the dungeon if you were able to clear before he caught on quote Leroy you got an achievement and you even got him as a follower in your garrison truly one of the most famous players in the game [Music] oh the story of Surak isn't necessarily based around a player but rather a community manager the world of warcraft forums have always been a pretty unfriendly place but it was particularly bad during the early days when there is less moderation and tools for reporting people calling and flame wars were rampant and the Community Managers for seams for short were often the target for players frustration and rage nowadays for the most part the abuse of posters are either ignored or banned but back in the games you can see the seams were a little more interactive with CEREC being the most outspoken having been I see him for a couple of years already so he was starting to show visible weariness having to deal with the forms more unscrupulous users that's instead of simply removing posts he would enter debates and arguments with these trolls some cheered him on and saw him as a crusader of sorts finding out roles of the forum and others were in awe and saw his behavior as rash and unprofessional that is the same story as Sargeras this is such [ __ ] what do you mean Sarek should never have been fired for what happened man ever I agree I would respect a game company that called me a dick sucking idiot a lot better than a game company that called me a valued customer it all boiled over one day of when sirak replied to a thread created by someone wanting to know how to report to see him for inappropriate behavior he gave the avenue to do just that and joke my wish supposed to have good luck in reporting him another user replied asking a fuse depressed egging him on - which CEREC replied that the poster was cowardly because they hide behind the anonymity of the internet stating that he is the one who quote unquote steps up the exchange continued and Saric posted the frustration of his job as a CM and the former poetry can't help it posting and passionately they say you don't care posting nothing they say you ignore posting with passion you incite trolls posting fluff you say not strange with what fax you have they whittled down with rationale there is no when there's only slow degradation take note it is the first and only time you'll see someone in my position make that position you can be me when I'm gone the response was mixed in typical fashion some people sided with Zurich against the trolls and others condemned his lack of professionalism and some people were just curious to what the heck was going on Sarek made another post venting further about the troubles he faces with his job how he has to deal with people constantly goading him to riding him and so on after a little back-and-forth he dropped the mic with the following quote shortly before the thread was deleted entirely understand that this moment will be fleeting and that there's a hard crash of self-esteem to follow you'll try to feed it again and fill the void but it'll never be enough you've back pedaled into the troll excuse you have no point you have no meaning you have no significance you will be forgotten following this sir it made just one final post in response to another troll thread created by that days drama it reads as follows killing a CEREC should a grow every suruc in a 40-yard radius and makes sense you're actually killing their best friend in a final post sirak replied with this a few days later Blizzard announced that Jarrett had left the company it's still a point of debate to this day whether or not he was fired or he quit the following year another cm Dreyse was asked about Eric's fate to which he responded if I answer you might ask the same thing of me tomorrow on a lighter note next up we have crown our everywhere like knows who crowler is he was a level 11 or warlock who made quite the puzzling post on the warlock forums the discussion focused around warlocks and their use of staves okay pause it the post contained a 4-step what Oh okay number one the old forms were way better than the kateri vamp and this new [ __ ] they got going on okay there they were way better it was way more manageable the old [ __ ] was way better by far also every yeah what's Erik said the way he said it was pretty emo okay everybody agrees you could hear that and probably like a Black Veil Brides song or something like that right you couldn't hear that because you never know what the [ __ ] they're saying but you know that's true you know what my point is anyway everything he said is right and the fact that blizzard fired him they obviously fired him okay let's be real it's just pathetic dude sometimes people need to be they need to be slapped down you know what I mean I absolutely do there's actually a picture of this that I think that it really shows it really shows it here let me go ahead and just pull it out and show you guys right here they hated Jesus because he told them the truth honestly Sarek died for our sins yep you think about that said I don't think they should have fired him either honestly I like people that are like that it makes it interesting like we're still talking about this guy 10 years later what seems are we talking about now there's a couple of cool guys there right of course but for the most part it's boring right I want to see some crazy-ass [ __ ] I like drama it makes it more interesting this is back whatever the game had a little bit of personality process one postmessage in the room to look it over three don't report anything I might get in trouble smiley face and four have fun crowler himself failed to post any information about his staff other than the fact that it was quote-unquote a good one and alluded to the fact that he would somehow get in trouble if people were to report him players were left mystified by the post some followed crowler's instructions and posted and talked about their staves and others flamed him over his lack of sense and poor grammar frustrated that some were not following his four-step process crowler posted the following and was never heard from again the thread quickly reached 100 pages of responses and crowler became a legend amongst warlocks he was referenced by blizzard and their sneak peak of the new arena system in the Burning Crusade which featured an orc warlock named Crowell noir decked out in a full tier force set and using a wimpy level 5 staff he also got his own TCG card when upon entering play the player may search his deck for a staff card to look over next up we have a player who had one goal to be the most hated and most prolific gankers and the entire server this is the story though on me he was an orc rogue player on the death of his server who had headed deep into the Alliance territory into Menethil Harbor to kill low-level players either in transit to other areas of the game or just there for questing he would spend around nine hours a day and Menethil harbor taking out any adventure unfortunate enough to enter his sights he quickly became a legend on his server even spawning intricate guides on how to avoid his wrath naturally he was met with anger from his victims at the time you couldn't have both Alliance and horde characters on the same PvP server so people would make alternate accounts to give angry a piece of their minds and he himself made an alternate Alliance character named Aang we spy on the same realm to goad reactions from his victims he screen shattered some choice conversations and hosted them on his website as an archive to his in-game antics I'll have a link in the description if you'd like to see all around there are a lot just a piece since moved on with his life but back then it was probably the most infamous rogue not just on a server but in the entire game next we have the undead warrior mac-10 macton isn't really known for an in-game event instead he's known as being the first recorded recipient of the first legendary in the game The Talisman of the binding shard this was a legendary amulet that dropped off at the Baron Geddon bus in the molten core raid it had some resistances strength agility stamina and a thorns proc nokton was the lucky recipient in a March of 2005 raid by the guild nerfed the same one and Alomar was from but the item wasn't actually intended to be a drop in the game Blizzard just forgot to remove it as soon as word spread Blizzard removed the necklace from the loot tables and let nacht and keep his making him the only person to ever have this legendary necklace that's pretty one who's played World of Warcraft knows about the onyxia wipe animation the person you just heard was named Ives Turin warrior and the leader of the guild white Club on one fateful night white Club decided to raid onyxia Slayer dives was the Acton raid leader at the time and as you just heard things weren't going so well they were having trouble killing the bus and dives wasn't too happy with the raids performance and what resulted was the birth of one of the biggest rage moments in the history of gaming one of the raid members the audio of dives fixation and made it into an animation that was watched around the world at the time of this video the animation has reached over 8 million views and is an example of what can happen when people take things just a tad too seriously I played just a sample since I want to keep this video pg-13 but if you want to see the whole four minute meltdown I'll have a link in the description so that's about it those are some of World of Warcraft's most famous or infamous players there's probably a lot that I missed feel free to let me know and if you enjoyed the video enough I might make a part 2 to this let me know if you'd like to see that as always I hope you find the video entertaining like it if you liked it and thanks for watching peace man we are gonna watch part two but we're gonna watch part two either tomorrow or on Friday cuz I'm gonna call the day guys
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 1,047,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, BFA, WoW, world of warcraft, battle for azeroth, mcconnell, madseasonshow, asmongold reacts, reaction, asmongold highlights, asmongold watches, twitch chat
Id: Y_3PoC1x2_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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