Asmongold Reacts To ALL Shadowlands CLASS CHANGES - Alpha Preview

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day after day week after week month after month year after year expansion after expansion we have sat here and gotten [ __ ] in the ass by Buzzard taking away our abilities and [ __ ] in our classes and today today begins hopefully the redemption arc of that today begins the time that we stop losing abilities and we start getting them back and we're getting new abilities is it possible that shadow ends will suck yes but not if we have anything to say about it when this expansion comes out we will bit we will cry and we will complain because if we don't we're probably gonna have to play like valinor fortnight or some [ __ ] and I don't know about you guys found not really good at those kinds of games so I really hope that things turn out pretty well because I have no FPS abilities abilities to play any other all right how about that shadow lens class changes preview alrighty here we go blue post with design explanations as azeroth's champions prefer to prepare to traverse the shadow ends they will gain both they will gain powers both new and forgotten to take on Horrors that reside in the realms of death shadow lands class mostly classes above all throughout lies 15 years of dolmen solve our philosophies on class design with new expansions and an ever-increasing level cap - actually it's decreasing this time but ok came new spells abilities and talents while earning new powers is exciting and natural part of growth in a role-playing game eventually Oh eventually we begin to butt up against the limits of action bar inaccessible key bind space and many of the tools and perks that once defined certain classes became increasingly widespread diminishing class uniqueness to address this in the past we made changes to talents from mr. Pandaria with even removed several abilities in wards Draenor in Legion alongside the introduction of woody core alongside the introduction of artifact weapons we focused on class sided nd and carving out the distinct fantasy for each specialization to go with their weapon I think they did this like I actually think that they did this back in Legion they did establish a certain level of class fantasy especially with the class order halls and the class quests and everything like that I think we Gian did achieve that in the most realistic way possible so I would say this was a a relatively successful thing but it's hard to really say is like is it the same as vanilla Wow the reason why class identity wasn't vanilla well is because every class is bad at something and in current Wow every class is not bad at something so majors were really bad survivability in classic Warriors were really bad at survivability in classic as well and mobility in classic priests were you know bad at surviving in the classic warlocks were you know they were bad at different than you know mana and like AoE actually rocks were pretty good to the Elise boy everybody had the thing wait there weren't that's retail to wrong everyone's bad at surviving no warlocks were fine at surviving Druids were fine at surviving cowed ins were fine at surviving shamans are fine at surviving comparatively in classic like no mages and warriors were substantially worse than paladins and druids at surviving like let's be real lost goats Ronny yeah of course they were good at surviving I mean I'm not talking about warlocks owned to you frost mages oh yeah they're good at avoiding melee damage yeah but I'm talking about surviving damage like being able to withstand damage mages were not very strong at that listen I I don't want to argue about the the intricacies of classic Wow because people all the time want to you know have like the opportunity to express how much they know about the game listen back in classic Wow majors were better at AoE than any other class like you know large-scale AOE there are better than any class by a [ __ ] maya druids did not have the same AOE that mages did warlocks did not have the same AOE as mages did priests did not have the same AOE that mages did the fact is that the reason why classes were unique in classic and Burning Crusade is because they were shitty at a number of things and good at a number of things okay that that's basically what it is nowadays every class is pretty good at everything every class has a certain level of survivability every class is a certain level of healing etc and so it's called balance well it is called balance but now they balance it differently and I think that's what the difference is we rocks are good at everything not really that good at everything but you guys see what I'm saying right but the point that I'm making Bernie crusade listen okay what we're gonna we're gonna move on all right that's an example a bad game design should be left in vanilla I didn't say they should do that again all I'm saying is that's why you had class identity and vanilla is because each class could identify what they were very good at and what they were very bad at that's really the difference okay so let me go ahead and I'm gonna look at the rest of this that I don't want to get mired down and some stupid argument or like you know hyper specification of something mechanically this means revamps for most of our specializations ruin several long-standing class-wide abilities and adding new spec specific abilities in a product in the process today in battle for as rock while specializations have unique and flashy abilities we've heard feedback and in some cases we've moved too far away from the core of the quest and initially sparked players interest when they first created their character at times there is more than the more that divides two specializations of the same class then there is that unites them I agree with that a lot yeah I actually do a grew thought a lot it feels like at this point now with with the game especially in Legion right but like in VF a to but not quite as much right but still a lot I you don't have eleven classes or however much we have now or twelve you have like 36 basically each spec is its own class and there's not as much overlap between class abilities as there was an even like Wrath of the Lich King you have so much overlap or sorry so little overlap now that and I think that the overlap helps in a lot of ways because it was easier for a player to understand and learn the fire mage if they played frost because they're already used to using fire blasts and maybe even fireball and you know a couple of other abilities that frost mages or that fire mages already had so it wasn't like a complete design change so I really really agree with the the idea of going back to classes and having abilities in classes instead of abilities in specs because I think it makes it easier for players to learn and understand the game so I'm a big fan of that I'm glad they're doing it this is a great thing let's go ahead and take a look at the rest of this in Shadowlands we want to return to the idea that specialization is about powering up a specific part of the class's kit not narrowing down I thought I said toilet I there tool set that is [ __ ] amazing I am so glad to hear that this is what we have been waiting the [ __ ] sea this is what we've been waiting to hear thank [ __ ] god like I've been sitting here hoping that they would do and make these changes and here they are they're making the changes right now and I'm so [ __ ] glad too little too late is not too little too late do you know how I know that it's not too little too late if you go over and you look at the wow reddit where is it here in the WoW reddit there's [ __ ] almost 9,000 people online in the in the wild reddit like look it on Twitch let's see how while doing on Twitch pretty good I mean realistically it's doing pretty good all right let's go back to the rest of this okay nobody's actually playing or all hyped and talking online well yeah because it's not out yet anyway Blizzard can bring out a good expansion and if the expansion is good people will come back and play the game every expansion people come back and play the game it doesn't matter like because realistically buying a sub for a while and a 40 or 50 dollar expansion is pretty much the same as buying any other triple game triple-a game and you will probably get more gameplay out of the first month of the expand then you will of most of the games and that's really the truth and so if you want to play Wow like that that's fine and I think that's a good thing and wow 7k period Iseman it was a bad time whenever I was going I'll be honest you're beating Animal Crossing not quite but you know the the point is that people are not people have not moved on past Wow if Wow is good people will come back and they will play the game it doesn't matter how long ago it was or anything like that people will still do it we read the rest of this in expansion it is all about choice we also want to give players more opportunities to make impactful choices to customise their gameplay and express their own vision of how their characters engage with combat now here's a problem that I have with this sentence and I might be nitpicking so tell me if I am but I feel like Blizzard has designed this expansion with a vision in mind and I think that they are too rigidly following this vision and it could end up hurting the game with the idea of forcing the abilities into visions or sorry not visions forcing the Covenant abilities into being a choice and being locked into them because their vision of Shadowlands has that in in it that's my biggest issue so I I wrote this thing out yesterday I don't want to open up my [ __ ] DMS again so I wrote this yesterday why time Piper please read this uh if if you care if you don't then whatever right but like I'll go ahead and I'll read you guys what I wrote about this it seems the stuff wizard is fixated on making these abilities locked governance even though the overall majority of feedback is doing so is so negative please do not repeat the same mistake of BFA and azurite armor and legion legend errors and forced players to use a bad system because that system fits your vision for Shadowlands that is what I'm concerned about what the expansion is that boy xored will have a vision for the game and the vision for the game is contrary to what the players want to see out of the game and ultimately the players win over blizzard and blizzard changes it makes the players happy but it comes at the expense of people's enjoyment of the game for like six months so Blizzard is like okay we'll just try out the system and see how you like it and then players are like well no we're not gonna like it we don't like it right just just try it just try it just try it and then they try it and they're like oh yeah guess what we didn't like it was like oh wow looks like you didn't like it wow what is surprised um I don't want to wait until 9.2 purple is hard to fix problems that were evident in the alpha or evident on on the announcement of the expansion the fact is that the main thing I don't want boys were to do is design the game with a rigid vision that's not adaptable to what players want and how players act that's a that's a big problem okay and I can read this a little bit more through this I don't really know how much people give a [ __ ] about it but anyway it's just it's on Twitter if people do want to see it um anyway let's go back to the rest of this I'll talk about that later many specializations okay okay many specializations specific abilities that help spells and spells that help define identity of a class once again will be available class wide and we're reintroducing some iconic abilities to give all of Azeroth heroes a fighting chance against the dangers ahead that's cute in addition to these changes players will have their new okay new covenant class abilities to look forward to you know so I also look forward to stimulating which one will be the best and choosing that one immediately without even looking at anything else that has anything to do with it which we preview comprehensively in our shadow ends to look at covenant classes and signature abilities blog so today we'd like to give you a look at some of what's in store for each class including our overall goals some cool new and returning powers and some key changes to abilities and talents this isn't meant to be a comprehensive list of updates these changes represent a starting point for a dialogue with the community but this should give you a good overview of what to expect okay so we'll take a look at what's what's going on here Legion was super under type two yeah people were not hyped at all for Allegiant because of BFA people are like oh yeah they're gonna try and pull this one on us again okay we see what's going on here wizard yeah yeah we see through your tricks but this time around wait what wait no I meant Legion was not hyped up as much as WOD was I was not hyped up a lot for Legion I think a lot of people weren't hyped up for it maybe I'm wrong about that but like from my perspective I felt like many people were nice oh oh did I say the wrong one whatever I don't know why I like today I feel like I'm a little bit more dyslexic than usual let's go ahead and read this year former champions of the Lich King death Knights overwhelmed there froze with brute force and dark magic and Legion death Knights became very narrowly focused on the matically around their spec for example frost death Knights having an overwhelming majority of their spells be frost themed only and let's see that that's kind of like whatever general changes once these changes are live all death Knights will be able to desecrate the ground around them with unholy magic to deal damage their enemies with death and decay that's cool or neutralize their attacks with anti magic zone furthermore every death knight will once again be able to tap into unnatural powers to temporarily turn themselves undead with lich born I thought Lich form was a great spell I'm glad they're adding it for everybody or use Ray's dead to summon a ghoulish servant to fight alongside them the new sacrificial pact ability enables death Knights to perform a forbidden ritual sacrificing one of their undead minions siphoning their health and causing them to explode and deal damage to nearby enemies finally the frosty grasp of chains of ice will once again bind the enemies of all death Knights this is great I mean [ __ ] yeah like I'm like this is this is a good one happy to see it okay let's see your blood in the home of the shadow ends amongst our fellow dead blood death Knights can learn new abilities and talents blood tap allows death Knights to consume essence from slain enemies to generate one rune and it's repeatable whenever a bone shield charge is used blood death Knights are also get rune tap without needing to select it a talent so that's a bonus button right there so we've already gotten how many bonus buttons 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 bonus buttons that's a lot of bonus buttons relish and blood will significantly heal the bloody bruisers of each active bone shield charge 7 even more that's a 7 right there bloody bruisers for each of the bone shield charge and grant 5 runic power when death and decay is cast when Crimson scourge is active that's cool memories of the Lich Kings legendary sword Frostmourne stores two hearts of frost death Knights who can once again choose between two one-handed weapons for one two-handed weapon to cut down their foes the harsh lessons learned on the frozen tundra of Northwind have manifested into new talents and abilities the iconic frost worms fury will be accessible to all deaf Knights rather than needing to be selected as a talent hypothermic presence is a new talent that halves the runic cost of all abilities cost abilities from odd amount of time giving a death knight the vigor to strike down all who stand against them two-handed DK [ __ ] yeah that's great too ended DK is something that people have wanted for a long time it doesn't really make one a sense that bolĂ­var and the lich king you're both commended decays and you know they don't have them or sorry they can do it but you know players can this is awesome now let's be realistic here for a second I'm gonna take a drink first probably 80% of the decays will either be one-handed or two-handed because one of them will just be better and if you're using the two-handed one when the one Henders are better you're a [ __ ] and vice versa I mean like let's be real because everything and that's okay well I think it's okay if they switch it back and forth it's kind of dumb that they do that but also at the same time I think it's better than just having people play the exact same meta slave nope metis leaving you guys don't understand everybody is Ahmet asleep everyone is in medicine here's the thing if you want to plug your ears and close your eyes and be like I'm gonna play however I want and just have fun well that's great but nobody's gonna play with you so like for example if I see somebody who's using certain talents or certain abilities nobody's going to play with you so being a meta slave is a requirement and if you're not a Metis slave everybody's going to assume that you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] and they're not gonna play with you to begin with you always complain about this what do you suggest that you I don't know like at the end of the day I don't think that there's anything that they can do I think that giving players the ability to make choices dynamically and it choose between which which meta they will be a slave to that day is probably the best solution realistically it's like choose choosing choosing who you will be a slave to that day is probably the best solution unless all deeper upgrades beyond DPS races peoples do still do those and fun or looking specs no they won't because other people won't play with them well I'll tell you one thing like for me personally like if I see somebody who's intentionally handicapping themselves and they're playing a spec that's bad I'm not going to invite them to my group because they're handicapping themselves and therefore handicapping me why would I want to take somebody who's gonna just make things take longer whenever I could just take somebody else who's gonna do more damage it's like it's obvious you know what I mean now everyone's a [ __ ] though no everybody is the thing is like not everybody is a [ __ ] you're right until they wipe and then you know you start opening up the logs then you start taking a looking like okay alright who's who's really [ __ ] up here and then you know you start to build up resentment you start to get a little bit mad and that's what it really is like yeah of course everything's going fine and nothing ever goes wrong and we can play however we want and this is just a fun game for everybody and yeah that's true until you wipe and as soon as that happens then you pull up the logs then you pull up the Parsis then you pull up other people's talents and then you see if somebody is intentionally doing 20 percent less damage because they're having fun wow they're not gonna be having fun for much longer that's what it comes down to is the trash day because most people would take someone with a decent Raider I oh and walk out dogs score regardless of playing that as [ __ ] or not well yes I understand that but if somebody has a decent Warcraft log score that implies that they're using the meta build because if they're not using the meta build their numerically putting themselves at a disadvantage which means that probably they're not performing as well like it's that that that quite wrong are you guys that's false really so you're telling me that people who parse well and that care about parsing are going to intentionally sabotage themselves while parsing but yeah that's so logically inconsistent I can't even believe it of course they're not going to do that holy [ __ ] it's not black and white like that okay here's an example so you can read read my post about this so rag roast is a bad server right everybody assumes that Ragnar Rose is part of a part is like most people from Ragnaros suck like this is a general bias that people have in the game like the everybody agrees with this so if you see somebody from Ragnar Rose and their item level 475 and you see somebody from stormrage or Illidan and their item Oh 475 there are many players out there who without knowing anything else about the guy will chooses a guy from stormrage or from Illidan that nothing do with the guy because there is a bias that is created because people that play talents that are bad will have a disproportionately larger amount of players inside the pool that are playing those talents that are bad because all players who are focusing on optimization will be playing a certain talent set that makes them do the most damage so that would remove all of the organically good players out of that pool and put them in the pool of people that are trying to perform at a high level so then you would have the original pool of people that are using a bad talent set that would include some of the people that do just want to have fun but are good players but you also have a disproportionately larger amount of players that are in that pool that are not as good players because all the people who don't care about their performance will be organically in that pool by default because they're not the ones that are trying to maximise their damage so your your argument for that is completely logically wrong it is totally logically wrong like in every single way so I I don't want to UM I don't want to go ahead and get through this a million times but it is a stupid argument you should not you should not expect that at all anyway move to [ __ ] on yeah well I think it's important because a lot of people have like a misconception about this and it's never been explained in a logical way I feel and that's one of the reasons why I made the post anyway so no no sorry man good alright next let's go ahead and move on umm iconic frost forms fury will be accessible to all frost death Knights rather than needing to be selected as a talent that's [ __ ] awesome like I love that ability it's one of my favorite abilities right there yeah that's [ __ ] amazing hypothermic presence is a talent that haves ruin account okay I read that okay good while all deaf Knights have some ability to control and reanimate undead minions and unholy death Knight has chosen to specialize in chosen to specialize necromantic magic and nur abilities should reflect that on all unholy death Knights will be able to use summon gargoyle that's great I remember summon gargoyle soloing me in wrath Lich King it's great to see that one come back I'm so happy about that and all and bring these flying terrors to their side army of the Damned uh it's not aren't really dead wait is there like I haven't played a DK in a long time like this army no oh it's a talent okay I'm not really sure I haven't played DK in a long time returns as an even stronger force was similar and faithful with a similar and faithful recruit a Magus of the Dead these four model magical weed wielders have fought side by side with mauled Raxus bannermen and their presence rallies unholy decays ghoulish armies lobbing frost bolts and shadow bolt spells into the enemy death coil and epidemic casts will reduce army of the deads cool down allowing unholy death Knights to summon forth a relentless stream of monstrosities into battle Magus of the Dead will also fight by a death Knights side when they cast apocalypse which benefits from a cooldown reduction wherever death coil and epidemic or cast unholy decays mastery dread blade will benefit both master and servant oh that's really cool so you actually get to buff your pets with your mastery by also increasing a death knight shadow damage and damage of the ghoulish minions allowing undead armies to trample all in their wake great so now we can get so load by pets that that's that's awesome thank God for that man I can't wait to play this game this is gonna be great dude yeah this is gonna be just [ __ ] great yeah Corona DK exactly alright let's go to the next one demon hunters were originally added in Legion that time whenever all characters were assigned a specialization of creation and artifact weapons were made of each spec feel like zone class and that's reflected in demon hunters design that's right because they only have three buttons though there are a number of similarities between havoc and vengeance we feel like we can do more to add some common ground such as sharing a single resource and certain abilities general changes all demon hunters now share a single resource theory okay all right so Rach anyway let's go ahead and move on which channels are fire rate hatred into dreamless demonic attacks on their enemies in addition emulation or original Avengers only ability will be able to boast specs so you get emotional that's great now you know here's the thing guys havoc demon hunters they needed more AoE damage okay you know sometimes you do a pull and they're not top so it's really good that we're just gonna give them another [ __ ] button to push and the best part about that is they push it before the [ __ ] pull it's great good they need more buttons yeah they do okay you can play it like the thing is like you know I say you can play a rat paladin with a garage door opener which is true in classic you could play a demon hunter probably with the Nintendo controller and what they're really doing here is they're probably going from a Nintendo controller do it super then to no controller you got two more buttons actually four more buttons anyway let's move on havoc demon hunters on a new path of unending hatred but it expands the Furies maximum capacity why didn't them get an extra hit in or to the dark slash talent has evolved into essence break which deals chaos damage and significantly increases the damage that both chaos strike and play dance deal for a short duration that's great that's cool so you have like little little damage window it's good vengeance vengeance demon hunters will see changes to soul cleave and their talents to encourage more build variety outside of Spirit Bomb this includes getting demonic as a talent option that's whenever you get the life bleach similar to option and fel devastation as part of their specializations baseline abilities Wow so demon hunters can dish out more destruction than ever before similar to the havoc brethren vengeance demon hunters who choose demonic will temporarily enter their metamorphosis fall I thought from metamorphoses porn following a fell devastation that's good so they're just gonna always be in meta that's that's great really good awesome vengeance talents as a whole have been substantially reworked we've combined several popular talents shuffled others to other different locations and introduced new talents to encourage new build possibilities one new talent is the bulk extraction which immediately bulk extraction which immediately rips the Soul fragment from up to five enemies around the demon hunter and consumes them bulk extract sort through your [ __ ] orders well alright alright alright I want to go ahead more healing Wow yeah I mean sometimes they're not in 100% health so we've got to fix that for situations that call for a vengeance demon or to take a hit or to ruinous bulwark increases the healing of their fel devastation and converts over healing into an absorption shield that lasts for a moderate amount of time okay I mean that actually really good like that's really really good I feel like this is actually kind of a in my opinion I like talents like this because they can be situationally used at a high skill cap and I really hope that Blizzard is trying to create more skill cap situations I I really like that a lot no it really is I know people are saying skill cap but no like there are things that are skill cap and that's good druids are masters of shape-shifting a versatile hybrid class that can adapt their form to suit a wide variety of situations in Shadowlands reinforces this core identity by giving them even more flexibility we're adding several abilities back to the class and making others more widely available most notably the affinity system has been expanded to offer utility abilities along with passive bonuses all druids will now be able to use ferocious bite bark skin cyclone stampeding moor and iron firm weight cyclone book oh that's the last thing we wanted man that is the last [ __ ] thing that we wanted why'd they have to do this to me man like this is the last [ __ ] thing barrels already get cyclone I'm tired of it man I hate it all right let's see druids of any specialization will now also be able to use cyclone and stampeding roar I'm glad about that stampeding roars a really cool ability and so it's it's good that more druids get it in addition heart of the wild has returned as a talent providing an option for druids who want to use an offer all abilities during combat okay that's cool well off balance receives oh [ __ ] I read the wrong one the affinity talents associated with each specialization balance Guardian feral and restoration also gained a unit and additional utility ability balance receives typhoon barrel gets maim Guardian gets incapacitating roar and restoration can use per Saul's vortex ah cool yeah that that's cool I guess ma'am I [ __ ] dude I'm like druids trigger me so much solar and lunar empowerment's are being strengthened and updated into eclipses reminiscent of past expansions like Rathod o H King Wrath and Starfire will grant eachother alternating lunar and solar eclipses for a longer duration with special moments of celestial alignment allowing for both to occur at once balance druid to master the flow of these eclipses will be able to ensure a period of sustained power to either wrath or Starfire at key moments of a fight star surge will extend the current eclipse to continue focusing power into either wrath or star fire while star fall instead extends your current Moonfire and Sunfire effects giving the main arcane power spenders distinct roles on the situation cool darf all returned to its previous design used in raffle which came through words of draenor instead of needing the Telegraph the affected area balance druid to once again call down waves of stars which strikes surrounding ground while they stand run or flap or flap for its duration that's great barrel beers felines [Music] fierce felines will see their blood talents blood talons talent reimagined tapping into their primal power when feral druids use shred rake or ferocious by and ferocious bright in quick succession the damage of their next rip will increase dramatically okay so a combo ability that's great cool that's nice Guardian druids in the shadow winds can once again embrace or bear-hug this is real cute yeah real cute writing it seems like the guy that wrote this is a [ __ ] druid you know they're brutish side with berserk berserk even reducing the cooldowns of mangle thrash growl and frenzied regeneration substantially while also having the cost of iron for having the cost of iron for renewal also returning to the talent choice instantly healing the Guardian druid for a fair bit of their maximum health okay that's nice basically like a instant heal it's good restoration Swift men will return to its historic functionality of consuming a heal over time effect on the target but with a substantially reduced cooldown and cost and for moments of special need the classic restoration staple nature's swiftness will once again allow a rebirth regrowth or entangling roots to be cast instantly communing with the wild spirits in the death's realm has reawakened restoration druids in nerd knowledge to cast nourish a talent option that heals an ally for significant amount nourish receives triple the boon from mastery harmony which increases the healing for each act of restoration heal over time spell on the target okay so you stack all three hawks and spammers right or I'm not spam but would use it that heals for a lot okay hunter masters of the wild earnest hunters draw on a variety of tools such as specialized ammunition and traps that alter their environment to their advantage those who master the strategy of chaining their abilities and coordinating opportunit acts with their beast eale companions will unleash their full lethal potential in general we feel the core hunter class kit is well realized across all of their specialization yet each place in a unique fun way as a result hunters core damage rotations remain familiar in Shadowlands but several iconic abilities will return and many talents will be updated arcane shot eyes of the beast hunters mark hill shot scare beast and tranquilizing shot will be available for all hunters to use regardless of their active specialization as a fury warrior I'm not looking forward to tranq shot coming back you know what they need to do they need to make it to where hunters can't [ __ ] shoot you point-blank like I'm I hate that [ __ ] that made me so mad it's why because think about it okay so if you've got a guy um like alright let's say you're trying to pull the bow and like they're trying to pull the ball and shoot him and you've got a guy who's like hitting you with the sword it's not gonna work it's just not like I would I would love to see that come back because it made it easier for me to kill hunters that's basically the reason why I wanted to come back to prepare for the fight ahead all hunters want their stable size significantly increased to hold many companions including new creatures they discovered and tamed in the ethereal wilds of the shadow lands that's cute yeah that's cute it's cool I mean you have more pets I was thinking about doing a pet taming tree a pet taming stream sometime soon I think that'd actually be really fun so we'll see if I ever end up actually doing that but I don't know yet I think that'd be really nice check Wow had new new player leveling zone I'll look at that in a bit right now I'm finishing this of beast mastery a beast mastery hunter strength comes from their bond it's to Pet soul everything okay like that's what they do they pet the pet solo everything who will ruthlessly fight at their side and savagely tear em enemies apart bloodshed is a talent that beast mastery hunters can teach their companions commanding the beasts to tear into their target the unfortunate quarry with the will bleeds oh oh so bloodshed is basically a dot that makes the pet do more damage while the dots up okay that's cool I like that that's another skill it's like you know one thing I'm worried about here is I feel like one of the things that it seems like Blizzard is doing is that they're creating damage windows for the different classes like each class is a damaged one don't like bloodshed is a damage window a few of these are things for damaged windows and III worried that we might go into the same situation at Legion had we're like 50% of your damage every two minutes happens in like 30 seconds and I hope they don't do that but we'll see that but that is a concern that I have Beastmaster cents a blood town is being reimagined this passive now activation arriviste real wrath is used granting to charges of barbed shot through bloody target to body a target and empower the bonded beast to take down those threats quickly venomous bite takes the place of spitting cobra and comes with a twist when Bistrot wrath ends the cobra will come to aid the hunter in combat the Serpent's power will increase based on how many times they use Cobra shot during beast you'll rack so you can make a super Cobra I like that that's actually pretty cool so yeah this is another damage window right that this is a hundred percent of damage window so yeah this is really interesting we get snakes yeah there you go master sharpshooters can empower kill shot with Deadeye a new talent that lets hunters they let's the hunter store to charges of kill shot [Music] you know why I think actually these changes are really good is because whenever I read one of them it makes me mad I should be jealous and pissed off the other classes get something else to [ __ ] me because hopefully by the time that we get down to my part I get something to [ __ ] them back we'll see it also makes Eames shot recharge faster for a short time whenever kill shot is used binding shackles is a new passive talent that causes enemies routed by their baseline binding shot oh wow hype train great oh that's Wow okay um binding shackles new passive talent because enemies routed by the baseline binding shot to do less damage to the other for a short period of time after being released by the route okay that's really cool I like that a lot so that's kind of a way that you can you know like lower damage against you probably more of a PvP thing but I think that's awesome volley is a new talent new talent that enables the marksmen hunter terrain arrows down on a target of the area over a short period of time it also empowers the hunter with the trick shots buff causing all their aim shot and rapid-fire abilities to ricochette and hit up to five additional targets for half the damage for the duration of the volley so okay that's basically like an AoE talent that's really cool yeah that that's great I'm happy about that survival the takedown the horrors waiting for them in the shadow in survival hunters are refining their skills and improving their weapons and gadgets expect to see damage increases for hydras bite butchery steel trap tip of the spear flanking strike along with the reduction and the focus cost to chakram okay so basically they didn't do anything to survival they're just giving it more damage which is fine and I'll tell you guys why that's not a surprise is because survival was basically created in Legion so they're not gonna have like a million different weird changes to survival because they pretty much created the class recently so it's gonna be closer to their current ideology so it's really not a surprise that survival isn't getting a lot of changes majors manipulate many schools of magic but focus their power on one in particular we feel it's important for every mage to have access to spells from arcane fire and frost spells especially for utility purposes even if they're damaged rotation draws primarily from a single source and to support this we're making more spells from all three schools class-wide [ __ ] yeah that's awesome that's really good the reason why this is good is because if you see a frost mage using arcane missles you know that are [ __ ] [ __ ] it's like they've got like one of those hats on it's you know what the little [ __ ] propellers aren't you know you know that's what it is and I think that's great I mean the giving people something stupid that they can do I think is always kind of funny whenever Blizzard does that they get arcane blasted okay well whatever oh it doesn't really matter in addition we felt that arcane mage rotation lacked a focal moment that results in a big payoff I'm somebody sinister Mitch as such the combat rotation is undergoing a significant redesign that looks to add this while retaining the overall flow and feel of the spec arcane dream do the arcane dream ah this is great to see I really think this is uh pretty much all positive does awesome alright let's go ahead and move on where were we as such the combat rotation is ongoing or significant resigned it looks to add that looks to add this while retaining the overall flow and feel of the spec arcane explosion fire blast frost bolt and mirror are once again available to all specializations and Fire Ward and frost Ward return to bolster mages defenses that's cool yeah that that is absolutely awesome so everybody gets arcane explosion again I feel like that's uh that's reminds me a little bit of classic you know and I'd say that's a good [ __ ] thing yeah just like classic altar time well altar time like this is another one altar time comes back from the past allowing mages of all specs to show off their temporal mastery wind casts the spell gives the mage and ability to return to their initial location with the same health and mana after casting it a second time or after a short duration all managers can also learn a new talent focus magic but grants an ally a slight bonus or spell critical hit chance in addition when the allies critically it oh yeah oh yeah I remember this yeah they used to have this back in the day holy [ __ ] I forgot all about focus magic uh okay so altar time this is another skill capability okay altar time is another skill capability I love altar time even though it [ __ ] me and its really annoying uh like I think it's a good ability for the game its defensive it is defensive and that's what makes it good but it's you can also you can use it in all kinds of different ways right and you see like you know [ __ ] czar you right who posts Twitter clips all the time you know in between him like doing push-ups or soloing three people in an arena like you will see so many alter time clips from czar you all right it's gonna be [ __ ] great man I'm very excited to see this arcane wild untamed magic wand sooo the Shadowlands and as Ross most khalad most chaotic magic wielders can't wait to channel it azeroth's most chaotic magic wielders oh good there's no way they didn't write this with Mitch and mine dude they had they had to have done it mad at we're casting now has an additional stack rendering arcane majors even more capable of decimating their foes mastery savant now extends its damage increasing properties beyond arcane blast and barrage to all spells holy [ __ ] a touch of the Magi removes removes from its current place as a talent to baseline arcane ability allowing wielders to grant wielders to target and ability they'll take an additional burst of magic damage from all arcane spells and spread that damage to surrounding enemies okay so that's an AoE talent and also a big damage talent that's big that's really big um that's insane enlightened is a new talent the rewards mana management well the arcane man mages mana is above a certain threshold that empowers all arcane damage belt by a moderate amount when below that threshold that significantly increases mana regeneration okay all right I like that a lot that that's called a fire fire mages now have more control over how and when they spend they spread that or ignite with a redesigned mastery ignite fire blast now serves as the catalyst when used against an enemy who is ignited it spreads to up to eight in holy [ __ ] man okay so man I better see some some warrior changes here man like this is I'm getting man this is upsetting to me like I really I'm getting some class Envy right now man I'm getting some real class Envy I swore to God if the world changes like oh yeah you get back taunt you get taught back but actually no we have time uh uh yeah you get to use chill block again I'm gonna be pissed be really pissed okay fire mages talents Rahl's are getting a few updates they'll promote different voice tiles based on a situation they face blast wave now there's more damage and an increased slow duration helps keeps enemies at bay while melting away their health that's cool I always like blast wave it looked cool for mages who want to watch the world burn the cooldown reduction provided by kindling is increased allowing the mage to get their combustion back faster for maximum critical strike goodness that's great very very great damage bonus of pyroclasm grants is also being increased making the reward for casting the next non-instant pyroblast much more satisfying so I like the idea of casting non-instant pyroblast cuz it's like Dragon Ball Z it's like you're sitting there and there's a commercial about [ __ ] you know baloney your Lunchables and then you come back is it and then justice about to happen tune in next week to see the next episode and the next episode doesn't happen either right because it's just a rerun from the last episode but anyway uh it's like whenever it finally hits though whenever it finally [ __ ] hits it blows people the [ __ ] up man like I like seeing big abilities like I love Jeep I like Jeep I is a great ability in my opinion it's slow it's dangerous and it's like you see the big red ball coming through the screen and it gets you I [ __ ] love it just like chaos bolt just like chaos ball I love chaos bolt as well Frost with the addition but with the addition of mirror images and altar time the frost mages will have some cool abilities to weave into their game point one of the more noticeable changes to frost mages and shadow ends is the update to winters to flurries winter chill diva previously winters chill was tied to for ease movement speed gave up which created tight windows and required distance objects to achieve the maximum damage bonuses moving into shadow lands winters chill will now is now much longer debuff that causes frost mages next to spells to treat the target is frozen a debuff that increases the critical strike cancer okay so you don't have to chain it right together it's not really a big deal but yeah frost base we didn't really get a whole lot of changes that's whatever all right mum who cares all right let's see paladin actually do you guys want me I guess there are there any monks in chat does he want to see the monk part [Music] let's just look real quick okay in preparation for parish turn Shadowlands monks are [ __ ] stupid they're annoying and now they get new abilities to be even more annoying okay expel harm fortifying brews spinning crane kick and touch of death and now available for all monks to use additionally touch of death route returns to its original design killing an enemy with less help than the month well that'll be great for brewmasters won't it each special Jason also grant gains a unique benefit by healing damage with touch of death that's amazing all three specializations will be able to summon their celestial to the battlefield invokes win Nizam or yuan I think that's really cool being able to summon the celestial is really cool brew masters can choose between a one-handed weapon and a two-handed weapon that's good that's very good that's what we like to see holy [ __ ] so more choices and of course one will be better and everybody will choose that one but they'll probably buff and change which one it is and it'll be interesting brewmaster monks also have a returning passive shuffle which increases the amount of physical damage at staggered and over the monk uses several abilities I think yeah shuffle is interesting ability I don't really played brewmaster enough to really know how to use it though let's see here all brewmaster Hmong celestial brew is a new ability that absorbs damage based on the invaders attack power okay that's fine all brew master modes can once again I challenge their target with clash a returning ability that causes both the monk and the target to bulrush each other and at the epicenter of the conflict route the opponent for a short duration that's actually pretty cool yeah I like that a lot that that is really cool beetle spin with the 5 subs thank you very much beetle student I appreciate that thank you thank you thank you dude we're gonna take a look at the new post on mmo-champion after I finished this okay yeah thank you very much all brew master monks will be able to use invoking as the Blackhawks previously a talent to help shoulder brewmaster stagger damaged nacelle also deals additional damage based on stagger based on stagger damage purified for brewmaster monks not only does touch of death instantly kill any creature that has less health in the monk but it will also clear the remaining stagger damage brewmasters can imbue their bruise with divine powers via a new talent celestial flames drinking brews has a moderate chance to grant celestial flames which slightly increased his breadth of fires damage reduction and spreads it's periodic damage effect to target struck with spinning crane kick so I feel like one of the things that they're doing here is they're creating ways to spread dots I don't know like I I feel like we've seen this like three times now and so I'll see if they do this with like warriors with Rindge or something like that okay let's go ahead and look at the rest of this touch of death Opie it depends on how it does in PvP but yeah a touch of death that's really good okay here we go exploding keg returns to the talent immolating enemies on impact and blinding them for a brief period of time okay miss sleeper monks will be able to use invoke you on the Jade serpent to summon a celestial who heals allies with celestial breath and spawns healing spheres for all nearby allies touch of death now instantly kills any creature with less health than the Miss Li Ramon and will spawn healing spheres for their allies invoke Gigi red crane pretty much just heals everything I'm assuming yeah yeah okay that's pretty much fine good okay where your second wind will get to them like their brewmaster brethren Windwalker monks will once again be able to choose between one oh wait wind Walker's can do this holy [ __ ] once again be able to choose between two one-handed weapons or one two-handed weapon in their fight to restore balance all Windwalker monks will be able to call upon a powerful ally with invoke swin the white tiger a touch of death they have touch with that that's nice and dance of Chi G passive talent there's moderate chance to make nests spinning crane kick free to use significant have extra damage to all it strikes okay so empowered by AoE that's cool okay paladin powered you devoted kuck of the life paladins tap into its holy power to protect their friends and vanquish their enemies in the original version of the game paladin's had several categories of spells that transcended their specializations such as seals blessings and auras while we feel that not all of these categories dispels make sense for the modern game having those categories defined by the Paladin class having the sound is fine by us we want to restore that feeling of shared spell categories with unification of the Paladin resource system and the restoration of several iconic abilities including auras ball a few of these abilities are situational utility they play well into the paladins archetype as a holy cuck and bane of the undead okay I guess they do have undead abilities janux fine powder in class and specialization changes blessing is sacrifice hammer of wrath since undead shielded righteous turner evil and word of glory will be available to all paladins wow wow wow that's a big one okay all paladin's get up I think Hannah of wrath is probably the biggest one here and turn evil makes sense to give it to all paladin's since decays you're getting lich born and ward of glory you know kind just like a healing thing holy power returns to the resource for all paladin's to use to fight off attackers and defenders allies I hated holy power I always hated holy power man like I thought it made sense for Rhett but I never liked it for holy and I never liked it for for prod like I never liked it wasn't a big fan holy power returns to restore straw abilities the Thunder allies abilities such as crusader striking hammer of wrath grand holy power on use which can then be used to can it be spent to call upon the most powerful forms of the light including word of glory and feel the the righteous to vanquish foes and protect allies as champions of the light all paladin's can use a powerful aura to safeguard and enhance their abilities concentration aura returns to all paladin's reducing the duration of interrupts and silences a redesigned retribution or allows paladin's to avenge fallen allies with a short burst of avenging wrath giving these holy warriors the strength to vanquish evil or keep their remaining allies on their feet Crusader and devotion or is also available to all paladins devotion or gave gave what was it armor and crusader aura made you move faster like on your mouth maybe the let's get move speed now okay all poundings will also have access to more talents that allow them to manipulate and spend holy power oh great it's the divine purpose talent will be available for all paladin's to select and standardized for all specializations allowing their abilities that spend holy power to have a decent chance to make the next holy power spending ability free and increase its damage or healing output Holy Avenger allows the generation of a holy fuge burst of holy power in a short window while seraphim allows the paladin to spend their holy power to increase their secondary stats for a moderate amount of time hmm what do you guys think about this most of McConnell wants to get into this chord I'm in discord he can get in discord let me know how he thinks you know what he thinks about this whole pallet in the situation but seems to me like you know bully power coming back [ __ ] that dude [ __ ] that I've never liked the way taller like I mean I don't play paladin main anyway so who cares what I like but still like I'm you know not particularly happy about that protection to better uphold their oath to protect the innocent protection paladin's now exceed shining light a new passive that makes their next cast of word of worry free whenever judgment critically strikes the target enabling prop paladin's to shield themselves and defend our allies from attackers I think that's a really good oh the I skip holy oh [ __ ] sorry I don't know why I did that I thought I already read that and as right for the azurite trait glimmer of light moves to a space in the level 50 talent row competing with powerful existing options such as beacon of faith while holy paladin's or a talent row has been replaced with the class-wide or a bar oh wow wait so they actually get the aura bar back oh [ __ ] that's awesome aura mastery continues to give holy paladin's the unique ability to give any aura a special empowerment that's big right there alright retribution okay there we go let's just get this out of the way the darkest places within the shadow ends inspire retribution paladin's to perform valorous acts in the name of the light wake of ashes is available to all retribution paladin's instead of needing to be picked as a talent allowing these holy warriors to vanquish evil with a blow so powerful it damages all foes close to its impact and reduces any survivors movement speeds significantly that's great a demon and undead enemies are further crippled with a substantial stunned when struck with the ability Imperium power will be available as a talent giving Crusader strike a moderate chance to mate the next divine storm cost no holy power and increased the damage dealt by a significant amount okay okay that's great amazing moderate yeah that are young whatever priests priests call upon the light to heal their friends and tap into the void to eradicate their enemies and recent expansions priests specializations became so pole became polarized around these two ideas with holy and shadow only tapping into their respective schools of power in shadow ends we want to move back to a world where even though holy priests excels in their connection with the light they're still able to harness some shadow magic to deal with foes likewise even though shadow please focus on harnessing void energies they're still able to draw in the light to protect themselves all right general changes mind blasts mind soothe power infusion shadow war death and shadow word pain will be available for all priests to use regardless of their active specialization all right so they've actually gotten to amputation imagine paying $15 a month to heal yeah there you go to heal another player wait I actually thought yeah you're paying $15 a month to help somebody else play the game that's true that is damn yeah you're right wow that's kinda it's a bit of cookery you're right okay discipline priests are our masters to balancing the forces of the light and shadow and changes with shadow hands cover both ends of that spectrum lights caress is a new talent the most powerful disciplines of the light can use enabling this one priests to heal their allies by blessing them with power barrier and healing them again and if they're still under the barrier whenever it expires this one priests who dare to learn into darker magics can learn shadow covenant the reimagined talent instantly heals the chosen hero and for other injured allies within a small area and moderately increases the damage a priest deals for a short period of time during which they cannot cast any holy spells all right alpha today is it true we don't know when the Alpha is coming out so a lot of people have asked me about this so when's the Alpha coming out what's happening with alpha we don't really know like let's be honest we have no idea hopefully it will be out today but it might not be we'll just have to see we're sitting around we're waiting if it comes out today we'll be ready for it okay all right anyway let's go ahead and we'll look at the rest of this new to disappoint in Shadowlands mind blast will provide a powerful burst of damage and atonement healing along with an absorption shield for significant mana cost okay uh and that's cool sure holy with the protective veil of shadow and shatter the grace of the naaru has slipped through and can be channeled by their most faithful circle of healing is now a baseline spell for holy priests bring them up to master a new talent in instead prayer circle prayer circle and power circle healing reducing new cast not a prayer of healing moderately for a short period of time whenever it's cast so activatable on demand like AoE healing that's cool uh let's see in realms of death shadow priest will learn how to ascend to the peak of their power with the new talent death and madness each time the target dies after being slain with shadow ward death the Shadow Priests gains a substantial amount of insanity back over a few seconds oh that's cool in addition shadow or death resets instantly ready to use on our next victim surrender to madness returns with a wicked twist on use the Shadow Priests instantly gains a huge spike of insanity and cast void eruption on the target over a long duration insanity generating abilities grant a hundred percent more insanity you can cast your spell's all moving however this powerful this power comes at a terrible price if the caster fails to slay their target during the buff window they succumb to the shadows and die oh wait what the [ __ ] dude that's gonna be Oh P is [ __ ] be geez this could be o pious [ __ ] dude you just pop that you deep dick somebody and then you pop it again you pop it you deep dick somebody you pop it again holy [ __ ] that's good that is really [ __ ] badass kill or die oh yes it's him minute cooldown oh yeah yeah you're coming right actually uh yeah I nevermind okay yeah I guess it doesn't reset the cooldown well there's the pupae talent that makes it reset cooldown though you get a kill I can be crazy throughout Wow's history rogues have always had a broad utility cool kit for damage control and survivability but during the development of Legion we felt the need to sting or she disrespects with each other but I give them use the ability is really old enough to give right now much of the power of the road cord kit amongst those three specializations making each of them feel a bit thinner than before foreshadowings we're working to crack this rom by restoring mini iconic Road traits to base class while perusing what's novel buddies specialization okay skip rogues wait why would we skip rogue well what do you mean like what why skip rope yeah why are we skip oh yeah I understand okay the three specializations of rogues share their teachings that they've learned while mastering their vicious skills assassins teach the basics of poisons allowing subtlety subtlety and outlaw for once again coat their blades with instant crippling and numbing poisons wait the ropes not have poisonous for all the respects now no it's been like that since I don't play a roguelike I don't what the [ __ ] it's so [ __ ] dumb like I don't play alts anymore like I only like ever I since I started like going for like all the completion ISM content I never play alts unless it's like for a reason to like advance my main so I had no idea about this yeah for your only home we warrior met that's it so that's [ __ ] insane Wow um okay so instant poison just to damage for anybody that forgot crippling poison made you like move slower there's a good movement speed reduction and numbing poisons made you cast slower I don't remember what numbing poison did the lost art of the well-placed Shiv yeah cast time I thought so of a well-placed shift at a target side allows a concentrated version of the poison to infect the target for a short duration pickpocket will frequently uncover new ingredients that can be mixed into their crimson vial augmenting its power for the next time a rogue drinks it [Music] that actually sounds really [ __ ] cool like this is one of the first things like why this stuff is like okay yeah it's nice that's cool it's whatever that actually sounds really [ __ ] cool that is a really really cool interaction I like that a lot that right there is class [ __ ] fantasy whoever thought of that at Blizzard good job ass ass ass nation ass ass a nation ROK's continued their mastery of poisons with returning ship ability providing a moment of increased nature damage on your victim mirroring the gameplay of toxic blade which is like I think it just did more more poison amber so many packs their poisons will be stronger and applied to their blades faster than other rogues along with always infecting targets when attacking with stealth oh oh that's really nice ass ass ination once again has access to ambush as an option for their initial attack from stealth okay that's just like basically a damage a damage from damage a blindside Talon has changed to give the assasin a chance to Ori I'm gonna stop doing its ambush even with that installed with a higher chance of lower health targets Oh blindside has changed to give assasin a chance to allow access to ambush even while out of stealth with the higher chance and lower health targets don't stop okay alright I don't know if I'll be able to do it again anyway that's actually a really cool ability I liked it a lot outlaw oh ship gets ya access to another upgrade to toxic Glade we're just seeing its cooldown to provide more frequent assaults of increased nature damage okay so like more damage from those outlaw ever-resourceful and hungry for an edge outlaw rogues are traded in the convoy combo point requirement for roll the bones for a modifiable cooldown which can be manipulated to line up with staggering their finish moves with their staggering finish moves okay frantic combat will reduce the cooldown of roll the bones through Restless blades by spending combo points it shot returns to outlaws toolkit with between the eyes making their foes more susceptible to their critical strikes instead of stunning them yeah so like every class now it seems like every class is getting a damage window like this is the same thing like another class with the damage window and so I'm I'm not really surprised to see this at all but it's probably a good thing checks are used tweet uh okay I'll pull that up yeah sure just a second what's he saying oh he's gonna jump back yep yeah oh okay that's good man that was really good you guys see that is it big enough I can't really make it any bigger what he did there is the the guy oh yeah I can just do this I guess um the guy goes in there and he runs after him sorry you jumps down with altar time he comes back up and the idiot just [ __ ] frogs right off the [ __ ] edge alright dude that's great to see man that is great to [ __ ] see which size listen yeah it's right here okay I'm gonna give this a [ __ ] like dude there you go man alright that's what I thought running back storm blasts you okay alright let me go back and we'll take a look the rest of the class this thing evasion returns is outlaws defensive ability with ripostes reposting becoming an upgraded talent option retractable hook now increases the speed of the rogues grappling hook getting them where they need to be a faster than ever I feel like that's probably that's probably a bad probably a bad talent like I'm just assuming but we'll see invasion and riposte day yeah dude I mean these rogues man they're getting all kinds of crazy abilities man first assassin got some stuff then how we've got invasion and riposte day now III honestly I have so much fun I'm being really I have so much fun saying words wrong could just reading chat get [ __ ] pissed subtlety always looking for an advantage in combat all subtlety rogues have mastered the art of find weakness previously a talent attacking from stealth and other abilities allow the rogue to bypass their target armor but also causes additional shadow damage remember they were struck by an eviscerate fine weakness can also mark a large number of targets see it's another one whenever needed to set up for the new area of effects miniature shadow vault which also assaults targets with fine weakness for additional shadow damage Shadow Dance grants the power of dark shadow previously of talents to increase all damage active at the cost of less frequent dancing rupture returns to subtlety x' damage over time bleed finishing move instead of shadowing knight would however they'll still have access to movement speed reduction and healing reduction through wound and crippling poison okay that's good yeah that's great uh damage windows sequels more skill-based rotation is not what you wanted yeah III do want that the only concern that I'd have is that every single class has basically the same the same fundamental damage window and so you'd get to a little bit of homogeneous ation like I don't want to have every class have a damage window because then it's like it's the same thing every time right but overall damage windows are better than not having I'd rather have damaged windows then have at least some classes have damaged windows and no classes have damaged windows but I think all classes having damaged windows is better than no classes having damaged windows okay like so I don't know if that makes sense um okay let's see here shaman Shaymin as a class shaman have long had some of the most distinctive categories of spells in the game totems jocks shields weapon abuse and chain spells but over time some have become the domain of specific specializations in shadow ants working some of we're giving these types of abilities back to the entire class as a player levels up they'll be exposed to the many ways that are shot make interactive the elements overcome challenges over time shaman will discover which of these tools they have the strongest affinity for and which abilities they'd like to focus on as they master the elemental forces general changes in Shadowlands chain he'll chain lightning healing stream totem flame tongue weapon flame shock frost shock and lightning shield wait one two three four five six seven my counting wrong dear Oh eight yeah eight searing totem holy [ __ ] I don't know if I can give Mitch's Razer Naga back now I think I might need it holy [ __ ] dude this is insane Wow um oh my god available shaman grows through specialization steering's our meager returns to the donee for all shamans to use which bombards enemy ear by ear by nin amis with fireballs for a short duration that's great alright let's go and look at elemental misha still gonna have it yeah I would be too elemental the Maelstrom resource an accompanying bar have been removed there it is dude there it is dude here's why this is good because every [ __ ] class has a secondary resource everybody has a secondary resource and now they're changing it and they're making it a little bit different thank [ __ ] god I'm so glad to see this man mage uh well yeah I mean I guess there's a few classes that uh that don't have one but like overall they were trending more towards giving everybody a second resource and I'm glad that they're moving away from that I think it's a good thing all right let's look at the rest of what when we add in Maelstrom to shamans in Legion we wanted to improve affordance around the use of earth shock an earthquake in their rotation but the addition of the resource has a side effect of converting the spec into one with builder and spender abilities there it is which comes with a certain built-in expectations of the payoff of its spenders when an elemental shaman presses earth shock and it consumes most of their resource the expectation is at the moment is the peak of the rotation and there should be a big payoff but we want to focus on the rotation to be more about managing your flame shock debuff on multiple targets to maximize to maximize the potential of lava burst through over surge procs lightning bolt and consequently earth shock are meant to be flavorful but not secondary part of the single target rotation now let me go ahead and let me use a let me rephrase this elemental shamans were one shotting people in pvp with earth shock boys were concerned that probably a problem and now they're changing it that's pretty much what happened all right I'm not surprised it seems like a good idea good class changes yeah let me just pause right here what do you guys think so far the changes what do you guys think so far about everything that we've been talking about here so far good so everybody's pretty much saying good god damn that's [ __ ] awesome reminds me of Cataclysm yeah that's uh that's definitely a good thing I'm happy about that a lot where is in decays needs dances returned well we'll see what happens okay okay let's go ahead and do the rest of this do an elemental shaman okay I saw this use me managing your flame shock debuff on multiple targets to maximize potential of lava burst through lava surge procs lightning bolt and cons when the earth shock I meant to be a flavo so I went apart as such we are returning to a design that relies on building stacks of fulmination to determine when to insert earth shock into the rotation similarly Chain Lightning and stacks the seismic Thunder will serve to enable earthquake echoing shock is a new talent that blasts the target for significant damage and makes it so the shamans next healing or damage doing spells cast a second time shortly afterward without costing additional resources okay so it's basically like echo of the elements seems like pretty much what is this that's great enhancement as with elemental the Maelstrom resource and Maelstrom bar has been removed from enhancement shaman enhancement will return to a specialization based on managing a number of cooldown abilities with high points built around rinse repeat casts of storm strike in shadow lands enhancements shaman who will [ __ ] witch who changed certain abilities in combat will see their efforts rewarded when the time is right and the elements will what elements are orangey by the way with the capacity to unleash a powerful cooldown dealing devastating damage Maelstrom weapon returns giving each attack a chance to grant a stack above a buff that can be used to make your next healing or damage dealing spell instance flame tongue weapon and wind fury weapon there are distance there it is there it is third can once again be applied to elemental shamans weapons opinion about the power of the elements to suit the situation in hand the passive bonus provided by hailstorm is being redesigned so that it resets to cool down a flame shock and frost shock when a shaman uses storm strikes tearing assault metamorphosizes into a powerful fire attack striking the foe for significant fire damage and causing their searing totem to cast incredibly fast it also triggers flame shock to rapidly dish out its damage over time burn effects to melt enemies that's cool overcharged now generates five stacks of Maelstrom weapon instantly and another stack every second for a short duration storm keeper will make your next two lightning bolt the Chain Lightning cast instant cast and he'll bonus damage it also benefits from Maelstrom weapon lowering storm keepers cast time so the enhancement shaman can change our full abilities together to pummel down a foes quickly elemental blast is now a talent option for enhancement shaman giving this melee focused spec and access to a powerful spell that enjoy destroyed foes from a distance great oh yeah wait they've had that before no that's not bad yeah never mind that that's okay where can I find a post it's on WoW head and you can also just find it on mmo-champion or just on the Blizzard official site let's see here where are we at um a blast talent okay yeah we got everything else it also benefits from Maelstrom weapons effect which we use it's cast time or even cause it to become instant cast once restoration shamans step into the realm of the ancestral spirits you'll find new ways to tap into the elements powers her shield can now be used by all restoration shamans without kneeing is selected as a talent surge of the earth is a new talent that extends a few charges of earth shield doesn't infinitely heal the current earth shield target and several nearby allies there it is there's no two-handed weapons for shamans I mean realistically like two-handed weapons with shamans and the the wind fury procs it just created really really large unpredictable damage swings which is fun for players but I don't think it's really good game play and I think that's why they got rid of it ultimately like something like that is it's fun but not balanced and I understand like fun and not balance is a good thing sometimes I agree but I think that like you see how how quickly people become frustrated with classic PvP it's something that has a certain level of like novelty to it and the novelty wears off and then the frustration sets in that's why I think that they're probably getting rid of it okay frustration okay yeah warlock when designing the warlocks foreshadow ends we had a few core goals as part of our effort to distinguish classes as a whole will bring back curses we're bringing back curses that warlocks can use is a proactive situational tools satisfying to use in special cases but not something they should feel obligated to use when fighting every enemy that is a really like I really like that abilities like demonic circle offer unique ways to interact with the world in combat spaces demonic circles is it's a badass ability I love demonic circles so I'm glad they're bringing it back spec wise we're bringing relatively minimal changes to demonology and destruction because we have no idea what to do with demonology and destruction is fine I just added that in there myself because let's be honest the last time boys art knew what to do with demonology was in Burning Crusade like after that they were like oh yeah so uh what what spells does Mannoroth have okay give them another one of those this expansion I'll give them one Illidan spell to turn them into a demon I'm gonna have demon hunters uh take that one away tell them I'm gonna redesign the class oh we're gonna redesign the class no no no no I can redesign it just tell them that okay that's pretty much what it is like a deep knowledge you have no [ __ ] idea what they're doing with them let's go back to him as you feel their core rotations in talent options fit well with our goals for Chad Owens with affliction we're making larger changes to bring the specializations gameplay more towards managing damage over time effects rather than saving up for major burst moment wait that's a different type of gameplay than all of the other classes it's but wow wow factor it used to be that's right Annie that's right warlock class and specialization changes general changes all warlocks will be able to flick their foes with curse of tongues doesn't it little the middle that's what I have whenever I talk to you long I start getting curse of tongues curse of recklessness Oh curse of recklessness I wonder what that's going to be because curse of uh quistis back in vanilla used to give it used to reduce the armor of your target and make your target deal more damage I remember one thing that I used to do because it used to increase attack power by a base value is I would go around on my warlock and cast curse of recklessness on mobs at low level players were fighting and then the mobs would kill the player it was so fun and you know hopefully they'll bring that back curse of weakness and curse of doom I love curse of Doom dude like curse of Doom is one of my favorite abilities in the game III really really liked it a lot you said to him yeah in addition warlocks can manipulate space with demonic circle hung tight is it talented and our drew spelled la bide by targets tougher and cursive thongs Kaufering causing [ __ ] now I'm actually doing it um causing them to seal the victim from receiving healing effects wait what what so they can't get any healing at all a 100% mortal strike what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude like what do you mean like I oh my god uh okay so [ __ ] me right I mean you know whatever [ __ ] me this all right cool guess I'm useless now great for senators to come to all incoming damage for a moderate amount of time affliction unstable affliction sacrifices its stacking effect to torture its victim longer and all without consuming a soul shard huh so it's just a new dot then it's just another dot is that right yeah it's just an actual dot I kind of white the way the new unstable affliction works I'll be real I I do but I can see why a lot of other people don't like it and so I'll be really curious to see how this change I know a lot of other people don't like it right I know other people don't like it that's fine um I don't play a warlock main so if warlock mains don't like it then they should change it you know what I mean like a warrior main that has a warlock halt but I don't really play a lot who cares what I think this is just like my opinion on the class the flicks manaan playable in PvP all expansion well hopefully this will be this will be a change folks and Juarez can exacerbate the malaise they so with malefic rupture a new ability that deals damage to enemies to all enemies afflicted by their periodic spells if increased for each periodic effect on target okay that's cool another I guess kind of like an AoE ability or actually um that's basically like the void eruption right isn't that how void eruption works it deals damage to every target like that has a cursive or [ __ ] like that shadow thing on them yeah a buck good luck nut hey thanks offer to ten subs now first say that thank you thank you thank you dude thank you very much new talents will be available for friction walk so effectively drain life away from their victims sofa sees when I'll embed two additional seeds in nearby enemies which combined with the new mill aggressor ability can make for devastated explosive results that's great that's awesome so the seeds used to uh used to make it whenever you did like seed of corruption it would do like three of them instead of one I remember it's like super [ __ ] okie for damage AoE damage was crazy everyone in the area void ruptured hurts everyone I forgot what it was um demonology dark pact will now scale with spell power to deal more damage than ever before demonology warlocks will also discover that the dark fury talent has a new effect in addition to the cooldown reduction it provides and empowers shadow fury by increasing its area of effect as the spell crashes down onto the battlefield so nothing they get a buff to their mastery they get a mastery both great fire and brimstone is getting an upgrade and shadow ends as it now generates two Scholz soul shard fragments for each enemy struck by the warlocks empowered incinerate that's cute okay okay here we go all right [Music] give me one second Chad and heavy armor and wielding brutal weapons it's often forgotten that warriors are also hybrids equally adept at dealing damage and protecting allies on the frontline we want them to restore the utility to all three warrior specializations by bringing back many iconic abilities that are useful across the game in addition several talents have undergone revision for each spec to increase build diversity in gameplay variety execute hamstrung ignore pain shield block shield slam slam spell reflection and whirlwind are now available to all warriors to use regardless of their active specialization furthermore challenging shout and intervene are returning and all warriors can use them to turn the tide of battle shattering throwers how many I don't have that many fingers I this is too many like how many is this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I've got to use my toes now holy [ __ ] oh where a chattering throw is also back yeah buddy [ __ ] them paladin's with a new twist it will deal devastating damage against those protected by an absorption shield that is [ __ ] amazing dude that is so good I am so sick of these people that just have their absorbed yield on POW oh dude this is feeling good man lastly double-time and warm machine can now be utilized by all specializations to talent I guess that's kind of cool arms the armies of mauled Raxus have inspired arms warriors to return the several key martial tactics and abilities piercing howl can now be used by arms words giving them another way to stop enemies in their tracks by Daisy nanostick introduces their movement speed for a short duration all right so we get piercing howl back that's great cleave has been redesigned after striking three targets in the world when the warrior can use cleave to strike all enemies in front of the warrior inflecting deep wounds that's good because right now cleave is [ __ ] useless inflicting deep wounds the deadly calm talent has also been redesigned and will completely remove the rage cost of the next four abilities that's how it was in Cataclysm and improves a passive effect and increases the warriors maximum rage by a moderate amount dreadnought that's the one that gives to charges at over power now takes on seismic wave as right trait empowering overpower to deal damage to enemies in a lane so it's like a over power is a skill shark Wow Wow oh that's awesome when over power hits two targets with sweeping strikes dreadknot causes to death whoa that's good I like to see that it's like seismic surround it's like seismic slam from rolling oh yeah we need to do a vision I need to do another five mask vision today I'll have to do that after I go through all this stuff arms is [ __ ] boring since BFA arms is [ __ ] boring since Cataclysm actually mr. Pandaria yeah let's be real um fury fury warriors will find themselves at home in the shadow and so I'll be able to finally perform feats of battle that were previously unfathomable is that right fervor of battle is the new talent we're warrior loses themselves to their bloodthirster in whirlwind and also slams their primary target and gains additional rage that's just that's just that we already had that look we already had that basically like warriors will also be able to learn onslaught what in which an enraged warrior brutally attacks an enemy for a large amount of damage and generates some raids so raging blow no it's it's raging flow Raging Bull used to be only usable while you were enraged and did a lot of damage and generated rate did this is they just they just renamed it but they renamed a spell but okay this could be better a frothing berserker has been reimagined now whenever the warrior reaches under rage they gain haste and movement speed over a few seconds wrecking ball returns is a talent which gives away your moderate chance for next world when the deal a devastating devastating to do like 200% damage I remember that day I used that in a the [ __ ] the mage tower fresh meat now causes blood thirst to always enrage you the first time you strike a target with what that that sucks that's it that's all the fury Warrior stuff [ __ ] [ __ ] I he said this was just a start yeah that means you can get worse let's look at the rest of this in their shining armour protection Warriors are seen as stalwart defenders but behind the shield stands the cold-blooded tactician very true so true that the truest true there has ever been true protection Warriors can now tap into it was this year can now tap into their brutal side with some mutton with some reimagined talents best served cold increases the damage of revenge with the damage bonus significantly increasing significantly after a successful dodge or parry has been made uh wait what did I read that wrong uh with the damage bonus increased significantly after serve of dr. Perry has made oh oh okay okay never mind alright so if they're just making it do more damage whenever it's free okay um Minnis has also been redesigned with this theme in mind empowering intimidating shout to caused all enemies to cower in fear for a substantial amount of time knocking back those who are not the primary target alright that's cool let's see indomitable will now passively increase the warriors maximum health by a moderate amount and spending rage while the ability is active will heal their wounds cool that's cool I like that yeah they used to have that back in um in mist of pandaria somehow I forgot exactly what was that mr. Pandaria that you would be able to heal through um was it spinning rage yeah I forgot really what it was second wind it was so long ago I don't really remember um never surrender in Greece's ignore pain by either a moderate or significant amount based on missing health yeah they already had this in the game before bleach and legendary oh yes yes mana rots [ __ ] manacles that's right yeah yeah mana Ross manacles check Ian's like tweets no no no no no no no no Ian listen to me Ian single-minded fury you only play that if you're a [ __ ] okay like warriors have two big [ __ ] weapons and they beat the [ __ ] out of people that's the way it works I don't want to eat this [ __ ] ass [ __ ] using one-handed weapons again I hate it do not do it please don't do it because even if it's not the [ __ ] even if it's not the best I'm gonna have to do it anyway single mining is better no titans grip is compensating no listen let me see if I can find this I'm gonna see if I can pull this up real quick uh let me see if I can find the image of it give me one second guys this is really important for me to find where is the picture of me holding the rake the rake with like the bucket on my head where is it I need to find it um there's there's a certain picture I need to show you guys this is how I feel about Titans grip that's how I feel about Titans grip okay you see this kid do you think I want to use single-minded fury do you think how do you think do you think this dude wants to play the game like a [ __ ] buck no buck no I don't [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 602,166
Rating: 4.7088814 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold funny, catdany, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold shadowlands, asmongold wow shadowlands, shadowlands wow, shadowlands alpha, world of warcraft shadowlands, shadowlands class changes, asmongold class changes, asmongold shadowlands class, shadowlands class, shadowlands abilities
Id: fA52UoubPxI
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Length: 104min 2sec (6242 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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