Asmongold Reacts to "Why I Quit WoW to Raid in FFXIV"

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why equipment the grading for and wow to raid in final fantasy 14. this is a video people have really suggested for me to watch very often and i'm going to go ahead and take a look at it and we're going to get into the other stuff okay hey everyone my name is links camille and in this week's video i wanted to jump on the bandwagon of why i quit wow videos but give my unique perspective as a hardcore raider and someone who doesn't enjoy the typical ff-14 hooks like the story perhaps you're a mythic raider yourself and wondering if you'd enjoy raiding an ff14 or perhaps you're purely an ff14 player who wants to know how a hardcore raider finds enjoyment in the game yeah either way i often feel like these videos focus on the casual side of 14 and not so much the high end rating side so here's why i quit mythic rating and wow to raid an ff14 i'm a player whose enjoyment of ff14 comes almost solely from raiding and have notoriously skipped all of the story content in 14 speed running to end game and reaching rating as quickly as possible this is a pretty uncommon gameplay style in ff14 with the main draws of the game being the story the characters the world glamours crafting housing and other forms of more casual content this isn't to say i don't enjoy these parts of the game and i don't look at skipping the story and rushing to end game as some sort of badge of honor but what i care about the most is end game and high-end rating this probably sounds pretty familiar if you're a mythical greater in world of warcraft yeah i'm not here to tell you is that despite the game not catering to high-end raiders there is still tons of enjoyment to be found and difficult challenges to overcome in final fantasy 14 rating and see this is the main thing that i was worried about is that like i i felt like the whole game was like just a casual fest and it just like wouldn't have like any sort of like real draws to differentiate yourself and stuff like that and i know that like yeah there's a lot of things like that i'm going to play this story i want to make sure everybody understands this like i'm going to play the story etc but i do also want to say that there's a lot of content here involved with the game and everything that i want to i i want to do and it's mainly the end game content that i care about the most important part of ff14 rating that is often not very well discussed is the issue of boss count in raiding what i mean by this is that every savage raid tier in final fantasy 14 has only four bosses and this sounds like an incredibly low amount compared to wow's 10 to 12 boss raids right well i'm here to tell you that we do actually get comparable boss counts per raid tier it's just not all in savage you see in world of warcraft raids are released as one complete piece of content containing all of the bosses for a tier in one area when a new raid in wow is released that is the raid and aside from mythic plus it's the only place you'll be facing new encounters ff14 raids are broken up between 24 man raids also known as alliance raids eight-man extreme trials savage raids and ultimates there are four bosses per alliance raid two so the ultimate raids only go up to eight people because i thought they went up to like 16 or something it's only eight people for the ultimate version of the fight [ __ ] so i can't get carried oh wow okay oh wow but you know that's that's crazy that like the hardest version of the game is only eight people there are four bosses per alliance raid two extreme trials per raid tier four savage bosses per tier and depending on how you look at it one or four bosses in ultimate bringing us to a total of eleven or fourteen bosses per raid tier cycle the reason i said well maybe one or four depending on how you look at it is that ultimate raids are boss gauntlets that contain multiple bosses split up by phases inside of one fight which is why ultimate fights are generally upwards of 15 to 18 minutes for one encounter with the raids being split up like this you have a trade-off of having more diversity and variety in bosses where they exist in the game their design and their arenas with the drawback being less highly challenging encounters and a smaller pool of bosses that drop the best gear in the game the last part there is the most important when looking to acquire the best gear in the game yes you will only have the four savage bosses to tackle as ultimates only exist as an extreme challenge not rewarding better gear but a transmog weapon and a title to show off your accomplishment so you don't get anything else from like the hardest version except for just like a cool looking sword and like i'm fine with that i don't give a [ __ ] because like usually even in wow like that's how it is in rather lich king like what were apex accomplishments it wasn't clearing next it was getting immortal immortal was a title it wasn't clearing uh you know malygos it was getting the black proto-drake the black perjury was a mount uh if you look at um you know tier 11 right what was the apex accomplishment in tier 11 sinestro immortal if you could get immortal on sinestra you got that and then also look at old war ulduar zero light zero light yawg that is like the hardest fight basically that blizzard has made in a lot like there's a hardest fight to that date that blizzard had ever made by a mile and the only real reward that you got from zerolight was mimiron's head so it's really funny that people are thinking this might not be a good thing because in the good points and wow the absolute apex accomplishments pretty much every time only really rewarded transmug or there was some sort of cosmetic that you could have mage tower it's another one diversity of rating though means that outside of your weekly savage rating you have many other pieces of content that you can take part in and still receive rewards that fuel your savage and ultimate raids that's cool alliance raids in comparison to wow are around lfr to early normal mode difficulty but reward coins which can be turned in for gear upgrade tokens which are required to upgrade your gear to the highest level these tokens also drop in savage so you don't have to do alliance raids for them but they're a good way to acquire them for your alt classes or if you're getting unlucky and not receiving the upgrade tokens fast enough to keep up with your gear upgrades moving on to extreme trials the next tier above alliance raids they are around early heroic boss difficulty meaning that they are very often plugged and don't require voice comms or much commitment to farm them these bosses drop high item level weapons allowing you an avenue to acquire a near savage raid level weapon much more easily than savage raiding okay many high-end raiders actively progress these trials while also progressing the savage raid tier as the weapons from extreme trials can prove highly beneficial when progressing in savage they also you want to go back and do those again okay that's cool yeah i like that it's off our normal mythic i'm not really short but like how many people do ultimates in like like let's say you have a server of people how how frequent do you see somebody with like an ultimate weapon it's not even one percent yeah because it's like i i like having content where there's only like a handful of people on the server that have it so you kind of like even remember the names of the people that have the really cool items for like those big big accomplishments like that's what i really really love man like you need like those mega mega dick flex items man mega dick flex items that's what they're called but mounts so people farm these extreme trials throughout the entire expansion this is a huge part of ff14 that i love the fact that a new raid release does not invalidate the previous raids because there are that sounds very familiar that sounds extremely familiar wow that's awesome our cosmetics tied to the raids like mountain transmog items people actively farm old content forever and you can always go back and experience an older extreme trial with seven others just for fun or to get the mount or transmog whatever reason you have for being there you can find a group for it compare that to world of warcraft where a new raid release means all 10 or so bosses that you've been farming are now seemingly gone forever there are some really fun raids in wow that i would have loved to keep doing throughout an expansion just out of enjoyment but because a new raid was released and better gear exists nobody ran the old raids add on to that the fact that you can have every class in the game on one character in final fantasy 14. yeah that's where you can swap classes and rolls whenever you want farming old bosses doesn't ever get boring maybe i want to tank an extreme trial today or maybe i want to heal it maybe i've been trying to learn melee dps and will practice on extreme trials to get good enough for savage bro like that's what was so cool about the game and like misa pandaria and in like wrath even in burning crusade and cataclysm is that like if if you if like you were having fun playing a class you could just go and play another [ __ ] class you could just like level that [ __ ] up in like two or three days you could gear it up and you could be immediately into the new content man like that's what one of the best yeah let me i'll move ahead one of the biggest replayability factors it was super [ __ ] bright there but the point that i'm making is that uh the whole content of the game wasn't locked behind a lot of these like grinds and i think that's one thing that i i really feel like a lot of players have disliked about wow is that you have all these barriers so like you're trying to get to like point a or like let's say you're going to try you're trying to go to z right you're at a and like z is rating and mythic and like you know myth grading like high-end mythic plus like high-end arena and like a is [ __ ] you know like level one well before there was only like five letters in the alphabet and now there's 50. there are so many different things you have to do to get there and it just takes forever it's like you have to spend a lot of time managing secondary systems to play the game whereas like those secondary systems and this is like effectively what this is because you have to level up this is my understanding of final fantasy you have to level up each of these jobs individually right so you still have to level up the thing that you are playing yeah you do but you don't have to do a lot of these secondary work this is effectively the same thing as the way that wow used to be except for you're playing all the same classes on one character and you probably still have secondary progression the same that wow has now but you do that on one character and what is it like whenever you have all your secondary progression on one character that affects all of your characters all the classes all of your jobs that is just like it being account wide that is the exact same thing for high-end raiders such as myself moving on to savage raids then this is where the best gear in the game will come from and where most of the challenging raid content lies savage difficulty is around n heroic to late mythic difficulty with each boss being progressively more difficult than the last while yes wow does have more mythic bosses if you've ever been in a decently progressed mythic guild you'll be aware of the fact that the first five to seven bosses in a mythic raid are those much much easier than the last three oh yeah there is a sharp increase in difficulty near the end of a mythic raid whereas savage is a constant progression of difficulty meaning that no boss feels like a pushover on top of that ff bosses are also on average longer than mythic bosses averaging around 8 to 11 minutes per savage fight compared to wow's four to eight minute average this longer fight duration also exists and to be fair those i think those are i don't know actually like it depends on like how much better gear you can get because like people are killing the bosses way faster now but like maybe that's that's not what happens in final fantasy it's hard to say extreme trials so when looking at encounter time across an entire raid tier ff might actually have more encounter time than wows despite having a lower boss count this is of course made up by world of warcraft having trash between its bosses whereas ff14 doesn't but boss fight time can be higher in ff14 depending on what you're looking at this is another big reason as to why a hardcore raider can enjoy ff14 as despite a lower boss count the bosses feel fuller and more complete with many different phases and mechanics throughout the entire encounter when moving on to ultimate raids it gets even crazier alternate raids are without a doubt the hardest pieces of raiding content ever conceived in an mmo aside from one shots and just cheese bosses i'm sure many many many long-term wow players will scream about how wrong i am for saying that with max rammus being the hardest raid ever or sartherian three drakes or mythic gul'dan mythic sargeras how can an eight-man raid be harder than a 20-man raid listen i've been there i know how hard wow fights can be i know that the clear rates for endomythic bosses are extremely low but what i can tell you is that mythic oonat is the only fight in wow to ever compete with ultimate raids in ff14 in terms of difficulty and that raid was the least cleared mythic raid in history yeah it was man raids are so much harder than 20 man raids because with only eight players you can give those players extreme personal responsibility on a level you just cannot do with 20 people 20 points of failure versus 8 points of failure with a smaller amount of failure points you can create harder individual challenges add on the fact that ultimate raids can last up to 20 minutes with one mistake having the ability to cause a wipe and reset your progress back to the beginning and oh man are these fights insanely difficult out that's dates and how many people get your ultimate and say that they're easier than certain wow bosses but that's only because wow bosses are gear gated and ff-14 bosses are not ultimate raids are designed with players being best in slot meaning they are 100 tailor-made to be incredibly difficult and you can not over gear them even when a new raid releases ultimate rates are item level synced meaning if you come in with better gear later on so it just slows it down your stats get lowered to the level they were when the raid was released so does this work like so for example like in with time walking and wow you can go in there with like let's say a shadow mourn or something like that and you'll do more damage even whenever it gets scaled down so like are there examples in final fantasy of like having these like really good items that are good that are they're very good scaled down no there's not it negates it huh all right there's food though yeah there's probably like maybe a tiny little thing like maybe like maybe five or ten percent better because like in time locking for example everybody gets scaled down to the same item level but because you have so many different weird items in the game you still have a massive power difference between how you're playing then and how people played back whenever the content was relevant four years after the first ultimate was released we still have thousands of players attempting them and progressing for months that's cool hoping to get it clear this is where high-end hardcore raiders live in final fantasy xiv ultimate raids have basically ruined other mmos for me without the insane challenges of ultimate i just don't know how to have fun in an mmo anymore i crave that insane challenge the hours of wiping 15 minutes in and banging your head in frustration and the immense satisfaction of finally overcoming the challenge and clearing an ultimate i have dozens of clears on these fights and still enjoy doing them to this day some people have hundreds of clears of ultimates no longer needing the transmog rewards but just doing them because the challenge is so fun yeah even after your 20th clear there is still a joy to be had in the amount of skill it requires to be cleared when i say i enjoy i would do the same thing like that's the thing in wow is like if anybody was trying to do like an immortal uh sinestro or like a mortal rodden run or like anything that was like super super hard i'd go to it because like you never have the opportunity to like do that because it's so rare that people have those groups you can never play at that level except for those like few small points in time that'd be great yeah and i like so i think that like i can relate to this like this is something i used to do a lot too it's like if there's ever a raid going on for like something that's really really hard or like some really hard achievement i'd be like [ __ ] i want to go to that and just just do it again because it was just fun to do 14 that's mostly because i love ultimate raids moving on from ultimate a huge reason i stick with ff14 over wow as a competitive hardcore raider is the simplicity of gearing in ff14 i cannot tell you how liberating it felt to leave world of warcraft and come over to ff14 and find out that there are actual best in slot lists that give me an extremely clear path of gear progression i hated the rng factor of gearing and wow with some pieces coming from mythic plus meaning i would have to wait for my weekly vault and hope i get the highest item level version yeah and other pieces coming from raiding but maybe they don't ever drop or they go to other players and i'm seemingly just pulling a slot machine hoping to get an upgrade in stark comparison ff14 gearing is completely deterministic there are only two sources of max item level gear being savage raids and your weekly tomestones these weekly tomestones are most akin to valor points in wow they are rewarded to you for completing max level contract with a weekly cap of 450 and gear items ranging from 375 tomestones to a thousand bro this seems like so much like wrath of the witch king like i'm gonna be honest like they have like the same general like uh progression cycle and everything like this it does seem extremely common it's 900 now yeah it's like wrath valor or like cataclysm or something like that because you had devour points you had like the different difficulty levels and like the last difficulty of it was like mostly prestige right like i'll give you another example in trial of the grand crusader what was the pinnacle accomplishment in togc the mount tribute to immortality a mount that was it and like the difference between like you had guilds that cleared normal mode you had guilds that cleared most of heroic you had guilds that cleared heroic you had guilds that were able to clear it with 50 attempts left and then all the way up here you had these small handful of guilds that could do tribute to mortality there is a bigger jump between doing fit like a 50 and tribute to mortality than there was between any other group of players in the game it's the same as heroic ragnaros only having two sources of max item level gear means that you can create clear best in slot gear sets and have the exact path to get them laid out in front of you this is because savage raids are not purely gear drop based savage raids drop treasure chests that contain a certain piece of gear and you can open this chest on any class and it will give you the raid gear piece for that specific class for example the final boss of a savage raid tier drops a weapon chest and if you get the weapon chest it's not a sword or an axe or a bow it's whatever you want it to be and you determine what weapon you'll get from it by opening it on the class that uses a particular weapon type so is this the exact same as denaturius weapons like just so i understand it like this is the same as denaturatious weapons right okay yeah so they're better they drop tokens that that makes sense sure that clearing a savage raid fight gives you a currency once per week specific to every single boss and after acquiring enough of these boss specific currencies you can trade them for items that that boss will drop so after a certain amount of weeks you are guaranteed to receive the item you're looking for that's badass this means that you can accurately predict when you will get your best installed items how long it will take to upgrade them to max item level and what specific pieces you're searching for lastly a great benefit to a player like me who enjoys all types of games and not just ff14 is that logging out for days at a time doesn't mean that you fall behind in world of warcraft when you are in a high-end mythic grading guild it can feel like you have to grind out whatever expansion currency is required to power up your borrowed power system yeah i remember doing hundreds of mobs souls runs in legion to form artifact power grinding out islands and bfa for azerite and now shadow lands tour gas and maw dailies yeah i hated feeling forced to play the game to farm some arbitrary currency for a system that will be invalidated in a patch in it that is exactly the way i felt about too i did uh what was it 54 artifact traits i had 54 artifact traits i had my necklace was leveled up to like whatever i needed it for a battle of desire lore and i i always kept my i remember my necklace was level 50. yeah i had my neck at level 52 at some point before they increased the cap um i had let's see where are the other ones i have like my max rank legendary i have multiple max rank legendaries so i've had to do this many times as well and it's super annoying i think that those systems are actually the things that like really burn people out a lot especially whenever like for example in like legion you had to get 54 traits and then they just changed it and it didn't matter anymore it's you'd have somebody who spent like weeks and weeks and weeks farming for something like eight hours a day and then they just do a patch and it's just out of the game and i think that's one of the big things that like i think demotivates people is that they'll have this like big accomplishment that they that they've achieved and then it's just so fleeting that they're less motivated to pursue the next one ff14 the only things you have to care about on a weekly basis is your weekly raid lockout and tomestones tomestones like i mentioned before come from literally any piece of level lady content so you can do whatever you enjoy in the game and get rewarded that's cool i don't have to do a specific activity that's super boring for some random currency that i don't care about i can just do one dungeon per day and cap my tomestones over time and guess what when i have the tomestone gear i once wrote my main class i can just stop capping my tone stones every week the game allows you to choose what you want to do how often you want to do it and doesn't lock you into a system that requires upkeep otherwise you fall behind there have been times where i've logged out yeah upkeep systems i think do really burn people out i i really agree with that i liked for example like in dragon soul it's like one good example of this and also siege of orgrimmar is like whenever i got all my gear i was done i was done i could come back in two months and i still had all my gear and i'm still better than everybody else it's like i'm still the big dick you know but nowadays i feel like if you take a break or you move away it was like that for 9.0 yeah exactly like yeah 9.0 actually had this which was very good is it like i could step away from the game for months at a time and this is something you can say in shadowhand's favor is that you could step away from shadowhands for a long period of time and you could come back and your gear would still be the best gear because there was just it was a pinnacle of gear and that was it it didn't valor upgrades there were a few exceptions with like best and slot mythic trinkets that could only drop from the vault to 226 like what the guy said now i know that like the inscrutable quantum device or whatever the arms warrior one that's an example sure but other than that and that's only like a six item level upgrade on one piece so it's not that big for weeks at a time while my raid team was taking a short break and when i logged back in weeks later i was the same power level i left off at and on par with everyone else in the high end raid community it generally takes 8 weeks of raiding to get full best in slot so after 8 weeks of re-clears you have months to do whatever you want right on an alt class because in ff you can have every class on the same character farm mounts and extreme trials ultimate and continuous journey that's the map or log out until the next raid releases world of warcraft always felt like it was designed for people who only play wow and while i love ff14 and have over ten thousand hours played holy i still play other games every single day and do not want to play ff all day every day when i was moving away from wow and drifting towards ff14 i was very skeptical if it could hold the attention of a more hardcore raider like myself yeah however i 100 made the right decision moving over to 14. with ultimate rating breathing new life into the mmo genre for me it gave me a goal to strive for and required me to get better as a player think deeper about the game and push myself to be the best player i possibly could be as long as ff14 keeps releasing ultimates i'll keep playing if you love challenging yourself and overcoming difficult bosses then ff14 is 100 the game for you despite being focused on more casual content there is still plenty of content for high-end raiders and people who enjoy being really good at the games they play the speedrun community in 14 is huge and competition is fierce there is also a huge parsing community and fighting for high percentiles is really fun you see like the high percentiles like parsing i don't know how parsing is in uh in final fantasy i can't really say but i know that for me i stopped caring about parsing because it was like like it was it was so like gimmicky it was super super gimmicky like all you'd have to do is like you'd have to like get a group of people to like no now you have to worry about power infusion and now like it's like okay nobody else attacks the ads except you and you have to save your cooldowns like you have to kind of play the fight wrong to do it so i don't know how parsing is going to be in in final fantasy i'll be honest like i don't really care a whole lot about parsing like that would be kind of cool but i've done that before in a while for like multiple tiers and multiple expansions really and it's not really something i'd be that interested in it's still cheesy and final fantasy yeah i just like if i feel like it's cheesy i just don't care about it as much it can definitely get a bit repetitive when you're trying to be the best in the world but yeah what game isn't like that that's true if you're still on the fence about trying fp14 then i'd say give it a try it starts really slow and most people will try to tell you about how good the music is or the story or the glamour system but for the gamers out there unshowered smelly and sweaty raid gods you have a home in 14. if you like this video leave a like if you didn't a dislike make sure to subscribe to the notification bell to stay updated with my videos and i'll see you guys in the next one peace gamers rise up that's one thing is like i do want to have like challenging difficult content and of course like i'm not like a myth or greater anymore and the reason why i'm not a mythic greater here's the real reason why i don't raid mythic anymore is because i simply will not dedicate four hours of my life every single day to playing the game like that that's really that that's the big reason like and this is what happened like what happened was like in bfa in uh in all deer i'll kind of give you guys like my whole story of like what happened in old deer is that i would log on in the morning and i would stream for like six to eight hours and then i would end my stream and i would have like two or three hours in between my stream and my raid and then my raid happened at eight and then i would rate from eight to twelve and since i was the guild master that really realistically was 7 30 to 12 30. so i was spending really like five hours playing the game every single day and then it was like you know i had six mandatory hours for my stream six to eight mandatory hours and then you know four to five also mandatory hours for the game so like i was required effectively to be online for over 10 hours a day and that's something that i just i i burned me out man it did it burned me out like i didn't like i would play 10 hours a day but whenever i have to it's a completely different [ __ ] story like i hate actually having like having to do something that's what's stressful yeah botanist progression etc and uh that's what i don't want to have to deal with yeah like don't make me do it like if i want to play the game like i did tour gasps like five times yesterday i didn't do it five times because i had to if i had to do it five times i would have hated it i did it five times because i wanted to and i was enjoying playing the game and the moment that you take that and you make it a uh you make it a requirement or something like that it's just not really fun i think that's what it comes down to [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 571,544
Rating: 4.9248028 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, wow vs final fantasy, wow vs FF14, wow vs ffxiv, ff14 vs wow, final fantasy vs wow, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, wow raid, ffxiv raid, final fantasy 14 raid, wow vet, wow veteran, wow veteran ffxiv, final fantasy raid, asmongold raid, asmongold ffxiv raid, quit wow, raid
Id: l1zJWsEuJ8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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