Asmongold FIRST FFXIV Raid Boss - EXTREME Difficulty

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i'm going to be honest guys i'm a little bit nervous i i am a little bit nervous for this this is my first this is the first boss i've ever done hard and so now i have to attune to this thing right okay the attunement process has begun howling i extreme is now accessible okay all right party finder all right how do i do it all right we're gonna recruit members here who the [ __ ] are these people you didn't set a password okay uh let's uh let let's let's do it it is men eye level let's do it good luck i don't know who these people are these are literally just the first people that queued up this is going to be a [ __ ] disaster this is minimum item level no echo with the first [ __ ] eight people that queued up it's gonna be fine guys don't worry about it yeah this is totally okay all right yo if you play summoner yeah you get to summon her in like all of her hot glory it's like uh being someone in a succubus i see that now fall okay all right guys listen um we're gonna have to we're gonna go in there and everything's gonna be fine uh just just try to do it right okay i'll tank first [Music] this is gonna [ __ ] i don't know what's gonna happen okay don't pull yet don't pull yet guys so um i'm gonna pull the boss and there's sprouts in the raid doesn't matter doesn't matter it's okay it's totally okay guys nothing nothing's gonna go wrong all right guys let's go [Music] okay she's dying fast this seems fine i don't know what this does am i supposed to move out of that that slipstream what the [ __ ] is this yeah i was i don't know i was supposed to dodge that okay we avoided that okay easy okay we got that okay facing her away everything's going really well we're doing great guys keep it up keep it up we're killing it we're killing it okay i do have to avoid that i understand now great job guys great job keep it up we're killing it nice nice dude keep it up keep it up okay i'm getting a little bit low using cool down everything's fine guys everything's fine oh i was supposed to move out of that right that's my bad i didn't move out of that i wasn't paying attention yeah it's my bad i was looking at how many people in the party were dead it's okay everything's fine everything's fine everything's fine what the [ __ ] is this [Music] what the [ __ ] is that well the other tank can pick that up that's not my problem slip string moving out of that okay we're doing really well right now guys doing really really well right now this is perfect i told you this [ __ ] was easy i knew it was easy we're doing it [Music] uh what what's going on it's going to move away okay out of that got it all right i got i got guys i'm dead okay okay and i have to kill this one first right holy [ __ ] so let me see if i can figure out like what causes this to happen [Music] okay the reckoning comes so now she probably breaks these rocks right did we win or lose [Music] okay that was a lose condition i'm not sure why that was a lose condition but it was at berger mode my first earth mode okay [Music] okay oh we go to that one all right sounds good reckoning comes [Music] oh wow okay so now now all those are destroyed i stay right behind them okay slip string again get into that i guess maybe i should pick these up as much as i can we're doing really well we're doing really really well this is it boys this is it alrighty good this could be a kill this could actually be a kill this could actually be a kill this is it this is an easy gg nice massive [ __ ] damage here massive [ __ ] damage okay now what mystery shriek i'm assuming we're not supposed to stand in front of that okay what the [ __ ] what what [ __ ] i need to get a better ui for this okay this is where we kill it right [Applause] yeah okay do we stand in or out of this i think we we're supposed to move in and out of it right [Music] that's my assumption is we're supposed to move in and out of it [Music] was that right all right so now what we have to do is we have to wait for these things to die and then we move out and back in [Music] and i when we don't kill spiky boys we do not kill spiky boys i feel like one thing i'm not doing well is i'm not managing my uh my rage very well i'm i'm probably wasting it that's something i can do better and whenever she teleports away that's whenever we kill them okay okay good so how do i move out of that [Music] that seems really hard to move out of same position yeah it should be a smart idea so i don't have my cds up this is what i was worried about [Music] i can just pop everything i guess okay getting out of that okay avoiding this [Music] i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm doing here like i'm actually just trying to play the game right now i'm just trying to play the game [Music] [ __ ] i got overwhelmed okay getting out of that okay avoiding this okay i've got this up okay i literally use every cooldown i have last stand i've survived slipstream moving out good getting out of that holy [ __ ] [ __ ] okay big dick on charada here big dick on torrada i'm dead i've got to be dead i've got to be i'm not dead i'm not dead somehow i'm not dead [Music] okay okay popping all my cds copy all my cds okay they killed the other one this could be the gg this could be the easy gg this could be it okay [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay we all ready okay everybody's ready let's go [Music] good i don't want to talk about it i don't want to talk about it that did not happen it did not happen it did not happen guys it did not happen that did not didn't happen that's not what it was that's not what it was it was something else okay let's turn in there okay i should have got hit by that i don't know why i didn't okay so now all we have to do is wait for the next uh the next set of ads now again the first set of ads is like no problem [Music] got it good and now we go all the way back to here nice [Music] friction again okay i don't know why i moved out of that there's no reason for me to okay now i can't die perfect slip stream again moving out of that is basically [ __ ] dead now yeah we didn't even need to move out of that i'm just gonna pop cds again [ __ ] it let's go that's really really big good that is actually big good holy [ __ ] there we [ __ ] go boys look at that damage i'm doing seven hundreds i'm hitting seven hundreds voice this boss is getting [ __ ] destroyed okay maximum damage uh we go right here this is no problem and here we go [Music] nice [Music] okay now we move over to the side this is the e this is the this is the kill this is the kill 100 i know it this has got to be the kill [Music] perfect okay slip stream again [Music] so we don't want spinning to die it's bad that it's dying okay that's good that's dying never mind [Music] okay that's fine that's fine i can take the damage okay perfect all right here we go here we go focus time focus time focus time [Music] got it [Music] okay let's pour right over here okay massive [ __ ] damage i should have moved out of that but i didn't it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it does not matter it does not matter i got that [Music] okay i've got everything up i've got everything up [Music] i've got everything i want i don't get got i don't get got i do not get got i do not get got all right nice okay perfect okay he turned it off that's the tank swap right there this could be the easy kill this could be the kill boys this could be the kill okay and now we kill this okay all right now we get back on her this could be it this could very well be it boys this could very well be it let's go let's go let's take it home let's take it home here we go boys massive [ __ ] damage yes dude that taunt slop that really [ __ ] saved us man yes dude [Music] yes [ __ ] dude man there's a mount wait no there's not a mount let's take a screenshot wait first let's take a screenshot i want to see that yeah everybody let's take a screenshot [ __ ] yes dude wait am i the only man in the party wait i'm the only guy here wait what the [ __ ] [Music] is this the real in game right here oh my god okay jesus christ carried my girls yeah i see that man all right so vortex ring of casting does anybody care if i take them out because like these guys sat in here with two hours if there's one person that cares i won't do it but if you guys don't care i don't give a i'll take it you can have it 20 drop rate just take it don't care it's common okay all right so i dude i've been waiting on this for a long time bro i've been waiting on being able to do this for so long it's so good man and i just loot the item to myself oh my god is the mount collection already beginning i actually got my dude this is amazing holy [ __ ] okay all right i'm taking it allow asthma on board to claim the xanthous whistle yes got him all right yeah i've got to go all right all right all right let's look at the mount here we go let's pull it up dude wait oh [ __ ] i get a cinematic even for completing the elite mode what's this oh that's my mouth that's my mouth what our efforts augment grew to power were met with a predicted success it's mildly unsatisfying then that the primal was then summarily defeated true against the bringer of light it appears a heavier hand is required and now that the focus has been discovered it is no consequence even though they should understand the significance of its presence they have no means to prevent the summonings true and the beastman continue to crave ever more powerful avatars every time their gods fall with each link forged in this chain of ambition the shackles of of chaos are abound ever tighter if it's not to entertain such speculation we bid only to convey what we have witnessed let us alone be gone from here dude i'm so ready to get on my mount man y'all want to see this is that time did i get on my [ __ ] mount there was a time i i just get on this [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] dude all right let's see y'all want to see it ready you guys ready to see it confused with the keybinds okay [Music] wow wow look at that dude look at that [ __ ] dude [Music] wow [ __ ] yes so it plays the boss music whenever you get on the mount then holy [ __ ] damn that's badass so i just got myself a [ __ ] mountain dude oh my god [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 680,216
Rating: 4.9327512 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, asmongold plays final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv dungeon, final fantasy 14 dungeon, asmongold garuda, asmongold mount, asmongold first raid, asmongold final fantasy xiv raid, asmongold ffxiv raid, ffxiv extreme difficulty, raid
Id: s6CCrcO7a3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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