Asmongold Reacts to "Has Final Fantasy 14 Killed WoW?" | By Josh Strife Hayes

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FFXIV is absolutely not worth the price tag. Last time I checked it was around the 70 Canadian dollar mark plus subscription. If I wanted to spend that much on fetch quests I'd literally just go grocery shopping.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kingandyroo 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
yeah is as final fantasy 14 killed world of warcraft okay all right this is something i have to watch has final fantasy 14 killed world of warcraft has the western king of mmo's been dethroned by the eastern prince has the clickbait title got this video more views than normal probably let's find out ladies and gentlemen welcome i'm josh dryface over the last few years the mmorpg landscape has been dominated by five major mmo games world of warcraft final fantasy 14 guild wars 2 the elder scrolls online and runescape and of these five world of warcraft has stood head and shoulder black doesn't all the others in terms of players it's been an absolute dominant force in the mmorpg landscape i would agree with that this every time the new mmorpg is announced or released people always ask is this the wow killer will this dethrone the king but it turns out world of warcraft's biggest enemy wasn't another game it was world of warcraft itself it turns out all the other mmos had to actually do was sit around and survive long enough and wait as world of warcraft messed up its own game so they're all cockroaches and then be there to comfort all of the world of warcraft refugees that would eventually flock to them turns out all the other mmos had to do was wait until people got sick of wow and then welcome the refugee players and it turns out that the game to do that might be final fantasy xiv let's discuss why before we begin consider dropping a like on the video or subbing to the channel for more mmo stuff ring the bell so you get all the future videos and a big shout out to the patreon supporters it is getting close to another font size yeah more on this at the end for now let's begin it's great to see how many people are supporting him man i like this guy's content a lot um i think the big reason why a lot of people from final fantasy are from wow uh i think one of the big reasons is like obviously like wow is it's such a big game that almost anyone who plays mmos has played wow before so like almost everybody that plays guild wars 2 is probably to some degree from wow anyone who plays final fantasy 14 is to some degree from wow cetera right that's true like minus runescape i think runescape is another one of the exceptions there but overall i think that's true number one i think it's because final fantasy doesn't have a lot of [ __ ] systems and i don't know a hundred percent about this but this is what i've heard from literally everyone that i've talked to about this is that a lot of the systems that uh that wow has that just make you feel like you're wasting your time final fantasy doesn't have those things and i think that's the big reason why people like to move over discussing the idea that world of warcraft can be killed and if that were possible how would it happen because it's a rather strange phenomenon right now there are multiple mmos all surviving the big five and many smaller ones and even if an mmo isn't number one it can still have a player base and make money so it's not a case of there can be only one mmorpg games aren't highlanders however mmos are games that people invest years of their life into they're often so big they take hundreds or thousands of hours to fully explore and so people want to pick the right one yeah this means not just finding a game there that's another really good point right that's why people care about if the game is dying or dead or not is because they want to invest their time into something that they can show off and that will have a reward structure around it because now everybody gets to see it's like oh man i've got all this really cool gear i've accomplished all these things and everybody else that plays the game can appreciate that and think that's really cool but if nobody plays the game or people are quitting the game then your accomplishments are literally fleeting boy or a game their friends play it also means and this is extremely important to a lot of players finding a game that will definitely survive no one wants to play a dying or dead mmo because then your years of investment in your character might be taken away if the game does shut down this puts mmos into a really dangerous position if people and if people don't play the game dies it's a cycle a horrible death spiral that's hard as hell to recover from if possible at all if you run an mmo the last thing you want is the public to think your game is dying because that could that's why blizzard stopped doing sub numbers i think that's a hundred percent why is because every time the sub numbers went down it's like this self-fulfilling prophecy the more the sub numbers go down the more people worry and the more the sub numbers go down so sub numbers going down causes sub numbers to go down cascade very quickly into a massive player exodus so multiple mmorpgs can coexist together in fact some will consider this essential for the genre to continue because competition breeds excellence world of warcraft is in no danger from other games simply existing but if people think your game is dying this can potentially start an almost unstoppable cycle yes new players will google your game and see people saying it's dying and so not join the game because new people aren't joining the game your game ends up dying it becomes this absolute domino effect of as soon as the public think it's not worth getting invested in the public don't invest in it and then it's a self-fulfilling prophecy it's the same thing with social media platforms that's why you don't see a lot of social media platforms pop up is that nobody wants to be on a social media platform that nobody's on and nobody wants to go on a social media platform that nobody else is on so it's the same thing as like it's like oh you need experience to get a job but how do you get a job without experience there are so many of these paradoxes in life they're they're everywhere current player base realizes no new blood coming into the game the game begins to stagnate and slowly die off yes mmorpgs need to hit a critical mass of players on release to be enjoyable for the first few weeks and then maintain this criticism they always hit it but they don't maintain every year as they go to remain enjoyable for both the people who are playing them now and the new people they want to come and join them and while world of warcraft may still be one of the strongest most played games of all time dropping from the number one spot to the number two spot that's a pretty big signal that's because it's a trajectory that's why it's a trajectory people don't want to see things go down they don't want to see things start to go because what happens if you go from number one to number two who's to say you're not gonna go from number two to number three that's what it is it's a trend pretty big indicator that the king is not untouchable that world of warcraft that has enjoyed genre dominance for so long might be floundering and while it's not an unplayed game while it's not a dead or a dying game dropping from one to two that could start the first domino falling so surely to beat world of warcraft all you need to do is release an objectively better game well no not really because you're not just trying to get people to play a game you're trying to remove people from an established culture and move them over to yours i've already discussed why you can't kill world of warcraft on my other videos an mmo game isn't just a video game it's a community millions strong it's a subculture a friendship group a clan a guild a personal connection to your character and the adventures they've been on when you invest years of your life into anything you form an emotional connection with that thing and breaking that connection can be extremely difficult it's the same as anything a favorite tv show a favorite band a favorite person even if something for certain reasons why people are like oh man game of thrones started to suck in season six and they watched the whole thing right that they watched season seven they watched season eight because it's like well we're already [ __ ] invested in this [ __ ] right we already want to see we want to know what's gonna happen it's gonna guys dude season eight they're making the each one is gonna be like a movie guys it's gonna be so good man dude season seven is gonna set us up for season eight dude like and then and then george is gonna bring out the new book right like that's gonna happen if right and then you know oh it's gonna be so good man that that's what's gonna happen that's a hundred [ __ ] percent what it is people are invested that's why shows go on like there's so many shows that were good for five seasons and go on for seven if they change over the years for the worst the emotional connection will stay very few people can completely emotionally disconnect and drop years of bonding for something else if a new mmorpg released today that was superior to every single mmo on the market in every conceivable way it still wouldn't get all of the players because people would stick to what they know they've come to love we are emotional creatures we get attached to things even if we shouldn't so a new game has to be not only great in terms of mechanics and graphics and player involvement it needs to be so unimaginably great it actually destroys years of emotional build-up and commitment to other games and brings an establishment just destroys your emotions which is just extremely unlikely to happen there's similarities between playing an mmo you hate just because you've played it for so long and staying in a job you hate or being friends or in a relationship with the person you hate yeah because it's familiar and you've got history it's comfortable in an awful way it's a habit it's like they're people that are in a guild that they hate for like an entire expansion they're like yeah i've hated this guild since firelands well guess what bro it's wod like why don't you leave like it's just like yeah they're just comfortable it's like ah [ __ ] whatever stockholm syndrome yeah i [ __ ] hated this skill for three years why are you here what are you doing in some cases it becomes an addiction so killing world of warcraft isn't just a case of making a better game it's a case of overcoming years of entrenched emotional bonds and personal connections it's trying to get people to quit an addiction because to many people that's exactly what world of warcraft is and this doesn't actually happen very often even in cases when people do leave their favorite mmorpg and go and play a new mmo that's just released they often return to their old favorite within a few days weeks or sometimes months because the game they know the game they're good at is comfortable and people like being comfortable remember what i said about the fat wife you know remember what i said remember what i [ __ ] said dude the fat felt bro i told you man i think that's that's very true it definitely is like there's a lot of cases where you have people that are just so invested in uh in the game that they don't want to leave it because it's like a sunk cost fallacy uh they just they're they're emotionally attached in one way or another and it's sad to see that but uh it's also not surprising when you spend years building up an understanding or a connection you feel safe and secure in any position be that a job a relationship or an mmo and these year-long comforts can feel nice unfortunately when people try a new mmo they often expect to feel the same level of comfort and security within only a few days or a few weeks that previously took them years to build up in their other games people for me personally i disagree with that that's and i don't disagree with what he's saying i disagree that that's the way that i feel i like the idea of being a stranger in a strange land i like being the person that looks out into the distance and i don't know what any of those places are i love that that's what i'm looking forward to so much with new games man it's the exploration for me it's the exact opposite i like being the new guy i like not being comfortable i like being able to you see somebody and you're like how do i even talk to this guy right like i want to find a way to go back to square one and like i can never go back to school one but like go back to score three or four that that's what i think is so cool but learning new games he's talking about learning new game systems if that's the case yeah he's totally right yeah most people don't want to re-learn an entirely new game system and also like mmo players i'm gonna be honest most mmo players are garbage like they're trash absolute trash like watch most remote players including me play fbs or watch them play like moba watch them play any other type of game besides mmo they are [ __ ] garbage want the feeling of complete familiarity while also being something completely new they want to feel they've been there for years while also being amazed with a new experience yeah novelty and familiarity combined imagine leaving a several year long relationship with someone you've grown to understand extremely well when you start dating somebody else you won't have that same deep level of understanding you will need to work on it and sometimes people don't want to work on it they miss the old level of familiarity they miss all the effort they've previously put in and don't want to put it in again so they just go about it even if it's not good for them 30 years ago actually so if world of warcraft is more than just a game surely making another game isn't going to kill it and that's absolutely right world of warcraft is a community a personality it is a a habit in some cases an addiction it is a personal love i think that's why they have blizzcon right i mean you have blizzcon because so many people love wow that they love wow so much they will travel across the country to spend a weekend with the other people that love wow and that's [ __ ] awesome like i think that's so cool you had blizzcon well no they're probably going to have it this year if they do i can't wait to go i'm probably going to go to blizzcon this year i'll stream the whole [ __ ] thing uh hopefully i'll be able to get a press pass and do it but we'll see what happens uh either way i'll do as much as i can and uh it'll be awesome however uh you know like so does final fantasy now is because final fantasy is another one of those franchises you gotta remember right final fantasy i don't really know how all the final fantasy's fit together because to be honest with you i've only really played 14. i never really seriously played any other final fantasy 14 and the only one that i have any familiarity with is uh final fantasy vii so other than that i have no idea but they also have this massive franchise they don't yeah they're all that's what i thought but um i wasn't 100 either way they they have this massive franchise in this massive fan base built up across all these different games and they actually have their fan fest too which is kind of like their version of blizzcon which i think is really cool if they do one of those in uh in america maybe i'll go to one of those we'll see what happens straight a memory it's part of who you are and a new game existing or being made isn't going to delete all of that no other game is going to be responsible for destroying warcraft's community no other game is going to be responsible for tainting your memories of it no other game is going to make world of warcraft worse only world of warcraft can do that to itself and that is what we are seeing starting to happen if you have a toxic friend or you're in a bad relationship no matter how many better people you meet or how many people tell you it's a bad relationship it often isn't someone else who changes your mind about that toxic person it's the person themself finally doing something you can't take or finally annoying you for so long you just run out of patience if you haven't the way here's or one way to get somebody out of a toxic relationship this is my advice uh this is this has always been like my advice with how to get somebody out of a toxic relationship or how to get somebody out of a toxic mindset or something like that my best advice is to get them to create a point of no return get them to mentally create a point where if this person goes this far i am done like that that's what i that's what i've done with other people before and i think that's the uh that that's the best way and it's the same with how to get people out of a mindset not that simplistic of course not of course it's not that simplistic it's it's more involved but it's an idea we're talking about ideas okay this is strategy not tactics you leave because your current job does something bad enough to push you away the comfort of your current terrible job needs to be overcome degree you finally leave humans stick around in situations long after we should have left because we have misplaced senses of loyalty commitment or toxic familiarity and the catalyst that makes us finally move on often comes from the awful situation itself reaching new unbearable levels of awfulness world of warcraft has franchise recognition it has money it has a long-term addicted player base it has everything it needs to succeed and it doesn't have to worry about other games killing it it does have to worry however about it slowly killing itself the most successful update world of warcraft has released in the last five years was world of warcraft classic this means the best received update was the removal of 17 years of updates the you know whenever you put it like that you know whenever you say it like that oh that's not too good that's that's not too good guys i don't know what to say besides that that's so sad man back to square one like i think that legion was good i actually think that legion was good um i think that mr pandaria was it was really bloated i think people don't realize how bloated it was other than that i think legion and legion was the problem with legion is it had such a bad first impression like you had like the legendary [ __ ] like if they had brought out legion with the 7.3.5 systems people would say it was the best expansion since wrath and there would be no questioning it like there would just be no questioning it would just be obvious everybody would know it and uh people would be asking for legion uh classic servers not wrath classic servers current staff of activision blizzard today working on world of warcraft right now are not the original blizzard staff of 2004. the team that made world warcraft originally are long gone they've been replaced with cash shot mounts account boosts and lackluster expansion packs world of warcraft's subscriber base has been dropping at a consistent rate it's actually dropped 41 since the latest expansion pack shadow lands launched players with 41 holy [ __ ] ass god damn holy [ __ ] i don't remember reading that oh my god dude yeah uh that sucks uh tbc bump though true uh very true uh tbc did get it uh get the numbers back up i definitely agree with you there uh so the reason like the problem is that like wow here's the problem is that wow has great content for the top five percent of players and it has great content for the bottom five percent of players but the other ninety percent of people in the middle are not happy and that is where i really think that they're missing out that is where i think they're really they're really losing the problem they're they're losing the plot is this this idea that blizzard has that only the top one percent of players care about how good their character is is just in my opinion it is so [ __ ] ridiculous that i can't believe it like they think that ninety percent of people that play their game where are just all gone and i he i just play the game whooping [Music] wow i'm going to use this one because it's red wow it's a dungeon how do i use my buttons it's a cut scene oh well i don't know anything like that's what they are and it's just it's crazy they make the game for [ __ ] morons and the problem with wow is that difficulty is optional there's never a shape up or ship out point in wow there's just a keep grinding and you're gonna just just do the easy mode of this and you'll get it anyway it's [ __ ] boring like high-end pvpers i mean besides i i see a lot of them complaining on twitter right like basically the way i determine how good pvp is is how often is c do tweeting about it right and if he's tweeting about it a lot he's pissed but like really and raiders like a lot of raiders and i think they they're right like if you're an mdi player you're a mythic plus player like a serious player i think that the game isn't that bad for you i think that if you're a serious raider like systems are annoying yeah sure but the actual rating content itself the core rating content i think that you're actually uh probably enjoying yourself and i'll be honest if i didn't have to do heroic split rating if i didn't have to do anything all i had to do was log on and raid i would probably try to compete in world first i would now i don't think i'm good enough i'm going to be honest i don't think that i'm good enough it's not because i don't have the mechanical skill it's i don't have the consistency i can do one good pull but i can't do good pulls for 16 hours return for the launch of a new expansion play through it and then leave why don't they stick around it's because they're caught in the abusive gaming cycle of hoping it will be as good as it used to be hoping it will be the experience they remember and then realizing it just isn't no single game has done more damage to world of warcraft than world of warcraft and those people at some degree are to blame for that themselves though because they're looking for something that doesn't exist they're trying to have this experience they're trying to be 16 years old again a lot of people that want classic world of warcraft actually want to go back to high school and have their friends and not have to worry about paying bills anymore i think that's like what that's what i'd say almost even most people want more so and they like they connect the two things because like wow was such an integral part of their life they miss wow but what they really miss is their life disagree because of success of classic i think classic is a good game like absolutely but are you really going to tell me that classic's viewership and classics numbers did not fall off massively classif fell off the classic fell off massively like it absolutely did but that does not mean that it was not it was a failure like i think that probably 70 percent of people that started class acquit that's 30 still a lot just like every bad relationship every awful job every toxic friendship we are starting to reach the breaking point and even the strongly addicted and franchised players are starting to leave as mongol the world's largest world of warcraft streamer started playing final fantasy 14 and it was his most viewed stream in months jesse cox put out the video 15 years of wow versus one year of ff14 and wow refugees flocked to it there was i think there's a lot of people that um there's like they're looking for a place to they're they're looking for something new and they want somebody to there's a lot of people that have quit wow i think i'm trying to say this right there's a lot of people that have quit wow and they see like me or jesse or or like somebody else playing wow like s fan now rich annie whoever playing another game and that becomes to some degree a uh it becomes a it's validation it it becomes validation for that person and i think that's why even a game report recently saying the daily active player count for ff14 was closing the gap on world of warcraft and was poised to overtake it very soon ultimately world of warcraft hasn't been taken down by another game releasing and being better than it world of warcraft has been damaged harmed and is starting to be taken down by world of warcraft no longer being as good as world of warcraft once was if you want to imagine this situation without any of the emotional bonds without the sunk cost fallacy without any pre-established connections imagine this imagine world of warcraft and final fantasy 14 both didn't exist you have no history with them no one does no one's heard of them before and then imagine they both release as they are right now today they both hit the mmorpg scene at the same time with the graphics they've got now and all the content they've got now and all the leveling they've got now everything as it is right now in that case do you think world of warcraft would do better than final fantasy 14 with no sunk cost fallacy and no emotional connection to either of the games which of them do you think would do better if they both released on the same day it's so hard to say that i don't know because like so like final fantasy 14 doesn't have the pvp element that wowed us and i think that wow also has the uh like i think like ultimate raids being eight players rather than like 20 with mythics i think having larger groups of people was like a it's a draw in itself but i don't really know yeah it's so hard for me to say because also like another reason and this is like a big factor is is graphics like final fantasy has more realistic and generally i would say especially with the later expansions from what i've seen better graphics than wow does and if people see those two games together i think just a casual player will gravitate towards what has better graphics so i i don't know i think more people would choose final fantasy 14. i think right now we are seeing the result of activision blizzard consistently failing the player base we are seeing the result of years and years of underwhelming updates expensive unfulfilling expansions that remove more content than they add and contribute to parasitic gameplay design including limited time systems and dropped mechanics every year sometimes with i think limited time uh rewards like things like the the void wing i said about right there i think the uh like special seasonal rewards i think seasonal rewards are good i think seasonal gameplay is bad substantial class changes that miss the mark and upset the player base we are seeing the beginnings of an exodus within the world of warcraft player base to any other game and it just so happens final fantasy xiv with its massive free trial is welcoming the disenfranchised wow players and picking up the pieces final fantasy xiv did not kill world of warcraft final fantasy 14 has been focused on being the best mmorpg it can be over several years world of warcraft killed world of warcraft through years of bad updates not listening to the community and simply not being as good as it could be but this shouldn't really come as a shock to blizzard because as they taught us themselves many years ago no king rules no king rules forever thank you for watching another massive thank you to the supporters on patreon and twitch who keep the channel going you can support from only a pound a month check the video description for links to the patreon twitch twitter discord and subreddit and as always have a great day yeah um i i think that's true all of this is pretty much accurate i agree with all this i liked the video who would you vote for i don't really know it's kind of hard for me to say yeah everybody go for final fantasy yeah that's just that's what it is i think that wow as i said like wow has a great experience like that the raids and everything like we're gonna do the dungeon and [ __ ] and then after we do the dungeon we're gonna move over to uh what do you call it we're gonna move over and play uh what do you call it [ __ ] final fantasy [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 434,125
Rating: 4.9421072 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, final fantasy xiv, ff xiv, ffxiv josh strife hayes, josh strife hayes, ff14, wow dead, wow death, wow vs ffxiv, wow vs ff14, final fantasy vs world of warcraft, best mmo, wow killer, First Impressions with Final Fantasy 14
Id: Qa8QdcB5074
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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