Asmongold Reacts To UberDanger's Final Quest | World of Warcraft Classic (1-60)

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it's been three weeks since I ran with most dopes money if his constant threats weren't to be believed my reputation had now been tarnished beyond repair just like IRL mate Ironforge is the school hallway all over again right steps in bracers that gets kicked around after this if you step into Ironforge the irony in that statement is that when what happens beyond Ironforge I met with more praise than ever before yeah hiding a party for dungeons is instant and never in my life have I had this many people want to deathroll with me oh and whilst checking the Ironforge mailbox oh I'm subscribing I saw three letters from the man himself a sob story about how he was a longtime viewer and I should do the right thing I saw his letters back along with a banana and wrote it's been a pleasure doing business with you most dope opened the complaint [ __ ] I defended myself from these harsh allegations by saying I did it guilty most dope even took to Twitter to beg for his money saying he was still waiting wait so this dude scammed this other dude out of 900 G well why would he need to give you 900 gold if he just loosed a roll yeah what's wrong with that on his gold I replied notion of how long you was gonna be waiting for said gold when I logged into Wow he claimed that I was now done for banned from noggin fogger and kicked from my guild watching Fox hold the only reason I got banned from the server's discord is because my friends kept posting various pictures of Thanos and I happened to be guilty by association and by the way didn't kick me my guild publicly condemned my actions I can't live tonight with them it's gonna be a most dope experience in fact my time together just a few weeks ago this world was tarnished beyond repair right absolutely unplayable Oh now I can go wherever I want quest and peace even get into Blackrock Mountain must be nice the reason why Azeroth is absolutely serene it's the release of Phase three by adding two giant instanced PDP war zones to the game designed around PvP but the PvP world PvP well PvP is far from the most effective way to gain points and that's all PB people are here for they want those [ __ ] points great that leaves a lot of Warsong Gulch and altering valley one man which is damn near perfect level design an intensely enjoyable experience that really support no it's not like Warsong she's awful little zombie and crazy a phenomenal addition whatever Warcraft some people do play this and Alltrack valley that people only play to farm honor points both team now right you also rate past each other you get objectives and each game ends in ten minutes incredibly boring and there really is no reason to play it by the way this is the one that has hundreds of lobbies at any given time but that's not what we're here for today last time was all about PvP dungeons gambling and cringy roleplay haha so today we're doing the boring episode it's all about long unbearable monotonous repetitive soul draining terribly designed quest lines and here's why you get to the max level and game concentration shoulder eight which is a forty man dungeon to get into these rates you have to get the proper attunement like for example for molten core you've got a go to this rock polishes rat pretty simple so anyways reaching 60 I decided to also do the attunement for the Onyxia raid which in stark contrast has just a couple more steps this quest is the worst thing that's ever happened to me I start by having a stern talking with Hell Indus River horn she tasks me to kill 15 black brood Ling's 10 black dragon spawns one black Drake and four black worm khun's even with faith the majority of these deeply folks burning steps is just a zone where you plan to encounter a deficit of attention after dying a few times I managed to run away with a sliver of Health a column is broski's took me in they saw my perils after which they ganged up with me to cleanse this place from hordes and through alliance fashioned for vitro I managed to complete the quiz that's great now I'm tasked to travel to lake Shire when our Griffins parted ways I knew I clicked the wrong destination every bit of a beat swore I make it to Lake shiner where a magistrate Solomon sends me to Stormwind where lady katrana prestor called the magistrate paranoid and refers to his men as an encampment of riffraff that are most probably suffering for me stroke wait no I just remembered riffraff exists now I don't follow the plot line but that is a pretty good I've always looked up to riffraff I thought he was a I think he's a genius he's beyond his time I like him a lot Bern that's a diss right there anyways I then go geez elate Shire only to be told to go straight back to the burning steps interrupt to marshal Maxwell who sends him laughing and how many other I listen to ragged John's tale in record time after which I journey to Black Rock deaths on the way there I upset my wow gee F with mean words and she committed harakiri to show her dissatisfaction this was the turning point where I would go from having a backyard to having an unbearable time I answered BRD and cleared my way to the prison cell of marshal wind Sauron this seemed to be the final part of the question so I looked up the question on trustworthy which led me to the Wow wakey the wild wake he told thank you that I had to kill monocyte BRD until one of them randomly drops a crumbled-up note in a mirror I started clearing out the mobs and hopes that the crumbled-up node would drop you ever in a sticky situation boom actually just jump around the gate you don't need the key and the greatest thing about this trick is that you [ __ ] die anyway and it was at this very moment that Larry convinced us that we need it's a three man anger forge considering that I had to kill that boss for the part after the note I applied in hopes that the note would drop before we got to the boss it'll drop revealed and then we wiped to anger forge not watch not twice not three times not four times we didn't wanna get the Paladin he's sitting he's typing while other people are dying this paladin's dog [ __ ] against anger Forge five times we were like what fainted [ __ ] times before I finally caved in and told my friends to go [ __ ] themselves oh my god leave no way I'm not invited not even it's not even doing anything attention here's the key to my suffering and your enjoyment I actually in quest for that note to drop oh my [ __ ] god so is the spirit healer flying to the brain games classic marshall mathers erections and return to finally kill general anger forge not before you're drowning in the lava and walking a moderate distance though and of course and a justice didn't drop it's a [ __ ] 4% drop change Larry so we basically did all that just for the bonding experience I mean this is a lot about classic he's just a meaningful journey anyways as the Sun literally rises I go kill slaves until the note drops once it does I'm finally able to continue this disgusting quest line at 7:30 in the morning then it finally felt like I was catching a bit of wind and my senses when I executed a perfect jump however when I then traveled by food all the way to Marshall Maxwell only see no quest marker as Marshall winced or the guy inside the dungeon is the guy I would give the note to I wasn't exactly excited so I go all the way back inside the dungeon hand Amanda note and get the quest a shred of hope testing me to kill like your fortune Lord Gollum I can't hang around so I get a squad together we scan going through Blackrock depths till the two bosses for the quest I hand in the quest items to Marshall win Sauron which activates hands found the longest escort mission in Azeroth when I say it literally took half an hour I mean it literally took half an hour just you know my favorite part about that was wiping twenty five minutes into it now you got to do the whole [ __ ] thing again I just want to say how the [ __ ] did trihard get unbanned how'd this had this happened there's you know happen it just shows up again it's a glitch now I [ __ ] it who cares walking this dude from one pack of mobs to the next once we were finally done different experience that I consider a pure detriment to my existence now we're about halfway through the Onyxia tounament so we get again go conversate with marshall maxwell who sends us to the gates of Stormwind to talk to Reginald wind Sauron and this guy of course activated the quest right before I got there so then I had to just walk around Stormwind and just wait just wait I was starting to get a little bit irritated at this point so anyways I wait till he's done with the quest Oh start working with this very final layer off to get around and just as he revealed later on Oh is actually a mixin disguise the whole time later with an escort mission oh man yes except he's actually an unbeatable god and you're the one being escorted that's a bit in grace after very slowly Arsenal's right the entire city of Stormwind thank you we reach the throne is trade me more this is my true form is revealed come to the interview she summons ten Dragon King death guards and vanishes into thin air the tricky part of this quest is standing back and not even helping a little bit if you help you'll get killed in debt there are same back reginald wince or will take care of business yep after a long hard-fought battle I suppose I'll oddball barn who gave me a fragment of the dragon's eye and asks me to seek out a dragon named Hayley who's disguised as a human in winter spring so on the other side of the world how convenient I travel to branding at that point I'm the power of the Internet to find out that I don't want to go through the manifestation of tedium and that I can actually skip the death caves if I make this extremely hard jump which will actually let you get to Hayley without doing the death caves thanks unless you want again unfathomably sonykay so unbearably lame-brained that you would step on the portal to the death caves one of the classic blunders there's no teleports you into the caves of death where you'll die oh just go back into portal or force the res of the spirit healer I'm greeted by the newly horn player you are ring they said to me no you are a Cygnus fool but with body language however face you had me more than accustomed to the steel corpse walking which is pretty much half the game soms whatever so I made it back to the annoying jump avoided the incantation circle and spoke to Hayley who sadly informs me that I'm not done yet I'd have killed a final boss of a purple a croc spire so I go through the town of winter spring to buy the schematics for the thorium to go back to iron forge and use gambling proceeds to level my engineering to 300 I then procured 24 mithril bars for hearts of fire six true silver bars messed up Yuma star rubies two gold bars and two gallons of Goblin dry Wi-Fi hired a blacksmith to use animistic bars to true silver bars and two gold bars to craft me two in late mithril cylinders okay with all these items together I crafted the mithril mechanical dragon wing I then spent a [ __ ] you need that for some of money took wire the schematics for the arcanite dragon the fires go on to procure six rugged leather six lesser eternal essences and 30 wastes of time which an enchanter used to bless me with six enchanted leather and ten enchanted thorium bars after which I crafted six thorium widgets and purchased for gold power cores in total I'd easily estimate that these materials set me back over 200 gold and that's without factoring in the cost of leveling my engineering now I'm only missing just a final ingredient eight delicate arcanite converters it looks like a really cheap thing to buy because it looks like a little widget so I surprise arcanite bars cost 55 gold a pomp which means there's no way I could afford my epic mount if I were to craft this cool little dragon I wanted so I decided to yet again stop [ __ ] around at iron forge and continue the goddamn quest I assemble a group of Azeroth's finest warriors then walk my character from thorium point into Blackrock Spire okay nope seriously the whole way oh my god once we enter the dungeon I actually felt menacing vibrations surrounding me and I knew I was in for a bad time our first Wyatt was on this pole first I wasn't exactly sure why we dying I focus on important stuff say it's Mike and I follow someone on and go roll up tea once grill again a why find out the hard way that these mobs have not Bank and also don't step on the eggs we clear out the gauntlet okay blizzard thought it'd be fun to make players wait and unwritten two minutes in between each pack of easily beatable trash mobs before we finally gets a kill rend blow let's see if the camera drops nothing useful and we really just waited 15 minutes for the bonding experience next up we kill the beast who drops the blade master leggings some nice leather that are incredible for rogue players I need them for my collection of items that I'm never actually gonna wear unless I roll one very specific spec where they might be useful I have that same height that same thing we wiped against a trash mom the exact size set my character to follow and go take a [ __ ] after dropping King Kong's finger we wipe to the same group of trash mobs and repeat the process except I didn't take a [ __ ] this time because I had I'd already needed to be on the bridge in front of the final room with the final boss we yet again all get decimated by a pack of trash mobs I'm starting to see a pattern here and I'm ever so slight do I deserve that really actually killed the boss yet I remain hopeful and vigilant put yourself in my shoes I kinda yeah it's the general Drac ascend the last foe remaining for you two can be done with the Onyxia quest line you put on your mind control helmet because you want to be certain that the mobs don't wipe your party once more when do you intersect with the brainwaves of thy enemy you realize his mind is simply too strong and in a terrible turn of fate you get mind-controlled by him now you join no Nik CEA's army decides to live out the rest of your days as a dragon Oh fortunately messed up boys seconds later the astrally projected hallucinogenic high waves where on what large soft tender I'm gonna drag it now warm gentle soul its our Tiant Lee detected by the ruthless monster surrounding you leaving you torn to shreds immediately yep that's great once we finally stand before in general Drake it says we properly execute the fight by having one player leash the boss whilst everyone else takes care of the smaller moms event general Drake ascent violated our party without even losing half his health I was actually the lone survive is my little crevice and I would go on to escape alright guy who's my goblin jumper cables to resurrect our priests to resurrect our whole party and then when do people take classic is hard and actually of course that's not true so again we try oh my god we wipe making this a 2 plus our long u BRS run wehmanen leaves and our weakness party gives up so I did what any reasonable strong-willed individual would give in my circumstances I stopped roping and started coping I flayed Warsong Gulch for two hours and then I took just under two hours to complete mother lode gold iam a nostalgic game from my childhood at 1 a.m. I finally felt clean from my last dungeon experience and went for round two this is how I can tell I'm gonna have a good time in World of Warcraft if there's one single guy from my guild in my party I know I'm in good company surrounded by IRA commandos [ __ ] guerrilla soldiers of the Alliance we cleared our weights of high regard ember seer with streamlined proficiencies and he props show the true strike holders the pre rate best in slot shoulders masse 10% drop rate that's a good one juicy [ __ ] however I've used up all my lucky rolls on death-rolling and - I simply won't cut it although the redemption Sun came shortly thereafter when we killed rent and he dropped black hands doom song you don't need to roll higher he doesn't have a pony who's so underling actually an upgrade anyways the rest of the dungeon was a [ __ ] breeze and I truly think this is great you're supposed to experience the game when you're in a guilt that's not trash and you play with the people that aren't trash this 15 year old game actually becomes semi playable we take out general breakfast anyhow that I returned to winter spring do the Satan jump and finally finish the Onyxia quest line by forging the drake fire amulet which will in the future give us access to the onyxia rain yachts a day though I told you this is the boring episode so two levels away from sixty I decided to undertake yet another unbearable rip head yeah he didn't even know the Mathmos terrible quest shoulder the line that leads to the mark of shoulders the pre-raid best and slaughter amulet before starting the quest I naturally had to level my polearm skills I'll admit even I was taken aback when Amiri asked me to strike her although in such a predicament I set aside my delicate sensibilities and you see I'm not one to let down a woman sadly duels don't increase your weapon skills and I'd have to farm something else to master my new weapon my scheming ygf capitalized on the opportunity at hand and made me boost her alts by spamming the worst dungeon in the game I'm getting rinsed here after mastering my new weapon what is sami pre quests I turned why does sound play Glens and tirion fordring tasks me to kill 30 plague vets 30 various pounds and procure 15 slabs of carrion armies an hour later I got the privilege to even begin the actual quest line redemptions listen to Syrian forgings tape my hair's ready queriers tail carrion Thank You Clarion that is terrible I will Tyrion done simple enough so far so don't think you venomous morally arrow of the Alliance asks me to go dig up a grave a grave which is located a moderate distance from our current location I do it no questions asked and on a side note how did I dig Crypt robbers out of the grave that makes no sense this game sucks dude the thing about world of that is that huge we really need to understand is that anyway so I returned tailings hammer and the no of long we're here before not early and now we hear great great great great once more we make our way through the toxic wasteland kill a plague monstrosity and at the bottom of a lake I recover the symbol of lost honor travel all the way back to Tyrion and begin part 4 of love and family and this quest actually has an interesting dynamic the try emerging the experience you have to travel very far from one place to another whoa this really is well a war craft at its best the second part of this quest had us tasked with conquering the strat home dungeon no not the fun undead side where you can get the loot your character needs so badly but rather the shitty Alive side that people only play to farm orbs which eyesight matters in house so I went to iron forge and KY side way back kidding I was doing strata don't have footage of when I gathered the squad we in target birds ran out nowhere now the first nurse another bird was complimentary it's on the voice of the course at this point no waves who is right here in the last hallway before killing the final boss needed for this quest mind you at 6:30 a.m. with half my armor in the red I accidentally pull a patrol of mobs that go on so devastate my comrades this is naturally the better player survives the fight only for my goblin jumper cables to malfunction my comrades walk a gruesome distance and then immediately wiped so [ __ ] hard on the next poll having been pushed to the line of his emotional debt camara leaves us one man short one pull away from the final boss and with a heavy heart I returns to Ironforge luckily though I got roped back into this joyful quest line when Horry came through and stepped off to the challenge I steal a painted on burn Rehan scriptures fight grand Crusader again from Weiss who uses bankai mid-fight and transforms into the demon balnazzar after killing Bal Makar I attempt to die on purpose but this stupid no mage is on his [ __ ] after appropriately disposing of the gnome I spirit res and return to tyrion time gives me a gift and I traveled to Luther's tomb in the southern Plaguelands where we meet Miranda the hag she's a cosplayer who helps us dress up as scarlet crusaders for the final Protestants when the scarlet subterfuge with our immaculate disguises we breathe has the faintest idea that they're undergoing trickery of the highest caliber we zoom straight past these idiots and make our way it's a high Lord Taylan fordring as we stay in cosplay and convinced the man to murder his own army it dawns on me that this isn't Comic Con this is an escort mission now you could choose to unveil your disguise and fight alongside talen but why actually play the game when you have a man on your side so powerful that he can jump through the floor no no Inori had much better things to do with our time than ranking up a repair bill like walking in circles doing the dance harpy walking and questioning where talen got a horse of that science by the way he got extremely close to dying ones you're probably supposed to help him after our walking for 20 minutes Taylan Fordring finally arrives at his destination where he fights some trash mobs it somehow dies in one hit for no reason then you literally have to wait about five minutes for Tyrians arrived as we passed am I finally the questline to receive the mark of Fordring and absolutely fantastic amulet I'll have you know that in two weeks of my life I completed two quests in world of warcraft and I on ironically think I live a pretty fulfilling life questo we now you're sitting there in your chair slumped over with brain fog a smelly t-shirt and a big Adam's apple practically a zombie at this point and I asked you where's your [ __ ] sense of urgency fix your goddamn posture sit up straight like an adult just [ __ ] grow up already look at the level look at it look at my XP can't you see that I'm about to ascend wasn't it obvious I lied all along and played you on like a goddamn fiddle so you gonna hit six run you up like a [ __ ] violin this isn't a boring episode this is the episode where I [ __ ] rise 334 hours of my life pain blood sweat and tears discovering time beautiful world including its ugly side dungeons at 4:00 a.m. gnomes ADHD rogue players in numerable horde encounters repetitive soul draining 15 year old game mechanics to fully fledged World of Warcraft II relationships getting our Mountain the crippling gambling if this sounds like the classic variants over and over again for necessary items yet rewarding drop rates getting the world Windex albeit morally abrupt almighty linking my abilities joining a guild paying compound his own money to farm hand of justice leveling engineering to 300 scamming that sucker for all he had to have so many [ __ ] treasured memories in this game I told you to sit up straight but that's not exciting soldier I'm gonna need you to take a stain I'm not kidding this is to the viewer stand up right now December 15 29 it's on this thing a legend of Azeroth is born 334 hours ago wait I was blessed I stopped in the nuts that is teldrassil with no real nine-to-five most options among very little responsibility I've taken you all along my journey to become a full-fledged [ __ ] primate and as a rock commando soldier a [ __ ] hero of the Alliance yeah what did I say I'm quick on my feet vicious some would even go so far as to call me nimble it wasn't easy I wanted to quit many times but I persevered and overcame harsh adversity but the first hundred and fifty hours I read every quest it took me 250 hours to find out that I can interrupt spellcasters palmer i leveled from 0 to 6 and took my heart diamond and PvP servers a warrior I was level 48 when phase 2 dropped every level 60 plays to get on our ganking me and I played throughout the entire thing face all of this every poll every mob every single carps walk each step every single death roll each line of dialogue during Trinity role-playing every single puppets every goddamn [ __ ] ninja Luke every dungeon played out so 5:00 a.m. and every party abandoned and called blood has led me to this very moment in time one must get 60 my squad is warriors kneel before me and let me finish the job with the gnomish death rate a bit anticlimactic and that I overestimated the damage so that when we pulled out the gap there it is dude there it is oh yeah and yeah reaching level 60 was actually super anti-climactic the only immediate difference was that I was now no longer drain to dopamine points for playing the game the run went kind of shitty and we wiped several times and the boat didn't drop but you have to realize the ecstasy of reaching level 60 actually comes about half an hour later at a certain vendor in Darnassus I trade am I not 800 gold for the Swift frost sabre all right there this is a 100% Andy discuss serious [Music] and then one morning I caught a certain individual logging entire park and appropriately informed him that riding my new mount was a most dope experience [Music] okay you know what that ever was I feel like I'd missed so many [ __ ] videos it's like there's like 20 videos I need to watch this is insane oh my god I will I will watch the next one tomorrow I'm not gonna watch the next one tomorrow okay and let's see did you like Barney's one I like Barney's ones a lot too I did I like both of them honestly like the videos about this like I like the idea of people that cut it together and like make it a little bit of a story and it makes it more interesting for me right don't blue-ball us listen dude I thought I only had one to go all right I'm gonna do the next one tomorrow and you're gonna like it all right that's the way it's gonna go [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 960,630
Rating: 4.9123893 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic wow, wow classic, classic world of warcraft, asmongold classic, uberdanger, uber danger, uberdanger wow, uberdanger classic wow, uberdanger asmongold, Swockwickdus, Swockwickdus uberdanger, Swockwickdus classic wow, asmongold swockwickdus, uberdanger classic, asmongold channel
Id: XLj_YAb-Pz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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