Asmongold Very Own WoW Questline - The END!?

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hello it's nice to see you my friend it's good to know that you it's good to see that hair crown help the withering but did it though I don't know if it did now let me tell you why I called I want to craft a weapon weapon so powerful only you can wield you know me well already so before you ask yes it is cursed there's an old legend about a sword its name it's name is it's the sword that shall not be named they say whoever dares to call the sword by its name will be forever bald bullsh it cannot even happen to me though cuz I have my hat or whoever usage it anyway anyways I need your help with collecting the ingredients a sword okay first you'll need a powerful sword which we can transform later on if the sword breaks and the curse escapes everyone on Azeroth will start losing their hair their flesh then themselves you will be fine either way wait why would I be wait what do you mean why would I be fine meet me at the Stratholme service entrance there we shall discuss the rest straf alam service entrance well where do [Music] okay let's go Oh I supply only the finest good no you don't you so shitty pets just in time as Mon let us begin okay the scene of the crime where here's the plan okay what's the plan we go in and we kill aureus Riven Darren whatever his sword is made out of it should be strong enough to keep the curse a day we have to kill ribbon there I can defeat Riven there I've done it multiple times are you ready as month yes I do I swear to God if this is an elaborate ploy to have me carry him through and get him his death charger I'm not gonna be happy about it wait how is is your okay who are you as Mon where are you going but about that like that now where are you we should split up I will go left okay I will go right all right let's go I'm going right got one all right now I'll go this way he's gonna die weight-wise elrios gonna die wait oh yeah I I didn't actually okay we got it I've gotta go save him I'm gonna go see if I can find him where'd he go what what are you doing what are you what do you help me what do you mean help you um I I got I got you you're safe what happens your clothes that was close okay okay this is gonna be a very hard boss so you have to make sure that you're ready for this we need to hurry we don't have much time well then maybe you shouldn't RP walk god damn did we get an abomination stiching [ __ ] yeah we did okay got him wait really okay that's how it's done el Rios that's how it's [ __ ] done alright let's see this mountain we're gonna get the mount right here are you [ __ ] kidding me okay all right let's go we'll kill them right now boom there it is I also got the Cape of the black baron that was close wait was it was it though you almost got killed there as Mon no guys I did not all right I did not what is this here it is don't use it yet I will need it later trade it oh wait I have to militant short sword of the fire flash here it is Oh militant sword now we shall craft the curstyn stone the first ingredient is essence of earth you will have to prove yourself in battle where do I get it we need to make sure that you have enough strength to carry this legendary essence I do I do we don't need to make sure about that I do have enough strength don't worry about that meet me at the arts and tournament grounds the argent tournament grounds okay all right let's go over there okay now where do I go let me go see if I can find him oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] do I have the strength to do this of course I do follow me asthma all right let's go I will help you through these trials are you sure I need help so far it seems like it all right let me get myself a lance then we need to hurry we don't have much time oh okay now it's time to hurry that's good what do I do the bug quest you need to do this alone do I fight them on my own alright [ __ ] it let's go I'll do it anyway it doesn't matter let's go give me a second go to next okay now what [Applause] - do I have to fight all these on the horse because it's kind of hard to fight them all on the horse okay it's way easier to fight them just like up off the horse this is [ __ ] [ __ ] okay here's the bosses well I think I'm gonna lose well I'm worried about losing got one I lagged have I proven my worth oh my shoulder do we defeat these beasts say the word and I do it the hell's going on for the Alliance God got him good for the Alliance yes there it is dude know what okay [Music] [Applause] oh [ __ ] either it's the pure okay are you up to the challenge I will not go back bro whoa dude come on man I've done it that's me boss the throat yeah I did I got [ __ ] disoriented what's that up in the rafters oh yeah what about that dude you spoiled my grand and that's a nice helmet you got there oh did you yeah I guess it is agent of the lich king would be best head of the field of your pathetic tournament I've come to finish my task oh this farce hands up okay that was easy damn nice job L rias my rotting flesh was just getting in the way okay got him good job L rias and now I'll defeat him in the final star I hated this [ __ ] bosses earnest dude we shall cleanse this fear there's still one trial left all right there's no no that sounds good no I'm not gonna suck his dick okay I'm not sucking his dick oh there it is el Reyes has challenged you to a duel wait what Hey okay all right let me fight them it's okay I can win this I can win this this is only a challenge it's okay we'll get my maximum damage I'm not even using my versatility set this actually is just like a BFA quest look out look how long it takes me to kill him dude oh my god the literal god voice the literal you have earned it I know I know I have essence of Earth wait okay that's fine no it's not son kite man only one thing left the rest of the essences to craft the cursed stone well where do you get the other essences but it won't be that easy let us continue okay we can continue I will help you get the essence of undeath I can extract it from lady deaths death whispers ring let us travel to ice-cream Citadel okay let us travel to ice-cream Citadel oh there he is he's back no he's not okay I'll zone in I think that's the best idea I was owned in I don't know like BC arena has the special plate get ready what do I ready for rade difficulty 25 player heroic 25 players hurry up okay there's only two of us though I told you already okay all right I'm sorry I'm sorry let's go I'll defeat him it's okay God this is our final stand oh [ __ ] what happens here will echo through the ages regardless of outcome they will know that we boy he'd changed his gear that we fought for the freedom and safety of I can't even keep up now man the quests got updated our heroes the year is your grace it's got a man I know I'm frozen [Music] bro I think this is going to [ __ ] or at the sight of you they will okay the light of righteousness envelops them I'm er listening to this every [ __ ] day Icecrown Citadel begins now [Music] oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is going on where you going Oh should I kill him here okay wait okay all right we will defeat him right now let's go I'm doing my best okay guys it's just not easy it was that easy Elias I could do it wait wait he's just what you want me to go in here to get him shadow frost shards what the [ __ ] is this dude I'm being used oh my god I'm doing it about runs no you have found your way here because you are a man up you gifted with true vision in a world cursed with blindness ook what she i canna conspiracy okay now what pleases to all the audio at the same time dude it's kind of annoying okay now what good job Elias these mobs used to be really hard to kill got it easy heroes do we defeat this boss there's no you come to accept your condition as a defect this sooner you will find yourselves in a position to transfer myself our your suits okay a little bit chaotic I apologize for them it's death magic don't put it on wait gemstone ring of the quick blade oh [ __ ] okay I won't put it on then meet me undal Aryan the one on the broken Isles I will extract the essence from the ring extracting the essence I like to that huh where is he let me go over this way let me see if I can I've got to find him first oh the ring I have it it's good thing I held on to that for you follow me I've never tried this before but let's hope it works and what's it gonna be oh [ __ ] I broke it wait bro what no dude got any suggestions on how to fix this put in a ticket it says l rias is lost and thought hmmm I think our druid friend could help you know where to find him and when you're there tell him to help you make the life stone I will explain later what that's for meet me in Bora last whenever you have the wife stone wait I remember where I had to go this was in what he call it it was in Gilneas yeah it was in Gilneas in the little house that's right let me go over there it's like you don't go to Wendy's in order a whopper you know what I mean yeah their McNuggets am i interrupting something hey hey man here oh yeah what's up man how you doing hi I haven't seen you in a while oh that well I need I need the life stone give me the life stone you can't just come into my house like that yes I can I'm a peaceful protester either way I know why you're here how many times do I have to tell you wait what what do you he's walking around getting all upset the hell did I do wrong no matter how good of a druid I am I can't reverse the withering nor the hair loss man that's not all right that's not what it is okay it's just not oh is that not why it's come no no so what is your purpose here I need the life stone life stone you say why should I help you then Jim why should you help me some gold might make me willing to help okay I can do that there you go there's one goal it's a pleasure doing business with you you can buy a whole new house one well what's wrong with one gold that's all asthma and gold look dude I don't become as mongold by giving it all away alright alright fine I'll do I'll do you a solid man here's three more gold anyways I think I might still remember the recipe and I might be able to craft the wife stone well what must I do if only you gave me a little more all right fine okay here's five gold here's five Gold's too late for that now copper you're on Europe what no I the first one I'll need is what do you need [Music] wait let me see that dust dust what do you mean dust that idiot tried to extract the essence of undeath from a ring using a hammer yeah he is pretty stupid huh he's a big dumb [ __ ] idiot at least this time he didn't run it over with his horse yeah it's your lucky day here oh wait why are these in parentheses or quotes not parentheses what I can fix it okay good I need a dozen of bones it doesn't matter where or how you get them a dozen of bones not to me anyways so you just need a doesn't but meet me here when you're done a dozen bones where the hell do I get a bone all right how many bones of these drop zero what about this guy alright that's a that's a tooth it's a tooth a bone you know what I'm far enough away he says he doesn't care what kind of bone I'll just I'll buy some bones it doesn't matter let me go over here I'm gonna make sure he I'm out of his line of sight I got right behind this little thing I'm gonna get on my auction house right now [ __ ] controlled house wide boundaries okay so I need 12 calcified bones I can buy this right here we put down my mailbox there it is now before we go inside remember I had to I spent 10 minutes farming these I had to work very hard to farm these I'm back took more time than expect wait what do you mean it took man this took a while that was so fat like how okay there the bones have been have been boned using the bones I can dust off from the broken ring I can craft the essence of undeath follow me okay alright let's go yo why is this place like so useless dude this place is awesome I don't know why Blizzard doesn't use it for anything I don't see how this furry is so fast it's probably where am I here at zones in the whole city or in the game I mean and it's not even a thing all right now we're here wait you just randomly brought me to a house with oh [ __ ] wait what the [ __ ] you need to hurry up I don't want to upset the spirits oh okay where's my speed potion do I have a swiftness potion I don't I can leap okay there we go all right we're going very well now we just go this way perfect you're lagging dude I'm not lagging I'm fine okay we're going very fast we're avoiding the spirits this reminds me kind of of Diablo just like the whole aesthetic of it where it's like dark and you know dreary where the [ __ ] are we mail muncher I know it kind of scared me for a second of Rassilon it is done okay essence of undeath thank you well how do I get that we need more essences to craft the life stone well where do we get them essence of water the way to obtain is quite frightening to say the least you'll need to drown yourself in the depths of last year I'll be your guide so I can ensure you don't end up permanently withered oh wait okay let me know when you're ready I am ready follow me [Music] okay Oh this may look stupid yeah I know that I found all about this area weird are you going now what you can see it in the distance that is our destination get ready wait can i okay [Music] our mission here is simple follow me and don't let in his off corrupt your mind follow you okay I'll follow you I don't know if I'm gonna make it man bro I think I'm gonna die if nazar sees us he will all right I've got to go back to him this is not good dude bro we actually gonna die do we make it oh my [ __ ] god and don't get lost in the depths what the [ __ ] dude I thought I was gonna die there 100% alone in the dark abyss oh well scary you are lucky I'm here to save you as always copper why my copper okay I'll follow and stay with him then let's go I'm here I think the seagulls really make it to now what you see that there okay how do we proceed what do we do now you see it I see it oh I see it that's a big boy that is not where we're going okay what's a good thing you pointed it out to me all right on my way I like the smell we're going out into the ocean I don't know if this is maybe the best idea you get stuck out here we'll see that's a whale shark over there we don't want to go over there well sharks are dangerous you can tell that they're dangerous because they're whale sharks we're just riding off into the ocean wasn't co-surgeon what is it what must I do here's what we need to do we swim down to drowned ourselves see you on the other side we're just swimming down okay let me get on my my thing where's this seahorse where's my Basheer seahorse there it is okay I'll go down there with him I guess beside yes no III don't need to decide this one this one's faster I'm pretty sure okay now what should I just go all the way down to here inside this like little crevice where is he wait I'm lost where's arias okay I'll just go down there with him I'm fatiguing now oh [ __ ] where are you man where'd he go is he down here [ __ ] now what now we're here oh I'm rest thank you thank you man we've done it I saved you [Music] yeah yes you did thank you very much all right al rias lets out a hacking cough I have the essence taken okay now I have it wait what he coughed it up essence of water [Music] and now what well you get the remaining essences of Kalimdor and Pandora I will get ready to assemble the stone bring me the essence of fire and the essence of air okay the blind fool might be able to help you acquire them you can find him at the tavern and shattrath the blind fool meet me in Gilneas when you're ready to craft the life stone I'll go over to shattrath let's go I'll go there right now give me a minute where is it oh okay all right give me a minute I have come Oh didn't see you there hello well now you do why have you come my friend the life stone ax I see okay I don't know what a life stone is a lives ton no it's a life stone what's that you need the essence of fire and the essence of air you should have started with that wait why why would I start with that I can help you okay all right good how about that that's great I picked up the essence of fire from Pandaria long ago it should be here somewhere all right let's go over there with them okay now one do you ever feel like you're not in charge of your own destiny like you're being controlled by an invisible hand yes I'm here and now what did you find it let's see let's see what are we seeing what is there to see mind control all the time by scent queen no nose oh [ __ ] wait what the [ __ ] the hell's going on here man oh wait wait he's on fire just a minute I can put them off I can put them out man [Music] where is it ok it's alright man I've got you I've got you man there you go hey I saved you man you're good you're safe there we go hopefully he appreciated that no water Tim you know he's drinking it all up god damn this guy's thirsty do you think the expansion will make me fat yes take it just be careful not to touch it with bare hands okay I've got to find something to throw away Oh give me a minute let's see ah primordial saronite I don't need that okay let's go over here expansion I'll make you fat yeah well okay last but not least the essence of air it is found in moonglade but we can't go there why not they don't like my kind they think that we betrayed them for using demonic power they are blind that we are blinded by the truth yeah that's kind of its kind of accurate for a demon hunter actually okay yeah that's good I know a secret path where we could take to get in meet me in the mountains of winter spring bring at least one Goblin glider with you okay okay I can do that I have my gob whenever you are ready I am ready see you in winter spring okay all right let's go just give me a second oh [ __ ] I'm here that's good he's got his gear on I hope you brought the glider come on let's go I'm ready whenever you are okay he fell where he fell what the hell happened where do we land okay I'm on my way over this is good no it's all right everything's fine let me go over this way I'm staying with him I don't want to lose him okay guys there he is he's right up no that's not him there he is okay MARY POPPINS no it's not Mary Poppins thematic transmog yeah we could do that okay oh [ __ ] I've got to land all the way down there okay all right I'm gonna let jesus take the wheel here come on there it is doing there it is dude it should be in here follow me okay only kill them if it's necessary we don't want to alert the guards okay now we'll go this way then gliders timing out no it's okay give me a minute let me go find him where is this guy okay Darius I see him alright we will not attack anything that we don't necessarily need to attack that's obvious that we need to do ok wait watch out for this one man watch out for this one you got to walk around him man really okay good he's dead we're safe wait what okay okay I got it you're safe wait where'd he go what the hell is he going I cannot do this on my own stay with me what what do you reset it Rhys okay okay I have to kill the other one too got it now what okay this should be it all right now let's get out of here oh thank god dude let's go all right yeah this place is scary as my worry okay all right let's go this is good yeah where are you going we're alright Matt I can't run that fast I I'm trying to [ __ ] he's outrunning me man we need to hurry we don't have much okay alright let me go down this way okay where'd he go okay he's right over here good we've made it now what hey how about that dude before the guards noticed me I will go back to Shattrath and you go back to wherever you need to be okay well that means I have to go bring all this stuff if you ever need something as one you know where to find me later as Mon okay so now I need to go back I have to go back to gilneas give me one second I have prepared the tools now I just need the ingredients do you have them copper yes the essence of Earth the essence of fire the essence of Earth the essence of water and the essence of air and the essence of undeath I have obtained all of the necessary prerequisite items now what hmm it's a pot where's it going no we're doing here become the avatar yeah I'm making an EXO dia now what okay it is done be careful don't use it I'm sure your paladin friend will need it my paladin friend Oh a life's how about that how about that okay my job here is done may we meet again Jim wait I have to go to Bora lass that's right yeah let me go over to Borah lass give me a second okay the scene of the crime as Mon do you have the life stone yes I have obtained the life stone through grueling and hard work I have obtained this beautiful and amazing item and I now present it to you there you go I wanted to meet you and borrow us for a reason by now you could have realized we cannot make a cursed sword using the life stone well then why did you have me get the life stone that's why we need to corrupt it first wait we have to corrupt it follow me okay let's go up this way oh [ __ ] okay we got to run fast let's see all right I'm here the Griffon will take us to the crucible of storms I will meet you there I've been in trouble too much recently alright I have arrived sorry I have arrived follow me as mine okay oh [ __ ] okay let's go [ __ ] I'm on my way okay we have to be careful there's dangerous traps everywhere we can't swim through the waters saddle up I hope your mountain didn't forget how to fly okay let's see if it did [ __ ] it forgotten [ __ ] the [ __ ] thing for God dude I can't believe it okay I'm here where's e all right I'm ready man it forgot how to fly let's go oh [ __ ] here it is okay this might come as a surprise but I'm not strong enough to do this alone uh yeah that's a big surprise I would have never expected especially having to carry you through it is what what no man we will need the champions of Azeroth to help guide us through this journey shall I rally the champions take only the best of the best the ones you can trust okay yeah all right let's go let's [ __ ] go he's definitely corrupting life scent all right as mongold quest minimum item level four seventy four seventy all right join up come over here quickly okay we'll kill this guy real quick okay remember don't just kill the big one before they have to go - oh no put big heels on star boy okay pop hero and kills axe before everybody dies [Music] follow us leaves will echo your dreams [Music] goddamn yo I just noticed this this is the exact same thing as nilova with like the I've never looked up here I know it might tell me but I've never looked up wait L Rios is dead again guys guys you're trying to fail my quest okay so listen the wife stone it's corrupted at worked we did it heroes hooray all right good job okay Treadstone threats ok I have it now now as promised I shall craft for you the legendary sword all of you may follow meet me and iron for charm oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] have you brought the dread stone and the sword of ribbon dare oh that sword yes yes I thought he meant actually Riven dare sword I was so excited that for a second I will present to you the sword and also the dread stone okay it's a nice pet el rio sounds right there okay and now one you have slain countless enemies you have mastered the four elements but most importantly you have conquered death so I already beat Shadowlands down that's easy that was easy now you shall wield the weapon others would have feared to even speak of you have proven strength and bravery yes you will carry the curse of baldness so no one else has to it is yours to take okay the cursed blade of the bald one [Music] moldos sword cane really two-minute okay you know what what moldos sword cane al Reyes thank you I shall wield this blade I actually didn't have huh I shall wield this blade with pride and with strength I appreciate your efforts in your time we have achieved here what few thought was even possible we have cured the essence of balding and I alone shall suffer the curse [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 426,421
Rating: 4.9031243 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, wow quest, asmongold quest, asmongold withered, asmongold withering, wow questline, asmongold questline, asmongold last quest, asmongold fan quest, asmongold viewer quest, asmongold elreas, asmongold end, asmongold the end, elreas, asmongold elreas quest, asmongold rp, wow rp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 20sec (3440 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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