Asmongold Reacts to the Best Karazhan Raid Guide (Classic TBC) | By Platinum WoW

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hi welcome to this episode of dungeon dives where we'll be delving into the spooky haunted wizard castle of karazhan if you're looking for a specific boss check the description or the time code below karazhan is the first raid players will be delving into in the burning crusade there's a ten player instance and you should bring two tanks two healers and the rest dps there is an attunement process for karazhan and it's a very very long one this video isn't about the attunement no the other one was quick if that was too fast for you i'm just gonna leave a guide in the description of this that was way faster than the mad season video damn holy [ __ ] we should have watched that wow okay now that your whole raid is attuned we can enter the haunted tower of karazhan karazhan is a raid filled with optional bosses the only ones that you need to kill to get to the last boss are going to be these but of course really i will be covering all of these bosses as well i didn't even start with holy [ __ ] head left and clear out these ghostly horses that's crazy focus down their stable hands first because they're going to have a variety of nasty spells you just don't want to deal with clear out all of this trash before facing a tune who dares attack the steed of the huntsman come midnight midnight deal damage to him until he gets to 95 health and he'll get off midnight one tank will hold a tuneman and the other one will hold midnight attunement can be disarmed so if you have a warrior tank really you'll want them to tank them your raid will continue focusing dps on midnight players in your races correctly affected by a curse called intangible presence which lowers their chance to hit and shift i didn't know any of this when midnight gets a 25 health attunement will mount back up on his steed and threat will be wiped so dps be careful here during this phase this guy drops the mouth away from everyone and the rest of the raid will stack on midnight's butt to avoid the charge ability the horse now has hey wow congrats you just killed the easiest boss in the raid always knew someday i would become wait he didn't show the mountain oh there it is you can clear out these ads next to this boss and speak to this that's crazy like i had no [ __ ] idea about any of that [ __ ] like whenever we kill them back in the day i was dog [ __ ] at the game so i was like oh we just attacked this guy it's about it like i never thought about it at all and like whenever we did it on the beta we just steamrolled it i didn't even know he had these mechanics but i bet whenever we do this uh for real on like live servers it's going to be more challenging because we're not going to have optimized gear like what we were given in beta blacksmith called cohen if you're honored with the violet eye the rep associated with karazhan carefully pull and aoe down these phantom gas packs and head to the left to face the next boss rose unannounced visitors preparations must be i hated this boss rose is pulled with four separate ads and out of all these four ads there's six possible ads that can be these four ads if that makes any sense so basically every time you fight moroes there's a chance that there will be a different combination of adds you can cc these ads if you're lacking dps or healing but on the tvc beta pretty much every raid group i saw just went hahaha dps go burr and killed them all pretty easily but also at the same time if you're in questing greens it doesn't hurt to be safe yeah it's a different you're going to kill moroes last every 30 seconds it's gonna be a lot harder and corrupt someone which means he's gonna put a bleed on them and they'll continually take damage all throughout the fight he also has a gouge and a blind like any other good rogue he'll use gouge on the tank so you'll want an off tank to pick him up when this happens this is a pretty easy fight just make sure your raid is on the same page when it comes to kill priority and cc assignments and i wonder how hard this is going to be on week one like that's what i'm curious about is like what is this going to be like on the first week of the game and i i wonder if it's still just going to be a joke because it could be like yeah i think it'll be kind of hard i actually think it'll be kind of hard because people have like green gear like questing [ __ ] from like 65 but like another factor that like people might not remember is that nax gear was really good back then like next gear even at level 70 was really good so even if you don't have like bad gear yeah that's true they don't really yeah they're not gonna have green gear they're gonna have [ __ ] knacks gear like there's gonna be people there's gonna be like raids in karazhan that are gonna have two people with atiesh this boss should be dead oh terribly clumsy of me hey get your 68 while questing yeah get back to the ballroom take the door on the left head up the stairs take the door on the right down the hallway filled with a bunch of concubines like like there's just a bunch of sexy ladies here and the weird thing is this isn't the only tbc ray that just has a room full of sexy ladies i was back in the good old days boys where we used to be able to objectify women oh man those are the days boys those were the days the black temple has this too who at blizzard in 2007 was this horny they needed your behavior tolerated your whole raid is going to need to stand around in a circle around the boss this is you know take all the bidding holy wrath spell that connects to players and deals yeah i wonder who it is it connects to so just you don't want to be bunched up be careful not to stand too far back because you can break line of sight with your healers joe has a holy fire on a random member of the ray that does big damage and needs to be dispelled throughout this whole fight she'll have a consecration like aoe effect yeah you just take damage you'll be silenced for one second and continually take damage i don't know what the consecration thing is a very important asset to killing her it's a break because she will also pass repentance on your raid yeah you'll stun everyone in your raid for 12 seconds and breaks when you take damage so players in your race need to stand in the aoe damage that hurts them you break them out of the repentance then or should huge run into the aoe a couple of seconds before the ability is casted now the stupid simple way to do this is just have the tank drag the boss over the people that are stunned to break them out instead just manage repentance well and i'm actually glad he gave that example i did i forgot all about that that's a smart idea this will be dead easy boss easy [ __ ] boss easiest boss in my life i used to have this glove back track can take it right out the door and hold right while heading to the next boss you have to face these spectral performers that you'll need to focus down first they have a sleep they deal aoe damage on death and they summon a spotlight that you need to move them out of you can stand in the spotlight you'll deal increased damage the next boss is the opera event there are three possible bosses you can face here and oh okay sorry sorry sorry welcome ladies and gentlemen to this evening's presentation tonight we explore a tale a forbidden one forbidden love what devil art thou that dust torment me thus i've done this so many times man she has a healing i used to have to do it so many times he needed to spell the buff on her that increases her damage and casting speed will thou provoke me then have at the boy wait a second i just realized they had romeo and like romeo and juliet and then whenever they redid the dungeon they had a dude and a murloc but they [ __ ] they re did it as as [ __ ] west side story what's a west side story was there a murloc in west side yeah right next you'll fight romulo who is very very similar just face him away from your raid he will apply a stacking poison that needs that cleansed dispel his damage and attack speed increase wow and uh yeah that's pretty much like the other boss yeah during phase three you'll fight both of them at the same time they need to die ten seconds between each other have your melee focus julian this is lonely girl trying desperately with the help of her loyal companions to find her way home oh tito we simply must find a way the old wizard could be our only hope strawman roar tin head will you wait oh golly look we have visitors during this play you'll fight four bosses at the same time dorothy will be your first kill priority she could not be tanked and just cast water bolts at random players of your raid she will do an aoe fear and summon her dog named tito make sure you kill dorothy before killing tito because if tito dies before she does she will enrage tito himself will silence enemies roar doesn't it we fear but that's great susceptible to fear so rocks can fear him and hunters can use scare beast fun fact despite roar being a beast he still cannot be hibernated straw man has a stun but gets disoriented when taking fire damage so he's a total joke of a boss tin head is the boss i really do feel like karazhan was like one of the best raids blizzard's ever made i i do i feel like it's one of the coolest and best raids blizzard's ever come out with man it's like one of those things where there were so many cool ideas put into it and it feels like they were really passionate about putting it together there's like a few other raids that are like that too but i think karazhan definitely stands out top three yeah main tank that's a great rate he has a cleave and he will do some pretty chunky damage but as the fight progresses he will start to rust and move very very slowly so your tank can easily kite him once all four bosses are dead you'll fight the chrome tornadoes you should not stand in yeah it has a chain lightning spell yeah which is very very easy here's the unique loot they will draw tonight things are not i remember i ninjaluted those slippers and burning crusade or i like glued to myself forgot what i was so i could have two hearthstones and i never realized that they shared cooldown and so i just had like this pair of [ __ ] cloth slippers in my bags for like a week because i felt stupid for it what they seem for tonight your eyes may not be trusted this is my favorite one because it was easy lastly it's time for the big bad wolf yeah this is so easy aoe fear every 30 seconds and a stun a random player of your raid is going to be turned into little red riding hood and the wolf will fixate i think they lose all their armor yeah and then like you have to run away from them [Music] they will need to run around the perimeter of the stage to not get caught yeah while this player is running for their lives you'll want your tank to follow the wolf and continue generating threat i forgot that's where it's actually here's the unique loot the wolf drops that gun all the loot all of these bosses can drop how do you stop the helmet you get to the next boss just head up these ramps kill these ghostly philanthropists first because they will buff the other trash keep moving until you get to i wonder if they're gonna drop a ton of gold back in uh in tbc they used to drop like 250 gold each one would drop 250 gold or something like it's like 100 i don't know i i remember 250. and i wonder if blizzard's gonna have that in the game for tbc because there would just be so much [ __ ] exporting it'd be exactly the gold running classic yeah yeah you would do gold runs and then also in wrath at the beginning of wrath hunters would be there would be bot hunters that were programmed to farm those mobs the spooky section of the raid here there is a side entrance to the instance so if you wipe you can respond you can only use this side entrance if you have defeated the opera event the next boss talk now this is the most difficult fight in the instance that is more difficult than the last boss thankfully he's optional a lot of raid groups will wait till the end of their run to kill him is it i'm doing these bosses in order and nobody can stop me so i'm explaining him now i don't know a member of your raid is it really that hard question in order to start this quest chain you're gonna need to be honored with the violet eye and instead it's been a while i'm just gonna leave another guide in the video description okay there it is there's ragnaros okay so the actual boss fight yeah right a ground phase and a flight phase yeah first let's talk about the ground phase knight bane is like any other dragon don't stand in front of him don't stand behind him he'll cast an aoe fear that can be out ranged and he will also apply a dot that reduces chance the hit puts a demon dispelled so important ability for this phase is charred earth he will select a random player of the raid and put a giant aoe circle of death that they need to get out of have you ever dropped it stuck up on top of each other right here when charred earth is then they move just sidestep over here yeah your melee group at 75 50 and 25 health night man i forgot all about that air phase which is easily the hardest part of this fight everyone in your raid is going to stack together you like attack an ability called reign of bones which does damage so you want to spread back out there's like a big ass is going to summon skeletons the catch about these mobs is they can only take damage from physical and holy attacks so rap combined with the seriously high amount of damage they're going to be pumping out and the immolation aura they have makes this the biggest challenge seriously if you have a raid comp that is heavy on caster dps a good chunk of your raid will be utterly useless when dealing with these skeletons wow that being said if you are a pro elite certified gamer you should have stratholme holy water in your bags to deal with oh during this phase dude that's so cool like that's the kind of stuff that i love about games like where you can use like stuff like holy water from the previous expansion i still have like 50 holy water i was cleaning out my bags yesterday in classic and i threw away 10 holy water i feel kind of stupid after watching this video but um i still do have 50 holy water left so i should be okay women in your raid will be targeted by smoking blast and they'll continually take damage for 15 seconds this is typically casted on a healer finally make sure members of your raid don't run too far away from the rest of the group or they'll be pelted by fireballs that is the flight phase and when nightbane lands again you're going to need to give your tank a moment to establish threat again so hold on from dpsing him for a bit so i thought that nightbane only did the fear in the third phase but maybe that's just the mechanic for the uh the the [ __ ] legion version yeah i remember he only did the fear in the last phase it's every ground face damn that's nuts nightbane is one of those fights where i'd probably suggest having three healers instead of two because there's just always damage that goes in my opinion always bring three healers and it's a really long fight but if you have a good raid comp this dragon should be defeated that's a lot of damage going out that's a dead ass [ __ ] i had those boots right there and i also had let me get to the shield i had the shield and i also got the chest piece later on i remember whenever we had our our first tank get that shield we were so happy because it was one thing like everybody liked this tank we raided with him like back him don't wow and so once he got it like it was like kind of a guild accomplishment it was really cool and also that shield like even today the shield of impenetrable darkness still actually has high quality uh design on it like it actually is like way ahead of its time in terms of how good it looks it's kind of like that one bow from i was like legion killer i believe it's from archimonde super well designed dude i can't you're moving up the twisted powers of course i'm actually getting arcane watchmen they're going to cast an artist i'm actually excited clear up the groups of trash here in this hallway and make some space to fight curator the menagerie is for guests only curator is the dps check of karazhan throughout the fight he's going to summon astral flares these are ads that will rapidly cast a chain lightning-like spell and they need to be focused down as fast as possible if your raid can't keep up with these you're going to be overwhelmed curator will also catch hateful bolt which deals damage to the player with the second highest threat aka your off tank aka your warrior because your warrior is second on threat because he keeps pulling aggro because he's doing so much damage and then the hateful bolts make him take enough damage to where he gets full rage to kill the adds as soon as they [ __ ] spawn that's what's going to happen that's what it's going to be and it's going it's going to be lit man it is going to be lit like i cannot wait for this dude like doing karazhan with dude imagine doing karazhan with the boys lastly when curator runs out of mana he will go into his evocation where he'll be stunned and his damage taken is increased by two hundred percent he spawns at the same you wanna pop bloodlust and go as hard as possible yep this is a pretty easy fight as long as your raid has the dps curator is no longer operation where the the legs from here right yeah the legs keep moving and you'll enter the m.c escher type the legs are so good wait hold on okay there we go now you have to fight a bunch of trash these mana feeders here these trash mobs are such garbage like they were the worst [ __ ] trash mobs in the whole game like i hated doing this so much like as a warrior it wasn't that bad but like the melee sorry the ranch couldn't do anything so you had to basically do everything because these these things don't take magic damage they're going to be really annoying because they can only take damage from physical that is that is true these mana warps up here are going to explode on death and they're also as equally as annoying you can stun them to stop them from exploding or you can line up sight their explosion to get to the next boss we need to open up the secret book case the fight testicle ilhoof oh terrorist testicles you're just in time the rituals are about to begin i'm going to dps tank to add he's going to have a big imp ad next to him called kill wreck that you'll want to kill first i get more he has damage taken increasing spells that he will put on players also when kill rick dies ilhoof is going to be taking more damage speaking of imps will summon two portals that will constantly that's more when him time right there just have an off tank try and pick these up as best as they can these imps are more of a nuisance than anything the main ability of this fight is a random player will get sacrificed in the middle of the room and your raid will need to deal damage to the chains to break them out it's really [ __ ] easy like it was so easy i remember did any of you guys have trouble with this boss back in the day and your guild made you make a macro that was like slash target chains because i remember my guild made us all have that macro and i told them that i had the macro but i never actually did i just clicked on it and i attacked it and nobody could ever tell the difference because it didn't [ __ ] matter really really simple fight this guy dropped a really good drinking yeah that's it there's a joke boss it's a joke boss where is it it must be the next one there it is lightning capacitor fool's bane is also a really good maze for warriors too look at that it's so good you gain an electrical charge each time you cause a damaging spell crit and then three charges give you another lightning bolt it is insane man absolutely [ __ ] insane it was such a good trinket and then yeah the the uh the that was the original dick tickler staff uh with this uh the terrestrian strangle stuff continue forward and you'll fight please no more my son he's gone mad jade of iran cannot be tanked iran is a mage so he has a bunch of mage spells that can be interrupted and he will also use these on random targets he also has a chains of ice spell that should be this is like the easiest boss in the game range dps in your he has an raid counter spell that affects players in a small radius around him i didn't know that he will also cast a blizzard that will do aoe damage and slowly rotate around the edge of the room yep next he has a magnetic pull where he pulls everyone in the raid towards his location and then i'll start casting i always swipe on this one and everyone in your raid just needs to run away to the edges of the room the most important spell you should wait how much does that do again your aid just needs to run away to the edges of the room wait no it does 3 000 damage who gives a [ __ ] everybody's got over ten thousand health the most important spell you should not mess up could be wrong players of your raid are going to have a flaming circle surround them and if they move the raid is going to blow up so repeat after me i will not move whenever flame earth yeah i actually think that mcconnell's gonna move during flame wreath and he'll he'll die and he'll wipe everybody and it'll be because like he'll be he'll be the boss and he'll be like right here and he needs to be right here and he'll just inch up just a little bit to try to hit the boss because i'll be doing more damage than i'll be talking [ __ ] to him at the same time that we're doing the boss and then he'll move up a little bit and then he'll blow up the whole raid guaranteed that's going to happen garen [ __ ] that's going to happen at 40 health he'll summon four water elementals that need to be killed or banished lastly if a ring gets a 20 mana he'll do the coolest ability in this whole raid he's gonna polymorph everyone drink some water and then pyroblast everyone for seven thousand damage oh my god i forgot all about that never see this ability in 2021 because holy [ __ ] will be dead by this point and uh if he isn't you suck at last the nightmare is over my guild had that happen all the time that's how i know that's crazy he polymorphs everybody sits down and drinks i've never seen it happen yeah like i haven't thought about that for 15 years that that ring was really good and so is the neck i had the neck back once you kill the shade you can teleport to this room by talking to the ghost guy at the entrance of the raid when venturing to the next boss you'll face these ethereals that you'll want to pull one at a time when you get to this section you can take the debuff to fight another spite or go down to fight the chess event that's why people say despite for after they kill the last boss but i'm going to talk about him now why just kill the boss heather spike has two faces one yeah just kill the boss and the other is called the banish phase first let's talk about the portal phase when fighting another spider three portals will spawn around the room these portals will shoot laser beams at another spite and if they hit him they will buff him in order to stop this players will need to stand in front of the laser beam while standing in a laser beam players will gain some positive but also negative effects that will increase the longer they stand in the laser let's break this down one laser at a time the red laser beam will reduce the amount of damage neither spike takes by one percent for each second it hits him if a player stands in the laser beam they will have these effects this laser is for the tanks in your raid the most effective way i've seen this laser tackled is you have a tank stand in the laser for five seconds stand back out for five seconds and then just dance in and out yeah if you lose the debuff you gain an exhaustion debuff for like two minutes and then you can't get it again so it's like super important that you don't lose it i actually for like i learned this fight really well because i originally i remember like my guild was explaining it and we spent like 40 minutes explaining it and everyone's like do you understand i wasn't paying attention at all and i just ran in there and i ran through all the beams and they were mad at me and i told a joke on vent and they laughed and they forgot about it and we just pulled the boss again and it wasn't a big deal right but like i remember yeah it was i had no idea what i was doing and so i did learn it basically the way it works is like the buff is like really strong at the beginning and then it just goes down and it's like it's like positive negative and it just like inverses and so you want to tank it as long as you can that's pretty much the way it worked let's talk about the blue laser beam now this increases nether spikes spell damage if it hits him but if a player stands in it they will have these positive and negative effects this beam is going to be soaked by casters have a player stand in it for four years so then move out and have another player take warriors be tanking another method you can do is have a warlock sitting the beam for the full duration spamming and just spam drain yeah it's kind of scary but it is possible lastly let's talk about the green laser if it touches another spike he's going to rapidly heal himself yeah if it touches a player they're going to have these parts that's the worst one you can either have healers stand in this beam or non-mana resource users like warriors or rogues once the effects of the beams wear off on players they're going to get a debuff called nether exhaustion yeah i can't stop them from being able to stand in the color beam they just stood in for a minute and a half other abilities during this phase is everyone will continually take small amounts of damage all throughout the fight will also spawn void zones on the ground on them and he also breathes fire during phase two that's the fight you can decide on either avoiding the damage or making the fight faster the verse bite is going to go into a banished state and he'll be rooted where he is standing the only spell he will cast is nether breath that deals damage and knocks players back in a cone in front of them from what i saw in the beta this can be kind of unpredictable and awkward so if you want you can play it safe and also just run over to the telescope stand around i always thought this was the dumbest like i thought this was so stupid the way that you just like you would just move away from the boss and he just wouldn't do anything it was the the dumbest [ __ ] mechanic like the thing is the way that you would handle it i remember is that you would want to be right underneath him so you could move around and get away from the uh the cast whenever he turns towards you like that's at least what i remember doing all of phase two and wait for him to transition back into phase one since the beam touchers in the first phase might have the debuff on them you'll need to assign new players to touch the beams as long as you organize your raid well and everyone understands the effects of the beams this fight should be pretty easy easy easiest boss in my life dude spite blade was so [ __ ] good like i remember i tried wanting to get that oh the uni mind headdress this was actually [ __ ] amazing look at that look at those stats spell hit critical strike and also damage nuts like this is why you want to kill this boss yeah tbc raids were a lot better this is yeah there's okay okay okay look i could give you a detailed guide on the chess event no please don't that would be like giving you an analytical in-depth guide on a mario party mini game okay look just kill the king medieval cheat and spun fire on the board and stuff move out of it seriously man it's just really really easy and it's just a good bit of fun we actually couldn't do it like i remember my guild wiped on it a couple of times and we're like alright guys look let's just look everybody's tired it's oh man like oh bro like oh let's just come back tomorrow man i just i can't figure oh they were so bad man it was awful oh yeah the neck i had the necklace too i think i got the boots but no they were like trash boots so you could get like that dodge on them i think i got those instead i forgot which one i had though it was a long time ago the shield looked really cool the triptych shield of the ancients it was like a recolor of the gladiator when heading to the last boss you'll face these flesh beasts that can do pretty chunky damage these do more damage to the balls carefully into the chest room and with every other boss dead it's time to face the master of karazhan i shall be your undoing prince malchazar is a cool fight that can be cheesed beyond oblivion during phase one he's going to summon these infernals they will spawn all over but what you're going to do is hold prince right here and have your ranged stay right here the two places where these infernals do not spawn so you can ignore this mechanic entirely next he will cast shadow nova which is a i actually think this should change that like they should change that like i don't like safe spotting safe spotting bosses is just it's trash gameplay uh it it's just it's trash gameplay like just change it bell that takes two seconds to cast and once it's casted it will knock players back in melee range so you don't want to get nothing back against the wall and melee dps no change like the ability right here next to you okay cable that affects five players and it will reduce their health it's like hit point it's very scary but as long as you don't get hit by anything it won't affect you at all finally he will cast shadow word pain on targets that needs to be dispelled during phase two it's pretty much like phase one but he doesn't use shadow word pain but he's going to deal a bunch of damage because he pulls out two weapons and that's whenever you start blocking everything of course and uh yeah he does a ton of damage in the last phase i do want to say though uh the reason why i think that they should do stuff like that is that like tbc is already gonna be easy like we've seen videos already of people in blues just dumpster and karazhan there should be a degree of like the boss's intended design and like the intended design should matter and i think that if there's like a way to glitch out a boss or bug out a boss or something like that i do think that should be fixed because it just makes the game it makes the boss less fun uh it changes the way because like the the idea of malcazar right it was like we didn't do this back in the day because we were stupid we didn't know this was a strategy um is that phase two i think was until 70 percent and you would have to damage them down and you would dynamically have to change where in the room you were going to be based off of where the infernals would spawn and if you kill them too slow you'd have too many infernals and that was really cool like i i wish that's what that was what happened man it'd be great no changes the thing is it's not a change though the change is the uh the dysfunctional behavior it's yeah it's a bug to spam their heels during phase three his tank damage will not be as strong and he will fix not a change hit random members of your raid and cannot be targeted you kind of just have to deal with axes hitting your face yeah he will cast amplify magic on a random member of the raid that's just going to increase the amount of damage they take and um and he dodged yeah that's pretty much the fight like i said and she's pretty hard yeah so hey congrats easy refuse to concede defeat i am a prince of the eredar i am dead dude the decapitator was actually such a great weapon the reason why warriors wanted to have the decapitator is so they could pull and have a lot of threat at the beginning of the pull so i remember using that and getting the weapon just so i could have better pull aggro and then i got the ring of a thousand marks too because of how [ __ ] insanely good it was and the bow is really great like this is the weapon this is the weapon boss right like look at this whenever dude that i'm i still remember whenever i got gore gorehowl man like it was just such a good day man it was such a good [ __ ] day i was so happy and then the nathrezim mindblade was just completely [ __ ] insane like i think i even got the cloak like i had like ever this cloak is green i believe and it has like the uh it's like the snake skin on it or something like that uh i remember i had that one too it gave you 36 stam that's a big dick cloak yeah some of these items were insane and then the dagger was really good thanks for joining me if you take all this information you will be well on your way to clearing karazhan in no time yeah do me a favor and if you found this guide helpful at all link it to your guild mates so that they were in the same cage we're all in the same game of teamwork you can defeat yeah we're all on it we're on the same field [Music] all right that's really that's that's good okay that's really good yeah this is actually this is a jammer you're right karazhan is going to be lit you're right man this raid just goes over this raid i feel like there were a lot of great raids in bc like in my opinion like tier 6 sucked i'll say again like i know people don't want to hear that i know people love tier 6 because illidan man most of the fights in tier six were bad like most of them were bad uh tier five was incredible uh tier four karazhan was great bt was awesome no it wasn't that's spoken to i really want to see somebody who says black temple is awesome after they finish clearing the trash from shade of akama to tehran gorfin i want to be like okay you finally got to the boss how do you feel about the raid i i want to have a conversation with that person because i guarantee nobody [ __ ] did that and then oh we finally killed [ __ ] uh tehran all right walk all the way back and then go into the other way and now you've got to go over to reliquary it was insane it was so [ __ ] bad man [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 237,520
Rating: 4.9013553 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, classic wow, platinum wow, classic wow guide, platinum wow karazhan, karazhan raid, classic tbc karazhan, karazhan loot, karazhan guide, tbc karazhan, karazhan classic tbc, classic tbc raid, classic tbc, classic the burning crusade, asmongold classic tbc, asmongold tbc, karazhan, tbc raid, classic tbc best, classic tbc best guide, platinum wow guide, asmongold platinum wow, asmongold platinum
Id: mHa0Xc7kZC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 33sec (2133 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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