Asmongold Reacts to "The Alien Race That DOOMED WoW" | By Platinum WoW

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the aliens that doomed the warcraft the warcraft universe what the [ __ ] no they didn't the eredar are the oldest race in the warcraft universe they are pretty much immortal extremely technologically advanced and magically gifted they were perfect except for one catastrophic flaw what's that an insatiable greed for power that i see that happen a lot that's great that's a recurrence and ultimately doomed not only their race but the entire warcraft universe into an intergalactic war i'll explain how that happened just let me set the scene i thought that [ __ ] was already happening what the [ __ ] long long ago the eredar lived is it too loud sure they were an extremely technologically advanced race which used the powers of the arc and light to develop their society among the eredar okay art science magic and technology wow all work together in a it's a functioning good society i like that above all else intelligence and discovery was the crux of the eredar society of the knowledge seeking race were kil'jaeden and velen yep both of them ruled the eredar alongside each other in an alliance called the second denver these two had the biggest bromance in all of warcraft yeah they had the ability to telepathically communicate with each other kil'jaeden was known for his intelligence while velen was the spiritual leader of the area who had the ability to see into the future that's crazy long ago a strange curse why didn't velen just tell [ __ ] kill jaden whenever sargeras was like hey i'm going to give you power he'd be like yo ko jayden matt if we do this [ __ ] it's not going to work out for you man but just trust me like it's not going to be like like 30 000 years but like it's it's going to be a bad ending wait he did tell him wait why started to spread across argus which diminished the eredar's memories the eredar prided themselves on their intelligence there was no curse as devastating as this wow some suggested quarantining these cursed citizens or even banishing them yeah but velen refused to turn his back on his people with an artifact called turret which conveniently pulled from the sky sometime prior villain called upon its ancient naru powers to cure his people of this great ailment damn you what is nine plus ten twenty-one incorrect may the noru bless you the naaru that granted him this artifact are beloved beings the best part about that is that if there was a quest in game to do that that would be exactly how it would work you would literally use the extra action button on the npc after you do the interact dialogue and it would probably be you swinging the staff at them and it would do something that's the best [ __ ] part bit of pure light that had chosen eredar and bestowed them with great artifacts to enhance their magical capabilities but for some this power was not enough no an eredar sorcerer called thou kill led an order called the wakeners he's highly sophisticated never trust somebody with a mustache like that never you see somebody with a mustache like that run the [ __ ] away they will they will take you for everything that you have never trust a mustache like that the thinner the mustache the less you can trust somebody an eredar sorcerer called thou kill led an order called the wakeners these highly sophisticated magi are the ones responsible for empowering arcane constructs around argus among other forms of conjuration yep dow has this power with technologies to satisfy thou kill's hunger yep the sorcerer searched through the great dark beyond for an even greater power in his pursuit he was able to hone in on the power of fel magic and learn to summon demonic creatures from the twisting nether why everything was fine hopes of ushering in a new glorious age for the eredar thou kill displayed his newfound powers to the leaders of arkansas he thought it was a good idea a small taste of my fel magic cool get it out of here jesus his ass beat [ __ ] him villain denounced thou kills dangerous experiments with such violent powers and forbade him from ever using such magics again of course thou kill did not do that so it's literally this guy's fault everything is this guy's fault right here some random [ __ ] idiot with a weird mustache this is literally a random [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] with a mustache with no respect for authority is causing everybody trouble this is literally the plot of every single western movie of all time no longer did the sorcerer control the powers of fell now the addictive powers controlled him for weeks thou kill went mad within his study the eredar did not sleep nor eat and only focused on his pursuit of summoning hordes of demons actual [ __ ] crackhead of his fellow awakeners so that he could assert himself as the new ruler of argus oh my god most of if not all of his followers assisted in their masters pursuit all except one who's that archimonde was one of thou kill's acolytes and revealed his dubious plans of demonic takeover to velen killed jaden and promised to put an end to his master's dangerous pursuit this the magi's betrayal would be a surprising one as he was one of falcao's brightest pupils yeah the night before the planned demonic takeover that's nuts archemon led a small group of magi and put a stop to his master before it was too late oh hello are you ready for demonic takeover yeah he is oh hello oh come on [ __ ] him dude i eagerly await your agonized screams what the [ __ ] so did archimonde kill him i guess we'll find out mike all right the legions will be done oh okay all right you got the harry potter [ __ ] going on oh nothing you are come on [Music] wait what he's a bad guy though how the [ __ ] does that work that's his head dude that's so badass [Applause] holy arkand was a champion of his people for the evil he had destroyed crazy and killed jaden and villain they did developed a deep respect for his selflessness it had so much respect that archimonde eventually led the eredar alongside them in an alliance called the triumvirate the trio led the eredar in a practically flawless manner kil'jaeden was known for his brilliant genius velen his immense wisdom and compassion and finally archimonde and his unwavering drive for greatness were taken over by a new leader called high awakener argon who delved into the mystery of soul binding and learned how to imbue ancient eredar souls into mechanical constructs oh yes this is in a burning crusade you can turn my grandpa into a giant robot that's badass yeah don't go summoning demons again thank you but meanwhile arcmon plotted devilishly in secret you see archimonde did not kill his master because he hated demons in fact he was quite fond of the power fell magic and craved such immense power for himself archimonde had his master's skull displayed in his domicile for all who would dare follow in falcao's footsteps damn in truth he used the power of his master's skull as a conduit to gain an even greater understanding oh my god as the eredar slept he would have vivid dreams of entire civilizations being brought to their knees by a glorious army and whispers from a dark god of unimaginable strength oh [ __ ] the power this is good of the legion this is really good [Music] the dark titans deal years past and deep within the cosmos the dark titan sargeras controlled the powerful might of his demonic forces the problem was all of these demons were very stupid and lack the they were stupid the demons are dumb like i think that when the pit lords are kind of smart but the pit lords are like the smartest dumb ones and what about what about the nazism i guess maybe they were later on the dreadlords i don't know ability to lead themselves and sargeras could not direct all of his entire army at once sargeras this is what led sargeras and having a great interest in the highly intelligent race of the eredar who could be used as generals to lead the legion crusade but in order to convince them he could not do it by force instead he focused on deception and appeared to the triumvirate in the form of a radiant elegant being promising imaginable the powers of your people that is oh that's the actual sargeras say no more mysterious god i pledge myself geez okay that was easy what the [ __ ] yeah sauron uh in a way yeah i mean i feel like kil'jaeden is sauron yeah that's his original form i will transform you he looks so [ __ ] badass imagining and might beyond measure oh [ __ ] together we will become legion and defeat the hungering void that would consume us all the answer is obvious we don't question anything that random god just said that's right and pledge our loyalty it is no ulterior motives whatsoever for what he is totally normal i had hoped the others would sense the darkness behind sargeras's showed me the horrible truth of what would come to pass tell them if we accepted the titans tell them what happened we would be transformed not into wise leaders but into hateful monsters the ottawa crystal was an ancient relic the naaru gave the eredar it's a problem a long time ago of the horrors to come if the eredar accepted sargeras's gift velen tried to warn the others of this obvious trap they were walking into but they didn't really care they just wanted to be powerful the naruto why hooray told villain yo dude you need to get the [ __ ] out of here and that he why wouldn't the naaru just come over like listen bro he's full of [ __ ] like and like why wouldn't they listen to the magic rock if the magic rock is always right and it's like yeah this is going to be bad for you and the magic rock said it's going to be bad then just listen to the rock it i mean really i don't understand he needed to gather as many followers as possible and the naaru would help them escape so they'll unravel people that only consisted of eredar in the hundreds only hundreds on the entire planet of argus jesus the rest of the eredar either willingly accepted the power of fel or the power was just forced upon them one of the eredar that accepted sargeras's power was a sorcerer named talgath talgath was a close friend of velen who was supposed to help rescue the prophet's family where the [ __ ] was he instead betrayed him and transformed velen's son into a weapon of the legion yeah so with a heavy heart velen and his people oh yeah flee the world of argus which now fell into the hands of corruption i will hunt you across the stars traitor even if it takes a thousand years jesus the refugees flew away on a naru spaceship called the genedar the ottoman crystal that velen had was destroyed and turned into look i can't even make this sound cool go ahead they turned into the chaos emeralds from sonic no i'm not kidding wait what ottoman crystal blew up the seven crystals all different colors of the rainbow and they're extremely powerful where's the damn fourth chaos emerald the fleeing eredar renamed themselves into the drama what the [ __ ] why would that even happen yeah and thanos yeah they've done dude there are so many there like it's a pretty good plot device so a lot of people use it okay like it's not that big of a surprise yeah it's it's a pretty decent plot device which means the exiled ones in their own tongue their corrupted kin back on argus were called the menari eredar the word menari means something horrifically wrong something twisted that [ __ ] unnatural and defiled the dick an undisclosed amount of time the general flew through the cosmos visiting dozens of planets and hiding from the wrath of the legion at some point in time the janitor split into two different ships one continued to be called the genedar and the other is the xenadar the draenei and the zenith are the draenei who would eventually become the light for an eye who are just drawing us but cooler and imbued with the powers of the light i would go into more detail about their lore but really it's just they fight demons the end yup that's it kil'jaeden and archimonde were transformed into the most powerful generals in all the legion i feel like i feel like archimonde really got the short end of the stick because like kil'jaeden is [ __ ] badass like he's got these massive [ __ ] horns he's got these chains all over him he's got wings archimonde didn't get anything man like dude he didn't get and he didn't get pimped out at all like kil'jaeden is iced out look at that [ __ ] he's got the bracelets on he's got that big belt with a big belt buckle he's got that giant necklace he's got all the other different little things on his dick beard too like yeah he's dripping dude like he's iced the [ __ ] out and then archimonde's just sitting there with that stupid [ __ ] who cares he's dripping yeah i do archimonde was tasked with being sargeras's military commander and by his will numerous worlds fell to the mind of the legion yeah yeah the overlords still use the power of his previous master that's still so funny it's an incredibly effective weapon against his enemies that's crazy that's a good kill jaden was tasked with seeking out other races within the great dark beyond corrupt the most notable victims he recruited into the legion were the vampiric race of the nazim and the mighty pit lords oh so they didn't even have that so sargeras didn't even have the pit lords initially killed jaden so kil'jaeden got got the dreadlords in so kill jaden got tricked by sargeras and then he got tricked probably presumably by the dreadlords as well oh my god that's what he thought that's what he thought dude another way the agent was able to bolster their ranks is through demonic warping of the eredar what the hell this includes creatures like raftguards eredar brutes oh yeah doom maidens the most horrific creature of all the urzul which were created by combining multiple tormented bodies and souls of the eredar into these warped hellish creatures i think that's so cool to me like that that these are my favorite ones it's like uh i i don't know i just think i think it's badass yeah this is the coolest one argus was transformed into a barren fell infused wasteland and sargeras ordered the construction city world temple of darkness built into the planet's core and the world would serve as the army's base of operations in their burning crusade to destroy all life in the universe jesus with the minari eredar corrupted and driving the overwhelming might of the legion they became an unstoppable force in the warcraft universe and a good majority of all of the bad stuff that happens in the universe afterwards leads back to them corrupting the orcs and destroying draenor legion's fault the sundering of the world the legion's fault the creation of the lich king legion's fault the destruction of the world tree legion's fault watson classic wow legion's fault in this video right now legion's fault the giant sword in azeroth well that happened after the legion was defeated but still not really i mean they got is that he he still got him though he got that sword in there oh my god so the legion just [ __ ] everything up jesus i didn't even think about that damn these guys are [ __ ] it's still there by the way well what are we going to do with it it's like if something is it's like let's say there's a stain on the carpet i put a rug over it you need a really big rug to [ __ ] deal with sargeras like and what was he doing like you ever wonder like in the inside cinematic like was he trying to like i always imagined like he was like basically because it was the cloud around it was the cloud around azeroth was he like dry humping azeroth because he was like wrapped around it you know what i mean whenever they pull them out and then he stabbed the sword in it he was like dry humping azeroth i'm serious go back and watch the [ __ ] cinematic i'm not i'm not even [ __ ] around his fault and yes the legion was eventually defeated in the legion expansion but their catastrophic events on the universe still have effects on azeroth to this day and who's to say they won't return again and do you know who we have to blame for all of this you know if they just chilled out for a second and considered the consequences of accepting sargeras's gift and listen to what velen had to say we would not be in this mess so thanks guys that's right seriously thank you that's exactly [ __ ] wrong things in world of warcraft and i'm gonna join them in sargeras's name i pledge my soul to you also like subscribe oh i'm flying away that's good dude that's good um i don't like a dirty legion sympathizer listen i think what's gonna happen is sargeras is gonna come back and he's gonna be on our side like i 100 think that's going to happen like there's no way it won't happen man like i i really don't think so you need to get the [ __ ] out of here yeah exactly man here come get your here before the bald man sees this badge right here how does this have the most likes on all of the tweets not tweets but like all of the [ __ ] comments like the [ __ ] stupid comment about me has more likes than anything else the tweets i mean yeah i was just thinking of something stupid and so i thought of tweets okay uh that's why [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 260,149
Rating: 4.9613266 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold tv, asmongold platinum, platinum wow, world of warcraft lore, shadowlands story, platinum wow lore, wow lore, ZackRawrr, asmongld lore, platinum wow asmongold, platinum wow warcraft, asmongold lore, platinum asmongold, platinum wow eredar, eredar lore, draenei lore, legion, burning legion, burning legion lore, legion lore, platinum wow legion, sargeras, velen, Draenei
Id: TddMKHjP7_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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