Classic TBC is NOT EASY! Asmongold & Mcconnell vs Magtheridon's Lair RAID | Burning Crusade Beta

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mcconnell i i curse of tongues like multiple of them i banished one i also listen ladies the damage competition most you could possibly do all right i'm stepping out get a lock nope it's not mcconnell we can't remove it who gives a [ __ ] i'm a shitty player i do i'm doing [ __ ] i didn't even know torn evil [ __ ] did that to the demons i didn't know that either to be fair mcconnell you ready you all gone i just told you i was ready good all right let's go gentlemen would you like to take the portal the macdon's lair let us begin [Music] [Music] i want you guys to understand something this boss is not quite a joke in the same way that the other ones were gruel was substantially harder than karazhan and this boss is probably going to be substantially harder than gruel click your cubes avoid the mechanics banish the infernals and overcome this boss this is the final boss in tier four many of us are still in blues but don't let that fool you you're still more than capable of succeeding you're still more than capable of winning of coming out ahead move up with me right now wait why that speech started with boys what about the speech for the girls i think you can do it um yeah keep up the heels all righty so listen we're gonna pull these mobs up all the way up everybody wait up here everyone wait up here everybody watch out get all the way up all the way up in the top of the stairs all the way up all the way up all the way up aggro just try to pick up the other two that we're not on put [ __ ] around man i died i know kill him kill him kill him we need big heels big heels holy [ __ ] it's not a joke is it i said it wasn't a joke i'm in it aggro try to pick him up man picking this one up too try to get these interrupts out what the [ __ ] is this okay i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine tawning [ __ ] i'm death coiled get out of the fire there we go good interrupt great interrupts there we go nice job good skill excellent skill okay just hold this make sure we don't let one of those go off keep the interrupts out right here excellent job good work we had some people that died mcconnell died i popped off dude yeah you did get popped off i critic i know that don't forget to use potions too there's no other reason not to use them shadow resistor yeah use anything that you can to stay alive guys all we need to do is make sure we get these interrupts out we'll be completely fine i'm pulling the next pack now there it is where's my battle shout dude uh i have to do commanding okay we have to get these interrupts out remember get these interrupts out get these interrupts out get these interrupts out get these interrupts out can i go can i go yeah go go go go go get these interrupts out i [ __ ] up i don't have interrupts dude okay just keep going just keep going it's fine all right i'll interrupt skull next whenever it casts got it jesus christ that's fast just get the first one down it gets easier from that boy's dead dude i got it i got it i'll get i'll get x i'll get x get on x next somebody get next interrupt on x someone get next interrupt on x we need to be interrupting both of these play well play well guys play well dude watch out good job on that interrupt good job on that interrupt get on the next one let's go i'll make sure i get this next interrupt off myself watch this interrupt got it right there everybody can move down to the bottom here i believe there's only one pack that goes back and forth if there's not i'm sure we'll find out that i'm wrong very soon all right it seems like i'm not wrong we're moving in let's go get these interrupts out guys here's why i interrupt here's why i interrupt watch this get these interrupts out get those interrupts out guys get those interrupts out come on i want to see him oh get out of the fire got it okay get on x this is much better everybody is alive except for two people that aren't alive i'm dead again how the [ __ ] did you die again dude i got melee because the tanks are sucking [ __ ] why are you attacking the wrong mob you should have aggro but why would you attack the wrong dude hit the [ __ ] mob but why would you attack the wrong one [Music] i'm hitting all of them that's the wrong one you are tanking the wrong one no i said skull i was on skull no you are a skull you're dead you were not on skull how about that i was on school no yeah check the law no i can't the logs you love so much don't move in don't move in stay away stay away stay away now this first boss i will admit i have to ask a question do we have to pick all of the cubes at the same time or is it just one in order to stop the explosion five clickers and four rotating teams five clickers and four rotating teams oh my god what that's like [ __ ] 50 people my god that's so many people oh my god all right all right front the front cube right here the front cube right here is going to be mcconnell clx gnome huda and coachella in that order you need to be clicking those cubes and if we have a [ __ ] up on the clicks i am mad everybody move in don't attack until i attack don't attack until i attack we can move in without hitting them move into the gate without hitting them we're gonna fight all four of them here i'm going to pick up skull and x i'm going to pick up skull and x aggro is going to pick up square and star and then um titus is going to pick up diamond and he's going to help me pick up x as well yeah pick up diamond to next i'll just get skull actually yeah let me just get skull everybody just stay on skull at the beginning all right boys they can also be feared that's fine you can fear them away if you want yeah all right boys prepare for glory let's win i'm going i'm going to let's go get them together get them together kill skull we can get them together get them together aggro don't let aggro die don't let titus die either i'll get skull too i'll just get both of them it's fine yeah i'll get both of them you can't pull aggro [Music] you can't pull aggro man mending make sure to interrupt that holy holy [ __ ] [Music] there's one dead okay there's two three two dead that's good this is a white it's a white this is a white this is 100 of white this is not a joke this is not for fun can't do this what is the range on the hellfire channeler's heel where's the range on the hellfire channelers heel is it 40 yards or can we just tank the tank one on the other side so that's what we're going to do we're going to tank one on the other side can or separate so don't aoe everyone that's easy okay now we know what we're going to do with that i didn't know about that i forgot about that it's been a long time honestly dude we can't do this i'm calling the raid we'll give it a few more attempts we can't give up quite yet go around the other side it's the other side guess other side of the gate listen we had a wipe that's the way it goes this is a hard boss don't give up don't surrender everybody listen up said i have to sacrifice my pet for what he doesn't like the name what's its name cool is it just cool yeah sacrifice it you get a dps boost anyway it's mccool that's wow mcconnell it's you look at that it's you it's you're you're a wolf man i'm not that's crazy man you're right here you're a furry dude wolves are so cool what do you mean wolves are late haven't you seen train wreck stream he loves these wolves are [ __ ] like if you like wolves all right guys everybody move up let's get this done all right let's go ahead and go three two one pull there it is there it is get those ads separated good lad you better not be oh you're dead you're dead lad get these together get these together keep those keep those interrupts out what about what they're doing get these interrupts out uh dispel [ __ ] banish the elementals banish the elementals we're the banishes good all right that's the first one down we're doing great guys keep it it's getting healed okay never mind all right oh my god good job we killed the first one that was incredible guys i'm very proud of you it took [ __ ] eight deaths to kill one [ __ ] channeler because people were [ __ ] around it's over people were [ __ ] around all we need to do is we need to get pulls in pulls pulls pulls pulls pulls let's do it don't let good lad die aggro's already dead oh [ __ ] it's over i'll pick these up it's fine uh it's so wide sponge i'll pick them up it's okay come on got him interrupting that okay i i just can't i can't keep aggro like i i cannot keep aggro this is crazy i i have tried that it's not working this is crazy man we can't do it our gear is too bad i think we might actually here yeah this is hard um okay so [ __ ] oh man i just smoked a big ounce of weed dude maui wowie weed you ever smoke weed bro dude holy [ __ ] i'm blaze oh my god all right let's get ready and pull let's get ready and pull here we go i'm doing it now pulling now give me a second to get aggro [Music] three of them huh i don't think i'm supposed to have three of them okay everybody on that one there it is [Music] there it is there it is there it is what's going titus is dc hi this is dc picking up spanish vanishes up dude holy [ __ ] what are the warlocks doing there's four there's four there's four holy [ __ ] are you [ __ ] doing anything are you looking at the screen okay look yeah one was banished since the first second and then suddenly three of them spawned what do you want me to do banished four of them rotate your vanishers or do something fear him how did you [ __ ] i don't know i don't play a warlock war rocks is for [ __ ] we had i know we had a tank dc we had a tank dc that's the way it goes all right i understand we have problems mcconnell i i curse of tongues like multiple of them i banished one i also listen lady the damage competition what did you do most you could possibly do i'm sure let me go ahead i'm gonna watch a video on this okay i'm gonna see how they did it give me a second world first mech theradon okay so they start on the boss oh they don't even show whenever they fought the uh the channelers wait what yeah they didn't show it because it's this [ __ ] secret tactic they didn't want people to know apparently yeah i don't know what the [ __ ] this is that's just the world first video look up a guide no nigerian gun gun nerf very quickly so that's why i'm not looking up a guide oh dude you could call kungan and ask him yeah get him a discord you guys are so under geared yeah i know we're under geared like if you watch the video like a lot of these guys like this guy's he's in like full tier four it's a lot [Music] i don't know man and there's still apparently there's still channelers up even it seems [Music] yeah even during the fight there's still channelers up holy [ __ ] my god dude oh dude you know what i could do i just realized this what i could cast turn evil on the things and i could see him are you trolling no i just thought of that it's not looking good for us guys it's not looking good that's so five minutes i can't believe i thought of that sure is but you told me you don't have the ability until ref everybody's here let's go ahead and pull get ready guys oh [Music] okay you're dead i am i am dead i am absolutely 100 dead [Music] holy [ __ ] i don't know if it's gonna be time i feel like it's too late it's too late i'm gonna try to res up try and pick this one up holy [ __ ] man it's too late to apologize you heard that song oh yeah i've heard it i've heard that that's a good song oh [ __ ] okay yeah i got [ __ ] right there it was a bad time i could have had a shield block up i didn't i might have still died even without it but i definitely died without it this is uh this is worse than the kale thoth fight this is a real pun all right i'm stepping out get a lock nope get a warlock dude i do have a rock that you can bring if you want if you actually want to step out you cannot bring a ret paladin to mag third it's impossible to to kill meg there with rep it's not mcconnell we can't remove it who gives a [ __ ] i'm a shitty player i do we need warlocks warlocks are [ __ ] they own in [ __ ] dbc they [ __ ] destroy but we can remove other people now don't say that mcconnell you're doing great i'm doing [ __ ] i didn't even know torn evil [ __ ] did that to the demons i didn't know that either to be fair no one knew everybody knew that it's a this [Music] uh we had a lot of trouble here guys i want you to understand like this is a hard fight and like right there what happened with me is i just got one shot i got hit for a lot of [ __ ] damage how much uh like eight thousand [ __ ] damage that that's exactly what i was saying i i know people were going kara for four weeks before magdaradon went down holy [ __ ] one shot for it yeah so people cleared karazhan for four weeks before magdaradon died that's insane holy [ __ ] that's a lot of gear going out i'm trying to think like what we could do better hmm bro that means that people had the [ __ ] rat pals at that time had [ __ ] gore how to work with i got ill darbane claymore the [ __ ] is this it's not very good is it it's [ __ ] oh my god there's no way there is simply no way to kill this we have identified an issue with the pre-nerf hp for magtheridin and are working on fixing that now stand by what is that i don't know i mean we're not even getting too much paradigm though that's the thing because we're not even getting that theradon what if his hp was too yeah he doesn't have enough help keep it up cc the demons as much as you can we got two down dude it is what it is good job keep it up oh [ __ ] yep it's over it's over it's over my [ __ ] gear is destroyed man this raid sucks cox in hell yeah i know there it is now he's up so he's got 8.3 million health let's give it one good attempt and i'll decide based off of that let's everybody run back let's give this one solid [ __ ] attempt get the interrupts out get everything you need out get the heels out make sure that we're using cooldowns on the tanks do what needs to be done we need to have more interrupts there's only five people on the interrupt meter at all let's go okay you guys can pull whenever you're ready i can always pull after you go whenever you're ready okay got him perfect okay let's hopefully kill this first one this time see if it goes well got interrupt out that's good okay first one's down okay titus is dead this is not good man is dead why is mana dead why would the shadow priest die i don't understand keep it up guys keep it up do what you need to do you're dead i know that i know i know that and he's dead company's dead clapped by an infernal [Music] that's the way she goes [ __ ] we're not going to kill this i'm going to call it there's no way it's not going to happen you're calling the raid yep calling the raid the whole [ __ ] raid yeah it's not going to happen like it's going to take way too long to coordinate uh like having to go back and forth after doing the casters over and over and over uh and then missing interrupts and then people [ __ ] up the interrupts and not clicking the boxes at the right time refilling half of the raid with different groups of people it's going to take four hours it's not worth what you're supposed to do what am i supposed to do i'm gonna eat beef jerky and lay on my futon for an hour and get pissed off about it what am i supposed to do i probably i don't know do the same monster do the same thing this is something to do this is too technical of a fight to do on it as a stream puck uh it is like that's the truth like if i wanted to get together a whole group of people and we could plan it out and everything like that then yeah yeah we could probably do it but i don't want to i don't want to coordinate and plan all that [ __ ] out what if i get what if i can get pilaf in here doesn't matter to me okay i'll see you tomorrow all right it is what it is so until next time boys peace [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 229,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, classic tbc, classic the burning crusade, asmongold tbc, classic tbc wow, wow tbc, asmongold classic tbc, WoW Burning Crusade Classic, burning crusade, classic tbc raid, Classic TBC Loot, tbc classic, burning crusade classic, wow classic tbc, Magtheridon's Lair, tbc magtheridon, magtheridon, magtheridon's lair, magtheridon raid, asmongold mcconnell, mcconnell wow, magtheridon's lair raid
Id: eOyW2ddVTBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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