Asmongold Reacts to "Bigfoot Hunting" | By All Gas No Brakes

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is this it bigfoot hunting bigfoot i love these videos man i'm actually so excited this could get a good day already let's go this is pretty much um the pheromone of a female grade a whether on their menstrual cycle a female gorilla female orange that are on their period and bigfoot is a great ape as well so hopefully this will entice them or intrigue them how did you try and huff some period blood off of off of a sass this guy's literally trying to spell sasquatch period blood like do you think about that like just take a step back and just think about that actually i got this from a guy he yeah sasquatch pheromone chips as far as our genetics go we're what about 99 related to a chimpanzee or something like that it's not too far off to say that we can't read and agree with them it has to be hybrids in order for their minnesota minnesota bigfoot research team oh my god dude hybrids in order for their species to be able to thrive are you scared yeah no he's good no no [Music] [Music] oh my god what are they doing dylan they're not going to give out their position they know we're here if there is a family group then why are you yelling bruh then why the [ __ ] you yelling like if you know that i in here maybe they're thinking like hey whoa what's going on you know they're smart yeah bigfoot research team they know we're here most of the time they know we're here that's why we try to keep on switching it up and switching it up what we're doing is we he did two knocks now that we're going back farther and deeper when i do three knocks is that kind of like cold i guess you could say are you ready for this andrew yes should i be scared it's nothing to be scared of okay okay get them out call them out let yourself be known hear that oh i'm here we are you're are we on your real you are miriam this is like a scuffed blair witch project this is good like i feel like i wonder what he's saying in bid bigfoot language yeah i wonder what he's saying are you remembering her you're over here whatever you are you've been over here you're here minnesota bigfoot research team you're probably wondering how i got here yeah it's been a crazy year 2020 right i was beginning to lose my mind so i drove my camper van as far north as i could it's smart i stumbled across a small town with a secret too big to hide so i hit the streets to find some answers and figure out what the hell is going on in reamer minnesota i've smashed a monster can that wasn't opened over my head and it didn't bust open right away so i had to do it twice didn't hurt but i didn't care my dad was born like on 9 11. like i think his dad might actually be one of those big but is he about this like what's going on like he's born by his dad how is his dad born on 9 11 wait he oh no he was anyway so i had to do it twice didn't hurt but i didn't care my dad was born like on 9 11. like his birthday is not 9-1-1 my dad's pretty [ __ ] scary my name is joshua challenging i'm 14 years old my favorite video game is black ops 2 call of duty stupid ass [ __ ] imagine playing black ops 2 and not [ __ ] modern warfare dude this kid's a stupid ass [ __ ] man all right whenever he starts rapping i i will just skip ahead okay guys i'll just skip ahead and my favorite rapper is y w melee yeah my [ __ ] favorite rapper is y w melly all these [ __ ] [ __ ] hate and trying i tried to be fair i tried to skip it i i tried to skip knock me off my grind i can't let him do it i got murder on my mind i like j cole i think she's full of [ __ ] about reamer the home of bigfoot how do you guys feel about that i've never seen him i've walked through the woods my entire life i've never seen him he's not that big of you i'm just walking around trying to find some weed so you're telling me these people just there's a three it's a it's a town with 340 people and all they do is go around smoke weed and look for bigfoot and smash cans on their head damn man that's basically like my high school that's crazy bigfoot isn't real i've never seen it it's all hearsay wait what's that what does that shirt say bigfoot isn't real i've never seen it if you don't like trump then you probably won't like me and i'm okay with that what a person man he's honest yeah he's a good boy that's all you're saying bigfoot is not real bigfoot is not real no why not i don't know i do believe in swamp babe but not necessarily big what the [ __ ] is the difference like mockery of just a small town making it into something to make money i mean we're on the border of a reservation and all of a sudden now we got bigfoot cool what the hell was she talking about i began to realize something wasn't right every person in this town i'm not going to take anybody [ __ ] seriously against a tattoo with some [ __ ] name on their neck dude that's some stupid ass [ __ ] but that's yeah like that's some stupid ass [ __ ] like anytime i see anybody that but i'll be honest guys any time i see somebody that has a tattoo on like their face or on their neck or something like that i just assume they're an idiot like i do i do and maybe i'm an [ __ ] for that but i do i assume they're an idiot same yeah it is what it is i had a rhyme or reason for why this thing wasn't real and why i wasn't a good enough journalist to get this job done [Music] but in the 11th hour i met a badass motel owner with the balls to tell me the truth okay if they're saying they're non-believers they haven't stepped out from their office or off their couch so i've i've had sightings you know i've seen three three screams two whistles and wow and then i whistled back and i got another whistle then i got a wood knock and then a sneeze i keep forgetting about the sneeze then there was a sneeze it's more intriguing than anything but it's frustrating in the same breath because i can't seem to pin these things down they're not stupid not by any means we're not the only bipedal intelligence here do you think every single person is lying or do you think they've seen some they've seen something brother that's just the way it is it's a conspiracy nobody wants to talk about the bigfoot but everybody knows what it is we're trying to figure out movement on this thing the real bigfoot he was hairy and furry and big he must move fast because people see him in other states i was just out going out my deer stand and he came up looked all shrunk in and like looked like he was hungry and i was like what do you need and he just ah like that my first experience wait what the [ __ ] he just talking to him like that holy [ __ ] god damn well oh my god this is these people are crazy grandma's tripping yeah true i was 16 years of age back in 1976 in a garbage dump with his rotten fish yes that's what it smells like on the way you're not smoking them blind and [ __ ] hello just noise bruh from the woods and russells and [ __ ] like that that's crazy how they were high in the woods and uh they heard something crazy and that must have been bigfoot isn't that crazy how that like you just go one two now it's bigfoot wow damn we was high as [ __ ] we saw bigfoot didn't they make a movie about that bigfoot are very sensitive the funny thing about this is i actually forgot about coronavirus because this is the first person in the video who's actually wearing a mask i totally forgot about it like really i forgot entirely like yeah she's actually wearing a mask the souls bigfoot lives matter well they had the riots and the looting and since they were okay to have protests there we thought well we can have a protest here too i was at the bigfoot lives matter protest i mean they're not there to be hunted it's just supposed to be searched for they're not supposed to be hunted uh abe del rio also known as elusive one in the bigfoot community is the founder and director of the minnesota bigfoot research team that's who i am i got chased by one back in 2001. wow so is there one bigfoot or is there multiple big feet multiple big feet throughout the whole united states except for hawaii why well hawaii is a volcanic island it wasn't a part of pangea when all the continents were together how many big feet do you think are currently active in the continental united states i would i would say over 50 000. [ __ ] what the [ __ ] listen i'm gonna be honest i actually don't think that bigfoot's real like that might sound crazy i don't think it's real man like i i don't think that i think maybe there could have been a bigfoot like 500 years ago a thousand years ago maybe something like that some like [ __ ] genetic anomaly but for them yes shut up dude but i don't think that's what it is i'm not an expert though like these guys over 50 000 it knows these trails like the back of its hand maybe they'll feel more comfortable as the sun's setting to come a little more closer and approach us hopefully we get a young one coming who knows that's what we're looking for we were definitely being followed mm-hmm you're whatever it was it was big and was just swaying back and forth what we've seen was something big and dark and it was kind of dope this is the same [ __ ] [ __ ] that happens in every single one of these [ __ ] movies man every single one of these you guys will watch these like bigfoot tv shows here's it starts off and it shows like the [ __ ] b-roll of the town then it goes to the interview and you've got the dude you've got the old guy the kid and there's probably somebody's wife that gets dragged along in the mission too who's actually somehow crazier than all the rest of them and then you have like the preparation that's whenever they're putting on all their camouflage gear that's whenever they put on you know their [ __ ] uh resistor bands or utility belts they get a can of mace in case the bigfoot tries to attack them and maybe they get some handcuffs too and um you know they never tell you what those are for but regardless then they go out into the woods and they're going out camping basically and then you get into the dark time where that's the night vision like the screen you just saw there it's like this right here and they hear something and then as soon as they hear something you know what happens the commercial plays and then you have to watch commercial then you come back and then they play themselves hearing something again and they rush out and then they find out that what they actually saw was a raccoon and they're like [ __ ] man but was it a raccoon a raccoon couldn't have broken this other stick that's over here in this completely different direction well because this stick's broken i'm pretty sure we saw a bigfoot so then it cuts there then it's the next morning and the next morning they're all sitting there they're talking they're like well you know what i think we saw something we don't have definitive proof but we're gonna keep searching and we're gonna keep looking so stay tuned for next episode because we're gonna do the exact same [ __ ] thing that is the bigfoot show formula that is the cryptozoology television [ __ ] network formula it is the exact same thing every [ __ ] time they never see a bigfoot because you think about this right i mean like you'd probably hear like if they actually ever did see a bigfoot they always hear noises out in the woods or [ __ ] nothing that's it whatever it was it was big it was just swaying back and forth what we've seen was something big and dark and it was kind of doing an emotion like this pretty likely we had a class a what do you think it was i think it was bigfoot you guys were right behind us and you saw bigfoot and we didn't oh [ __ ] as soon as you guys got over we looked back and gone oh [ __ ] are you disappointed [Laughter] squatch on what is this man i don't even understand how this is real like like look how greasy they are too like him look at his friend in the back man this dude showers once a year this dude showers less than i do they're greasy man these are like my fri these are like my friends in high school like i actually i see kids like this i'm like man like you and i have been friends back in the day like yeah this is dude you know we should we could do that we could go out in the woods and do like a sasquatch stream and i could pay like maybe like s fans or somebody to get in to put on the suit and that way you know people think it's actually him right because we figured out and like what if we [ __ ] we what if we faked a sasquatch uh a sasquatch sighting on stream live and we just completely [ __ ] fooled everybody man why he don't need a suit shut up shut up [Music] dude [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 189,738
Rating: 4.9229712 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold all gas no brakes, all gas no brakes, all gas no brakes reaction, all gas reaction, asmongold all gas, zackrawrr, all gas no brakes bigfoot, big foot, bigfoot, bigfoot hunting, bigfoot hunting reaction, bigfoot reaction, all gas no brakes bigfoot hunting, bigfoot documentary, big foot documentary, what is bigfoot, what is big foot, who is bigfoot, who is big foot
Id: vNu2iO66AP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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