Asmongold Reacts to All Gas No Brakes Return as Channel 5

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oh there it is all right let's watch it spring break okay all right yeah seems like that's uh about what you'd expect to see here we go here we go boys forever two shots that's my dog but who you know i'm really scheisty poo i'm really shy eight percent celsi i highly recommend four and you're off the floor a key shotgun is unbeatable though shotgun is a contact sport you have to be careful this is this is what we do this is what we do over that this is these are future florida mans y'all got to understand that like miami's in florida these are all future florida mans right here [ __ ] you literally i'm [ __ ] hot everything's popping out here yes the rona is with us the pandemic is real [ __ ] [Music] oh my god you're lucky i don't got scissors come and hit them shorts [ __ ] the thing is like people it's crazy like people don't give a [ __ ] about the pandemic they don't even they don't give a [ __ ] about it it's actually crazy to me i'm amazed to see how how people are like that and it's been like that the whole time i died [Music] [Applause] [Applause] curfew has been extended in miami beach in florida after thousands of tourists descended on the area for the annual spring break holiday yeah i wonder why i've covered 19. too many people are coming here with bad intentions the crowd control men so they just don't give a [ __ ] man these people don't give a [ __ ] they do what they want to do they live how they want to live there's been a term for that it's yolo well you only live once yeah they're going to do what they want to do this spring break season was a hot topic i bet it was dramatic police using pepper balls to defuse a rowdy crowd protesters saying enough is enough this is just a representation of the craziness of no working even his son colby had something to say i just can't get okay any piece we're hoping to move people's been because like that's one thing i bet like if you live there right what is your life like your life is like you have to deal with these crazy [ __ ] just yelling [ __ ] rioting you go outside and there's one of them passed out in your lawn there's beer bottles everywhere and this kid's like nine years old he's like nine years old he's gotta deal with this [ __ ] you know shut in and they come to the beach and they're gonna get rowdy like a bunch of guys stomping on cars and then yeah like moving in with like very short notice and that sort of thing [ __ ] you know white frat boys get rowdy too so yeah i don't make the news all over the world what's this interview spring break yeah what about it we got one guy in the er right now but you know we still make it we still power through i [ __ ] hate it here come on this is not content show them your tits come on greg minnesota baby minnesota baby are you guys from minnesota yes i'm from norway she's from norway yeah that's great you know just immediately [ __ ] gets on it so like that's the guy like you always wonder like who are those guys that are in like those girls streams that are like all right shut up stop playing this game you know show me your boobs he's right there yeah he's right there you see him he's right literally right [ __ ] there what's norway it's a country in europe scandinavia she's an illegal immigrant deport ingrid now norway's boring there's a reason i'm here obviously show me your chance come on she wants to show them what she wants i'm not gonna show up my tent come on i'll do it for you i'll do it for you jesus christ oh my god guys someone's probably gonna sue him to be honest with you this guy's got cases all over the beach to be honest bro i'm kidding i'm kidding chlamydia is going around like what the [ __ ] god damn some weird ass [ __ ] that guy's getting a twit longer that's what you guys need to understand is like so i've said this before is like everybody acts like oh man these streamers are [ __ ] up these streamers are such terrible people oh my god yeah the guys he does look like god at egghead yeah he does uh but the reality is that there's a million of these other dudes that are going around acting the exact [ __ ] same or even worse it's just you don't read a twit longer about them because nobody gives a [ __ ] this is just you know this is just chat on miami beach there's a million jazz and a million beaches [ __ ] wildfire right now so this watch show i don't have it but i know people like who have it you know yeah chlamydia has other places than the beach so like i don't know we try to stay safe we do our best but anyway everybody needs to chill have a good time it's almost over i'm fascinated figure it out i'm cool what it is what it do i'm just out here with my crew you already know how we do and we came here with a full check money i'm all about my money i'm smoking good good in your neighborhood swinging real good looking good in the fly yeah i don't know if you guys [ __ ] realize this but he straight up has like 17 million followers on [ __ ] youtube so he's famous like you're famous like you see me slide like a [ __ ] you see me you see me slide in the [ __ ] hide in the morning you see me you see lied in the me that's like right he does they just start [ __ ] rapping i don't give a [ __ ] yeah god like a [ __ ] channel five yeah we're from austin texas we came out here to miami stay there it's beautiful are you guys big alex jones fans uh yeah actually yeah actually yeah actually look dude this is not look i'm not real i i have no relation to these people okay like this is not it's not it's not my fault all right i don't i didn't i didn't do this let me just say that yeah i i didn't do this ah are you channel six i'm channel five spring break 2021 where the [ __ ] is going three jumbo mojitos [ __ ] i live here spring break yeah i live here i'm from atlanta so i don't know where the hell channel 5 is connect us yeah yeah i know what the [ __ ] going on with your crew what's the young crew y'all crew you know island crew where you guys from from atlanta what brought you guys down here look at that hat man like if i had to tell you guys i knew so many [ __ ] people that dress like that talked like that act like that in my school like all the [ __ ] time i had like i'm not even kidding you guys like 10 friends that could have been that could have been one of them man it's 2004 [ __ ] no it is it definitely is free young crew i don't think it was photoshop man i really don't i think he just he just had that on there that's like his hat is that jeff himself jeff used to jeff used to wear his hats like that yeah but he didn't have the uh he he wasn't like uh what do you call he wasn't doing that hair [ __ ] hey yeah [ __ ] now i'm trying to [ __ ] hoe they playing miami man miami beach how do you guys feel about the 8 p.m curfew tonight are we trying to turn over we trying to have fun they're just not going to do it man i said [ __ ] that they're my dog for sure no couch everywhere come on now we don't push it oh my god man look look it's your boy a hollywood cat you know i went to a gas station i went to a gas station here and they literally just sell weed at the gas station nobody gives a [ __ ] anymore like straight up like this is this is this is the ghetto [ __ ] we just do whatever we want must be nice i don't smoke weed like i i'm not into that but like yeah it's cbd i i don't know what i don't know what it is all i know is they they sell weed like i remember back whenever i was a kid they told me they'd sell me alcohol when i was like 11. they sell me they told me man you need alcohol you need some [ __ ] you need fireworks we sell you fireworks whenever you want those were the good days man ceo the twerker grab man i don't know if we on the news ceo of what twerk or grab what's that i asked female some questions right we get lit yeah and afterwards i'm like you know i'm the ceo turkey grass y'all got to get lit for the camera you did what i'm saying they either twerk for the camera they let me grab grab what the cheeks why because we just get lit down here in miami bro man we got handfuls bro why because we get lit that's why because we get lit what do you mean why what do you mean while because we get lit like i mean what else could it possibly be over 10 a day when you say we are you referring to you and your audience or you have a group of friends boys i like grab because either way they're going to make me grab someone man yeah twerk wait they got a whole [ __ ] they they got a whole [ __ ] what is this wheel of fortune this is wheel of misfortune what the [ __ ] this creepy as [ __ ] this is what guys do like guess what i'm saying right it's like if you just treat a girl like she's a person that's what that goes a long way man that really does because usually that [ __ ] don't happen just treat her like a normal person and that's going to really go that's going to do a lot wait why why all put no mega walls in chat what the [ __ ] what the hell is wrong with y'all the [ __ ] read the wheel all right let me read the crap kiss my i'm kiss a group member let me choke you uh which one of you guys came up with this wheel all of us made a group man it's a group effort dude imagine how easy their life must be right you literally go around with a wheel up to drunk girls and spin the wheel these guys are living on a cloud nine this is some nuts ass [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i got to read these come up with this wheel all of us made a group man what does it say what the [ __ ] they spin it so [ __ ] fast okay grab what spin again but i can't even [ __ ] read that what the [ __ ] does that even mean you can't even write yeah i don't know why the [ __ ] is there a spin again i don't know you got it they probably got that from wheel of fortune or something i got that from a game show it's been no lose let a group member grab look man that means we grabbing the cheeks do you guys ever have any run-ins or confrontations with like other kind of like horny vloggers out here like of course they don't pull up on us and say nothing crazy no they don't do it like us they followed us that's what happened like come on shorty give me your number you ain't from here come on the guys out here are really annoying they try to strike our bus try to get our numbers trying to get us to turn up with them like i got a big man they be trying to stun they'll be trying to stop a big mansion uh-huh we got big money mansion a boat yeah i tell them they gotta have good vibes and they gotta be trustworthy whoa come on this is how as i said like this is how people i know a lot of you guys might be from europe and you don't you're not around these kinds of people this is literally disgusting this is how people act all over the place like in here in america like any time that you have an event like this this is just how people act and it's like a lot of guys get together and they always act like this it's nuts we have this y'all have the same problem honestly i was never really like this i never liked to do this it just it felt weird to me like i don't know i'm like a reserved kind of guy i'm like i like to keep to myself and so i see people do this it's like weird to me how can i put this i'm trying to have sex with multiple women tonight i had a question for you bro who are you what influenced you to wear the suit with the nine seven tables i mean this is channel five we gotta come professional look at this i don't know what the non-sevens they comfortable i gotta be able to run around gotcha got you bro the smartest white boy white boy summer every day my name is justin i like big booty latinas you feel me i don't got any preference i still like the black girls what's up what's up you from jersey hot dog ladies from jersey hot dog ladies hit me on the ground what's up does she have over 10k yeah i got yeah i do real followers ooh what's your name oh my god damn let's taste i feel like a lot of white boys don't want to put down on some thick a lot of white boys don't want to put down on some thick [ __ ] they're worried about school and economics quit being scared go get a big booty latina sir yes don't worry about nothing else in the world get you a big booty latina what would get me a big booty latina you tell me yeah no no i see i did oh white boy summer what what the [ __ ] man he just pulled up on a real one right there it's like just some random ass guys walking around everything's fine and then it just turns out this guy's like he's like he's like he's not 50 years old man this dude's level 50. oh my god girl summer thick booty latinas i'm with it but anyway ferraris are great latinas are great miami's great ciao yeah what's going on bro what's up what's on your mind what do you think about all the ass out here do you eat it what i eat ass you eat ass look at that ass don't just want to eat it wait what's his shirt come eat after me tonight you're not afraid to eat ass are you [Music] oh my god so we're eating astonished this is this a dude that knows what he likes yeah this dude he knows what he knows what he likes to do that's all yeah he knows what he likes to do oblivion npc yeah a little bit right the dude's a little nuts what are you all doing walking around talking to people saying what's up great let's get it popping here we go all right all right bro what's on your mind is going to start rapping you need to come better and what's on my mind what are you sipping on what do you got what are you sipping on [ __ ] hennessy what are those bro take that mic out my face you know what i'm saying say something you know what are we recording right here this is awkward yeah i wonder this is weird i get up a [ __ ] interview say something bro are you are you on the gym team bro your [ __ ] is whack as [ __ ] health officials are calling south florida the nation's virus epicenter south beach curfew is back in effect as officials hope to prevent another weekend of spring break chaos party's over in miami good afternoon mike yeah beaches closed the tours went away down ocean drive they shut them down nobody is out here broward county mayor says they shut them down problems and there are no plans in broward county to enact a curfew spring break but we're not dirty spring break 20 21 baby come on down to uh fort lauderdale and get your party on a cafe love lisa this is a gypsy party baby let's go it's destiny so you thought that they you thought they left yeah you thought they [ __ ] left [Laughter] yeah alex jones he did kind of look like alex jones you're right i didn't even think about that it's affecting the boomers no the boomers are they i think probably most boomers don't give a [ __ ] about it but most of them don't give a [ __ ] like my dad got the vaccine i was glad about that he's good now i'm i'm relieved but many other people they don't give it they don't give a [ __ ] man i'm feeling great how you feeling boss your shirt says pcp what does that mean post concrete pumping i think you should have a nice one coronavirus is gonna take a oh craft the nation i know it's a white wait what is she saying it's pcp what does that mean post concrete pumping i think you should have a mask on coronavirus is going to take a oh craft the nation i know i think should have a mask on so she's telling him to put on a mask he's like yeah i know post concrete pumping yeah i've always been i've always been a fan of masks i know some people might not like that you might not agree with that you know you might think oh well that's not you're not going to help i've been a fan of the masks okay i do i do think that the masks are useful the white boy summon no kizzy how do you feel about vans vans oh i [ __ ] love it every shirt i own pretty much vans bro kids make good dance what's on your mind tonight what's up today uh get as [ __ ] up as i can uh at the bars drink as many jack and cokes as i can shout out to jack and coke i saw what the plane going what does it say what's the plane logo good year good year shout out to goodyear what's up jesus christ oh my god what's the plane's logo oh my god wow when a doctor is performing open heart surgery wear masks glad they don't call it a hoax listen i i i get that people have the thing is that i could explain why i think masks work i'll do that i'll explain this is like my mental thinking with a mask so number one it seems like the majority consensus is that masks help and i see a lot of medical personnel wearing masks that's one thing why would they do that if it didn't do something so there's that also on top of that it's like if you look at the mask like a chain link fence and if you look at the corona particles like golf balls now some of the time those golf balls are going to get through the chain link fence but if you have a fence and you throw a golf ball at it 50 times it's probably only gonna go in half the time also on top of that if you duct tape a golf ball to a basketball which is like the [ __ ] covid particles in like the spit particles that the covid is in and you throw it through a fence it's never going to go through so that that's that's my thinking that's the way my brain works and that's how i i process the information so it's like that the spit particles are basketballs the covid particles or golf balls and they could go through the chain link fence if you just had the [ __ ] golf balls and every once in a while they do but to the most part if they're glued to the basketball they're probably not going to go through the [ __ ] fence anyway let's go back over here i see versace on me like i'm illuminati i'm out here convince the hose for a hundred dollars then i'm quavo you heard me wave from the migos cueva from the migos don't see me asking me for pictures i charge them like a hundred dollar a picture that's how it is hey you know me my horse you know how we riding you know how we coming don't get me out here rapping honestly like i have [ __ ] family out in florida every time i watch these videos i am sitting there just waiting for like my uncle or one of my cousins to [ __ ] pop up on one of these videos because there's a few of them that they would be like the main [ __ ] attraction like they would be there and they'd be on the video everybody would see them and i'm stacking making it happen hey let me just chill i pull up in a polo i pull up in the stolo yoho she know me though hey just chill i tell him just chill we do it for the thrill i tell her how it feels we chilling in lottie she totally wanna holla damn she's impressed i got dan dollas look at these vvs i just [ __ ] impressed cuz i'm blessed hey dude i should start rapping dude that girl behind him was impressed she was cringing you think she was cringing i don't know i felt like she yeah we do it for the thrill we chilling in lottie she tell me wanna holla i tell her give again i don't know maybe she was impressed maybe she was you think she was cringing i don't know it's hard to say it's hard to say man that's a cringe maybe i don't know i've seen plenty of people make that expression and then be like damn that was really cool i got them dollars look at these vvs i just [ __ ] impressed i'm blessed hey oh my [ __ ] god man what what an adventure let me just say that what a [ __ ] adventure [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 456,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, all gas no brakes, asmongold all gas no brakes, all gas no brakes interview, all gas no brakes reaction, all gas interviews, all gas no breaks reacts, channel 5, all gas no brakes channel 5, channel 5 all gas no brakes, all gas channel 5, channel 5 all gas, channel 5 miami, miami beach spring break, asmongold channel 5, channel 5 miami beach spring break, all gas no brakes new channel
Id: PKYdq6YKers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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