Asmongold Can't Believe All Gas No Brakes "Proud Boys Rally" & "Trump Jr. Book Club" Interviews

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i am called to your purpose lord reveal your purpose to the proud boys use us to lift up this city to save the people of this city don't let it die amen we're in portland oregon again kyle didn't do anything wrong man free kyle you make free kyle what do you mean who's kyle oh it's some guy he like went uh he went out to like you know protect businesses with like a gun and he shot like three people they said that the people attacked him first i i i don't know me look like a jackass i'm gonna come for you what are you gonna do okay i'm gonna probably beat the [ __ ] out of you never go home with me is that a white cloth that is a white claw white claw white claw claw a lot of people assume that i'm here to protest antifa and blm though the western world western nationalists like we love america we believe in god and america and the constitution i love my country you know that's mostly what the broadway's is because we're proud of the west we're proud to be part of the united states of america what's on your mind uh we're the number one training thing on the internet right now number two video live streaming on youtube truthfully it's just the western world that's good man that's good focus on those analytics man i appreciate it and i like drinking yeah i like drinking with boys i'm trying to get drunk here we go bouncing out this [ __ ] talking about the easter bunny yeah yeah why is this pretty good in every video proud boy what it do when i'm chilling with my cruise if your ass black and blue sitting in the blood poo what are you doing with my [ __ ] homies boy you don't know me but you [ __ ] on me talking about that money you think you're [ __ ] funny hey crowd gang hey bob gang i'm not gay uh what's that one song by takashi six nine i understand sometimes when the left are like oh well they're violent it's because we make self defense look like assault august 22nd i can't dude i i'm so [ __ ] sick of this [ __ ] i'm gonna be honest i'm so absolutely [ __ ] sick of this [ __ ] is that these guys they go in there and these are like these [ __ ] you know uh they treat going and like getting in these fights and [ __ ] like a vacation and they just it's so pathetic man it's absolutely so pathetic i i can't even really explain entirely everything about it but like i hate the people that like they get in there like i i it's the [ __ ] government it's the government's fault because the government should have come in and prevented this [ __ ] from happen so you have two sides of these [ __ ] morons fighting each other and it's it's funny to watch from like a nihilistic point of view but if it's actually your [ __ ] getting destroyed i'd be [ __ ] mad it's the government's fault this is happening standing in front of the justice center waving yep blue line flags there to back the blue oh my god hundreds of antifa show up and start throwing rocks and stuff it's like they show up anti-fascist silence us that's communism that's marxism they're marxist communists who want to take over and infiltrate their ideology into our government and it's absolutely not going to happen [ __ ] deeply there it is because they're [ __ ] terrorists i think right now we're still trying to figure out what the hell antifa really is historically you can look at the black nobility the skulls and the keys secret societies i think a lot of things jfk said were true about it and sora says butzler the worst part about this is whenever they come up with these like really really bad word plays because like you know these people are kind of stupid right a lot of these people that go there they're kind of stupid so they come up with these like very clever word plays in their head and then they say them over and over and over it's the same as like the uh the [ __ ] talladega one like this [ __ ] is so [ __ ] dumb and i don't like collectivism i think that's bad spartans were the first collectivists and they killed the essenians and that's kind of what's happening being replayed today i helped you in your life really soon how's that are you a proud boy god damn i'm pr uh i'm proud girl yeah so i think he will hug you of course because you're so amazing vladimir putin he would hug me yeah of course why because you're so amazing what you're good i like your hair style too you too damn dude he's in bro he's already in oh my god like he dude he's he just sat there man just chilling and he's already in i do i need to get my hair like that apparently wow i like your suit thank you so much that have a good day now if antifa's a bunch of terrorist criminals that are out there burning [ __ ] and breaking things and doing damage then they need to be stopped we'll use kenosha as an example national guard came in cleaned up the streets we wanted to just get police and law enforcement the tools that they need to combat these riots the proud boys communicate with the police we do communicate back and forth we just want to keep our side of the street clean gantifa is the real fascist i honestly think that they're victims they're victims to a system that's failed them i think that there are lost children the movement has been co-opted by people that have more nefarious plans it's been completely overblown hijacked manipulated all of our major institutions have lied to us they lie to us they've been lying to us so whether george soros is involved or not they're really good at printing money and taking civil liberties these people are always like they're they're so they're they're constantly always like fixated on creating this boogie man like whatever the boogeyman is it's like it can never just be what you see it's always got to be some kind of like larger greater [ __ ] uh you know existential threat it's like oh it's george soros it's the illuminati it's you know whoever to skull and bones the freemasons or something like that dude it's [ __ ] nuts like i don't understand how this happens like the it controls you yeah it's just insane how these people do this like i've i've seen a lot of these conspiracy people and like my mom is into like some conspiracy stuff too and so like i see the videos that she'll watch and it's like these people are [ __ ] nuts like it's not even like oh well you know they go to their normal job and then they come home and then they talk about how jfk was assassinated by uh a bigfoot but no like this is what they live like i remember i went to this one place and these guys it was like a conspiracy place not a conspiracy it was actually a barbecue place but the guys there are all into really big conspiracies and so they're bringing in like these binders full of like paperwork about how the government was hiding ufos and they're like swapping it around and like trading it and like you know like it was kind of wholesome in a way right i mean it was kind it's crazy but it was kind of wholesome in like this really weird way i told my mom like yeah you should go over there you know maybe you meet some friends look at this whole covert pandemic nonsense nobody my choice i'm a feminist nobody's going to tell me i don't need a man to take care of me don't give in and don't believe the lies of the mainstream media black unemployment is at an all-time low they're thriving to me the democratic party is the party of slavery they want to keep them on modern day plantations in the projects being a trump supporter is way more punk rock than supporting sleepy joe biden i am dude what's really cringed to me about this whole thing right it's like despite what if you you agree with what she's saying or not okay can we can we all just agree that her rattling off these [ __ ] buzz buzzwords is like it it's so it's so bad like it's like not the platitudes it's like the the buzzwords like the saying like oh sleepy joe biden you know the the they want the black people about the democratic plantation like these these are like [ __ ] these are buzzwords that people use online constantly and so it's just like and you know they're programmed that that's the word dude these people are [ __ ] programmed it's it's scary like that's the truth is it it's [ __ ] scary a loser these people have zero respect for the law they have zero respect for the community they started out with the red intent i don't think they started protesting for no reason yeah i mean washing the knee on george floyd's neck i mean that's like that was [ __ ] up did you support the initial black lives matter protests um i mean i don't know actually i want to cut this interview sorry it's all good a warrior what a dumbass what a dude what is doing that [ __ ] wait why not i don't know why they always like how do you get these clowns like these guys are [ __ ] clowns like i don't even understand it at all it's kurogic scared of his own opinions well the thing is like it's like you just say the opposite if you if you feel like it's bad you know what i mean like there's no real reason this is nuts oh my god you show any empathy or go against this tribe yeah do you think it's easier to spy on one side of the conflict of course it's easier you just have a whole the thing is like it doesn't matter like if you're one of these people or one of the antifa people you have like an entire media system that you subscribe to that reinforces your ideas and coddles you and tells you that everything that you believe is true so it doesn't matter what you believe you can still like [ __ ] construct a reality around reinforcing what you believe that's the issue right it's basically twitch chat yeah exactly man but it's twitch chat with less emotes it's nuts it's absolutely false dichotomy i don't think it's a false dichotomy at all i think that really i i don't want to go into like a big [ __ ] you know uh a big opinion about this okay but i think one of the big problems nowadays is that there is no objective truth anymore there are no agreed upon principles that everybody lives their lives to everybody lives in their own truth everybody lives in their own reality people have faith in what they believe people believe things they don't think things they believe them and that's really what the problem is the problem is that people you know a lack of education or ignorance is seen as virtue the problem is that if you look at these things and you see how they evolve they evolve from like radicalization and isolation and that's what it really is that's called postmodernism yeah objective truth is still there you have to find it no i'm not talking of course it's there but like it's not accessible in the same way that i think that maybe i feel like people become more polite this is like what am i saying like obviously things have become more polarized right the problem is that there is nothing there is no objective value anymore everybody has their own version of the truth and so you have these people and they live in a complete system that reinforces their opinions and they're never challenged and never have to think about things you know theoretically it used yeah this this has replaced religion this is the new religion now i think humans have like a [ __ ] a need to surrender their critical thought to an ideology and i think that to some degree whenever the ideology it sometimes conflicts with reality and it sometimes becomes uh counterintuitive and the ideology itself seems to not make sense on a fundamental level i think that instead of actually bringing people away from it it brings people into it because it allows them to surrender their critical thought to what they consider a higher power which i do think is like a human [ __ ] basic need i i'm not trying to get like super [ __ ] philosophical with this but i think this is a a genuine human need anyway always need to use a sword sometimes you need a pen our pen is our iphone and our memes media outlets use this for clickbait corporations are they're here for the money you know and what sells oh these these alt-right groups these white supremacists which doesn't [ __ ] work very well yeah these white supremacists get here and they're going to cause violence and there hasn't been any violence here today but we're really good at [ __ ] self-defense [Music] i got kicked in the head and my phone got thrown away and got kicked out of the rally and you're a 22 year old student journalist why did i kick him out do you want me to say that yeah oh i'm at 22 let me start over and i'm a 22 year old student journalist trying to center yeah that seems kind of stupid i i mean people crave the feeling of feeling of belonging it's it's more than that it's more than that no the thing is like even if people show up to uh to cause problems if they're not being here's the way i look at it right is that if somebody shows up and they want to antagonize people i always look out like this the person who initiates violence is wrong that's always the way you can talk at people you can disagree with people but whoever initiates violence is wrong like that that's always the line that i draw yeah so like if it doesn't matter if these if if if this if it's this guy or the other guys if it's antifa or not antifa or whatever uh whoever initiates violence is wrong uh that that's basically how i look at it from everything obviously like it it's more complicated than that but that's generally the uh the paradigm that i work back from i'll be right back all right backstage so yeah if you start going around hitting people your [ __ ] [ __ ] and you're wrong it's pretty goddamn simple around just like watch the speakers and stuff like that and yeah i just started noticing people just like looking at me and then eventually some guy came around and asked like who am i what's your twitter name so we started walking towards the exit sorry antifa christ instead of antichrist oh that's clever yeah that that that that's relatively clever you know oh antifa press oh okay all right never mind it's not not even as clever as i thought it was yeah never mind me like killing his friend like that guy named jay and then he punched me in the eye like right in the eyeball i kicked my head and then he threw my phone over the fence because i dropped my phone when he pushed me it's not so bad i got a little scrape right here this concussion ain't [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] you [ __ ] they scream at me and they say you're not real press so i said hey i'm with the uh nppa iww they heard industrial workers of the world and screamed socialism and they start yelling antifa press antifa press you guys are down downtown throwing molotov cocktails and i'm the press and then also on this hand oh my god dude oh [ __ ] um yeah the thing is like the antifa people do the same thing i've seen videos of antifa being violent towards reporters too right this is not something that the uh these people have a monopoly over like being violent towards the press is something that it seems like both of these sides do like let's be honest and uh yeah this this happens with with both of them comes down and throws me to the ground they kept calling me antifa press and i was like i'm just a journalist and then they're like well if you're not an antifa journalist you're still arab all the the people on the other side blm antifa they're the ones with the problem violent rhetoric i think they want to cause anarchy me and biggs have gotten death threats we don't condone violence but respect the law respect order they don't do that so i'm not down with that i'm here today to pretty much protest domestic terrorism true patriots we stand for freedom free speech we're proud of the constitution okay and we're proud that we're able to have this discourse proud of your [ __ ] boy and this guy's a queer no you're gonna cut that part right what an idiot watch avn there's no way i'm watching avn like do you really think that i'm gonna watch the avn video i can watch the donald trump jr book club one i never watch that one that one could be [ __ ] funny all right i know i feel it i don't know if you all can feel it or not but we've been triggered america has been triggered and we're here to take a stance against the left i feel it i just feel it i haven't even went past the first page just off opening in the book and looking at the signature i have been triggered if you love america and red meat and you don't care for political correctness then you've come to the right place donald trump jr is the most dynamic controversial and popular voice on the right since his father having honed his political chops on the trail doing hundreds of hundreds and hundreds of signings he's sitting there with a smile that's not a big deal integrity it is best oh my god let us down i was at the back of the bus i was the caboose and still signature that's what i got if he was single would you date him honestly i gotta be honest we don't believe in mixing so we prefer that you know racists stay together like i prefer that black people date black people and i prefer that white people date white people but i don't have a problem with people that don't prefer that was a zero to 100. god damn that was real quick like i thought we were just about to have a nice conversation there's a no there's a lot of people that feel that way right like there's a lot of people like me like if you want to date somebody your own race or whatever do whatever you want right but like if this is somebody else's problem that's too much they everybody do whatever the hell they want oh my god for that but that's just my preference so you would not date don jr no because he's not from a tribe of judah that's all i'm saying we have preferences i understand are you going to read this well i'm only responsible for reading two books i just came out here just to make this partnership just to solidify everything yeah so just let everybody know oh no so we are here at the mall in birmingham alabama for the premiere of don jr's book triggered how the left thrives on hate and wants to silence us trump 2020 you feel me epstein didn't kill himself hey drain the swamp trump uh gaze for trump what's your favorite thing about trump uh honestly i think it's because he's racist that's your favorite thing about him yeah don jr said he got all i would say kids nowadays are [ __ ] stupid but we were also [ __ ] stupid and then the kids before us were [ __ ] stupid too like this [ __ ] really i'm not surprised like if i ever see a kid doing something stupid or saying something stupid i'm never offended or bothered because i remember all the stupid dumb [ __ ] i used to say whenever i was a kid i i never get offended by this or bothered by this their trolls [Music] no it's like i'm just kidding unless yeah that's what i think it's more like the drip he said that he had blood but really he a [ __ ] taking over washington with the king dripping up the white house i want to ask him what his favorite music is and then i also want to ask him first and foremost really what his favorite beer is first and then his favorite music he likes to listen to with his favorite beer what do you think his favorite beer is all right i would think uh daddy if i was going with one good beer it would be a natty like and then it's good refreshing and you know the bush you open it and you say bush but natty is just does anybody say that really straightforward good tasting beer and country music maybe i think i would have you know what man i would have never guessed i would have never guessed that one man that came right out of left field more of like a whalen jennings and that's why i'm thinking when i walk in here so i came tonight to get a book and to give this to don jr oh man it's a special day can i see this this is a rap song wait is that elvis next door bro is that elvis oh [ __ ] that is elvis oh my god that's l oh my oh he's alive boys the king lives hey can i see this this is a rap song and i wrote it yes and it's been playing on the rick and bubba show so what's your name good little p what does p stand for pam glass we are trump supporters down to the bone so this is the reason i wrote this song so listen to what i've got to say and he'll make america a great one day vote trump yeah baby vote trump he's a businessman with a presidential plan sent down here to heal our land so when you hear this funky sound you're gonna know that trump is around he only wants say for all this is why he has them building the wall he's brought her jobs back she's going in like she was actually going in like this is [ __ ] mom stop you're embarrassing me in front of my friends and put our feet on solid ground so don't you listen to the lies they say because trump is making us great today anyway it just keeps going on and on and in the background so tell me how your rap career started riding down the road just thinking about it yeah thank you so much for wrapping up are you a big fan of the hip-hop genre not really but i am a big trump supporter if you had to pick who are your three favorite rappers i don't have any rappers we don't have them we don't we don't know we don't rapper no rappers why do the country classics elvis george jones elvis really man i don't know bro i'd have never guessed that one dude i wouldn't do really that's who he likes so you're about maybe a half an hour away from meeting trump jr what's going through your head i hope time doesn't run out he's like his dad he speaks his mind he's telling the truth and he's getting to the bottom of all these lies what do you think's the biggest lie facing america right now oh the abortions that's one of the worst things to me is the abortions you're not supposed to murder nobody you know that's that's just wrong casually speaking you're dating donald trump jr right casually speaking seriously speaking what's that like he's great i know the family for 14 years top three things hi hey how's it going uh fantastic we're super happy to be here in birmingham i'm very excited it's our first uh big official stop for the book tour for don junior's book triggered fresh off the view so uh you know never off the view fresh off the view wow i watched the view once i never will forget it that was not a good time i really i i just not a big fan i'll say that for sure like i've never watched a daytime television show that i enjoyed besides jerry springer like it's like at least jerry springer knows it's shameless you know like that that's that's the good [ __ ] man say we triggered them that's for sure does it mean to trigger somebody well it just means that um you know basically in today's day and age the left operates under sort of hate and vitriol yeah everything triggers them they can't handle open honest rhetoric and discussion and we're here to you know exercise our first amendment rights and to make sure that the president's message is carried throughout the country because the mainstream media unfortunately doesn't put forward the truth about the president what he's been able to accomplish for the country so who do you work for now senior advisor for the president of the united states you are yes i am wow [Music] well that didn't go very well [ __ ] yeah it just that's nepotism yeah i just i hate that [ __ ] like i can understand like if you want to hire your family for like some things you know what i mean but it's like if you're the president like you better have a good reason like i don't know maybe this person's qualified i have no idea but usually whenever somebody hires their family they're not qualified you know i have no idea well no i mean like here's the thing right it's like you never know appearances can be deceiving right you see like a pretty girl with like probably like i don't know two or three plastic surgeries and wearing a bunch of makeup and like dressed up like people are gonna think oh yeah she doesn't know what she's talking about or she's dumb or something like that it's not always true okay so like i try not to make uh you know decisions appearances based off of you know the decisions that the appearance uh you know you know what i mean right appearances can be deceiving so i don't know that's pretty awesome selection 2020. how could i become that first how could i be how could i become that i walked up shook his hand that's a good question i said man you're an absolute disgrace i can't believe i get to tell that to you to your face and he said okay and i just walked off okay so and then everybody clapped and why do you think he's disgraced i'm just wondering i know he said he was everybody quiet but we kind of agree that all politicians lie okay let's start with um the situation with the kurds so do you think bernie sanders effectively is supporting ms-13 by his by his policies yes definitely he wants to turn our country into a socialist country well you can look at venezuela and the rest of those countries okay they're leaving those countries trying to get america so why do you want to make america venezuela you don't well the democrats have an agenda and it doesn't have america's best interests that's right they're the hate america crowd do you think they played a role in the epstein suicide cover up false leg everything that's going on right now is to protect hillary and keep her out of jail matt how are they still on about that like that dude oh my god like these people are not like i don't unders rent free yeah this is crazy man like they got bodies in a freezer at frontiers from something like this these pizzas yeah i mean like obviously to some degree you know the thing is nepotism is one of those things it's like nepotism is like whenever you want to play an off spec in a raid and it's like you want to play like moon kin in the raid or you want to play you know rep paladin in the raid and you show up and everybody's like okay and if everything goes right it's awesome but the moment that something goes wrong people are like [ __ ] rep paladin i knew it i [ __ ] hate you or moonkin or whatever it is that's always what it is it's like the moment that something goes wrong everybody's [ __ ] pissed and i'm not surprised okay in both cases i think it's a very very fair analogy not necessarily my favorite thing three things about trump right now that he understands biblically that he must make a scene against the lgbtq community i hate to put that out there but he's the man for the job oh jesus the democrats the two oh jesus so he's taking that stance i like that stance that he's taking and re appealing what obama did with those putting them in the back what the what the [ __ ] dude like that's the stupidest [ __ ] like i don't i never have understood like why do you have a problem with what other people do like on their own she's trolling no they're not like the thing is like no they're not it's just stupid man bathroom's with us they can't get in we're too pretty we're too pretty they can't get in the bathrooms with us i don't feel that they need to be destroyed there's a place for everybody and i feel like they're getting out of their lanes they're getting out of their place we don't play about that we don't play about that we hunt witches since we're not on there we hunt witches and so trumpy needs a witch hunter so that's why i'm here to let him know that he got a witch hunter and my name is jebby you're going to hunt down the gays not the gays we said witches so who are the witches the witches you know it's like 500 or 1000 or so witches that's supposed to be congress conjuring up spirits against trump tell me more about that what what the [ __ ] like as i said man like i swear it's like there's smoke there's fire and if somebody believes in one conspiracy the odds are that they have a name for the people that control the world now what that name will be depends on who you're talking to but they have a name for them oh my goodness you're in alabama we summon him that's why this is his first stop we called him oh my god nancy nancy you can't stand up and disrespect the president like that nancy pelosi she ain't got too big for her [ __ ] are your friends and family on board with your support of trump well i love all everybody but i'm the only one that looks presentable enough to come but everybody oh my god i mean that i represent a people that doesn't look presentable enough to show up here at brookwood mall here in homewood how do you not presentable enough to show up at the mall man look at that bald ass [ __ ] right behind you he showed up look what do you mean like look at him look at that that's not me dude i wasn't there i swear to god that wasn't me like you guys listen y'all cannot [ __ ] do this where every single time that there's like a person that's losing their hair doesn't have any hair you can't just say immediately me like it has to actually there has to be more to it than that you guys are you guys are dumb the witch thing's actually real yeah i'm sure they're trying but i don't think they work trained all my life because like i said i'm from slave city selma it's the last slave trial i'm 42 years old and i know my slave master not many people can say that mr t.h willis may he rest in peace not all slave masters are bad it is what it is ain't nobody i think that was just i like how the pause you just you you let it go on and on and on bdsm i i don't know what this is it's cr it's nuts man he messing with trump he's covered by the blood gangnam jimmy ain't nobody welcome to alabama liberals democrats y'all better try to stay in your lane stay in your lane we ain't playing about trump trump 2020 conservative oh my [ __ ] god bring it man you want to come in what you got to say i want to tell a joke it's it's about all this stuff um so obama hillary obama um barack obama hillary clinton heard this he heard this from his dad so you give him a minute to get it all in order nancy pelosi are all in an airplane together with the pilot so obama says i'm gonna throw this hundred dollar bill out the window and make one american happy and oh and hillary says i'm going to throw 200 at the window make two americans happy and nancy pelosi says i'm going to throw 100 100 bills out the window and make 100 americans happy and the pilot says i can throw all three of you at the window make all of america happy i speak facts what do you say he didn't stutter play with it trump 2020 these people are nuts these people are like this is crazy oh my god i like him because he's racist and then he starts to rap hey it is what it is right it is what it is holy [ __ ] man [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 430,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold all gas no brakes, all gas no brakes, all gas no brakes reaction, all gas reaction, asmongold all gas, proud boys, proud boys rally, all gas proud boys, all gas trump jr, trump jr book club, donald trump, all gas trump, proud boys reaction, all gas no brakes proud buys, proud boys trump, trump proud boys
Id: TlFJu4ljvGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 51sec (2031 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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