A͏s͏mongold Reacts to More Hilarious Ali G Videos (Feminism, Police Academy & More)

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check this out yo i is here with my main woman naomi wolf she be she's nice important feminist like written enough books about yeah that kind of stuff do you think that women should have equal rights in the workplace yeah do you well ain't there the problem that if they start getting them dead then there's gonna start asking for them at home what's wrong with that research has shown this is my favorite stitches the [ __ ] hands but the most erotic thing a man can do for a woman is the dishes is housework it's doing the dishes well after she's heading the yeah of course all right then no offense but if you were so equal outcome even the things that you claim that you is better at men at like like the side dude she's already she's already getting slightly annoyed that's the best part about it yeah she's already getting slightly annoyed you know you ain't well who says women are better cooking all the best chefs in the world is like men like you know colonel sanders man or woman ronald mcdonald them is like a million times better than wendy yes that's all right that's not true like number one that's a [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] lie there's a hundred percent a [ __ ] lie man i mean i guess yeah right claim that women are better cooks than men you're right the great chefs have been [Music] opportunities than men yeah no i do not because you know he's got all the lap dancers all the the [ __ ] the woman in the rap videos whatever strippers you know a lot of countries and he just pauses himself you know have to sell sex in order to eat you know in order to look after their children and if you did if you did you would make loans i'm not saying i'll you never have to well uh thank you for the accomplishment i appreciate that because i'm almost 40. so that's damn you know i could possibly oh my god but let me tell you i like how he's like he's so confident about saying it too that's the best [ __ ] part he's just completely [ __ ] confident about saying it how would you feel if you had to sell sex your sex what if people pay me money for sex no honestly seven days a week i mean would you call a woman a [ __ ] would you say you're my [ __ ] and expect her to feel really cared for and respected yeah well with me julia's got a girlfriend and i do sometimes call her my [ __ ] but you know in the bedroom whatever you know that is them words come out and you know she ain't got problem with it okay um gee i'm kind of speechless that's co i ain't calling her a [ __ ] that's calling him [ __ ] i'm sorry okay that makes it completely different okay yeah it makes it completely different really speaking of cross purposes because so what is it oh my god i can't even tell you i think like the best part about that is the fact that she just kind of she was completely okay with it you know she was like she wasn't really that annoyed or anything i was kind of impressed uh top left all right if we watch this one then i want to go ahead and look at the reddit one afterwards okay i i don't reason i've probably seen this at some point but i don't really remember it being careful sex can lead to some terrible things herpes squat rock or even worse something called a relationship oh that's [ __ ] i was off to meet john gray man how to avoid one life oh my god something's never changed abortion rights reproductive yo i was totally into abortion i have been responsible for at least five so you know i was well up for it find out what abortion is oh my god what it is so why is he so pro-abortion we're not pro-abortion we're pro-life has you ever had an abortion no i've never surely you should try something before you say it is banned oh no we've now how do you know abortions are brat that's that hey yo the best part this is like what i really find like [ __ ] genius about ali g is whenever he says something that's just so [ __ ] stupid but there there's this shred of this like sobering reality inside of it and it just leaves people speechless like it's like he's just he's got that little point inside of it yeah and it just makes people pause because they're like wait what brand new all gas no breaks okay i'll look at that in a minute all right chill many many women that have had an abortion yes but i was very very auntie burger king but then you know we went there and we tried the flame grilled whopper that's a good [ __ ] you know it was amazing true just like abortion father dean schultz your respect say is you very anti-abortions because you yourself was aborted no uh i wasn't aborted so you ain't never got a whole pregnancy you ain't never got a whole preggers no so is that because you use connie's or does he file blanks this interview is over [Applause] they're such [ __ ] they're they're such [ __ ] like i really i mean the thing is like they can never just like [ __ ] laugh at [ __ ] like that's the thing is like i'm always glad to see like a religious guy or like a guy who like believes in god a priest or something and he can goof around a little bit you know what i mean but like some of these dudes i mean and i get why they're upset i i mean they can't get a girlfriend like literally not supposed to they're not supposed to jerk off all they have to do is read the same book every day it's basically like a wow player so yeah of course they're [ __ ] mad they're in a bad mood all the time yeah can't get a girlfriend played the same [ __ ] game it's not good just don't call it medicine can we ever go on the ladder he's a rapper [Applause] why is that i'm completely against it i'd like to see roe versus white overturned there it is personally i would wait until i was married to have sex with someone and so what is you married don't know no i'm not married yet so what's your virgin yeah i don't mean to laugh oh [ __ ] okay now this is going on telly enough that's great asked me how old i was when i lost my chair ask me how old i was the guy's like ah [ __ ] okay no here's the thing right it's like ask me you know like he's like you know usually you try to like you know subversively like get people to you know tee you up but like this guy just [ __ ] hands him the ball he's like you're throwing at me man you're throwing at me why don't you just tell me 11 years old and she was like 24 and a model and she wanted more i just didn't want to commit in it all right [Music] portion that's good dude [Music] oh my god dude this [ __ ] was so [ __ ] good like these videos were honestly like this guy is a [ __ ] genius like is this is this the police one that people wanted me to look at right one more is this the police one all right i'll look at this this is the one right [Music] [Applause] oh [ __ ] what is your job here my job here is primarily as the commanding officer of the recruitment unit so you is the boss manager oh yeah one of the bullets where is we going to now oh we're going to valor hall and in valor hall we'll meet sergeant heyers who's going to take us through some of the recruit uh scenario training okay well what's going to happen here today is you're going to actually participate in some philadelphia police recruit training oh that sucks okay well we're going to do some scenarios that sucks in which you also actually respond to some incidents you're going to be 23 10 car and any time you hear 23 10 on the radio you'll push the side button and you'll say 2310. is this my partner this is your partner right here yo this is awesome i wonder how this i wonder whoever like this is your new partner he's like oh great who's this [ __ ] idiot like oh yeah just like it's like oh [ __ ] he stuck me with this [ __ ] with this stupid-ass banana yeah yo bringman is you good cop and i as bad cop well you're who's the good cop who's the bad cop no it's not we're going to go and handle the situation yo yo we're going 23 oh no yo this be me the main man 2310 with my man brinkman i take 8501 state road to meet the complaint for it okay no doubt you know what a burglary is for realized couple okay he just says okay now put that down what we don't need it i can't give you cover oh all right this isn't in america oh we know that okay i don't know where they filmed this man this there's no way this one's real that's a [ __ ] fact all right he just goes in dude yo we is here looking for burglary he's my partner yo yes okay what's missing who's pawn though 13-inch color television okay oh yeah i know you ain't lying a 13-inch so my wrist going to jail for a 13-inch bro what an idiot that's like a hundred bucks yeah what is that a tv for ants 2009 bro i bought a [ __ ] 19 inch in 2002 or 2003 my first ever [ __ ] tv and it was like 120 [ __ ] like there's no way there's like yeah i was a i saved up my money and i scammed people out of uh what was i even selling back then i was like what 12 13. that was i selling about fireworks i sold fireworks in middle school um i would go with like there were two times a year i could buy fireworks like and my dad would take me and my dad you know very proud no i never sold drugs i've never sold drugs um my dad would take me to the fire uh you know the fireworks stand and i'd save up like fifty dollars and i'd invest that fifty dollars into buying as many black cats and as many like m1000s and like [ __ ] smoke bombs as possible and then i would bring the fireworks to school and then i would sell them to other kids and then they could play with them at you know like at home or they play with them at class you know just whenever they want to you know pop one off they can just do it and my dad i don't know how much my dad really knew about me doing this but if he didn't know about it he was really proud my dad would have been really really proud of me illegal well it wasn't illegal i was 12. no there was a telly uh we well we have to take the report anyway yeah you know because we don't know does you promise that there was a telly here what what was you watching well he wasn't he wasn't here when it happened so we claimed get a move on they bring the news mental they're saying that we need to be out there oh my god dude are you getting the time to get her yo this be 2310 we'd be back on the road after my man bring him finally finished his [ __ ] with the hat dude the [ __ ] hat is so ridiculous [Music] yo he's got a siren oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he's got the gun out again no don't don't put that out the window no okay keep it down all right so not yet here oh my god dude my favorite show back in the day like i used to love watching reno911 like that [ __ ] was so [ __ ] good like i i loved that show not yet well yeah i mean like you gotta be ready for anything man this is [ __ ] america but like besides that dude new boot goofing yeah dude um somebody pooped in the book donation box that that [ __ ] was so [ __ ] funny man and then i i've got to play that like after we do like i'm not going to do any reno 911 today but like um we'll have to watch some of those clips okay that's the point we'll have to watch some of those clips those are so good um the other one that was really good was [ __ ] cops like i remember there was this one time let me finish this video okay like dude i used to love watching cops like i watched it any time it was on i like that was that was my [ __ ] like my favorite thing is whenever somebody would get arrested and then they'd be happy they got arrested because they knew they'd be on tv you could take this when we get out wicked all right yo we'll smile at you some guys jump to us they beat us up you have to put this out look look look three men yo three men one black male one white man 23 10 there's three men one brother one honky and one one spanish we refer to the person as a white male not as a honkey a honky in the united states is not a nice term for a male yeah what the hell for a white person why not it's it's like what the hell uh when they say you can't be anki but you can still be angry like a donkey possibly sure that's calling our name on the thing oh my god would this be 20 10. oh my [ __ ] god of a burglary we can't just go up and start shooting okay so that's same that's okay tell them to stop yo stop it keep your distance keep your dick up don't move you're [ __ ] with the wrong cop what the [ __ ] there's no way this shit's real there's no way this [ __ ] there's no way there's no way okay all right look this is what we do in amendment with a gun call all right wait so it's training all right it's training i was about dude man i thought they were bro i thought this [ __ ] was real don't forget when we get up there we're gonna oh my god and we're gonna go behind the doors okay there he goes okay tell him to put his hands up yo yo phone for abby lance please you is gonna be shot by us okay tell him you see he's got it sideways too them much you can't curse you can't curse you tell him to put his face in the in the ground yo stick your head in that ground okay god damn okay walk around them goddamn put your right hand up sir what's he go get one hand free take the gun wait that was his where's he got a gun where did we see put your put your gun away but you're gonna wait okay no don't point it it's a fake gun he's got a fake gun okay that's fine he's got a fake guard that's fine all right yeah obviously it's [ __ ] fake i thought he was doing a ride along at the beginning it's a fake wrong cop to [ __ ] around with slam ball okay well we don't talk like that in philadelphia all right so they have to touch them here you got to touch them search them come on you want to be a cop or not oh my god touching let's go look oh my gosh he's a fake guy manoy oh he's going for the gun already let's go we're wasting time a crowd's starting to form we want to get out of here yeah you don't want to end up on the internet yeah see they know about it i don't want to touch you got to touch do you want to be a cop or not i do want to be you want to be a cop or not yeah of course he does he's got to be a cop either you touch him or you don't touch it i can see there's nothing there you came here saying i want to be a car i want a big ah look what we've got here oh what are you doing where'd you get this from all right he's got ready all right put it in your pocket why not he's going to say you stole it he probably nicked it from him dude listen man that's asset forfeiture like that [ __ ] that's hey it is what it is like that's like a bonus you know you do a real good job arresting somebody man you know like you have a waiter they they get you like three extra drinks and they give you an extra like uh you know a bread roll what do you give them you give them a tip it is what it is you look in his pocket yeah it is what it is that money from someone it's my money put the gun away it's just it's just a tip you gotta touch them let's all right here we go bro he just pulled his hand into the other dude's dick what the [ __ ] 101 here at the philadelphia police academy oh my god what you think respect do you think our committee could cook uh probably not damn it is what it is dude it is [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 751,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, ali g, ali g best, ali g funniest, ali g best moments, ali g funniest moments, ali g reaction, ali g interview, ali g asmongold, asmongold ali g, ali g feminism, ali g hilarious, ali g videos, ali g feminist, ali g police, ali g police academy, ali g feminism reaction, ali g reacts, ali g abortion
Id: BVpJYrxWvXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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