Asmongold Reacts to George Floyd's Case Verdict | By Channel 5 (All Gas No Brakes)

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let me go ahead and pull it up oh no okay we ready for this oh [ __ ] you guys ready for some actual real content boys another chat war this is a serious vid all right i'm glad i'm glad i've been told that now we don't need nothing in that building to let us know what we saw we all saw murder we all know what the verdict truly is you stand on a motherfucker's neck for nine minutes 29 seconds with your hands in your pocket with your feet off the ground all your weight on a person's neck when people killing the hood they get life for it they go to jail cops they get a [ __ ] paid leave when they kill us and we supposed to just [ __ ] accept that we angry we don't know how to go about it we don't know how to litigate we're gonna tear something up that's all the [ __ ] we know how to do we tired bro we're hurting our children are afraid i don't agree with the terran [ __ ] up thing i don't like that but i agree with everything else tearing [ __ ] up causing problems isn't gonna help anybody especially whenever they tear their own [ __ ] up [ __ ] that yet you destroy your own community what the [ __ ] are you doing but yeah it does need to change absolutely resisting don't mean you need to lose your life imagine calling that a bad take saying you shouldn't destroy your own [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here because i just seen some white people trying to kill y'all stab y'all run up on y'all you were very patient with them we're tired of this [ __ ] bro i wouldn't be surprised if he gets off oh yeah he's gonna get us no that's why these are white people that live out in the suburbs they don't know the mannerisms they don't know how people talk and then they come into the city they literally think that this is a wild war zone and they're ready to shoot we need our own people you know securing the streets i have a friend right now doing life without parole for a crime she didn't commit she just dropped someone off she didn't even drive she dropped them off they committed a murder she had no idea and they implicated her on the murder she's in stillwater prison her name's antoinette johnson free her she's been in there for four years what's up she can get life without parole and we've seen him murder then he should be doing the same time the guy [ __ ] killed him on video this is as blatant as it get it's in the black and white [ __ ] kill and we see i like this guy i i love this guy him murder then he should be doing the same time the guy [ __ ] killed him on video this is it it's just like it whenever people just put it put it that obvious you know what i mean like it's as simple as that yeah it's [ __ ] obvious is it s fan how's that s fan s fan doesn't even have dreadlocks what the [ __ ] do you mean that's s-fan it doesn't look anything like him it's blatant as it get it's in the black and white it's in the numbers if derek shelvin doesn't get at least 20 25 it's gonna be an uprising it's gonna all burn because it's peaceful we should overcome marching that [ __ ] ain't been working where is the dude that killed my homeboy philando in cold blood he probably a cop somewhere else in a different state you feel me [ __ ] them they got guns we got guns they got vests we got this we not our ancestors bro we'll die for a reason now they don't make the right choice i don't i don't agree with that i don't agree with that i'll tell you why back during the revolutionary war they had muskets and we had muskets nowadays they have [ __ ] satellite missiles it's like imagine it's almost like the government kept leveling up and the people didn't there's no way you can overthrow the government by force they're just so far out scaled from like what a person has access to it's just yeah it's like it's like we stopped leveling and burning crusade and they're all the way up in mists of pandaria with a legendary cloak we don't have a [ __ ] chance man for real like we don't have a [ __ ] chance ever heard of guerrilla warfare yeah i heard a guerrilla warfare before they had [ __ ] they have a they you can have a fly that has a radar on it that can listen to what you say to act like that is guerrilla warfare like you don't understand how like advanced the government is like the government is so ridiculously [ __ ] advanced there's no way you're gonna do that that happened in in vietnam that's because we we did they didn't try to win that that and also that was 40 [ __ ] years ago think about how much or what 50 60 years ago like there's a thousand times more technology now than there is then minnesota's gonna have to pay there's gotta be an immense weight on the jury there's the realization that it isn't just about shoving it's an indictment of a system wait what there's a realization so what they got tts on the uh on the wood now like i swear to god i've literally had this donated on tts on my stream cops are pp poopoo it's an indictment of a system we need justice this is the day now the riots after the death of george floyd last may damaged hundreds of businesses especially in the lake street corridor in uptown they were smashing cash registers with hammers to steal other people's money so counterproductive it's beyond belief i understand that it's not easy to keep emotions in check when nobody seems to be keeping them in check i get it now you start committing crimes and it's a riot that's not protest that's not that everyone feel like that i never saw everybody feel like that that's all i gotta say we burnt everything down and we're gonna keep burning everything down and y'all gonna keep giving out these 20k loans and we gonna keep finessing the government folks stop killing us i have to say anybody who ever finesses the government my man because [ __ ] him that that's what yeah because [ __ ] if you're trying to finesse the government if you're trying to get a little bit more because [ __ ] them like i got no problem with that they finesse my [ __ ] money every year to build a bomb i'll be fine if we're paying teachers but building bob's nah [ __ ] that if you're trying to scam the ground i don't care don't do no harm y'all act like we walk around this [ __ ] with bombs y'all act like we walk around this [ __ ] armed for no reason we got a reason to be armed bro the only reason why these love [ __ ] got guns photos because they scared of the police folk and when [ __ ] start shooting back at them then they gonna say we it's our skin color it's our [ __ ] where we from bro they put us where we at bro record these apartment businesses record it folks this is really the hood it's seven buildings bro full of [ __ ] that do the same [ __ ] we doing [ __ ] it's actually really kind of it's weird because like i live in a pretty shitty area i was thinking to myself i'm like these are those are kind of nice like if this was where i lived [ __ ] would be spray painted all over the walls [ __ ] yeah i'm like this these are nice like yeah [ __ ] would be spray painted all over the walls like all that other kind of [ __ ] man doesn't look that bad it does suck trust me like if you live somewhere like that it [ __ ] sucks get to make them look at us like that bro we can't really blame them but we can't they can't be scared either but y'all scared folks you got a shotgun in your car you got a pistol on your head you got a taser on the other side you're around this [ __ ] looking like batman and you scared if you scared quit because if it was me if it was me i would have been dead too i would have been dead too why because i fight back i'm never going today we are seeing minnesota national guard members stationed throughout the city people who live and work in this community are just trying to prepare for whatever outcome is possible in the next 10 minutes you're going to witness history this verdict is going to determine what we see for policing and politics going forward for this city we the jury in the above entitlement oh is that where it happened unintentional second-degree murder while committing a felony find the defendant that self has been found guilty [Applause] and watch nine minutes of this [ __ ] watch a black man cry out for his mother it was already gone we had to watch that while everyone was inside quarantining the world had to stop the world had to stop for this victory i'm joyous i'm angry i'm still angry i want to bring black i have to say like anybody who thought this [ __ ] wasn't gonna happen like he wasn't gonna get convicted is crazy of course that dude was going to get convicted yeah of of course he was going to get convicted everybody [ __ ] saw it like yeah i i don't know like they're making an example out of them nah man to me it's like i don't care what they charge him with if they charge him for jaywalking that that i don't give a [ __ ] like just make sure he goes to jail like that the charge doesn't matter as much to me as the punishment yeah if if i see [ __ ] like that happen because here's another thing you guys y'all are going to question mark me there listen to this this dude he had multiple [ __ ] uh what was it complaints about him this dude had multiple [ __ ] complaints about him and you're gonna act like he just got [ __ ] over by the system get the [ __ ] out of here if into this world without having to do this [ __ ] i want us to grow old be unscathed be unbothered and flourish now people are going to see the law cannot continue to be above the law and get away with it yeah obviously this is only the beginning this is one victory we need 3 000 victories for over 400 years that's it i'm going to take this whole country back this is our [ __ ] country we got this victory but now we have to abolish every system in america that doesn't work for black people and that's every system in america they don't get on tv and say that the system works and they'll be lying the system doesn't work didn't work we work this shows that the pressure of the people [ __ ] works i'm very much surprised if you want to keep it honest this is un-american he thought he might have got a manslaughter count but now he's feeling it he's feeling it he had to go to jail everybody everybody [ __ ] knew that [ __ ] was going to happen now on top of that what i think is funny some of you guys think that that he's on your side you think derek chovin's on your side you think this cop that just pulls people around bullies them around stands on somebody's neck like he's a [ __ ] it like he just like he just but like like he just shot a deer like he's standing next to a game that he shot after a hunt you think this dude's on your side he's not on your [ __ ] side man yeah it happens to black people like i don't know if y'all know this but cops kill white people too did you guys know that that happens that same [ __ ] happens it doesn't matter if if it happens to a black person a white person it's still wrong it happens more often statistically statistics don't matter when it's happening to you it still happens i just i find it so weird that so many people take this as an l like you take this as an l some obvious [ __ ] bully with a gun goes to jail and somehow you think that you're taking an l for that get the [ __ ] out of here you know what's going to happen after this trial is [ __ ] george floyd's family is going to sue the st the city and everybody around there is going to pay money for it and if this happens in your city your tax dunny is going to go towards paying because of some stupid [ __ ] cop that doesn't know how to follow protocol so unless you like paying your taxes to offset these dumb [ __ ] that don't know how to deal with situations then i don't want to hear about this how it's a problem this is people's money like you think they just they just make the money up no the people pay for this people don't realize black people can be racist too of course black people can be racist what the [ __ ] is wrong with you guys like this is crazy it is crazy you guys do that how can you call him a drugged up muscular man by be like what do you think this guy's a police officer he can handle that he's got two other peers three people you think you can't handle one dude if you can't handle one guy if there's three of you maybe maybe you should not be on patrol i'm just saying maybe you should not be on patrol if you can't handle one guy there's three it's not like he was some [ __ ] seven foot tall bodybuilder of course they could handle a man of course they could [ __ ] handle them listen all right i'll throw you guys a bone all right i'll i'll throw i'll throw the mulders and chat a bone yeah the odds are that the jury felt like they were [ __ ] like they were pressured to vote a certain way and the fact that the jury's names got out is a really bad thing that should not happen that is a terrible thing and it should never happen again and i think that obviously i was i was glad about the outcome of the trial the outcome was good but the reason why it happened could have been bad i can't guarantee that's why they made a decision but i don't think it takes a genius to think that could have happened you see what i'm saying people are so like they're so divided on these stupid little [ __ ] things that they never realize that this [ __ ] could happen to them too and it doesn't matter if they think they're on the right side because you're not on this the same side as this guy yeah like you're not on to say he's not on your side it doesn't matter if you're white or black man he don't like you anyway his riders aren't on your side i hate the writers like what do you mean what you think that's the only two options you can either be okay with cops killing people or you have to be okay with riots like it's either one or the other right you either are okay with the cops shooting people and killing people or you want riots and people to burn down a wendy's like those are the two those are the two the two only things you can think give me a break he's in jail right now that's the jail with the clock obviously the prison industrial complex is one of the biggest [ __ ] problems in our country but i want to see that [ __ ] rot in jail we stepped up cause we've seen how that [ __ ] affected us well it's all love today it's 420 spark that [ __ ] [ __ ] and turned the [ __ ] out on 420. i didn't even know the size [ __ ] you you bastard derek selman's a guilty bastard he sucks result that we wanted it's kind of great it's time to celebrate some people said it's not nothing it is something now you have a case that's already been proven now you have something to go off think about all most trials they always go back to different trials and different verdicts so now you have some proof that you need to convict the president and ken potter as well i don't even talk to my dad like that my dad just got out of jail he got out of jail and he called me and he told me my cousin did that's like how he died i'm thinking there's some [ __ ] nah it's hot it's the police who would you say your cousin was dante wright protests on the streets of suburban minneapolis yesterday after a police officer shot and killed 20-year-old dante wright during a traffic stop according to the police chief who has since resigned potter thought she was firing her taser but drew her gun instead by mistake that's a mistake how do you do that like that i i don't know like that's just that's that was just so dumb but that's such a bad training like i get it's like a high stress situation like you freak out et cetera but man that's a [ __ ] up like that that's crazy i i can't imagine how you would [ __ ] that up it's like if i i don't know the first instinct somebody does when they're scared is they run you know what i'm saying if you get into an argument with somebody and you're scared you're going to walk away also like by the way that doesn't necessarily mean that's true she could have just lied if i had to guess i bet she probably just lied knew what type of time the police was on you know you didn't even tell my brother what he was being pulled out the car for you know if you guys would have been honest you guys knew who my brother was that's not right is she colorblind i mean a taser is bright yellow a gun is dark black one's metal one's plastic one weighs more than nothing it's not a mistake it's a murder there's no way dude you can't tell me a 25-year veteran on the police force doesn't know a taser from a glock how do you consciously want to taser someone but subconsciously you're trying to kill him i think it's because she was scared she was scared she looked him up she looked him up okay he got gun charges i get that that don't mean you got to be scared if you scared quit what does she fear what was she in fear of you got a guy grabbing him he's just trying to get away real quick what is the fear it could be a sweet old woman with her license and registration or it could be a violent criminal with a machine gun 26 years on the force he tell me if i was to be in that car that wouldn't have been the situation that would happen they would have gave me a ticket and let me go in about my way because the color of my skin in the video you can see the 20 year old waving around a firearm holding a bottle of hennessy flashing large piles of cash and smoking what appears to be marijuana i'm 19. but i've been i've been seeing guns since i was i think one thing that happens with these situations is that um you have somebody like that this is the same thing that happened with uh george floyd is like george floyd obviously did a lot of bad [ __ ] that's why he had a bunch of other arrests and stuff and something bad will happen to a person like george floyd or maybe like this guy right and people will think that the bad thing that happened to them is justified because this person had done previous things that are bad i i don't like that logic because whenever they pull you over whenever they're gonna do something like that that doesn't mean that just because you have a certain amount it's not like this is a [ __ ] uh you know you've got a punch card and after you get all your holes punched out they shoot you that's not how it works that you're spills that they're still supposed to treat you the same way so just because somebody was a piece of [ __ ] just because somebody even is a piece of [ __ ] doesn't necessarily mean that you should shoot them just because somebody did something bad a long time ago or maybe maybe like last week that still doesn't mean you should shoot them today just keep that in mind bye we all scared we been scared as a little kid bro do you know that they're watching all this death on the internet that's traumatizing them they don't feel safe when they see a cop why the [ __ ] wouldn't he run yeah he [ __ ] up everybody [ __ ] up yeah he got pictures with guns everybody got pictures with guns real [ __ ] that man had kids though use your handcuffs [ __ ] you talking about use your handcuffs then [ __ ] used to use a [ __ ] taser just use the [ __ ] taser like that would have never happened they just tased the movement fine the fact that she had to [ __ ] shoot him and then lie about some taser [ __ ] yeah right yeah use a [ __ ] taser if he tries to run away work there is no justice regardless of if she gets 100 years 20 years 10 years 15 years there's no justice that says my brother lost his life we lost a part of us you know what i mean we lost a piece of us when's the last time you saw dante um about an hour before he was murdered damn that sucks that's [ __ ] supposed to be applebee's we're supposed to go to applebee's for sure that sucks this is our family spot we always go there dante went to the store to ask him how much was my brother up here he was one of the most loved persons in this store we used to love this guy he comes in walks around get his juice come back here to the front counter by cushion every time he comes in my shift if he has 50 cents left or a dollar he just buy gushers every day smart guy those are good news pretty good these questions are for you bro we love you and we're gonna stand on their neck till we get justice for you that's that's actually sad about like the fact that he was gonna go to [ __ ] applebee's with him and then the dude got shot i want to say this actually a good video like it's actually a good video um you know most of the videos that uh uh [ __ ] andrew's made in the past right have been i mean these have been goofball videos like you know interviewing people with like you know uh [ __ ] uh you know a bigfoot period blood [ __ ] like that right boy this is a good video it actually is a good video uh i agree with pretty much everything about the video uh one that i i don't like the escalation and violence i think that if you're trying to like match police violence or anything like that it's always a losing it's always gonna you're always gonna lose you're always gonna end up in jail you're always gonna get [ __ ] over like it's it's a bad idea like my advice to everybody that i've always said is that try to comply as much with police if if the police it doesn't matter like what you are what they're doing try to [ __ ] not be belligerent try to comply with the police and don't do any kind of crazy [ __ ] because if you do that they're stressed out and it doesn't mean that it's okay but if you're dead it doesn't matter if what they did was okay or not because you're still [ __ ] dead so make sure to always try to comply with the police as much as possible that that's all there is to it that that's exactly what they didn't do well yeah i mean obviously that that could have been better like they should have done that like the thing is though it's like running away it's not always uh like if it's like a violent criminal that's running away please shoot him i get it right of course but uh if it's like a random person that's just getting pulled over for a traffic stop and they they're running away nah that that's crazy yeah you had a gun charge yeah but so so what so like if he has a gun charge then they just automatically shoot him i mean i don't know like obviously listen by the fact that she said that it was that she thought it was a taser doesn't that imply that she did not mean to shoot him that it was a bad decision to shoot him because if she didn't think it was a taser then if she had just shot him without saying oh i thought it was a taser the implication there is that the taser was the correct option and not shooting him right do you see what i'm saying a little bit of logic there i know i know it's very upsetting a little bit of logic there but uh you know that's the way that i feel about it george floyd punched a pregnant woman in his stomach okay so does that mean that you pull him out of his car a year later and and kill him what is that what does that mean like what what are you wait what's the what's the logic what's the end goal here what is the logic here no that does that's not the same thing like the the system here's the thing right is that you don't get to just go out like i don't want to have some police officer that barely graduated high school going out and being the judge jury and executioner of everybody in the [ __ ] in in the community like i don't want to do that like that that just seems like a mistake seems like a huge [ __ ] mistake man judge dredd yeah it doesn't matter if he was a a dangerous degenerate if he was a bad person or not if if he's not actively a threat they shouldn't have treated them that way they could have handled it way better than they didn't like listen if the cops if the cops apprehend you you are in their custody they are responsible for your well-being if you are apprehended by the police like that's the truth [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 370,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, all gas no brakes, asmongold all gas no brakes, all gas no brakes interview, all gas no brakes reaction, all gas interviews, all gas no breaks reacts, channel 5, all gas no brakes channel 5, channel 5 all gas no brakes, all gas channel 5, channel 5 all gas, asmongold channel 5, channel 5 derek chauvin, derek chauvin trial verdict, derek chauvin verdict, george floyd verdict, george floyd, george floyd trial, floyd
Id: 2Lk0096tZnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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