Asmongold Reacts to "Midwest FurFest" & "California Protest" | By All Gas No Brakes

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midwest furfest i mean like this seems kind of normal though right i mean i don't know yeah it seems kind of normal uh yeah this is perfect okay here we go let's see what we got here now you know what it is man we're here live at the midwest fur fest in rosemont illinois figuring out what the fur is going on yeah you say west side i've never heard of it oh [ __ ] surprise [ __ ] free take a free palestine you ain't this [ __ ] take a what's a few lives i got a hat on right now my hair looks like blowing out cow [ __ ] when it's like another fursuit for so long respect our troops any win against tom brady is a win to defeat racism furries do not [ __ ] with kamala harris bernie 2020 or ryan shouts out to the oh my god pewdiepie's house [ __ ] a beat i'm just trying to be the case but i repeat that case [ __ ] i did the race beat it up shortly straight yes and fifa super soldier hell yeah after antifa super soldier i feel like one of the best parts here is he's wearing the hat on top of the fur suit these are antifa super soldiers what a surprise yeah okay oh my god did the race beat it up that's 20 oh straight yes super soldier hell yeah after infiltrating the flat earth conference in texas i decided to head north 9 000 miles to midwest furfest the largest anthropomorphic cosplay event in the world to find out once and for all what the fur is going on what the fur is going on what's your name sir what's up dope yo i'm andrew cause i'm a doggie yeah yeah i mean maybe i'd steal some scraps when the master's not looking and maybe i bark at the newsman or the mailman it's not my fault they're trying to attack us oh my god i love how he just does the interview to himself like he pauses for like the guy to ask him a question and the guy doesn't ask him a question so he just asks he acts like he did ask him a question he just keeps talking about something else this is great aru well yeah of course i mean like you've got to let people know that you're dangerous look at his look at his uh his badges there you go you got it hell yeah any other questions make my dick work again shout out to woody allen if you actually like vaping you don't who's woody allen he's a pedo so this guy has a shirt it has a hoodie that says make my dick work again and he says shout out to woody allen i feel like that's a really bad combination like that yeah that that's a really bad that's a bad holy make my dick work again oh my god i like how he says it too shout out to woody allen if you actually like vaping you don't use a jewel all right i'm gonna give you an ultimatum if you had to give up one of the two would you give up furry lifestyle or vape lifestyle oh my god okay yeah yeah that's really hard easily you would stop vaping for furry i think hurry's way more fun i'm a big dumb bird blue jay blue jay's dumb absolutely most birds are dumb yeah they are actually i live in immigrants they actually they are really stupid um blue jays are the stupidest birds this is the blue jay that's outside my house right there look at him that is a stupid [ __ ] right there he has his mouth open to be fed whenever i don't even have the food out yet he's a huge dick thing with a bunch of other undocumented people because i don't have an id or a social security card or any credit because i'm trying to live off the grid because that's how committed i am to not being human society likes to like oh that's good we have more of her animals are the ultimate form of not having one what animal are you somewhere between a wolf and a kitten so it's like it's like a made up thing called a witten i like to purr a lot but only during sex and then i just go and like if good boy okay would you or not all right yeah crazy girlfriend best girlfriend yeah if you get a girlfriend crazy enough you're dating a new girl every day good [Laughter] [ __ ] with boy and then we tweaking no tweaking huh bobby schmurder gets released from prison like in three days it's been seven [ __ ] years dude like we needed you keep six nine in jail though for [ __ ] snitching [ __ ] how old's your baby what she's five months old shout out to my parents for adopting her and my my gay boyfriend for staying in ohio because he's it's like this is supposed to be it's it's like it's like you couldn't write if you wrote a character like this it would get thrown out of the script because people would think that it's not realistic they're like it can't be it's like this is it can't be real it's like nobody's gonna believe this character exists okay you have a craziest furry story yeah for okay for a couple of days um one of my really best friends was like hey you like being an animal so much why don't you eat off of the floor in the ground and then it turned into two days of me like not speaking and i just ate like literal cat food and like drank out of a bowl well you showed her how'd that make you feel good yeah because i got head packs are you a furry i am a fairy yes so what does that mean two uh i think that might be that that girl was probably in the top five craziest girls i've ever met you met her let's just try to relax okay guys try to relax beaver and defend my community you're on the way man thanks for building all the dams and keeping us safe and keeping our waterways good thank you very much great job i like sandwiches he loves sandwiches salute thank you very gay baby [Music] within hours i found myself absolutely captivated by the sheer diversity of it all thousands of animals living in peace we're both river otters north american river otters i'm a jackal subterranean african wild dog of course i'm an ultra sub when it comes to that just being absolutely taken advantage of i've always considered myself a tiger ever since i was a little kid born in the year at tiger my dad called me a tiger favorite animals tiger lions i would have expected that that's beautiful man do you knock stuff off the table yeah like what glasses bottles papers stuff that won't break but what i didn't expect to find was the epicenter of an explosive new show can i show this impregnation so uh as you're using the main shaft of it you're being can i show these or not i don't know if i can or not no i will skip ahead okay we'll skip ahead uh it's not that big of a deal let me see we'll skip ahead just in case they're just tentacles it's not that big of a deal okay guys like it's not that big of a deal [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that i don't know man it's educational yeah just toys all right relax okay let's go over here it was a candle yeah there were candles exactly it won't get stuck in there and you don't have to worry about going to the hospital or anything like that you can put it in your vagina you can put it in your anus you could put it in your mouth if you want oh they're still going great they're still going so can i make it if you just came until they were done that's like half the video oh my god house abducted me uh took me up anywhere your choice the attic spacecraft whatever no lube no nothing secrete whatever you need to still got a quick ahead again how do you like to relax like how do you get in your zone what's your favorite cush strain anything you smoke any kind of cush pretty much yeah you smoke that that five dollar dollar no i don't [ __ ] with the with the low grade [ __ ] so you're [ __ ] with the high grade kush yeah okay uh granddaddy perfect uh blue dream you heard of your first my man smoking top shelf only all right what the [ __ ] man like i kind of almost want to go to a furry convention man like i i do kind of want to go to a furry convention just to see what it would be like just to [ __ ] see what it would be like man and twisting tree yeah it's like go with train oh come on man you're gonna do them like that no it's just like yeah i think it's really [ __ ] funny man like imagine the smell you want to [ __ ] furries i don't know about [ __ ] furries okay i would just want to go to the convention and just see what it's like i mean wouldn't you want to the only thing that i wouldn't want to go to a furry convention for is the smell like i mean because usually these these areas these are like 70 degrees or something like that so in the fursuit like add in like 20 degrees bro these dudes are [ __ ] hot like they're walking around with these fursuits sweating it up dude they're nasty man i don't know if that's the right way like i mean i just oh it's so gross you'd be like their king why why would i be like their king man what the [ __ ] and uh secret furry no i'm not secret furry okay i just think it'd be funny to go to one of the conventions and see what would what it would be like it's time two three clouds oh my god [Music] who won [Music] wait he just said that out of [ __ ] nowhere jesus man this guy's nuts it was at some point during the end of the convention that i realized maybe just maybe i'd found my tribe a group of people who would accept me for who i really am yeah and allow oh my god but before i could let out a final furry gang baby i was already [ __ ] i'm franklin the fantastical buck falcon and i will not stop what the fur is going on that's a good question [ __ ] that is scary man that is so [ __ ] scary i'm not we're not gonna watch the brony one we can watch another one of his videos since we had to skip through part of that one all right yeah we'll do the coronavirus lockdown protest okay i got it we'll we'll watch okay yeah we'll do this one instead i got every problem with the government say we can't go out that's a prohibition and it's illegal it's against the constitution i'm immune compromised all right at risk today hell yeah brother put that at risk today cause i gotta be here holy [ __ ] man are you scared to die no more scared than i am for anything else impeach bill gates i i don't even understand like where do these people come from like i i really think that what somebody needs to do is they need to go over to europe and interview really dumb people in europe so i can feel better about myself as an american this these guys are nuts open up you don't have them right you cannot you cannot do this how many people own the news companies how many well you tell me three three or four how many does disney hold how many how many i don't know well maybe you ought to find out you're the media are you yeah but i'm independent you're independent what in the independent media me and this guy this guy looks like bill o'reilly man but somehow he's even more of an [ __ ] this is hard to do all gas no brakes exactly yes what a [ __ ] man [Music] honk for freedom [Music] [Music] a chance to get a corona virus whether better than shutting down this economy i die on my feet and on my knees yeah i want you to take the action first bill gates i want you to understand this is china's wet dream to hurt our nation it's their wet dream and this is about our lives i like i really like how he emphasized wit who do you think's agenda this is freedom freedom burrito prolonged lockdown basically a slavery do you feel enslaved i do i'm a type a lawyer and i'm bouncing off the walls of my living room because i can't go out how about that's not communism everybody cough in my face do it somebody come cough in my face yes puff directly in your face see like people like that they're just so stupid you know and the funny thing is like you have somebody yeah obviously this guy is incredibly like just like [ __ ] uh just insufferably obnoxious but like you see somebody like herman cain okay like herman cain you know is like we ain't gonna wear no mask we're gonna walk and do whatever the hell we want and we ain't worried about coronavirus we're going to just be fine and then he gets coronavirus and dies i don't even want to make a joke about it because it's just sad you know it's just [ __ ] sad that somebody basically kills himself over such a stupid thing no way i never did put on hand sanitizer ever and i don't ever wash my hands can you believe that believe it because yeah it's true in my opinion we're looking at a seasonal flu okay a bunch of faces my man numbers my man he's got a clean dick touch your face yeah go out and have sex and don't worry about touching anything you [ __ ] touch anything i like how other people are just like look at look at beefy boy over there on the right on the left he's just looking at him and listening like that's too much for him he's like oh my god this guy's [ __ ] nuts i wonder if the guy's still alive yeah he's probably fine i mean like it's not like it's gonna happen to everybody it makes your immune system stronger i used to be afraid of raw eggs and raw meat and now i drink raw eggs and i eat raw meat and i have been for years and i'm [ __ ] fine every conspiracy are you sure i've ever heard of is all pretty much true 911 was an inside job no one's ever walked on the moon the vaccines are poisoned can you cough in my face see people are too they're too scared to even you know last time yeah that's a weird pickup line yeah it's definitely a weird pickup line yeah it's like it just completely escalates exactly uh yeah the girl just immediately [ __ ] walks away i mean these guys are [ __ ] nuts man they're so [ __ ] i hate this guy i hate this [ __ ] guy like i hate this guy he's such so [ __ ] obnoxious man this guy is such funny so [ __ ] obnoxious cough when you ask him to yeah we don't have a civil right to be immortal if only the healthy people are okay and the people who are at risk get ill isn't that how it's supposed to be i i mean we are teaching fear not courage i call it the original name the 2019 ncov because it's not the sars that's the disease what we have here statistically what is political science we have to be able to oh i don't know man like this shit's terrifying to protect our posterity incentivize yourself to be on jury duties we just need to open the beaches i can't surf and there's swell there's perfect barrels and no one out what the barrel a barrel is like the waves what's this what's this that means there's gonna be big waves and no one's gonna be out so [ __ ] that pisses me off barefoot out here oh my god well everyone's accusing everybody of everything so i wore my bernie sure so i can stand with a trump supporter all day please so what's the sun man what it means my family helped build the underground railroad just like the italians i don't know what you want me to say oh my god what does this have to do with uh the lockdown because it's government issued ordered lockdown it's time to stand up against the government it was a long time ago and every single time what does the spanish flu have to do with anything so what's the plan keep asking questions yeah [Music] oh my god what are you guys doing blowing the shofar it's like us yeah i bet you are gondor calls for aid it's it's just like i watch the video and i want to make jokes about it but i just feel really bad because these are like old people and if they get it they're probably gonna [ __ ] die and it's like you know this and they're doing it and you know they shouldn't be doing it but they're still doing it and it's like what the [ __ ] wrong how do you be this stupid spiritual uh-huh a spiritual weapon that's what they use to bring down the walls of jericho even though we're not trying to bring the walls out here we just want to get their attention i'm i'm on instagram live right now bro we're going to be live right now yo he's streaming that's cool how's it going man so we're baking a sloped office it's a 200 year old recipe from the netherlands i think that strip waffles are an essential service essential uh defined essential essential yeah what's your definition what's your definition my definition of essential of course you can do without strobe office and you can live you can eat oatmeal every day exclusively so then the oatmeal supply chain is the only essential one i hate this man like the the only person that's not from america is well spoken and makes sense like i this is [ __ ] [ __ ] like no yeah i mean obviously like it was it's dumb what do you say dumb doing it right but like it's like those there's the smartest thing in the whole video and it's one guy from the netherlands a [ __ ] man i feel like the u.s is a zoo [Music] 19 is nothing more than a common cold everybody better watch out don't take your vaccines don't take nothing what's your favorite movie of all time d for vendetta favorite movie empire strikes back but even vendetta is in my top 10. there it is yeah so uh there you go i for a second there i thought i wasn't gonna yeah it's like it had to be there man i mean this isn't 2009 anymore anybody that's wearing a guy fox mask nowadays it's been a long time since anonymous was like a big deal okay who is the poo the what the who world health organization oh flat earth is too legit to quit even mc hammer knows is the [ __ ] wire and down like a clown all day why is it flat earth society a record label this is crazy everybody knows i'm related to dr dre i said hell yeah yeah we all know that i know why the earth is not flat and why it is flat i know both sides of the story are you related to dr dre kinda are we're all just related because everything's connected hypothetically i just i feel like any time there's a convention for something stupid all the crazy people just go and show up because they figure that hey you know what they'll probably think the same stupid [ __ ] that i do you know it's like it doesn't matter if it's like anti-vaxxing flat earth you know protesting the lockdown like any of these things right they all just show up anyway because it's like you just know that it's all kind of under the same umbrella i need to know the truth though about donald trump i know there's a lot of donald trump fans here i think donald trump [ __ ] sucks big time dick i love his broad shoulders he's carrying the weight of the world how could any of us withstand what he's been put through how about i applaud president trump for having talked about hydrochloroquine as a real solution yeah and i can talk to you a lot about 5g and 60 gigahertz and what it's going to mimic in your what the [ __ ] did i tell you guys what the [ __ ] did i tell you guys i told you for a [ __ ] fact that it was going to come up there it is dude there it is dude 5g andes and i've got to say one thing like a lot of girls that get into conspiracy theories are [ __ ] hot okay like i'm gonna i got 100 they are [ __ ] hot and i found out why here's why they're hot is because guys just let them think whatever they want they're like yeah sure honey yeah okay yeah sure and yeah they don't give a [ __ ] man like people just they're they're just fine with whatever they say like yeah the moon was fake yeah whatever are the titties fake no all right let's go you know they don't even give a [ __ ] and so i really think that's what it is like nobody ever tells them anything and so it just gets more and more crazy you know what i mean it's got to be what happens like i've seen too many of them [ __ ] 6g yeah what's gonna happen whenever they bring out 6g that's what they should do they should just rename 5g to 6g and then just like completely remove the problem i commit suicide into god and give my body to god to speak through me to fix this and save us okay we tyranny someone else here that is speaking too the first thing i have to say is i can still see the cars coming over the bridge wow this morning i started in orange county at 4 00 am and there was one car that met in the morning and at the next stop it was nine cars and then it was 20 cars and then it was 30 cars and then it was 50 cars and then we pulled up over here and you couldn't see the end of the cars [Applause] so i have to go because the reason i'm here is for my daughters and my daughters are really sick and they can't be around all your cell phones because of 5g and so they're in the car almost dying right now so i want to say thank you for being here man i hope she i hope she left the windows down wait a minute she said she was there since 4am bro what bro what oh my this is terrifying absolutely [ __ ] terrifying this is sick i don't know about being sick it's just crazy man yeah and she's the one in charge obviously all right let me let me just let me just [ __ ] do the rest of the video let's come back on the first [Applause] this has nothing to do with them controlling people this has everything to do with us trying to keep these guys safe and they don't want to be safe darwin will handle the rest i'm not interested in hearing what somebody who got a 1.3 gpa at a public high school has to say about my job so no no i actually i've been at harvard uh jesus christ my god what are who are these people man like what do what what is going on with this 1.3 gpa yeah i i know like it's that's obviously not good i had a uh they're stupid they're not like me i had a 2.5 or is it a 2.4 you know what it was probably a 2.4 yeah i'm pretty sure it was a 2.4 yeah let me see the top comment what is this this is like the eric deandre show except the interview is normal and everyone else is eric andre [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 531,525
Rating: 4.9011374 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, all gas no brakes, asmongold all gas no brakes, all gas no brakes interview, all gas no brakes reaction, all gas interviews, all gas no breaks reacts, all gas no brakes furries, furries convention, furry convention, asmongold furry, asmongold furries, furries reaction, furry reaction, all gas no brakes protest, all gas no brakes protests, all gas protest
Id: 51oA1Tly-5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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