Asmongold on "My Favorite Channel Just Got Ruined" | By Cr1TiKaL (penguinz0)

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the all gas no brakes host andrew has left the show and won't make videos anymore that's not true there's no way that's true yeah what do you mean that guy left the show he is the show my favorite channel just got ruined i guess this must be it many of you know okay i i actually i really want to see this because this is this is a channel i've watched for like honestly there are very few youtube videos i show my mom or i show my dad i actually showed them these videos the all gas no brakes videos no one of my favorite channels on youtube was all gas no brakes i'm using the past tense because all gas no brakes as we know it has been put in the dirt buried sent straight to hell by a predatory company called doing things media that is our anime villain for this arc so just to give a brief background on everything all glass no breaks is a channel fronted by andrew who's probably the last great journalist he is the final raid boss of beautiful journalism he goes to the goofiest conventions and meetups and puts a mic in front of them in a platform to just express their deepest inner thoughts a lot of times they come across like actual lunatics right out of a [ __ ] i wonder why that happens asylum and then other times it's actually pretty informative andrew's mind i think that actually the inform like do has there did they ever have an actual informative person because usually it's like like i remember the bigfoot one they're interviewing people like yep well i was drunk one night and i [ __ ] fell off my truck and uh i looked over i think i saw bigfoot that was 13 years ago and like that's basically all the people in the videos you know what i mean florida man too yeah exactly your phone is like a millennium item from yu-gi-oh like this [ __ ] is an actual magical item that somehow draws out the crazy from anyone he puts it in front of it's so fun like he'll go to talladega and he gets like 40 people that for some reason are all talking about butthole uh it's incredible everything and i don't think it was that hard no breaks over there i've been a huge fan of the channel for a long time and seeing him blow up over the last year two years has just been really great because i think he truly deserves it yeah the vid i think everybody almost everybody that watched the all gas no breaks videos really appreciated them they really i think that that's the word for it people really appreciated them they thought they were great [ __ ] videos and like i i i don't the only thing that gives me any solace in this is the fact that i haven't watched all of them yet like i still have a few more to go that i still haven't seen and [ __ ] man it's it's so sad i i i'm i'm curious to see what happened what he didn't deserve is what doing things media did to him just like a bidet they cleaned his ass you see when andrew was just a young man a brand new boy scout to the internet doing things media gave him an rv and four thousand dollars and from that point forward tried to control his entire [ __ ] life like the puppet master pulling his strings they wanted their dick into every single one of andrew's holes and recently andrew made a post on instagram saying that he no longer makes any money from all gas no brakes or the patreon so he has really no affiliation with either of those anymore as those both seem to be controlled by doing things media this means something must have gone awry with the deal that the two had doing things media has completely locked him out of the empire he built now if i had to hop in the mystery machine eat some scooby snacks and take a guess at what went wrong with the contract i would wager that doing things media was taking an absurdly high percentage like a lot of these companies used to do like machinima and [ __ ] dude that's exactly what i was thinking this exact [ __ ] happened back in wrath of the lich king or it was burning crusade i remember there was a a hunter i wasn't his name brain deadly who made a video and he came out and he said i'm quitting youtube i'm quitting everything because i signed this [ __ ] i i made a deal with the devil and the devil was machinima i remember this [ __ ] so clearly back whenever i watched it on warcraft movies that was the nastiest slimiest scummiest dirtiest disgusting [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] move i could have ever seen man and the worst thing about it is these companies right they thrive off of taking somebody with a certain degree of promise investing a small amount of money into them and then if the person does well at all they exhume all of the money back out of them and just [ __ ] them over constantly i just uh oh this is so sad to see because i mean like andrew obviously should have known better to do that kind of stuff but it's hard to get a [ __ ] rv and four thousand dollars whenever you're like in your 20s how the [ __ ] you gonna get that so yeah i mean probably the thing is a lot of these people let's be real like yeah you're you're of age you should read the contract you should know what the contract is in it yes of course but let's also not like let's just be honest here a lot of these contracts are predatory the reason why they're giving him this money is because they think they're going to be able to make a lot more money off of him so the fact is like yes obviously it is your fault if you sign a contract that is not uh that is not properly vetted by a lawyer or somebody with legal experience who you trust and you don't fully understand it that is 100 your fault like you should not not do that but also the people that are doing it are [ __ ] predators and more than that they're parasites they're they're [ __ ] parasites and this is the best example of that that i can see yeah it's just like machinima as andrew continued to grow he became less comfortable with the massive percentage they were cut and they were taking yeah it was cut that's what he probably wanted to renegotiate the contract to which doing things media pissed their pants flipped over at desk and kicked andrew out of the office spitting and cursing his name which leaves us in the situation that's probably what it was i went over and showed a lot about this on stream the other night so i'm just going to play those clips and then after that i'm going to go a little bit more in detail let's see all gas no bricks as many of you know that was like one of my favorite channels on youtube i don't know how many of you know this but all gas no breaks is dead oh jesus andrew the guy is not dead i mean the channel sorry the channel is dead definitely phrase that [ __ ] the channel is dead what happened is the deal between that's a bad one to mess up the apparent doing things media has led to him being thrown off of this channel and the patreon so he no longer makes any money from all gas no breaks channel or the patreon because doing things media is a predatory piece of [ __ ] uh and uh yeah so all gas no breaks the channel is gone i'm sure they're gonna try and move on without andrew considering that's all they have doing things media is that's really horrendous look at what they own literally oh my god imagine like you can't use that as a [ __ ] home page on your website like you've got to be a kind of an [ __ ] to use that as the home page on the picture you know what i mean like you have to love by millions well i think the only love that they have for millions is the money that they're taking from these people this what a ridiculous bit of [ __ ] [ __ ] this is all they have is instagram meme pages that steal other people's memes wait what and then for some reason the pages that steal other people's memes wait this is actually oh my god and then for some reason they also had all gas no breaks oh my god it's so [ __ ] sad they really took advantage of it andrew they really [ __ ] did i was reading about it the other day 100 they did and then um what's his instagram yeah he talks about it in this i hate instagram open it up in a new tab but yeah he made a post kind of detailing what's going on uh you can open up pictures on instagram without being logged in by opening them up in a new tab and pretty much what i just said doing things media [ __ ] them in the ass raw so as i no longer receive any of the patreon crowdfunding youtube monetization or any other show income nick ivan who lived in the rv with me and created the original show material are no longer involved we have no control over the accounts or future probably of the accounts holy [ __ ] man wow that's such horse [ __ ] man such he seems like a really good guy too definitely didn't deserve it he built that [ __ ] from the ground up doing things media did nothing for him true and real well i mean they gave him the rv and four thousand dollars that yeah [Music] i mean they obviously invested in him whenever he didn't really have a lot of stuff i mean like it's not like listen these people are pieces of [ __ ] but they do have to obviously do something good to get their foot in the door here's basically what these guys do okay i'm gonna explain pretty much how this works so let's say they make a million dollar million dollars off of andrew but that's just a i'm going to throw out a number million dollars out of andrew and they invest into a hundred andrews and and they put in like four thousand dollars into a hundred andrews and there's one andrew that's actually andrew and the other andrews are actually bills and bill doesn't do anything but there's one andrew and they make money off of that one person they still make their money back and that's what they do so they invest in a lot of people they basically it's like taking a uh it's like you have like a a bunch of different birds in like a flock and you close your eyes with a shotgun and you just start shooting at them and eventually you're gonna hit one like you're probably gonna hit one and the fact is that these guys they still make money doing it that way yeah they still make money doing it that way even if they lose money 99 of the time because the one percent of the time when they don't lose money the contracts are so oppressive the contracts are so controlling and they're so manipulative and they're so predatory that they make all of their money back because they can take all the money from that person that's basically where where it's at i mean it's not all it's not all doom and gloom though he also has a deal with tim from tim and eric so i believe what's going to happen is tim's company absolutely productions are going to fully take on andrew and they'll probably create their own thing that'd be great so it's not though like it's not completely the end but all gas no breaks that youtube channel is doing things media and we will probably never see andrew on that again really sad story andrew got machinima now it's important to note that andrew never says voldemort's name he never mentions doing things media however he does mention the root of all the evil that he's experiencing right now yeah it comes from a contract that he signed with an employment company that loaned er with a production company that loaned him the rv and [ __ ] like that which doing things media did so i mean it's it's pretty clear that it's most likely doing things media i'll keep it a little open-ended because ambiguity is pretty cool i suppose creates a nice mystery yeah but i think we all make another video about it here doing things media is a conglomerate i suppose that literally only steals memes almost everything they own is instagram meme pages that they lift from reddit yeah what a surprise that a company that's based around trying to acquire people that take memes from reddit and then they put them on instagram has no real integrity and it's predatory and steals people's [ __ ] yeah what a what a huge surprise i would have never expected that wow this is so ridiculous man on facebook it's pathetic i don't know how they got so lucky to have this golden goose with all gas no brakes it's it's [ __ ] wild to me and what's even crazier is they have the hutzpah the gall to think that they can continue to run the all gas no breaks channel without andrew that channel is andrew's expression people's tune in for andrew doing these interviews i don't think there's gonna be two well they tune in for the people but it's like his insight on how to make the videos like the videos are his idea like you can't just go over and like if i went and i did a video like that it would probably be relatively the same but it wouldn't be the same it wouldn't be the same because that guy's really good at doing that thing it's just so weird it's like you have a show that one person is on it doesn't even make any sense too many people excited to see his season two replacement yeah they bring in [ __ ] paul blart to do the interviews at furry con or whatever it's not gonna be the same and people aren't gonna watch it as much and it'll eventually fizzle out and die like a little wet fart into the wind and all gas no breaks that beautiful channel will be going out with a whimper instead of a bang you know what it reminds me of remember fred does anybody remember fred this one right here where it was like the stupid kid that would make like the really weird noises and somebody just sold the somebody sold the um whatever it was they sold the the channel and i think this is it and at the very beginning of this channel it was like super super super popular now obviously i don't know why it was popular and it's it's disturbing that it was popular but they clearly sold the channel and now a lot of the videos aren't even getting anywhere near what the viewership was like some of these are under 100 000 views whereas before they were getting like tens of millions of views so this has already happened before watch the first video no because doing things media is greedy and over confident in themselves even on their own website they say all gas no breaks grew on instagram as if it was their doing like them posting an all gas no brakes clip on a [ __ ] meme page of golfers doing things help them in any way wow andrew grew this [ __ ] on his own yeah he pulled up his [ __ ] bootstraps pulled that [ __ ] up to his goddamn nipples and went hard on great content yeah doing things media did not grow this channel they gave him the money they gave him the rv that helped him out a lot that's definitely true 100 that happened but in terms of like actually giving him any promotion [ __ ] no andrew did and they kicked him out of his baby it's sad i really cannot believe the hubris of them to think that this was in any way a good idea was something he should have been fluffing andrew's dick when it was soft bending over backwards for him if he wanted to spit in their face they should have accepted it with an open mouth they only have andrew everything else they own is not even close it's almost meme pages that are dying on their own it makes no sense that they would think that they can strong-arm andrew when he should have all the power in negotiation since he is their biggest outlet now of course you could say oh but charlie some of the pages they own have more instagram followers than andrew had subscribers but there's a big difference between an instagram follower that doesn't engage with your content where like on [ __ ] golfers doing things you have 200 likes on the newest post and [ __ ] like that versus a massive youtube channel pulling in millions of views per video it's actually growing too like you can see some channels and they're actually growing like i i don't know man it's insane it's nuts how much andrew [ __ ] up he's gonna regret this he's gotta start all over now with no 4k and no camper true man true dude andrew's [ __ ] man it's it's ridiculous not comparable at all andrew in on every single one of their things i look through is by far their biggest and for some reason they decided to try and slap them around a little bit and it didn't work andrew is no longer associated with it and i don't understand how doing things media thinks that they were in any way doing a good thing here they lost their golden goose it would have made more sense if they just trying to appease him and kept him under the doing things media considering he's their most well-known and biggest one it seems stupid it's like killing the goose that weighs the golden eggs from patreon too locking him out of his own stealing that dude taking the money from patreon man that is what dude that's so that that's so slimy like that's it's just [ __ ] nat i i can't even imagine doing that it's so bad so nasty patreon as if they had any role in that that's people that directly wanted to support him and the channel and they're taking that [ __ ] away too which is [ __ ] crazy so i'm guessing the contract meant that they owned everything they had a piece of everything andrew that's that's probably what scared him away from them and their refusal to renegotiate these are all just guesses of course but that's what it seems like what i would do is instagram post and just based on the history of these kind of uh channels like machinima and other mcns like they're gonna do this oftentimes i mean it's the same [ __ ] that uh [ __ ] student loan companies do too i mean this is it's very very common it's extremely common that this kind of [ __ ] happens some extremely shady sketchy and just disgusting practices taking taking advantage of people that are young and don't really know the landscape it's pathetic and now youtube lost one of its most interesting channels on the platform and it's sad that's really about it i just wanted to talk about this because it seems almost nobody knows about this i know ethan talked about it on the podcast recently but that's the only other person i've seen even mention this happening which is surprising because all gas no brakes it seems like just not a whole ton of people know about this so hopefully this will let you all know that you can expect some changes in all gas no breaks season two if they even try to move on without them which they shouldn't and hopefully we'll see more of andrew and see more of his interviews and his content going forward where he's probably going to be making some even better stuff with absolutely so that's really about it see ya wow okay so uh the thing is whenever you you run into this situation is that it's always that like technically the company you know he signed the contract and he's an adult and he should know not to do that and he should have had it read by a lawyer and he should have understood it better and you know there's all the things that you should have done which is true all this stuff is definitely true but the fact is that even with all those things being true it's still scummy it it's still scummy because you know many of you know you know that this kind of stuff is is predatory and they're taking advantage of these people to make money off of them in the most parasitic way possible by controlling as much of their ip as possible it is nuts man yeah legal is not morality yeah of course like it's the same thing i feel the same way about like [ __ ] student loans right i mean you get some [ __ ] 17 18 year old kid and you convince him that his life is going to be ruined unless he spends [ __ ] 30 thousand dollars on getting an education and then suddenly this kid is locked into indentured servitude for the next 20 years of his life like yes obviously yeah he's an adult he signed a contract but get the [ __ ] out of here everybody knows exactly what you're doing it's disgusting man absolutely [ __ ] disgusting if only 30k i'm just putting out a number everybody obviously it's different for each one they should change the game the channel name to all breaks no gas i mean that's what it's going to be because nobody's going to watch the channel if he's not on it and the reason is because a lot of the people that watch the all gas no breaks here's the truth um they like andrew they like andrew and if they feel like he was wronged they are not going to watch the watch the content by on principle they're not going to watch it on principle and i think no matter what andrew decides to do afterwards he probably has some sort of non-compete which is why he probably hasn't started another channel or maybe he's on on his way of working with that i'm not sure he's still locked into his contract with these guys i have no idea obviously these kinds of contracts are really complicated and they're really complicated because they want to make it so so hard to understand that people don't try to understand it and they just sign under the dotted line so it is intentionally it is intentionally hard to understand they're intentionally complicated here's the video i watch right if you guys want to watch and uh there's a huge video right but i i watch i'll give it some support all right yeah there it is and uh critical slap fight videos i've seen some of his videos before like i've watched this guy's videos for many many years and uh watch the remaining all gas no breaks video please i feel like honestly you know what's really sad is i don't even want to because i feel like if i watch that video i'm giving that company money like i i it's so [ __ ] up it's actually so [ __ ] up because if i watch it right now i'm giving this company full of parasite pieces of [ __ ] i'm giving them money [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 362,707
Rating: 4.9373174 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, Flat Earth Conference, Fourth of July, Talladega Superspeedway, Florida Man 2, all gas no brakes, asmongold all gas no brakes, all gas no brakes interview, all gas no brakes reaction, all gas interviews, all gas no breaks florida man, all gas no breaks fourth of july, all gas no breaks reacts, penguinz0, cr1tikal, asmongold cr1tikal, cr1tikal all gas no brakes, critikal
Id: Wk5iL-uAWyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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