Are You Afraid of the Dark? - JonTron (PART 2)

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All jokes aside that was some dark shit for a kid's show

👍︎︎ 144 👤︎︎ u/Rogue_Marshmallow 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2014 🗫︎ replies

Jon absolutely knocked it out of the park this year. Happy Halloween lovelies!!

👍︎︎ 81 👤︎︎ u/onichris 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2014 🗫︎ replies

That spooky scary skeletons part cause me to fall out of my chair, holy shit.

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/ikenjake 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2014 🗫︎ replies

"Hey look, it's Metallica." Made me laugh harder than it should have.

👍︎︎ 63 👤︎︎ u/pibberjib 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2014 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/landl0rd 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2014 🗫︎ replies

I gotta say, the ending for the last episode was honestly, genuinely unsettling. And it was the only good minute of acting that the boy did (it helps that half of it was spent making a creepy smile at the camera).

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/Ichthus5 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2014 🗫︎ replies

We really have been spoiled this year, wonder if he'll do more than one for Christmas as well. I hope so cause the last three episodes have been great. Seriously though, said it before and i'll say it again, Jon leaving the grumps was the best thing that ever happened.

👍︎︎ 78 👤︎︎ u/TibbTokOnTop 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2014 🗫︎ replies

That bleep at 9:05 was perfect.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/Infibeyen 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2014 🗫︎ replies

Holy shit, that skeleton shouting "DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?" spooked me solid.

Fantastic episode. The bearded wonder is spoiling us this year!

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/MangoUno 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2014 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey there this is part of a two-part jontron Halloween special if you haven't seen the first episode click here if you have keep watching come on there we go welcome back everyone I've been standing here for several days let's move on to the next episode the tale of laughing in the dark this episode takes place at an amusement park namely at this creepy funhouse as you can see by this little girl's reaction it's extremely terrifying this is a clown story I hate clowns they're creepy they give me nightmares where's my thermos oh oh I heard of that they call it bozo phobia Oh zinger this kids the cool kid I'm sitting next to him so these three kids Josh Cathy and a Ouija step up and dare each other to enter this haunted funhouse but right before Josh goes in we see oh is it is that the same guy it's the same guy from the first episode pick the right door you go free pick the wrong door there he'll be is it even possible to be typecast as the creepy guy who tells riddles to kids because if so I think this guy might be at the forefront of his industry coming in mr. brain I think maybe you could run that by me one more time coming in mr. brain that still didn't catch it maybe another time hey kid listen I don't blame me I'd be terrified to I don't know what the hell he's saying uh what is this what kind of room is this does every Canadians home just have a hockey room in this scene we find out that a clown named Zeebo was killed in a tragic tragic funhouse fire for a whole night there that house got a lot less fun Zeebo smokes cigars the police figured he threw one away in the spook house because the whole place caught fire with him inside that kid is uh clearly reading off the script tragically the clown perished in the inferno II you what a weird old guy he died yuck I bet he likes a trap small children inside and tickle you know I'm glad I saw that one through to the end that evil redheaded boy got what he deserved the real monster was the monster inside their friend this clown is said to have died in the funhouse and he's basically a big old curse on the place so we G double dares Josh to go in the funhouse alone but Josh 1ups him by saying that not only will he go it alone but he'll steal Z Bo's nose so Josh grabs Ouija and he wormholes him into the park and off they go to most likely die at the foot of their own hubris look at me I'm Zeebo Zeebo Zeebo that's asking for trouble they think I am some kind of clown yes definitely [Music] hey guys I think I found out why this place burned down I like how they rebuilt it and were like sure we put the fire thing back in you know I know it did destroy the last place and kill our best clown but people really like the fire thing after narrowly escaping death Josh finds the Zeebo dummy and steals his nose all right thanks guy you just made me hero I'm the guy who beat Zeebo so Josh wins the Dare and Ouija why is this name Ouija this is not a name Ouija has - where's Evo's knows - school and he's not very happy about it enough all right you're a hero and I'm a loser what can I say cigars yeah what if what about him you're not gonna you're not gonna tell me is this really gonna happen this is just he's just gonna keep going still going all right this is this rivals the tracking shot from Goodfellas oh did he find it fitting okay it's a bush [Music] [Applause] is that a ghost playing with a fog machine back there you have no proof that isn't what that is so Josh goes home because his friends don't like him anymore also his parents aren't home probably cuz they don't like him either but you forgot that I can see the tickets tonight excuse me think maybe you could repeat that Oh God well Jenna hey I mean don't worry about it you know no sweat we've all gambled on a fart and lost one days the best I'm gonna do oh hey well this is getting kind of scary and they blew it it's a joke he's trying to get me huh sure I'm not scared I'll set this table real good ain't nobody gonna [ __ ] with a crazy guy he's not gonna put more is he oh my god what even yeah okay he's putting more who wrote this [ __ ] [Music] Oh how can that burn so fast Oh hold on man whoa whoa really you could just do that what are you Bruce we'll listen unbreakable I'm pretty certain the scariest thing that would arise from this situation would be a trip to the ER for those first degree burns good god I [Music] can't say I blame him I mean I'd be just as terrified if I knew a clown was tracking humans [ __ ] all over my mom's new rug the terror continues as Zeebo was after his stolen nose Josh flees from his home to escape from the clown and he returns to the funhouse to offer the nose back okay I'm sorry there it's all yours just to show there's no hard feelings cigars who exactly sold cigars to a child it's the most fun in the back those last two episodes were kind of spooky but nothing spectacular so let's check out the tale of the dark music considered by many to be one of the scariest episodes in the entire series Andy Carr is your average kid with a paper route that he uses to help support his divorced working mother ain't even money to buy lunch at school and it also gave all the other kids free rein to wail on him because he always smelled like sweat newspaper ink in homeroom Andy's mom just inherited a house from their recently deceased uncle that nobody knew existed which is great by the way cuz it's free without any of the sadness of uncle death [Music] hey look it's Metallica scariest twist scariest twist of all time good guy has a paper route and loves his mom bad guy wears boots all black his hair looks like ramen hmm lady already got like 25 of them up there well you haven't got the hang of this by now also I don't think your slam-dunk method is doing me any favors here do me a favor go down in the basement and see if you had a ladder it's the basement what's the matter and search no I'm not afraid of the dark well that's a shame cuz you're a [ __ ] liar Andy and also that's the name of the show so I'm pretty sure it's fair to say you're in for some [ __ ] hmm oh yeah any day now he's never gonna end there he is so Andy goes into the basement to get the ladder and starts playing with an old radio for some reason hey somebody hit the wall switch up there I need some power oh I haven't felt love like that since the Third Reich I heard that yeah ghosts I heard you so you better knock that off back there yeah just get right into that that's my jam as you can see Andy gets scared shitless by these two red eyes and runs upstairs to tell his mom it was in there and talked to me and said come in and I'll suck sure there's something like kid you're gonna have to be a little more specific when you make these kinds of accusations I swear mom there was something in here a leaky old plumbing yeah probably one of those things this house is falling apart unrelated so the mom brushes off the ghost encounter by saying it was probably just this old radio which makes sense surprisingly but Andy still isn't convinced that's good something to eat before Christina gets it off yes because your sister is a ravenous badger girl that will eat all our food until her stomach explodes can we uh back up there for a second I think I found out who the demon is Andy decides to ask his mom for a little more info about who his uncle was he never left the house but somehow got filthy rich how did he die he was old and just stopped living yes I think that's the case for most people find him in the basement at the bottom let's change the subject Chris go down and put the clothes in the laundry for me okay you know where the dead body I was just talking about was what game is she even playing she looks like a chip trying to use a telephone I can't for your scared women let's go out fully beat me up got a paper round alright alright come on this isn't scary at all I mean how many times is he gonna dick around in the basement for something actually happen I think I'm gonna have to watch the rest of this one with the lights on they explained that Andy forgets these incidents that are seemingly caused by music which is the reason he keeps going down and screwing up except for the first time in which he did remember basically the writers didn't give a [ __ ] but it's okay neither to the audience so Andy's mom leaves him a note to go down to the basement and do more you guessed it laundry in this show laundry moves the plot forward that is not a good sign also we're just not gonna talk about this human hand in the jar back here just it's not gonna talk about it I keep it you remember in the matrix when Neil discovered the matrix cuz he had to go downstairs and do a towel wash or when Maximus was like did you put my work clothes in the dryer or even when Clark Gable was like frankly dear I separate the whites from the colors except that one wasn't about laundry that was real that was about racism by the way what is it with parents and always leaving their kids notes in these shows I guess it's just an enabler for haunted happenings you're listening to stock music radio only the safest music that keeps production costs low and scares high oh yeah weird clown music turn it up oh don't stop now son we are almost [Music] music it's music not laundry like I thought excitedly Andy hops on his bike to go tell his mom like any kid would want to do nice day for a ride isn't it ok that's one for the record books we got to show that again not much of a punch but it would give a door a mean knock mom's not gonna help you now kids [Music] after suffering this abuse for too long Andy comes up with a plan for revenge and also his house number is 420 which is probably a metric pain in the ass on the 20th day of April well you're done come over and clean my house you make a good maid you're dead Oh sick burns all around today through a master class of trickery Andy traps the neighborhood bully in his basement to teach him a lesson once and for all after realizing that music summons the dark spirit he blasts some awesome metal to lure it out while the guys still in there no anything but screamo you message me I'll do this to you again wait what's this he's got a new bike now well that doesn't make any sense I mean how did it it's yours Andy I'll give you anything you want you only have to do one thing [Music] [Music] they didn't blow it [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey it's me Jacques this year I was dressed up as a ghost that's why you could see me boom click here to watch other fabulous jontron videos and buy fabulous I mean you should probably be doing anything else
Channel: JonTronShow
Views: 9,785,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Are You Afraid Of The Dark? (Award-Winning Work), are you afraid of the dark, tale of the dark music, tale of laughing in the dark, laughing in the dark, dark music, goosebumps, Nickelodeon (TV Network), jontron, jontronshow, Review (Media Genre)
Id: TVYSiQolKps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 31 2014
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