AoE2 King of Kings #3

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these and gentlemen man am i excited to be casting this map we have King of Kings is that the bugged version no we have the real version of King of Kings one of my favorite maps period for Age of Empires two community games so it is regicide so you have your king you can lose and then also it is king of the hill you have the water element on the outer edge and all the corners everyone can see there's extra gold and there's extra stone and then there's also the monument so you can win by either killing everyone's King you could win by controlling the monument there's so many things to focus on it's pretty wild and we have Willis in the orange who's playing as the Italians and the blue we have me me is playing as the Japanese and the gray we have Vietnamese fortum a Trix which is interesting because I'm fairly certain I said they could pick SIVs and normally he goes Byzantines but okay in the red we have Aztecs for god of the godless in the yellow we have Malay for Honi 17 and the green we have bulky bulky is playing as the Persians and then we have an der pressure who's playing as Ethiopians this there's just this open gap over here luckily there's no extra golds or anything so there's just a few extra trees so despite us not having a player there is no extra gold generated which is pretty cool guys I'm not dating any females in the Age of Empires community I am as single as it gets so stir up as many rumors as you'd like but just making that clear just making that clear I'm sure you guys know as well so males then no no not not dating any males either as I said I'm as single as it gets guys not dating Dave and while I can probably take that joke Dave will probably get really annoyed if you were to make that joke which is probably something I shouldn't have said because now you guys are going to make the joke around date I think they did random sips just because of the sips they have I think they might have done random civilizations which makes it fun so on this map it's important to fish it's that important to use whatever water control you have to secure a corner and if someone gets the corner you can see that they're there and maybe steal that from them this is diplomacy which means you can align enemy anyone at any point in time all right there's so many elements there's almost no correct thing to do on this map because it's so wild if you go for the monument you could lose your king if you don't go for the monument you could lose because you're not there if you go for water you might not have enough on land if you go too heavy on lands you might lose everything in your water so it's pretty cool and I think it's the most creative idea for community games we've seen t90 is dating short trees yes that's exactly right my friend that is exactly right so you can also dock on the inner edge however any Navy you have on the inner edge cannot access the outer edge and vice versa so if you make galleys out on the outer ring you can't get to the center so it's tough it's cool though I think red is the more experienced player here god of the godless is why he's definitely the most experienced player here so I hope he doesn't steamroll everybody he might threaten the people on the side so that's for sure we'll find out soon enough t9 the official you are not simple you have us we are a wonderful date right now even yes that's what it is right we're on a wonderful date you guys definitely think of this as dating nothing else what an entertaining date this is man the food is it it kind of sucks I only had a protein bar and a little bit of yogurt with some cheap coffee but I think if we really like each other guys if we continue this relationship I think that this can really be a long-term thing and then we can make it work out we just have to try but the company is to die for exactly who cares about the food who cares about those things we just care about love and also we care about death apparently because you guys like to see King Snipes oh my god I don't know if we want to see that Hoehne she's gonna survive just like our relationship well guys without the food teen and official do you think your farming skills are holding you back I think that your insults are holding my I think they're holding me back how am I supposed to look myself in the mirror after those insults t9 official it's gonna be hard for you to put out four six hundred plus people uh I have my ways man I have my ways we're not gonna talk about it cuz that that's a dangerous thing to discuss into a chat so we're just gonna leave it at that I'm just gonna leave it at that Willis seems unhappy about something what you talking about Willis what's the unhappy about here it's on stone at the moment interesting maybe lost the monument and I wasn't really paying attention it's too busy trolling to a Chet teal and green have huge advantage to the empty spot between my green man I agree I think that this really helps because they won't be vulnerable also you do run out of wood on this map so who Cooley's Pro sure they're sorry for the odds it's been a long stream today I don't take many breaks I did a great job drinking some water today I mean I'm always get dehydrated wanna cast for eight straight hours that's just the norm but I prepared I had yogurt and I had a protein bar heads like some type of snack throughout the day and also I had the water which is good I don't know if I could do ten hours of non-stop community games I think that I used to do ten hours because I used to take those 15-minute breaks but as a streamer if you take those long breaks a lot of people leave so I prefer to just take smaller breaks and shorten the overall time period t90 official where's trade cart nothing well you never know man never know what I'm gonna spring on you guys surprises around every corner bendy straws I normally start my streams between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. est on Sat days in fact on Saturday which would be my next stream it'll be at noon EST so if you're in Europe that'll be in the evening for you if you're in Australia or India or or anywhere on the other side of the world that'll be a bit awkward but you could possibly catch some of it the times are different though every Saturday it really depends on what's going on Saturday I might stream a bit earlier as well I'll keep you guys updated there there's gonna be some expert games I think a few hours before my scheduled stream starts so as always I'll I'll tweet out and post on discord and change the schedule below the stream if I have to what's up bang go beast bang go Beast this is king of kings really cool map that combines water combines land combines king of the hill combines regicide where players are just working their economies up to where they need to be right now force nothing Tour de Minh 64 players enter one player leaves I bet you'd love to cast nine straight games of course nothing oh yeah man that that sounds that sounds like a very dangerous tournament to organise because you know if I were to organise that torment you guys would expect me to cast a lot of it if I ever wanted if I ever wanted force nothing to die that's probably what I would do because and yeah perfect timing on that sub there that's a pun because I'd need that'd be a great way to get you guys tired of force nothing I think but it's good every now and then it's good every now and then how many people here heard or didn't hear the the clip of when I was recording offline concept for hidden comp and then the force nothing alert came in I kind of want to play that again to show you guys what I have to deal with because it is dangför is nothing okay let me let me show you this real quick this is pretty funny I'll play this to matrix is going for Scouts or something have to pull it up it's unlisted on YouTube so I have to tap out real quick so you won't hear the game sound but I think you guys will enjoy this oh the Scout he's going up to the farm did he get that was it deleted what are you doing to matrix what are you doing bud J pon we were talking about force nothing right as you subbed and the alert says force nothing okay so this was this is what happens when I try and record offline content so sorry for the delay here it's loading up behind the scenes alright listen to this so I'm recording this for hidden cup ladies and gentlemen I present to you the hidden cup the hidden come on like I'm showing you a recording of one force nothing interrupted my my other offline content and we got another one I present to you the hidden cup the hidden cup is a 1v1 Age of Empires 2 tournament that spans over the course of three days the prize pool is close to $1500 this event features some of the best players in the world the viper MBL slam doubt tatto leery knee cough vivy yo reott fire and miguel you've got to be kidding so right when I finished it I was getting all this stuff recorded and right when I finished it that alert came in I was offline I wasn't even streaming it happened twice as I was trying to record condom you know I obviously love you guys I obviously love you guys thank you for the support but that cracks me up man I sent it to my mods they were just dying SOTA matrix is being a real thorn in god of the godless decide which is quite good for everybody else I think because obviously god of the godless is the high rated player here is a huge Ville lead and two matrix just the Scout rushing him which is interesting because I think red wanted to go for some monks anyway so Lille slows them down a little bit okay everybody else is working their way up to where they need to be it's gonna take some time well this is all the way to imp though the very early imp time for him because he only has 41 bills but he does have 18 fishing ships and they are Italian fish has a castle as well lots of food still 332 years left on the monument countdown yeah this god of the godless guy plays a lot of mega random and he's around 1900 level in Buble and some players of this level that joined the community games will will troll a little bit he probably plays it more seriously so he's a real threat to everybody but he's being real and real annoyed by this he's lost quite a few villagers he's lost quite a few months pretty funny play from two matrix I mean well played to pressure this guy so as I said that will help everybody else t9 official who would you like to see qualify for NAC - you're going to be there right yeah I it's hard to say man there's so many players in this community I'd love to meet I don't know if I could really give an answer for that I I'd say of all the players I haven't met in Age of Empires - the two players that I really want to meet would be and no offense to the others of course but I really want to see what Vivi's like in real life because when I got the audio recording a vivvy for hidden Cup he just sounds like a real happy guy I think it'd be real fun to just have a beer with Vivian though we couldn't understand each other so I'd love to meet the fat dragon and then I think Miguel I'm I'm pretty close friends with Miguel outside of age like we mean I know I don't we talk more than I talk to any other top player and he's a really nice guy honestly all the Brazilians are really nice so I'd love to meet them that would be cool so I mean it's of course possible whoever qualifies for the ecl land right so us but right now it seems like the two Chinese teams and secret are in the top three and they're in a pretty strong position they're so frantic or sy could do it but there's again I this community's like family to me this this community is like family to me I've watched a lot of these players for years and I have casted these these guys and spoken to these guys for years so whether you're a viewer or a player I III see you guys online more than I see most of my own family so I really do like this community means a lot so there's so many very few players who I wouldn't want to meet you know so I like kal red just goes okay you wanted to go like cabers me I'm going to go with seat amongst where's you this is a little bit of payback here a little bit of redemption he's actually researching Redemption right now and tomato X doesn't have food now so I don't think he'll be in a good spot but props to him you know for going after the top dog here well played two matrix and unfortunately he loses his scalp before he kills that Mac and L his king is on the move he's trying to build a castle all no homo to matrix this castles not gonna go up man this castle is not gonna go up oh boy yeah he's in trouble we the t90 fe melt was not allowed by twitch anymore but uh get the F cinta chat because to matrix is in big big trouble also an inner pressure is really under pressure Willis with this condos just went right into an to pressures base and and and ER pressures caught now has been caught off-guard by this is losing a ton of his population and he's asking for peace meanwhile everybody else is playing it extremely safe 250 years left on that monument this is not gonna happen for you too jerks just abandoned ship here I will be in Germany for Neely's apartment cup - well that's the plan anyway I mean I'm pretty much confirmed assuming all the things that were were promised I guess are sorted with the travel details Oh God this I can't talk and watch this at the same time it's so rough so I'm excited to be there and I will probably meet up with the rocket beans guys yes I was asked by Marco if I would be it at Gamescom this year and I was I was not gonna be making the trip but if I had I been there I would have done something with rocket beans for Age of Empires - hey Roz what's up man red is playing a game called how many units can you kill and not to matrix his units his own units he's killed two of his own Scouts he killed one of his own bills but I guess he converted these Scouts so that's fine - matrix has 27 population he's looking to hang in here meanwhile Honi he's building up on the other side making docs on either side Malay are such a strong civilization here at Hoani actually has the score lead so these are now harbors so they will shoot some errors if anyone ever tries to pressure him we have the dock block going so it's hard for units to run through Willis is now behind and a pressure in population and I feel like and ER pressure can fight this back I think Ethiopians can destroy Italians but that is once they get there their upgrades and that's not the case for ender pressure and no pressure as the southern corner so he asked that gold Pony has the western corner and the North honies also there he's actually building harbors so that will deny red and getting those resources and nobody has the eastern corner which is interesting because it's so important normally Wow to matrix want to play what a play man he's trying his best to keep everything he has alive here wow look at that red converted the villager after his Mac and ellas already fired and he ends up killing his own chick think Kony could really do this with them out of resources he has coming and he could definitely do this with Millay 198 years remaining though so he's still have some time out you got ignored that's okay still love you t 90 did I ignore you paper trail sorry man says t9 official what's going on but still enjoyed enjoying that purple to your badge sorry I'm tired I'm tired man that looks good seriously it looks really good just exhausted just exhausted after a long day of casting that's all so even if Pony doesn't take resources here he could block this off from from anyone else and red has monks in the center his monks will died too the harbor's is he going to try and convert them he could try but he will fail here I think would be funny doll it would be funny if you could pull it off can he get one he hasn't even gotten one yet oh my goodness it's not worth it he doesn't oh he gets one he gets one single doc for all of that thousand over a thousand gold goes down the drain so I said that he would play it more serious but he's obviously trolling a bit which I think makes it more fair as he might steamroll everyone if he didn't do this I was that was at least a dozen monks right seemed like it doesn't Willis might regret attacking to you he just might but Teal'c needs there we go he's on his way to him finale he really needs that imp upgrade hi falynn says t90 official poll time for who we want to win it's actually a great idea especially a great idea ducks could we get a poll going for who these guys want to see win think honies actually a fan favorite I don't know if he's won too many games well well it's just Lee did his TC whoops that's a mistake it's all right he's already in the Imperial Age it could have been much worse or was that was that not a delete did somebody did blue wait I think blue I think I'm just a noob caster I think blue pitar did that thing because he has to transport here and willis said that was close oh okay well I missed that my bad I got to be more attentive apparently there's so many things you can focus on this map you could go for transports you could just go for standard water in the center you could go of land [Music] okay so now anti-pressure taking advantage of the southern gold thank any civilization with I'm gonna remove the overlay now any civilization with strong Navy fire ships and demos and hmm then normally a strong unique unit I guess could be good like Karambit warriors Malay are just the perfect king of the hill Civ they really are and I these dog box are beautiful look at the symmetry has he doc walked every side he's doc blocked every side for the most part it's the only way to surprise Honi is by looping around this way and getting into his base it's the only way or you could just go for C trams and see trams can destroy these docks quite easily I think the pole is broken I think it says pole is closed it doesn't seem like the pole is working just yet we'll work on it guys we'll work on it so Ghana godless is trying to get back into this game he's ramming down the harbors Willa says we have to stop red for now red is in the center we're at 112 years this is where it gets really intense guys every person needs to be thinking about the center oh man are those some samurai or what from blue that is enough Sam ride to come in and kill Willis Willis has just been making condos I can see Willis already tried to go in there that did not work out for him Red's killing a few docks but he's not he's not gonna be able to push much further than this because of yellows Karambit Warriors I don't think Reds plan is worked out here and and that pole maybe the pole system is broken let me see if I can refresh it there we go ducks maybe try and relaunch it doesn't seem to be working we broke it we broke it well if I was putting money on this game I'd put my money on Honi because Honi is an extremely strong position so let's not forget about the fact that teal is up to 181 population he has Ethiopians his King is safe let's not forget about blue we have balky we haven't seen a lot from balky at this game ball q could do this he has 5000 golds he's sending the pointy boys into middle so at least we have the memes going I think that if you're going full samurai or just full anything and with no Navy in the center you find yourself in big big trouble once demo ships arrive Vietnamese don't get heavy demo I don't take Ethiopians get heavy demo about 20 to 30 percent of civilizations in this game did not get heavy demo and we have quite a few of them in this game though I don't have that memorized I don't think Italians get it either right Italians do not get it but oh excuse me I don't think Japanese get it either let's see yeah I mean apparently I'm allergic to the lack of heavy demo ships let me just double check see if my knowledge is correct no heavy demo for Aztecs Malay Malay don't even get it do they yeah they also don't get it there's any Civ here get it Persians they they get heavy demo okay so we have Persians at least let me let me just double check Vietnamese quickly okay so Vietnamese and Persians get it my bad my bad that's pretty crazy regular demo ships are still incredibly strong but it's pretty wild normally there's just one sieve in the whole game I guess they did random sips this time around okay well Ducks will figure it out man we'll figure it out yeah Ryder exactly that man exactly that well we got a transport from symmetric so what's in this thing one villager this is very to matrix like you know what I need I need there to be a gamebreaking bug where one of two matrixes units teleports at some point so I can say he to matrix his way there that would be great just at some point matrix if you can make that happen for me yes a TC over here he has a TC over here but he cannot fight for the center right now and 70 years remaining it's so hard to control the center down to zero on this map especially when you have a player like Kony sorry for the sniffles my friends Willis he's Italians and he doesn't have a lot of Doc's which is the problem my eyes think you could do more here okay he's researching galleon now yep just build some docks on the sides and then start getting into the middle and your pressure says yellow I hope you say Pete stay peaceful now I don't think it's gonna happen so something tells me that that honies gearing up for an attack and he wants this victory but teal maybe believes him I'll be REM that here come the demos yet this is why you need Navy oh boy great job from balky to go with the heavy demolition ships and these are bless do not stand a chance even if you go show tells the show tells are low HP unit so they'll get destroyed you really need your own Navy here and this count-out is about to reset there's just three villagers in the center for teal are you guys ready to see some UNIX units explode I hope you are because there's so much potential for that to matrix is what I can give you trade so its matrix is trying to stay alive here he doesn't want anyone to kill him off you see how honies trying to dock everywhere this is pretty impressive anywhere he has an ally he's building docks that that dock blocks their potential docks it also will if they turn on each other of course that means they'll be harbors firing arrows and he'll still has the center he'll still has the center I don't think he'll hold this with the amount of military has but he could 27 years that moment when you go fullscreen on T 90 stream and then move your mouse to scroll the map wondering why it doesn't work oh god and the pressure has his own demo ships the pointy boys are there but he only has one group his demos believe or not are holding the center for him at the moment okay now a few show tells are coming in it would be a gigantic throw for the other players if and oppressor holds on to this and everybody's coming to the middle now there's a few shotel warriors keeping it 40 with 15 years remaining and the to demo shifts to the north he has a few reinforcements but I still feel like he'll lose it and he does too Honi of course how some of these guys are allied to each other everyone seems to be allied with Honi now Honi seems uninterested he actually leaves the center and gives it to someone else red is his position is pretty bad he's trying oh my god oh my god he's been trying to get conversion just look at that blood splatter that's crazy these samurai are saying not today monks not today we will not join your religion well that's pretty crazy and and red has lost so much gold he tried to go for the monks on a map where it's probably near impossible but again he he would if he played this standard probably destroy so I can appreciate that at some point they're gonna have to turn on green they all seem to be allied with him but at some point if they want to win they're gonna have to turn on on green yeah ducks let me do that real quick I can tap out there it is i refreshed it for you man if green turns anyone to enemy will look at this blue is killing the demo ships before they're their enemy demo ships so there we go now green realizes now there's some explosions and I think the countdown will reset yet again horny has gone for so many harbors I don't think I've ever seen a player build so many he is harbours in the north he is harbours even alongside red shoreline is pretty impressive stuff Blue has controlled the center he is the Japanese spam could you span those pointy boys and those samurai to victory here might not even need Navy the Navy can be helpful of course will you be stopping in England on your way to MHC 2 I have a man United ticket with your name on it ah that's so tempting man no I NAC is a whole week so as much as I would love to be in in England again I won't be able to pull it off but I think at some point later on in 2019 I'll probably go back to England not sure we'll see I will be travelling a fair amount next year so no one no one's challenging blue except for a couple random units from yellow he's a two hundred pop with way too many resources how many eco units does he have yeah I would why he has 37 idols so you could start there delete 37 idols and you'll be good to go a red just keeps coming with these monks 95 HP on these monks as well will you be stopping by Utah on your way to NAC - I have a van full of candy with your name on it yeah I'm actually planning on stopping by looking forward to it I can't pass that up I can't pass that up he's getting conversions but he's converting very cheap Koran bits that would then just died to the doc so it's it's it's a bit weird and Wow blue even has trebs in the centre so I think all players should create some spot some pop space that they can Willis has a lot of idols start deleting those so you have more space for military green needs to stay allied with Tony at least for the moment so he can get his navy through here to help out because he's the only one that can really combat this with the demo ships yeah what about a freezer full of salmon to come to Raleigh again crew how's your foot doing man port kuru he was gonna go to the Meetup and then he broke his foot I think the the night before you broke your foot how is that going that really stinks I am Ryder I will actually be in San Jose for twitchcon so if if you're serious I mean I'm not gonna take salmon home with me on the plane but if you're serious I'm looking into details on where I can do it some kind of meet-up oh my goodness 40 years remaining there's no way Blue Hole sis this is just a crazy map there's no way demo ships coming in left right Navy everywhere okay he has a few units trickling in you know this is what's impressive if you can get the spam going just have one unit in the center at all times we've seen it many times before and there's no one cutting off the the reinforcement so if his buildings are queued up and they are queued up he could do this this could be an amazing victory you need one unit in the center at all times just one now the reinforcements are being blocked off at least have you ever seen so many units in the center of a king of the hill game this is crazy 24 years I mean there should be no way but he still has control he still has control 22 years now they just need to sit here he still has it how does he still have this 17 years I'm still thinking there's no way but it keeps getting by he keeps getting by okay I just jinx them Wow all right well it's closed now yellow has control of it and I wonder if yellow will turn on green or green will turn on yellow is if if green does turn on yellow then yellows Doc's will start shooting his Navy nice job from blue blue blue could still do this blue could still do this he just needs to wait yeah tomato says we have to snipe him we have to snipe yellow how are you gonna do that man he's not sniper bull he's planted his to perfection you're gonna have to win via the monument you're not gonna snipe that guy maybe red could do it maybe red to do it with Rams and monks but I don't think so but yellow is not going for the victory he is really good control but he's not going for the victory so of course he's getting all the extra golds in the north and the west but I don't think he's the biggest threat at the moment whoever has control the center is the biggest threat Willis has controlled the center and for now I mean he has resources he could do this who will win lots of people voting on Honi in the chat nobody voting for Willis now as it be unfortunately there's just we've kind of outgrown that that stage where we can do that man hmm so they want a snipe Oni at least two matrix wants to snipe Oni honies still alive I mean I mean tomato X is still alive impressive stuff for him to stay alive but his echos still really bad and he's saying we need to snipe when in reality he means you guys need to snipe and I'll watch because he doesn't have any military so it's gonna be an issue sorry for heard my phone notification they're yellows in the center greens in the center arches in the center orange has control he's just now realizing as control you guys are gonna have some to have some balls and just go for it just go for it fight this is really crazy because there are alliances are you planning on stopping in Minnesota on your way to NAC - I have some cold ones and some boys with your name on them no but I would like to go to Minnesota I've had somebody promised me a Vikings Minnesota Vikings ticket which would not be necessary but I'd like to go to see a Vikings game for sure I'm a Vikings fan okay and that's interesting Green actually takes control the monument now Fenster Jake and Jay pom thank you guys again for the subs I think I missed soap appeal as well thank you so P feel sorry I was so distracted with the game here I don't I don't think I plan on going to Arizona anytime soon but good things man there's a lot of places I want to be but obviously if I travel as much as I'd like well it's very expensive and then I'm not working and work is important I don't get paid time off like you like most other people do with their jobs so I got to be careful with how crazy it gets where do I live I live in a giant forest I like to call it force nothing also you could call that Pennsylvania so Balki's going for elephants really slow elephants in facts and god of the godless is coming in for conversions he's still sticking to this well those elephants are gonna be hard to kill they're gonna be really hard to kill and I'm still waiting still waiting for Honi to turn Oni has not shown me that he's interested in turning on green and this is a surprise to me honestly I scream I don't follow the NHL all that much in the regular season because there's so many games and it's impossible to follow at least for me I call follow the results but in a sport where just making it to the playoffs is is the biggest goal out of the regular season I don't get too bent out of shape until like the last quarter of the season our results okay so now they've turned on each other 63 years remaining for green green mops a pony but Honi will have some really cheap reinforcements coming in whereas everything for bulky is very expensive and we have an army of ARBs from an der pressure move working his way into Balki's base and also all the farmers now for green at going down his navy he can't get reinforcements in here right because of the docks that Honi built so I would have never let Honi build these docks and a lot of people did a lot of people let him build the docks that's gonna be a problem you're not wrong ducks you're not you're not wrong man you're not wrong yeah I'm not I'm not saying my situation is a bad situation I'm in a very good situation right now for sure but you know the fact is is with so many subscribers if I go away for a week I'm gonna I'm gonna hemorrhage some subs right so it's not only like what I'm paying on the trip but it's it's also what I'm losing when I'm not working which is a bit different so the clock resets on teal who is definitely not going to hold this just explosion after explosion here so much craziness it's funny that teal was able to take control this when he only has a few villagers in there this is a crazy game this is a crazy game red keeps trying with his monks but he's running out of steam now it does not have the gold to keep doing that and now now might be the time for Honi as Holi has 14,000 golds green is no longer a threat teal is not a huge threat and Willis well Willis is a threat he just doesn't know it yet so it could be Willis and it could be Honi I'm actually not a huge fan of IRL streams the only time a big fan of them is when I drink a lot and I would definitely be doing that when I'm at twitchcon but for the most part like when I go on a trip I I go on trips too when I go away I kind of want to have a small disconnect from twitch you know obviously I'm going to twitch gone but after that I'm gonna be doing some different things throughout California and I just like my my passion is Age of Empires 2 right my passion is Age of Empires 2 and my job is Age of Empires 2 so pretty much every time I'm not streaming a good guess is I'm probably doing something Age of Empires 2 related or twitch related or YouTube related so it's just very much I get it is my life and so when I go away to then just continue to stream on Twitch and all that can be a bit much I want to just kind of sit back relax and enjoy enjoy the this trip and also I think that many people might not want to see my ugly mug standing there talking about God knows what a twitchcon you know I might I might do one stream because I will have there there will be some Age of Empires friends there so I might do one stream but I won't do it like I got a lot of more popular streamers would I've done it before it can be nice but also can be a lot speaking of a lot honi goodness gracious so now they need to now they need to start thinking about how they can deal with Honi you know what I want to see is I want to see a huge chain reaction I want demos to come in and explode this group of demos from Honi and I want to see 2010 let's explode because one of Willis's are you going to meet nila yes I will I will I already met Neely was it twice yeah so nearly twice actually in real life you know he's an awesome guy every everything you see from nearly on his streams personality-wise is very much what he is in your life and that's not the case with everybody in the world because you know streaming sometimes people are putting on a little bit man act like I don't I don't talk exactly like this when I'm I'm not put an act but I I'm a bit different myself even when we're talking real life but no he's pretty much himself on stream pretty much himself all times and I I really like the guy he has his I mean he's dead been dedicated to Age of Empires for a long time and he has his his head screwed on straight so can Honi hold this can Honi hold this demos fast fires and the pointy boys are on the way for me this is this is wild just demo after demo fire after fire we even have a transport in there from Honi tony has to hold this for another 45 years this is madness this is crazy look at these explosions this is like the fireworks on the fourth of July guys fourth of July has come early or or I guess late tomato axe is helping out with his scurbs and a pressure is cleaning up the docks from Honi the halberdiers will do quite a good job here actually bursts of fire ships oh my goodness this is wild man Tony could easily lose this well it's just needs to keep the demos going man if if green could get heavy demos in that would be so helpful there we go he's trying now once these docks are cleaned up then he can get any they need to get Rams there this is insanity this is insanity 26 years and I don't know if Pony could do this everybody's getting involved red is getting involved have you ever seen a game like this before look at that in the blink of an eye he looses most of his foothold in the center and that sea janitor shot will be huge another follow-up shot will be huge ponies working on reinforcements but he's only at a hundred pop he doesn't have food 18 years now they need to cut off his reinforcements and so far it's close how did he not lose it there there we go what surely it's over for now yeah blue gets control of it uh numbers of units this is insane we need to get some let the bodies hit the floor go on here this is wild man that has to be the title of this video let the bodies hit the floor this is insanity I mean everybody's spamming now whatever they can will blue win this after all weed back to the pointy boys spam guys and will this is more focused on on yellow and now he says do we continue teaming Honi what's the play because blue is actually not being attacked by anyone except teal I think think yeah I think that's that's the situation word right now I'm not gonna bring up the overlay we'll look at the KD afterwards I don't want any distractions now 79 years blues resources looking good guys looking good he's actually it's not great but he at least has a bunch of helps cued up we must have taken a hit with his eco or something cuz he should have more food than that because he doesn't have more food I don't know if he can do this read of all people could actually do this with his bikes a Honi is gonna have to wait for round two and green can actually come back into oh no never mind what happened here bad things happened here never mind he's only a twenty eight pop so I don't think he can do it what about teal teal could actually do this it's a matrix maybe Wow two matrix of all people 170 pop for him if everybody plays this map right this game can go on for a very long time because with demo ships being a thing it's near impossible to just win this on your own we really have to time it right just a hustler raid from Louis I think this would be short-lived but he's he's distracting Honi the two-handed swordsman and the castles will kill those huh stars but they know he spend the strongest player don't think and now red takes control the middle if God wins this after all the monk trolling earlier that would be so good he could pull it off you guys he could pull it off Oh crazy game just just crazy game there's no other words for this except craziness and I still have no clue who's gonna win what a way to finish off the night what a way to finish off the night and you know what I needed this in my life I needed this in my life I we haven't had a great King of King this game in a long time this is so good yeah no one's going for the King but but I am Ryder going for the King now is a huge risk because imagine if imagine if teal goes for Willis at this point and they start fighting those two were then out of the center and then blue could win quite easily right I've seen it before where players would go for the King now and then they just looked dumb if they don't get the King snipe and then they're not in the middle so I think that safer place to go for the monument especially because most of the bases are fortified but you're right that I mean that's a possibility that's a possibility if you think blues gonna win for sure then you can go for his King and blues Kings is not all that safe [Music] Willa says he doesn't know who to trust is 2 matrix gonna take control the middle are you kidding me what is this game to matrix was down to 30 pop his main base is here he started here wow matrix is why July of the middle XD I don't have the numbers who says how the F is is some matrix winning well let's be honest he has helps and he has curves so that could all die to everything surrounding him and he just abandons the center and gives it to Willis it says like hot potater now this is like hot potato nobody wants the middle because I know what happens to people who go there and ok and ER pressure goes I'll take that thank you I'll take that thank you alright let's bring up that overlay for a moment I want to see populations while things slowed down it will be bugged out slightly ok there we go there's the populations for you also the relic count red has two relics two relics for two matrix and Willis is still focusing on Hoehne and Honi says Willis Y and Willis says high score which is probably true whoa blue just killed red and red has controlled the middle with a lot of Units how did that even happen maybe he sent his King to the center by accident but a snipe me must know something about it he says he hehehehe pointy boys do it again and Honi instantly he's like not me not me don't see me as the bad guy it wasn't me bro so red get sniped maybe God if the godless can tell us in the twitch chat where his king was because I was not expecting a snipe there blue says this was way too easy [Music] red Reds Cadiz just awful you probably lost 100 monks again I did say God with a godless that if you if you would have played that a bit differently if you would have tried hard at that you probably wouldn't have lost so many monks of course I was defending your honor there he says King wasn't a TC I forgot about him oh really yeah I mean it's easy to forget about I suppose and ER pressure has control of the middle but for how long for how long oMG I went to sleep when t90 was streaming and I wake up and now I see t90 streaming awesome I recall you going to bed actually I recall that is that crazy that's how long the stream has been going on today jokey says does it cost money to sub the t90 well if you're talking about twitch sub twitch subs are $5 a month so yes but of course you can always follow of course you can always what was it going to think sub on youtube it can be confusing if you come into twitch it's called subscription on twitch and it's paid where else on YouTube it's it's basically a follow up but of course if you or family member or friend has amazon prime you can linked up with your twitch account and get one free sub to a stream or month as my twitch chat has reminded me so there's there's ways there's ways of subbing but are there ways to end this game 70 years remaining forty land I'm not convinced he can do this his whole composition is vulnerable to demos like everything here can die to demos do you get paid if we use Prime yes kiss T thank you for the prime yes streamers still get the payout even though it's free for you it's pretty awesome deal this is a crazy game I know I say I used the word ever a lot but this could be the craziest King of Kings game ever not game ever but King of Kings game ever I'm a bit baffled I'm a bit baffled I did not expect the game to be this good holy sub train thank you everybody pruneface thank you give Thank You Man kiss T thanks you guys thank you guys for the new subs honi still has more resources than everyone so he's acting like he's the victim but he's definitely in the best position no doubt about that teal has the monument at 46 years I am just waiting for him to die to enemy auditors and to enemy demos but oh god well we didn't have to wait too long did Lee and and their pressure says no no no no no no please no yeah and he he will lose a lot of units as well everybody and Willis he overextends with his hand cannons and so everybody's getting rekt and and this is the signal for Honi to go in and try and take the center yet again well look at this trade card from Lois look at that guy go he's gonna make it to 52 gold er in that trade cart mm I actually has lost this yet but yeah he loses it now Owen to matrix has control again I think this is like hot potato I don't think you want this right now if you are not in a position to try and win the game you probably don't want to lose your unit's there then again to matrix has only trash and he has tons of gold so maybe he does want to lose those and and get some stronger units in the center why fire ships well justice for Pluto I find fast fire ships to be very good here because why our galleons strong well masked galleons are strong because you can hit and run but in king of the hill you don't you can't run otherwise you lose the monument so fires are good in close quarters and whatever send the center is not going to leave so I think fast fires are arguably better here but then of course you know with so many demos out you might want to have galleons to snipe the demos before they come in so crazy extremists says I'm really liking how responsive these players are playing yeah I like this cheeky move from to matrix where he's he's he's attack rounding yellows units he's being sneaky here yellow is his ally matrix is like he will never notice he'll never notice oh god that was a bad idea that was a real bad idea to matrix what did you think what did you think was gonna happen man you think he wasn't gonna notice that you think he was gonna notice that good lord good lord oh geez see bad thank you men thank you for gifting those subs 10 subs well oh Lord what a game this could be the longest game of age of empires history we just don't know we might even we might not even be halfway there so to all the people who received those gifted subs as possible many of you were lurking enjoy the emotes huge demo shot there honi he wants this he's back in business ladies he's back in business so let's get a refresher on those situations with resources Willis not too bad 200 pop not too bad pony he again is in the best position by far tomato X actually has great resources but this guy is obsessed with trash I think he said he's good he would name his firstborn trash baby or something which is a horrible name I'm pretty sure that the government would not allow you to keep your baby if you named it trash baby but hopefully he's not going to do that in real life it's just that Age of Empires you should make something other than trash here when you have the gold Vietnamese elephants would be strong Navy would be strong I don't know what it is he's obsessed with trash so if there's any hoarders out there you can maybe get some of your junk and give it a to matrix I Willis now takes control the sensor what a game what a game and and Willis sees the demos and he goes uh-uh no I'm not doing this maybe like Ryder said earlier you should just go for the freaking King's Knight because nobody you're gonna lose resources going for the center anyway so just try and snipe a king maybe maybe that's what you have to do nine hours baby enjoy the immense thank you see VAD for the bits now it's been a long stream you know I was gonna cook food after this but it's gonna be past 9:00 p.m. I might I always do this on community game day I say I'm gonna cook and then I end up oh oh oh interesting will this is turning on teal then after a while afterwards they end up going out to eat Indian food or sushi or something so my point might actually be proven here remember I said if people start attacking each other and going for Kings then one person could could win the center easier so at the moment because of Willis's move teal is now distracted from going to the center and Honi has free reign over it what's blue up to 111 pop he does not have enough pointy boys so yeah I think they all need to focus on the center again and quick because again Honi is in a very strong position here if demos hurt aren't doing some work but it's not a crazy amount and ander preciouses Orange Leaf those trebs behind all my goodness no wonder Willis doesn't have gold anymore he has more than a dozen trebuchet is he has four eight yeah he's more than dozen traps and a precious his focus Center won't attack you next time you have it okay fair enough does teal trust the condos because he could easily flatten these Willis realizes he's repenting now he says okay we need to focus Honi this is true this is true pony can make anything he wants these resources anything he wants it seems like he doesn't have food but he does it's just that units already queued up in his barracks he's in a amazing position here I think it's now or never for Honi make a move now fifty years you only have one first in fighting you that is a luxury in this game so just go for it there's a lot of sea geometers from teal the teal could maybe send in here to use but I don't know if you want to risk the sea geometers just yet maybe wait for the Pats the last twenty years and that time is quickly approaching here the constant production now from Coney and green remember he he had to reboot his populations not great still to matrix he has 7k gold he's not using the gold and he's losing these trebuchet he was trying to send forward an attack so to matrix isn't doing anything it's got to be Willis it's got to be an to pressure and maybe blue with his pointy boys but we're of a god I think you just lost them in center right so they have to go now and to see chubsters on the road is a really bad move so I think Honi could finally be there and the C geometers they can maybe get a few shots in before they go down but they're all gonna go down the demos are coming in as well fire my friend I'll get some shots off Oh God blue says okay guys that's it for me I'm legit out of everything Honi is just outlasted them and I don't see anything from Willis just yet beyond some huh stars maybe could work Navy and I mean this game is set a really high standard for skill everyone's been playing well but now Honi has a hundred and twenty military and it's all going to be in the center so the early stage of this game set such a high bar it's always going to be difficult to keep that up because players run out of resources players run out of economy blue has green has I do think to matrix could have done a bit more he's trying with auditors but ah measures won't work there's some demo ships you know if they clear up the unit's in the center then maybe their hope is that that yellow will lose control the center and at least a countdown will restart tails here with a few see janitors as close still not enough yellow still has units here and eight years remaining I think honies going to take this finally it could be a photo finish but it feels like he is just enough he just needs one unit in the center five years remaining now honi with a great strategy at great hold because remember he was three be ones for a while he's gonna get this victory ideal yeah they called the gg great game great game n that was an awesome game honi finally finally gets a victory this guy's been playing in community games for over a year honi something you need to know about Honi he gets attacked first almost every single game it's really interesting and sometimes he won't even say anything you won't even do anything but people team up on him if you remember the game we did which was France he was attacked there's various ones I think one was Eagle's Nest which was a YouTube video from six months ago he's attacked early oftentimes the guy goes down to two or three population and he just can't get back into it well this time they didn't attack him and this is what the guy can do he finally gets his win so Honi says oh boy that feels great congrats man Congrats yeah he did get the corners he had an amazing strata the achievements he had 1800 kills on this game 1800 kills I wonder how many kills came from Harborside be interesting to see I wish the stats could be broken down like that like how many how many kills you got from siege how many kills you got from this unit or that unit there's the eco difference he had less golden Willis believe or not I don't know how that's possible I know Willis head to one corner but still lots of gold for him honi lots of wood as well which is always important very well played honey very well played everybody though that whole game was fantastic you know this is the last game at the stream and that was sick for the last game sometimes it can be a little bit lackluster because I'm tired but that kept me energetic the whole time so thank you max Andy Rocksteady you're welcome man thank you for 17 months thank you thank you of course if you're watching this on youtube and you like to check out the twitch action you could do so by clicking the twitch link below in the video description we do community games every single Thursday and of course I'm casting expert games and and classic games on other days as well let's see the conversions that would be here 216 considering god of the godless was up against the harbor's and up against the the Koran bits and the two-handed swordsmen and the helps that's a lot of conversions that hurts my eye hurts my wrist just thinking of all that clicking there because for every conversion he got he probably failed with about four so yeah that's that's a lot of work right there god of the godless yeah of course honey he's a good player he's a good player I was worried that he was gonna steamroll you again though honey I really was is that oh boy ponies next to the best player in the game Tony's dead surprise surprise
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 33,591
Rating: 4.914712 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, wow, omg, lul, t90Woo, strats, funny, impressive, sick
Id: Rphacko1RT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 15sec (3975 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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