ECL Africa 2v2 | Finland vs Heresy | Full Best of 3!

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hey this is a best-of-three in the escaped Champions League tournament this is a 2v2 between the heresy team and the salami team I apologize in advance I might call the heresy team coachers there was an announcement recently that the coachers team has been renamed heresy and they now have a sponsor so that's exciting stuff for Age of Empires 2 now I know they have a sponsor but it's still going to be very difficult for them today because we have suomi aka Finland aka winland up against them and they are extremely good when it comes to team games we have max one of the best players in the world in my opinion here he's playing as the Mayans in the teal and then in the blue we have zu p zu P is playing as the Spanish in the blue up against su p we have Mateus this guy's also known as Melkor so if I say Melkor I don't want you to be confused you know now he's playing as the Franks and then we have mr spring the spring is playing as the Mayan so we have Franks and Mayans and we have Mayans in Spanish there are different maps that we will see in this section of the tournament and there are different saves that they have to choose from in between games I can show you the SIVs let's make it a bit easier for you and then maybe you as viewers at home can think about hmm should they've chosen the super sure they're not have chosen the sieve it's obvious to me as Roche says in the chat that with Spanish and Mayan Swamy wants to get castles up they want to use their unique units did I say salami and Mayans or Spanish in mines I don't know I'm getting warmed up today Spanish you usually wouldn't pick them unless you're gonna go Scouts into archers or Scouts into walls and then a castle in conquistadors so I'm interested to see how this plays out this map is called gorge and well surprise surprise there's there's a gorge here and there's tons of stone there so this is quite interesting actually this is the first time I've seen this map and actually casted it you see how there's no stone around the players TCS so if you want to get a castle up you need to go into the gorge which is extremely risky I feel obviously the finland's players are confident enough with that I just wonder how they will secure that area we'll find out soon enough now you could just go straight archers if you're Mayans you don't have to go plumes you don't have to take that risk there are plenty of gold piles that can be walled in for max here wall on the front I don't know there are options that's a cool map I like it you know if this was a community game map this would all be water and we'd see a lot of demos but I don't think we'll see that I believe you can dock here but you cannot send the navy overtop the land there's only a few areas you can hit if this goes super late game you could send villagers forward get supremacy with your Spanish fills send bills forward dock and make some cannon galleons dock and kill the trade with cannon galleons be an interesting idea so far so good for these teams I'd really like to see heresy do well it is going to be tough for them they are one of two teams in the top eight that are playing here that just missing a little bit of something but they have potential I would say that the heresy team and Vietnam legends they they have this skill they just oh goodness supey they're good players they're just not quite up to the skill of the other players and the other teams so to those here on my twitch jet - every sub here today every resub every dono whatever that may be any alerts it is on silent so the alert will still show up however it will not read out I will read it out in between games during big tournaments it's important for me that I am focusing primarily on the games I don't want it to be quite as many distractions oh look at this you go from spring getting in here just at the right time he will not kill Max's villager but this at least delays Max's walls and now spring will just run away smart thinking and spring is trussing okay so already we see a big difference in strategy between the Mayan players on the left-hand side max is trying to full wall this one and here come the militia and the militia should stop the wall off this is great for the heresy team walls from Mateus going up and he might be fast castling this and all honesty guys and going to to lumber camps he's on he'll be on 24 pop I think we were seeing a fast castle as well from zu p who ah they're taking the stone here gotcha so I think both the Finland's players are trying to go for a fast castle but the walls for max being delayed this is a big deal spring is gonna kill a villager look at this play he's blocking the Ville with the eagle and he kills it and still this is wide open for max he has no form of military to defend so he will not get that well okay maybe t90 babe there maybe that chick will sneak over there and finish it off but still this is not ideal you don't want this idle time you do not want to have your walls delayed so the drush was kind of a risk here you could have easily ran into walls but because of how active Springs eagle was he's able to get in here and that's a good rush for him and he is going drush into rush fast castle I assume though you'll notice spring has knocked on the stone so he will not go for plumes as far as I know hmm so the game plan for the Finland's players is pretty obvious zu p should get two conquistadors we'll see about max i matching max will get his castle up but he's trying to deal with this see that that's six villagers that was just idle not collecting food here three Lumberjacks they're not collecting wood this all adds up and that is the purpose of AD rush so uh so to the mods that are here in the stream if we could either delete the map commands or just keep up with it today they'd be great I know that you these guys are not paid employees right so you don't have to be here all day of course but just you can just delete the commands honestly unless you one of you is gonna be here all day let's keep up with it because otherwise I'll just confuse people I always tell my mods they're not obligated to stick around they're just people who also enjoy the stream just like just like all of you so max was down some sheep look at this he didn't have the sheep he funny enough can't send the Sheep back because of Springs militia this is not a good FC for him this is not a good fast castle for him his feudal ages later than everyone and he doesn't have the food just yet I'm sure he'll get there but it's quite late and spring is going to be in the castle aged faster and I do think spring will make an archery range but we will see mateus cooks up to castle age first and he will be going Knights surprise surprise with Franks he loves his horse civilizations zippy and max a bit slow with their times so all the waling may be hurting them this is not what I would have expected I've watched these guys play a lot max just needs to get his blacksmith up and then he will click up but you can see his build is definitely off he is 500 stone now before he clicks up to castle age normally he'd be at around 300 or 400 and then when you hit castle age you have just enough for a castle but he couldn't balance it as much as he would like so what what my vision is for my twitch channel is that we don't need a lot of commands I know that other twitch streams have commands or people type exclamation mark map and it gives you the answer on the map but what I want is for the person that's used to typing exclamation mark map I want that person to say hey guys what's the map communicate talked community oriented right so uh hey guys what's the map can you help me out I forget what the name of the map is can you guys help me what is it yo is no one answering pilgrims maybe we need commands there we go there we go props thank you guys so two stables for Mateus spring he's going with crossbows so he will have military before max it's just down to if max will have the time and I think max will have the time he's now stonewalling up somewhere in Sweden fat slob is smiling and he should be able to get a castle up where do they build it I think you have to build it at home right you can't really build it in this Gorge he's gonna build on the front most likely okay so he built it there and then zu P builds it here so in terms of overall strength that can key sewers and the plumed archers will be better than the Knights and the crossbows so the Finland's players it's been a little bit rough for them but it's certainly fine now and they're just gonna hold with their walls and now they're running back into the bases they should and I don't think they're really exposed it's almost as if the Finland team thought about the fact that there will be a lot of walling on this map and so they didn't go for a night sieve while as spring and Mateus they thought well we want that melee with the Knights and arranged with the archer combo which is standard in Suvi twos but maybe that's not the way to play on this map because here comes the 2v1 mateus has the mobility he's on his way in and he'll just see a castle soon yeah now they could attack this stone wall but even then before you know it max will have enough plumes to hold so now what do they do Phil counts are dead even across the board lots of T C's being placed this will likely go late-game and spring he's not on any stone so he is sticking with crossbows and you know the more I think about it now the more I think that this is gonna hurt for the heresy team because booms are better than the crossbow route much stronger than the crossbow route much more mobile which will also be important now Knights that could still work out of course but he just can't get in here there's only four conquistadors 4zu P but he's house wall behind tier wisely knowing that Matias is looking for a way in he runs into the houses and he just continues to attack those houses and the conquistadors will run over behind the houses and and shoot the Knights and it will force Monta his back and we'll say economically zu P and max they've done a great job they have more villagers ready but will the heresy team be able to get through I think max is needed here max needs to help zu P out the house is gonna go down spring with vodka narrow now he will be able to arrange the conchs and here come the plumed archers see the plumed archers they don't have a lot of upgrades yet that's because max is opted to go for more economy first because they want to be stronger later on in this game but that is a risk luckily for zu P his TC seem to be protecting most of this area but he will need to garrison some bills and I I don't think that the heresy team can send reinforcements now they might consider running back here do you want to stay here because there's really no way out the new reinforcements are getting killed by the plumes actually I say getting killed Maxton Micra when he doesn't have bodkin so not really and okay they're forcing idle time they're underneath the TC one villager goes down as actually two villagers three villagers has died here for zu P so now Mateus has more villagers than zu p and zu p has a lot of idle time so here come the plumed archers and with vodka narrow I think this will eventually end for the American players but goodness the value Springs crossbow micro has been so good as well look at that another three villagers down the aggression has paid off so I would say this is a shock this is this would be an upset if heresy word a bit win the best of three and they've done a hell of a job so far in Game one zu P is really struggling now more villagers going down and this is on top of all the idle time he's had Wow and the Knights are still here the Knights are still running around I'm not sure why max ran where's he going does he want to cut off the reinforcements what on earth is happening here plus two defense coming in Mateus is just wrecking zoo pea soup he doesn't know where to go he's losing villagers here and here now it will not stop Wow so they need to wall this up and what it came down to was Mateus and spring we're gonna have more military in early castle age because they didn't need the castles for it if they were walled out then eventually the Finland's players would have been stronger but I don't know about that now I don't know about that zu pees way behind and I'll be honest he's he's been thrown off a little bit he's also been sloppy because these villagers just keep running to their death but look at that KD for spring look at that KD from a taste it's been incredibly strong and here comes spring again zu P is repairing these houses and if spring gets here max his plumes aren't even fighting oh my god what is happening I'm so surprised by this I did not wake up this morning and expect to see Finland's getting rekt by heresy this is insane they kill another villager the house will go down and they will come in with another batch of units this is this is a dominant display this is one of those games that if spring was Viper and Mateus was slammed everyone be like oh my god secret is so good so dominant ah but since it's heresy we're just like what what is happening here really good display and you know now spring is on stone so he could still go for blooms max is unable to pressure spring at also the fact that spring doesn't have a castle at home defensively isn't an issue because max can't afford to go forward and geez 32 deaths for zoobi this is this is just insane and spring loves his crossbow micro again picking off villagers you know he went for early ballistics he went for two archery ranges and man has that risk fade off it's almost like zu P doesn't want his villagers he's twenty Vil's behind everyone max he's known for carrying in these situations he's needed and with the Frank Knights constantly on top of zoo P I really don't see how how Zoop he's gonna be able to get back into this anytime soon and you get you got to give a lot of credit to Matthias for how he's been moving his nights around as well there's a lot of small things that he's doing that I can't really touch on yeah making sure the wall off doesn't happen focusing on the monks now and he will kill them and spring is just picking off bills I'm surprised I am really surprised by this but I'm really happy about it as well because again as I said I think spring and Mateus they they have this skill but they haven't played together as long as the Finland guys have they haven't performed all that well despite having this skill and I've been listening to these two talking on teamspeak a lot recently on their streams it's interesting to see what their dynamic is like all right max cooks up to the Imperial age it's gonna come down to if max can carry max has one castle he will build a second he will get all of his upgrades first and Springs oh wow this is gonna be interesting spring he's not even close not even close to clicking up to him and that's because of the aggression he's gone for now my taste is certainly pretty close I think he could click up soon and obviously soupy he's not gonna be in the imperial e2 anytime soon either I just wonder who they pressure next assuming that melkor clicks up to the imperial age soon do they just go with with the cavalier or paladin's right to max I don't know they're doing a good job I think that because max has cooked up to em so early he doesn't have quite as many military numbers so they could actually they could start killing tea seasons OOP he's Basin if they're not careful cuz look at all the Knights coming in and Melkor does look up to him and this is not the first time that he's cut off max from helping his ally Springs getting thumb ring guess the question will be is that an upgrade that you need right now because it's quite expensive and he's having some food issues so I don't know about that but he is going to be on his second castle that will certainly make his crossbows even stronger we'll her says t90 thank you for speaking the way you do English is not my native language when I'm able to understand you while still learning while joke's on you man I've been speaking incorrect English for the last three years so anytime you speak English to your friends you're not speaking it correctly it was just a trick now I'm kidding I'm kidding I am of course kidding you're welcome man you're welcome all these native English speakers are like what he's been tricking me what my whole life is a lie all right max gets bodkin arrow and he'll clean up the crossbows and this is the moment this is the moment where spring and Melkor need to be careful the spring arrives with some plumes of his own and some crossbows he does not have bracer and the nights are not Cavalier yet I don't know if you want to fight this uphill I think you need to pull back this is where you take advantage of the cheap Frank castles you start building castles on all the hills you see like spring is and you have to secure trade as well so you need to get your corner and you need to start adding markets since they have the advantage heresy they can actually afford to trade right now it's not a risk whereas the finland players they can't do so really they can try but of course it will be awkward with all the military from the opponents here if there is one player in the game who can hold in the situation like this I'd say there's probably two three I take that back three there's Viper there's Leary and there's max those are the only three players I think they could bring it back for their team and max he has good population they have added markets they are starting to trade he's getting coinage so what he will do here in a second as he will start sending all the food that he has over to zu P because he's just making plumed archers which is gold and wood and the trades right there guys the trait is right there but they need to do it they need to do it so spring will stick with blooms Mateus will of course go for the franc paladins and I think he's about to click that pout and upgrade as we speak now he's oh he's taken a great fight there they'll clean up so many plumed archers spring needs to stop great positioning from melkor's paladin's also let's keep in mind that the Finland's players will have Spanish trade so they get a little bit more gold for trip and that will help them get back into this game potentially it's also interesting that the markets can be in the corners for the heresy team and because of this wood line that's not the case for the Finland team so they get they are getting slightly less gold I guess that's not a good fight for spring a little bit of miscommunication there that is not what they need right now the spring needs to wait for his upgrades before he takes these fights and look at all those dead bodies max his KD is looking good now he is the most kills on the game 76 kills 38 deaths guys he is on three castles before you know it will be four zu P is researching cavalier this game is not over and spring is trying to place a castle there max just as he swings resources to zu P he sees this and I don't think he'll deny it but he will kill a lot of villagers and he's going to trade verse Springs army so I do think now that spring with thumb ring and a few of the upgrades he went for it is maybe a bit too much because his imperial age was slower here comes Matthias though Matthias loops around I was definitely surprised and this engagement is good that's a very good bite max can't get his plumes through well done yet again paladin is on the way from a taste as well and this is just as zu P is finishing the cavalier upgrade so still the finland players are behind and that was not good max needed to hold his numbers now this could easily be a long game because there are Hill advantages in age of empires so max despite being behind he will have an advantage holding his Hill Springs trebuchet wanted to be a plumed Archer apparently and well that's why you you were a trebuchet you just would have died and paladin's on the way for zu P now as well this game is not over guys they just have to get zu p back into this and max he signals and says they're coming to you my friend they're comin to you I'm coming to help but dupeys stonewalled it's just that this is very open and the Cavaliers are going right into the trade line they could go right into the economy as well good kill every trade cart you can this also gives spring an opportunity to push forward so max has to hold his Hill with very little military as spring starts revving him down and can the heresy team finish off the game here they will kill villagers they will kill trade I don't think this will be enough but it will definitely help the next wave because here comes Melkor and melk we're sending more paladins through max is trying to build a castle here that could be denied so many paladins zu p he doesn't have his own paladins yet what a game 1 for heresy spring repairing his castles in the center he's actually not attacking Max's Castle he's attacking Max's trip so Springs out a disadvantage here and he's going to lose both of his castles at this rate Melkor chasing the trade down and max really needs to get its plumed archers there to have something ranged the castle was denied they need to just push up the middle now Springs in trouble because he lost those castles but he's still ok I think it leaves him with six right so really not the end of the world they need to get the plumes in the trade here come the plumes from spring if Melkor can get enough paladins on top of Max's blooms which he's going for now then sprinkle run right into the trade and we might see the gg because there's very little gold left on this map the spring has probably patrolled here and he patrolled into the mining camps this is a position to run forward if you're spring I'm sure he'll realized soon enough he's also he is able to kill some trade boys here I guess he should probably split his group up but hey look at this he kills Max's castle I think Finland is done for in Game one I don't see any way back I don't see the paladins from zu P doing anything I see very few of them and yeah they're just chasing down some random paladin's from Melkor and here comes spring and they have no response to this the GG's gonna be cold this is going to be it how are they gonna fight this back here they don't have gold they can barely fight it back with some gold that's got to be the game there max is gonna lose the Streb you chase everything's falling apart and heresy is going to take Game one I hate to call it early but I think it's pretty obvious right now Wow and you can tell Finland maybe they're surprised they don't want to give it up but I think they have to now max is making some barracks getting scale mail maybe considering Eagles or it had to be it has to be Eagles you can't go helps hobbits just died to the plumes maybe he expected that his castles would go down ok spring he'll lose his plumes if he stays here and they're gonna keep trying this would be quite a comeback would be a strong combination of a comeback and a throw I think if if when ones were to win this so what there's a few things I would have liked to have seen from spring and it's really just how he used his plumes initially I think if he had some of his plumes here and some of his plumes here they would have killed a lot more trade and then right in that moment he probably should have ran just just run further into the trade route but I don't think it matters I don't think I don't think max can hold and if you look at the trade numbers it is there's such a huge lead from Alcorn spring the spring is now sending gold and wood to his ally whoa Matisse is just hugging Conscription who what that's that's quite an important upgrade so you can create the paladin's faster this guy's such a madman he did this without content click bait I'm pumped I'm pumped this makes his best for you so much better because now the favorite team will have to win two games in a row again I am assuming that Finland will call it here they're still trading and you know what zoo P has 63 paladins so maybe I am calling it early it's just max now max doesn't have the plume numbers that that's the issue and if you're on the heresy team you just need to protect your trebs you you don't need to to go for trade raids now you're pretty far into Max's base max only has two castles he's actually buying stone as well which of course is his limited gold supply so that's not easy to do they have to kill the trebs and zu P has so many fountains you know can they hold this spring he needs to attack the castle here spring attacked the castle he's attacking the plumes I don't know about that zu p definitely had more powtoons there but mel course arriving with more and spring he does have 80 military and he's he is whittling down and plumed archers of Max and then he can go for the castle they still have enough and there's the Gee Gee that is game number one in this best of three so guys I'm gonna toggle out real quick we'll come back into the game I'm gonna talk about real quick just to give you an idea of what we're gonna see today so this is a to beat the 2v2 section of the escaped Champions League tournament heresy was formerly coaches you can see there on that scoreboard or all Matt scheduled it is Swami and heresy this is a best of three so it's it's very important for teams that they not only advance for prize pull money but if they advance they also they get points for which adds up throughout this year-long event to qualify for the land and in all honesty the heresy team they haven't been getting a lot of points and Suomi they still need a little bit more I'd say because I think they're in the top three or top four so this is a big result we will have two more games and we'll get to that in a moment this is a big first game for heresy we'll see if they can keep going there's the KD mateus such a strong player when it comes to paladins man I said that yesterday on stream when he was playing arena and this is a completely different map and it was a team game and it's pretty obvious al played out the the castle age decisions from Mateus and spring worked and I think it surprised the Finland's players because max couldn't get his walls up initially then zu P he was to be wand and then it's snowballed from there great game you so this whole thing will be uploaded as the best of three to YouTube most likely so youtube hey what's up how you doing so ami is pronounced more like sore me not sOooo me well I'm gonna say Swami but thank you I I and other casters have called them sOooo me for far too long to start changing up pronunciations now grand thank you very much for four months he said best ECL cast thank you you're welcome dude Adrian think of the hundred bits I will hell says finally I caught you streaming thank you very much for your efforts you're welcome dude thank you for the prime negara thank you for to cause chaos thank you for the new sub littlez empty thank you for 6 Sark cell and Willis thank you guys for the subs Willis that was your third resub today men you're a legend and with all the new subs I'd like to remind you that we are I will do a 24-hour stream if we hit 2,000 subs please don't please don't hit that within the next few months though can we wait till December I don't I don't want to hit that this month now is if a 28 is still here he gifted a crap-ton of subs almost a month ago so I'm kind of waiting to lose a hundred subs I think I'm not sure about tomorrow I might take tomorrow off and then Monday off and when I return I think will be the down large chunk but it's certainly doable I didn't didn't make a goal that was out of reach so I'm gonna take my time I'm gonna chill out a little bit in between games because I'll be casting solo all day today and I'm a little bit under the weather so I'm going to sip my tea so what did you think about that guys did that surprise people in the twitch chat give me your thoughts please that was that was unexpected how many Americans do I have in the chat can I get a one or a salute or a t90 whoo if you're an American I'm just curious if you're not from America you have to understand our team is not our country's been having problems okay we're not we have not been very dominant in the Age of Empires scene so it is very good for us to see that win I think about 50% of my my regular audience is American nowadays and then I think I think it's it's probably 40% American 40% European and then 20% other because we do have Australia India as two big countries what else we have Asia as well I have some people who watch from Asia I know a few viewers from Hong Kong forget where blue blue pill were you from again I'll know if he's still there Singapore got it okay oh yeah South America how did I forget about South America yet that statistic is probably way off South America is a large chunk of my viewers as well alright guys Game two will be coming up game two will be the map Serengeti so we'll see if Finland's can Serengeti back into this you oh the sibs I wanted to look at the sibs right um can can anyone link me the the settings for the SIVs because I don't have too much time I'd like to pull it up um well if not it's not a huge deal oh no I found it I found it okay cool look at me trying to make others do work for me so check this out this is the Africa to be to stage there's the brackets these are the maps and I can show you a picture of the maps again but these are the SIVs they have to choose from wait no they don't this is wrong I'm sorry I don't mean to confuse you guys well we'll get the the correct information I'll to you I it's quite complicated what goes on with this event like there's there's so many different stages and different settings I'll be honest it's hard for me to remember all of it so Noel OS is bzk okay so bzk is is the new el OS and heresies and new kocher's you you hmmm this T is just quality quality you those are correct saves it's it's one from the pool one free pick yeah I was I was just asking I think that the first game is free pick and then the second game is probably from the pool so I just didn't want to say it out loud until I was sure but I think for the next game they'll have to choose sips from the pool it will be Serengeti and they'll have Berbers byzantines Ethiopians Franks Italians Malians Portuguese stairs and Spanish Turks to choose from two V two matches must utilize at least one of the sieve pulses each game as long as there are no repeats so that would mean that they cannot go for that the finland players can't go for spanish again basically yeah we'll see I'm not too worried about it this is a year-long event so I'm okay with just starting the game seeing what the saves are and and casting it once we start getting down to the excuse me the final stages a few months prior to the land and all of that that's when we'll really want to pay close attention you you either you guys are ashamed or not completely honest about what what are we not honest about that I'm probably missing part of your conversation Oh about Trump yeah let's not talk about politics I don't want to talk about politics no thank you you know what when I'm when I'm casting Age of Empires I want to talk about Age of Empires I want to have a good time every time you look on social media now people are just talking about stressful things like politics and blah blah blah blah blah no thank you people don't come here for that people don't come here for that all right guys here we are this is game number two on Serengeti and this is again between Suomi aka Finland's and heresy who was formerly known as coachers coachers were amazing last time around it was it was insane I did not expect it I'm not sure if Finland expected it either this map is a lot more aggressive than the last one in early game so we'll see what the strats will be we have spring in the pink this time switching up the colors making it difficult for the viewers of course he's playing as the Mongols and then his ally is mateus who's playing as the Malians up against Matthias we then have zubi zubi as plain as the Franks and in the teal we have the max and with me I have my favorite Canadian t90 Dave what's up man hey how's it going chat you didn't talk to you didn't talk in Game one what's up with that man I know it was I I couldn't figure out anything I wanted to say cheese well hopefully you save some words for this one I guess you're gonna be doing mostly casting now so get ready for it so I saw this yesterday with some of the the discord games from our viewers here and it's a very open map there's not a lot of ways to protect your wood lines and I'm really curious just how this will be played out maybe we can still see the scouts and and Archer combo that you see on Arabia but this is going to be a tough map to to uh I guess protect for all the players well I mean we've got two really good Scout early Scout ships here yeah uncles and Franks so I I'd be so surprised if we didn't see a ridiculous number of scouts yeah you could go Scouts also there's one L which is 400 food and I believe there's six let's see four zebra and there's ostrich I'm seeing because five zebra and three awesome yeah so it's maybe eight total deer so you have a bit more food than usual and that would certainly help with Scouts I guess just so open yeah if you're picking Franks you're going Scouts right yeah for sure you're going Scouts if you're Franks and I'm really curious about the the heresy team because we have Malians and Mongols both of which could go for Scouts you probably want your your Mongol player to go archers because Malians late-game they won't be able to where they shouldn't be going our bolused but I guess we'll see Mongols would traditionally go Scouts all right I'm gonna turn you up a little bit go ahead this would be a good test ooh can you hear me now chat you're pretty good can you can you say testing 1 2 3 nope yeah you're pretty close I think that's this closes it'll get okay so Matea since spring already getting loom and spring is only at 17 population so that means he wants to click up he's pushed in most of his zebra he is 5 on wood this has got to be Scouts for him right oh he's creating another Vil what holy forgot the mill he forgot the male oh god man he's been doing that Komuro to off yeah yep for USA Cup he forgot that he needs the buildings oh that's so painful in such an important game well luckily he's still Mongol so he will be faster but it's obvious to me that the strategy is a little bit different for the Finland's players they're going up later to fuel age we say later and it's still 20 pop-up which is pretty fast but uh there will be a slight advantage for heresy early on when they see that Matias is up first before the player they're gonna be like wow yeah you know another thing that'd be strong on this man at arms and you see the barracks now for max he'll probably get loom after this villager and then he'll start advancing a few late wrote tickled yeah he's gone man and what we've seen I've seen max go men-at-arms a lot and he's really good at it like he's got the build down pat he definitely does and he has the sieve for it for sure he could go for more than three because why don't you normally invest in into more than three men-at-arms it's because people can wall you out but look at these wood lines look at Matthias is with line look at Springs with line you can't really wall that man also Matthias is like the one section of his base where he's got the two golds in the stone yes all you have to do is hang around there yeah it's really important to him if you secure that area but of course max doesn't know that yeah Jupe could maybe see it and go forward at some stage I believe zu P will be going for Scouts and then I guess man and arms into archers so I like the compositions better spring is going for booth Springs trying to lame a Ville for max no okay yeah her I heard the attack sound there it's just weird how the heresy players are both going for Scouts he's being really annoying with that Scout man don't lose it oh no oh man that's always so annoying when you're max is positioning like yes I'm gonna get him and then just missed and the thing max has to keep in mind now he's got those two wounded villagers he has to keep them close too close to home now yeah he does you have to think about right and spring is doing a great job with this Scout not only being annoying but he sees that Max has villagers on golds now I don't know if he saw that there are man-at-arms coming his way but he did wall up his wood line as best as he could and here come the man-at-arms for max and they're not going to the right side they're on the left side yep and all the players right now are trying to get walls down yeah I like what's up E what's up he's done he's trying to secure the entire base rather than just walling an individual wood lines yeah yeah definitely seems like with the compositions and the style the Finland players are expecting to take this into Castle age because they're not being over aggressive whereas when you have two players ghost Scouts that can really hurt you later on so far the scouts haven't really done all that much for the heresy team great job from Finland yeah we'll see though I mean Finn that's kinda on the back foot right now even if you go up to Castle age faster you never want to be stuck in your own little area right yep with your enemy wandering around outside oh man look at these men in arms at one trees at twenty wood could easily over chop this but great awareness from spring spring is also sending more Scouts will soon have five right next to Max's base and Max has just placed a lumber camp spring doesn't see it but there are some villagers there that are exposed Owen a spear gets whittled down springs into the wood line wow that's one villager at least yeah and he could even trade versity Archer trade mercy Archer yes great stuff spring has been playing extremely well in those man-at-arms are in though I think he's gonna lose a villager here he did manage to wall them out in time hmm so trades it had either their bases yeah but there's Matt to you the others a 2v1 max is losing another villager he just can't get the archers going he's gonna lose one more they're gonna let her live she speak she's seeking just trying to get away she should get away what no she'll get no you gotta kill her come on you have Frank Scouts I like how she's just chillin there she's she's not interested in running at all and now she's dead and on the berries as well he lost another all those all those deaths I think two of them are spearmint so or no one spearmint one Archer maybe the problem though is they threw their military leave for that and now soupy he's going over to mateus base in domenase doesn't have military to hold you don't want to create more Scouts here he lost the spear already this is not gonna be easy these are Frank scouts from Zoo P he just needs one more spear there and yeah one more maybe and all the moanin arms got into Springs wood line as well I I see 3 villager bodies there that see that's the risk that's the risk when you try and wall on individual wood lines as you said Dave it's so tough on a map like this this map like it's just some aspects of it are just so open like look at where max is towering in the back of his base you should never have to Tower yeah yep ever but the map is extremely open and look what Zoop he's done speaking about open space yeah look at that he knows how to wall he's played fat's off a few times I just I'm thinking about the transition here Springs created a lot of Scouts if he doesn't do damage with these Scouts in theory his castle time will be a lot later than the other players here he goes max trying to find holes in Max's base there's a hole there's a hole in Springs wood line max can run in there there's a hole right between the houses but he sits behind the wood line and now Springs in big trouble man he'll lose another villager he's lost a lot of his Scouts at Max's base and this is the risk of having two people go Scout one person could be transitioning into archers and on the back wood line for spring zoo P arrives oh it's all falling apart for the heresy team well spring lost two villagers there and so both of them are behind the Finland team they haven't kept up villager pretty yeah I also think that spring lost a few more than we saw because of how aggressive this has been you know but he's in he's in on Max's base again yeah it's not giving up on the pressure like it's a delicate balance on how much military you keep at home and how much pressure you put forward on your enemy up and he's sending a few archers let's see now so spring is transitioning into archers Zippy's on the way to Castle 8 for Finland that's not a good sign for heresy spring loses another villager at home by the way he has quite a few idols zu P is coming over to help and I think Springs archers and Scouts will do nothing look at Zoo peas KD six kills one death very safe at home Maxis has just been taking the pressure and zu P will probably go for more than one stable it will be too is I don't really see a counter to the Knights from M heresy either yeah well be super safe Malian camels but Matthias is he's gonna be behind and you know on Arabia which is actually less open than this you could maybe make make a bunch of Spears defensively but I don't know if a few defensive Spears would be enough you need quite a few but this is the moment to hit max before zoo P arrives spring has Spears he has archers coming forward probably feels like they're behind and maybe they could trade a little bit versus max I like how Max went forward while he was being attacked and walled that one side so they they're forced to come across his production buildings now yeah they want to get into his face yes really smart walling from Finland's and honestly we wouldn't have seen that being a possibility in Dark Age but that is a skill that is a skill to see the map and know where you can wall the easiest we have not seen that too much from the I keep wanting to say coach was the heresy team but as I say that Matthias is walling up and if he can get these walls completed before Knights arrived then maybe he can hold it a little bit longer it's still only Palisades though and there's hills there yeah the Knights can bust through that pretty quickly well on the plus side he has camels and he has lots of resources he'll hit castle H now where's the first wave of Knights gonna go is zubi gonna go right to spring because if so Springs in trouble yo Springs trying to like if spring can get some more buildings down maybe but it's not gonna be in time he's pretty compact there in that base maybe he could defend against it yeah as long as as long as he doesn't over chop again cuz these trees have a little bit more wood than your average tree so as long as he has an over chop the right wood line he's camping the back wood line and his gold is kind of safe so you're right he might be able to hold the problem is he's not close to clicking up he really needs to click up soon yeah it's equal capper truce you think yeah he's gonna go very aggressive I think we'll stay 1tc which is spring style and go crossbow in the cab archers see the walls that he made initially like the way he made his archery ranges it for Suzuki away yeah and zubi wasn't able to do damage and now spring has time a little bit of time anyway but so does max which is something you never want to give max yep so does Max and Max has Ethiopian archers and he will advance to the next stage now and he'll get the extra food and extra gold when he hits oh god there's a hole in Matisse's walls of course there is it's not as bad as it could have been he did a good job running that villager away and he'll get to that new TC and he's also setting Knights to max let's see yeah is there a hole in Max's walls I don't think so nope don't throw this army away Mateus yeah that's not good giving away free HP and Zoop he's doing a lot of damage he has +2 look at the dead bodies here he killed way more than I expected Mateus he sent his wave of knights forward he's knocking on the door at Max's base but he didn't get in and now he's getting destroyed at home and zu p with some fantastic micro this game 25 kills and 9 deaths and he has boom going at home he's already on to TCS it's almost on spring now is his spring needs to use these crossbows because he does have more than max it's almost on him to get a huge ball and get an advantage on Max's side because certainly on zu P and the taste aside but ace is behind it's gonna be tough that one hole just cost him so much there yeah and honestly that's not something that should happen I know that it's more difficult to follow and see the holes but at this level players should be clicking beyond the walls to see if there's a hole and plugging the gap especially when you leave yourself exposed like that spring better be careful not to go in here cuz max is getting crossbow and bawd can and yes brings out of there just noped noped right back to his base I'd like to see him get that hill just patrolling the hill next to the gold and then wait for Mateus to show up now max oh my goodness these are gonna be some powerful crossbows he's getting thumb ring right off the bat probably followed by yeah the University for ballistics poof man this is gonna be tough though spring has a lot more military than max look at that number yeah 46 it's insane he is more military than Vil's that's insanity what the hell that Mateus needs to get out of here man he needs to wait for spring spring needs to get a thumb ring as well I think especially if you're up against Ethiopian crossbows you you want to get thumb ring anyway he's trying to hammer that that University down yep and I think they almost I think Matias almost has to draw them in and spring has to Surprise them with the amount of crossbows that yes but Finland they're pretty comfortable with this and look at the Vil lead zu P has 67 bills Mateus is 49 so they know that they don't necessarily need to win fights they need to just protect themselves at home so it definitely is on heresy to push forward and maybe this is the hill where max and zu P will will park and hold or now they seem to be going back because the amount of numbers spring has yep and ballistics coming in for both players yeah and also keep in mind Mateus gets camel so whit with heavy camel he could kill the Frank paladin in late-game alright so they go back to this hill which is a better hill and these Knights are gonna get destroyed they can't run up that hill man look how fast these things fire look at the difference I don't see how they can push that hill it's gonna be tough they need a lot of upgrades quickly maybe would you go for a maganet here Dave just just to hope you could get a shot off no it's too exposed yeah it's too like it was right near his base sure but it's in the middle of the map yeah and all they have to do is send one night over yeah and there goes your investment spring is getting thumb ring now calves archers too coming out if spring that's the one gate potential game-changer for me here if spring could find a hole somewhere yeah and get him with calves archers like this map is so open he could decimate an eco and for those that don't know spring spring is very good with mobile units in fact Melkor and spring they they prefer their nights over there foot archers so this Springs in a good situation if he can get to 20 to 30 calves archers and here they are on the move now if finland is chasing them I'm just trying to follow the action here they've got to put pressure on Finland for yeah way too far ahead in the boom I'm pretty sure Sookie will Castle at home soon just to protect himself and zoo P is into Mattias is base again with some Knights but here comes the big fight in the middle out of position from Matias oh god this is so bad for them oh my god this is gonna be complete domination for Finland zu p hike the hill spring suit a really good job with his cross supposed to not get surrounded Matias is trying to clean up the Knights it might not be domination like you said it might be a fairly even fight we'll see Oh spring has two micro I just keep thinking about the fact that Max's Civ has faster firing crossbows and look how many knights survive for zoo fees Springs gonna lose his army that is not what they needed but as you said Dave it was kind of the time where they needed to take the fight yeah if they did finish that on the hill then they probably would be in trouble anyway because of how bad fuel age was for them spring tried to make that work there are two reasons Matias was out of position and they were too close to zoo pspace there yeah okay well zoo P could reinforce easily and Matias just wasn't protecting spring and here goes max up to Imperial age yep this is this is gonna be tough it's looking good for Finland in game number two in game number one they were surprised by this heresy team but now they're in a commanding lead both an economy and military and soon with the age they will be in so I don't even know if there is a way back now for the heresy team because I'm comparing the Eco of Mateus he said 70 bills it's 104 zoo P yeah and now of course there's a to be won Mateus he had his Gold's forward he has to leave that it does not get any better for him the only way Matias could defend against this is a castle which you out getting anytime soon yeah man and zu p he's he'll be building castles soon those cheap franc houses are so good because he knows surprises might be coming CAV archers might be coming and he'll start castling at home but look at max on the other side hold off those cross was just patrolling in the springs house I think I think the GG will come in shortly because once Max's in imp they have no response to this on both sides they have no response to it Dave did you happen to watch Game one at all okay Dave I can't hear you maybe Dave is is crying about the result here for those that didn't see game one game one was surprising to me Harris he played extremely well this map was definitely more open and Finland probably getting the result of people expected this happens every once in a while Dave's mic just stops working I don't know it's cool it's cool I can do this so max hits the imperial age bracer our blessed chemistry and the zoo pees gonna hit next there's just no way and there's the gg okay okay it's gonna say that there's just no way they can come back that came down to in my opinion the strategy choice from the USA players they both went for Scouts and then spring tried to transition into archers but it didn't really suit his eco he was behind a castle age and the first wave of Scouts was good from both of them however spring created more Scouts and I feel like maybe at that point you should have transition to archers the five or six extra Scouts he created might have cost him the uptime however you also have to consider okay I think I heard you again Dave you also have to consider that wood line he tried to wall up the man in arms maybe if you go immediately into archers and not Scouts that's not an issue for you not too sure but if you would have paid a bit closer attention to that maybe it would have saved those bills there's the KDS oopy complete domination look at the eco for zippy look at the food and gold difference and look at the KD it would have only gotten better for him as that game went on and we're gonna move on to Game three Game three will be on the map Sahara sweet yo Dave you good man I can't hear you if you're talking so no sorry my internet went out okay I got you sleep yeah I wasn't sure one of those situations where you were responding to me like giving your input and nobody could hear you know it was weird cuz the game kept running and like I was shouting at you and then you weren't saying anything exactly exactly I've been there before 1890 give us a few more seconds when you were switching through different stats yeah I can do that sorry man yeah I'll have to do that again for the next game I've no i bringing it up now my bad Adrian thank you for the hundred bits cat what's up thank you for the 14 months potato King thank you for the brand new sub chosen potato look at that all the potatoes thank you guys for the new subs and ro Dyer thank you for five your potato your potato man but are you the chosen potato that's that's the real question idiot we haven't done that in a long time that's coming back that's coming back that was like a good like happy yeah for a good half a year we'd just be like idiot all the time vault dweller thank you for a whole year now at Tier three chat that is crazy thank you the dude seriously and that's a lot of that's a lot of cash there dude that's it's a long time he's a ball game yeah he's a ball $25 sub that's that's yeah I mean that's crazy SEO thank you for 14 men welcome back man druid thank you for 10 said he's currently going through finals aren't men god it can help you out finals I guess so I this isn't no this isn't really the time where people go through finals but is it like some sort of other the baseball final fantasy league finals maybe maybe that's it well tell us like that probably really glad you could get here for the games today ma'am we're gonna have frantic verse a.m. after this so we have one more game this is the best of three and Friday but it was good I thought you were casting on escape oh no no it was like that's why I said I couldn't yes you know there's so much like preparation and pressure and all that other nonsense but your channel you just hop in whenever you want exactly I make it pretty easy I make it pretty easy for Dave if it's anyone else I want to know when they want to do it what time what their plan will be but with Dave McKean it just show up if you told me that I just never come on oh I know trust me I had to change my whole style for you I'm just kidding it's like the people from people from escape more like Robo every time he messages me I just feel bad because I just never respond he's like asking for my schedule you know it is yeah yeah just like I see it once and I mean to but it just don't robos insane man robos going to be awesome watch yet Robo for those who don't know robos been doing this for years he he'll admin multiple tournaments he subscribes to pretty much every Age of Empires stream he works his day job and does the admin thing on top of it which he's for the most part not paid for and he lives in Australia as well so currently for him it's it's uh let's see when we do my Robo calculator it's 122 wait this is confusing yeah it's something I think it's 1:00 a.m. for him yeah it's 1:00 a.m. for him and he's gonna stay up all through the night for this and he does this on a regular basis robos pretty insane and he's an organ donor so and he's in working cheese see I don't know if it would want those organs he puts his body through a lot for this I feel like that organ might might not be the highest quality like organ gun idiot all right all right guys welcome welcome to game number three this is between heresy and suomi and this is well not for all the marbles but this is the quarters and it's important if you want to get to the semies we have the max in the teal he's playing as the Britons and we have his ally zu P who is playing as the Malians in the blue and up against OOP yet again we have Matthias Matthias is playing as the Indians and then we have spring who is playing as the Ethiopian so we have a non-mirror of matchup different civilizations the map here is Sahara and the best way I can explain it for those that might just be listening is it's like Arabia though it's it's slightly more open and then it has that a gold rush aspect where there are Gold's and resources in the center of the map that you'll want to secure and with me I have Dave we haven't casted a lot of these maps together if at all so what are your thoughts on it I mean it's it's pretty much like Gold Rush except you don't need to control the middle of the map yeah it's the same sort of terrain style another open map but this one has more walling options in the last time yeah wood lines are definitely gonna be a bit easier to wall off so might not see as many mistakes I'm just looking at the Gold's in the center there's this one hill in between the two Americans which could be useful for them there's there's gold and stones there so if they could maybe TC or castle that area they'll get a few extra piles which will be very good for them also weird positionings on like where spring kinda yes you're right it's like Matias is just out of the way and spring is like within the direct firing line of both enemies yeah and I guess on the plus side for him he does have that back gold that he'll will be awkward but still it's that's wobble and there's also a secondary goal near the edge of the map by the relic so if he had a map like this and his goal was forward that would be awful but this is still very good for him I'd say Spring has Ethiopians and he'll be verse max was Britain so we have two very good Archer SIVs a max head Ethiopians in last game it showed what the faster firing speed can do maybe this time he'll try and use that range to out range the Ethiopian archers that'll be fun to look at then we have Indians verse Malians on the other side so we know how strong Indians can be with their camels Malians can go Knights and camels I think that toughest side for Finland's Dave will be the left side because it's it's tough to deal with Matias when he has Knights and Indians or Knights and camels sorry especially once you get later in the game yeah for sure like to counter the Imperial camels Malians probably needs the ghettos probably did to Han Lue's yeah yeah we will see where it goes back to Springs positioning for a second spring and Matias are very close to one another so theoretically that could really help them when they try and team up or if they need to try and reinforce and save each other but also I think that securing the corner for trade is going to be a lot more difficult for the American players they can get the southern corner but to get the right corner that's a long distance to travel and that's a lot to secure and they're not going to get the corner by zubi zubi can easily take that left corner and then the northern corner for trade there's some things to think about so is spring going for he's got one villager out on gold is he so you gonna go men-at-arms there's e going for address here he did rush in Game one and he caught Max off-guard Max was trying to wall off of that don't for us it's going for drush huh that's weird that's something it's I mean it is definitely something it is definitely something see the problem I have with this is it's quite late he's already at 20 villagers so at this point you'd be clicking up or close to it I have a prediction here okay spring is gonna be the literal punching bag of this game because Matty is just full walled I see close to both enemies I see yeah so so spring he's going to be the distraction and Mateus is not going for scouts like zoo P will do he's just gonna fool wall and guys if you're playing a 2v2 and you fool wall and makes your military your allies gonna feel it so at least make sure he has a heads up you know spring Mike go men in arms because with Ethiopians get the hundred gold hundred food when you advance the next age I I think he's gonna wall and I guess it depends how much HP he is left max has responded to this with zero scouting so I guess he just chose to go for the same strat rush into walls the walls are slightly easier for max though Dave look at those walls coming up that'll be good for him but zu P will have Scouts and if spring can wall up a little bit he won't be able to get past the walls but spring you really gotta commit to this guy's you can't just wall the front you have to wall your whole base and there we go there are the walls that that's what I want to see not pretty but it's what you got to do interesting that spring is now clicked up though I thought that he would stay in the Dark Age for a bit longer now I think he wants to this man-at-arms dude maybe ya could also go for a few archery ranges as well so it's really down to if Mateus will be able to pressure in early castle age now and will zu p with his scouts be able to pressure before that good teamwork from Finland using the scout from Zhu P as well yep to help Max chase and now Matias is over here and spring is just avoiding the fight until he gets to feudal age or he's just drawing them away until he can build up an overture archers yeah it's unfortunate that spring lost some of his Scout HP earlier I did see him attacking one of Max's bills he probably won't upgrade to man-at-arms now Kazuki has over another scale humanae units of spring yeah that was just a disaster waiting to happen that was just that's why he was dragging the army away yeah and running away from his face he didn't want them to get in yeah I definitely think spring was going for drush fast castle and you look at his resources now of course he gets the the plus 100 food plus 100 gold he probably should have waited a little bit more before he clicked up because he is lacking the res it's not that far away though yeah but look at max actually look at max pretty close I guess I just sometimes I just go out on a limb I think I'm gonna be right and I start speaking before I check so yeah spring and max very close yeah that that's such an underrated bonus in my eyes the Ethiopian oh yeah it's like and you forget about it half the time when you're playing them and you're in the next stage you like oh yep that's nice so it's like finding five bucks in this sofa yeah yeah kind of I would say maybe like ten five five bucks you're like yeah ten bucks oh man I could mr. 800 subscribers all right I have expensive tastes okay five bucks just doesn't do it for me anymore it's only ten bucks so what's interesting here is it just one stable for Mateus he will go for camels and I don't think he's gonna all in this I think he's going to add TCS and Indians not only are hard to deal with with her military but that villager bonus just gets better and better every time you hit the next stage your villagers get cheaper so sufi hasn't done enough with his Scout stave so this could really work Zippy's still in fuel age okay clicks up now but that's a pretty big difference in times I'm just amazed at the amount of walling that is going on here at like and you see the difference there's one player that stands out here with the wrong ring [Laughter] completely isolated in his little bit semi like his little olive these are they didn't have the budget they didn't have the time so that they had to go for some pretty weak walls I to be fair though if you went for more aggressive walls he would have had to wall a lot more than anyone else so but I do think that his failed rush had something to do with it as well he probably would have felt more secure if his rush was was forward and then he could have walled more a max is going with to range archers that will be crossbows and spring is going with while he's adding a second range now but it's just one range and he's behind in numbers it's interesting for spring because he doesn't have the stone to draw up tc's he put that tower down so does he go for one TC strat or he's got a lot of yeah I think he'll stay one TC for a while it's a good prediction I think max will add TCS and we probably will see more aggression from spring that that tower for me oh he's adding the market now Dave that tower for me is is pretty bad actually because he didn't need it he had the walls and he was just thinking oh he'll be going archers I want to play it safe but I really think you need to scout and and know where that army is before you build the tower but let's see Max and Springer meeting on the hill and Max is destroying him there's actually a pause at that moment in spring said hotkey thank you ready so maybe he had a hot hot key issue convenient excuse I know I know it's good timing he's like wait people are gonna be watching this yeah I had a hot key issue so here come the Knights from Zoo P and the camels from mateus are out Laval & Mateus does have the Vil lead as expected so this is not great first spring and I'd say not great for his team as a whole because spring is gonna be behind however Mateus could carry this one yeah Indians are pretty strong pick I think mid to late castle age as Mateus throws away a camel they they need to have some real momentum because of the trade Dave if if they don't make military numbers and try and advance to Imperial age too fast I think that could be overrun and they'll never be able to get their markets up in the corners to add trade or get the goals in the center there you go here's the first engagement not enough crossbows from spring at the moment and these are Indian camels but I've seen Mateus lose two of them already they don't have bloodlines it's just not enough and these are Brittain crossbows look at the KD eight kills four deaths for max and Zhu P has three kills three deaths but of course he probably lost a few Scouts and the TC from spring it's actually perfect timing to protect his villagers but still it's idle time that his opponent doesn't have and he's making us each workshop so that's not a good sign if you're making a siege workshop 21 minutes in you know that you're behind third TC coming down from Matias now zoobi already on three so they're gonna be fairly even with economy and now Springs losing more VLEs yeah it's really interesting how this is played out so definitely so far the faster castle for Mateus which would put pressure on spring did not pay off and Mateus loses another camel he's lost like three no yeah three for free mm-hmm and with the hill there they can't push up this hill they almost need a maganet shot let me look at Max's base for a second max is on three TCS he's in such a good situation man is more Phil since spring spring is only on two T sees yet they need a really good fight and I think they need a little bit of luck on their side too they keep getting house to both of them hmm which is weird cause it's a third game they played I could see that in the first game like if you didn't practice or something but maybe it's pressure they won Game one I didn't expect them to win it in that fashion it was a sick game a game - they got wiped up and maybe they're really feeling the heat right now so here comes max and soupy they're gonna try and pressure Matias this could go really wrong for them yeah and they don't they don't know about this and here come the crossbows - bills will die and they're completely out of position it's gonna be three bills and now they have to send all of their army back Spring has that mag Mel Mao it's like oh where do I go who palisade gates just melt man and this is just getting worse and worse for them now and zu P has a slight village over Mateus now they need mattock and ELLs because it can't be the camels or maybe it can be the manga notes are coming me and Max and zu b realized the danger there yep and they're getting out of there real quick but they could still get trapped yeah they could still have all of their military wiped up here if they're not careful the camels do have that extra armor and they weren't upgraded in the past now they have bloodlines with all the defense upgrades so it is good for the finland players that they took good trades before all those upgrades came in do not underestimate Indians it's probably what they're saying as they backup but really wise of them to backup Dave because how many people would stay there they were they were doing good how many people would stay there and then get caught out I've seen so many people like teams oh as Sookie tries to get the manga notes he does get one that gets one I've seen so many teams go into that base yeah and like yep a similar basin sit under a TC like that and then just get demolished but they they knew right away they had to oh man Matthias loses two more villagers it's just the small things taking small advantages look at that kdv this didn't all happen in one fight just a bunch of little moments and there's about to be a big fight coming though this is gonna be a big moment I think Finland will just keep retreating yeah honest camp that hill well the split you you totally jinx that Dave he ran forward the second he said retreat but uh it was a good split from max to save his crossbows and he's got the Briton crossbows too so he can he can play around with that Mangan a little bit yeah yeah I don't think the Mac and L will be a huge factor here probably a 10% chance that will land a big shot but that 10% chance is a chance that you need to take I think because spring has 62 bills versus 75 of Mac's mateus is all the way to empress though mateus also even on villagers with Zhu P so yeah and it's so much easier for him to get upgrades because when he's creating bills it's much cheaper here he's got to make sure he doesn't lose all his camels in Castle age yeah for sure he has a lot of weak ones this is the moment though this is the positioning that I said late castle Age the heresy team would need and this has been a decent engagement a few nights going down for zoobi I love how spring has kept that mag Anil alive you got to go back if your heresy you can't you got to go back man you can't fight your or you just dance for a very long time and hope you don't mess up right yeah I think you got to go back for sure and soupy knows that he's he's gonna chase a little bit max has 43 Britain crossbows Dave and after he finishes these villagers his batch of villagers he will click up to imp so that's gonna be tough to deal with too they almost need to fight before they're upgraded Oh one scout from Zoo P is wrecking villagers from spring training won't he see what it's been sitting there forever it's pretty good you just know if spring was if spring was streaming this he'd be raging so hard right now can you do your best impression of Springs response to seeing that Scout what that's spot-on for those who have never heard spring that is spot-on well done all right so the crossbows are on the hill for spring the camels are on the hill for mateus and heavy camel and plate boarding is on the way so I think after that upgrade comes in they need to fight yeah Finland won't fight them though I know they won't yeah they won't fight them they'll go back a little on the hill yeah so there will be two Finland's players in the Imperial aged spring what about him dude it's not looking good it is not looking good he doesn't get as many hills coming down around the castle too from zu p the 4sight there yeah and he's built them one tile away so that the max can hide his archers in between the castle and the wall no way well max do that here he world that such good thinking that's the most impressive thing I've seen all day today honestly it's sick that is it's that is really smart that's that was intentional and there's no way that Mateus can fight now so he has to go towards the base of zu P now I do see zu P has a few barracks remember we were talking about what Malians could do here I'm not much I think you got to stay with camels for now you can't really go Pike's Imperial camels so they're gonna blitzkrieg the base as zu p and max camp that hill they want nothing to do with that hill these things will essentially be paladin so if they get in if there's one single hole zu b could lose all of his eco and he's sending some towards max as well to see if there's any holes over there alright and keep in mind max just hit him max is getting his upgrades and max will now send his are blessed towards the hill next to Matthias where he doesn't have the numbers but the camels are in they are in - zu pees base zu P has no help max has gone forward this is a whiz this is a risk but I think it's a risk you gotta take if you are if you're USA and look here max is coming back Dave max knows it's a problem yep they're gonna wait for the heavy camel upgrade from zu p and all those Knights outside they're not going up to Cavalier but he's losing a lot of bills lots of villagers he doesn't have resources really now he he has the Knights and camels behind and that the units could get trapped max is trying to come forward with the castle on spring but spring is denying this right now he's still in castle Age guys so he will need some more camels from Matthias but here they come the Imperial camels are on the way wil zu p and max be able to kill the camels - crossbows from spring in Zoo peas baizhu P is gating up here I soupy his dying man he's dying and they're coming in with all this army but he's already lost so much yeah exactly and I don't think max can can get that castle up with the amount of camels Emmett Aces is sending this way this is crazy and even this fight in zu p space it's gonna cost them some units to take this out like they've got him trapped but they can hang on there for quite a while yeah yeah and immediately after this I will say there will be a big push Kisuke will keep most of his Cavalier alive nice positioning from Max's arms spring just needs to hit imp if possible max is stabilizing back at his base but look at Dez he's forced to garrison his arms into his castle he's Indian camels men so strong and he's getting coinage as well so he's gonna think about swinging Zoop yeah which we saw in Game one and in Game one the finland players could not come back but I'd still say they have a slight lead because spring oh my god Dave look at Springs upgrades horse collar yes my boy 40 minute horse collar no that's so bad Oh anthos all horse cow is the fuel age farm upgrade Oh quick waltz for max Indian camels they go nowhere son whoo he was almost in there that is tough to see man the heresy sponsor out there is probably shaking his head no all right so here comes the pushback zu P and the max both heading across the map and there's a lot of Imperial camels so yeah they can maybe they could stop this pushback before it even began just remember the corners you see Springs market already remember the corners they need to hold both sides and now there's pressure on Matias to fight zu P and Max he has to fight both sides spring no wonder he's having food problems he rebuilt a ton of farms way too early because the lack of horsepower he still hasn't picked up camels going into the same location again if he gets to the left side of zoo B's base all the eco he's rebuilt will probably die but here comes the Cavaliers from Zoo P at the same time into spring space yep but spring is building a really smart castle I'll get more bills on it then calculates enough you look at my job too daddy he knows horse car is a great upgrade he will lose the castle on the hill though again right in oh my goodness max is getting wolf how often do you see that zu p he needs some help he needs some you need some arms which are very slow here comes max you see the walls now for Finland's zoo P he has less population than spring wow man but look at Springs base spring is in trouble Mateus needs to get here fast and Max has the hill with multiple castles and he's pushing with the trebs now still I can't believe I'm saying this I think Finland they have the lead but it is mainly because of Max I mean if they manage to wipe up zoo bees base on the left they could even take that corner and start trading there yeah well if they if they put zoo P and springs position then it's just a 1 B 1 Britain's verse verse Indians but why on earth today lighting those bills look at those balls Evil's back on gold why are they letting them live there we go finish him off look at Zoo P while his base is being destroyed typical Finland trying to wall half the map yeah trade yep and again the corners are not secured and look where Zoop he's going he sees the trade he's going towards that market there will not be trade for heresy well I mean there is because there's a little boy yeah he's producing a lot of trade for markets getting trade cards yeah but but my point is that we'll all just be a waste of resources if zoo P focuses them down also if the markets have killed off but spring is trying to defend as much as possible with getting just some crossbows max adzuki trying to trying to trap them again trying to trap this army but the Imperial camels are so strong yeah I don't know if they can do it well there's another layer of the trap now so there are some stone walls and houses there but you're right it has been a pain trying to kill these things I know max has range but his árboles are so slowly can't catch up and he's losing a couple treads one trip OMA 5hp I mean they're so strong that Matias can just toss them into that choke point yeah underneath those two castles right into the longbows if he has enough he could take the fight and normally you would rely on your ally in this case to have the melee but since supey can't afford to make it I say he can't afford to make camels eat he is but since he doesn't have as many camels on max aside Max is going in to help switch I think it's a good decision heavy plow for spring yeah what is he gonna get imp when is spring gonna get in at this point he's in that that cycle where if you stop creating military you die if you keep creating military you'll never hit him that's the problem I he needs to get up there man yeah like he needs to defend that trade line he's gonna try and put a castle down there right as max comes forward there's still the Cavaliers over there yo yo yo look at the camels and ARBs from spring or that the crossbows from spring they are trapped in here they are not getting out alive and the camels for zoo P they have +7 now so that's something and finally this army dies and now Finland shifting their focus towards that trade line a spring and Mateus are trying desperately to hold this but another castle going up for max Finland doesn't have much trade I will say that but once Max and Zhu P get their act together in zoo peace base and come forward I don't think Mateus can hold the right and the left yeah there's a lot of pressure on him and him alone that cows is not gonna go down no it's not not yet but with Hobbes and longbows max is getting there I don't think the Indian camels can fight that it's only if he can get to a big mass of them spring you have the rest go up my friend you have a market sell some food go up he's rebuilding a castle on that hill that he lost earlier and they are holding the trade kind of sell some food that the food price has probably already been exhausted but you know either mateus needs to send him gold which he can't afford to do or spring me to sell and there we go he's selling and he's advancing to imp so twitch user not war wolf that war wolf trip shot did you see that Oh God awesome I did not see it I was about to get I was about to ask for the pause in the chat for spring hitting him and spring says nice shot 11 the fair play to him it maxes base their inter they're just ignoring all the pressure from Finland they're just going for the economy yeah it's happened three times now and every time Finland has said well we can't push forward we need to go back and deal with this oh man the Ville is just held to these camels what are they getting three shotted and the funny thing is I know that we've been talking about heresy not been able to get trade going but Finland's despite having the corners they haven't been able to get their trade going yeah and like Zoo peas economy is one braid away from Matias yeah he destroyed again yeah the left side he's trying to push forward now I think this is a bad idea for zoo P I don't think you should draw attention over to that area well he is going from malian pikes million pikes and camels could could maybe do it as you said Dave this is the third time that the heresy players have gone for this type of raid I'm surprised they've hung on this long looking at the populations it's dead even yeah and max max trying to go for another ballsy castle in the trade line heresy they cannot allow this to go on look at the trade numbers 33 trade cards for Mateus and 16 for spring the highest for Finland is 5 for max oh my god Mateus trying to wall at the pike says he kills the traps with villagers it's not gonna work actually it could work hey Co to work but now sooo peace here repairing them so maybe you'll get one I don't know all of the imperial agent gage Montaine imperial each engagement scuzz my point is is that it's just been Mateus and imp for his team spring is finally there what is he making now scurbs the Lightcap the camels killing more trebs more of these war wolf trebs max is still trying to get castles up in this trade man this one I think he'll get up what a game we have here Finland's without trade still holding on they are adding trade as we speak are they going to the same corner oh they're going with the less efficient route they're trading from Max's base to the northern corner that castles not gonna go up but they don't have any siege to take down the other councils yeah I'm looking at Mateus as pop man I think he's too stretched at the moment he's too stressed at the moment look he he didn't kill the tribes with villes in his base he only has 90 villagers he sent east creating camels but he's sending them to the right because he needs to help spring spring going only skirmishers will not be enough and still I think Finland's somehow some way without having the trade numbers yeah there's stable they're stabilizing and and not forward Castle now from zu P right where that TC used to be oh geez that might be the nail in the coffin right yeah and of course max will finish this castle and the trade is so close to this man spring really not his best game yeah not his best game AB from from Dark Age onward I would say not his best game it wasn't just one moment it was a few but in Game one game to be played much better so you know it's about consistency and he's best of threes best of fives that we're gonna see and Finland's are very consistent team and now you look at the populations Finland is ahead on every side and I I think with the trade going down now every advantage that Harris he has is gone and we even have some watch towers from Max he knows what's up building some towers I don't think they can push this back heresy no I think it's about three minutes until the gg probably hmm so this guard towers go up yeah I think of its game one they called the gg now but since it's the left the final game they'll continue to fight it out but pretty soon the lack of gold will hurt them look at all the trade dying oh my goodness this is a massacre and now keep and block printing max he played he had a really solid game to keep his teammate propped up and to continue to push here so he decides to convert the camels I guess and there's the GG oh the keeps just went up yep man what a game that was a great game in in Castle age I didn't think there was much of a chance for heresy so yeah credit to them for making it to the our mark because those attacks were insane zu p lost so many villagers he lost so many T C's but also you have to look at Finland and say man they still don't lose games like that immediately max he started pushing he was holding the trade on the right he was close to it and then he started slinging resources to zu p zu p still had camels with fur in bow somehow and then zu p rebounded and this is all with a lot less trade but you know what Dave I'd like to see the goal collected because in terms of middle map control Finland's had a lot more and remember those gold piles were out there so I think is a little bit deceiving possibly that trade count because they were probably collecting some of the natural gold that was still available I think spring could have done a couple like he should have walled that that right corner area way earlier he never even did it at the end yeah like there's your your partner's carrying the game he's going Imperial camels he's slaughtering everything you just got a secure part of your side so that your partner can have a stable trade room I agree didn't have the military and he didn't have the buildings to do that well there were a couple things remember the tower in feudal age that that what that meant that his boom was going to be behind max because he couldn't have the T C's he had won archery range while there were two archery ranges for max so I don't know if that had to do with his early advanced a futile age because I was questioning that but there's certainly something going on there where he just couldn't match up to max and he wasn't playing it quite as standard as you would think with that corner there it's difficult for him to wall that I think because of the distance but there was areas where he could have done it in Castle age before max like came out with the castles yeah mm-hmm he could have prevented max from like he could have delayed max a lot or just even have more military that that works better against the rating units right like he had nothing against the Cavaliers yeah no Pike's nothing yeah and he was definitely the weak point in the team you can see spring lost more units than anyone look at that KD for max he carried for his team big time and and I want to give Mateus a lot of credit the KD does not tell the whole story there that was an insane display from him to keep his team in the game there's the the gold difference for those that might be wondering so Mateus had a lot of trade profit and Maxon zoo pees gold count without trade was still pretty high I'd say I think max stole Gold's from Springs side on that hill because he had 17 K gold almost 18 K gold oh he did he stole his stole at least one yeah at least one he came out really early with a bunch of outposts to scout it out yeah and while spring was that zoo P space he came out and took them yep well here's the technology stats and the society stats technology and society is not all that important and I'll show you the timeline and that is the end of that best of three coming up next we are going I think there's going to be a short break and then break and aftermath after that we will have vietnam legends and bz k bz k was formerly called el OS okay so a rillette fire will be playing for them and then the final set of the day which is also best of three will be sy verse secret so a lot of awesome games coming up today
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 20,650
Rating: 4.7818184 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Id: 7uQDk78JYuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 17sec (6137 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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