AoE2 - Another Epic Free For All on Pilgrims!

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anyway here we are guys we have everyone's favorite map and trust me it is not a 71 I had the turn off team colors we have a pilgrim this time around we are using the community games mod and I'll explain more of what that is but pilgrims if you're unaware is probably the best regicide map out there and the best free-for-all map out there you start on a small island you see there's some stone and some gold but nothing that don't want to stick to very long you start with the transport you will start with the king as well and it is your job to survive this is Diplo no one wants to die and you can see little boys has changed his diplomatic stance with Canadian ninja to neutral and well luckily the overlay didn't bug out this time around they kind of forgot about that all the transports going out lots of land to be found and let the games begin indeed Bozak's indeed if you're watching this on youtube later on that probably means it was a great game so make sure to stick around don't go skipping through the video it's an hour video don't watch only 15 minutes come on that's cheating man that's like skipping through all of the office and missing season 2 which is phenomenal come on can't do that this is where little boys has set himself up and I will talk about all the players once they find a spot and oh I hope you saw her friends because well you have to town centers right next to one another and chat you can still place your bets lbs is running this King right by no big deal actually I'll probably control group all the kings I can put you guys would be telling me right now so I'm going to go around and hotkey these guys there's a Lacey's king running right by he'll B's guys get some t90 Kings in the chat please Oh Lacey he was talking some smack in the chat he's like I'm finally going to win I'm finally going to win and a lot of people were talked about how they were to kill Roch Roch did not show up in this game he didn't make it maybe he'll make it in the next one but see all the kings running around and the Kings are the hope for the people again it's bear with me I'm waiting till their Town Center's go up and I'm trying to find all of their kings if I find all of their kings and I don't change control groups that means they'll know exactly where they're at later on oh crap a mouse just skipped it looks like method oranges has Town Center today ah look there I don't know what happened are you kidding me over lay hold on guys hold on hold on hold on we got this oh I'm so happy that over there using giving me issues yeah so much for that hold on hold on guys don't freak out we got it luckily this is blue blue we can lay back and just change it up to the dashboard but the sucky thing about that is it has the feet up for five minutes and I lost all my control groups I had almost every control group set up almost everyone and the game had to do this to me for your screen really enjoying myself Barton thank you for the 5-month resub man I'm glad you enjoy it okay so I'm going to control groups as fast as possible whereas super let's go stings oh I got two so far these games are long game so freak out guys don't worry we got this we're almost up to real-time as well sniff he had his King around here earlier where is it we've lost nippy's KITT out there it is I got stupid let's go already elation you defined we're all caught up I don't know where Lacey's King is you know what I've done my best let's let's introduce the players shall we because I can't run around I got a talk a Lacey is here playing at the Persian and I believe this was pick civilization so we'll see how players use their SIDS but anyway a Lacey's here guys I was saying Oh Lacey wants to prove himself in these community games and herships is an interesting choice but I'll talk more about that later super let's go and LV Sano can go go go go go Thank You tato for three sub of an alarming Texas speech but I assume these two her friends and the green is turbulence complain as Mongols Chinese for lb ten in the teal then we'll go down and talk about this side of the map a drunk goat is here don't go playing as the Byzantines and the red is sniffy he's put himself into a corner but I'm pretty sure there's some snippy fans in the chat because of a couple of YouTube videos so go ahead and send your energy is way this is little boys from yellow did I miss anybody oh I think I forgot method orange shoe of course chose orange and this is Diplo so guys are going to start talking to one another a chat if I missed anything I'm sorry but I'm kind of focused at the moment but I will converse with a chat as much as possible it's a lot easier to do now so if you're new to Age of Empires is possible we've people here nude Age of Empires some people watch my stream and they don't even play this game mode is Diplo and kind of funny that lb has this King out there it's kind of dangerous in the early game because he's the strongest player here but you can see that right now L v10 is allied with everybody a drunk goat saying whoo-whoo-whoo that's probably cause you ran into some wolves here vexed in the chat says do you ever see LOI little players beating higher higher level players in these maps yes yes I do and the reason being is they know that they'll be ten is the strongest player they know that may be super let's go though is rating isn't as high think he's more proven community game they know these guys are strong players so since it's Diplo it doesn't matter if you go back to regicide Rumble you'll see Viper ended up losing Cisco ARC's which probably wouldn't happen in a 1v1 hashtag spoilers I think the this is why I encourage people to try and play no matter how good you are you always have a chance in these games because if you're a lower skill level player people aren't going to see you as a threat and will usually ally you which gives you an opportunity to backstab and a bunch of other things so having low e low not a big deal in these games if it was a 1v1 that's a different story now I do have the dashboard of the dashboard is going to show how many bills and fishing ships military things like that the age will be incorrect though you can see lb 10 is on its way to the castle age now leopards thank you for the two months man copra crud so lb 10 with a fantastic time and he's utilizing the fish which everyone should be doing lb actually built two docks currently has his king of that transport method Orange he's in a an awkward position here because he TC to this island which will give him a good start with fishing but he hasn't gone fishing so method Rd walks this later on my advice to you is first of all you probably want to teach you the mainland but regardless you want to find a deep fish which would be hard for him in this position because of his islands but find the deep fish and it's possibly doesn't even know the map who do I think will win this game well it's so weird because snippy he likes to snipe he's not the player I would expect to actually win a game because he commits so much the sniping he doesn't have the economy later on so I don't think snippy drunk goat is well I don't think his level is incredibly high but he's these two are in a good position so if they can wait to the later game maybe I'm kind of leaning towards any good civilization of course but player who is not the best player kinda in the middle right I don't know much about drunk goat I would say if super Lascaux was in yellows position I would say super let's go without a shadow of a doubt but there's no way I'm putting my money on super let's go his position here no way so I actually I don't think lb will win I don't think super let's go in Laci has a shot here if he can get down to this area looks like he tried and got boom-boom and so honestly I don't know I'm trying to to pick a favorite and I yeah I really don't know lb should be don't worry guys we're still here we're still alive tell me when you see me and I'll resume the game I told you it was going to happen youtubers sorry we had a drop on the stream chat is not happy about it can we say thanks Comcast in the chat I think we're back now we have to be back just say thanks Comcast to let me know that we're back I was gonna pick a favorite I'm you know what I'm gonna go a sniffy here I'm gonna go with snippy if he wants to win he can do it he just can't go all out with this knife okay I'm gonna go with snippy I'm putting my money on sniffy some money that I haven't put down no all right so I think orange is in a poor position unless he gets the mainland soon and all sugar snap peas where's he going here's one villager dude orange this is a bad idea you probably does the Evelyn I does have loom but don't send one villager in the transport right next to two wolves AG good job where is it going this is Paulette guys where's Paul not going to go she's scouting around he saw two wolves here he wants to avoid L v10 has killed those wolves form which is nice but there's two more over here at Paulette you can do it we believe well if there's a monk there this is kind of awkward you send a villager in in here run into a monk Oh now this is not going good for you no but you know what lb is actually healing her beautiful job he is allied with everybody looks like he's running away now just to let her die but it's not going to happen anyway guys it's hard for me to say who has an advantage she to Castle age upgrade coming in for almost everybody snippy has a good piece of land for three golds oh three golds for gold and he'll have access to this corner and little boys whoa as well so these guys have so much space I think it was a mistake for lb and super Lascaux probably the two strongest players in this game to go to this area it doesn't make any sense to me they can't breathe much a super Lascaux has a navy LD is patrolling fire ships I love how these guys are all allied but yet they don't trust each other lb 10 patrolling the fire ships don't touch my fish man for this work you've got me back into oh thanks for streaming youtube later them to hear oh thank you for the twitch prime sub man and oh we might see another villager go down to the wolf this game but I totally know what you're talking about man when I have any downtime at work I watched Age of Empires as well so I'm glad I can be of assistance look at the TC city from super Lascaux I think his civilization should be favorite this is vanilla AOC aleisea happens have a TC here as well and again these wolves seems to be claiming live guys are the games live well yes they are live by as live as they can be if you look that's the time they're at and this is the time we're at so yeah these games are live normally on tournaments would be like a 90 second delay or something just to avoid stream cheating and whatnot so I'm still hanging around trying to figure out what's going on maybe I'll just toggle through the players and see if they have any military buildings and there's one archery range for Canadian ninja well well well there's an attack going lb be the attacker to calisca this is a good decision putting a castle as well so we did find someone attacking this is the first attack and we'll find super eliska's King why can't I find him there okay Kingdom right here in this transport this is all because super Lascaux put a TC here so lb and super Lascaux would both be wise to attack one another because they want these resources they want the space if you look at the build difference right now lb canadian ninja and sniffing all at 60 or above lb drop this king i actually forgot about lbs came for a second because it wasn't transport earlier yeah this is where it's King is so safe underneath the castle now one thing I would like to say if you're in this position as a player if you think you're going to die just try and run elsewhere because you can always build up you're always going to have time this is going to be a long game what this trains mean on the overlay yeah total units created so that's a good way of showing the player strength now again the overlay does not show the ages or anything but this could be bad for LV because LV is going to lose his fish if you go to his town center he probably doesn't have many farms yeah it's not a lot of farms for multiple TV but he went pretty much fast in I totally missed the fact he's in the Imperial age now these calf ram and a trebuchet so he's going to kill as many people as possible and this is what happened LD will do this to strongest player will do this catches wenja he knows all about it and they is going to be teamed up upon feel like he's kind of forced to do this in this situation but lb 10 incredible time using the fish this guy is a 2k player will close to 2k anyway on boogly so you would expect him to kill some people lacy not feeling good and a lady wanted a good result on this community game I went to my chat before I turned on the stream in a Lacy's like this 0 and 17 record it's going to end because he came so close to one of his games to sniping the top player but he's now running away and this map is called pilgrims this is his second pilgrimage Oh Lacey oh so cute he says super let's go we need each other oh man what ok I took off some of the quality options so it might be a little bit blurrier but I paused again for you guys so you didn't miss much and hopefully it won't drop as much it was dropping a lot more I think because I changed some quality thing I always try and fix it but it never happened so we should be back and again YouTube sorry we had a drop I'll edit this later on I assume you guys can see me now and lb is just trying to kill everybody a meanwhile sniffy he's booming up safely no attack noises over here little boys as well has a perfect spot he has the corner which is really good or really bad sometimes but look at all the resources he can collect but all the folks on I'll be 10 at the moment guys if there is a little bit more blur want to move around the screen sorry about that I took off the thing that helps the blur but I think no drops is better the LV is looking to go trebs shukru news he's now attacking Canadian ninjas so he's attacked Green which is super let's go he's attacked Canadian ninja and he has attacked a lacy and this is one way to get space now we're a little bit behind because I paused from the drop so it's going to be set up I'll be going with scorpions it's really fun to see because you don't often see the scorpion choice I love that I think Canadian ninjas going to need some help just because they'll be 10 the attack is happening so much earlier now what is orange doing orange has a Navy over here did he make it to the mainland well he has turkeys ok but not much else he did build houses earlier stable barracks his lb 10 going to do a 1 B 7 he could but sniffy is now in the Imperial aged 125 villagers more than lb 10 he also has been attacking people saying a ninja even if he's going to go down just needs to delay lb 10 for the sake of everybody else take of the game and he's doing just that right now he did lose a castle but going the lead scrim it's a good move and he's going for another castle a Canadian ninja the first flyer to stall lb ten but the Skorpion are not going to be good for these skirmishers if they're heavy scorpions and I assume they will be at some point it should slow down in the second guys this is the only fight we need to watch super disco is not an imp a lacy is not an imp but he's making a war else and he is no space unfortunately they should dock and try and take the fish they're really nice flight from Canadian ninja however I think he is going to lack the resources if he's able to go with food archers maybe that would work well but the scorpions will be tough formed yes 2k is only a handful of players on Buble yeah correct but let's not forget snippy he's had all this gold all this time plenty of resources so guys get that t90 Kings in the chat for snippy because I know you're all a huge fan of snippy and he was my pick as well so I'm feeling good about that little boys he has a nice low score so people aren't going to think he's a threat and he also has plenty of resources and he's Spanish which can be pretty strong now something I forgot to say well I said it but I didn't talk about what it is this is what the community games mod so with the community games mod bombard towers take up a population space so you can't make a lot of those and you can get the elite petard upgrade which completely changes things mm-hmm look goodra this is not the first time those wolves that claims live play the elite petard upgrade is only with this mod you may have seen it once or twice on YouTube but it's deadly the petard have more HP more attack and more speed and allow some more Snipes and I don't know if lb 10 knows about that to be honest looks like he's cleaned up everything that's here super let's go it's bouncing back at 120 pop allez she's not so much at 75 and orange has been struggling since the very beginning trying to get to the mainland and he he looks like he placed a TC here early on but guys you got to get past that I think it's a little bit too late as a drunk goat has an alliance with sniffy also a lot of resources and I wonder if sniffy wonder if they're allied with yellow - is that be a really strong team yeah it looks like it and all these elite ma'am loops for snippy is anyone making leap it's hard simply just going for elite Mameluke meanwhile Canadian Ninja is dying and I feel bad because so many people are dying to LV 10 is the towers up as well by the way the 290 tower emote is back we should be getting the new emotes within the next couple days normally it took one day but I think because more people are getting partnerships now we're not going to see as much oh there we go check this out there the leaf Itard so 60 HP 45 attack and more speed I'm hoping we get those emotes today during the stream that'd be pretty cool Canadian inches just trying to survive and it's not going to be easy to do reversibly to good news notes are not only two canoes but heavy scorpions two canoes trebs so you can't deal with that combo Canadian ninjas king is right here as well looks like he's trying to run away but he's too fat ironically running would help him lose weight but you can't do that because he's stuck now lacy signaled earlier and he said hey super let's go check this out you need to need to help us but with these weak guitars the cast is going to go down in an instant and I don't know if they can survive a Lacey's the one an imp he's gone with war elephants which is a really bad move less they're elite and he needs more space for farms and things like that the Getty League they're so slow they don't have any upgrades so they will eventually die off here and light forth I'll be into monks as well but not looking good there lb just continuing to push and get him some map control however I don't think his gold situation is very good he doesn't have a lot of gold being collected like the other players here's some gold he can get snippy has enough elite man weeks to kill anybody in this game right now if we wanted to and he's also Saracens which means he's killing villagers because he wants population space he could sell all that wood and food and I would do that first if I were him doesn't look like anyone is obviously working together and maybe blue and snippy are but as you can see blue is kind of Walt's nippy out looks like he doesn't trust him that much I think all of these guys in the bottom side need to work together there's a TC for method Orange so he did make it to the mainland el Matan good to see you back man hope you're having a nice day I was a nice maganet shot but that's not gonna look that RIM I've gotta love it he's trying to attack the archery range I don't know what's going on here he fixed it but some dancing units on it you're coming in for super let's go maybe this will help super let's go out and new subs coming in left and right today 89 - less than three less than three less than three glittering rounds - my subscription you wow that sub came in fast if you're able to talk about the glitching ran normally it takes a little bit more time scout sheep thank you so much man what ad this from drunk goat who is he going to go for he's allied with so cold on he allied with everybody he's alley with everybody he's going to go fully cataphract and Trebuchet a sniffy just sitting back here as well this is the smart move if you want to win this is a poor position for super disco one thing I want to point out I don't know if I talked about it earlier but you see this three tile wall from Elbe if he didn't place that there these guys could have escaped earlier that was really smart from Elbe because he kept them trapped and snippy and little boys they're just talking about trade at the moment little boys like don't slightly then well I wouldn't trust him too much to the asipi but things have panned out where lb is one-man-army he's killed two choirs or at least stalled them for the time being still could be sniped so he has to be careful but aren't snot really in this one at the moment but he's not a threat to anybody so he's getting there 72 villagers and then snippy drunk goat and little boys the guys who went to this corner which I talked about I actually use my hand and like pointed to the left you can't see it these players are a huge threat I started watching your streams on YouTube five hours ago I'm kind of stuck now pinzer you'll never get away you'll never get away there's no way you can come back now say goodbye to your previous life and say hello to fun Canadian Ninja has done a great job to get this army he doesn't have any economy left this is really well done from him to Getti we eagle to get all the defense upgrades Oh he's going to be very super new cheap and scorpion is not going to be good for him is what I talked about in the early game but I'm just surprised to be able to get this army that's really well done lb is getting more gold you see the mining camps coming up notice how he's going with keeps instead of all bar towers because of this mod bomber towers take up a population say as I say that he just plays to bombard towers but never trusts nithy but he can't win alone so his Canadian ninja well I'm just so torn because snippy could snipe now oh crap he's ha he's preparing it boy he's preparing it check this out he's making trebs now this is where he started in this game he has a whole economy down here plenty of resources so am i always making trips ok he's going to attack on land well not quite he's planning a land attack but he's planning to transport and snipe as always he's only getting the attack upgrades for his are blessed and he's trying to snipe the only thing he has on his mind and right now he is out with lb ten so he can get Selby ten hunters King here lb ten is fighting elsewhere force multiple players if Canadian ninja had some help from drunk goat I think they could kill lb bully cataphract here there's no way lb can deal with that and plus all these tribes are taking those towers down yes let's snippy and drunk goat are talking I think those two really want a team snippy you never know it looks like he's trying to trade with yellow unfortunately if there wasn't any wood here would be a perfect trade line but not that great as it is client will use siege towers I'm snippy I don't think that's the possibility seeing as siege towers aren't available and what the saves were playing but I think orange will try and get into this game at some point okay so I think what we need to do is we need to go here real quick and control group the transport snippy's already trading on water as well playing the late game here comes the big fight we wanted and it looks like there is going to be a 2v1 against sorry naka Navy ninja L v10 and I don't think lb will last here but blue needs to send his traps forward there they are another large armies of cataphracts coming in now sniffy is long so they're all working together for cell b10 I love how someone asked me an early game they said hey t9 is it possible for people to beat the high skilled players and yeah it is on diplo excellent use of teamwork and lv 10 says when we're back now he just changed snippy to enemy obviously snippy Oh what okay a lacy had something planned here it looks like he's scared because he saw snippy so we have multiple oh those are just villagers okay fiance we have multiple transport snippy's running around looks like they're attacking LG's main island as well and he's going here no doubt about it he's got to be going for lb 10 lb probably regrets not making friends it'll catch up to him later in life okay what's in this one trebs this one has are blessed Oh snippy that was a little bit well that was poor because the are bullets aren't even in yet he's going for the castle get the árboles in there man run snippy he could do it lb is probably not paying attention to this area unfortunately no defense upgrades and only +2 on the are blessed but he will get one shot at it sniff he needs to fire food no it could have worked out man it could have worked out sniffing oh so close so close sniff et9 t-rex actually to be honest LVS get a 290 wreck right now top score and no friends these trebuchet need to fire on the tower as towers in the castle are going to slowly whittle down these units just useful to not kill those towers go to temp from snippy and we know it's what he likes to do I like how old lacy has migrated back to his starting Island he has a little bit of wood here he's getting the shore fish efficient economy look at all these villagers trying to collect the shore fish sniff he's playing this smart he has fake villagers set up in his town centers that way people well that might be mistake yeah I feel like this is a mistake but that's actually good to do that way player sinker kingdoms in at that town center or building can you check alliances it's kind of hard for me to check alliances because then I will miss out on the game but I can pretty much tell you what it is Canadian ninja and the gray drunk go in the blue snippy in the red yellow for little boys they're all on the same team right now the only player I can see only player I'm confused on a method orange right now because these town centers in the middle he has a town center at the top he is a town center at the bottom I don't know what his plan is but I believe he's allied with everybody he's just watching basically at the moment do you think aren't is a chance of winning no unless he trades like crazy I don't think he has a chance of winning out he didn't get to the main islands in times the time go Scalea some p90 sniped t mighty routine 1996's he would really mix so great succeed extremist over-the-top excited for every game some street Tiran excuse thank you thank you for committing to the sub men appreciate the support yeah I mean this is a great game what can I say I don't anyway back to what I was saying I don't think orange can do anything but snipe I don't think he's going to win because he doesn't unless he trades for a very long time he just doesn't have the space and resources so lb has no friends does lb have any relics one relic but you can see he's running out of gold it could be sniped again and because of that he's walling up this area my guess is they're all going to focus on that will be ten this is what should happen kill lb ten and then go from there because Sippy obviously feeling very good right now he's the highest scorer behind LV 10 but he also has to consider he could be sniped now yellow and snippy need each other because they're trading though I get why they would say allied but drunk goat he's not trading he's doing very well but I feel like nobody needs him around and he's only a threat [Music] where is his king yeah they're talking about the Kings LD you can last a long time with halberdiers skirmishers his skill level those two bombard towers 8090 had to take my little sister to school to tell everyone not to do anything Oh tell everyone not to do anything for 20 minutes yeah no problem in just don't break the speed limit I'm just kidding get back here as fast as possible I think lb needs to think about sniping or something lots of bombard times for little boys and I agree with some but I hope it doesn't go overboard if he goes overboard this is one two three four five six seven eight towers nine ten eleven he is like 20 towers and 20 towers is 20 population space it blue and teal just a lie let's take a look here feel free to remind me of stuff no teal and blue are still enemies the drunk goat is thinking about teaming up he says markets they're Canadian ninja says I'm going to make a market in year yellow so seems like four people are verse cell b10 they're all working together in the same space now snippy planning another snipe might be thinking about it yeah I think he is thinking about a check this out ah so many castles snippy I can't find you yeah okay so there's trebs here are bless trying to get in there it looks like an O Oh Lacey's trying to make some waves a lacy come on man what's his killing snippy give you here he's trying to kill city I don't know where snippy's King it gets all the way back there and that TC Oh Oh lacy has a navy so those tribes have just gone down you can hear the noise of snippy trying to get in a transport that happened but I don't know they she's just putting the target on his back here he is in a rough spot but we need to make it back to the mainland if he wants to win but you know what killing a player not a bad idea here I wonder if orange still has his king in that town center and it doesn't look like he does so lacey has no friends and he's doing a good job here for the time being its signature oil crap snippy actually whoa I didn't see sniff he just dentist reps here he's going after the town center the King probably going to be safe now if he's only shot is to kill the TC and then try and kill the king with the last trip but I don't think it's going to happen Oh Lacey has defended for now still big fight brewing in the middle the trade is started this is a Lacey the economy he's currently at a hundred four thousand this is what we like to see he's going to build another castle now that's what we like to see players try and stick around for a while and maybe orange and a Lacey would be good allies now orange has not attacked anybody this game in fact he's only lost unit she's only lost 25 units telling you he just needs to focus on trade he should build markers here and focus on trade with the others just months have gone by so fast you're right man they have gone by fast try REM I'm going sticking around I know you're a mono Cal fans like okay man we love you here rooting against you've a yesterday this is a great push and honestly a great hole from they'll be as well I'll be doing a great job considering these three be one but I don't think it's going to last very long again fully upgrade not fully upgraded but close to pull upgrades only believe Mameluke all the traps all the cataphracts LV has a target on his back he only has himself to blame it does look like he's trying to trade with somebody or think about it but maybe nobody trusts him his king is out all his King is out his kings down here lb is gonna die lb is going to die there's oh hold on a second the gates still there he's running back he's dead he says who runs faster well yeah you will eventually receive a hit to this eagle lb is going to get rekt my shrink shouldn't drop may be buffered but lb top scorer he's done [Music] kind of expected lb started telling everybody at 40 minutes so now yes players are a little bit more hesitant to be friendly okay orange has had to this relic here almost the entire game that kind of pisses me off lb or sorry not L be snippy should just change his point of view or his alliance with orange killed a monk and then change it back yes so now everyone's freaking out Canadian inches like train drunk Oh like ya little boys like snippy we still have trades they're communicating mainly because they're scared they're going to be sniped Nick you with the seven months Nikki you're going to have a break from school soon right lucky you man so a lazy plan is to take all of the starting islands I guess he's going to teach you here and you will have gold alby's base is going to be destroyed there is a relic there for the taking Canadian ninja says forget till he is dead okay what does that mean who are you then going to focus on Canadian ninja Canadian ninjas had a great game I said he would struggle as my and she doesn't have a lot of pops as far as the economy goes he only has 80 villagers and doesn't have a lot of space but he has had a great game to do this well last day of class has been three finals nice let's look at resources little boys taking the corner ask the Spanish trade probably safe for a long time he has fully upgraded paladin's and fully upgraded skirmishers and he still has six and a half K gold food and plenty of wood he also has two relics so I think as far as resources and positioning goes it got a favor yellow but then you look at sniffy let's take a look at what he has that he is lacking the gold now but he is making Mameluke sand treads but if I'm in snippy's position I'm very torn if I attack yellow and I kill him that I don't have good trade and then blue could backstab me at the same time can we're next-door neighbors so I don't know what the correct decision is and that's what makes Diplo so great so many different things can happen looks like they might team up on blue the yellow and attacking Blues Castle here which is going to be bad news for blue drunks go without gold as the Byzantines can make trash he has a lot of halvah tears they continue to run this way looks like he's trying to run to this area but it's going to throw them back now alais see moving in on super disco in the corner [Laughter] well we're super loose goes King oh yeah I mean this is super disco has this King here we haven't talked about super let's go in a while he does have T C's look what he's done as king is in there that's funny they'll get that relic as well on the shallows so you're saying a late he's going to push in and try and kill them that'd be something else I don't think it's going to happen though okay so snippy saying take out blue so they are going to go for blue arguably the best decision for them blue is currently fighting yellow and I don't think he's going to be able to push in against that first full paladin's on asurs towers am i interested in uploading cpa games CBA is one of those games that's really fun to play if I were to upload it I would probably upload an expert match and like cast it with Dave or something but people like my YouTube videos because I focus on the strategy side of things as the Diplo exciting for people who don't even play the game because of the strategy TBA isn't as exciting and man drunk goat saying sniffy don't do it snippy with the beautiful patrol with his ma'am loose and blue not attacking him he's still allied with him I feel bad for drunk oh he's going to struggle now and Canadian ninjas saying yeah I'll help you out don't worry about it I need you because they're trading right now actually where's Canadian vintage market oh that's weird it's right through snippy's base that blue was all this trade and now Canadian ninja will lose his trade because nippy has just changed Canadian ninja to enemy struggling to figure out where the armies are looks like this is where they're at Tony yellow is the sleeper in this game he hasn't been attacking anybody sniff he's doing all the hard work form two relics but I don't think players realize this and it's very hard to realize I don't think they're aware how strong he is at the moment what's a lazy up to I might be transporting some trebuchet does have an AV down here super let's go lil AC kind of out of this game on land Sippi in little boys need to be favored here the good thing about little boys situation is it can't be sniped his face is completely saved can't abstain for anybody else 50s a lot of castles but he doesn't have any walls or towers or anything to income the eagles and income to house sniffy needs to run as expensive speeds away from here but eagles will die to loot enamel oops even though they have 100 HP is mine to make me just need to hit and run hit and run hit and run and even though he didn't really do that he just kind of stood there he is far too many wood for glue to deal with and for lady ninja to deal with so they're like cat from drunk go he's having gold problems and like half are not going to laugh at all some of them not even attacking one jtr thank you for the resub man I'm really curious what's going to happen between yellow and red so snippy and little boys but also the guys who have some form of water control orange has some water control sooo politico's water control are they going to try and use that this knife somewhere because this would be a perfect area to transport and try and do some damage I don't know it does look like there were fights between a lazy and super disco but at this point there's no natural gold left at the top because lb took it all and they're going to need to rely on trade so I think they should use each other and try and trade with trade cogs because no one's out here except those two orange does have an army and again he hasn't been a threat all game looks like he has a relic there as well so he don't look paladin maybe he could try and do some damage to somebody and he thinking about he says blue where's Reds King well is a small base but this needs to kill one unit this is where the game is going to slow down a lot because if you engage if you go into a fight you're taking a risk if you're snip your yellow so I wouldn't be surprised if yellow has over 10k cold yeah plenty of gold still 5k we created a lot of bombard hands these are just to defend I'm guessing wouldn't it be something if oranges lumber camp chopped through and it allowed for a snipe later on take a long time but good happen but full Mameluke and full power and I don't see how Mayans and Byzantines can fight that if you're having issues with the livestream my Internet's been really bad since I moved into my new place over about six months so you just got to get used to refresh will unfortunately won't be like this forever so you know please don't say oh I'm done with the live streams and done with t90 content but I am stuck in a bad spot at the moment I noticed super Lascaux is trading through here where are these trade cards trying to go I assume to Canadian ninja or Smith these markets actually no Canadian ninja no longer hazard market so it's got to be snippy far too many mammals for these guys to deal with they're just making trash Canadian ninja does not have the resources to me did anybody get lbs relics Oh Canadian ninja you can see that think about taking these relics man I think lb had two of them of course have you thought about that he might not have the military very one of my switching providers that have to switch to a different apartment to switch providers I would gladly play pay a lot more money I don't care but I only get Comcast in this place so I have to apartment hunt and then deal with you know switching apartments and breaking the lease and all that stuff so it's easier said than done when I have to pick up my whole life and move it sniffy not using as mamillus effectively sometimes you leaving them a little bit too close to the castle there and now he just hold them back and that's exactly what you need to do with families once the house be closed run back use your range trebuchet is going after this castle we should probably talk about we're drunk goat hasn't came at the moment I don't have a control group a hold on we found it yet up here okay so it should be safe for the time being the thing is these mammals are so strong 130hp and they shred infantry so skirmishers maybe a ton of skirmishers bond would help out but yellow Halden's there as well now see what sniff he has here he has some Mamluks in yellows base but yellow is making so many towers this shouldn't be possible is the mod broken or does he just have no military now and also why is he had 210 pop when the pop oh hold on a second this is weird it's a 200 pop game he's not getting more population when he builds these towers but how did he get to 210 he's not gasps that's weird I've never encountered someone building so many towers so I never knew if it worked it doesn't seem like it's working shoot see if you look 190 at a 210 I don't know how he got the 210 and every time you build the tower doesn't give him population fortunately salads an afk for a while so I can't really tell me about that either that sucks hey don't blame me me me no don't play me I didn't make the mod I just assumed that the mod did what solid said okay that kind of sucks I'm really rooting for snippy now [Music] who's saying that Zico is gone yeah it's kind of expected here there's one thing I know about our and she wants the snipe he wants to do something he doesn't have a lot of ego he has a decent mount a goal like I'm guessing is because of this trade yeah a Laci and orange are working together guys trading along the shoreline it was pretty funny how far they going oh maybe going for one V stock who knows well I'm guessing yellow has over sixty towers so that should mean that he would lose 60 population but I've been deceived and I think snippy is going to be focused down shortly look at yellow repositioning his unit yes we can always make it to bombard towers are disabled of course this Spanish normally go for that if you don't disable it but I didn't think I'd have to I thought it was reasonable to go with the population decrease anyway I want to look at snippy's population because I think it's going to be attacked too honestly as Saracens is not bad is a lot of resources 182 pop if he sold that would and that food he'd get a good payout as well well since he has 70 army but he has paladin's and he has skirmishers but then again how many you know we could do hold on of course it's possible the military will show down here as well says range units 2219 tees units one warship 27 cavalry so I don't know if it's figuring it in or not because I don't know how many towers are here urban with the five months urban welcome to the t90 meet we can sniff that what are they sniffing yes no we can sniff that I think they're talking about snippy snippy says no you can so obviously they weren't using team Chad Bristow Bristow okay so orange is looking to snipe he has his army here I haven't done anything yet drunk goat just deleted know he's deleting idols or something or he's committing suicide either one is horrible man why are the horses have to be involved you're having problems just end it don't kill the horses man that's awful I don't think drunk goat has much left so he is committing suicide 17 pops so I still feel bad for the horses but this is war how many people in the chat want yellow to die I think they all need to work against yellow now every single one if they can kill yellow I'll give them 20 k-rails each to whoever's alive when that happens because that's not going to be easy man with the leaf Attard upgrade you can kill bombard towers and maybe three two or three jobs but that's gonna be B you're going to need so many petard that it's not realistic yeah they need to kill yellow for sure but the problem is well if he's trying to kill blue which makes sense he's trying to finish him off but I think he needs to be a little bit wiser here and say hey blue of course snippy cannot see what we can see I think yellow is going to kill me and I need you and then blue is gonna be like screw you man I killed my trade carts because of the slaughter you brought upon my people today was super Lascaux super Lascaux he needs to be friends Oh Lacey needs to be friends Canadian ninja they all need to work together now but it's so difficult guys they don't know what we know that's a lot of elite Mameluke i'd really like to see sniffy going something else folks if he loses his castle on the front of GG form he's so close to yellow so dangerous and he can see what yellow has - I wouldn't say if he's doing anything wrong he has secured trade and he has a lot of military but I lacking a little bit of foresight now I wonder if he yeah these two have been fighting the entire time a Lacy and super Lascaux they don't have a lot of the mainland well actually super Lascaux does I just love how they've been fighting this entire time he has mad Navy just right just ran into it this is lazy you could have saved face there and said I just scouted it but instead he said yeah I just ran into it that's funny Holloway's he's always a treat he's always entertaining snippy just finish off blue don't kill super let's go please Matt welcome to the livestream man glad you could make it okay just what is this don't put all your your eggs in one casket that's it that's a dead Kevin coil look it up dead kevin is a really good YouTube channel actually we don't put all your legs in one casket but yet don't put all your eggs in one basket guys come on you guys are probably confused really funny YouTube channel need to check that out dead Kevin is what it's called it's sad that I now have more subs than that channel on YouTube it doesn't make any sense okay all here comes the push from yellow and if you pay attention man this is where his king is what would you do if you were sniffing I would talk to everybody and say listen we need each other yellow is going to lose trade as well so this game goes on for a long time he's only going to have his relics sniff he should be paying attention to this this is the perfect time for yellow to push out because he sees snippy's armies here and sniff he's probably focusing on that area so this is where snippy's king is he's pop tapped at the moment if he's not going to sell the wood and the food he probably should just kill some of those villagers and I'll sippy notices it alright go sniff you kill everything this would be amazing yeah all these bombard cannons going to go down then instant maybe the trebs as well so this is a really good win for sniffy right off the bat ohana sure is going down - well done sniffy - notice that his King is in here looks like yellow is noticed but yellow is gonna lose all this expensive siege and maybe yellows extra Gold's not gonna pay off now he's saying sale as well yeah get t90 rekt get t9 you wrecked now the paladin's going to go down is what man Luke swoosh red paladin but at the same time I didn't realize sniffy is being attacked down here by Canadian ninja which hurts to see because we once if he can do well Canadian ninja in with the raid sniff he's down to 150 population still he's going to have to keep up with yellows production and grades production gray has done a great job this game will talk to his resources now well he doesn't have any trade which is the problem but he does have a lot of trash and sniffy is now being focused on everybody wants to kill sniffy orange for the first time pushing in now if I remember correctly sniff he has his king in this castle so he should be safe and if he keeps his mammals behind he might lose one but I think even though hallucis castle he should be able to kill this army but the problem for sniffy is he's lost his trade now yellows coming in on the left you can't afford to lose his castles and I think he will lose this one here as well oh crap the king is over here for sniffy oranges shreds did a good job of taking that castle out - he has the military but he doesn't have the population guys he doesn't have the castles now not looking good for everybody's hero now someone saying super let's go going to die I don't know what happened with super glucose King looks like he just moved it at the same time because you could see a lacy going in for that snipe then anyway back to snippy because King is in that castle pretty sure of snippy patrolled up here for a moment you can kill these shreds and run back needs to be careful the King might pop out of this Oh zippy naturally Kings somebody signaling it don't know sniff you can do it without new friends now so difficult because it was a good decision to team up with yellow because of yellows position to get trade but I think the lack of teamwork from employers will give you a huge advantage here and also if you look yellow has tops for I mean sorry no it doesn't that's the problem snippy is top scorer so constantly wanting to kill the highest player and next will be Canadian ninja believe it or not it wasn't like no trade so green and orange are trading with yellow why is yellow friends with everybody I don't know but snippy still alive for now and I believe his king is over here I need to follow this there we go it's gonna rebuild then one of you can kill me last this is shrunk goat okay 1 second place oh man this would be sick if our notice is bit he could wall in the king with a house and he could build a tower oh man sniff he's running away oh yeah unfortunately I think sniff he's done remember what I said snippy should go into another unit well I said it a long time ago now and I think these skirmishes will eventually kill the mammal oops and Sippy's now in a corner as well so guys get the Bible thumps than the sea-90 King send the t9 t-rex in the chat because this is not going to end well for snippy down 256 population credit to everybody for killing them all credit to yellow from mind gaming everybody making him think he's behind so we'll see what he's going to do with the rest of this game are we drew did we drop again I think we did so I'll pause it either frame drops or an actual drop I'm sure I'll see you guys complaining about it in the chat in the second but we're back now since he's using the last of his army to fight this Oh Lacey's been defeated which I missed and I think that was orange was that orange did I just see an orange trap or an orange unit I'm pretty sure that was orange crap I don't know who to give that one credit to well the lace he's done okay there's one way to figure this out but I wrapped up that first we need to follow snippy's king okay what's the orange yeah I think it was orange actually what's Paige up here [Music] well I can't seem to find it but I assumed somewhere in that chat we're going to see orange changed a lacy to enemy okay here comes the great run from sniffy you know what's crazy orange has also not been to threat this entire game and he's killed while he's helped out with Kevin sippy and he's killed or Lacy and now he has more space does sniff he's running is he going to run into anything well yeah orange is down here method arms with the methodical slow build it was orange with Spanish cannon guy Safety Nighthawk I wasn't sure if I was a transport or what type of ship it was sniffing protect your team protect your leader oh man this is not gonna end well his only hope is to run around the blackfish otherwise he's trapped yet you didn't run around the blacksmith it's not like it makes much of a difference you don't get an award for keeping your King alive longer you just delay the inevitable snippy has gone down everybody's upset in the chat everybody at home is crying get the tissues out look at aren't just resources guys plenty of gold he does have one relic did anybody take elby's relics now nobody's done that of course come on guys going back to yellow now the chat doesn't seem to like yellow just because he's smart you can't blame someone for doing what they can to win a game he's definitely done that he does have some trade and a decent trade line as well and it looks like he is trading with super Lisco a super Lisco we haven't talked about him in a long time he's somehow a 200 population unfortunately doesn't have any manga died but seriously guys he could win this game as well so I don't know how to call this I have no freaking clue who's going to win because now if they team up on yellow I think yellow would die because he only has 500 gold one really and of course two hours in I really have to go to the bathroom you've no idea how badly I need to see but I can't do that got a job to do here folks well at least we learned we know this shouldn't be possible and still I could be wrong here let's see it says he has 65 military right hold on if you do the math I think I was just awful at math it says he had 63 bills 65 military and 181 pop that doesn't add up I think it is working I still can't figure out why they went up to 210 total population but that's not a huge deal in my opinion so am i right guys no math on stream is the rule but I think it is working is that 184 pop dashboard says he is 6 yes it's definitely working he's not dots either which is really peculiar because Goss will go to 210 you know what you guys make fun of my math all the time but you were tricked you assumed that it wasn't working and it was a shame on you I blame nimah no because if you go back he called me a noob that's why we call him nimah noob but um all right so again we have to look at the player's resources and what they're doing Canadian ninja plenty plenty of resources to make Eagles with there's a tech you can research that gives you plus 10 top space how do I not know about my own community game on my dad dumb that's pretty cool obviously little boy saw that and chose to research it well good to know now because nobody did that before let's see if anybody else has done that he'll be 10 said we don't know about drunk goat because he's not close to 200 top his little boys a method Arndt's has not done that he does have a castle so I assume it's in the castle like the super let's go yeah nobody else is doing that maybe Canadian engine now unless it's only with Spanish which wouldn't make any sense oh that's why you called me a noob yeah way to save face ok maybe you did I don't know I can't follow the chat ok not very easy to do that oh I like this walking Canadian ninja stopping the others from trading easily and yellow I saw this as well he's had to pound him sitting in the gate for god knows how long and the trade can't go through oh man what are you doing thank you thank you that was triggering me yes nippy you did really well I think you were going to be teamed up a bond regardless men you did really well so I can't say snippy did anything wrong even if he had more foresight the others might not have agreed I was saying during the task Miffy you should maybe think about a lying some of these other guys but they had it out for you alright if I can I'm going to try and check for Kings Canadian ninja has his here and in this castle relatively safe he's right next to blue and blue is struggling I will go to the next player I'll be dead drunk goat has his King here this is his only town centre this could be a problem someone wants to kill him honestly he's at everyone for mercy right now little boys not a big deal to be honest it's probably in one of these towers well he's faking me out I don't know where it is I don't have a control group either he had skirmishers and some of those towers and everything so good idea for him to do that because the catcher doesn't even know now and I'm not going to waste the time to figure it out this is where the king is for method orange I like Kali has the monk in this transport as a fake well done his resource is also looking very good [Music] now what's going on up here Oh orange is going to get the relics now this is awkward because if he's enemies with lb lb is going to kill the monk as it comes out of the monastery oh man every time lb is in a game something weird happens like this where his military or his buildings will contribute after he's dead too bad we don't have the t90 hacks mo yet but I'm guessing he's going to send his monk out of the monastery I'm hoping well no offense orange okay being smart he's going to send out Ram that would have been funny we were looking for a ladies king is dead sniffy super let's go what about him hmm oh it's still in that corner okay I did have his control group someone says something about yellows King being on the island no don't see it there I honestly don't know where he put this thing I checked every tower that scares him no TCS no castles this is leading me to believe he has it on water I don't know I think they are going to prepare to attack him soon but did anybody see it snippy says I play a AC news that's good to know hmm I don't have a clue a yellow has moved his army down here looks like he wants to attack aren't if he can stop the opponent's trade that'd be nice it does kind of bother me that no one has gone out to get this relic we're two hours in now you should be able to snag those relics guys King is between buildings hidden Oh what oh I didn't see Canadian ninja going in but we know what happened Canadian ninja did go to water earlier I don't know consulted galleys because I didn't mention is too much to talk about stupid let's go has gone down Wow and at the same time yellow has switched his diplomatic stance with orange which again it's kind of screw up his trade I don't agree with your decision if I'm yellow and I really want to win this game I don't attack anybody I just react later on yeah I get it chat I'm sorry I'm slow Canadian ninja went water just to kill chiku let's go which gives him a lot of space up here with orange remember what I said earlier if you're not a threat players probably aren't going to attack you well orange has not seemed like a threat this game but now he is in my opinion whoa almost at the Kings pit towards the opponent's army so this is going to be an interesting place assuming the others will help out drunk goat does have a lot of alpha tears come on guys attack yellows army health orange out drew nation good to see you here man thanks for stopping by Canadian ninja and drunk goat are inseparable at this point that's friend forever to the spongebob song I think that was the song yellow not attacking that's kept the score low yeah that's true however the only reason people are using yellow is because he has really good market placement and it does seem like yellow wants the fact that people I don't think this is a good game plan for him he's going to continue to lose his trade ideally you want to go for the final two and then you're trading with that guy and then you're like okay sorry buddy it's been fun but we have to attack each other now so badly I wanted orange to redo his lumber camp and cut through here and somehow do something with that out of him so sick I don't get why Canadian ninja is not helping why drunk oh is not helping they obviously don't like blue oh when they turned on orange Oh feels bad man why would you do that credit card info got screwed up after recent long a vapor trail if you're having issues with your credit card you can just send me the credit card number and the code on the back and I can help you out oh don't forget the expiration I'll help you fix that min I'm just kidding thank you for the resale a lady says orange deserves this all captain the chat George deserved it for killing me how dare he this might be Canadian ninja and drunk goats way of gaining yellows trust or using him for his trade I'm not wrong I think that drunk goat and Canadian ninja are trading in this area well hold on a second Miguel thank you for the host man drunk go is trading with jello and that's the weirdest trade route I've ever seen he went up and around the wood I guess there's nothing you can do about it well yellow should seem threatening but it doesn't seem like these guys want to attack him if you switch over first you can kill a lot of Units before they realize but right now it's method Orange Canadian ninja little boys and drunk Oh little boys in a good position defensively I am kind of put my money on Canadian ninja right now to be the one that changes things oh wow look at this they have all their legs in one casket again both Kings and that T see like I said inseparable friends forever what I like is that blue and Canadian ninja are talking must be in one of those castles bottom right yellow is taking him towers like crazy must be okay so they're communicating I like it meanwhile method arts is trying to survive I build heap tu9 dude Tower I just don't think method Orange can survive he doesn't have any friends that's the problem that many players have faced this game lvu is the first when more for snuffing I will do force nothing when I get a new apartment and the Internet is Dave because I'm already having drops during streams now so if I move out and get the internet sorted then we'll do all that stuff then stay was telling me last night that he can tell when I'm casting expecting drops which is basically than the last six months and tell when I'm casting without worrying about that stuff so it kind of sucks okay how many trade units I don't have that here it's trained but I want trade so Canadian ninja is looking at I was forget which one to select he doesn't have any trade right now no trade for Canadian ninja not even trading with Doc so I don't like that a drunk goat probably doesn't have a lot of trade orange has his Navy here still a threat there at least Barnes will win don't worry he started off for school well maybe if you can hold to this water and trade here because he's been doing that a little bit he's trading with super let's go he's dead so he could do that all game mega die is asking how sniffy died while sniffy was ganged up upon just like oranges right now but I am curious I want to know what's maybe a ninja and drunk goat are planning drunk oat has all of these Hal videos he really needs to upgrade them a lot of how video is still only on one PC except this is a new one what are they planning what are they thinking right now because they're just watching yellow to orange my internet service provider is contact and I've probably said it about 100 times now but I had the same exact package one of my parents house at the area I live now my apartment is a little bit more populated so they throttle me essentially okay so still confused still waiting for a big move but right now trades really important and yellow so how many trade characters we have three okay three not a lot of gold still has the relic so and so it's the best position so my opinion yi is favored here ours is running away as all the villagers here and there are transports Kim has got to be in there as well I imagine so what do you guys think is going to happen here what do you think give me two things first tell me what you expect to happen do you expect Canadian ninja and a drunk goat to to be one yellow and surprises or do you expect Canadian ninja and drunk goat start fighting up against one another and break that amazing truth so what do you expect to happen and then you could tell me what do you think they should do so I think those are two different questions and probably two very different answers as well [Music] think yellows advantage is kind of stalled the only thing he has going for him which makes me think he's going to be able to hold of the towers but the problem for yellow he's at 196 population and he has 37 bills 105 military so he's all this military but if you were to get attacked now he doesn't have the population to defend so it's not as working and I think that could be bad for him yeah we might not even realize all you see is your population and we see your military you're like okay I think I'm fine now but 35 that would resume a candle a sense I think sniffy is going to come back twice as powerful yeah course sniff he will come back from the dead he does have two villagers here but who knows sure he can come back no Canadian ninjas calling the GG don't sue and man don't call the gg he said rift guess not oh I see he was calling the gg because he was trying to kill orange he wasn't calling gg because he wanted to forfeit I don't know exactly what's happening with orange right now he said rip get snuffed and maybe orange got by orange did get by but there's no King I've been missing some of these tonight all the King is here okay and oh boy this could be bad for you run the game to the left and he died run the King to the right and you die oh boy run this way at least try and kill the ships I was going to say run around and give his fires a chance this is so awkward for armed forty-one population out he will killed Canadian inches Navy but then he's going to have to run and this is not going to be easy to do he's effectively out of this game I imagine feeling there's anything you can do to come back but maybe you can survive and I said that before as well Pilgrim's does give you an opportunity Tom Hanks thanks for joining again men did it to you it's a lot of galleons for Canadian ninja but what arms could try and do because you've stuck on water now is run along the water's edge don't run next to the galleons because then Canadian ninja will see ok this is smart just wait a little bit patience my son I think he's going to make it past Oh Canadian ninja probably spotted it but doesn't have the numbers there's one shot two shots on the transport with 72 HP orange is making the great escape he's going to try and build up his economy elsewhere refresh that lumber camp man this is all you have he only has 64 Cawood he definitely needs to refresh that lumber camp and get more wood he does have a relic which is nice he needs to escape somewhere he's allied with super Lascaux remember so super Liska will basically protect him over here Oh Lacey still has elephants out here these are all really cool screenshots if the dashboard wasn't there can you repair the ship you can repair the ship which is maybe why he collected some villagers as well I don't know where he sent that transport I need to look at blue and I need to look at gray I need to figure out what their plan is verse yellow again this is a community games mod so you can get a couple interesting things you can get the leap it's hard it doesn't look like Canadian ninja has the lead upgrade but you get that in the castle then what is also interesting all man's the great chase is happening what's also interesting is if you build a bombard tower takes up a population spot so yellow is it Moi's pop caps but he only has 40 villagers and 140 military so a lot of his population is going into the towers which is helping them five maybe but 10 you win the game I don't know all right arge is running away I don't think he's going to be trapped I don't think gray is going to be his where gray has it Doc's scoreboard in a rainbow color it's a little bit off I think Canadian NGO would need to be on the bottom or something like that you're right you're right what is the order of colors for rainbow anyway I don't know but here's the great escape from Margie's only on 29 population things are tough life is rough as you had enough I don't know but I had to throw that rhyme in there well click they all want to kill orange before they do anything else so good support today guys thank you for being here as always it's great to have so many people come out to the streams and appreciate the support orange is just going to chill out over here you know what he has a TC up there we go build up that economy brother you got this chopping wood living the good life blue has a castle there why is there a castle there from blue I'm just looking around and all we had is king to herself man yeah he's making treads - he wants to kill orange that's insane oh and he can see it - he can see it Wow I think it's time to check resources yellow he's not trading anymore so he doesn't have the population but yes us-- amount of gold and food is fine canadian ninja again not trading i feel like we should be trading from stocks or something but still at a healthy population and then we will look at drunk goat who is that a healthy population is trading a little bit i believe yeah 15 trade units which might be the most in this one where's oranges King yeah they're all working against orange but then again aren't is top-score it's really deceiving orange is completely out of this game they're probably thinking orange is going to attack them soon so they want to kill the king but yeah it's not the case Oh Canadian ninjas going to find it I hope the Kings not in the transport I'm hoping it's into CC we'll find out in a second all right he's not defeated so it's in the CC now Eagle coming around from Canadian ninja always all on the wall court orange is trying to build a desperation castle that one eagle is going to deny this is so bad for him and now drunko is coming over with the cannon galleon one sitting over do - dude why are you killing orange yellow change stance with me - blue and all yes indeed look at this fight and oh crap I don't know where blues King is like my memory is filled me I forget but this is exactly what I said earlier yellow cannot be trusted yellow should be the one being killed and again this ruins his trade and blue strangers gray says I believe Pete's are time to go but don't worry about orange man where are they going are they going here think so I think it would be smarter to defend against yellow down here but anyway ok blues king is safe for the time being I think we are going to see a push through the wall keep in mind yellow is not going to have the population to replenish his forces here so he could die there was five feet Rams even and kill all these towers so he's not losing many units over here the yellow has seed Rams yellow also has bombard cannon how's orange doing well this is his situation he's using a villager to attack a trap but he's actually close to getting it making mumps to defend so all the King seems safe for the time being a drunk goats was in a TC last I checked though t90 Oh what am I talking about I just said that his King is there I'm sorry I'm trying to think about all the possibilities Canadian ninja had his in TC as well I was in it unable to control group that now it's in that capsule so he's fine from yellows attack both players are fine and then they're thinking about pushing in against yellow and yellow according to the chat had his king hiding between some of these buildings because it wasn't in the tower earlier or the castles are the TCS I'm guessing he put it in a tower now I'm hoping so we can at least find it let's see yeah there we go that's where his is so we've located all the Kings ours is going to survive guys he has a navy to protect the right on the left nothing is coming at him now Canadian trying to snipe what is he trying to say be more specific I don't have a CO Custer you're all Co casters in my heart tribes come and they're still trying to focus in the middle I think and I don't think this maybe we'll do anything Navy ninja middle of the map what is there to snipe in the middle of the map what am I missing here I don't think there's anything to snipe in the middle of a map if I'm wrong it's probably obvious to everybody except me but I don't think there's going to be any sipes yellow will find this army though or at least she already knows about it credit to method Orange he has his own trap now he has monk's I don't think that'll save the trebs but he's trying to push and kill blue and now we have the push against yellow at the same time with the leafy tarts going in they're not going to even get towards or close to the tower but I'll man Eagle warriors go here come on man yeah the Eagle should be able to kill all the skirmishers house then one pound and will be a little bit annoying but see what orange is up to over here now aren't just trying to push out I'm really amazed at how well he's doing now he's focusing on bombard towers there must be a massive delay because aren't his king is right here is not dying and you guys seem to think that is close to going down he's okay guys he's okay but I honestly not confident about yellow if the others can that's enough gold units mask enough speech they can take these towers out the awkward thing is then that yellow will be able to replenish the forces but I think that's his main problem right now okay where did orange send us King into the transport got it Shadia ninja it was an entertaining stream Oh blue not like this I'm so proud of orange I am so proud of orange trunks goat defeated aren't has been on his own for a long time and he is coming back into this game GG can't win won't drag it out yellow is sitting pretty in his face it's a great game there great game but it's not over look at Arches resources how many relics does he have he trading I don't know Canadian ninjas resigned so there's only two players left orange I wanna see you try says there's no way I can win this yellow says I have zero Navy yeah exactly there's no way you can kill orange either unless you've resigns without maybe okay we got to find Marcus now are the dead players Oh Lacey yes it's not gonna help anybody sniffy is no mark in Superlift so it's about to lose that market canadian engine doesn't have a market that's helpful nobody has a helpful market for trade so not only they can do sneaky trade unless it's on water docs are definitely possible for trade this game might go on for another three hours but ours could come back into this with some trade or that relic which you already have a transport it's worth it and I think some of the other relics the orange has this one here LV had to earlier I thought check all the monasteries real quick remember yellow has two that looks like oranges creating a monk to go for that relic now anybody else have any realms yeah they do not Canadian mins are going to stop the trade orange is trying to trade a little bit again a really weird path but he's trading Lacey's pissed off how dare you kill me and then trade with my dock to make me watch it the ultimate humiliation that's funny everybody played this one well Canadian ninja snippy super Lascaux lb ten drunk goat fillet see all the guys who were out of this game you did a great job if yellow wins it will be a little bit of a shame because he just sat here all game he didn't have to defend his base right here making docks so maybe he's going to go water control and of course ours is going to spot that not today Junior yeah lb was dead pretty quick in this one he didn't make any friends and both these guys were very friendly but no good intentions of course okay did that relic you picked up or was that pretty sure you got that relic wasn't it right here I might not be able to see it because of the ships yeah that's what I'm talking about his army coming over from method Orange using it even as a trade cog in there not only am I going to attack you I'm going to trade with you feels like he's doing the old lady right now seriously if orange really wants to win this what did she do is patrol on the water create a ton of trade cogs and just defend it until he has a ton of gold and then he should be able to win but that will take forever I might get up take a break come back because I don't see yellow winning the water with the amount of gold he has and crap it's really bad for him he only has 25 bills and 38 military the rest is population is his tower come on trade with trade with the dock orange come on trade with the dock all right all right the demo was a nice attempt and he might get a good shot or two but unfortunately no trade for orange like a big shot no do you think arms could win this I do think arms can win this just a matter if you want to dedicate a time can't believe we're closing in on three hours now I definitely think you can win this because he's the only player that can trade oh man this is awkward this monk wants that relic not today so Canadian ninja is guarding the relic from the dead six-hour game who knows men who know let's see if method is training now he's trading that means he believes it doesn't look like he's trading his markets aren't doing anything and I don't think they could anyway he does have two relics one in each monastery any slowly push again as well even as a CAV Archer this is almost exactly what happened with regicide Rumble with the a first regicide Rumble an expert game where Viper doubt Stark who else was in there Eddie wasn't Stefan Who am I thinking of crap I can't think of the one player but we also had NBL and box in there I remember what color he wasn't one of them Stefan Stefan played in the latest one do you guys remember who that was that's bothering me now he was the purple color here's a Lacey's color in that game bullet thank you it was bullet yeah I was confusing Stephan and bullet that was a really good game but essentially what happened if you didn't watch it the strongest player in the game no spoilers even though the chat already spoiled it thank you I just say it Viper he was doing a great job and eventually couldn't do anything because I think it was Eddie and Stark they had these islands and they were trading from here and this is exactly what arm should be thinking about now Yale is looking to stop that he does have his docks producing now looks like he's read octa bin kiaa was alive notes he was not alive L v10 is never really dead because he always seems to do something after he resigned or was killed but he was the first to go down in this game and he is the strongest player as well so the one thing yellow has gone for him it looks like he sold a lot of his resources he does have two relics and he could get this one as well if he dedicated the time to clean up the skirmishes and send them on course he definitely should do can you show us what yellow can see yep this is yellows point of view now we see pretty much everything he's allied with so many people you know if the relic is there up here can see that as well he knows orange doesn't have a lot of land and he said it earlier he said I don't have any water control but now he's winning a big fight on water and unfortunately like I said if ours is going to win he was going to need to start trading English campus I don't think he can do that especially now that yellow cannon cannon galleon he has a lot of galleons himself 51 military oh that's bill sorry 61 military for yellow orange is looking at 91 but they don't know how much he has on the land what can orange see I will show you oranges point of view as well probably won't be too surprising that one corner he hasn't scouted myself and who knows his opponent is there he still has the villagers he could have cut through I don't even know if you could accomplish anything probably not but wouldn't it have been sick if he cut through here over the course of time and built stables and started raiding at least that was been amazing but here comes the plight it's really important and I think yellow is going to win this one farm still believed but he doesn't have any trade running man he doesn't have the gold either right now he's still producing we probably should have brought these units forward before fighting I'm going to take back a couple of things I said yellow didn't really camp this entire game he's killed a lot of Units not like sniffy of course who had lead Mameluke but yellow attacks multiple people he attacks sniffy he attacks well ended up defending against gray I guess attacked blue so yellow did the right thing with the towers and the camping I think maybe made a little bit too many towers he doesn't have a lot of military but at the same time we can't be angry at him because he's actually been fighting and not just hitting this [Music] there's been a couple incidents with Idol unit or his relics in general where players haven't gone after us or I don't know I think orange had a relic in his hand for 20 minutes that was bothering me so it really bothers me that yellow is not focusing on that other relic there yeah this isn't really Ganesha Ganesha he tends to sit back as long as possible in that attack but yellow was the one who initiated the attack [Music] all right does orange have a game plan for the snipe or something I did see this earlier but I don't know if he can tell anything with skirmishers to cap archers and outside hey maybe man maybe you can take down all these towers and all these buildings without yellow noticing but here's the fight I think it's getting time for iron skull DG man yellow affording spies or sorry treason and that means yellow will now know where that king is we probably got a signal for a moment yep you know it's got to be in there and he did get Canon gallium so even though they're not elite he's able to kill everything here the Canon galleons will take up the docks take out the building yellow thing you just don't give up I think it is getting to that time doesn't look like orange has any tricks up his sleeve yeah okay you know what he does if are just going to go out I agree with him going out in this fashion just trying just trying to kill the skin because he knows he's gonna lose his he knows he can't keep water so he's going to make an attempt here now has he seen the massive amount of towers that yellow has yeah well there's more for you for everywhere the good luck to you yeah three hours indeed we're going to yellow point of view again he does have some population space but he's gonna have to go huh stars man if method had to help a gear upgrade and he had held Rams and skirmishers I think he could kill him but how this such an important upgrade in the late game were three hours in I haven't seen any how the beards from arns he's been running all over the map his King is here as well guiding his forces [Music] how many people have left of their computer during the stream and now come back and are surprised the game is still going I'm just curious because I've been sitting here casting the entire thing and I really have to go to the bathroom I'm really hungry at the same time so I'm just curious like how many people we've during these long games and come back I've sat through it all hey I respect you all I respect you all regardless thanks for being here of course but I'm just curious yeah everyone's like me you guys are such jerks arias is like I've played a game oh man I shouldn't have asked I was a bad answer for me buzz but II all right well then go the huh stars there's too many Javed years though oh they're going to go up to the palm Berg plane which was very nice I had a nap I wrote an essay ok I'm gonna stop looking at the chat for a while this is too much ok there how videos from orange-yellow still not attacking artist units there we go and up here yellow is pushing in but nothing to find anymore the King's not there Barnes with the cheeky fake we'll see if this skirmishers can kill the house from yellow but yellow he has the additional relics he has additional population as I say that he has pop caps because of all his powers but I don't know if orange will have enough to take everything out but if orange is going to do it he's going to need a lot of food a lot of wood and whatever gold he does get from as relics he needs to put the seed red I got married and now we have two kids Oh congratulations men congratulations I think it's going to get to the point where orange just doesn't have anything because his economy is not that strong he's only on 31 bills the yellow doesn't have a strong economy but his economies that we've saved he hasn't had to relocate it to bombard towers take up population they take a population with a mod I have and yet it looks like yellow is still going to be successful I'll look at that nice try orange yeah if you look orange is at 206 pop he has 44 bills in 107 military so we're looking at about my math on stream like 60-ish showers I'll probably be divorced and bitter by the end of this yeah right I think at this point let's look at our just point of view he still has resources so I always want players to use every bit of resource they have he's still creating but he can't fight this composition I'm not going to message him yet and say hey man can you keep it up but I think we're getting close to that point he's committed three hours of his life to this in like two hours real time so I can't say hey design stopped trying it's kind of rude but at the same time he's getting pushed back he'll probably lose these buildings and LK orangist resigning there I promise it in message impose his decision Oh going to crack my fingers yeah what a game great game from yellow he deserved the win in my opinion he handicapped himself with these towers he may or may not have known about it I assume he did and it worked out for him and the rest of the game was great as well we had some great snippy action Canadian ninja method orange method orange did have the best knife of the game in my opinion I missed it for the most part we just saw his last ship he did kill a lacy drunk goat lb 10 super let's go players we have forgotten about because this game has been so damn long so anyway can't hate on the players guys they've put on the show for us here and I'm really happy that we got to do another pilgrims game there's the unit skilled units lost snippy after all that still had more units killed eco stats I am interested in this though a lot more Gold collected for yellow more food as well not that significant yeah huge difference I think the second-highest would be Method orange and he flew under the radar for so long I said I don't think ours is going to play a part in this one and in the end he really did I think he still was missing how do I say this I'll just say like 70 more villagers his problem was he had pcs all over the map and I heard him in waking he needed a core to his economy yellow had a core he didn't have to relocate it he had a position orange didn't have a position he had a method but he did not have a good position to push from here's the technology stats total castles relics relic gold as well you can see yellow had his for longer so that helped with the gold and that is that I'm probably going to have the pieces together so youtubers I apologize I promise guys eventually at some point I'll have a new apartment and we will get these ISP issues in the back of our minds hopefully you enjoyed the game of here on YouTube a lot of people here on the live stream right now consider joining one in the future if you have the time it's always good fun here's the timeline as well because that's probably going to be insane
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 92,390
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Keywords: aoe2, forest nothing, HD, ffa, pilgrims, theviper, resonance22, zeroempires, spirit of the law
Id: g8SMRYc50_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 53sec (6773 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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