Yinghua vs LaaaaaN | King Of The Desert 2 | Round 2

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okay my friends welcome to game number one in a best-of-five this is in round two of king of the desert two again just to start off this best-of-five i just want to say thank you again to mem matcha salsa Microsoft mem the organizer and the others were sponsoring this tournament has fantastic stuff and I've enjoyed the casting so far as have the viewers here Japanese for LAN he's in the red and then we have game wall and the blue playing as the Berbers so I don't know what the response is always going to be going into tournaments I don't know what the response is going to be from viewers going into sets I feel like many people seeing these two players from rounds two are probably confused so I just want to give you an idea of what these players have done to get here LAN beat Tim the Chinese legend who was definitely favored over him three games to 0 and then yang wall beat out three two one and round two so when I looked at the brackets to me it was pretty much a given that doubt and Tim would win and I thought that this round 2 matchup would be Downton Tim but they're both at home doubts probably smoking some shisha and watching the stream right now he is not playing in round 2 of a big money tournament pretty incredible stuff and so for that reason that gets me excited because both of these guys were not expected to get here and so how far will they go now whoever wins this one is going to have to face up against the fat dragon in round 3 and Vivi's had a pretty strong tournament so far so they'll again be at a disadvantage but I think they might be evenly matched I think this could be one of the best best of fives and rounds - and anyway Japanese verse Berbers LAN can utilize Japanese he definitely plays the style needed for them he's a strong man and arms player that's probably what I'll expect and then yang Hwa he will probably open up with Scouts but we'll start with the maps here yang while I love his map I love his map it's not perfect of course it's never going to be perfect on Arabia but look at the gold and look at all he's rung the bell oh God actually scared me I always save the bore as well oh man that could have been a disaster well first game jitters from young wall he rang the bell which is not something you see pro players too often and then the bore almost ran back but yeah the gold in the stone can so easily be walled in that's wonderful I think this area of his map is gonna be tough because of the hills but at least having the gold and the stone there is nice now LAN is already here and he's looking too lame and I don't think he'll be successful if he's looking to block the villagers sometimes when the villagers collecting the pig you can stand in front of the villager and the pig and and the pig will kill the Ville but not with Berber villagers Berber villagers are too fast and okay LAN goes to steal the pig so yang waz he runs out to get it says I no pig and his Scout is waiting here and can he stop land from getting this pig in Game one we're at five minutes now so regardless of what happens here the players will have to play on no restarts all players get one restart per best-of-five but you have to call before four minutes and so far this is pretty good for jung-hwa he's killed he's really lowered the HP on land scout and okay that's great for him and the pig stops so LAN he fails to bring in the pig and all he gets out of it is delaying the food from being hua Ying hua his uptime might be delayed it might be delayed so sometimes it's actually worth it because normally he would have collected all that pig by now and he's been on goats which is a bit slower and he had to add farms which is a bit slower and here comes mr. pig all right Oh people want to see the seeds yeah let me tap out quickly thank you for reminding me here I'll put that on the scoreboard okay so Jing hua was the 27th seed in this tournament the 27th seed and then for LAN it was the 22nd seed and they're in rounds too that's that's almost unheard of to have two players with these seeds move on and beat doubt and Tim you know I think was succeed and Tim was 10th or 11th so yeah scoreboard should update for us and perfect well I'll tell you what the lame has definitely worked for land he might not have gained any food from it but he delayed jung-hwa and lance on the way up to the next stage first already making the militia he wants to go for man-at-arms I didn't look at Lance Bass but now that I look at I love this too nice back gold nice wood lines wobble map he will be taking the initiative here as well which is a big deal and yang was up super late to the next stage and he'll be going Scouts normally when you go Scouts you'll be up faster than your opponent so the lack of the pig the lack of the board definitely playing a part here but you know he has good scouting at least this is important and he sees his opponent has flags on his barracks so he's looking for the militia now now he doesn't see them okay now he sees them coming forward and he's had the time to wall up a little bit so he's prepared for this yeah so going into the tour this means that going into the tournament Game one doesn't have loom by the way which is really weird land was considered the 22nd best player out of the 32 that were in it and then you all was considered number 27 so yin hua verse dal is the biggest upset that we've seen in this tournament because 27c beat six seed does Yin wall just go right into ranges now he still builds a stable okay just kind of a an interesting situation already LAN is here with four Japanese man at arms to help us through this palisade wall real quickly unfortunately yang wall has the faster villagers but no no he can't wall it off now he needs a house here in a palisade and I think he's fine but man is this awkward and sometimes man-at-arms is just about buying yourself some time and that's exactly what has happened here yang walls economy is really gross and he's just waiting for his Scouts but my goodness this start for land really strong he's going for an archery range now he has plenty of farms at home full map control even has his spear forward here what is he in wall doing I guess he wanted to keep the unit strapped in there well guys the best decision now for land is arguably to attack the stable because if your opponent's full walled sometimes it's good to attack that stable and kill it what you could also do of course is run around sin hope you can do damage but I think he would be walled out he of course doesn't know that but if I were him I would try and attack this stable and then King well would either have to repair it or just lose it now it gets risky for land now because that's quite a few Scouts coming forward three is enough to kill villagers so he'll need Spears or he'll need full walls and he has opted for spear and full wall so his base is completely secure still risky for land though because what what yang wall is going towards can beat man-at-arms into archers if you make Scouts and then you get five to ten skirmishers with fletching you can kill pretty much anything your opponent's making in futile age and the reason I say that is because mask skirmishers can kill the man at arms and the spears and it can also kill the archers and then the scouts can mop up everything else also the beauty of going Scouts is that you have a lot of food income so if you look at the farms that yule has versus the farms that land has land he's put more wood into getting his blacksmith and his archery ranges up so he doesn't have as much food eco right now so there's many reasons that Scouts work but that's the big reason is because once you get the ball rolling with your economy you'll you'll have a stronger one I love Berbers man Berbers are so cool now I was just gonna say I was just gonna say with Berbers you can run away when you need to with villagers and okay he does here that's a good example but the first one was just bad he's like oh four men at arms let's just try and hug them how you doing guys I love you I haven't seen around in a while yeah the nice nice clean up for being wall nice job and and this is where land needs to be either extremely patient or he needs to push now he needs to run out now because if he waits too long then you and well we'll have the skirmisher numbers to kill him I think that's a good idea chunk shark I think I'll have someone work on a house demote for me t90 house will just be a house with like an X over it or something so it's a good idea Viva let's see 9 to keep being efficient with your studying man keep being efficient by watching the stream okay well archers and squirms coming forward for land again this is a risky move a game wall needs the golds and then he can get fletching perfect he's getting fletching and this is probably not something that land can fight so land should try and do damage but avoid the army his opponent has and here he he might be able to hit a villager I don't know if he'll kill one depends how many archers can hit it yeah exactly so he delays his opponent a bit can you kill one here nope Berber filters too fast and this is where land should probably run so this is about game sense he knows his opponent is going into squirms how long does he stay here is the question so again he sees his opponents building a stone wall probably expecting something's coming and there we are the Scout goes down and now land needs to run okay so you have two options in lands position and sorry for the lag I imagine we're about to encounter a pause which is why it's stuttered a bit so your opponent's going skirmishers so what you can do okay I like the distraction there from land that's really good that's really good sure who'll lose the archer but the rest of his army survives okay okay option number one is just go Castle age and go full crossbow and and elite scram if you're in Lance position option number two is go castle agent at a stable and then you'll go crossbow with Knights the nice thing about having Knights is you can kill your opponent's Kermes quite quickly there the risk in that is that yang wall can make camels as Berbers but it can work and ying wall has a lot of stone does he really wants to go camel archers this game Wow and look at that in game one the castle times are identical the lion has a few more villagers working for him but still well that's a lot of stone I figured he would go to stone because he wanted to stone wall but he has 500 stone I think king wall wants to build a castle and go camel archers a Alejandro says t9 official what are the numbers next to the players names adds their age it's their age it's definitely not their seed it's their age so let's get some t90 walls in the chat for mr. yang wall the 27 year old Waller that's a lot of commitment to stone a lot of commitment to walls I'm surprised I don't think Camel archers really excel verse Japanese yeah we found out before King to the desert to that Viper is is one year old exactly 12 months into his life and he's already dominants crazy but why go camel archers I don't get it really if that's what his plan is it puts him at a disadvantage in my opinion he'll have a bit of mobility and sure when camel archers or mass they can kill anything but my word I feel like going with two or three stables as Berbers with their cheap Knights with the skirmishers could be the better play well both players are going to hit Castle H in a moment I imagine LAN will have plenty of resources to add TCS oh never mind he's adding a stable okay so he's putting one into the stable so he will make a night or two but it will be crossbow and bodkin immediately for him one bad thing for LAN is that his wood lines are tough so he stonewalled sure but his wood lines are tough to secure and maybe that's why he's going for the castle here to protect his wood line slightly ahead LAN arrives he remembers his being open and now he sees stone walls man it is pretty frustrating to play against full stone walls like this but you have to take what your opponent gives you and walls do give up map control so perhaps he'll sit here and look for a ville pick and okay now LANs thinking hmm what do I do he has to think his opponent has skirmishers he doesn't know where they are though this is where it gets risky he also didn't see the castle going up so this could actually be tough no night on the way yet okay he sees the skirmishers all this could be so good for you all this could be so good for you and while the castles on one side the skirmishers are on the other side yeah this is this is where you send a knight forward here it comes and send the crossbows away nice move nice move from land and nice move from being wall as well I don't really get the camel Archer choice but if you amass enough of them there they're awesome yeah and I think he'll just he'll patiently boom behind this where it can ease on he'll be on three TCS here in a moment so obviously Age of Empires 2 is about skill but I think what makes the game beautiful for me is the strategies can be completely different every time this is a 20 year old game and Here I am casting it to almost 2,000 people right so the strategies are very unique the strategies are very interesting and it makes the game timeless for me and in this game they both gone for different strategies with differences and I'm still not really sure which strategy is better I questioned the camel Archer choice but I only questioned the camel Archer choice from being wall because that didn't give him a strong Castle age advantage at the start but now it's arguable but maybe he'll have more of an advantage as the game goes on because he can't be rated he's on three TCS and his Archer unit is much faster and more mobile 55 villagers verse 54 so not a lot in that and I think LAN you can't do anything more except make crossbows and some of his own skirmishers possibly Elena's on to TCS he's about to go to 3t season he's also walling up so important to note here the stones for land are really tough to collect from okay their forward their range of all and I'll get to the gold here in a second after this fight this is this is a fight that land should win again camel archers a really weak for his crossbows which is why I question this think once you get thumb ring and once you get 20 to 30 of them they're strong but they're that's not gonna cut it but anyway there's a gold here for land and there's a gold here so he has quite a few forward resources and then there is a gold here for yanghwa so there are some exposed areas for the players and something for yang Wang King loss are not being long as something that could be tough for him is also the fact he doesn't have his lumber secured so land could snipe some villagers if his opponents not careful yeah see at least one Ville is dead what are you doing well I guess he didn't realize two three all this is so good for land for villagers down that was kind of a gift if you ask me and also this is over chopped but it would be a mistake to run in I think a run back oh wait you know he's getting more value from this okay he kills one more ville yeah now he's trapped though now he'll lose his army not worth it not worth it he'd already killed villagers the last thing he wanted to do was give ging wasa momentum to push forward and kill his villagers that's exactly what he did when he ran into the castle fire in the TC so yeah it's a sloppy play there but you know LAN still in a nice position I think slight bill lead making what I see as stronger units right now I still don't get why jung-hwan didn't go Knights and squirms but he's making janitors guys or at least he made two of them all right what are you kidding me is he really gonna Castle there well yeah mwah beat doubt so he must he must know where to place castles he's learned his lessons after facing gout that is a really interesting castle position right on that small little hill what does it do though I mean I think the smarter place for the castle is on your Hill on the Left hill that secure your gold and then later on just focus on this I mean if if LAN is able to kill this mac and L then he kills the janitors and he kills the camel archers for sure but I doubt land expects that ever to be going up because it's such a weird castle so instead he's running away from his base yet see here's the problem I guess Lane doesn't have the most mobile Civ but what's gonna happen is Ying hua will want this gold and it's possible that a lot of lanes military will arrive there at some point and he won't have anything to secure it however with yang Oise castle here which will go up Oh LAN are you serious man this guy has balls of steel okay nice split micro but I don't know if this is very good for land because this castles gonna complete oh my goodness he's losing his crossbows to the camel archers and now Jim wall can push this gold and that's why I pointed out the Gold's earlier guys Elena's about to click Imperial but he's losing all map control and Ying wall mites might not stop there you know he could tower this he could you could build seeds here and this is right next to lands ranges and land will now click up to the Imperial age oh but it's the worst possible time to lose your military it's the worst possible time to give away momentum and this is giving yang wall time and yang wall will click Imperial as well and yang wall knows this gold is important you know funny enough he's not he's not pressured this one but there's a TC here and what can land do to stop even battering rams and camel archers nothing right now nothing he's just now coming into a lead sperm he was counting on keeping his crossbows alive and upgrading them to our blessed oh this is gonna be tough now ok honest question what happened today because we sell Janet Orson a 4 V 14 game earlier we rarely see the unit and now yang Hwa and game 1 of a big tournament makes janitors these are mounted skirmishers only for Berbers and most pros have said for a long time or at least shown with her decisions that they're not very good new medic ice and and what does LAN want to tread back the castle from from blue he need his own castle he can't get his own castle because he doesn't have access to his stones because they're on the front so LAN just didn't do enough to secure his golden stones ok here come the skirmishers and here come the crossbows lots of skirmishers in the mix here and they're going right for the camel archers this is good stuff more ranges for laying on the back it's really tough for Japanese here if they don't have a castle because they don't get bombard cannon and they don't get seed RAM either oh he got a castle up ok he must have purchased some stone I didn't see he built that so he has a castle this is good very close game well yanghwa has full map control he's going camel archers and janitors I still think our blessing skirmisher is better than them I still think it but he's used the mobility hitting the stone couple times hitting the gold a couple times obviously sitting on the gold right now Lane split earlier he will not go in for a split there and here comes the first trap this castles pretty awkward to trip if your land because you would probably want to go for the siege workshop in the archery ranges first because you can't safely sit at Rep here at the moment so yeah he has to he has to go for the the tower even not sure is he going for the tower the siege workshop I guess siege workshop you know I really don't know even still I'm not sure this could go any way now 146 population for yang wall but I'm not sure that right your camel archers can face off against fully upgraded to lead scurbs and just one Mackinaw isn't going to do it either so we'll see here comes a small raid from land he'll go to the wood line game wall doesn't have like half tucked into he really needs to do that because if he had liked have it be a different story and okay cap to ram from being wall he's using the rams verse to trebuchet can he kill one this could be a big deal he will not he will not and now the camel archers are going to die to the skirmishers a meanwhile the skirmishers will go to this wood line again this could go either direction now the populations are both 150 so it got better for land there and he kills young walls trebuchet and this is a 1 hp mac and l freeing wall and it is not going to kill the tribe this is interesting guys I think land is slowly taking the lead okay there's the like have upgrade for yang wall that's what's needed but the eCos not looking good for you is a lot of idle time because of the skirm kappa knees they don't need a ton of gold not like other tips they can't rely on their trash and land will make more skirmishers on the right and hold from this for now i I think that young walls castles dead like he'll lose his castle in a bit but he is going for HUS art so if he gets HUS are in the mix there's no response LAN doesn't have like pikemen alt he doesn't have any are blessed and with his skirmishers so hustler would kill all of this and okay there's the barracks from land so he realizes what's coming after losing his skirmishers at-at yang was base ooh this is a fascinating one this is a fascinating one guys 170 population for land 130 population for yang wall eating well will lose his camel arches here again all that land needs is 10 to 20 pikes in front and he's fine he'll get his gold back he T sees this extra gold he'll probably go for the relic soon remember both players pulling off upsets in round one this is Game one oh I thought there would be more friendly fire there and LAN was housed badly for a second there but he'll Castle the hill and I don't see how hussars can can stop this castle from going up really nice job from land because remember he lost all momentum going up to the next stage I still think that going camel archers is just a mistake versus Japanese I haven't seen it do more than Knights & skirmishers would have done but that's exactly what yang wall has gone for it is what it is now right big difference between the saves at this stage of the game is that Japanese are very slow they're very strong but they're very slow and Berbers have more speed so what land needs is some stone walls you need some castles on hills he needs his flanks and he's trying that now he's trying to stonewall because he knows he can't chase down hustlers and that's the only way that yang wall can beat him is if he uses his speed so honestly great play from both players great play from land to realize he needs to stonewall and great play from meanwhile to realize he needs to raid but that's gonna be the end of that there he can't he can't get in here because lien gated behind this is high-level stuff man this is high-level stuff I just think Berbers died to help it your skirmisher and if flan ever gets into the Eco position to make samurai as well yeah I think the game's over the lanes not not pushing yet he's still taking his time to get popped up 190 population no relics yet there's so many relics on the left-hand side that one extra gold is here land has it the other extra cold is here king wall has it okay this is what the huh stars can do villagers going down for land this is why he needs to push or even you know what he could tower the flanks instead of castle flanks wouldn't be unheard of to do his Japanese but probably the better place to patrol a few halberdiers there okay here comes LAN Ying hua has no chance with the camel archers again I don't think he can deal with this I don't think he can kill the skirmishers in the housing wall needs to distract LAN to the point where LAN can't push with this big ball of army and he's trying he's trying with the hussars but he's killing a few bills but his house heart immediately died the TC dies Ying was losing would control he's losing map control al and gets the walls up I'd really like to see him get the relics something about players playing Japanese in this tournament not getting relics in late-game we saw that with tat so I believe for Stark right it was really annoying me I mean there is a lot going on here right so it's understandable but at a certain point you got a snag before your opponent does land sees three of them Elite camel Archer for Yin wha what's why I tried to auditor something right like auditor would be a nice move I don't really get it I guess he has to stick with it now even if he doesn't like it he is on the left and the camel archers will kill the helps but he could lose his castle here you know credit teeing although he does have tons of golds 1600 gold 1300 food stone for another castle as well or stone for repairs Oh towers from land land wants to go for the Japanese towers but he'll go forward with them well this is getting interesting now LAN will make Alps and defense he could lose his TC he could lose his tower he could lose his gold but game walls gonna lose a castle and they're both near 200 population yang was making bombard towers or sorry bombard cannons that's one way to keep himself alive here but I don't see that castle staying up the castle will die and land will lose one trebuchet at least I think he'll lose the trebuchet yeah he'll lose the trebuchet could be more we'll see if LAN realizes now interesting that that land has lost his TC he's lost his villa trees he's lost his lumber tax here he's going for more towers Lane is losing his trebs I don't think oh no he sees it he sees the bomber Ken he's just using his traps versa that's all I can do and he will well I thought he was attacking it let's see he will kill it he hasn't killed it yet he hasn't killed it yet he said four tribes forward ok you only save one and and you know what you all can do this yang wallahi castles here and keeps pressuring this gold he can then get the relics and just have more overall control in the main fight it's still very very close and lands building towers everywhere normally I wouldn't get excited about towers but it's smart for positioning it seems as though LAN is aware that being was having wood problems but yang was he's back here now he's fine eunwol has 2,000 gold mm food mm wood and ESS extra gold secured now but just when the castle goes up it could be trapped right back to Ellen what a game what a game this is this is so close men LAN has more population but he doesn't have a lot of control now just because his sieve doesn't have mobility and maybe that's what jung-hwa wanted maybe he knew that skirmishers would be a bit slower so he felt like hasar and camel Archer would be better than say Cavalier and elite skirm I I don't think that yang wall saves the castle it he bought a ton of stone but oh oh the Palmer cannons are here the Bromberg cannons are here can he do this again can he do this again he kills one of the three trebuchet zhh he has lost one bombard cannon land stopped attacking the castle he loses another TREB land wow what a game this is what a game I think this trip will go down it's just a bit of RNG right it depends a little bit of luck a little bit of luck but ying walls making enough ball merchants makes me think that land will loses TREB and land could lose this gold an amazing first game an amazing first game and there there it is they traded Trevor but for a ball more cannon and this is where Japanese start to drop off a bit this is the lack of mobility is just obvious now right young while what are you doing but what are you doing don't know not like this oh no I can tell you what happens he meant to click the tower but he missed clicked it he clicked here and they ran in so to bombard canons wasted no that's so bad uh bit of a throw it happens to the best guys it happens to the best these towers are obscene just ridiculous how many arrows these towers are shooting but seems to me like with the cap trams in wall has so I'll push this back and Lana's trying to make light tap and raid but he got one through and hey maybe that one will kill all the farmers if um one doesn't pay attention but I don't think we'll get much more through LAN did get one relic remember he could have gotten these on the left and he didn't well I think that you know top 10 players would have snagged those that's not something Lane did and now that he's lost control he doesn't have many advantages he loses his stone miners there he is definitely intent on pushing back this castle but he's losing the right and it should be advantage seeing wall with the relics because he can get one two and three assuming he sees it yeah he sees him he sees him and he's snacking this one great play let me check the resources for land he does have 2000 gold you don't use gold all that much with Japanese so he has that : for him but he needs one slow condensed push with a lot of halberdiers a lot of trebs a lot of sperms and maybe samurai maybe samurai McGraw B camels now freeing wall that's a unique tech it is a unique unique tech that means that his camel archers will regenerate HP it's pretty slow but in the long game it can be helpful and you've all needs to take advantage of his mobility more and he's doing that now he's on the right at killing villagers and he will oh there's a hole oh no this is so bad for land you've got to be kidding me that one single hole let's in 40 huh stars all this is disaster man this is a disaster he's trying to push this castle but he's at 120 bills now and he's gonna lose so much to this his farming eco is going to get destroyed and I love what the a mwah did he not only had one group but he had two three four five different groups free clan to chase down and land now has 40 idle villagers he's sending halvah deers back into fence and if you're sending military back to your base that means you're not gonna have a lot on your attack and then here comes jung-hwa to defend to this castle yet again and i think he can do it he has bombard cannons on the way we've seen this before bombard cannons all the way huh stars on the way he's still buying stone to repair this oh all the camel archers missed patrolled luckily he noticed that could have been bad just needs to bombard cannons to connect with the tribes yep he's gonna keep this alive unbelievable man unbelievable and sure land might not have lost a lot of ills but look at the idle time 50 idols half of these farms aren't even working and he's losing his shrubs what a play from being wall man want to play for me well [Music] you know land killed quite a few of these bomber kids with his traps this game but not near as mobile bombard Kent's you can roll around the traps you can't or at least you can't roll around and fire and say goodbye to another TREB land it now seems like it's just a matter of time it feels like it's just a matter of time Berbers simply have more control at this stage of the game that Japanese do Japanese they probably need to be in yang walls position game walls has been having some really funky patrols and it's freaking me out he's he's miss patrolling into the enemy units but he's fine now he's killing some towers small pointy boy attack from LAN not convene years devastating as the light calves were earlier yeah I like the population for LAN but to me it doesn't I'm not sure what he can do right I guess he can be patient and he can hope that he can trade well versus the camel archers because if genoise doesn't have camel archers then and if human law doesn't have bombard canons he just lost another one then he's gonna win out in the trash war and that's a good Mac and El engagement because the camel arch were stacked but if gang wall plays his well and he has been he should be just fine and he has three relics so I think that Yin wall should continue doing more of the same he should continue to try and raid I use his speed where it can so Stenhouse arse back here sent hustlers through here there's any holes and then if your land you need to chew up the gold unit to your opponent has and hope you can win this with trash and honestly if you look at the population being one doesn't have that much military he has fifty verse the fiftieth Lane and what are you doing in wall you just threw away for cap grams and now you're throwing away the trebs and he's already threw away what four or five bombard cannons this is not how you close out a game what is going on here you know the first time I saw the bombard cannons go down and I could understand it was a Miss clique that the second time I saw it happen I thought okay he was attacking a unit the unit ran away but the third time losing those traps and those bombard cannons what is going on yang wall that was sloppy that was very very sloppy well my goodness who knows now who knows and you know land has one relic he he's been trying to tower here which i think is kind of funny but uh just a wild game and lands now going for the keep upgrade researching that to try and keep himself in this game but he's actually winning he's actually winning if you look at the pop at least I think map controls more important than pop here but get it keep himself in the game keep what's up cripples nice to see you here man do we do we really need it that t90 oof now anytime to make a bad pun no don't throw away the holy man you throw away the trebs they're just some wood but don't throw away the holy men he's thrown away the holy men there yeah say goodbye he didn't pray hard enough sorry guys can land win this game can land win this game what a grueling battle what a duel game number one and a best of five guys my goodness well I would like to seal and get this relic it's not like he's making many gold units but it helps of course I've been saying it for a while now guys but I will make a t90 boo emote I just want it to be boo and text so anytime I make a joke for those that don't like the dad jokes they can they can boo me which is fine you know what where does lion have wood he has wood here here and here he has most of his Lumberjacks on this side if flan loses this wood line he loses 30 Vil's and he does not have a lot of wood in the bank either so now okay as he gets the second relic he's looking to tower this that's that's awkward men it's very very awkward well young wall now sending his camel archers to that side with some skirmishers it's tough for land because he's just reacting now he doesn't have the speed with his sieve so he's just reacting to where yang wall goes I do like how he's trying to both react defensively but also run out with some small attacks completing these towers just makes it annoying for yang wall as he can't push that without siege and we've seen what yang wall can do with siege he just loses them right so maybe land is hoping to bait Ying LAN to throwing away more bombard cannons these four camels look at his gamble man look at these guys not only do they have to be right in the middle of his battle but they get to see other camels dying in the battle and yet they seem so peaceful they seem so peaceful a trebuchet now freeing wall capped Rams of course he keeps trying to kill lands towers he keeps trying to kill lands keeps but the towers are really helping what land needs now is stubbornness to stay in this game and that's what he's been using and without the towers I don't think he would have survived some of these attacks and he kills another siege unit from from being wall which him while he just abandoned that tribe he didn't even pack it up I think he's concerned with the unit's he sees on the side yeah the keep ones not intentional it's a word I would normally say even if we weren't talking about heaps so I'm a I'm a bit taken back by this guy's yanghwa has wood he has food he has golden come from three relics but he's making camel archers and I don't think camel archers help him much here he sends his camel archers back but he's no longer pressuring LAN and LAN is landis is pushing back a little bit now if I wanted to make a really bad and cringy pun which I never would I would say oh mylanta if something bad happened but I I won't do that okay I don't want you guys to cringe too much so I won't make the pun but I think land needs uses gold for trips because if you kill the production buildings from your opponent you kill the castles then you can't make camel archers I think that's what you have to go with anymore doesn't have many castles he only has two and they're in exposed positions I guess if you've never heard oh mylanta then it wouldn't make any sense for you so google it I don't even know what that's from actually just always know in that phrase the KD is close the population is is is close is more Rams coming out now these Rams are just dying to the Japanese house and Blaine is doing this land takes two score lead he sees the monastery from his opponent he knows his opponent has to castle there I'm just waiting for land to make some trebuchet this castle isn't in a good position to do that this is a crazy game and they have to play potentially for more this is only game one well I'll tell you what guys whoever wins this set look out for them in the next round versus vivvy because they've been so stubborn so good that they could beat him now obviously anyone in this tournament has the skill to win the tournament it's just unlikely with many right there's a solid top ten that you'd expect to have a chance but these are pro players right and if they have a good day if they have good maps if they have good SIVs it's possible but I think land more than anything has been impressive here yang waz decisions and castle age kind of confused me and I don't want to talk about that too much but land stubbornness to hold on after losing that gold was was strong and impress and now who knows who knows I don't know who's gonna win this game somehow yen was up to a hundred military he's making skirmishers it's almost like both of them can't push to finish the game and it's a bit understandable LAN has the towers and game wall can't seem to get a siege in close and then well I guess I guess land should have trebuchet 'z but anytime he's he's looking to send trebs forward yang wall out pops him so it's been a wild game ankle and might have too many villagers now he has I guess his eco seems balanced but he is 130 bills it's 90 for young wall so he aim wall has more population space for military okay again he sees the patrol and he'll probably kill the halberdiers nice job siege workshop from land this is wild man this is wild now with many SIVs they'd have siege from here and you would go see trams with your trash seed rim with your archers but both of these sips lack seed ran and for Japanese it's even worse because they like bombard cannon so cap trams really not going to do it for either of them so it would need to be bombard cannons and or trebs I think for young wall and then you have pretty much the the TREB option if you're in land shoes it just takes time to do that you can hit things from range but it just takes a lot of time we might get to the point where players run out of wood because game walls getting wood in the south I mean he has a lot in the bank but all the rest of his wood is in harm's way so land could kill that same with land if LAN loses this wood it's even worse for him because he can barely take this he can barely take this in this right so it's battle for map control right now land raiding with a few light calves in that right corner but I think this would be snuffed out it should be snuffed out then again he has a lot of buildings here he is a lot of production buildings look at this it's not just one or two stables he has a whole military force coming in well my goodness guys I was not expecting this it was not expecting Camel archers at all in any set today and we had that we have the unique tech of course where these camel archers are are gaining HP slowly when they're not being attacked Japanese we've seen featured quite a bit in this tournament Japanese has worked in this tournament for many players this is where they tend to struggle but lanĂºs somehow found a way to stay in this game and now I it's hard to say who's even winning this game I still want to say in-wall because he has one more relic I still want to say meanwhile because he has more military but that can change in the blink of an eye right in wall needs to cede some farms he has 11,000 wood he's been playing too much force nothing he needs to farm in his back corner and wait for it up there we go look at those beautiful farms just one more farm there please please please it's fine it's fine okay they're doing a lot right now III if those were my farms there'd be ten tiles in between each one let's be honest because they're moving so quickly d abound then the twitch chat says who has better trash Japanese or Berbers well Japanese for sure Japanese do and that's the problem that yang was running into because the halberdiers are so tough to push it's interesting in walls losing his TC he's losing the right-hand corner LAN LAN just running out of wood options now he's definitely running out of wood options because he can't take this he'll chop through this and this yeah so I guess you in while if if this continues for the next 10 20 minutes we'll have more wood and he also has more wood in the bank but Jing hua doesn't have the population he doesn't have the population at all wild game man wild game how much would dis layin have he's 11 K it's only 1000 ole and has 1000 but he's spending his would more right so he might only have 1000 in the bank but he's spending as what as we speak so he has a hundred military and land definitely knows that there's farmers and Lumberjacks back here cuz yanghwa has spotted him twice now with a light calf 10 K wood for yang wall it wouldn't be a bad idea to Tek into your own helps possibly just to have some type of a buffer beyond the hussar honestly might be too late now but now that I look at this the hustlers won't work as a meat shield here they'll die pretty quickly so how been skirmisher is better than an kam larger and and HUS are at least in the straight-up engagement the beauty of the camel Archer is that it's mobile one hour 30 minutes in the population is close to score is close to relic on disclose everything about this game has been closed and LAN is still with this one stable sending like keV there I love it I love it I think if if LAN takes his Hill he is a real good shot cuz this Hill was ye in waltz able to hold this so easily he's doing more damage from on top the hill but if LAN can somehow gain that hill the rest of this game should be quite easy for him oh okay this is good from being wall he sees the Lumberjacks he kills the Lumberjacks remember yanghwa has what LAN does not have a lot of wood and land goes uphill yeah don't love the fight it's so tough you need like a versus Kermes but then the camel archers can kill the light calf and Japanese like ever pretty bad anyway you need Hobbs verse the first a camel archers ideally or just in front really tough to balance and and know exactly what you need and where you need it but land has consistently had more population he's had twenty more military and he said 20 more Vil's this is doable I think if land can save his like calves on the left maybe wait till he has it dozen of them and send them in he could do damage here but he's sending in one by one and that hasn't been working out now I see this force as being masked by you all so perhaps he's looking to push in here but he'll run into towers again hard to say what he can really do there and Oh land okay he has a group of light calves it's not just one this really helps yang wall has 72 bills what a game man what a game I don't like King was population it's only 130 he doesn't have the food he's not making many hussars he's not making many skirmishers he has some here but lands resource balance is better despite lacking wood LAN is loading up the rams to go for the castle can he kill this castle because if he kills the castle he kills the monastery with the relics the population is looking really good and of course if yang wall freaks out he'll leave the right-hand side which means LAN can push right in and that's exactly what's happening meanwhile like after going to the farmers is this it like never going to the farmers in the back corner land is everywhere and he might not kill this castle but he's definitely peeling backing wall I think the castle will stay up it should stay up but now look who has the hill on this side and if flan can get some Rams here unfortunately he's actually pot he's pop capped his house but he can get some Rams here on the archery ranges and stables if he can now raid the farms this could be the way to finish off the game listen to the noise of lane creating military non-stop it's crazy he loses 20 military boom immediately 200 population the guy is playing so good and I think that Jinghua has got a struggle to follow all this he's only at 55 bills now guys and fortunately he has the wood but I don't think he has the farm numbers he needs you need food to make the skirmishers we need food to make the hussars wooden Gold is not going to cut it oh wow land has 20 halberdiers just sitting here he probably has more idle military actually something he needs to keep an eye on for sure but yet land is everywhere this is amazing late-game still sending Lightcap to the back corner has some skirmishers and helps in the back corner Nell and here come the calf tramps I think LAN can do this guy's I think LAN can do this and what a game it has been yang was population is just far too low and the camel archers while they they regenerate their HP is it's just not gonna be enough not vers skirmishers not first alpha dear it's not verse Rams you need something more [Music] earlier it was 60% of the map to yang wall now it is 60% of the map to LAN which is remarkable because LAN doesn't have the mobility I mean that could shift right that could definitely shift but what Yin wall needs is time to create more villain he's creating more VLEs but sending them and they're not doing anything so he needs he needs the TC to send the bills to that very back corner the KD is not impressive for LAN but it's about pure numbers and pure positioning I'm I'm I'm fascinated by this man I'm impressed by this less relics in my opinion the the less mobile Civ that's pretty obvious and he had less map control but he hung on and this is a game that many people thought yang wall would have won 20 30 40 minutes ago maybe even 15 minutes ago my goodness just think back to early imp that was like a whole nother game they've been in the Imperial age longer than any other age in this cave it's been nuts this has been nuts honestly the the one thing that's hurting LAN is he's creating too many helps and squirms what he needed was more ramps if he had ten Rams here that he could have killed more I also don't love the fact he's going for T C's I feel like if he killed the archery ranges in stables and that would have been better but you know he still done damage he's still getting the map and I think he'll push it on this side and that's more lambs this time he's learned his lesson and again he has you in wall out of position because yang wall is back to defend his base yang wall sends the camel archers forward will it be in time this time around because the castles halfway down and there's six six capped Rams with halberdiers inside nice touch to send the helps inside and that castles a goner man and that means the monastery could go down at the very least that means that Yin was lost positioning you lose farmers Wow okay Yin was raiding the lumber from LAN but will that put a dent in LAN Zico probably not he still has 2,000 wood 180 pop first 110 is that that's substantial difference and it's just the military man just the military 50 military versus 100 Berbers they can't deal with full health and squirming I think there was a time where auditor could have possibly been justified it's a risky move of course bombard canons work when you don't run them into your opponent's towers being one will be kicking himself for that now does yang wall call the gg when he goes below 100 pop that is what a lot of players do myself included because you feel like you're behind you know you're behind in positioning when you go below a hundred pop but that's the sign that it's normally time to call GG he's not there yet he's close he just can't keep up with the raids and he's lost one castle and this is the last castle for yang wall I don't see him keeping the castle alive he can't kill that DS repechage says that's why I resigned at the start of the game usually you know what I meant Roach I meant a hundred pop and post-imperial come on now yeah I think that I think that as long as this castle goes down fricken mods as long as the castle goes down LAN will probably close this one out and he keeps the trebs up for now populations just dips below 100 for a second and the castles being trebs the camel archers are dying to the skirmishers and the halberdiers and there's the gg and what a game man what a game that was an incredible game from LAN what a performance that is just game one guys that is just game one LAN wins it and this is after he lost full map control all of his military momentum prior to the Imperial age what it I mean I would call that a comeback it's not the biggest comeback ever but I would call that a comeback and I still feel like yang wall had so much more potential with Berbers an early castle age I think if you go for elite skirm and to stable knights then you can get full map control and you can do some real damage he didn't do damaging wall and if he wanted camel archers that possibility is still there even after opening up with nights and skirmishers in Castle age just transitioned to Camel archers later and I think you're fine but it's easier to say now it's easier to say now and what I can tell you for sure is that we're going to game to next Fort 1500 kills from yang Hwa was not enough more food more stone for land but man was that close even well had 5,000 more gold and he still was unable to close that came out young what was just a bit the only bone I have to pick with him in the Imperial age is he was wasteful with his bombard cannons if you would have kept those alive if you would have kept his tribes alive he could have pushed more on that left-hand side which was probably the only reason that land survived because he didn't lose that remember land had 30 Lumberjacks there so meanwhile was certainly wasteful but that's just one or two moments in a two hour game so you really have to be on point you have to be near perfect in these games and land gets the win okay sieve ad welcome to the stream man good to see you here chat if you're if you're in the if you're in the chat and you're excited for game 2 can you say something say hello throw me a salute tell me your favorite joke I don't know but I want to see chat blow up here for a second because I'm really hyped now I'm really hyped you know after hearing about land and yanghwa making it past round one I was mind blown and that game was mind blowing as well what's up guys what's up well I'm just gonna take the time now before game 2 begins to thank everyone for subbing that was a very long game and I missed some shoutouts so thank you very much theoretical for assists for the resub thank you and to garena thank you very much third chess Sunderer Pete wave aimin black fire hair tezi on Sylar Thank You Angie is it and geeky I think I think I got that right thank you mr. C Thank You Adrian Thank You les dafonte a 28 but and then Ben M I know I say it a lot but I really wouldn't be in the position to do this I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for those people right there thank you guys for something to the stream if you are out there and new to the stream this is an awesome tournament and I'll be casting it all day today and I'll be casting all day tomorrow but yeah I love my twitch subs big Billy Bob Bob thank you for 27 months man that's a crazy amount of time that's a crazy amount of time thank you okay so we have to keep the action rolling of course that's what you guys are here for and we'll have the next game in a second land just use Japanese and then we had the choice of Berbers for strange plastic who is Ian wall so it's either Indians Malian slabs or Incas for land it is either Incas Frank's Spanish Vikings for yang Hwa I'm gonna sip some water real quick t9 do you say I know I say this a lot a lot I guess that makes sense I guess that makes sense well played in the cedar man all right guys we have game two let's do this let's do this again all shout outs for for any donation subs that will all be in between games okay because I'm gonna put most of my attention on the matches but I do see them thank you to Sonic Falcon and obviously it's very appreciated Slavs and Incas ooh well I'll tell you one thing if you liked towers last game you'll like you this game because that's probably what we'll see from yang Guo yang wall is a Chinese player who's known for his aggressive strategies he didn't really do it last game because of his sieve but you see a lot of pigs ceiling you see a lot of goats stealing you see a lot of men-at-arms you see a lot of towers from Chinese players you see that from from mezzo sips as well and so here comes jung-hwa already with his eagle to steal a pig something that land tried last game and he failed with if you remember so you ain't while looking for a bit of revenge here this map is very open for land very open for land I guess it's wala 'but the gold and the stone right next to that hill that's unfortunate does have a little bit of gold on the back I suppose and LAN LAN will probably be happy to see that the Eagle has left this side the King well unfortunate not to see the pig monkey D Luffy Jack welcome back man okay yan while we'll make out with a goat wait not make out with the coat not make out with goats like he will he will now what a man okay oh we could get the pig as well he could get the pig as well I mean he's gonna there's no coming back from this there's no coming back from this I my career is ruined I didn't mean it like that I meant that he'll steal the goats so he'll steal three goats and he'll get the pig oh this is amazing I think LAN should call Reed I think LAN should call Ari so I can edit this out of the YouTube video and because he's lost his goats and he's lost his pig Willy : Reed Thank You LAN yes thank you so jung-hwa essentially forces a readout of his opponent because he stole the goats and the pig thank God my reputation is saved I just point this out for those that might be new to all this all players get one restart per best-of-five and that could be for any reason it could be because you you made out with a goat and you didn't like the taste could be because you had a bad start to leave the bill whatever you just get one per best-of-five but here's the achievements zero zero zero zero zero across the board and we'll go back and we'll do the same SIVs with a different map generation yeah I'm sure that you guys knew what I meant by that the choice of words was probably not the best obviously I won't edit this out of the YouTube video so YouTube gets to hear the joke as well I think for this tournament I'll be uploading every single set as one video with the exception of the final I think the final might be separate videos yet exactly it'll be clipped out there it'll be clipped yo it's race is where can I see the bracket you can type exclamation mark bracket you can type exclamation mark brackets or you can type exclamation mark super fragile kal-el frigid ocean whatever that word is yeah that Nancy plays games thank you for the three month three sub eight in crazy weird thank you for the new prime sub thank you guys Oh skip I see the clip man oh I saw it Dave and I watch the clips from that stream later that night and if you're not a sub to the channel you're gonna get timed out if you post a link but you should be right back in business French boy it's just to prevent spam pure love gang says teen and official I love you very much do you love me well of course I do man if it was pure hate gang it might not I think yang was dropped ya Yin wat dropped so it'll be a few minutes okay he's back now maybe they needed to rejoin for connection issue but guys game wall is gonna lame again and there's nothing Lane can do about it except be more cautious it was the correct move to Cola restart there in my opinion because losing three goats and a pig is too much to come back from you would have to fool all your base and pray your opponent wouldn't go tower rush to survive what is this exactly hold on a second I saw that yang wall dropped so I think this game is a dead game yeah it's a dead game there there I have to go back sorry it would have dropped after a minute and a half smoking Panda says t90 official is this game recorded or live but you can read the title of the stream or you can look at the title on the scoreboard smoking Panda for your answer 1890 of these games played on standard speed or slow speed they're played on standard speed ultra okay so I think that yang waz bubela crashed and they're going to restore it from the point that they dropped from so again might just be a few minutes now okay so later on today Leary and valise will play so we'll have Leary who's the second seat facing off against the first player that could possibly trouble him valise Lee's is about let me look at his seed he is alright I thought it was mid table 15th yeah okay so he's 15th tomorrow is gonna be even more exciting in my opinion will have hair and tatto tomorrow we'll have max and Lix tomorrow we'll have MBL and neek off tomorrow so some awesome games coming our way so if you have plants for your Sunday cancel them tell him I said so they'll be cool with it trust me that's what I would do anyway I think I heard t-90s phone vibrating I know that was not my phone vibrating I don't know what you heard uncle tips what's up man welcome to the stream so predictions for Game two guys Incas versts labs what are your thoughts for me I think it comes down to how effective the lame and the towel rush is because I like slaves a lot more than I like Incas castle age onwards so I think that you all will need to take some advantages before that Inka Eagles pikes can win but it depends if Incas wall because mobility can kill him yeah exactly well that's the thing right so Eagles and pikes only win if you get enough of them where the slab player is forced to fight you and I don't see that being possible unless en wall goes forward and does damage their old house the winner does not get 16,000 the 16,000 is the prize pool split if you'd like to see the split you can type exclamation mark ko TD 2 I don't have it memorized I've had question a few times you just have to look at the link I will maybe get to it when we're not in the middle of casting it'll take you to a Yui zone and all the details are there I think and again I could be way off I think it's eight thousand to the winner yeah I won't even say because I don't know the games about to start can someone whisper me the VIPRE ACC I'm finished no spoilers yeah yeah we could do that we could do that guys if if someone's asking for results please whisper them so there's no spoilers for people who've just joined the stream I will be restreaming all this today when I go offline so if you miss anything and you'd like to watch it live with people I'll do a rebroadcast as I will probably do tomorrow as well alright so this is where they restored from and yanghwa had dropped okay now interesting that land already trying to get his goats Indian while already here remember land he cannot call another restart so he's lost the goats already and so good start from yang well where are the Boers for land oh man well he's fortunate man his Boers are on the left he's fortunate I don't thinking we'll be able to snag them Lane does doesn't know about that yet which is I guess unfortunate but hopefully he'll find them as base is pretty compact he's a stone on the back his gold can be walled in could also easily be towered I guess it's an okay base for land at least he can push the zebras he can push the zebras to get some more food yang Hwa I like king wall space the only thing I don't like is the front with the hills but the fact that he has two back gold and to align options is nice can wall in towards the TC as well that's pretty good I mean if he walls here to here then his base is rock-solid he'll have all this gold secured okay LAN sees his Pig and yang Hwa sees LANs pig and LAN will attack the scout and this is pretty much all LAN can do LAN has to attack the scout from blue to stop him from stealing the pig but if they take a straight-up engagement if they fight each other the ego always wins in dark gauge another big reason that equals our amazingphil aiming yin wall could still lame he could still steal the pig he sees it he should get to this side and just well maybe he's thinking land might block him yeah he's thinking twice about this but definitely get your I know pigs ready yet LAN LAN needs to snack this soon I think just send the fill out earlier in snag this I like how he's distracting the Eagle you know what's risky about this is if he tries to bring in this boar he goes through a one tile gap and all that blue would need to do is sit his eagle and that one tile gap and if he does that the villager can't get through and the villager just dies to the boar but if as long as he keeps laying back far enough he'll be fine oh this is so interesting is he kind of steal the pig now oh he sees the one tile gap I think you should try and block the Vil I don't think LAN can take this I don't think LAN can take this really oh he's gonna he's gonna try it he has loom okay running to the one tile gap and just sit there you just sit there oh my god the boar can't be brought in the boy can't be brought in now this is funny the Eagles trapped in there or he was for a second oh man great play from being well this is so frustrating if your land look LAN will try again he deletes the palisade he goes back home whoa oh my goodness Hal and the Wade would you be yeah well go back no you all can he block it can he get to the side of the board sometimes the board just bugs out uh uh he's fine well alright he brings in the pig I guess well played land that's as good as it could've gone form right I definitely thinking wall could have done a better job there I don't know why he ran back there's no there's nothing to disrupt him he didn't have to fear any military coming in if it was a scout he could have killed it so I think he should have stayed closer to that taken more advantage of the situation but still young Walt delayed his opponent I believe he stole a goat correct so he's fine and it will probably be man-at-arms towers for him I would be surprised if we don't eat ours because Incas have that discount on all their stone buildings which of course applies to the towers but hey just straight man-at-arms could work um wha doesn't see his own two goats here something he missed out on scouting cuz his eagle is so forward and land will this looks like a scout build for him and wait oh it's just late man-at-arms okay ooh so going man-at-arms is slabs well you know it's good defensively right but I think ideally you would want to open up with Scouts here so you can build the farms are you guys gonna bring up the whole make out comment every time now I guess you will I shouldn't I shouldn't be surprised MBL says how is he twenty three pop with loom going at 10:06 he's just better than um BL no it's the overlay it's you overlay that's interesting I wonder why that is because it's it's gonna be around eleven minutes I wonder why the overlay bugs like that so remember I said this gold was Waldo it's also very terrible now you're fine MBL you're right that would make much sense is everything behind it seems like everything when the overlays behind here that is weird something to keep in mind then when we're looking at this that towers a nice Tower from being wallet it denies the wood and oh boy not just passing here land oh my goodness that was just utter destruction lands in trouble oh wait he's sending his men at arms forward this becomes interesting because jung-hwa might not be able to build more towers ooh [Music] well meanwhile the man-at-arms and the eagle are in but can LAN trapped them house it house it you go woman you go I'll wait no you don't go you suck woman yeah you could have trapped them in there so messy messy both players taking some losses how much stone does Yin wall have in the bank 150 okay so that's enough for one more Tower does he have another stone out here mm where's this other stone oh it's back there okay never mind oh and land builds his Tower defensively here interesting I guess verse four man-at-arms walls and towers could work but he doesn't need walls because apparently he wants to fight so that was sloppy from land well calculated so far but note one villager down yeah bit bit weird could've house Walt that one you know oh here's the next hour for Yin wall he wants to deny the gold and the wood further man I'm not sure if I like what LAN did I let's think this through so if he came back defensively with his men-at-arms then he would have been outnumbered and there would have been it's our so I guess honestly the best approach despite this being messy is to go forward like he did take his upon off stone guys I I didn't call her dumb because she was woman I call her dumb because she did a dumb thing I would do the same Phil as a man okay very efficient lumber you go for young while he has ten Lumberjacks on four straggler trees why not take the zebras I feel like if he garrison some of these villas and goes to the zebras that's a nice food boost his berries just ran out his eco is yeah there we go okay the these guys called it they called dibs on the zebra makes sense that happens sometimes forward barracks from yanghwa now that I didn't expect forward barracks I guess he wants to go Eagles but he built the barracks forward okay he'll also collect that gold game has definitely slowed down and something to consider now is that Slavs have the faster farmers but you know I liking lost position so this is the way this is played out he's made a few archers to kill the man at arms from land land goes oh there's archers let's makes let's make some skirmishes verse that which is fine but then of course eagles counter the skirmishers a nice job from land to kill an archer but that will probably be the end and as it stands yang wall has denied to wood lines and the main gold from land lands other gold is here and other gold is here this is just an awful map for him he needs to take control this gold or this one when you're playing verse a Chinese player who's controlling Incas this is one of the worst Maps you could get man three tolerable Gold's what would he even do with these Gold's later on in the game I guess he could t see them he could t see they're in there it's just tough but he has the faster farming to rely on he's making Scouts so he'll make some Scouts and squirms he's doing the correct thing the correct thing is to play this out a bit more in feudal age you can't just go to Castle H now you need to get more fights in because otherwise if you both go to castle age your opponent will have gold and and you won't have any what does 22 and 27 mean behind the players names that's their ages so LANs doing pretty good considering the age difference I'm gonna say that every time someone asks I'm not trying to be a jerk by the way it's not their ages it's the seed for the toward event okay I know that many people probably don't know I'm not trying to be a jerk it's not their age but I am gonna say that throughout the whole tournament when people ask because there's always gonna be someone well it'll be funny when it's Viper like Viper and Leary final one and two and what what's the number mean uh how old they are it's how many force nothing games they played definitely would be accurate for Viper that's for sure okay so here are the scouts and again slavs their farms are starting to kick in now and so they can pull this off it's just tough because now the Eagles and the men-at-arms they have some upgrades so the scale mail armor upgrade has come in which gives them more tankyness it also gives the villagers more tankiness which is a nice bonus and soul and he needs to pack more of a punch when you're against them as a sieve who wants to go Eagles the scary thing is if they get the masked and upgraded and they're getting masked now so he needs to chew up those numbers he's also going for a second stable so will we see all in futile Age of scouts from him it's definitely not to hold out for the night so it's gotta be scouts so he'll make a lot of them so yanghwa will probably lose this army it's just a matter of how much time he could buy himself with it because he'll go more towards castle H I imagine so bloodlines comes in so 65 HP on the Scouts villagers are also fighting and this would be a win for land but it was a big investment it was a big big investment into this now if I look at lands point of view yet lands about to click up to castle age or not land did I say land yang hua Ying wall blue okay red is behind he needs some more time he needs some more engagements and it's still going to be really tough but I do think that he could get his gold back does he even know there's anything here I guess he does and he wants to avoid that there's three spearmen here that could be enough for yang wall the gold is kind of wall then the wood is definitely walled in it's it's now or never for land he must know that you've all cooked up as well because Ying walls score went down which is what happens and another barracks so probably pikemen and eagles so earlier I said to someone in the chat that when you're in yang was shoes you need to have enough Eagles and Pike's where your opponent's force to fight you and we're about to see that once the the units are upgraded then there will be so many of them that land is forced to defend somehow and I can't do it if he's all in Scout so he needs to to do damage now lands only option is if yang WA has all of his military back defending because otherwise once these becoming Eagle warriors and once the spears become pikemen there's nothing he could do it his own base I mean you just buy himself a lot of time again still no gold for land he's not secured any gold whatsoever there's a tower freeing wall can he house here oh this is risky oh he didn't get the house up he's fine though he isn't he has Inca villagers so they survive a bit longer yep tower goes up castle age comes in lands running away and land is you losing as Scouts this is game over this is game over we're tied up now 1 2 1 so much faster game Lane couldn't deal with the towers he didn't have the gold it was just a tough tough map remember he called his restart because of the lane from being wall and then Yi and wall got a gift of a map and a SIF match up and he took advantage of it scores now one-one will move on to game 3 I'll look at the SIVs I thought this series could go to five games these guys are pretty evenly matched with the seed and at least Game one was really close right so logic would tell you that we might see five games here I won't look at the achievements too much there though it was a shorter game just came down to Yin wall with having better execution that thing with the pig was weird though like that was really weird it definitely delayed land because if if your slaves you'd normally advance faster than Incas at least if you're going for Scouts so I think LAN would have wanted to go Scouts there but then had to fall back to our man-at-arms and then he lost a lot of momentum okay civilize its Indians Malians and Incas for land those are the sips he has remaining it is Frank's Spanish and Vikings for mr. yang wah Wow okay so we will not have any mirror matchups Indians can play out well against Franks and Spanish not so much Vikings the Malians and Incas can be good verse all these SIVs I don't know which SIF drafted like better here Vikings are a solid sieve though Vikings can beam aliens Vikings can be Incas Vikings can be Indians Vikings are arguably the best sieve here that he is remaining because Franks can be a bit vulnerable first all these SIVs depending Spanish can be depending we'll find out soon guess we'll find out soon again it's a long day so I'm going to drink some water how can Vikings be good well they have an amazing economy they get free wheelbarrow and feudal free handcart and castle age and they have like Malians for example Malians have the high Pierce armored infantry but then Vikings can just go into their own infantry which would be better than Malians Indians they they couldn't deal with crossbow pike potentially potentially and then Incas sure they'd go Eagles but then Vikings have the infantry to counter that Incas have strong archers so do Vikings Vikings are solid Civ but as always it depends just like mountain dew and Prentiss said it's a Pence that's why I say arguably right arguably here to play hit a year that's awesome man I guess you've been here to watch for a year thank you for the whole year of subbing to the stream cursed man thank you for the two-month resub Shawn gifted MDL nice thank you for doing that Shawn thank you for watching MBL Nevada thank you for the $5 donation and Nevada spoils the results for everyone because he saw the games he said spoiler alert one of the two players will win thank you for that Nebadon he just ruins my whole experience man so jovis thank you for the prime as well not Vikings I wouldn't call them top-tier I would probably say they're top 10 though I just want to know when yang wall will go Spanish because he's definitely going tower rush he'll go tower rushing to conks that's probably gonna be his play and that's probably one of the riskier sips for him to go with here because if the tower rush fails you're just dead so whereas with other sims you play it more standard and you have ways to come back Spanish you rely on a strong tower rush t90 can you give a recap of last game was watching without sound well yeah a pretty quick recap meanwhile had excellently placed towers he denied three golds and then he hit castle aged faster oh by the way LAN said nice map c'mon dot dot dot dot dot in the game room afterwards so he wasn't happy about that map honestly the king in the desert maps leading up to the tournament I wasn't very happy with either I think the maps are a bit too open at times which can be unfair and punishing to players but for the majority of the games they haven't been the talking point which is good for a tournament okay Game three we have land and yang wall and we have Incas and Vikings fun Civ matchup Sol and lost to Incas last game seemed a bit salty about the map but he now he's Incas himself and he will be up against Vikings I like this matchup free game wall I really do I will talk more about it here is potential for both but yong-hwa he's he's a great tower rush player himself so he'll probably know how to defend from this but first we'll need to look at the maps so first off yang walls gold sorry just needed to puke that's disgusting I think this is the highest point on the map and his main Gold's on it of course right that's gonna be tough he does have two back gold so it's just not something that land had last time around the stone is decent for him while this stone is rough freeing wall so it's it's gonna be an interesting one for him certainly not the best map we've seen today you look at land land has a nice gold he is a nice gold here a stone is just fine and this stone is also fine a few walls in fact he could wall easily here wall here wall here and wall here and he secures a lot of his map so the game gifting land some opportunities after the struggle he had last time but I don't think this could be seen as a map win by any means laning of course can be important and LAN is here and he's looking to steal a pig LAN just took two sheeps Diddy though I don't see any red on the mini-map yeah I don't I don't think he did unless unless that nuts his original goat right yeah I think he had it for a second and then he mo got it back so there's there zebra here which can be pushed in later well yang what yang Hwa needs to be careful of is sometimes the Eagles will lurk around em BL was watching the stream earlier and MBL's known for this so he's not known for watching my stream but he's known for layman villagers when they're bringing in boars and it's really easy to do with Eagle warriors so jung-hwan needs to keep an eye on this and LAN is hiding in the shadows oh you know what I think yang was sending to go out here on purpose I think he's sending the goat out here just to know if the eagle was there unless he's scouting for his other goats cuz I think he's still down to oh you know what whoever said that earlier in the twitch chat was correct I think yeah there's two gold Worstell and it must have been really early on so I believe he's scouting for them but yet yang wall will get his pig and LAN has stolen two coats and that's gonna be end of it it's big that he can stop his opponent from pushing in the Zebras though because that's what you would do to make up for the goat loss but at least seeing wall will get his Pig okay let's break down the SIVs so the reason I find is so interesting well let's talk through it so both normally will open up with banded arms and let's say they both do that both then have fantastic archers and skirmishers to go to after that then you have eagle warriors for incus so they'll have Eagles as ante Archer but then you have Vikings who can make strong champions or long swordsmen or or berserks versus those Eagles then on top of that Incas in their archery range can create what's called a slinger which is anti infantry so it's anytime Incas are playing really there's a lot of counselors that make the game interesting and complex I do think economically though you have to prefer Vikings because the second they're in futile age they get the free wheel upgrade there's the barracks ringing wall and I wonder if LAN will open with a truss or if they'll just go man-at-arms into archers and or evils because we saw the how successful the men-at-arms and towers could be last game land will drop off his food oh he's missing some berries please boom he's up and will he go to stone vivy is probably casting this in Chinese to his large audience right now and he is saying go tower or however you say go tower in Chinese I I can't speak Chinese it's probably what he's doing I know Vivi's watching Vivi's casting this right now I have to learn Chinese so I can cast a set of games with vivvy what do you think guys is it worth it it's been worth the years of of poor American education I don't think so and if you could guarantee that I'd get 2 million views on that video I would probably try but yeah it's not gonna happen vivy gets a lot of viewers so I was told by Vivi's translator that vivvy is the most popular Chinese streamer now so the ranking I believe is Vivie and then mr. Yeo and then I want to say paladin paladin is also known as Fang Xing he's been a Chinese caster for a long time but the thing is about Vivi's about the platform that the Chinese players stream on they've been known in the past to inflate viewer numbers so it's really hard to know how many people were actually watching like normally it says four or five thousand but there's only ten people typing in the chat so it's it's tough yet Tim was on his list that he sent me Jo and all but Tim was not in the top three I think Tim was near five or six but there's a lot of streamers pretty much all the Chinese guys who play regularly stream but yeah I'm not gonna I'm not going to to put myself through years of of language training to cast with vivvy he'll have to learn English he can just say you know I can have vivvy as a CO caster and anytime there's a lame he can just yell I know Pig I think that works here comes land with four men-at-arms he's not going forward with villagers he's following it up with an archery range Jing hua is at home with three militia they're not even man-at-arms yet and I believe he's waiting for his opponent to come in yeah he knows his opponent must be coming in and so he's done a good job to protect himself from this and funny enough he hasn't he hasn't found the man-at-arms he hasn't even researched his own men-at-arms upgrade yet and I think he will now that he sees them here yep he will but already Vikings have a lead with economy because they get the free wheelbarrow upgrade and now land can research that later on but when he does it idles his DC while researching it so it it not all I mean the bonus of getting free wheel is huge because the time it would take to research wheel barrel as a time it would take to create three to four bills so it's it's a three to four ville bonus and you get that that wheelbarrow bonus if that makes sense so all game one needs to do is be a bit patient now he should repair the mining camp repair the mining I guess he might not need to he just needs to buy himself a little bit of time and once he has four men in arms in an archer he can fight this yep and I like the walls he's going with as well so now land has really not done any damage but he has cabal himself some time and we haven't looked at this base yet he's going for his own archers and an eagle or two okay so again now he's making Eagles versus Viking infantry so he will need to use his archers to kill the infantry otherwise the Eagles and thigh really complex game of counters here and I have to say Ying walls passiveness his patients at the start put himself in a great lead now has the military lead at least for the moment and he also has the economy lead but okay Lane has more archers now and Dingwall needs to run he does and in walls making some skirmishers so now it's matter of using your skirmishers versus lands archers but somehow avoiding the man-at-arms and the eagles it's really fun it's really fun to cast this type of matchup and land needs to be careful he doesn't get himself trapped here yeah this is dangerous now I'd like to see yang wall gate this or market this or just house it anything to give himself up a couple more seconds yep keep Seville alive as well and here come the skirmishers this could be nice this could be real nice yeah this this is good for game wow this is so good for yang wall the Army's trapped he'll kill the entire army nightmare start from land especially after last game ten kills for yang wall and one death my goodness that is not what he wanted he must not have expected the skirmishers or maybe he did and he thought that were going forward or something it was just a poor decision to go there in the first place when he saw the walls he should have ran back and he should have waited for more units more upgrades and then taking advantage of it but that's a gift right there that is an absolute gift say hi says t90 is there any way to see the saves they picked in round one I can actually tell you so in round one yang wall chose Aztecs Chinese Japanese and Mayans and land chose Aztecs Chinese and mines so there you go but yeah that information can be found on on a we zone as well which again if you want all the tournament info every single detail you can type exclamation mark ko TD - in my chat anytime if I if I could memorize all the info this tournament you guys would probably need to be worried about me because there's a lot ok this wall just feels like there's a hole in it just feels like there's a hole somewhere you know I hold on I need to change point of views don't I I think it's okay wait is there a hole here oh it's so hard to tell well the best way to check is to use your wall filter and click beyond and then if there's a hole they'll find it I think that's what landed so we'll just assume as there's no hole there LAN after losing his military decided against running forward which is a smart move and he will advance to castle 8 soon so give the guy credit he will advance to castle age faster than his opponent now did he get wheel it wasn't paying attention tech tree scare me tech tree scare me tech tree scare me he did get wheelbarrow ok and then yang Wallace up behind him yeah so this is my point so when you research wheel your TC cannot create villagers for that for the duration of the research and it's about the time it takes to create for villagers so that's why they're both on the way to castle age it had pretty much identical times but but yang wall has a four ville lead so it's kind of hard to explain without showing you but I'm sure you guys get what I mean now so these Eagles should probably run I don't see why they should fight here what are you doing yeah I mean could have been worse right could have been worse but that's not a fight land wants to take now he is committing to eagles and crossbows he's going to barracks one archery range and now that he's walled his bases base is really strong but I think what yang wall could do is go crossbows and long swordsmen he will have a lot of crossbows but crossbows will die to the Eagle warriors if the if there are enough Eagles that was kind of funny the man-at-arms got trapped in there so yeah he'll go long swords and crossbows Woodhouse 2 1 3 2 says t9 official my wife is saying you have a nice voice question for you old house is she single because if she is have her give me a call man now I'm just kidding obviously uh-huh just kidding Glatt glad your wife finds me attractive but just kidding man just kidding did don't unfollow as a joke you know again interesting game of counters right so these crossbows or they will be crossbows can kill the long swordsmen and then the if the long swordsmen are dead then the Eagles can be used versus the crossbows so it's it's quite an interesting game one thing's for sure though you all will have a stronger eco these Eagles slide in and they deny a town centre okay I'm not even sure how they got through there how did they get in did they run through a gate I was not expecting this to happen that's good for land but this is not very good for land the left side of his face is exposed and he needs a response to this it's not full we walled oh it's open over here he just assumed it was ah well nice nice too early damage there from land then he pushes the bills off gold he denies the TC so yang wall should have had the second TC up already but he didn't check for holes in his walls all right well this gets interesting keep in mind that Iain walls army could get trapped but at the moment land I don't know if he has enough to fight this it's real it really depends on how many hits the long swordsmen get on the front that's what it comes down to because the Eagles are upgraded let's see I mean half the time you lost crossbows haven't been fighting there's one long swords remaining and and yang wall could be in trouble now he's trapped he can't leave so this army eventually dies it's about value now how much value can he get out of this how many eagles can he kill and buy himself a little bit of time I guess getting to the hill was the best-case scenario do a bit more damage before he dies there are a few weak a girls here but that could have been much better in my opinion or he could have just ran back you know because I feel like the last thing you want to do is give the person going Evil's army and momentum you don't want to give them a numbers lead that's good for land though that's very good his eco wasn't the strongest he didn't have horse collar earlier so he pulled the a Dave and so is farms were weak but you know delaying the TC killing that army two very big things for him and while he has a slight fill disadvantage I think that the fact that he has so many Eagles may mean he's smiling behind the scenes remember game wall needs to control this gold somehow jung-hwa always gonna build a castle he was that heavy on stone while after building the TC he went that heavy on stone and he's building a castle so now we could see castle aged berserks forget long swordsman we could see the castle aged berserks and they could go berserk on these eagles if the castle goes up if the castle goes up there's only five long swords oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy 70% 75% villagers being attacked 80% 85% villagers still being attacked ninety percent the castle will go up that was close what that does is it evens out the bill count a bit well thank God that you and wall sent enough filters doubt really needs to watch these games doubt would have sent five doubt needs to watch these games because that's the second time today that someone has sent the appropriate amount of villagers sorry doubt doubt doubts probably out there like hope you to enforce nothing to know I do that was an awful doubt voice but I did my best one thing I don't like about en walls position is is Eco while he has free handcart and that's fantastic he is enough stone for another castle which tells me he doesn't have villagers assigned to the proper of locations Oh is there a hole there no that how is that a hole wow this has given yang wall so many headaches he didn't yang wallet and it's open again and the Eagles run in and kill a villager well where will young walls next cast will be is the question I don't know if it secures anything for him so maybe on the front that long swordsman will chase the equals down it's the elevation guys it's when there's elevation like this in AoE - it's really hard to to spot the holes again what you need to do is you need to send a fill out and if the vil walks through the hole then you're good and you in walls now sending a villager out here to ensure that no new units run in 800 gold 1,100 stone what does land do against berserks now of course I'm just assuming that we'll see them I think he'll go slinger he could go slinger or herbalist it's it's really tough to justify making zerks long term I will say if your opponents making swingers and ARBs but they're very strong if you get to them again swingers are like hand cannons for Incas and there is a slinger in the group the downside of swingers as they die to enemy archers so yang wall could make his own archers I mean who really knows at this stage I think they both need a mix I think you need legal Xand swingers or Eagles and ARBs or you need or sorry and on the other side you need are blessed and berserks are blessed and champion the issue with slingers is they're a bit too vulnerable so I don't even know if if I go for them I think I might prefer our blessed but nice castle for land on the hill and already getting the relics ok this is a big deal you need to get the relics you need to secure these extra golds that you see in the north there's an extra gold here as well this is going to the Imperial age so you need to know where those resources are and just the fact that land has a castle means that he can start trapping this down but yang wall will likely be right behind land to the Imperial age actually maybe not his eco balance is off this is what I was talking about when he had that much stone I was thinking his eco was was imbalanced to the point where he might be behind imp still has more wood than he would need yeah I think you have to credit land for this because land has been such a pain in the butt in the back of his base that game wall hasn't been able to balance his eco he has he doesn't use the farm space because he knows there's Eagles there and then Ian's wall runs forward and he runs right into an enemy Castle he has to market he has to buy food he has to sell wood he has to balance this out yeah this is really sloppy for me well it's not like he couldn't kill that either well with each workshop from land here two of them in fact this one will be denied I think it's an Inca Ville so you never know yet it's denied 97.1% and okay the Eagles died but for the love of God jung-hwa you have more villagers click up to the Imperial aged man he's doing all right with these fights he's killing slingers he's killing orbs he killed the Eagles in the back but my goodness click in there we go and now his farms are expiring I genuinely feel like he was just taken back by the raids but he has two castles he has two castles so maybe he'll be ok LAN is going for our blast he's going for our blast he's getting ballistics now he's getting bracer and he has not started making trebuchet switch he might regret and then ok game walls getting chainmail armor so he's thinking his opponent will go Eagles so he's thinking about going berserks look how tanky the Inca villas are man he only lost one to that interesting game interesting game it's tied up one two one this has been a great series okay now yang wall realizes his opponent is going for ARBs and the English should probably mix in skirmishers interesting to me I guess it's champion instead of berserk well regular if you go with regular berserk sand Imperial aged upgrades they are worse than champions with Imperial edge upgrades so perhaps that Jinghua saw a risk going for castle units both have C tram as he chat talking about it both have C dram both have good archers at this stage the economy still you'd favor yen wall but that's only because of the villa count even game even game but LAN LAN is gonna struggle if he doesn't kill these castles cuz I don't see how he can push them jung-hwan knows the castles there so Yin wall will probably make trebuchet and land hasn't made any trips of his own always ramming on this side he wants to go into the eco and he's also trying to wall this up which is an interesting decision at this stage of the game yeah I don't see that being a play here well well Lane keelhaul the crossbows even what didn't keep them alive so he tracked them down maybe it is the play once his are blessed arrived to help for now though ging was researching two-handed swordsman getting thumb ring and he's holding on 150 pot for both well what's I never know what to do with incas honestly so so the thing with Incas is I feel like they have this huge drop off but these sips are so similar because they both the cap out on ature they both have seizure and they both have good archer units so perhaps you know going heavy into archers and slingers is to play here for land and then the infantry investment for yang wall is just a mistake but at the same time I think if you angle what gets enough of them it can play out against the Rams who knows now what I do know is seeing walls making the trebuchet so he'll go for this castle soon that's something that Lana's not done but well LAN is doing is securing the northern corner where they seize the golden he sees the stone that's something both players have seen as well so you and wall will go out there later and be tonight and now the champion upgrade is on the way and as of now I'm not sure how that can do much for Ewing well it really works out if your opponent's making squirms but against this army yeah it doesn't too much and land is in land has 190 population 150 population freeing law but land is losing a castle and he has his crucial gold on the front my goodness this is awesome can leoch skirmishers beats this Viking army yeah but you can never go cameo here if you try and transition a camel if you just get over overrun so I think this is the better play he doesn't have the resources for it if it was a team game it's a bit different because you can rely on trade but in 1v1 s you'll be pressured at all times and also you of course build the castle or you need a castle built for Cammy oaks and down goes to Castle hair so wow I guess game well doesn't care about tease our Ville s in the back of his base he hasn't done anything against them yet he hasn't even sent skirmishers and yang was sending his military forward I don't think he's in a good spot to fight this one like it's good he killed the castle it's good eatin I'd the gold but with the amount of herbs squirms and slick oh god I'm sorry that scared me it's supposed to be oh my god baby shark man I turned it down for you it's still really loud for me the mouse flung from my hand almost fell off my desk oh geez Thank You purple people eater he said content good personality questionable dude I don't know how I feel about that but thank you so much for the 150 that's scared the crap out of me I got to get back to the game I'll thank you more after this because this game is insane and I think Lance army could be trapped back here and meanwhile on the hill game walls kind of holding it's hard to say he seems to be sending his trebs back which is not something he did in Game one and LAN is is looking to get some good value out of this army which is definitely trapped in here and he finds a good choke point now keep in mind land he has one relic and he has the northern corner where the gold is he was also trying to tower here when baby shark was playing and that's denied so that won't happen cheeky little tower though my goodness what a game it's just that land has 30 more Vil's but keep in mind if you don't need those villagers and you're better off having that up the pop space for military right and that military just gets chewed up man yeah I don't know if that was a good decision from LAN to run in there I think the center is gonna decide this one there full skirmisher from universe slingers skirmishers and ARBs 2 there are gold units in the mix for land it's this risky play but LAN does have seat RAM and and the Rams will soak up the fire from the skirmishers here come champions to the north knowing the gold is there and jung-hwa will run into the castle fire so those champions will die so at the moment it kind of evens out with the gold because Lane doesn't have this one but a long-term if land is able to get this back then he'll certainly have more gold especially with the relics right is two already and Lane is going for his own long swords upgrade this is much better than Eagles going Eagles could be suicide against enemy champions so don't for your own champions is a great possibility a great play and I think the correct move and now LAN has the hill LAN was first to seed Ram he'll kill the archery ranges Ying was in trouble LAN the player who three Oh Tim and shocked the world is now up against jung-hwa who also shocked the world beating doubt in round one of course whoever wins this is not out this is the best of five but the games have been amazing game one in this game especially been really really good and I again I'm impressed with land because at the start a few lage he just got destroyed he lost ten units and killed one it was not good a two-handed swordsman on the way and now you see capped ram on the way for yang wall so he realizes how important it is to have seed ram the champions are killing the rams but the champions are dying - all the slingers so I think land comes out on top there and land is starting to raid with the 200 swordsmen and look at this castle look at this castle on the right he knows there's gold and stone here and I saw the barracks there a moment ago he immediately started production LAN is playing out of his mind this is crazy play from him and at the same time he's defending in the north he also shot a camel which is hard to see but I won't make the camel noise now that's not necessary I think if land holds the centre and pushes in the north and the I guess the south he could do this he's maintaining a 30 population lead I here come the trebs from being wall though and he's been keeping me safe and who knows maybe the council just gets crept right back down kind of looks like that could happen sweet games men sweet games by now LAN has definitely benefited from having this northern corner he'll need to hold it and this castle it excited me I was thinking oh this is a great castle this is great because they're stone and gold here but if you don't have army to secure it that's not a great castle and land probably forgot that game will have those trebuchet DS and the castle will go right back down now the sensor is interesting that's it LAN is avoiding that for now and he's sending his skirmishers and his slingers around and he's repairing the castle so he feels like he keep this up but he'd need to go now because he doesn't have near enough repair bills yeah I think the castle by the time he arrives I think the castle is dead oh and and LAN could lose his castle in the north luckily he has Inca villagers and they benefit from blacksmith upgrades so he'll kill the Rams pretty quickly and his bills will survive but I don't think they'll serve they'll be able to keep the castle up so LAN goes from three castles to two castles and it could be one castle in a moment if he's not careful Soyoung wall gets the gold back guys as a reminder yin wall has zero relics it is three for LAN LAN could grab this one and I don't know where the other one is actually it might be in a monk's hands so maybe it's on the way back we'll keep an eye on the overlay oh no it's right there I saw that earlier too yeah it's right behind the monastery so that should being walls to be snags it Oh LAN wants to shift towards the castles I felt like if he kills these castles he wins the game does he have enough to secure the trips there I don't think so do not think so I guess the slingers are on the way singers are here to help but the trebuchet czar going to go down and that was was a waste of res so he lost the stone here he lost the trebs in the center he did keep his castle up in the north and there's a few kami look someone wanted to see kami Oaks fully upgraded kami Oaks with carriers do very very well but it's too expensive especially with the lack of castles but I don't think LAN will be too concerned about losing the trebuchet he's he's holding this side just with military 80 military verse 30 from jung-hwa so land could send more troops out with the relic old he has he can deny the gold and the relic that his opponent has available here and it's old land and this this brings me back to Game one where the game was close but LAN he ended up out popping his opponent I guess in that game there were a few relics for jung-hwa well right the game wall doesn't have the read like what can he make against this right he'd have to make fifty scurbs he'd need his own skirts not champions he'd need scarves cuz that's his only answer here and he doesn't have them he doesn't have the food or the wood for it either he's trying to produce out of his three archery ranges one of them is on fire if this continues I think LAN can take the game well you could try on a derp but he doesn't have resources for it right so he has to wait for that to come in and then it's a pretty big risk so if you would have gone ometer instead of champions earlier maybe I at this point he definitely cannot afford Omniture he needs skirmishers because you need scrubs for the slingers and then you need squirms for the scams on ously or you just send your champion Christ a we who if he's the guy I think he is is good a wee player says Lane has been training and post him yeah it seems like it this guy this guy's all over the map look at this late game look at his scouting he's hitting the wood line here there's there's a few gaps but the gaps don't really matter this is incredible man this is incredible and he was like this in the other game as well he was behind and he somehow came back like that's what I'm seeing in game 1 LAN was behind and came back in this game he was behind and he came back in game 2 he just died but to be able to hold when you're behind and find a way to come back normally means well when players are doing that in sets it's normally the better player right because now yang wall has fallen behind and he is to attempt to find a way back it is possible guys it is possible he just killed the two trebs he's these trebs are being stubborn for him went to a Trev war and killed a bunch there and I think he wants to push the North with C trams as well this is getting interesting but what he needs is more military he's only at 50 military verse 280 military of land and flan has four relics guys he is four relics and he has an eye on that fifth as well [Music] just seems to me like Yin wasn't in a position to push if he pushes the North then land will immediately kill his castles so he's just waiting to pop up a bit I want to I want to see him snag that relic you know just send a monk in and go for it because I would do it I mean the monks not doing anything else right obviously he's doing a million other things but I would really like to see that well what yang Hwa wants is the north and he can win the north with this army there will be negative potential e negative consequences to this though if he goes for it and and land he must realize I think he saw the army go this direction and Lance Lance scared of this land does not want to give this up he's already started walls on his castle he sent out his own Rams and maybe this is the way back for yang wall starting the momentum into his favor there's also monastery here there's two relics inside the monastery so he'll lose the relics and maybe in wall can snag them and see dreams are so strong they can still kill the castle Hanyang wall continued with the army production here because he's running very low on gold he needs to keep his skirm numbers up oh wow Jean wall runs back for a second because he sees the slingers and scurbs and I think now land keeps the castle up and the monasteries up as well yeah he's gonna keep it up oh my goodness what a hold from land he had just enough here he noticed the army was coming this way he arrived at the perfect time he's also pushing it a bit on this side let's lay I'm gonna build a tower a castle a castle he's going to build a castle here my goodness and he could get the relic too so now let's 90 military versus 40 again and this is looking worse and worse for freeing wall he will costas trips to the rams from land he lost his trebs there he won't lose the castle of course but he cannot afford to lose many more gold units been very impressed with land in this series and I've been a bit surprised as well just because of how he performed in the AOE 2 World Cup he did not look himself but perhaps after that that was his wake-up call and he realized ok I if I train I can improve a lot of things and he's definitely done that here man but it's not over for yang wall right he's just unable to find a way back into this game and it does feel like it's just a matter of time unless he switches it up somehow and he tried to go for the North if he would have cleaned this up but what have happened is he would have got the gold the relics and then land would have been chasing him instead and then yang Hwa would have been dictating the fights but because LAN still has more military numbers game was just responding and sure he'll kill this castle but now he needs to respond on this side and I think now what land needs is sea trams on the side and there's not much that jung-hwa can do sea drams a few of your own champions maybe could justify going Eagles at this point because yang Hwa doesn't have a lot of champs out probably not though just just kill the buildings deny the wood lines it's obvious that Yin one needs the wood he's he's chopping here here and here at least he was and I was about to say yang wall is not in a position to raid but he is but what's funny is it's ink ovals so the bills benefit from blacksmith upgrades so these things are are not dying it's it's near impossible to raid Incas I think what we are witnessing is the pop spike from jung-hwa after losing his villagers so remember he was there at around 200 pop but he had more villagers while he's lost a ton and so I think his pop spiked up because he got the pop space and and now when his military dies he won't have as many resources in the bank to make more and this this does happen imagine if if land wasn't Incas he would have lost most of these bills already but because he's Incas those will survive it's crazy oh oh look at this lands gonna grab the relic well he failed with it but he went for it that's what I wanted to see well played man or well played land not well played man slingers a bit vulnerable on this side because of the amount of skirmish regime wall has you just need the Rams in front and then you're fine Rams in front a few of your own champs yep then then you're just fine relic win will not be enabled no but obviously having five relics is a pretty big deal I wonder if LAN let's say Incas didn't have slingers I wonder if land would have won this game or sorry shouldn't say that would be winning this game I think so I mean he could just have our bless instead of the slingers right it's not like he used them in castle age it's a nice move but the Rams are the most important things here because the skirmishers the slingers that they they can't kill the Rams so you need a meat shield of some kinds 80 military for land and 44 yang wah and here come the trebuchet is Rams and swingers from this side as well I don't think Ginga law can keep up with this LAN just has so much his post imp has been so good so there's the GG yang wall calls that he goes down to 120 population my goodness when this guy gets to post imp he's insane I have to ask but Heisenberg or not Heisenberg I just was reading Heisenberg's message in the chat Christ a OE is a DM player I believe Christ if you're still on the chat was land training deathmatch or what and sorry if I assumed your gender being a deathmatch player I assume I assume your deathmatch I'm just curious how he's been training because I have never seen him play post imp like this it's looked really good today 658 kills for land remember he had one kill in 10 deaths at the start of feudal and he didn't have Viking economy and he won this game he got the relics he got the extra gold and he got the armaments I'm sick play 99% of the map scouted and he had that scouting and real early as well okay so I guess Christ is no longer there to give me that input but impressive stuff and that means land can win this best-of-five in the next game the civilizations they have remaining are right here for us guys soul and one with Incas and ging wall lost with Vikings so we have Indians and Malians and we have Franks and Spanish Christ says check his Weebly profile okay I'll have to do that then yeah it must be DM if you know it has to be DM right I'm gonna look at his profile right now it's interesting that he would he would focus on deathmatch oh yeah he's been playing a ton of deathmatch games well I find that really cool actually he played quite a few deathmatch games it definitely is telling it's definitely shows well I think that Jinghua hmm well he obviously has to win right I think you have to go Spanish here because the issue with Frank Snell is your opponent has to SIVs that can make camels land has Indians and Malians so sure Frank's are strong and the in-wall can choose them and possibly win but it gets real difficult against Malians and Indians whereas Spanish I think if you have a strong map and a strong tower rush and the conquistadors you can be any sieve so perhaps you go for that and then hope you can win it in Game five with Frank's so that would be my guess that you won't go Spanish and if that's the case then probably I would go Malians in lands position but then you have to consider if you think you're gonna win the best-of-five you might not want to use certain sibs because whatever sips you play in round two you can't use in round three I don't know it's complicated they just need to worry about winning each and every game I think we'll see Malian Spanish Brew Crew thank you for the 23-month resub McHale thank you for the Prime chat I know there's many people here I know many of you guys are just sitting back relaxing enjoying the show that's cool but if you're able if you could just type a heart or some c90 love in the chat for purple pee purple people eater I'm sure many of you probably hate the guy because he blew out your eardrums with you alert but thank you for that donation man that was 150 bucks he also insulted my personality he did he didn't say it was bad though he said it was questionable so I'm gonna aim to prove him wrong okay I'm gonna aim to prove him wrong here Thank You Cooper duh thank you everyone I know I missed some names but the games are back-to-back today and Wow was I wrong we have Indians verse Franks I thought for sure it'd be Malian Spanish but no it's Indians versus Franks alright so LAN who's up two games to one he is playing as the Indians in the red and then we have yang was playing as the Franks in the blue if he NY loses this game he loses the best-of-five reminder winner of this best-of-five faces fat dragon in the next round so they were disadvantaged going into round one where they at both one land beat Tim who is 10th seed I believe doubt was six seed and got beat by yanghwa and it wasn't like they were close either yin 1 3 2 1 verse doubt and LAN won three nil verse Tim so I'm really looking forward to seeing whoever wins this set first vivvy as the obvious underdog because Vivi's one of the favourites for the tournament right but I talked about it before at Frank's they they have many bonuses but in Castle age they tend to go for Knights and against Indians that can be very very complicated because Indians have incredible camels so so here's just a thought on how I think you should play this if you're in yang wall shoes i if you have two options I think you can go completely against the meta and you can go forward with towers maybe man in arms in towers or you can play with Scouts which I think he will do and I think LAN will do and you can try and win the Scout engagements in futile H and then make a ton of Spears going to castle because if your opponent's expecting you to make Knights and they make camels you could maybe go with pikemen and counter that or at least play defensively land space is not the best space in the world his main goal this exposed his secondary golds on the right it's I don't love it he does have a gold in the back and a stone on the back any as possible zebra so he can get more food and speaking of food I'm hungry man I can't wait for dinner tonight I have a whole nother set to cast after this I want to get I want to get some Thai food I think tonight we'll see too many people have been talking about pizza in the twitch chat as well it's it's it's really been hurting me o land goes to attack the Ville and I don't like the move honestly because now he just has a weak scalp and he didn't kill a villager but a sign that he is here ging wall will chase him down say - hi says but doesn't that make Frank's passive and slow usually they want to play aggressive and mobile you're right but here you have to make it slow so that you could you could play pikes and monks possibly like not a lot of monks but you could make maybe 10 10 to 12 pikemen on the way to castle age build a forward monastery fact of the matter is is you can't indians are also very mobile and indians have better options if you're going for a stable units so you can't play into that obviously verse many other saves they would want to keep their mobility which you're correct on but i think they'll both start with scouts and the thing about franks is they have three bonuses which apply of our scouts one their scouts have extra HP in fuel age well dark age and fuel age a to their farm upgrades are free so that helps them with creating farms to make the scouts and then the other one is that they're way there's another one oh yeah they Forge they forge faster which gives them more food but Indians they're the benefit of being Indians is not only that they have amazing Scouts into camels but they also have the cheap villagers so they can advance a feudal age pretty quickly and both will do that now and this will be scout these Scout guys Barry lamb says when is leery verse filiz the games are scheduled to begin I believe as we speak and it's really down to the players if the players are available they're going to wait and we'll cast a set afterwards live what might happen is they'll play the games and no one will cast it and then once the game once we finish this best-of-five we'll just go immediately into the recorded games and catch on up so that's the status on the Larry versus Lee's games which will also be today ok so this comes down to how mobile you can be how aggressive you can be with the scouts again I think Frank's have that advantage at the start here so maybe make a few extra Scouts of your Frank's to do damage but keep in mind that once it's costly to be Castle age Indians should have the advantage they have the cheaper villagers which is a huge deal and so they can boom and create camels and then they have the camels I just the issue with playing into Pike as I said is you have to make sure it disrupts your opponent so perhaps if you wall and plane to Pikes it's good so you wall here and then you wall on the left and it completely denies land from avoiding you because he can't even counter will see I'm really curious to see what he'll do I'm I really pride myself on knowing the meta and knowing what you should do in each situation that's one of my selling points so I'm curious to see what young wall will do here and what land will do and if flan expects his opponent will go heavy into pikes he should do the same himself he should just make his own pikes okay land space is is all secure now his Gold's on the front but who needs that you have this goal that's fine and it's about how many Scouts can you create are you creating villagers at all times how many farms are you creating it's just builders right now and if I'm land I'm a bit more hesitant to run out because I know my opponent Scouts are gonna have more HP so it'll be 54 HP versus 45 HP 80 90 is it kind of blowing your mind that they are there near four thousand people watching king of the desert right now no man I think those numbers are kind of weak honestly like I feel like that that's we could hit higher numbers as a community with this toward event I think we will I think we will I mean heck with hidden Cup I had 6,000 right so 4,000 those are rookie numbers man those are rookie numbers I'd like to see the king of the desert semifinals and finals as a whole I across the whole tournament or sorry across the whole community right because obviously there are other streamers for the finals reach 10,000 that would be a solid number to reach for but I mean obviously it is blowing my mind that you know two years ago I was streaming in front of maybe I don't know a couple hundred and on a regular basis I'm getting over 2,000 now so living the dream right now man yeah it's round two it's round two I think that if I were to set goals for the king of the deserts Emmys and finals I would hope to get four K minimum and I would hope to get well we'll see we'll see but yeah it's it's crazy man it's it's pretty awesome to be in 2019 now and have the amount of viewers that are here so thank you guys thank you guys for being here okay Lana's just defending himself because he's not full Walt he goes in started that engagements good staying in that engagements bad and yet be backs out and he'll build his blacksmith there and this is his only open area meanwhile lands not making many more Scouts I think they'll just go up to Castle age so again the question is what do you do in yang well shoes I [Music] think you can try and go Knights and just boom cuz he has a lot of bibs baseball then so you can try and do that honestly yeah I think it might be the better move because what her spear is gonna do against your opponent nothing land must expect something though cuz he's built an archery range and he's hit that perhaps if if there was something more exposed for land than you could go into pikes instead of knights as always it depends it depends t non-official I think variety and Maps pulls in a lot of viewers there's not much variety here hence the straps are pretty normal now I disagree Arabia Arabia is the most competitive map Age of Empires 2 provides there's a lot of money on the line and we have the best players in the world so it's just the fact that we're not casting one of the secret or aftermath players that that's and also it's early stages of a tournament as the tournament goes on more and more people are where it's happening more more people show up to the stream so normally for me at least because others don't have large YouTube audiences at least for me I normally start casting an event and about two to three weeks in people realize and events happening and they think oh I really want to stop by and see that the rest of it so normally tournaments they go up over time I'm not upset with 2k6 but this is the guy like I'm the type of guy who when something good is happening I always find something that I can prove in it that's just who I am as a person so like don't I wasn't dissing a tournament I wasn't dissing the community but I'm the type of guy who feels like there's always room for improvement man after my 24 hour stream which I'm sure most of you know was hugely successful and with revenue and and the content and and subs all that stuff it was really good right it was the most successful crazy stream I've ever had after that I immediately sat down and reviewed it and went and thought okay what can I do better next time that's just what I do and sometimes it's not a good mindset to have but it's uh it's what I do man okay so LAN we'll go with a few crossbows and not many Spears from being wall so I guess I mean the reasoning for the crossbows probably because he expected the Spears as I mentioned and he might not even upgrade them much beyond this and he'll stick with camels what you can do better stop talking about yourself and go back to the game thank you thank you men well II and one needs to be careful here this surprises him it's just archers but they can stop that villager they have fletching oh this is this is so good for land this is so good coz this should never happen this should never happen in a million years he's making use of four archers and four Scouts to delay his opponent this is so good and even if he doesn't kill anything which he will or should he's getting all the map control now because his camels are incoming look at this he opens up the walls the camels are coming in now it's pretty crazy you know I think the better move for land would have actually been to run though instead of fight like even here I don't necessarily think you should fight that one but imagine if he ran the scouts and the archers pass to the wood line that could have been so good yeah but now it's alright it's it's even right hold camels they have bold lines they have with just one defense upgrade that's gonna be enough for now it is three TCS immediately for yang wall this one will probably go amp guys this one will probably go in because they will make camels and Knights they will try and collect relics and they will boom yep so it will be 3t C's in a second for land as well so remember I mentioned while I mention it all the time scouting the other areas of the map well that's what you have to do here so there's a neutral gold which land sees he sees his gold he sees his gold he can look for relics this is the time to start doing that beating your opponent to that is a huge huge deal t90 facial camel verse Knight which is stronger in what phase yes so very good point from Lester Fontaine the twitch ad this is the way I think this will play out so we'll see camels and Knights right now for their mobility but it is risky to go for Cavalier if your Indian Wells position some more than likely what he'll do is he'll go into how Badou in the next stage so probably have it here in handcannon and that's something that land won't want to fight in his shoes he won't want to go heavy camel and then I believe he will shift into his own how but here in handcannon and perhaps skirmisher then of course you could raid with like cabin hustler on the flanks so you have you have those differences but but yeah I believe they will shift but it's really hard to judge how much you create because if you create to a few nights or too few camels and you give your opponent full map control but if you create too many that you don't need then your opponent hits it before you so it's a hard balance and I like this from land I'm not actually I'm not sure I like this from light I'm not sure what this each workshop gives him but what I like is that he's looking to take advantage of the map control that he has right now yeah a man says Indian hand cannon will be Frank Hanken and indeed they will if you have the unique tech but there's there's many factors right there's many factors that's just what I would expect here we could see Cavalier versus heavy camel because of the mobility but normally you shift so Persians you would shift to helmet your hand cannon here you see a lot from Teutons as well and all there's four months for yang wall and what is happening here always getting so many conversions wow oh my god and lands path him on his camels he just sent them to their death my goodness that was so bad not only did he lose his units to conversions not only did yang will keep his monks alive to heal with then they passed right through the army and gave you a bunch of free shots and then right after that to make matters worse worse yang Lal runs in and kills the monks and then just runs right back and now I think what yang wall will do is build up towards a castle and start castling the important areas of the map including this hill including this hill with the golden stone and including this hill I think where the golds are here just imagine a castle on the top of this hill a castle here and a castle here he would be untouchable he would not be ratable at all and now what does land do is the question right because he would need to create more camels which is a huge risk because the monks are out and both players trading a few conversions so really not a good matchup for Franks so playing standard if you're just trying to boom versus the Indians it's risky and I think we're seeing why that's not a good move now okay a few monks go down for Ying wash or but he still has more knights and more camels it's the same amount of Gamble's or go let's do it yeah man see it's easy to say now of course but this is why I think Frank should play into Pike in Castle age because you're playing in tonight's it's tough but then again land could have made monks you know he could instead of making one he could've made five and got the same amount of conversions and maybe it would have been even like it's just funny yang Hwa should be at a disadvantage and he's ahead you know like he didn't have to play into pike it's crazy and I think now now this is where Frank start to have some good things going for them with the extra castles now the siege workshop was a waste right don't understand that and he under made he under made the camels still though he's Indians still he has all three of his normal golds and safe places but let's look at the Eco now oh wow Ying wall will probably in faster and here come that comes the Pyke's which I like it so 25 military verse 10 land will build a castle there's no way he can push this back in Castle age I think he needs to rely on a faster him Jinghua he can't castle close to this one obviously so I think he should take the hill either here or here he's definitely thinking about a castle but he'll find out in a second that it needs to be yeah somewhere else nope that that that's not it don't do it please yong hwa this could be trouble three conversions for land should be anyway yeah you got a few conversions and okay the castle goes up on the hill this is still a good fight for jung-hwa still good fight and you know what he can get the relic - isn't that something he can snag the relic but totally worth it to snag the relic wait where you get a monk you're going the wrong way you go on the wrong way the church is this way the church is this way who knows but hopefully he will find home land is about to click him but there's three battering rams here and he doesn't have a response to the battering rams oh my goodness he could lose this before him Pat this rate he's behind in villes he built a castle that he will probably lose now unless he I guess fights with villagers he has no other choice oh jeez this is bad this is really bad he can't be fighting with Vil's here and meanwhile we'll be up right behind him I thinking will actually needed the castle to click up Wow I think a game five is incoming guys I think this will go to five games the way this is playing out again jung-hwa he'll kill lands castle which means land can't get his unique tech for his hand cannons so the hand cannons will be identical in strength if they go there a castle will soon go up here for yang well I'm sure of it you will definitely castle that and then he could castle here as well he's untouchable he's making pikemen he's making ramps he's even making some Axman land has to go gunpowder and he's making the ranges now but here's the thing he can get to gunpowder but only after chemistry completes he has to wait for this University to research chemistry before he can make any military to defend himself and his main gold is here which he cannot defend this is just trouble you need to have if you're both switching into pikemen and gunpowder which i think they will you need to have some map control and that's what it came down to and the Frank castles will help being wall will build another one there's nothing lange can do about that this games over this games over [Music] also i hear the second relic being collected by ewing wall something he didn't do in the previous games let's get the relics early he's doing that here and while land has a castle here well i guess he could trap right but still has very little control over his golds he's gonna try there's any see if that can hold on and come back here it's indians because they're villagers are cheap so they can reboot I am I'm not confident that he can do that not with how much map control he's lost so land will be imp he will likely go immediately for trebs there's two trebuchet x' he's researching Halberdier no University for him no University I thought he'd go immediately for chemistry I guess you know what you could you could go cavalier now because your opponent doesn't have likes like nothing stopping you from doing that you could just go right into cavalier look why not right the only reason that you would go into hand cannons is because your opponent would have helps and that's not the case yeah LAN you can't deal with this he's just now making gunpowder this is bad this is bad this is where commentators normally try and find something positive I can't find anything positive about situation his ranges are gonna go down his castles gonna go down and he's just dead he's dead he wants to try because he knows that if he wins this game he went to the best-of-five but we're going to Game five ladies and gentlemen we are going to Game five and this is normally a matchup where Indians would win but the way game well played this was so good he got those conversions he took control of the hill in the center switched into pikemen immediately and went with the forward castles and Cavaliers now on the way for you also who loses Knights who loses helps here but with the amount of control he has this game is obviously over two relics as well he didn't need the castles I spoke of defensively because of how much control he has third rail call on the way in and I think both players lose their castle yep both players will lose their castle and it matters a lot more to land because King wall has plenty of stone and he's just taking the gold that land should be taking himself yeah I do think it came down to the conversion truly it came down to the conversions and also the fact that in that fight yanghwa had two monks healing so what you don't realize is how big the healing can be in those fights but yeah it was the conversions and the fact that the monks were healing and LAN had one Lumpkin it was four or five for you all right and now young while he knows he's gonna win this game he's getting powered in and if nothing else that would just be a sign of dominance right well the land needs to get his head right because you can easily be frustrated in this situation I was definitely a bit of a throw from him right but he needs to have the mental strength to say listen forget about that game we're going to Game five and I have a chance to win the best of five what happened in the previous game doesn't matter it will be Malians for land it will be Spanish for yang wall so as the bomber cannon goes down there's the gg I assume we will see at rush I assume we will see a tower rush from yang wall in hopes to get to conquistadors later on in the game what a set guys what a set again both the players who provided upsets in round one are now here in rounds two and it's been very very close quick look at the achievements quick look at the achievements I think this one was pretty simple jung-hwa with more units killed but economically speaking was way ahead map control was obviously way ahead and game five will be Spanish for some aliens and I will go immediately into leary verse police after as far as I know they haven't even started so they're waiting for these games complete awesome so as you guys know I've been casting all day I've been casting since 8 a.m. my time very little breaks it's been 5 and a half hours I'm gonna step away for just 30 seconds and use the bathroom then I'll get back to you guys and thank you all for the subs Reis ups and just for showing up today next match is going to start I got a run I won't play any music because I don't want it to meet the YouTube video so twitch chat just just entertain YouTube for me okay you alright I'm back excellent excellent entertainment value from the twitch debt I I never doubted you guys I never doubted you guys alright here we are here we are the LAN verse game wall Game five this is a best-of-five set and rounds two winner faces the fat dragon sometime this week not sure when not sure when exactly as obviously we don't have the winner to schedule LAN is in the red he does not have a restart and he has an awful base no this is so bad oh my God look at his gold oh this is gonna be so bad verse Spanish this is this is disastrous man and he complained about the map earlier right he complained about the map earlier cuz he had three forward Gold's as well and he can't call Ari so he is main gold second and third all forward he does have one stone on the back and a little bit of wood my goodness he has one wood line really maybe two if you count this one his goals in the center of the map guys this is one of the worst Maps you'll see then you look at you all and all the in one really needs is a wobble bass with stone and you know what his stones not great but he could easily take this I'm assuming we'll see tower rush I could be wrong but yet he has better map to wood lines he has better main Gold's he has a better second gold his third goal it's a bit suspect but I'm sure he won't be complaining now LAN I don't know if he's religious but at this point he's probably praying dear God please make yang wall lose a villager so he calls a restart soon they can play this a lot of different map that's what I would be doing or you could run out and try and lame and we already sold that attempt from being wall he tried to steal the pig I see I know Pig officials in the chat and that lambing was unsuccessful this is interesting I wonder if you all knows his Pig is there okay he knows now so that's a pretty bad pig location in all honesty definitely leymah below this land noticed that does land notice that get your I know pigs in the chat to give land some energy here let's see does he see it because it just walked back into his line of sight if he tries to steal what of course mean well could just block him so it might be too risky to steal it but there's just a thought land's getting loom and why why is he getting loom I don't know why he's getting loom Oh No oh whoa thud who's gonna lose a bill well normally if you see loom that early it's because he thinks he's going to lose a bill I don't know who knows I'm just checking the map here see what else is around I was he housed yeah okay that makes sense he might have been house let's see if the tower rush will come in from you all he has four own wood so it could be man in arms and towers the reason you go towers with Spanish is because all their buildings build 30% faster and also they have an amazing unique unit in the conquistador you can use in Castle H so you start off with the tower rush save the stone into Castle age and then make make the castle how it works now he wasn't sitting on thirty three food because he had two villas queued up in his TC when he researched loom so that's right I mean he's fine right he has his pig he has his uh his boar he's fine he'll cook up to the next stage here in a second I would go man-at-arms in this situation if you think your opponent's going for this he's realizing now his map is bad we don't even know what yang walls going for yang Hwa has pretty decent scouting his opponents resources it could be better of course but game while might go for Scouts you could always go Scouts and a conquistadors but it would not surprise me she made it arms into towers and now young Walt will see the wood line he hasn't scouted all the Gold's forward you know like he sees these but from what he sees he's not thinking his opponent has an awful map man arms for both yep Ning walls making militia land is making militia and land will build his fighting camp on the front he has no choice he has no choice but to build this mining camp on the front no back Colts this time he did push in a zebra I like that every bit of food is helpful here it's not easy to go for men at arms will yang wall go forward with villes you can't go man in arms archers you don't have that option well no you do have the option let's be honest you have the options as Spanish to make archers but you don't have cross boats you only say that doesn't get crossbow so it makes it awkward for them to just go straight man-at-arms no you you shouldn't tower at home you shouldn't tower at home because if you tower preemptively then the next time they place a tower you won't be able to stop it this is good for land I don't know why game walls here Yin hua is giving land an opportunity both of these militia are weak now and plans getting men-at-arms first and oh here come the villagers all goodness the game could end right here the whole best-of-five could end right here here come the villagers oh boy and now LAN he sends his villagers from the gold the gloves are off guys the gloves are off LAN is coming in with two wins two losses and it is two wins two losses for yang while they have an equal record Vegas has been all over this one it's been closed and more filters coming out land knows land knows that he cannot afford to let being wall tower so he's sending more he send it more this is like McGregor verse first mayweather right now and yang was Mayweather he's running away but but will he be able to outlast land here more man-at-arms oh goodness this is so crazy it's impossible to cast these things to it really is because it's all about the little micros all geez I think this is better for Lin I think this is better for Lin Jing hua has more men-at-arms left though Omo Yin wall wins it better Ville micro the power of the Dragon and all goodness he's gonna come right forward in tower all that was a disaster that was a disaster so he lost he's down three villagers it's nine kills four deaths and as we all expected going into this mayweather is just more experienced in boxing and or sorry uh yeah yeah Mayweather it's more experienced in boxing and McGregor he probably didn't stand a chance let's be honest there's a tower and this is where it all begins and you might as well just go back home now land and hope for the best without gold because you're not gonna get gold unless you sneak it somehow Yin wall should see everyone right yep gold here gold here gold here just a matter of Ewing while pressuring that now the question has to be asked would land have gone so aggressive with his ville oh boy would he have gone so aggressive with his villes if he knew he had a back goal probably not right he probably would have just let the tower go up I mean map always plays a factor that's why there are restarts I do feel a bit bad for land though because that was I mean he's had an amazing series and this is this is one of the worst Maps you'll see in a tournament it's just bad but LAN is going to get this gold these pre-emptively towered so he'll take this gold a long way away from castle age both of them and plan has the back stone these four men at arms can do some real damage to land needs to wall on his VLEs and he's sending his maiden arms forward and king wall will need to do the same and he's this towers great cuz it's nice a wood line and it's a nice the gold and he'll probably build another one on the farms here in a moment ooh you know what en wall doesn't see this yang wall doesn't see this Kenny wall in the rest of the stone miners or does he run now he's going to run away nice job from land but oh God here comes a tower from being well that's a great tower right on the lumber jacks which are trapped in and now they run and it's all unraveling now this is what happens when Spanish gets in towers up well I I guess he's towering here to get his wood this seems like a tilted tower and no not the fort night thing because I think there's a tilted towers and for tonight this seems like I'm frustrated and I don't know what to do and I built a tower here obviously he he needs he needs to have a wood line but the poor guys actually he actually doesn't have the wood yet to build a lumber camp he's waiting for the wood to go back oh I feel so bad for him he doesn't have it yet he doesn't have the wood yet to bill of lumber camp oh no I'm I'm really sad actually this is all an awful way to end a series it really is this is an awful way to end the series he needs he needs this lumberjack to go back and then he can build it and this is does anyone else feel pain in their heart does anyone else feel the same pain that I feel or yeah I feel pain I feel bad like this this map should never happen it's not the first one he's had that's been rough and then everything else has just been unfortunate from there just the fact that he lacked a little bit of wood all right you know what guys we gotta believe okay we gotta believe can we get some hype in the chat we have to believe that there's a way back here yang Hwa obviously in a very strong position he's building the market he will buy some food and he wants to go right up and he wants to go for conquistadors that's the plan for him but he did invest into three men-at-arms he also got scale mail armor on his mand arms which is a weight could be seen as a waste of res and land has gold so land has that going for him land has the versatility of his civilization obviously his eco is a wreck but yeah he does have a versatile sieve so maybe he can figure something out still seems to me like it's just a matter of time until yang wall hits Castle H faster and now that yang wall will get his stone back he can build conquistadors and LAN will be behind but but maybe you know maybe there's something we're not seeing here right oh man well if they both get to the castle age at the same time land can be fine with monk defense making crossbows is a good decision against that as well really what land needs is he needs to annoy yang wall in some way he needs to hit yang wall in some way before getting more clicks up horse fear you have messaged me in the twitch chat four times this game asking me to summarize the previous game and in that amount of time you could have gone to the the vaad and you could have watched the previous game and skimmed through it yourself man I would love to summarize it for you but I am kind of casting a the final game in a best-of-five man just saying just saying oh man LAN loses the villager yeah I'll show you how to do it horse fear another villager goes down Oh God stop I can't look man maybe we should summarize game for that seems like a better decision actually horse fear is right man yang was halfway to castle age and LAN is nowhere near I think land is dead poor guy man he three Oh Tim he had an amazing series were seeing wall here there we go he got Seville pick that's something but yanghwa had an amazing tower rush he won he won the initial engagement this wasn't purely map remember yang wall rekt him with the initial engagement so there was that 9 to 4 KD after that fight but can't help but feel bad for the guy like the the lack of wood on this map the the lack of gold there was a map it was Incas ver Slavs right where he had three forward golds so this is the first series where my my criticism of the KO TD 2 maps has kind of come into play I hope we don't see it more often of course as LANs killing a Ville but like prior to the tournament I I felt like it was a bit inconsistent in many ways now we saw that here in this series but you know you got to play the maps to win and LAN recognizes his opponent one skunk so he's sending villagers forward to tower at the very least this will hopefully give himself some time let's look at yang waz resources he's in castle age now oh I like it from land he's gonna sit underneath the tower so he's denying the stone now the issue is the Knights are incoming but all of this adds up this is all precious time for him 400 stone free game while that's not enough for a castle he also lost a few villagers and now he's going for a monastery so he's not going directly to comps and lands on the way up so if LAN built a few defensive Spears he might be able to protect from the Knights and then he can go for Knights and camels a lot of question marks over this right now however I think he's bought himself enough time to stay in this game and this this is all like we're all gonna look back at this if LAN wins and say was because the twitch chat affected the course of play right that's definitely what it is nothing else I think LAN should be as annoying as possible yeah be very stubborn repair this hop back in sot hop back in site hop back in site perfect hop back inside perfect and by the time you walk gets to land space land should have some spearmen right yeah he does he does baby let's go let's go still no stone income for jung-hwa 1tc for jung-hwa he sent the Knights out he loses the Knights to spears if he stays and okay yang Wallace going to t see the stone that's funny and actually really smart to see that I'd say oh it's just t see that stone another forward resource for LAN now LAN can make camels and Knights what he needs is a new TC but for now he's fine and my PT 90 fine it might be awkward fine because she was getting +2 defense and his Knights already and these fills will probably die but it's much better than we expected right now I think Wayne could actually hold his presence here if he gets his camels forward and his Knights forward oh and he also sees there's a TC there how frustrating ganghwa hats a few weeknights so this night will die yep so that stone still denied that's that's the whole point the stone still denied that's the important thing camels Knights spearmen land has built a second TC and if he has the resin he should decree villagers he could hang on here he has the man-at-arms patrolling on this stone by the way if land ever or game while ever tries to go out there he hasn't scouted that so otherwise I think he would have probably gone there oh let's belts of gold Lance found some gold click it collect it baby get it time to boom up yes let's go he's found some gold little bit of luck and he's also in would line he's an onion walls would light now that's actually quite bad because he just lost his camels to the conversions but we're gonna pretend it was very good because we're only thinking good thoughts now I'm not out and out rooting for land here what I wanted is an even game and this is evening out right this is definitely evening out however that's a lot of nights coming forward from being wall and that's a lot of faith that's a lot of monks and oh boy just like that with four monks coming forward and six nights land has nothing to secure as with line but it's fine it's fine you don't need villagers to win games all you need is a little bit of belief okay I'm pretty sure everyone knows that not villagers belief not Gold's belief and the old man agrees he gets a conversion and now he's he's running and he's gonna die yeah this is tough land is probably in trouble now he's behind by 15 bills his opponent has stone so he can't build the castle obviously he doesn't have control of most of his golds [Music] he came close but yen was gonna build that castle and I guess the question is where will he build it if he wants to being wall could go for an aggressive castle on the front with these Vil's he could plop on down say right here he could also build one on the hill the one on the hill will disrupt land and it will also defend his own gold so that's nice he doesn't really need one right now it is 69 Vil's verse 49 and yeah he'll place it more towards where I mentioned before and land just needs he needs good conversions here he needs good conversions and to kill all the monks good conversions kill all the monks no not happening for him and I think after an insane series yang wall will take the win land calls the gg and my heart is broken but yen hua obviously deserved it he won't he won the first fight and then that's all he needed with his civilization he had to still scout the map he still had to make sure he wasn't lamed he had to take advantage of the map he had to boom up to the point where he could get castle aged against a civilization that should be better in feudal and yang wall did everything right with what the game gave him and he wins this best-of-five and we will have a Chinese quarter round three will be vivvy and yang wall and yang wall is is a bigger surprise than LAN is here as hard to get as far as getting to the stage goes because yang wall beat out three one and now he's beat land three two however guys I think it needs to be said congratulations land for at least playing really well he's he's competitive so he's not gonna be happy that he's lost the series but I think he got a lot of fans today he played really well to be sorry to be Tim three nil in round one and then rounds two he had some amazing games 50 kills for yang law economically he was way ahead we knew this we were looking for good things we couldn't find enough and neither could land and that is the end of the best-of-five my friends so let's look at the brackets okay for those here on Twitch we will have more games today we're not finished yet we will move on here in a moment and we will get into Leary and Lise also going to be a great set but for those watching on YouTube you guys probably want to see the brackets so here you have it take a look I might need to zoom in a little bit yeah this will do it this will do right I don't have it integrated into my overlay yet so LAN is now out of the event he will move on to phase vivvy and whoever wins that goes into the semi-finals so that gives Vivienne edge I would say despite how good game walls been to get to the semi-finals what we're going to cast next is Leary and Felice in a best-of-five and this part of the bracket is really interesting because Leary is favored to win I would say being the runner-up in the first king of the desert he's probably heavily favored and let's assume he does win in the next set then he will face the winner of his two clan mates who will see you tomorrow and be ill and knee cough so he have three of the aftermath guys here and only one's going to get past to get to the semi-final to face vivvy so exciting stuff obviously viperone earlier three nil and he will face off against either tatto or hera tattoo and hera will play tomorrow and then we have max and licks who will also play tomorrow and that will be the decider to see who faces yo at the moment we have viper yo and vivvy in the quarterfinals waiting for their opponents
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 50,881
Rating: 4.7600002 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, wow, omg, lul, t90Woo, strats, funny, impressive, sick
Id: sU7pvM66-UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 23sec (11243 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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