ECL Africa 2v2 | Vietnam Legends vs BzK | Full Best of 3!

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welcome guys we have Game one between and the Brazilians in bzk and the Vietnam legends it is a slightly confusing because back test is tyrant tag on but he's playing for Vietnam legends here bhaktas playing as the Mayans and the orange then we have say my name say my name is playing as the Franks and the red and the teal we have Rio to's playing as the Magyars and in the green we have fire who's playing as the Berbers this map is desert which is similar to Sahara however I think it makes life a little bit easier for you there are golds in the middle you'll want to focus on and though it is open there's sometimes some long potential but I'm looking at this and the long potential might not really be there for the Brazilians Wow I love Beck's map I love it he could go happy happy style dude he could that would line at the front oh it's so nice man yeah you could we could if this was happy happy he would have this whole base walled by minute five already already yeah well I saw back to us looking at the bore from fire and he went for the lame there and fire nice block nice job he's gonna keep his bore at borders right on the hill forward that's huge he gets to keep 340 food and the Eagle from fact is now week alright so Dave composition wise what do you expect here we have Berbers for fire and we have Magyars for reott and then say my name is franks and then his mayans for backs Berbers go our tree yeah he's got the two back stones so maybe Archer into camel Archer yeah that's what I'm thinking Magyars is pretty self-explanatory it's just Scouts yeah basically yep you get that extra attack want to take advantage of it and then Frank's of course cuz they get the extra scout HP you you want to go inside as well it's it's it it's say my name though you can't count out the tower is this this is true we could have fast castle throwing x-men you never know castles and towers but I think it's interesting how we're at a very high level here and yet we're casting teams who have very different styles that just is one of many things that shows you how beautiful this game is just thinking back to how CL and Tim played compared to the a.m. players very different styles and your coder could not be successful it's got to be either archers for back - and that's an unfortunate board lore the boy ran around or he could go for brush into plumed archers or just straight up full wall into plumes it is happy-happy sorry alright man is a tree thank you for gifting this up to ivic man I did see you I did see you I'm saving most of my shoutouts for in-between games guys if I forget about you just remind me after the games yeah he should do this Dave he is the deer to Lauren alright so this is cool because we can draw parallels to the previous series yeah and his Mayans as well so if he if he wants to yep get some plumed archers out of there and even if someone were to come forward and tower him because that is the appropriate response at times when someone four walls his stones in a safe position his woods in a safe position his gold he could just wall behind again the fire is going to go for scouts I guess seems like Scouts to me could still be archers and then you look at reott now reott will be going for Scouts most likely look at this wall from back that's what he's doing he's gonna wall diagonally yeah and he has the Sheep blocking to here that gap there to see if a scout might run in he should be able to do this so it'll be a stroke fast castle unlike Hart against CL well I don't want to give too many spoilers but yeah a fire can actually see these walls going down so they're gonna know that this is going on yep if you see two villagers walling you know great job from fire to try and keep that eagle way he if he hits futile age he'll get extra attack on his skeleton he could finish off the villager or he could wait for Rhea to send some support with his scowl and I think reott seems to be on the way but he also needs to scout out what say my name is doing yeah sauna time and and yellow or say my name rather is wall enough pretty hard too yep alright Brazilians aren't walling at all yet well yeah RIT's trying to get one down well they are gonna have some time they don't really need the walls right now because box will not be a threat until he has the castle and we're still quite a few minutes away from that however they will need walls at some point because there's no way they can really stop him from getting moved by your Scout why our Scout is in there he'll kill the bill and here comes Reed with his scalp this is such good captain has to wall this back has to wall this oh he needs to get three hits one on each palisade with two bills I think he can do it but he doesn't expect to read to show up oh my god that's so bad and it's a Mac your scalp it's a Mac your scalp so bad man they're all gonna die they are all gonna die all the stone villagers are coming out to get this wall up and look at the micro from fire oh my god oh my god I Phil's here this is insanity absolute insanity more voters coming over oh my word what a play from reott and from fire fire said listen he's blowing up there's a gap you need to get your scout here the Scout got there and the micro from fire because his Scout was weak to just just pull the villagers towards his scout as reott gets a few more hits in for villagers down for fact and that that screwed up his build so bad dude he's not gonna have the gold to click up this is just a disaster and now fire coming forward with some more scouts I don't think he should invest too much unless he's gonna follow this up with some bills nice little walls here interesting look at his walls but um yeah I agree I don't think he should make too many Scouts unless he thinks that he can hit say my name I know I've never seen speaking say my name I've never seen someone wall so hard and creates cats right time like four Scouts well speaking of lolling we mentioned happy happy in the previous series that's why happy happy walls at minute four because he doesn't want the fuel age Scouts to be able to sneak in so he just plays it super safe and backed he probably should have walled earlier well he's you know what even though he lost those villas he still look at his wrist it's still fine I mean it's not fine obviously you would like to have some additional bad as I thought it would be yes still he'll get to the castle so there is that reott is also walling up at home you have to do this and he's just waited for say my name so he has the extra attack on his scale tree it and then say my name has the extra HP and forward spears for say my name still against magyars though yeah yeah and of course we could see fire come over to help it won't get through the walls now with the scout so they should probably just protect themselves oh he's getting some good hits yeah those Spears did could work it's up to say my name to distract for his team and this is a good he's winning the 1v1 here just some small small hits as you said it's a lot of scouts from him to a lot more than I expected say my name to make with all those walls he's taking a good engagement on the hill here very good engagement what is really why is way my god did Aria way that's so unlike Rhea to take a fight like that look at that eight and two is this Katie right now I know it's not a lot but at this stage in the game that's he well and these are Frank scouts and Rhea doesn't have his walls up so he is - now wall his wood lines and I was we're there's a bit of a throw from reott and fire his scouts have just been patrolling around this could still work for Vietnam because there's a hole oh my god so this game's dead even now because Reid's lost his Scouts he's gonna lose villagers I thought after back lost four villagers they were gonna be in a pickle great play from Sam great play and that is three bills rebuilds yep yeah but he's losing the scouts now get out he manages to escape with three Scouts yeah he's gonna he's gonna look for the weak bills look at the bills from reott there's so many weak ones if you were to send one scout in there you could snipe a few with just one done some misplace from Rio just not paying attention yeah that that was pretty much unheard of for him as well that's the first time in months in a tournament game I've seen him just flat out forget to run away or or take a bad fight he's been so good lately and the spear now getting some good hits on his remaining Scouts so both players on this side kind of cancel each other out yep and both these Scouts have low HP hmm so fire is on the way to castle age he'll be going Knights backed is about to finish his castle and I think he should go 40 seas and plumes you have to boom behind the plumes reott he's gonna be behind say my name and I know he has walls but but Dave look at this wall on the right what in the world is that there's a giant hole there if he doesn't see that Oh stonewalling the front - like dude if he doesn't see that the Knights will run right in this is this has definitely been a weird game because the players have shown that they're human let's put it that way they've shown that they're human okay so fire is gonna get some good hits on the plumed archers kind of delay back a little bit yeah with the scouts out there and again the back twill opts to boom up so he's not gonna get a lot of upgrades early he'll just make plumes he'll delay Bodkins so we can create villagers then go for ballistics and all that later on okay reads reads finally walling that gap and look where he's walled over near fire reott has like a quarter of the map yeah he does fire is very exposed too though so we could easily see say my name show up Siri at Stonewall's and then go right to fire so this is putting fire under pressure but so far so good for him in castle age and I think it's a big deal that he has used his Scouts there to just scout where we're backed is gonna be so many players well I shouldn't say so many players don't do that for the most part players do that right but the one time you don't you'll get caught off guard I think say my name can almost get away with a 3tc boom here which is Frank farm everyone's playing so conservatively we have to because if you go 1tc push you'll just run into walls and then they'll out boom you so trade wise let's talk about the corners because this will probably go late-game trade wise northern corner for vietnam legends and then the eastern corner and then southern corner for brazil and then the western corner which will be tough versus the plumes because you can't really wall that right now so maybe a castle on that hill later on in the game will be important for fire also i have to consider whether backs gonna stay on to tc's and go up to amp faster try and eliminate fire from the game this is true yeah he could stay on - pretty soon we'll see what the decision is if he drops more farms who goes for university oh never mind go ahead I see it they're both coming into Rio right now when we it's going see a as Magyars that's a that's a long-term investment it's very long-term investment and I don't like it man I don't like it I know that Berber Knights are cheaper so you could probably get more on the fields but against plumed archers yeah interesting they they probably want to utilize these other saves later on but it's gonna be tough for reott he has been on the pressure here he's actually been the weakest player in this game normally he's the strongest it just needs to be patient as Archer ranges are being attacked though so he does not want to lose these obviously and Dave he because he built stone walls he's just now adding his second TC just got the stone for that pretty lady fire is is fired looping around behind those plumes or is he just going straight to say my name space no he's trying to loop around and trap them Andrea it's gonna come from the front here okay I think my name knows what's up he's got the monk there he's got enough Knights Wow great reaction time from fire though to just run back I like to see him use that Scout to go for say my name's monk lots of plumes for back too though and plumes are way better than ca here Brazilians need to hold there's no way that they can do damage I'd say my name or box base but once you get to 30 40 CA with thumb ring won't be too bad blood lines and blood lines yes you can toss them right in against those plumes it's just you gotta wait for a good fight here yeah and again because of the walls and the lack of Vil's period it's gonna be tough for him and they're gonna go for it Rhea wasn't fighting half the time but fire gets +2 right before the Andy's getting forging they're fighting right up this hill can they win this this is gonna be close I can't call this man I'll get back my crowing down those CA he knows how important it is for them to Masum and they're gonna win this fight yeah Zach didn't say my name say my name with more nights here now than fire or at least it's even and that that's a good good point Dave backed in just patrol and go for the nights he went for the CA first and he now has twenty plumed archers Rhea only has six CA and in Game one Vietnam is in the lead and backed is to TC even with he's even with fire and he has a castle up and he'll go for a second Castle he's doing exactly what you said I think if you're Mayans the best play is to do what box did here because we've seen it a few times now I always seems to play out better he's gonna build a castle on the front Dave he's gonna insane this is really tough for Brazil I don't know if they can deal with this and interesting from say my name is he's making his fourth TC in the middle of the map so he knows gotta secure the middle portion of the map that's very exposed yeah while fire needs an engagement now if he could kill this ball plumed archers and ball of knights then being later to imp might not be as big a deal but obviously with the plumed archers mobility that's not easy to do and I just love how attentive say my name is to his army on the front it's getting conversions with this forward monk and healing which is quite a big deal and they need to fight this now reott scold is right here everything is stacked against Brazil at the moment military numbers are the Ville numbers are that the map position is I think this is where fire has the flood nights he has to fight this sooner rather than later that castle for backed is right there in the middle o backs losing a bunch of literature's for free though didn't see that you gotta keep them around until you get that siege workshop up from say my name maybe get a few manga knows oh yeah to deal with the characters just solidify your position there and keep the plumed archers alive until you do that yeah and you don't have to rush an engagement the reason they're here is because they want to make sure that we and fire are home but fire he finds out the hard way that there's a castle forward ran right into the fire there and but once back to gets all the upgrades he doesn't have thumb ring yet he doesn't have racer yeah he doesn't have chemistry elite plume this is gonna be tough do you think they'll force the fight right when they see that backed isn't in well Ria's coming out now I think they'll fight it I feel like if they wait are they're in trouble yeah if they wait for them to get a Manganiello up on that hill and and more reinforcements they're gonna be in trouble and fire is looping around to the right he's gonna come try and come behind this army yep this is the time and they're if they don't get out of here right now they're gonna lose their entire army and they're just sitting there the CAV archers are chasing down the plumes they are running away they're going to another Hill can react the Knights the Knights had passed horribly they packed horribly right into the bags from fire and right into the CA from reott Wow good job from him to get him out of there though he's going up to impro he wants those alive so you can upgrade them and he went the right direction he went left instead of right yeah he realized I think that was him deciding to not run up that hill and to run back over castle from backed another forecastle and he's heading into the base of fire with plumed archers and the Knights are over on this side now UNAC unintended consequences yeah you're right I wonder if that was all part of the plan if it was it's kind of brilliant to send the Knights this way and of course the plumes will now have upgrades and fire is nowhere close to the Imperial age say my name is still he's on his way to imp as well this is still not a great situation for the Brazilians in that castle going up ready as the Knights come in yeah definitely not an engagement you want to take their broom and I'm fairly certain that fire knew he needed to take another fight there he got +2 where I say my name he hasn't gotten any attack upgrades because he knows he can get to imp so fire thought with more upgrades he could fight it ballistics just now coming in from Rio wolf and you can see what ballistics means the the first couple volleys from the sea I just missed [Music] looking very good for Vietnam that's enough plumed archers they could to shot the Knights maybe even one shot the Knights once the other group comes over and yeah it's over man they realize it's over and it definitely would have been over once say my name hit the Imperial agent got cavalier yeah bout a strong performance from these two I know a box lost four villagers in the Dark Age and he still comes back with this boomed Archer play it makes you wonder if there is a response to that if you don't have Mayans what do you do against that you know yeah well reach just now getting thumb ring as well so ballistics thumb ring like look how many calves are cheesy a tee at almost 40 yeah and they just work fully upgraded and it kind of dropped the ball a bit on this game just so i i agree i think that the the damage say my name did in reott space was worse than the damage that brazilians did in box space because what happened when riad gotta tackle is he not only lost villagers but his whole eco balance was off he went for stone walls and then he didn't have the stone for extra TCS and there were a lot of factors and back losses villagers he still got his castle up at the appropriate time and then he could still add tc's because he had the res for it so again though we're gonna see that more we have some more games coming up if someone chooses Mayans they can always go for this full wall strategy and it's really hard to stop well it's yeah I've seen it stopped way too many times you just got to go forward yeah try and mess them up as much as you can yeah butyl age it's tough though because if you just gamble and say okay he must be doing this and they go for archers then you're forward and you could be called out so we'll see more of it in the future and we could talk about it then there's the KD for backed and just the eco different say my name's boom compared to reeds boom and Santa this is the day of the underdog here might be man might be we've had some great results I asked the twitch chat here who they expected to win and most people said - oh for bzk and obviously that's not going to happen now I wonder how long we can go without acknowledging the fact that twitch chat is saying our name every time we say say my name I'm I I can't have an internet browser I'll be you can't see it got you I don't see it either I don't have the chat open I don't think they can I don't think they're doing that no they would never architect 93 thank you very much for the prime sub man a tree gifting another sub thank you a tree I saw your message earlier by the way you don't have to feel guilty you don't have to feel guilty AB he thank you for 400 bits next map will be Serengeti so I don't think we'll see Mayan full wall on Serengeti you yes and as our code says if you see somebody ask for the result of a match and you want an answer then answer by whispering to avoid spoiling people correct please please please do that dude I was surprised by by reott losing his Scouts that just didn't make any sense to me it wasn't a once-a-day maybe you overestimated the Magyar bonus in relation to the pranks like he had two Spears there but he fought uphill II took the fight okay yeah I think his Spears were attacking the spears from say my name yeah it was weird sometimes that happens and it's just one moment but he had a few seconds there and he knit he didn't bail which was confusing you you alright guys so next game a couple minutes away what are your predictions for this will have Serengeti do you think Brazil brings it back Yes No maybe so I think they do and I think we'll see another game three today you soaring ostrich yeah the braket command is brackets are they updating this on the fly do the brackets have spoilers yeah so you could also if you wanted spoils of previous results you could type exclamation mark brackets in the chat okay thanks Robo you you alright ladies and gentlemen welcome to the next game between Vietnam legends and bzk I think it's safe to say that people were surprised by Viet Nam's victory in Game one well see what they can do in game two we have backed in the orange playing as Ethiopians and in the red we have say my name who's playing as the Incas and the map is Serengeti yeah I didn't expect to see Incas alright well fire he's playing as the Huns and then we have rate in the teal playing as the Ethiopians so we have both teams including Ethiopians now we have Incas and Huns verse each other on the right-hand side that'll be fun to talk about this map has a lot of food but it is very very open you can't wall it off like the Vietnam players didn't game won and Incas Dave what are your thoughts on Incas hmm like this is traditionally a map where you want you know Scouts some sort of pressure in the feudal age yeah like Eagles for Incas or one-trick pony their Eagles base oh maybe yeah yeah I'd say that's a strongest option late-game yeah yeah and like as far as their transitions go usually you see them start with Eagles or start with like some sort of rush and then in Eagles yeah thing like that but like the Eagles are slow man they're slow to create and slow to get rolling you got a kind of wall up your stuff to get them going and I don't know if this was a 1v1 I'd say Incas can counter Huns in virtually every way but seeing as it's a team game that lack of speed could be an issue and also because backed as Ethiopians you have to assume that box will go archers so yes Incas could go archers into are blessed but they probably would want that melee option so if that's the case if you are going for that standard melee and ranged combo then it would be Eagles then for Incas which is hard to transition very slow to create they could both go archers but we'll have our eyes on say my name we'll see what he'll go for though Huns have the scouts they have the CAV archers they have the Knights they have that that speed and fires a fantastic player when it gets late game with paladin's though I don't know if it's this game will go all will go on all that long because of how open the map is I can I just say that I hate fires map so much look how far away is wood lines are that's ridiculous yeah this is gonna be tough man you could also see Incas go with man-at-arms towers I know it's not traditional in a 2v2 but Incas are a great forward civilization and that would be a good area to lock down if a tower were to go up here on this hill the fire would have no access to stone really it is I you know I keep forgetting it is say my name yes so is like if he's going Incas maybe he does have some sort of tower shenanigans plan yeah and again I'd like to remind those watching the stream we know that say my name has that tower e style in 1v1 but obviously in game 1 he can also do other things it's kind of like vivvy right Vivian 1v1 full of towers and forwards and crazy shenanigans but he's incredibly skilled at other things as well it's just that they're their preferred style tends to be that one option I found it very interesting he went forward if you look at his line of sight he went forward immediately with the Eagle Scout were they upon it wasn't he didn't quite find fire maybe was looking for Larry yeah yeah you found the secondary gold so he can assume he's somewhere around there I think the secondaries are all 4 tiles and the neutrals are three maybe not it's a it's a it's a weird map for sure I'm not too sure either but I think there's seven tiles per player so you get four tiles than three tiles and then the the extras are all four again yeah so I guess that that additional fourth is is an extra but he's going for it again with the eagle he's gonna try and figure out where he is he's already walled in his wood line smart he'll go man in arms he will go man in arms he's already sending to two golds now will he go forward just be man and arms into archers because if it's men and arms into archers it's just weird having two people go archers I can't get over it yeah well we'll see we'll see what he sees with this eagle that'll probably dictate this plan yeah and and backed I say that we'll see two people going archers but backed is gonna go Scouts actually so maybe not what you'd normally do as Ethiopians but it's still doable that transition will need to be towards archers and infantry in late-game fire don't lose your scout bro Oh close did fire see the gold yet he did not and they cease the mining camp he's just gonna verify that it's gold and not stone this is how he doesn't get trust is he gonna see the is he gonna see the man-at-arms yeah he could see one he doesn't see are you kidding oh my god see and we could assume it's straight archers for say my name because the barracks being up at that time is not that surprising or Eagles or yeah well you don't want to go Eagles too early but it definitely is an option if you start taking some small victories all right and I just want to look now it is archers for reott so the Ethiopian player on the left going archers and four for Brazil anyway and then it's oh it is ranges for backed this is weird I guess you can go to gold a little bit later with Ethiopians because you get the free gold right that's the sofa bonus talk that's it yeah that's the not the $5 to $10 in sofa and fires gonna find out soon enough yeah he sees the militia he knows the man and arms upgrades on the way and he's just avoiding them Elwin east tower just wood line to so playing this extra safe early on Roach said just because you didn't mention it earlier a reminder that cracked terrain has a damage multiplier towards buildings wait what that's a thing and this all right thank you Roach thank you for the info I think say my name is gonna be disappointed to see this tower I like the tower from fire it's a good decision his wood lines are so far away yep also his stone is really close to his TC so he doesn't need to build a mining camp to get more stone this say my name does he go to reott if he communicates with back maybe back and tell him yeah maybe he could go to read here but then again read it's making archers so maybe it's better to stick around here as of as of now he hasn't done any damage with his man-at-arms investment and he can't get close to the TC so good decision from fire fire shows up he attacks a spear two Spears actually and that's mistake he needs to wait for his ally to show up and Andrey it's all in the way Dave you were right say my name is making a few Eagles Eagles and Spears here we go so that means that backed will be pretty much on his own until those Eagles mass and that will take some time couple eagles into that army from reott though oh man back doesn't have it flashing yet yeah the towers trying to go up I don't know if he's gonna get that time oh wow and this Scouts room look at this the scouts come in on the archers all the spears are dead the Bakht has taken some heavy losses here one villager can die they gotta focused on the army first good job the tower still could be denied though I think that it will be forced down and this is what happens when you have incas this is why we were so confused because what do cuz offer here not all that much and that's why I backed his feeling feeling the pressure from fire he's getting smoked by fire jeez that was brutal man he had to force down a tower he has taken 13 losses no Scouts is hurting them it would almost have been better to have back to go Scouts and then have say my name go archers if you want to go Eagles later on then sure cuz look what these Eagles do they don't do all that much fire will gladly take that fight and then just back away with his extra speed so great job for Brazil they obviously want the victory here to take this to the third game oh say my name coming forward the tower he wants to get it down on that stone and gold okay from fire fire will see that and he already has a tower there as well so he could possibly deny that he with his army is heading over with reott going towards say my name and say my name's just like where do I go what where do I go he's gonna lose the entire arm here the Eagles are so bad until you get upgrades yep they're really not a early futile age option at all because even archers with Fletch and can kill them and okay towers being placed fire doesn't you can't build a counter tower and his armies pretty far away from all this he's got a wall this tower in though otherwise it just yeah it'd be better down fire hasn't reacted to it he's signalling he's signaling say my name's base yes doesn't notice it yet okay I don't know how he doesn't see that okay must go now yeah he sees he's repositioning villagers you just go to the other gold wouldn't say my name's wood line now they're coming in on it and so many scouts from fire or just wander around in between there yeah and one villager will go down this is not good for Vietnam the Scouts I'm surprised okay he is getting bald Lantos about to mention lack of upgrades I could get to the other wood line this could be the game right here he'll kill the market ville whoa we won't kill him oh man that guy's that guy is about to die he goes if there is a God let me live and I will serve you he's like wait what what Oh a second tower coming down from say my name okay all over that golden stone well he is behind so you should probably take advantage of this forward position three it's on the way up Dave he'll have the faster firing crossbows and he sees that look look at the importance of that outpost he sees that bhaktas trying to sneak around that outpost was so big man because if he'd missed that army Vietnam could be back in the game oh say my name his forward villagers on the tower he doesn't notice it yet oh oh if it's anything like the market Ville though they will all survive where are they going he loses one he should lose all of these at fireplaces correctly and yep they're dead and he's losing all his Eagle at his base - yeah and he's sending bills back out oh my goodness say my name and back they played extremely well in Game one but it's just a game plan here has not been good and I think when it's Castle age they might consider calling it if they don't call it right away when reott shows up with crossbows it's not gonna make things any easier for him he's walling in that villager okay she's she's working oh it just deletes the beer I don't need much I don't need no stinking barracks and rip Down Goes the villager this is funny whoever's a game this was we got the the in-game messages from someone one of the Chinese players messaging saying 14 that's funny probably wanted to play in a rated game didn't know he's playing in a tournament okay so on the plus side bhaktas on the way to castle age but so is fired back ties his army on the right well that yeah the hill nearest to say my name and he is building a tower at home which is pretty much what he needs to do at this point cuz he doesn't have the army home to defend so that's that's why the towers going up smart decision I like the stone walls too so this is delaying riah tree its advantage is not giving him anything right now now if there's one thing I've seen from the Incas before it's them being extremely far behind and then yoloing Eagles ya just won t see Eagles yeah you're right me it might be a possibility but I mean the hope their team in general is just so far fires gonna go like calves this is cool he created extra Scouts he's gonna go light calf look at how many Scouts he has oh my god and more towers for backs I think that's all he can afford right yeah he is also gonna have to Yolo this as you said Dave back doesn't stand a chance that fire gets the armor upgrade and like yeah yep I agree he could go in even before that and there's gonna go right past the t's yeah later if the scouts go in the scouts will distract the arrow fire as well oh man so many bills going down well done well done fire this is a massacre they did not expect the scouts and this is before Lightcap and fires like screw it I'm just gonna fight underneath this DC who cares bhaktas 27 bills there's 47 Faria there's a 20 Ville difference just like that unreal now say my name is gonna have quite a few Eagles built up and he's he's halfway to castle age but like the damage has been yeah damage has been done the fire will have nights with plenty of upgrades of course he has the farms to get the upgrades the upgrade reott son touched yeah we its untouched area will be booming up to t she's already that this should be over and out and we should be looking towards Game three but you mentioned how Incas can can come back vietnam players are notoriously stubborn as well so they're gonna make sure that it is definitely over before they resign I I can appreciate this this movement from fire you know being as annoying as possible with the light calves oh there's a feel cool I'll take it then I'll just leave I love the value that top players can get out of their units it's pretty impressive stuff God backed it finally cannon garrison is tc20 step futures that's fine yeah this is fine this is fine night idols whatever whatever and now Eagles on the way per say my name so they need to do a tremendous amount of damage to both fire and reott otherwise oh say my name coming out to teeth see there and fires coming over with like have at the exact same moment let's fire could well actually it's Walt so fire will not go right past he'll see the TV it just gets worse man the light cab I wish we could have stats for the light cavalo n-- what say my name is building a former castle he knows what he needs to do what where and it's gonna get denied in the middle of the map I'll just fire see that where I in the middle between fire and say my that's the funny thing it doesn't give him any protection it's just just a random castle that's funny bro oh that was ballsy is there a hole at the back of say my name is bass great where that stone thing is yeah that's all oh my god it is just getting worse and worse and worse and he doesn't see that until now oh boy I think this is a bible-thumper moment chat this is this isn't not like this Bible goodness gracious so say my name he's going to have less villagers than box currently reott has more villagers than the whole other team good lord but he has a castle Dave he has a castle and who cares about the main TC when you rebuild a forward TC that's all you need yep you know what makes this feather coming forward with a castle now - yeah is this is ours gotta be careful with that manga now on that house this is a you need to resign castle you know just just sending him the message that he can take this risk oh oh okay nice - micro from back that was pretty sick kills the Magon l didn't take any losses has his own Magadh l now the fire he could go to anyone he wants and he's gonna come over to back and then when he's here and okay they'll call the chichi now I was gonna say they've got to call it soon during games like that we kind of run all the things to talk about for about two minutes you know near the end like yeah yeah this is over so we're gonna act like this is important just to entertain people what a game from fire Andrea still questionable decision making from from the Vietnam legends team and and not just decision-making but the initial strategy was weird Incas is what really hurt them here you can see how important Scouts are on a map like this then again in Game one we said the same afree it said why magyars why Maggie are cavil archers so maybe in Game three they'll have their ideal sieve matchups and it will be one heck of a game there's the Katie obviously more eco for the Brazilians and I don't think we need to look at this too long we'll just close right out and within a few minutes we will have game number three very important game for both teams so it's gonna be two to one whoever guessed two to one you guys have that spot on but I think most people I said two to one Brazil as did others in the chat maybe I swayed you I don't think a lot of people expected to see Game three here with Vietnam and a chance of taking it I tuned with the $1 donation said let's see do you still remember how to say my name yeah I think it's like I and then tune I think that's it bunker boy said llama is too overpowered game over Kappa apparently not bunker boy thank you best of three is too short while stocky healer it will be a best of five for the semies and I forget if the finals is best of seven I think it's also best of five yeah so there will be more games for the semis now the winner of this will face frantic and the other semi-final and then after this best of three we will have sy and secret winner of that will play Suomi so whoever's casting right now are watching the recordings at the same time then correct yeah so these games just to keep the games rolling these games were played usually within a week prior to the weekend and then all the recording whoever's casting on all the different channels we're watching the recordings at the same time and I used to not be a fan of this but after doing it a few times it's actually really nice because you guys don't have to wait as long it feels like it's live we can get as many games packed into the day as possible much better than having 15 minutes in between each game where I just had to and try and tell dad jokes wait you didn't like the Nations Cup Finals I didn't you guys woke up what time to cast that 5:00 a.m. models to whine two bottles of wine for that was it 5:00 a.m. though IIT was asleep no no no no no no no I woke up at 1:00 a.m. okay bullet who was supposed to stream didn't wake up till 3:00 a.m. oh okay but by the time he had woken up half a game of gone by so we were fine and then around I cracked the second bottle around 8:00 in the morning oh my goodness and then it ended around like 11:00 or something it was like oh yeah it was a problem what I saw was a nightmare and I was so bummed too it's like man I wish you could cast this but I'm not streaming at 1:00 a.m. and I so do not regret it now you hello Britannicus I did spoil didn't I I didn't even realize that whoops does t90 ever use webcam I do during the 24 hour stream buddy YouTube doesn't like it YouTube doesn't like it and YouTube hates your face I know it's it's kind of offensive honestly if they just said hey t90 you're you're rather handsome today you're rather handsome guy but the I prefer no face game in the future wait you don't like you don't like that you're ugly as that'd be fine that'd be fun but there's always one guy you know there's a hundred comments there's always one guy who's like this this is ugly or something don't use your face I don't want to see how that hurts I read those comments then I I do understand that it's distracting which is why I don't do that for the most part you guys are here for the commentary and for the game but for 24 hour streams it works yeah see genius talking about my double chin come on man I'm self-conscious I don't have a double chin if you it depends you know the drill if you're taking a selfie and you take it from like hip height then you can kind of see that double chin action but if you hold the phone up then take the picture you can't see it there we go grass grass chin so so Viper using his creativity he's added another doubt meme I'm surprised man it's really like it's really trying to do things I know he's I think he's at 8 or 9 doubt emotes now creative man something going on there yeah it's almost like it works so I think we have a few until the next game starts guys okay imagine if I had nine Dave emotes with that would that get out of hand for you guys does Viper have more Dahle most in doubt I think he does so think so you want to know how this is actually an interesting fact you want to know the percentage of income doubt gets for his face being used on Vipers channel 0% the same percentage the Dave gets I'm just trying I love Viper he does a good job any meme that Viper wants to make becomes a meme it's not necessarily doubt he could the game he could make anything a meme right games from the game is running we got a game okay we got a game and welcome guys this is game number three between Vietnam legends and B is ek no we've seen this view this is familiar ah yes that was this when the restart was called or the same we'll see how a play so it's the same is the exact same we'll see how it plays out though no wait Robo I think this is the one that they called the restart on earlier yeah well maybe actually know maybe Robo went back because he had the wrong game so maybe this one continues alright so what we're gonna do is we're gonna act like we haven't seen this before now we're just gonna go at it okay YouTube video starts at 10 seconds boys alright welcome ladies and gentlemen to game number three between Vietnam legends and vzk a winner moves on to the semi-finals which will be next weekend in the green we have fire for vzk he's playing as the Franks and in the teal we have reott who's playing as the Chinese the maps are very open it's the first thing I notice we haven't discussed this at all within the last 30 seconds we have say my name in the red on the right hand side for Vietnam he's playing as Indians and then we have back Tuesday as the Berbers get so different SIVs very open maps this map is called Sahara and I think it's a perfect map to end it on because the games have been solid what are your thoughts on the maps Dave I really am interested in the space between say my name Andrea there's a lot of Gold's there's a lot of stones for both players yeah and there's also an area near fiers base with two golds and two stones so if they manage to try and push in there fires gonna be strangled and have nowhere as yeah on the bright side for fire as he pushes back to scout away on the bright side for him he might not need access to his stones he just needs gold four nights later on he doesn't he won't be going for a unique unit but you look at reott Andrea in in the later stages would probably want his stone he only has one that's in a safe position but civilized I think that if Chinese can get to the three or four castles two canoes spam and late-game then I give them an edge but before that I think I give Indians and Berbers a big edge here China Chinese needs a lot of time here yeah really get into the game but late castle early imp definitely the Vietnamese have a better sip combo here yeah so just thinking about it cuz Berbers and Indians could both go for Scouts if they're going scouts and archers you have to give the the archer duty to the Berber player I think because Indians will want to go Scouts in the camels I believe Chinese it's probably going to be archers and then franks will be scouts that's my guess but we have seen teams go for double scouts i don't necessarily like the move but it could be viable for vietnam guess we'll find out soon enough the fires doing whatever walling he can and while his base is pretty disgusting stone and gold wise it's pretty solid for a scouts build because he has the safe wood lines safe berries he could go up real early and he would not be vulnerable at all all right Dave and that is a task for Rhea to push in that deer that was it that is a long dear he just give up and oh he pushed it through there Wow okay yeah it's one of those where it took long enough so forget about pushing it to the T see oh nice little dodge from say my name you will not lose any HP on his Scout he sees where we it is the maps are just bad you have forward gold sand stones for say my name reott has the forward Gold's fire we talked about I think back does my favorite yeah and it's still not good it's just the gold is so close to this you see yeah like he's got that solid wood line and the gold option at the back yep and he could probably wall on the left a little bit he clicks up the fuel age say my name going for men-at-arms I think okay interesting with Indians and remember last time he was Incas and we were questioning that choice so he'll go for man-at-arms for as Indians Oh is he gonna go towers he's gonna go forward he is for villagers running forward he's got to be going for towers I like how wait my name went to the gold with those instead of just sending them forward while Fire Scout was there is he gonna send them back friend like they were gold miners yeah see like they were golden alright alright I like yeah I was getting really confused for a moment he's probably hoping that fire was just as confused or we it was just as confused it will be archers for reott and he has to be careful with his barracks because say my name's Scout will soon get the extra attack when he hits feudal that barracks could be denied and then there will be zero archery ranges for him he's also walling the way free it's walling his back stone there is kind of exposed but he does have the other attack attack the bill say my name I think you attack now I don't know I guess we could always send more villagers reott didn't see the villagers did not see the villagers now he's coming forward is gonna spot him yes yep pcs him right when he hits fuel age oh he tries to quick well the man and arms out the archer ranges on 14 HP that could be killed off there will be no quick wall here the archery range is deleted and the towers going up on the gold and the man and arms are in oh my goodness this is an aggressive play from say my name and it's obviously a surprising play reott was not expecting this very just keep the man-at-arms alive to support your tower push yep you can get a tower down on that wood line like a one more near the gold and then one more near the wood line I think would be perfect rig can make two more archers and then he has to stick with squirms or he can make one more Archer and then he can use that remaining gold for fletching which is probably the better move or just say my name put a tower on the other gold I think you got to go to a wood next is gonna go up farm space works here so if you if you place it here it also hits the farms and backed is here as well yeah and meanwhile the scouts from fire are it seems like they're on the way to hit say my name space say my name has Walden most of his eco this is a strong start for Vietnam and this is exactly how they like to play move your men in arms away bro move your man-at-arms okay there they go there's a weak ville here get the tower up yep yep and reott always so close to losing a bill only losses are Wow Rio has not gone to his stone so he cannot build additional towers he does not see that stone in the back only the one he wolde - and look at this economy this is a mess for him this is a disaster for him but let's keep it but look at Steve my name's gold say my name is gold all the palisade walls doesn't see it he sees and now his villagers can't escape he should have built the palisade walls man he tried to quick wall he lost two villagers because of that and I'd say because because of that moment right there Brazil they're doing okay yeah and here comes the tower on the wood line from say my name does Reid see this he has to suspect it right he doesn't say well honestly it's not too bad because he does have two other wood line options Spears now for saying my name and walls yeah that's enough so that will be enough and I just wonder we're back to well going alleys he's running towards fire Oh oh my goodness look at that gap in fires wood line look in that look at that gap and back spotted it with his fear are you kidding me she's right in there and fires can be busy wandering around the scouts will he notice in time he won't have a clue he will have a cool you gotta check those things man he thinks he's full walled the scouts come in how frustrating is that gonna be he kills two bills that say my name's base and he's gonna lose two he already lost one yeah so he loses two and a lot of vital time poof goodness and and he's in on the other wood line now - Kenney wallet in time there's a hole still no I don't think box wants to go in there maybe but good like oh my word what is happening here this is like the series of mini throws another fill Goes Down look at where we it's going for gold he's going way forward for gold but say my name's like no I'm like I want that gold and and let's see you reott oh he wants to place a tower as well he has a bunch of scrims and archers I think recan get his tower up ah this might be bad for say my name look at the amount of scouts from fire look at how many see a fire has this direction this is the weakness of going with towers because eventually you don't have archers you don't have Scouts and the opponents that do will overwhelm you that tower will go up though I always wall in it - yeah so that could have been much worse I think he can save every villager get the tower up though dude get it up get it up now get it up now yeah he lost one veil he lose two bills but that's but it's not as bad as it could have been right still I just wonder what the follow-up is for say my name now he has to tower at home see this is what's weird if you went with scouts as Indians then you'd have a natural transition into the camels but that's not gonna be the case here so who'll lose all of these bills hmm all right well we'll find out I'm really liking Brazil's position yet again well played from fire it was just unfortunate that he lost those bills a well played to help out his ally in this game and back still running around fires base with those Scouts being a nuisance I looked for him I didn't see him yeah still running around looking for wheels it's back to going orange on a desert man I know come on man give us a break so so fun fact back to always chooses orange and then he turns team colors on so he's blue and all the enemy is red so he does that just because he's hard to see fire going in to say my name is gold there's three Spears there and a tower this might be like unnecessary tossing away your entire army a completely unnecessary man I don't know though because how are you gonna use the scouts from here on out maybe a free can sit underneath the tower he killed three Spears that's it I think you could have definitely waited right definitely waited for the archers yeah or he could have run right in and there's other wood lines yeah I take it back that was a huge waste hmm all right well one good thing for Vietnam is backed is in a wonderful position he's untouched he's going take three stable Berber Knights three stables Wow look at the amount of like the farms he has like he's he's almost it's almost ready for it yeah lots of bills on gold that is a safe gold fully walled and say my name is go to sling say my name I'm sporting him so this is their fallback this is actually a good decision I like this I think if say my name sends all of his resources to back then they could win this if they try and play it straight up there they're gonna be imbalanced as a team and I feel like backed as soon as he gets nine so he should go to that gold from Rio yeah I agree think you could go right to that gold get rid of that Tower is that worries he's making a beeline for it I think because really no reott doesn't have any other gold options yes don't got the towers there and if say my name builds a bunch of defensive towers and Spears and walls then fire he won't be able to kill him and also fire is going to struggle to to get into back space now I wonder I see three stables for fire Andrea is in castellated with crossbows now I just wonder if they can hold from this it's gonna be tough oh it's not going to the gold he's going into the base and reott is now putting a town center on that it's not a bad idea to go into the base because you know he's not walled because of the line of sight so might as well go for the villes go for the wood lines let's see if we can quick wall this he loses a vill oh can he get into the wood line there reeds is Wow fast quick wall fast quick wall paying close attention the TC goes up as well that's not bad that's not bad but this is not gonna be an easy fight this is not gonna be easy to hold this is gonna be a lot of nights and they're very cheap as well for Berbers fast quick wall doesn't that completely like man fast quick well that that quick wall was fast though you know what I meant that's right reott has walled up his gold a little bit here it wasn't quick it wasn't fast either say my name it's not gonna get the walls down on his gold fast so it was fast enough [Laughter] there we go there's a fast there's a fast quick wall for you there you go and he has the spears and the towers he should have enough Oh like trying to go into that gold but he saw the TC this is kind of funny these these four Knights are separated from each other back has to be doing a little bit more if you ask me [Music] he's dropped it two more TCS so he's boom yeah in addition to getting slung yeah well it's not necessarily about killing your opponent is to say that but I think it's about taking some strong advantages and on this map there's a there's quite a few goals in the center so just holding map control making sure your opponents are not booming safely that can be enough at times say my name's eco actually pretty will actually be pretty strong on 1tc so he's swinging a lot of resources and we could easily see a faster Imperial for backed off of this if you wanted to stop making Knights yep and fires trying to clear up that tower so that we it has access to yep and here comes back he does have more upgrades and he says yep I'm gonna kill your Knights and Fire doesn't realize and he realizes needs to leave great timing for back and backs going into fire space with a separate group of knights as well so he's gonna try and figure out it's easy get in there it's so damn hard to follow this it is so damn hard to follow this yoyoyoyoyo moderators I'm cool with them saying my name you don't need to time people out for that it's fine we're good they've been doing it all day is say my name coming forward with one villager to make another tower I think it might be a vivvy moment I think it might be ax got it backs got to not draw these people to work look he's he's like that's going to wait Dave there's a veil from say my name in the middle and on the right so there's there's a few sneak village yeah I don't think that tower is gonna do much yeah that's a waste but hey there's nothing else to do and look who's on the way to the Imperial Age back alright man I don't think that Brazil can stop this yeah back just cleared up a bunch of nights from fire yeah and hope it'll clear up more fire thinks that he'll have the reinforcements but no back twill and what's really like Ritz kinda got some crossbows but like not really push it forward yeah fires he's on to T sees he's just been trying to keep free at save reott going with the castle yeah he's gonna build a castle but even then it's just it will just be Castle Echuca new and I think one of the Brazilians is gonna die too the Cavalier from backed the very least and all don't tell me don't tell me he arrives now no funny enough that the crossbows would have fired there he would have solved it but I think he would have gone back anyhow he's going to reach T C Andrea who is getting closer to the Imperial age now has not walled off his gold there's not much he can do against this he needs help from fire and he saves his bills for now certainly not ideal he's gonna see the castle now can he deny it well reott runs away 85% oh he has to cook every bill that this would be clutch if he could stop it he has to cook every bill now he won't wait now also close so very close but now plate barding armors on the way cavalier is on the way andrea is on the way to imp so brazil might be able to hold this fire started slinging real fire started swinging writs good decision you think maybe it's just a an initial you know stipend yeah yeah just a little boost yeah i think it's good because if you get him on to toufool to canoe and kill the cavalier but the problem is reed isn't the guy who's going knights he has no mobility and you can see just how much mobility means to backed killing more villagers in reott space we did talk about the late-game wind condition for the Brazilians yeah being Chinese though yeah and three it's normally very good when he's being slum Cavaliers in he's taking big hits they were it just the idle time here thirty idols out of eighty five bills fire might be taking a big hit if he doesn't wall behind this house here that's a lot of Cavalier and a forward castle from back I love everybody I yes he fires in trouble I think this school I think this will be a Vietnam victory it's it's pretty incredible say my name's towers they did enough and then he started to sling early a luckily for Brazil Berbers do not get cavalier I mean not not Cavaliers paladin but it can't stop the castle then fire can't walk will he build his own castle that's really the only way to slow down no stone and these two canoe can chase the Cavalier and box knows that Oh might be able to wipe them all up I don't know if we it really it's just gonna jump into the castle yeah still lose villagers and some army and box sending in another wave now this is looking bad for fire and bad for the Brazilian siege workshop now for backed like fire keep slinging read but like reads going camel okay that makes sense yeah it can't really help you at the moment dude you've got to worry about your own base yeah RIA is going heavy camel but Berber heavy camels are better because of the cost and look at the walls from sick my name oh my god what is going on dude they're trying to they're getting ready for late-game baby look at look at the train was that is they have the time bro they have the time noctus in fact is fully into fires eco now yeah and he's gonna have he doesn't have a trip out yet to kill the TCS but it's only a matter of time until I need it right there's no fletching on the TCS cavalier can kill everything even with fletching they could do that it's just down to reott you know again fires population is not bad it's at 100 so he has a lot more than say my name does Andrea is making heavy camel and he's very good with these mobile units Dave look at the score look at the pops and team populations are pretty close I don't know I feel like if say my name gets this wall down yeah for sure and it's trying to get here but will he be too late fire you can see they're trying to repair his TCS keep every filter alive but now the population is dropping now he's gonna fall behind say my name and at this moment say my name clicks the castle age and he might want to go to empanada and camels and all this is a massacre now Andrea is just about 30 seconds late and he can't push past this anyhow because of the cow and backs I think Beck's is catching the villagers going out north no he just missed that but reott is full exodus from his base and his vill count dropped by 50 there yeah he's at 45 bills he doesn't have anything to sling anymore and he's running towards that one Cavaliere this is just this is bad this is currently a1 b1 that backed his winning and it will be a 2v1 soon if say my name gets into the game and he could easily go up to him after he hit brie is pushing forward now he's gonna take down that castle I think Wow and but say my name castle age so yeah he gets into the game by the time reassures backed back one thing I would have liked to have seen from Vietnam players is trade you had all that time why not start some trade you know just a little bit to get the wall down man just look at say my name stays you know credit to fire fires still trying to to be annoying here the backed is gonna help out with a few camels also something that's missing from back here is like the stuff that Tim was doing earlier where he'd said one night to a corner yes check yep yep the check yeah cuz he could he could find or even trolling this cavalier here next aware fires Lumberjacks are just the small things and the small things add up Rhea could sling fire back into the game he could sling him - paladin you never know Murray it doesn't have the Eco right now one thing they do have Brazil was they have the corner so they could still trade it's not like that is denied and this would be the time to start taking advantage of trade however keep in mind that some of the extra golds can be taken by that we're in the center of the map by the Vietnam players just look at this this is complete massacre say my name will click uh simp castles going up for reott and back in the middle they know where the important part of the map is and that could deny that from reott but he just doesn't see it yeah and again maybe just have your units on patrol a little bit more he's played extremely well of course we're nitpicking but if you were to deny that that would be huge and there's three exposed traps there as well well Bakht is focusing on this army of cavalier that ran right into the camels so that's not a fight he wants to take andrey it his population is decent 150 it is still 164 back Oh a box wants to go camel Archer I mean that's the logical thing to do in this yeah I think camels and now camel Archer because you don't want to make family if you have say my name transitioning into camels like his camels are gonna be better than yours and you need a range unit to complement that yeah yep but it will take some time to get all those upgrades and in that amount of time maybe just maybe RIA can push a little bit because at the moment he actually has the best comp okay so backed and say my name are just putting the market sound now and back notice that TC from fire yep so fires not gonna have a foothold over their roof if they can wall up across the middle and get tree rolling oh god that hurts to see that really hurts to see one villager from fire escape well back see it she's trying to hike [Music] Dalisay well baby they have no clue they're gonna come back because of her yeah remember that sila jure remember her let's get all the TIG babes in the chat we its army is hard to stop really hard to stop and he will kill this is what's mind-blowing to me I just dropped my phone he's now killing the castles so backed wants to go for Camel archers but he doesn't have elite yet he's lacking half the upgrades and he's losing his castles Reed could actually bring this back but hey my name is on the way to Imperial age but and fire really has 37 villagers but one of those villagers is this villager and look at her go he's going she's going man she's gonna spot the markets we'll check out a bit act has that one Cavalier on patrol I think it comes back every so often he does what would win a 34 HP villager or a 38 HP Cavalier I don't know we'll see I have to do the math on that when I get back to you I seize it no he doesn't yeah wait what we're done see that it's fine man it's fine three castles yeah I think that's the most important thing forget about the villager sorry backed lost three castles so he will not have a lead camel Archer he he only has one Castle left and I like their position in the middle Brazil I really like it they have the markets up there trading how did she escape how did she die she is a god you know else is God real sorry seriously and now bakht he's losing stone so he loses three castles he's now losing the stone he would need to build more I'm just waiting for the camels to arrive from say my name he's just now getting heavy camel the comeback is on Dave the comeback is freakin on all the stages are here they need to delay as long as they can I can't believe that I really can't believe that the Brazilians aren't dead fact fact is in Reed's base though with some Cavaliers I don't know how he got there yeah I see that and so it's saved my name he's got some yes you're right you're right he's on the table good stables in the back of its base wait what what you snuck them in there and now he's researching like heavies gonna spam like Evans the Eco that's brilliant but ten facts defend himself at home elite you canoe and camel I don't think so this is wild man I I'm losing my mind at the moment look how close they are to the trade route reott is so close to that trade he just has to stabilize at home he did take losses there I don't know man cuz like they're into the trade potential trade from brihat and fire as well yeah fires tried to read boom I you know earlier we mentioned that back should be playing like Tim well now he's doing it dude just small groups of Kavalier and camels in two different parts of the economies right and the left until reott is threatening the trade itself you let him you let him be right in the middle here yeah wait till you hear you old camel you get enough of them and then you can just crush this yeah and they are elite camel archers well we go with bombard towers which is the one thing that will turn these engagements that's true that will solidify their position in the center and in the center they are attacking the castle so will they go for it now fact it almost seems like a mistake because his units are all running in separate directions yeah he didn't want to take that fight and he really can't if a few bombard towers go up and fire is now going to the Imperial aide she's putting a castle down in his old beige base which he's recovered yeah and he's at he's at 67 built so he's not looking too bad I think I mean do you just let reott sit here and then you you attack his face yeah Ria's very exposed and the century doesn't have anything just imagine if say my name were to send trebs to the castles in the center I think that is the play but then again it's a huge risk right that's a lot of Imperial camels and that is a lot of Camel archers from backs reott doesn't have that many towers you could still lose his army don't lose your camel or a tree spirit yep that's not the best fight for camel archers that's for sure the question is do they go here or do they go right to Rio Tico into the trade line which is not walled up and by the way the stables are still spamming like to have their in to read Seco that's got to be annoying that'll add up yeah that'll add up for sure but the lack of castles for backs man he's about to lose another one I don't like this fight for Rio read needs to pull back he sees the Imperial camels he hasn't seen they look how much it's coming in here oh my god all those tribes are gonna go down I think all the units are gonna go down too yeah they just don't have enough the camel archers will take the hill Imperial camels oh geez that could be it right there Aria tried but fires not back into the game yet he's about to hit the imperial age that is not the time to lose your units and you gotta hand it to Vietnam for being patient as you said they didn't force it they waited and that was the moment and now this will its just be fire dying 2.0 because the camel arches and the Imperial camels are running forward and fire has nothing to stop it if they get into that wood over there there's like 30 villagers exposed yeah there's that whole back corner for fire they got a wall that up but they're not going to he's already in this this trade card says a lot about fires position it's a slow trade card it's trying it's trying to chug along but it's gonna get chewed up Andrea its villagers are getting chewed up the camels are going everywhere and this could be the best of three now more trade for Vietnam 33 trade cards for say my name insane seems like endless resources for him here come the the trips from back he's gonna take out these castles in the middle yeah less production buildings for free it yep I I don't think there's a way back now I don't think there's a way back with the amount of trade that Vietnam has with the losses that fire is taking I think Vietnam will will shock most viewers here today and they'll win the best of three two two one and what a wacky game this has been still fires gonna try still reads gonna try but it only gets more difficult from here look it say my name's trade Scottie crazy man he's not such a good job for like the transition yeah from the towers to the sling to the camels yeah like as soon as he decided he was gonna stop slinging it was maybe five or six minutes and then he was into camels yep it was really impressive and how he's positioning his units now he is four separate groups he is Rams in the center camels on the Left camels on the right and then he has more camels in the middle with backed it's not easy to do this controlling four separate armies adding trade it's just insanity and I'm the one thing I want to see his box send his camel archers into the trade just sit a few there you know but beyond that it's near perfection I think it's important that he keeps them in the middle but just to kill the castles yeah taking the cast is down or very important yeah and they can slowly push it back from here they know they have more trade and this is one of those situations where the gg might have been called already if it was game one but it is Game three and it's the best of three so fire is gonna try fire has cavalier but he's only at 125 population is that woman still alive oh she's no that's the different one no that might be her she's still alive maybe there's hope she's been healed up to nice slow condensed push in the center two castles remaining for reott he can keep up with the camels from say my name now the camels are yeah and he said he's camels and his would like camels in his trains everywhere yeah so even if we could see a paladin from fire I still think it's tough with full camel Archer and Imperial camel camels are going into the two canoes now - oh he's just gonna run past he has so many as so many camels I can never tell which group you're talking about I have to choose one of the four groups but yeah I see you ran into the ball of to canoe there and this is the last stand for it and this is a fight that he probably doesn't want to take but he feels like he has to take and it should go for the tribes to delay it if anything so smart how they shifted roles back was raiding and then now he's just protecting his tread slowly pushing across the map and say my name's taken over the rating yeah and they know they can afford to take this fight because look at the resources of say my name he's it 200 pop with 1,500 gold so why not take this fight force your opponent back finish off the castle rate we'll buy a hundred stone that won't be another and they're gonna call GG G here G G here when they lose this hill I think a lot of camels died there you just thought she was coming forward does he have sapless you know what he probably / booms so he decided to send them forward as a distraction which is easier than deleting them yeah the castles dead man what he's getting architecture not dead oh my god there we go it's dead and I think pretty soon the Brazilians will be dead but they're still dude look at the pops look at the trade from yeah but I mean six hold on a second look at the overall population if fire had paladin they could maybe hold this one fifty one fifty for the Brazilians but lack of castle camels yeah exactly hey my name's Reza's ridiculous yeah he can sling everything he needs to debauch or buy stone build more castles backed his up to four castles now gotta hand it to the Brazilians they're not going down without a fight if they hold on for another 20 minutes then they'll be equal and trade now might be the point where you send the camel archers into the tree yeah yeah now might be or even buyers getting Haledon are you kidding me what these two can do and the bombard towers they're holding man look at this look at the repairs from reott what is happening here and it might be at the point where say my name has over trade booms he has 74 trade carts if he deletes 20 of them then he'll have 20 more camels what on earth are we seeing here he only has 30 camels so the Brazilians have more military there's no way right I don't think so I know all the bomber towers are going down now there's such a key element to this fight I think it's possible I think it's possible especially I mean this is gonna be one hell of a long game if they end up coming back but it's the Chuco new really what they need is red to have a few more castles goodness yeah I mean say my name's got camels queued up in like eight stables and there's like five of them in DES exactly and he's paska produce look at his wrist it's perfectly fine he's just made too much terrain yep I think he just slung some resources just just ignore that message there whoever the recorded game came from which I think was a Vietnamese player someone sought him out for some help some honored his buoy disconnected let's go but I don't know about Ottinger okay here here go the camel archers this is what we've been waiting for Vox gonna go into the trail which it's got so much res man you can research every single tech yeah and the Brazilians still have the chase and I think they're there where this could be possible yep and the waling hasn't happened yeah this could be coming up they're coming over with all their units but the two can do are so yep [Music] yeah paladin's and that's not gonna be enough and one that you can't change then you could see that the Vietnamese players push that hill again this is a huge engagement holy look at the units coming in here this should be the final engagement of the game because finally they're in the trade good start oh yeah that wasn't the best Patrol Korea either a little bit late to fighting they're kind of speechless that Brazil is still alive here and they could clean this up well now there will be another push as I said up the gut now here comes say my name but goodness they're gonna clean it up and their trade counts are pretty reasonable say my name is just he's adding more trade carts he's in dude he's still making more he's at 79 trade I don't think I've ever seen more than 80 trade carts in a game like this and what it is is its reflux you're used to toggling through the stables creating more camels creating more trade carts and he doesn't realize how many he has they still should win this game but the Brazilians will not die and look at fires rez if fire can stop the push on the hill right in front where Bakht is currently maybe there's a way yeah but say my name is here with camels it's not like say my name is plank bad either it's just the fact that he is too many trades I think he's playing better than back to them yeah I agree backed his kind of lackluster for the last few minutes he's back flustered at least yeah that's it at least he's walling up now he's putting a giant fortified wall across the mat yeah he knows it's gonna go late and they just gotta secure the well it's already gone late but they got to secure the middle yeah he's getting his unique upgrades you got to keep in mind he did lose a lot of castles but he's up to five now so certainly should have done a little bit more riah and fire are separated from each other and say my name's like screw it I have a tee to trade carts I can afford to lose these camels you just send them into the middle Oh God but it doesn't matter because currently fires on the back foot Oh back could go right into the trade here backed should go ready after a team says camel archers just get in there my son I think he's playing it he's played it very safe Dave killing the castle he'll kill the castle without the camel archers get in there Shh he doesn't need it he does need to kill trade that's not important is he going he should go he's what they're rolling up go yo run through free real estate go it's it's alright it's not a trap man it's not a trap go okay here we go they're gonna take this fight oh geez and yeah with the hill a lot of the campbells guys are the helps this is baffling what run into the trade go it's right there does it I keep wanting to say it doesn't matter gate but it might matter it might matter there might be a chance for the Brazilians to hold on what are we seeing here it back dude Brazil can win this Brazil can win this it's just reads to stabilize reott needs castles he needs I guess he's just going to continue with Chu canoe and Alps they could actually win this and it is eighty to trade carts for say my name four thousand gold for say my name let's see the price of stone currently it's kind of expensive to purchase stone I would just ruin the prices if I had that much gold are you speechless you sound speechless it's I just don't know I don't get it man well of course they're walling it up and look look who's back left corner she's still she's still around yes I was looking for her I've been looking for this chick and this shape in the universe I know I I was watching it so she she got the relic basically and now now they're gonna push that corner and I'm telling you guys if Brazil wins the game I will just lose it I will just lose it there's been so many opportunities for Vietnam and there's money on the line this is so important for the point system for the whole tournament goodness gracious I'm going to toggle through resources now so if you're watching on the stream I'm gonna every time I click a car unit I'll go to their point of view say my name's Resources skyhigh reott fire and then box every player's at too close to 200 pop every player is close to 200 pop and oh wow okay finally finally say my name is pushing on the right side finally he's made some random okay gonna send some camels over get a castle maybe down there and try it a different option then straight down the middle and they do also see they also see fire but fire stopping the wall off with that paladin bombard cannons from back - he's got the rez yep might as well not a bad decision here and that's a very good fight for back that is a huge cleanup for back to create lost twenty pop in the blink of an eye this push on the right might be the deciding factor look at the center man elephant Archer let's go elephant Archer trade raid this game has everything look at the right-hand side Raziel a said it is now or never let's get the Rams in the mix but I don't like to start to the engagement I think fire engaged versus too many camels yeah it's not the time and also they're going uphill I'm watching the population fire he does not have the paladin numbers anymore and they don't notice the right side yet they don't see it mmm Wow hey my name is in can you blame them can you blame them there's so much going on saying my name is building forward staples in that right-hand corner he's gonna send more camels into the Eco but look what the seed rims have done here look what that meat shield does this is an okay fight in the center for the Brazilians this is a crazy game now one hour and 22 minutes a chest signal he just signaled it yeah they only now notice and say my name's already got four stables in there yeah that Rams attacking the markets themselves so all the trades gonna go inactive and they've got nothing over there to counter it yeah and they really lack mobility because of the fact that we it's going with the middle yeah is this it is this the moment I've said it before so so twitch yet I wanted I want to see a one in the chat if you think box will run to the trade I want to see it too if you don't think he'll get there alright never mind get your twos in the chat yeah run into his own trade he doesn't need these units the GG has been called good lord what a game everyone's like nope no justice fire was cutting through the wood line with an auditor yeah it was really really vit or not was the weakest player in the end there because he didn't have the castles so I know we were we wanted to see back to go into the trade but after we at lost those castles it was always gonna be tough for them to come back because two canoes are just a staple of the post Imperial Chinese army fires not done fire is not done I kill all I say em which says yeah as aftermath would say they're like half dead like don't worry I'm killing all huh what a game what a game indeed I this is kind of confusing to me you rarely see one players stay in after the GG's called ok just wonder if reott resigned and fire was he was saying I'll kill all I'm in the trade you know maybe Reid was frustrated I don't know we're only speculating here that game was the longest game of the day it was a pretty sick game I had to say pretty sick game I think it's obvious that say my name in fact they could have finished it off earlier but they did play it the safe way they trade boomed a little bit and they also took out castles so it is possible had they run forward instead of going after the castles that that would have haunted them later on here are the achievements backed with 693 kills so much gold collected for saying my name look at that man 46,000 trade profit and there's the technology stats we can see the society stats when Brazilians did have a few relics which was helpful and there's the timeline so that means that Vietnam players will move on to the semi-finals which will be next Saturday not very good for bzk or formally l OS they've shown signs that they have talent but that is probably the second upset today I don't think people expected that the previous results I'm really struggling here I almost spoiled it hold on so if you're watching this dream and you want to see the previous results on videos or the vaad can you mute this dream for 30 seconds like no one expected the thing before that some people might have expected nobody expected the thing just just mute the stream for 30 seconds okay spoiler alert yeah so Suomi beat heresy two-to-one earlier frantic beat am two-to-one and now vietnam legend says be in bzk two to one and i don't think that people expected am to lose to frantic and I don't think people expected Vietnam legends to lose to Brazil so with that in mind if you didn't watch the the previous set between frantic and a.m. it was sick you need to watch it two amazing games there but we will have potentially three more amazing games upcoming we have sy voir secret coming up next probably the the most exciting matchup of the day for a lot of fans sy needs a result they they've been getting points they've been qualifying they've been getting to the semies and the finals of all these events but they've yet to really win one and they need it'd put secret in their in their placement or maybe secrets place is at the top because currently that's where they're at we'll see I regret to inform you that I cannot join in for the last set all right man too long it was a pleasure dude some great games thank you for stopping by that was five and a half hours of co casting from Dave Thank You Man it was fun wasn't what I started I started at 10:00 a.m. and it's 3:30 here like 12:00 oh that's true that's true well still three and a half hours I appreciate it man it's Saturday I know the drill yeah but thank you for stopping by chat let's get some hearts and t90 Dave's go on thank you man see you later kids remember keep your stick on the end of your stick on the ice guys sure links better than 10 no it's not I'm gonna leave this curling is not better than tennis he just left he peaced out he mic dropped okay guys so we have a little bit of a break before the last set of the day I'm finding out how long that will be but please stick around we have secret so the viper and slam coming up and I don't know who the sy players I imagine it's yo and licks but I'll give you the info soon enough I'm gonna do shoutouts for all the crazy support that came in during that that was a long game so Genesee comas are thank you very much for the brand new sub we had a lot of new subsidy I want to go or thank you key bad boy key bad boy yo what's up man it's been well you were here a few months ago as well but that's an old name thank you for coming back thank you for the prime Mason's with 14 months thank you a bard thank you for the $3 he said thanks for a perfect start to the weekend you're welcome n you're welcome I enjoy every second of this myself lord skia thank you for the 10 and all he said is Dave Tristan that's all I said but we will not be saying or I will not be saying say my name anymore so just get it out okay I'll say it one last time say my name boom we are finished Matt just sauce I saved you for last thank you for the tier 3 sub Matt must like force nothing because now he gets the golden tree emote thank you very much man all right so we have about four minutes I'm going to grab some water in three to four minutes the first game will start between sy and secret guys don't go anywhere and yes whatever snail means not just salsa whatever that means yeah still don't get that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] testing 1 2 3 are you guys still there we good you guys pumped hello hello Yes No maybe so ace Shaun thank you very much man gifting a Dallin tap to the subs I know you're a bit biased you haven't gifted mr. yo a sub I'm disappointed in you ace Shaun not gifting the Chinese players how dare you I'm just kidding thank you very much man I don't think they have twitch account so it's fine so it's everybody who's here thank you for being here to everyone who subscribed today know that I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for all of you crazy individuals the number we're at right now is mind-blowing the game is about to begin so I'm going to update the score is something that noob me forgot to do so we're gonna add that right now and we're gonna get into game number one between secret and s why all you Canadians Dave is probably upset he's gonna be missing this you'll get to see slam today should be a lot of fun right you let's do this whoa Matt geez ah dude thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you guys I I gotta I'm gonna cast the game okay that was kind of bad timing we have Game one here welcome ladies and gentlemen to game number one this is between secrets and sy and this is a best of three and I was just saying moments ago I'm hyped for this I've been casting games for a couple years and never expected to be doing this full-time never expected to have so many numbers watching so thank you guys for being here and thank you for the support today in the blue we have mr. yo for sy miss feeling as ethiopians and then his ally is licks licks is in the green playing as the slavs up against licks for secret we have slam slam the miami he's playing as the aztecs and then we have the viper in the yellow playing as Ethiopians so Ethiopians for both teams however the difference difference is Aztecs and slaps and I'm really curious immediately what is a sticks gonna bring to the table because normally you would expect a viper to go with something like archers with Ethiopians Aztecs they don't have Scouts and we've seen today that medicines actually aren't all that good if they're going for eagles this map is called gorge we saw this earlier on in the day so perhaps you could see players want to go for their unique units all the stone on the map is in the gorge here there's plenty of gold plenty of wood on your little Hill and it's very wobble we'll find out soon enough I'm just looking at the maps to see the layout so I know a slam is forward perhaps looking too lame licks he just bypassed the bore of licks at the start though maybe he'll go back out for it I think licks could easily wall in the front into the edge of the map and slam has an incredibly easy wall off look at Viper already starting to house walls where's his gold Oh interesting he has three Gold's on the back of course of course best player in the world gets the best map in the world I'm just kidding it's not really all that good until he walls but that's of course good position for it and then we have yo-yo for while is arguably number two I think nowadays people would probably put him number three in the pecking order at least in one be once but he could also wall up again I don't think the maps will really be an issue for players and slam will likely not get a lame in here so so often in two V twos you see one person go archers the others go Scouts so mr. Yeo is ethiopians I'm fairly certain that he will either go to rush into archers or he will go straight archers I think archers will be involved and then licks will likely go Scouts or he could go straight in tonight's so that makes perfect sense for me as far as the compositions go here whereas I don't know what the secret players have planned for slam vipers walling up like crazy let's let's go we haven't had enough t90 walls in the jet today let's fat slob it guys Viper's walling up like crazy which makes me think he will go for a fast castle and probably crossbows but what will slam go for well he's building the barracks rather early maybe he will draw Sh full wall and then fast castle and boom we'll see soon enough we've seen a lot of walling today we've seen a lot of walling and it makes sense when you're civilizations have strong options in the castle age sometimes you just want to get there as fast as possible no I'm gonna try and avoid giving shout outs but guys I'm gonna do this right now Crockett thank you for 9 months dude a bunker boy with $20 donation I don't think I could bring tattooing to Co casted that he would be biased of course but in the future I've had tattoo one a few times in the future we can bring him back on and Chuy thank you very much as well thank you guys also a good point from someone in the chat fraps says monk siege maybe that's the only thing that came to mind when I saw Aztecs but on a map like this it's gonna be pretty awkward to do we'll find out soon enough seems like drush fast castle for both secret players and only three militia for slam and he's also this this is intentional he's also going to try and delay the bills from walling up we'll be Scouts for licks and I assume it will be archers yep archers for mr. yellow so I was right on that and Vipers full waltz the Vipers full wold before 10 minutes and he cooks up yo did get his extra attack on his scout and be interesting to see if he can find that villager again Viper we'll need to be careful there and they'd rush oh my goodness are you kidding me that rush did that much damage that's so sloppy from Lex he should have scouted that possibility and he wanted to build the stable on the front so that's a very successful rush from slam for those that might be new to the game or might not know the terminology dark rush-ordered rush stands for dark age rush and it's not necessarily meant to kill bills it's just meant to delay and that is as big it forces your opponent to build gates build a stable where they wouldn't want the stable currently the gold is denied these houses are denied all that adds up and it also gives slam a ton of time now only has he done that but he's delaying the berry villagers and you need food if you're gonna go Scouts Lex's economy just looks disastrous well done slam where's vipers week Ville she's right there I think yo knows about as well and here come Neos archers yep he sees her see he's gone for he can kill that Ville or he can act like he's gonna go in and delay Viper but Viper as expected building an archery range he's going fast castle if this was a 1v1 the immediate response from yo would have been to come forward with the tower however that's more risky in a 2v2 and we've seen this a lot today as I said and players have not gone forward to build towers the reason you would do that is because currently Viper would just wall until he gets to castle age best way to stop them from walling up more is to build the tower but it's a bit too much of an investment when slam could come over with whatever he's going with and push so slam is you only want to have question marks over oh here we go of course here we have a forward from lakes so he is gonna push the slam is the only one I really have question marks over when he finishes the market he'll click up to castle aged two and that's a lot on gold for a guy who's not making Eagles so maybe it will be CG monks I don't think licks can get in here now Viper oh boy Viper knows he needs time this is still wide open and he's going to build a few gates here it is risky to do this sure you get to castle aged faster but you're kind of limited with what you can do until then always also housed at the moment always going to run into wolves as well I'm sorry Viper but this this kind of brings me happiness every time Viper gets attacked by wolf t90 whoo perfect but I really don't think he'll be in an issue being a pickle as downton Viper would say because he will get the +100 food and +100 gold's actually wears his military 3 military yeah this is this is amazing from yo to be able to force this such a risky play and the tower the tower from Lex's epic how the hell did he get a tower up there slim is trying to build a counter tower he had to delete his mining camp he's losing so many villagers HP surprised he hasn't lost one yet wow the aggression is paying off for us why that's so annoying for slam he has no gold in his base no gold in his base you know what guys remember that one scout from Lix he scouted all this and he actually towered that that is a genius move Viper has built gates but Viper he hasn't walled this off so what yo is doing is he's splitting armies he has this army which is distracting Viper and then he'll loop this army around Viper is not gonna have a clue about this and another tower now going up for licks slam wanted to go Eagles I suppose he's making the Eagles now but that's a very slow move I didn't like the Aztec choice and Viper is surprised he'll lose to villagers and probably more Viper earth to Viper three villagers down this is why Josh fast castle can be risky the Viper is now pushed off of gold he's building a second tee see this game I didn't expect this I really didn't expect this you know when you see Viper and slam go for walls you have to figure that they're gonna be okay despite the risk and pretty soon you'll probably see licks click up to the next stage and you will see yo click up to the next stage so it's it's now up to Viper and slam to take advantage of their Castle age text a little bit I do think slam what with the Eagles and their repairs on the tower will push licks away no licks likes as as being as annoying as possible and I think Viper now with my Canaries should be able to push you away but yo is very close to clicking up to castle age and I don't think Viper will have the numbers to kill yo I want to start for yo what is start for licks in Game one another tower from licks this is typical sy this is typical sy another tower and I know it looks ridiculous but it is smart because slam does not have goals you only get two golds and they're right here so the the longer he delays slam the more difficult it is for slam saying that those lame is getting closer and closer and licks we'll need a back-up plan and I believe licks will go for night syngas late I wonder if yo can come over here now these these do have two defense upgrades on them so maybe not slams tower does range this tower but it's Auto attacking the house so just more time wasted here and here comes Vipers so looking at the bill counts it'll be pretty even the Vipers on to TCS he might actually catch up here the stone gates really delayed him because he will be unable to add the third TC so what we'll probably do is build the market and buy whatever stone he needs for the third TC and it is Viper so Viper has the faster firing crossbows we know his micro was good however y'all will have a lot more in the bank and yo can go immediately to three TCS so if this was a 1 B 1 I'd say this is currently a pretty close game between yo and Viper I do think licks is overextended a little bit but no as I say that again he will go for nights he is slabs so I'll have a strong boom and he's fully walled at home or at least will be soon fully Wald's and I don't think yel will be surprised by Viper here but he does have to decide to go forward or to defend cuz if he calculates this enough where he is just enough crossbows at home and the ranges he could go forward he's doing that and Viper is gonna be in trouble these crossbows are gonna go right in Vipers gonna lose a vill the palisade wall will go down mister yo looking very strong and there are the TCS the Viper sending a few crossbows over to hit licks maybe because of the he knows the gold is close but I think Viper will lose those crossbows if he shows his hand and Viper builds a siege workshop for a Mac and El this is a good first game this is pretty close now slam has his gold back for those wondering pretty sick stuff pretty sick stuff this is a good first game Viper running around great thing about what Viper just did is yos army the rule the rest of his army is no longer thinking about going forward you've got to be kidding me though if yo can micro this down yeah it's kind of say Viper has to leave that gold because yo could easily micro that maggot all down in el Viper he has a goal tier gold here gold here remember those three golds in the same spot remember the hacks well actually hurts him now because he didn't wall properly and here Viper again running away and where's that push forward from Lix I'm waiting for that next I want to see him go to Vipers base I want to see him go to Vipers base because that's where Slams going Slams going to help Viper maybe if flicks goes here because slam will will probably arrive here with his eagle soon yelled probably doing the wise thing to run away here come two eagles from slam slam could clean this up and slam has 12 oh yeah 12 more villagers than Lakes so licks needs to do some damage kind of weird he's only on one TC why is he only on one TC all right oh man the score just went into s wise favor but I think the secret players are gonna get it back in a second where's slam going yo slam where you going man you didn't want to fight that for some reason close game close game and Viper again scrambling away and now I can t see that gold so Knights and crossbows are better at this stage now the problem with Knights is they're kind of more expensive than Eagles Aztecs have a very strong boom in castle and they can hit Imperial age faster than most saves so I think as long as Viper and slam just hold for now slam will have a faster Imperial and then with the lead eagle that can really change things but +2 defense on these Knights means that the mag adele's will go down the Viper will not be able to repair that and the Lix takes this flight is yo trapped that's the question well these are faster firing crossbows Alixe has more Knights on the way more crossbows on the way for yo everything that was back at home for yo is now forward and he has 45 military to put things in perspective yo has as many crossbows as his ally does villagers and Viper could be in trouble you know what his reinforcements from his ranges will also be cut off you see the direction they have to run oh and vipers getting a horse collar at 30 minutes I know date hold on Dave left is this Dave let me call him real quick yo Dave this guy got a horse collar at 30 minutes are you sure you're not playing for him alright parent leads VIPRE 30-minute horse collar that hurts and that was due to the pressure that yo put on him as I said the ranges will just be taken down VIPRE shoots with this mag Annelle that's a decent shot he's gonna need more than one shot to save his skin here one thing I will say is that sy shouldn't get trapped because slam can send the Eagles in here and Viper is slinging slam he just this might not be a continuous sling but he just sent resources to slams to slam can get to him and this is why yo is on the way to imp and I think this is a smart move vipers on the back foot go towards slam if you're sy and slam has to run back he'll lose two of his monks 200 gold down the drain he'll lose a knight lose an eagle two Eagles and he needs to click up he's waiting for his buildings and he'll click up now oh this is a good game this is a good game this is a very good game unfortunately for yo he can't range the gold from slam I think licks need to continue to make Knights if you were to click up to the Imperial H now he would sacrifice numbers of knights and slam if he kills the Knights can then easily kill the ARBs from yo where's Viper Viper sending three Magon ELLs it's a good sign for us why that Vipers relying on mainly Macan else in my opinion Viper has been the weakest player in this first game and slam it's all on him now and this is a guy that hasn't played too often for secret are too often for tyrants I think he has the talent but he has to execute imperial ages a long way away he's only halfway there these crossbows are clumped though I'm really scared that Vipers maggin else could get shots yo hits the imperial H our Blessed bracer chemistry immediately and now licks will see the Macan ELLs and though I think they can stay here with the additional range and the Ethiopian firing speed the Macan ELLs won't do as much that slams Imperial HTC slam he's building more barracks he's trying to make as many Eagles as possible vipers military really won't offer much what a game and licks is doing exactly what he should do continuing the knight production full upgrades on them and yo be careful yeah yeah that should not have happened luckily he has upgrades that on them and they're going in right when slam hits the imperial age and they're deciding to take the fight now Lix will kill the Macan ELLs yos crossbows they really aren't helping versus the Eagles and slam is running back into his hole here waiting for the upgrades oh my goodness now they have to fight the Eagles look at this how awkward is this they have to fight the Eagles and slam needs to take a fight obviously he's only at 120 population his villagers will die here and now licks need to turn and fight if slam doesn't clean this up it's game over and that is a lot of Eagle warriors he does have the final defense upgrade it's about the knight numbers really will it be enough from licks it's close it is very close Yost getting Sitra he's pushing they actually use these in Vipers base this is game over this is game over and I assume it's gonna say stream ended here in a second but we're seeing the in-game chat again so it should be done wow that was crazy I don't often use the term greedy when I'm casting a tournament I'll say it and rated games but I think it was a very greedy strat from secret in Game one when you full wall with Palisades and make no military and futile you're just opening up the you're giving your opponent an edge right you're giving them an opportunity to try and come and kill you and you see a lot from secret players like doubt and viper especially two very experienced and they're very good at knowing how to calculate it so they can get away with getting the extra eco they're not overly aggressive players but it was particularly weird how it surprised viper seemed by the archers of yo and viper went forward once slam never went forward it's just a very passive strategy choice yeah so apparently there was a drop here and then they the gg was called immediately after so we didn't miss anything this is not the first time we've seen mezzo supposin with an archer ship and it doesn't make sense to me I think that you give your opponent a pretty big edge well see what secret can do in Game two there's the KD mr. Yeo played out of his mind there licks his tower was disgustingly good and also how long he kept up that second tower played into things yo had more food wood and gold and Viper he had less food wood and gold than anybody good decision from Viper to sling though once you get into that position you have to sling because otherwise it's just that much more difficult so sy gets the win this is a best of three and the next game will be on Team Island oh this would be fun this would be fun so a little bit of history for you a little bit of Age of Empires 2 history I know this is a 2v2 but many of you have probably never heard of this tournament before there was a tournament as it was WS VG it was in the Maldives so eight players qualified and in the final it was mr. yo and Viper it was a best-of-five and mr. yo was up to nothing the Viper came back to win three to two and every time Viper got an opportunity to choose a home map he chose water and I think more people now know that but if I were to ask if I were to have asked many of you before I made that comment what Vipers home map would be he'd probably say Arabia or a lance map right so we'll see what the sips will be we'll see what the strategies will be I casted an amazing team Islands game earlier between another Chinese team frantic and aftermath highly suggest checking out that YouTube video or the past broadcast but anyhow I'm excited I'm excited so I want to go through this again because right before this this final set people just went crazy Matt thank you again Matt donated $100 to the stream thank you Matt I don't know what t90 snail is in reference to I don't know if anyone knows but I sure don't but thank you man that's very generous as well as the sub today the bunker boy and Chewie thank you again ear fungi donated $5 he said thanks for the great commentary he keep this game alive but then again it's a great game isn't it it is it is a great game but it wouldn't we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the players and of course that the content creators and then the viewers right it's a three-fer most of these players that are playing they're playing for the love of the game there's more money in it now which is beautiful for us because the games will just get better once there's more money in the game but these guys they stuck around this game for years and years and years before there were thousands of viewers darkus t thank you for the prime sub men do I have anyone who's new to the stream today I'm seeing lots of new faces on the stream what's up my friends you can't see me I'm doing my salute okay I'm new I'm new I'm new well the first three people who said they were new or not new but that's expected nowadays what's up everybody glad you could be here huh you ah dude enjoy the subs everybody I hope here I hope you're ready to seem that that little pop up there another hundred times Matt thank you Matt okay so I'm a little bit taken back by that Matt just gifted a hundred subs to the stream so a hundred of you who are not subscribed to enjoy the emotes to all my subs out there can we get some spam going for Matt and for game number two I'm gonna remove the alerts actually because this will this will this will go for a solid hour so Matt thank you again we have Game two guys and we're gonna get right into casting it ladies and gentlemen welcome to game number two between secret and sy in Game one sy got the victory in I'd say convincing fashion it was it was unexpected how passive slammin VIPRE played and now Vipers playing on his is preferred tournament map I would say and that is possibly the wrong choice of words but his best tournament map and that is water so we have team Islands Vipers in the yellow he's playing out some way and then in the red we have slam and slam as playing as the Italians I don't think there's any surprises there whoa we have Malians did he miss click Malay and choose Malians lick shows Malians I just assumed it was Malayan Italians but he chose Malians and that that rhymes anyway so yeah licks his Malians i honestly feel like he missed clicked cuz Malay would be better but we'll see how it goes and then we have Italians for mr. Yale so earlier today I cast it an amazing game between a.m. and frantic and small spoilers here so mute the stream for 30 seconds if you don't want to hear this they were similar sips and we saw two Dark Age transports it's very rare that we see Islands nowadays I'm really liking the water mix with you know all the different maps that this tortimer provides so let's it's not like lands maps where we talk about the gold and stone positions but I guess since we have the time there are three goals here for slam and if there is a landing that could easily be towered I think that will we'll see a slam dock on the back or the front if you docks on the front that means he'll likely advance pretty early here as Italians would and fight for water and Viper I assume he'll dock on the front as well but again pay attention to the dock locations because that can usually tell us what the strategy will be like yeah you can unmute you can unmute you're good to go I know you can't hear me saying you can unmute but you can map seem pretty even sometimes you have to worry about the location of the TC to the shoreline could be awkward for licks could be awkward for Viper with their wood lines as the game goes on all right so this is slower so I know if this is on YouTube you guys might not understand but I this is six hours and six minutes into the stream today and I've been full-time for almost a year I don't know if I'm ever gonna stop getting feels you with you guys I feel like past a year I should probably be used to it but I the amount of people that show up as I said yesterday the game deserves it thank you guys for being here I'm sure the players deserve it as well it's always good to be playing in a game and having so many fans thank you everybody what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa not only are we getting gifted subs but we're getting gifted Boris let's go this can happen sometimes this can happen where there's three or four extra blowers what on earth you normally don't see pro players take that but Lakes is like this isn't all-you-can-eat buffet baby give me some of that meat please don't clip me saying give me some of that meat you can clip the before and after but but don't clip that don't clip that that phrase that would be embarrassing slam is on the way up first slam is on the way up first and as expected he's going to be going for water aggression he abandons all food he slam doesn't want the meat okay he abandons all food let's go build to lumber camps he'll both a mining camp very neat build order and yo is also up yo is later yo stock is on the front and you know how you know the drill if you've watched water before it's about killing the fishing ships fishing ships are very important for your economy one of the best food sources possible so that that built for slam is so much faster that's so important but of course yo he's experienced if he knows he's behind he'll probably shift his fish a little bit so also licks and Viper up at almost identical times we'll probably see the standard fire galleys into eventual galleys so no Dark Age transports unfortunately guys I didn't mean to tease you with that that's it happens once in a lifetime Kappa slam makes the fire galleys first and it's just about the little things of this level you see how this dock isn't creating a fire galley that's because you didn't go to gold early enough it's that specific right so that the couple seconds there could hurt slam in a small way but then again he was faster of course so not a lot in it there so licks is still getting bores and he's building a barracks this is not your standard water fight I think secret will win water and I think licks is gonna go for some something tricky like a transport he took all the bores because remember slam he abandoned all the food normally that's what you do really weird he took all the bores he built a barracks whoa the transports already here I didn't see on the water oh boy all right so it's it's up to Viper and slam to recognize this is up to Viper and slam to recognize his Viper he we should notice pretty quickly that Lakes only has one doc and then what's where's his Scout at it's patrolling somewhere right see he's gonna look for it because he doesn't see the docks so naturally he'll look for it and this Scout is now on patrol this Scout is active and whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh Lix is going for Scouts that's peculiar a Viper sees it so really good recognition from Viper going into a transport and Scouts is really odd but hey Lix likes the free beef why not if your yo every fishing ship you kill here is a bonus because you should not win on water because it is kind of a to be won and his micro is really good as his Slams by the way the slam he has for fishing ship still so his fish are still alive and well and Viper immediately walls up everything look at this look at this just a few gates I know light bird likes to say jebaited soja gated and now slam has the wall up as well the scouts could go to him and wow look at the walls make it look so damn easy bunny has a few a few villagers that are exposed however his TC is close and this is a risky strategy it's a risky strategy is able to have success on water the good thing for mr. licks is that his Vil's will be on his opponent at his opponents bay and now he's gonna add archers and he could tower the goal - remember I said one two three goals for Slam it's all right here so Viper build a barracks for Spears but he doesn't want to commit too much on land here waters still important mr. Yeo is is doing pretty good but that demo shot was huge from slam that was an amazing demo these two are weak oh all that was even better he kills - this one's weaker now well done but Lakes is safe at home economically poof that was look away from that it's building a blacksmith at home this is doable for sy and I'd like to remind you this is the best of three so that's why win this secret will not advance good tower from slam very good tower and now Viper he needs to consider building some towers or as skirmishers even skirmishers is questionable because of the scouts he can't jig ate his way out of this one he needs to reposition the bills I'm really liking this play from Lex I'm really liking it Oh hold the scouts are in Viper has to leave the Vipers villagers are idle he has about ten villagers idle he's fighting with Vil's he has Spears coming will lick see this he does see it he loses his Scouter - but I like how he's used the archers to kill the spears - villagers are here and along for the ride and Viper is under pressure this is not the first time we've said that today but slam has done a heck of a job on water yo still trying to hold on it's tough for Viper because he's also helping on water right I wonder if it's worth it to build the tower with these bills maybe not at this point if you can get to the gold then tower or the wood yeah okay he goes for it and viper he's been patient he's been very very patient it's been dangerous and he now knows he needs to leave this and go to this wood line or tower at home and I think what he'll do is tower the gold tower the gold and then send the Lumberjacks to the other wood line [Music] not bad for licks not bad at all look at Vipers VLEs running this is an aggressive game this is what you would expect from sy still the kt4 viper is not as bad as it could be still yo has not lost water and you need to look at Sam's point of view C slam seems to have a better economy than yo so Sam he could he could advance to Castle age quicker where Vipers extra gold so he is this one I believe this is his and wait a second viper is no gold it's down here viper is no gold wow this landing from Lix is then basically been perfect then killed a few units of viper took viper off water which is what he's good at and now can kill Vipers fish that demo was good from yo Vipers running with his fishing ships and yo and slam were all the way to the castle age at the exact same time though yo having left his docks to kill Viper will lose his fishing ships to slam one heck of a game guys and slam as' is actually going into two stables this is just in defense two stables in defense because of all the archers Lakes has it's so weird this sy team played pretty bad in the finals last time around in the 3v3 or the 4v4 rather and the 2v2 they're playing so good yo is on point licks is on point and Believe It or Not Viper is bottom score for secret yet again they're pressuring the right guy and Viper doesn't think he can comfortably go out to this gold which makes sense and licks is on the way up ESMA wet as malian sorry still he's on his way up his villagers are still here he's gonna build a stable so he can go Knights or camels and vipers not even close to clicking up I am shocked I am shocked it's all on slim and slam is making a transport ship you know maybe with some water control you could transport a few nights to yos Base I think the play for you is to add TCS though so he might be secured Vipers trying to tower as gold licks comes in this tower seems so late for me Viper went to stone so late and I I think licks needs to be careful here he wants to keep Piper off of gold but you don't want to lose your army licks and he's fighting against skirmishers with defense upgrades that was good for Viper licks overextended really for the first time once he hits the castle age he'll probably go for Knights anyway but still he needs to keep his Vil's alive he needs to keep his archers alive these villagers should be well then here comes lamb the villagers are on the move Vipers chasing down the archers was that the moment right there was that the moment where sequel secret will bring this back was just one slip up from licks one mistake definitely went too early there definitely went too early there and he loses a villager and Viper could kill this bill before the stable goes up oh it was not a doubt stable guys it was not a doubt stable I would laugh if these units go into the transport ship apparently not no cancel crossbow dammit he just got the crossbow upgrade means he lost most of his units slam had the transport I'm looking for it guys I don't see any units that have been landed and yo is is booming as I expected him to do and yo is one water which makes sense because slam had to send the Knights out see a viper stabilized a little bit but now they've lost water which is kind of the main goal in this and Lex is just distracting he's giving yo so much time to boom Yale has a huge Vil lead he still has a few fishing ships Lex is just the distraction here he really makes Viper and slam think twice about going on water at all so I think if your secret you have to kill licks clean him up and then somehow get back on water ends that's gonna be tough because yo is Italians and y'all have the strongest boom yeah these are just fire ships thank you though III saw the fires all there we go there's a transport so three nights well wood lines vulnerable we'll see if slam gets lucky no monastery for yo okay so yo was surprised by the nights I'm short they have plus two I like that from slam he needed to try something Viper is building a TC and that could be denied that could be denied the plays from licks and yo this game unreal Viper has not looked himself today and this is just as asterisk for him he's only at 47 fields he has Knights and camels on him the TC just being slowed down as an issue his base is not looking good this sy team is so unpredictable one week they can be world beaters another week they look like 1600s but today they're playing incredibly well this is just insane you have licks now responding Oh probably probably has a monk on the way well not yet he could convert a few of these Knights the TCS are securing him though at home so now I get the Malians pick remember I said lime aliens well this makes more sense because if it was Malay in Castle age in this situation slam would have cleaned this up already because Malay don't kick camels in Malay don't get the upgrades that Malians do and vipers crossbows are just destined to die if he stands there yos gonna have such a fast aim time I don't see a way back for secret I genuinely don't see way back because Yas boom is so far ahead he is he'll have 70 villagers soon and slam is at 54 Vipers at 50 and then yo can transport some villagers go condos and then it's mean that's the way I see this game going viper knocked out those two bills though but thus each workshop did go up and there we go so yos on his way to MP there goes water here oh jeez where was that demo yeah he either goes water here or he transports condos let's see yeah transport yep so hold transport five bills he'll drop some barracks let's say here and then I'll spam condos right into Viper Zico and I think that's going to be the game incredible we'll wait for those bills to arrive I'm pretty sure my predictions are correct on that the plays from licks this game man the plays from licks the transport the sneak evils keeping slam preoccupied keeping Viper preoccupied he definitely one verse Viper and then slam of course had to help and then everything just unraveled and yo it's been it's been an easy game ez life for him you know very easy stuff and for sure it's condos cuz he's getting chainmail armor III it's over secrets done they're gonna crash out here the second the barracks go up and Imperial H comes in there's no way back Lix has 52 kills 49 deaths and he's been fighting two people on land yo has a pretty even KD but he has so much more eco and there's the Imperial Age slam can see this he can't do anything about it and the condos will start coming in and even still flicks is holding here the problem is slam can't go to imp viper can't go to him so this only gets worse and worse for them and there's a signal and maybe they can get it out but even then I think yo could just transport around it doesn't get any easier from here late bowls off from Viper there as well so last game he got horse collar at 30 minutes this time he got bow saw at 35 minutes and yo is building a castle here as well and slow rings the bell that was of course a misclick but that is a sign of what is to come Panik the Panik bells have sounded and in the best of 3sy on the verge of winning this if these con does get in swipe is just done so it's it's tough now because he needs to make Knights to help fly / he also needs to make Knights to defend himself and with an Italian castle that means Genoese crossbows can follow which kill the Knights these things have such high pierce armor they're not going to call it because they don't want to lose the best-of-three but guys I could tell you this is this game's over Viper's building more TCS to try and reboot they just now killed most of the army from lakes the slam has sold some wood to buy some food his farmers are idle and yo has gotten through and this now gives licks time at home right licks can can focus more on his boom at home if he wants doesn't necessarily need to create nights I wonder if y'all I guess y'all can just go for trebs why not just go for trebs he can also start going for water he could go for galleys he wanted to but secret trying to boom this out they're trying their best to boom this out I mean they should and another castle from mr. Yale he transported back over here this castle will deny some of that gold mister yo has 160 population licks has more population than both VIPRE and slam at least it's very close and Vipers on the way to him huh Vipers on the way to end he's losing bills he's building a castle does he want to go Quran bits maybe I just feel like too many things are going wrong for them now slam is dying Viper is Malay so he could make some Quran bits but even then you can't regain he can't regain all the map that slam is lost because you can't you can't push that yo has 22 condos and there's the gg there's the gg they didn't want to call it sy convincingly beat secret in the quarter-final a best-of-three and pretty quick games I think they were both around 35 minutes right and I know that there's a lot of people that root for secret nowadays but that is honestly a good sign for the Age of Empires scene because over the past month or two with this escaped Champions League event secret they've had all the points not all the points but they've done really well on the 1v1 they got Viper into the finals and the four before they won the finals right so the way this torment works again as a refresher is there's different events there's one p1 3 B 3 2 B 2 44 and then based off how far you get you get points to qualify for the land so after this we will see the semi-finals on the final of this next weekend but after this secret they're still going to be at the top right but that's huge for sy that's huge for sy and InDesign that secret is human is a sign that Viper is human because I know Viper has all the fans but he was kind of the weak link in both of those games so Wow well played and you know what's baffling to me is that s why they played so horribly in the 4v4 and then in the to be two witches beast mode from them you know so weird it's not like we're talking about different years we're talking about a different month a month later they just destroy in a 2v2 Wow well we're gonna look at the achievements here licks with 97 kills 97 Units lost in all honesty the the KDS were pretty similar but that's not when it comes down to it comes down to yo having a free boom their licks he was having a good boom as well both licks and yo had more eco than Viper and slam and you know what's cool why was that game won because of a transport because of a transport and that's awesome because back in the day when it was just few delayed transports we never saw that it was too much of a risk so say what you want about the water meta but we saw two team Islands games today and we saw two landings today and it was pretty factually technically three I don't want to play what happened in the other game but awesome there's the timeline guys I don't think that really matters and great games today so do we need a t90 sail snail emo is that what everyone's riding for what would that even look like I'll talk to my people I'll talk to my people yo Matt thank you for gifting two more subs I see man and Marco boy thank you very much for being here and enjoy the emotes are these are these the old alerts still going is that what is happening right now I think these are the old alerts still going I don't know exactly look at that they even go on the whole freaking time that's funny well guys it was a blast today it was an absolute blast today and I hope you guys consider stopping by in the future for days that aren't just escaped Champions League so for those that like my community games I do those on Thursdays I'll be having a big stream with new maps coming up and just a lot of things within the next few days that will announce my tournament which will be the final weekend of September so cross that off your calendar make sure you're free I can't talk about it yet but it'll be sick what a day what a day 1890 official extremely good job keeping the community alive our College connection is FP all the time so we don't play online but we play on land here the last few years we used to follow zero and barbecue earlier but they stop being active couple years back found your channel on YouTube four months ago I must say you're doing an impressive job keep up the good work thank you noobs hurdler for the kind words man that's awesome to hear that sucks about your connection issues but at least you're getting to play the game so guys I'm asking for the brackets or the results I just want to show you on the on the whole table how many points Secret has how many points sy has etc but next weekend next Saturday I'll be on a scape AoE and I will be casting this there but I'm going to stick around for a few minutes answer questions I didn't get to talk to you guys too much today answer questions join the t90 snail army Joe Monroe says good games I looked for the Holga stream great games great casting thank you Joe and all did my best man with who will you cast next Saturday when I cast on ask a payee I tend to cast the whole day so I think I'll probably co cast with two different people I'm not sure yet actually have to check my email all right this is it guys this is it so this is the point system I was talking about asy is number two Robo is this updated by chance not sure but obviously secret have done very well for themselves you can see the first placings they've been first place twice right so this time around they're way down here they won't get points you can see the prize pool money everything it's pretty simple yeah this is not updated right so Robo how many points then do they get for first place and second place and so on so sy and secret will be near the top look look at this though this is surprising to me we have a.m. a.m. they didn't do too well today either three points frantic we'll see how they do going forward Robo says first is 8 gotcha ok first is 8 and yet whatever you guys get the idea 2 times 8 is 16 and says they have 15 here but I won't worry about it first 2 7 would make more sense lord skia holy cow man donated 25 he said thanks for the full day of entertainment treat yourself to some salmon also can we donate to the prize pool of your tournament yeah so currently I have 1500 dollars for my event it's a really cool idea it's never been done before it'll have the 12 best players in the world number one to number 12 it will be sick but once I announce it then I'll I'll promote it and we'll go from there it'll be a 3 day event and pretty much like today where I casted all day that's how the event will be as well would be a lot of money on the line a lot of fun correct Britannicus it'll go 28th 29th and 30th of September like I said I'll let you guys know we're working on getting it to AoE zone that's a big reason I'm taking off tomorrow I got to get banner and get it all up on a Wii zone gotcha soaring a certain that makes sense so anyway it was a great day thank you very much for being here today guys it was a lot of fun that's gonna be it for me I'm gonna head off I will try and get my schedule out tomorrow morning okay so if you're new to my stream make sure leave a follow if you don't know how it works here I'll just briefly show you before we end the stream and send a host on to someone else this is how the schedule works that change this week to week so this will probably be empty after the stream and then I'll have the day I'll have the time there will be a countdown to the next stream and it automatically goes to your time zone so it'll be perfect Ryosuke i'm not sure when the availability of Ko casters will have to see I would of course like David cast every day but he's got working stuff alright guys so we're gonna send a host to somebody not sure who yet but thank you for being here today and hitting some amazing numbers I will see you all next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 53,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, tatoh, viper, liereyy, age of empires 2, age of empires, fire, amazing, wow, aoe2, t90, t90official, theviperaoc, strategy, minecraft, navy, spirit of the law
Id: 2q5W9GsBxrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 5sec (9905 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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