This TikTok community is "interesting"

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channels so oh god the video we have today so if you saw my last video I discussed the Twitter communities of the paraphilia essentially where you're attracted to criminals especially crimes such as rape murder armed robbery violent crime of sorts and we were specifically talking about Columbine errs this stands even fans of not even Columbine but Ted Bundy Dylan roof Jodi arias those people just came out of the woodwork as usual so I'm sorry to tell you that actually I did interact with one of those stands I stand corrected I don't think there's anything wrong with idolizing a serial killer I mean in the end Who am I to judge they they just have a valid argument just kidding they had terrible arguments most of the arguments were focused on my appearance so that's when you know they ain't got [ __ ] I got quite a few DMS about the community on tik-tok now am I surprised that there's a community on tik-tok no I'm more than anything surprised that it's taken me this long to either get messages about it or for me myself to come across it some of these videos were actually on the fur you page on tick talk now tick tock is an app like musically like vine where you can do short skits or lip-sync and the for you page is essentially where depending on what you like mine is all animals essentially so I only get animals on the fur you page they'll push content your way and all the content that is pushed on the for you page gets more traction than content that isn't obviously because it's kind of like a version of trending so some of this made it to the for you page which is kind of concerning that murder Stan videos would occur I should add it's also interesting that this ended up on the for you page because I remember I did a video making a joke about me being suicidal and I understand that that's dark but for the algorithm to push forward videos that are compilations of murders it's just I wonder kind of what the standard is but I figured we could look at some of them I have to take off the music because of copy or and also because one of them used a Lana Del Ray song and if you didn't know I'm Alana Stan so it's doubly egregious to me so there is an account called at cleave olds so I thought it was gonna be a Columbine er account apparently it's a TED nation account and if you know I've talked about Ted nation aka the Ted Bundy stands and there is one sole thing that they don't want to hear and that thing is electric chair apparently it's a slur so one of the things they post our fan cam style videos if you don't know what a fan cam video it's pretty much when someone just makes a compilation of video clips of their celebrity and they might put in some editing and some music and that's pretty much it but obviously it's done by a fan so the intent is to say look at this great person they're so talented they're so great which makes sense with a celebrity or a musician but with a murderer it's kind of like what do you mean [Music] [Music] so for context the music in this particular clip was dojo cats tia and tamera and the reason that I'm bringing that up is because all the songs that they pair with this are usually I want to say have a sexualized kind of tone or usually that indicates the person in this video is hot does that make sense I don't know if I can explain that thoroughly but the music choice is always very particular to be like look at this attractive person so one of the things that I like to bring up about the stands of any murderer really is that the stand in question would not be an exception aka for example Ted Bundy would probably murder and rape you like he did to anyone else because why you're not an exception essentially which is horrible but that's the reality at hand so this person was responding to that by posting this [Music] so it says stop saying that Ted would rape me and kill me I know that already so there's no need to spam that also it wouldn't even be rape and because I wouldn't say no to him and if he murdered me I would be fine with it and now this is where I wonder how far the delusion goes because in one way I feel like a big group of them of the stands think that they would be the exception that they would bond with the killer and you know they would be not like the other girls whatever I think there's another group or the delusion has gone further into yes they probably would rape and murder me and I'm okay with that which is frankly scarier to me because it seems like there's kind of a cognitive dissonance kind of like the thing where in your head you glamorize trauma and traumatic events so much that you feel like when they happen to you they're gonna be you know sadly beautiful or something like that and the murder and the rape might even be a turn-on who knows but it's just glamorized to this point where they're fine with it but I really hope that this isn't a long-term thing because I can feel this becoming a dangerous pattern because what happens when you start standing someone who's still alive and perhaps accessible so then I was checking the comments section of this last video I showed you and someone commented aptly too bad you couldn't experience what the other poor innocent girls went through their final hours of life the creator would said I would happily swap with them then someone else said you would like being torn apart and your eyeballs being gouged out by knives that's what he did he don't love you all you want to do is brutally murder you and the person said yeah sure I would love it as long as it's Ted I was looking into who the cleave olds account was following and it turns out that there are a bunch of other accounts that kind of cater to the same kind of content perhaps different killers so interestingly enough since this [ __ ] is just like not already just a [ __ ] show I found a tick-tock that whole ass asks you to pick Ramirez or Bundy and then you can pick both and it's all this nice little compilation that's so aesthetic so then there was another one and that just has a bunch of pictures of Ted Bundy with the text my boy on it and then it's rest in peace Teddy you will always be missed and I will never stop loving you you deserve so much better I'm so sorry but your soul will live on and you will always be in our hearts I don't even think I really need to comment on this one and in the comments understandably much like me people are trying to hope that this was a parody or a joke or satirical or whatever you want to call it as long as it's not literally what they're thinking so someone said I can't tell if they're joking or not and the persons that I'm not joking multiple times even people are saying it's very mild to joke about and they say that they're not joking so I almost think to be honest if someone made a satirical account making fun of the people who keep saying like humanize this person they were a real person which I mean I think we all remember that they're a real person it's just some of them seem pretty devoid of humanity if they're gonna go and just murder and rape people but I digress on that point I found another account lastly in the description it says I hate him for what he did but he's heart eye emoji may the victims rest in peace now again I find this extremely cognitively dissonant in the sense of you can look at a picture of a serial killer and separate the serial killer from the picture in the sense of you can just look at a picture say of Ted Bundy you don't know it's Ted Bundy you don't know what he did you can look at that picture and say I find that person conventionally attractive that's possible I don't agree but that's possible however it's also a different thing to see the picture of Ted Bundy full well knowing what Ted Bundy did so you have the context and still think he's very attractive there's a difference between the two in my opinion because one of them is just superficial like yeah that's an attractive man it's a different things to still think he's a deeply attractive man knowing what he did does that make sense that's how I see it in these accounts even if in your bio you write oh I'm so sorry for the victims in the end what you're doing kind of nullifies how sorry you are for the victims because if you're truly sorry for the victims would you be making compilation videos with like a bunch of different pictures of him or like him with a flower crown because even if you think he's attractive did you need to bring it to that level do you think the victims would be on board with that and would be totally like yeah it's totally fine that you think that he's hot make compilations all day sis like I don't think that's what would happen I've talked about Hibbert's to philia a little bit here and there on this channel but I never talked about certain aspect that I actually hadn't thought of prior to an article that I read because like I said usually what I think it is various delusions of either you're not like the other girls and guys and you know they'd make an exception for you or you've deluded yourself into thinking you're okay with being murdered and raped by the person two sets of delusions in my opinion but actually found an article that brought up another thing that I actually hadn't thought of and it's more logistical so this article references a doctor called Louis Schlesinger PhD he's a professor forensic psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice so he's gonna be quoted Slesinger said criminals can make the perfect boyfriend in a way these women know where their boyfriend is at all times and they only have to share positive encounters with him weirdly it's controllable and a safe relationship option we're also gonna be quoting Jeffrey Ian Ross PhD who's a criminologist and professor at the University of Baltimore think about it most of these women only see these men for occasional visits in their prison during which the man is on his best behavior says Ross if not she may never come back again they also don't have to deal with any of the disappointments that can come up in day-to-day relationships like cleaning up after a boyfriend or getting annoyed by drug or alcohol use so I hadn't thought of that aspect mainly because a lot of these stands they're icon their favorite is dead but for the ones who are still alive it actually would make sense that there is that kind of controllable nature with a man who's in prison because he can't just do whatever he wants though it's kind of I think also scary to think that you're safer or your man is safer being in prison and it says there's also a feeling of being needed clearly these women provide criminal men with much needed attention and in turn they get a sense of purpose usually to help them through a trials as Schlesinger women who pursue these relationships may also be interested in getting attention from family friends in the media themselves they might want to be in the limelight as well regardless of the reasons associated with it I definitely hadn't really thought of the needy aspect in the sense of you kind of are someone's connection to the outside world if like I said the criminal is in jail and you're the one coming to visit you're kind of in control you choose when you come in you choose what you bring them if anything you can just not go see them and I just feel like overall the control is essentially in your hands as the stand right and so I didn't really think of that aspect so much but it on gently in a very morbid way makes sense I still hate it but it makes sense so I just thought it would be interesting to look at the psychological perspective just because it does lend a certain amount of understanding I still don't really understand why exactly people choose to idolize these people over anyone else especially those who are dead but in a sense maybe that also pertains because the fact that they're dead gives them a fair amount of projecting to do right because if someone's dead they can't answer anything so you can put whatever you want on them and technically it's there because you're the one to see it you guys can let me know what you think the reason is like the main reason why people become hobart Steffi Lee axe anyways guys thank you so much for watching and thank you to our patrons as always and I'll catch you guys next time [Music]
Views: 531,664
Rating: 4.9677334 out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, tiktok community, tiktok viral, tiktok compilations, trending, foryoupage, for you page algorithm
Id: cC08U_cG9KU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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