We need to talk about Lena Dunham

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[Music] viewer discretion is advised in this video my tone is gonna be sassy and kind of [ __ ] so if that's not your cup of tea I would suggest leaving now and enjoying your day hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so unfortunately the time has come where again we must discuss discussed Wow Freudian slip discuss Lenna Dunham now if you don't know who she is good for you you've lived a great life until now but I'm really sorry things are about to get real dark and real just I roll I suppose so in case you don't know who Lenna Dunham is I'll put a picture of her here no no not this picture another one there we go here she is so that's who Lena Dunham is if you don't recognize her face she was the writer and the program creator of the TV show girls and that is what she's most known for as far as her actual creations compared to her scandals cuz I feel like people know her name but don't even know what she does apart from her scandals if you want to see a really just tragic show I definitely suggest you watch it the only good thing about it is that Adam driver is in it but even that can't save it because the main character is Lena Dunham and she is the most annoying person in the universe all of the universes I would even say all of the universes recently I was unfortunately reminded that she in fact exists and breeds on the same continent as I because she was for some reason on a runway like a catwalk runway I don't know why that occurred considering all the scandal she's been in and mind you these aren't like small canceled culture II scandals a lot of them in my point of view are ethically and morally based and by that I mean if someone slips up and [ __ ] up most of the time that will be enough for me to stop supporting them if I think they react appropriately apologize appropriately do whatever they need to you that being said if someone is consistently in scandals that reflect their morals or ethics and that doesn't align with mine I'll take that a lot more seriously than you [ __ ] up a pallet or some thing anyway none other than vogue I'm sad to say reported on this now at first I was upset that Vogue reported on it but then I remembered you've been in decline for years now so does it even really matter now Lenna denim on walking her first runway at London Fashion Week so nothing bad happened here I mean her being on the runway is pretty bad and to the outfit was tragic but aside from that nothing a really bad happened right but I want to read a couple sentences of this article so I can fuel your rage in case you don't know everything else that I don't have done because jikes it's adrenaline rush out there says Lena Dunham sitting backstage after making her fashion week to view 416 Arlington never heard of it the london-based label founded by designers Marco Kapoor and [ __ ] be naughty boy in 2017 I have to say I think I was very coddled today all the girls were running and doing their quick changes but people were there at every juncture telling me where to go so I feel lucky about that she says before adding it's hard for me to imagine that I'm going to get a ton of job offers off the back of it but it was a delight now first things first I'm sorry to be a little bit nitpicky but I have a very strong dislike for this person the fact that everyone's running around it's because they're models and they know what you're doing and you're like the little kindergartner that they took on as you know what I'm really not gonna be that mean but anyway it's because they are experienced and they deserve to be there whereas you deserve to be at the bottom of a garbage can and the fact that she adds on it's hard for me to imagine that I'm gonna get a ton of job offers off the back of it job offers for what you're not a model dude you've never modeled before how would this lead to a job offer in your actual sector which is writing and TV shows so the tone of this article you might note is as if they're talking about you know just some random influencer who hasn't been in terrible terrible terrible moral and ethical scandals just like life's good everything's good likely just smoked a joint and surfed a wave and were like bruh everything's good we're good that was the vibe I got from this which is why it was so confusing to me because I was like do you recall who it is you're talking to gee did you do any research like has this writer just come out of the womb and not heard of Lena Dunham and her antics let's do it this way let's do chapters of scandals so the worst scandal in my opinion is from her book not that kind of girl which is a relief title because it reminds me of I'm not like the other girls which is totally her vibe but anyway in that book she talks about her relationship with her little sister when they were young I found it both inappropriate and disgusting to put this out there not only because what she did I think was inappropriate disgusting but even with respect to her family and her sister I just feel like there's certain things that shouldn't necessarily be put out to the public if they involve someone else and maybe she got her consent but I know I wouldn't want this out there about myself so this is directly from her text so the Washington Post preface it by saying she describes masturbating while in bed next to her younger sister Grace and she detailed this interaction with her when Dunham was 7 and her sister was one her sister was one keep that in mind one day as I sat in our driveway in Long Island playing with blocks and buckets my curiosity got the best of me grace was sitting up babbling and smiling and I leaned down between her legs and carefully spread open her vagina she didn't resist and when I saw what was inside I shrieked my mother came running mama mama Grace has something in there my mother didn't bother asking why I had opened Grace's vagina this was within the spectrum of things I did she just got her knees and looked up for herself it quickly became apparent that Grace had stuffed six or seven pebbles in there my mother removed them patiently while Grace cackle thrilled that her prank had been a success and that another paragraph it says as she grew I took to bribing her time and affection $1 in quarters if I could do her makeup like a motorcycle chick three pieces of candy if I could kiss her on the lips for five seconds whatever she wanted to watch on TV if she would just relax on me basically anything a sexual predator might do to woo a small suburban girl I was trying maybe I thought she would be more willing to accept kisses if I wore the face mask my grandmother had on when she did her dialysis the answer was no what I really wanted beyond affection was to feel that she needed me that she was helpless without her big sister leading her through the world I took a perverse pleasure in delivering bad news to her the death of our grandfather a fire across the street hoping that her fear would drive her into my arms would it make her trust me there's a lot to unpack here and there are a lot of things that I personally find jarring but let's just focus on her and her sister now people have referred to this as molesting playing doctor or like boyfriend and girlfriend when children are young I've read sources that say that's not very strange however let me read one thing the National Child traumatic stress Network offered another useful fact sheet about childhood sexual development according to their common behaviors for school-aged children 7 to 12 include purposely touching private parts usually in private playing games with children their own age that involves sexual behavior attempting to see other people naked or undressing looking at pictures of naked or partially naked people viewing listening to sexual content and media wanting more privacy for example not wanting to undress in front of others in my perspective now I might be wrong and you can correct me in the comments but Lena Dunham when her sister was 1 she was 7 here it says playing games with children their own age than involves sexual behavior they're not the same age there's a 6-year disparity which is massive when you're that young I find it strange I really do playing doctor or whatever I never have heard apart from this of people doing that with children vastly younger than them if it's to six-year-olds - 7 year olds yeah playground [ __ ] of course but I find this creepy I really do however of course of course there is an article from a garage sale uk about this and it said she's the victim of depressingly familiar internet backlash against successful women that was their headline for when she was accused of molestation it's because she's a woman and successful I see that we're using a very loose definition of successful here but I'll get I'll give you that one the fact that anyone would make a case of molestation or a case of creepy behavior whatever you want to call it into she's a woman or she isn't a conventionally attractive woman or she's in the body-positive movement these three things have nothing to do with why people are pissed disgusted jarred it's because it's writing about abuse in a book or writing about creepy behavior whatever the [ __ ] you want to call it and kind of dismissing it or not giving much context to it and even in the text she herself says much like a predator would or something along those lines so you can't really be mad if people liken you to a predator since you yourself have likened yourself to a predator and even if that was a tongue-in-cheek you have to realize if you're talking about sexual type behavior between a child and a vastly younger child and then you use the term predator what did you think was gonna happen you thought everyone would stand up and clap and be like oh my god you're a life changing thank God you exist I which further gives way to my idea that you belong in a garbage can then Vaux now I have so many problems with Vox but we're not we're not gonna get started into that but this part illustrates some of my problems with box it says in relation to the smallest Asian thing the Lena Dunham child abuse controversy explained what is Leonard Dunham accused of and why is it so contentious and they say there are actually two sets of accusations against Dunham here from two very different political factions at first those critics were principally right-wing political sites that accused Dunham of child molestation based on an episode in her book in which she herself was a child but then they were joined by some voices on the feminist left who are accusing Dunham of glossing over abuse and using her privilege as a young white woman as a shield against criticism only I wouldn't want to say that only box would do this but this is so unbranded for box to turn something not political into something political I don't think politics has much to do with abuse molestation general sexual depravity these are all just things that exist and sure politics can be involved in anything but in this particular case it's not because people were right-wing that they were saying that it's creepy everyone I know from different political leanings was like what the hell is this mainly because we humans we people who you know are totally mad at this boss babe just think this is not regular behavior and then to bring in the feminists also I just don't think it was necessary to turn into a political stance thing however there is something to be said about what the feminists are saying because Lena Dunham has oftentimes marketed herself as a feminist and you know the future is female and whatever the hell forever 21 is selling this week so for her to talk about this thing with her sister that she will refer to as molestation or whatever and not at all address you know the fact that there are real issues like that that do involve power imbalances I just don't know what the point of bringing it up was if it was just to kind of drop it there and leave I just want to show you different takes from other magazines to show how true be blinded the worldís seems to be because what she's a woman and not looking like a model ask Victoria's Secret person so you can't criticize her because then you'd be antibody positivity or anti woman before moving on I also want to highlight that she had a reaction to these accusations against her on Twitter where she said the right-wing news story that I must admire isn't just lol it's just [ __ ] upsetting and disgusting what a great time to use the term lol in such a serious matter then she said and by the way if you were a little kid and never looked at it another little kids vagina well congrats to you usually this stuff I can ignore but don't demean sufferers don't twist my words back the [ __ ] up bros I told a story about being a weird 7 year old I bet you have some two old men that I'd rather not hear and yes this is a rage spiral she was not backing down on that and she didn't even see why anyone would read it in the way where a lot of people have read it but anyway then there was the time when she said she was sad that she never had an abortion so this is from the cut and it says on her podcast women of the our denim wanted to have a meaningful conversation about the stigma surrounding abortion to prove that she's totally okay with a procedure she said I still haven't had an abortion but I wish I had she later apologized blaming this dumbfounding statement on the delusional girl persona she often inhabits and donated money to abortion funds now I really would like you to hang on to the delusional girl persona because while she might not mention this as an excuse again I really feel like it is her own self excuse so when she [ __ ] up she can be like whoo whoo I'm so quirky it's just my delusional girl persona coming in saying some [ __ ] and that's not on me because that was delusional girl probably from the TV show girls because that kind of aligns with her character she got pissed that Odell Beckham jr. didn't want to have sex with her in her feminist newsletter Lena Dunham published an interview with the comedian Amy Schumer we're really going with really relaxed definitions here comedian okay in which she expressed that she was deeply offended that Odell Beckham jr. did not seem DTF at the Met Gala then again if you were objectifying her I'm sure she'd have a problem with that as well so it's a lose-lose by definition with Lena Dunham so she'd written I was sitting next Odell Beckham jr. and it was so amazing because it was like he looked at me and he determined that was not the shape of a woman by his Android's Denham said she later took to Instagram to say the fact is I don't know about his state of mind I don't know a lot of things and I shouldn't have acted like I did so instead of going on tragic book tours at this point I would suggest that maybe letting Denham ago on apology tours I really think that would work out better for her because she has a lot of apologies way more content for that than for I'm not like the other girl books then she compared Bill Cosby's criminal behavior to the Holocaust in January 2015 Dunham landed on the perfect analogy for Bill Cosby's alleged sex crimes the Holocaust discussing movie director Judd Apatow obsession with Cosby with Time Out New York Denham said it's sort of like saying someone's obsessed with the Holocaust she later acknowledged that comparing Bill Cosby to the Holocaust wasn't her best analogy I actually followed quite a few comedians that are edge lords but I like them for it and I have no problem with dark humor the thing about dark humor is that you need to be good at it for it to come off as dark humor I don't know if this was her attempt at it I have no idea what she was trying to do I truly do not know so the last thing is that one of the actresses and girls the TV show I told you about whose last name is paranhos she accused one of the writers Maury Miller of sexually assaulting her in 2011 when she was 17 seemingly without really even considering it especially because Lena Dunham does seem to be one of the feminists who's like believable women immediately essentially she said our insider knowledge of Murray's situation makes us confident that sadly this accusation is one of the 3% of assault cases that are Mis reported each year in other words paranoia was a liar the statement was not well received and Dunham who had previously tweeted that women don't lie about rape was accused of hypocrisy and other things she's constantly accused of she was also accused of hipster racism paranoids mixed race and Dunham has a history of appearing to marginalize women of color and their experiences so after the backlash of course she has to go on another apology tour of the house and then she said I didn't have the insider information regarding Miller the writer I claimed but rather blind faith in a story that kept slipping and changing and then she says Dunham explains I had actually internalized the dominant male agenda that asks us to defend it no matter protect it no matter what imagine not believing someone and instead of just taking full responsibility and saying yeah I made a mistake I should have listened I should have given this more time I should have been more invested to understand what's going on you just say oh yeah the reason I didn't believe her is because the patriarchy is so ingrained in me that I couldn't see this clearly I do think that there are some governmental societal things that are ingrained in us but at the same time as a person who's going on Twitter saying women don't lie about rape for you to now backtrack and be like oh yeah the patriarchy so do the patriarchy just fall on you at this particular moment but when you tweet it the patriarchy was out for lunch I mean what what was going on I'm confused I I realize I sound a lot a [ __ ] here in this video that I typically do well actually maybe I don't I'm just more aware of it I genuinely have so much disdain for the fact that Dunham has consistently been pretty objectively a piece of garbage like objectively speaking all of these things do not make her seem like a good person to me you can let me know if I am reaching if I'm wrong whatever the case may be but the reason that I brought this back up because I made a video about this quite a while ago now is that she's being put in magazines like Vogue with no thought behind the fact of who are we really putting on vogue who are we putting on the runway because first of all don't get me started on who deserves to be on the runway because definitely she's not a contender by far definitely not a contender but to put her in a magazine and act like there is not this rich terrible history of doing so much [ __ ] all over the place is alarming to me anyways guys let me know anything the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music]
Views: 1,130,450
Rating: 4.8617001 out of 5
Keywords: lena dunham interview, lena dunham, lena dunham adam driver, girls HBO, Not that kind of girl, vogue
Id: XKeL87D_iiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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