This influencer's FB posts...yikes

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oh yes social media that wonderful place where we go to talk about things we love things we enjoy where people share compliments good discussions what a place to be does any of that sound familiar to you [ __ ] me neither hey guys what's up welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna be talking about an influencer cooking up what's new but this time it's a little bit different because I haven't seen this level of [ __ ] up in a long time and I just want to talk about it and before we get into it I know I'm predicting right now I'm having a that So Raven moment where I'm like and I know that the comments are gonna come in saying I thought you didn't believe in canceled culture blah blah blah I don't I'm not talking about canceling anyone in this video I'm talking about taking accountability looking at the situation and if you want to cancel the person in your books that's fine that's not really the actual point of the video it's to have a discussion about things not that I can do on any of the behaviors so there is this influencer called Lucy Malloy this is her she's heavily tattooed her husband was a tattoo artist he had to step down from his position due to what happened so he technically still is one just not working at the place that he co-founded she's an influencer that's known for being heavily tattooed and then she also had lifestyle type content she also has a YouTube channel that has 20,000 subscribers or it has it now as of when I'm recording for the third [ __ ] time because of wardrobe malfunctions let me just tell you if you wear something low-cut on camera be very careful okay her Instagram now has either been deactivated or deleted you'll understand why soon so what happened was I actually used to follow her like a couple days ago before all this [ __ ] happened and I came across an apology that seemingly came out of nowhere because most the time I can predict apologies coming because so much [ __ ] surfaces that you're like holy [ __ ] this person's gonna make you know they're a little notepad app apology you know say they've changed blah blah I hadn't seen anything so I was like what on earth occurred for this apology especially since it contains the term Nazi in it so I was like okay this is not the typical apology of someone's tweets from 10 years ago most the time when we talk about things from 10 years ago it's usually people tweeting either homophobic or racist things sometimes they overlap but typically those are the two things I see surfacing right this is in a way similar but also different because Nazism does include homophobia and racism but it's also a whole last ideology about a lot of other things so okay we're gonna read the apology first because I want you to be as confused as I was when I read it because I was like what the [ __ ] is this referring to so the apology had four slides of like the notepad app I want to dress the photos that some of you may have seen it from my facebook page when I was 16 I said some things that reading them back now make me feel sick in 2011 a small wave of Nazi ideology swept through my hometown hardcore scene like a virus a group of much older skinheads were grooming kids towards white supremacy and I was one of the few who were stupid vulnerable and insecure about their identity enough that it caught on for the kids in our community the furthest this went was wearing boots and suspenders to shows and making shocking comments on MySpace and Facebook we were called out by the people around us on the seriousness of the things we were saying and we stopped saying them there was a period of healing and a few memorable discussions in our community and eventually faded into an unpleasant memory in the past nine years I've watched everyone involved grow into a politically conscious and compassionate adults we've been horrified by the glimpses of the cultural oppression and violence that minorities black indigenous people of color and especially the First Nations people of Australia experienced every day I also know from experience that white supremacy is a threat to this country because I've seen their tactics and heard them speak these ideas don't appear in people's heads out of nowhere children aren't born to hate there were and still are white supremacists who push themselves in children's lives and indoctrinate them with this garbage regarding the Nazi flag and clothing I did not have a Nazi flag even though I said that I did I don't remember if I had a Nazi singlet on under a jumper at work but I said that I did and that is [ __ ] up there's no such thing as trivial racism I'm going to leave the comments open on this post I've taken time to think about the things you wrote and I can see that my apology did not address the hurt that I've caused or make any amends I want to learn to be able to look back in ten years and be more proud of the ally I became than the ignorant racist I was I'm deeply sorry imagine that just coming up on your timeline with you not seeing anything and you're just like what like excuse me the Nazi ideology obviously this isn't the typical influence or apology because rarely do I see people refer to themselves as Nazis which I'm glad that she did because if that's what she was she should use the term the scary term because there are a lot of people that I think kind of subscribe to Nazi ideology but they wouldn't use the term not see because automatically you know we're gonna look into what made people aware about this ideology but I do want to talk about a few things in this apology because first of all if I had to grade this apology not that it's like an apology to me at all anyway but if I had to grade this apology as an outsider reading something based on how I think people will receive it I don't think it's well done because a lot of this is kind of like word salad not really referring to herself but saying white supremacy still exists which it's like yeah we know you guys know I'm an English major so I technically have been trained to rip any piece of literature not that this is literature but any piece of writing to shreds and be overly analytical so like if you think I'm reaching perhaps but you know after six years of doing this I can't unlearn that some people were mad because she says a hometown like a small wave of Nazi ideology swept through the hometown so she actually lives in Perth Australia that was her hometown according to the people there like it's a massive City so it's not like you were in the middle of [ __ ] nowhere and you were surrounded by people who were intolerant and were you know grooming you it was like you're in a big city and then a certain group of people were grooming you that doesn't mean that what she's saying isn't true but it's also like people thought it was kind of a way to make it seem more excusable aside from that there are people in the comments section now stupidly I didn't take screenshots at the time because I didn't think I was going to talk about this cuz I hadn't seen the posts yet and in the comments there were a lot of people who were claiming to have known her when she was 18/19 and they said you were a Nazi then as well so it wasn't just like you were sixteen and stupid and you know like you got over it real fast some people are making claims that it continued further and some people were making claims that her and her brother allegedly people were scared of them because everyone was aware that they were Nazis that's anecdotal that's not confirmed so you decide if you want to believe that or not one thing I forgot and this might seem petty but in the apology she also says that every single person every single person she was friends with who identified as a Nazi at the time is now like a conscientious person who's like more politically aware blahblah I have to call bull on that like it's surreal and almost even statistically impossible in my mind that not one of those people held on to those [ __ ] up beliefs especially if they were already older and they already that had had those beliefs for a longer time I mean I just that seems like bull just saying let's go on to the posts that prompted of this apology the awkward moment when you sit under the heater at work and can't take your sweater off because you're wearing a Nazi singlet underneath when I see posts like this like I get it when you're sixteen you make stupid choices I understand that I I've been 16 crazy right to go to the lengths to admit to wearing Nazi gear or actually wearing it and in the end does it really change much if she was wearing it or not if you claim to wear it because the level of pride seems to be pretty much similar right if you're proud you'll wear it and if you're proud you'll talk about it and put it on social media apparently so to me it doesn't even really matter the sole concept of being that comfortable with your [ __ ] up beliefs that you post it on Facebook and on top of that you post it like a relatable post like the moment when and it's like nobody relates to that like Hitler relates that maybe I don't know who else relates to that apart from your Nazi friends surreal like even at 16 I feel like most people would know that supporting an ideology that is racist and homophobic and essentially says that just because your identity is X you deserve to die like I think most 16 year-olds are aware that that's not an ideology you should ever adopt especially considering world war two and how everything evolved the millions of deaths 16 you're two years away from being an adult like it's it's really the kid excuse here to me does not count I'm just gonna say that so then under a post I don't know if it's under the same post but it says she says Hitler is great and then similar responds he really wasn't Lucy stop attention to King we all have different views so I accept that ha I'm sorry that there has been Nazi flags in my house for over a year it's how we are the hoffmans equal attention seekers for life so she says that there were flags for over a year that would be from when she turns 16 to 17 so when she was 17 she was ideologically identifying with being a Nazi for a year at least so then here there's a post I'm assuming regarding someone's death she says I'm wearing a swastika t-shirt just for him there a couple of other irrelevant comments and then under that same post she says white pride worldwide for Chris at the very bottom Lucy says last time I went in his car he has a bend wire into a swastika hanging from his middle mirror is that still there so the reason I read that out is because obviously the people she was surrounding herself with which she admitted to also believed the same ideology these posts are all a massive [ __ ] show the the whole concept to me like I know this might seem irrelevant in in some ways but to me I suppose it's almost like there are different levels of extremism in the sense of I don't think being a Nazi is less bad just because you don't have Nazi gear that being said to me the concept of spending actual money on Nazi gear and being so I guess devoted to the ideology that you have flags in your house or have clothing items that makes it somewhat more alarming to me because it's almost like there's a cognitive dissonance of you realize that what you're buying signifies essentially the bottom line is typically death of course there's homophobia like I said before discrimination there's I mean there's nothing good about being a Nazi but it's also like you're buying gear that supports death you're buying gear that represents especially now after World War two the deaths of millions of people and you're spending money on that like that blows my [ __ ] mind like I already don't understand being a Nazi but the concept that you're so comfortable with it to that degree and I know in her apology she said oh we didn't actually have a flag oh I didn't actually wear anything it doesn't really matter at the end because you're still claiming to have done that so the the level of extremism in my opinion is still there because you'd be okay with it you know like if you're claiming almost boasting about it I swear to god out of all the influence or [ __ ] shows this one is by far one of the most mind-boggling to me okay so there are screenshots circulating of alleged DMS with her responding to her Instagram stories I can't confirm how real any of these are so take them with a grain of salt but this is where it gets undeniably worse so apparently she was posting on her insta Grahame story and she was posting people accepting her apology or people kind of like justifying her actions so essentially on her story she was just kind of saying oh yeah cm right I didn't really have to apologize those Instagram stories were kind of poking the bear a little bit because it's like if you just apologized maybe don't post your story people telling you no you're right it's okay everyone's a kid and apparently everyone's a Nazi as a kid I don't know [ __ ] I mean also using the terminology kid when you're actually 16 I think that's a calculated way to put things because I'd say I was a teenager because you're two years from adulthood you're not really a kid you know like you've learned about the Holocaust you're aware of what went down in World War two so claiming to be a kid as a way to you know kind of excuse this level of extreme ignorant know so this is one and this is one of the ones that is particularly bad and it says I don't care what you say I was trying but I guess you've proven that all black stereotypes are real maybe stop being so aggressive in the Nazi groups we'll stop I tried to apologize but I see I wasted my time that's disgusting it's shame on you the only disgusting ones are all of your people that refuse to accept a genuine apology all of your people I don't know if that means what I think it means because I don't know who the person who who sent it I don't know if they're black it seems like they probably are because she said you've proven that all black stereotypes are real so if this is real do I believe she's changed maybe she doesn't use the term Nazi anymore but there's racism there clearly look I'm sorry but as a black person of color I think it's very wrong of you to be sharing people supporting your apology trying to make the whole situation about yourself when it's not once a racist always a racist instead of sharing people sucking up to you maybe share some real useful information that will genuinely benefit the black lives matter movement instead of all poor me someone's sharing around my racist post send me sympathy yikes the person again says still trying to play the victim what the [ __ ] Lucy says so what would you have liked me to do I'm trying really hard here well first of all sharing these messages of support is ridiculous this isn't about you and you don't seem to get that post the apology or whatever you want to do but it's up to black people of color to decide if we won't accept it or not you really need to educate yourself a lot you seem very ignorant start with and then the link the black lives matter card she says I'd like to add I wasn't racist I was a kid and I didn't know what I was saying if I knew I wouldn't have posted it on Facebook the person says Wow there's literally no excuse especially not that I was a kid narrative until you experience racism which you won't because you're white you can't dictate what is and isn't racist I'm done here and I won't be wasting my time anymore because clearly speaking over black people of color is your thing just to add putting racist in quotation marks like that is so so out of line like I said I can't confirm those screenshots are real but the way in which all of this was managed was a disaster like aside from the fact that it seems like if these are real the racism is still actively there it's also like if you're posting an apology and in the [ __ ] apology you say sorry for a previous apology I didn't get to see that one but apparently it was terrible and apparently it was like a copy and paste of something her husband had said but if you're gonna post an apology and say I'm gonna leave this up so I can listen to what you guys are saying whatever why are you arguing with anyone if you're letting people say their piece just let them say their piece and usually arguing with someone to still defend yourself after your apology not a good look really truly not because then it seems like the apology is just performative which who knows maybe it is I don't know if you would have posted this if nobody found the Facebook stuff then there's another screenshot which if this one's real and it's six years ago which makes it worse as well because it would technically confirm that she was potentially 19 like the people in the comments were saying but anyway so it says at least he managed to kill as many humans as he did before he died stick to your goals yeah Hitler even if none of these screenshots aren't real which who knows the apology to me was a mess the fact that there had to be two apologies made because the first one was bad and then the fact of saying oh yeah I'm gonna leave this up and then deactivating your Instagram or deleting it kind of goes against your whole message and then it seems like you're more hypocritical still you guys can let me know what you think in the comments down below you can let me know if someone can come back from being a Nazi and this is one line of thought that I had and then I'm gonna shut the [ __ ] up I promise if you have internalized an ideology for at least a year we have at least a year confirmed if the last screen shot is real then it's three years if not more because those are just like the posts we have who knows what it hasn't been poster what's been deleted I don't know how having a few important conversations like what she was saying in her apology when you're indoctrinated or when you're deeply inserted into an ideology to the point that it's a very pervasive factor in your life it's hard for me to believe that you can just kind of drop that now that's not to say that within ten years or like six years you can't change your ideology yes sure maybe it's also like I don't think you can act like it's zero to a hundred where it's like oh yeah [ __ ] yeah Hitler and then 10 minutes later you have a hard conversation you're like oh no I have made a mistake I have abandoned all those beliefs you know what I mean so it's also like a question of like what the healing time is there or like what the transition time is there and I don't know what it is and I can't say because it's different for everyone but I think that's the aspect that's troubling to a lot of people is that you know this wasn't one edgy stupid joke tweet that you did to shock people this was like years of your life that you actively choosing to hang out with people who thought that way even you know past potentially an adulthood in terms of like turning 18 I don't know if you can come out come back from something like that I truly don't know you guys can let me know anything in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always and I'll catch you guys next time [Music]
Views: 508,797
Rating: 4.925602 out of 5
Keywords: lucy molloy, influencer, influencer scandal, influencers exposed, influencers in the wild, influencer cringe
Id: _xjU1jnojJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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