Curious George 🐡 George Learns About the Human Body 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies

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you're a monkey george you're just not used to kindergarten [Music] george wanted to be a monkey who was good at kindergarten what could he do now castles weren't just for kings and queens butlers maids cooks and carpenters lived in them too lots of people lived in castles i've always thought it would be fun to live in a castle high on a hill overlooking the ocean in fact i would like each of you to draw a castle that you would like to live in oh yes allie um what if we would rather live in a submarine then you draw a submarine oh uh now i have to go talk to the janitor i'll be right outside if you need me george had an idea instead of drawing a castle why not build one [Music] a castle for mrs gold to live in [Music] what you doing george [Music] you want to build a castle for mrs gold hey let's go [Applause] [Music] hmm maybe castles weren't allowed in kindergarten maybe he should ask the book shows the water not a problem but sand in a carpet that's a problem mrs gold george wants to know if he can build a castle instead of draw one uh uh sure i'll be right there let me tell you about carpets first you got your shags then yours your area family uh which is divided into the short pile in the deep pipe it's not easy building a castle but george found a way [Music] with bookshelves and blocks for walls [Music] and a curtain for the roof [Music] and every castle needed a window [Music] [Applause] [Music] george's school tool made a great construction level at last the castle was ready all it needed was a tree [Music] yes well thank you that was most informative i'm sure it will look oh oh my it was george's idea but we helped when you set a castle you meant a castle oh this is wonderful it's amazing what you can do when you use your imagination and work together and have a monkey to help you [Music] yay for george yeah [Music] it was good being a guest monkey but it was also good being a plain old regular monkey on his way home [Music] i think there's a picture in this book here you go see that blob huh that's a germ [Music] some germs are good for you but bad germs can make you sick [Music] well that's your body your nose mouth stomach those are your lungs ah when you sneeze or cough that's your lungs squeezing together and trying to force out the bad germs [Music] enough biology time for you to rest [Music] george didn't want to rest he wanted to get rid of his bad germ if only he knew how [Music] george saw a face a face he had seen before in the mirror it was him [Music] george's mouth was amazing it was like a giant cave [Music] a cave with an echo a squishy floor which was actually his tongue huh and best of all a spaceship george could find that bad germ and get rid of it just as soon as he figured out how to work that spaceship [Music] [Applause] [Music] george was amazed he didn't know gnocchi could drive [Music] george knew they were somewhere above his mouth but where yeah fortunately gnocchi had discovered a helpful sign they were in george's nose [Music] you won't be smelling that smelly cheese down to your belly i'm bound to your melon so don't eat a thing that's my suggestion cause i'll be giving you a new testament [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] cause we'll be [Music] boring super boring [Music] mega boring bingo [Music] now for the paint geesh that billboard is kind of high uh george how about you paint and i'll supervise from here okay [Music] don't forget the picture [Music] when george got close to the billboard he could see things he couldn't see from far away like the fact that the billboard wasn't just one big sheet of paper but six sheets glued together [Music] that's it start from the center neaten his counts i'm here for you buddy [Music] score uh hey george are you done uh-huh [Music] uh george [Music] did you paint the picture on the billboard the same size as this oh that explains it you painted too small i'll show you [Music] you can't see small stuff from far away oh [Music] so george resolved to paint big he'd cover every last inch of that billboard [Music] oh hi george how'd you do huh it looks like you painted only part of the picture did you run out of room uh-huh george wondered how he could get a small picture onto a big billboard then he noticed something the full marks on the picture were just like the rectangles on the billboard [Music] oh i get it match the rectangles here with the rectangles there that'll work here i'll make it easier six rectangles paint one at a time and you're good to go [Music] this time george was sure he'd get it right [Music] what george come down here quick [Music] look you're painting the rectangles out of order [Music] that's some juicer you've got there second best invention in the world the first is my tasty health drink [Music] i know these are delicious but we should save the rest for later george well okay i think that's later enough [Music] boy that was tasty are you thinking what i'm thinking huh right let's go [Music] where'd everybody go everybody packed up and left already hmm but don't worry they'll be back next week oh um a whole week without juice what was george going to do you know george if we had our own juicer we could make the drink ourselves [Music] there's a kitchen supply store right around the corner let's go oh boy i have no idea how to use this but when in doubt read the instructions hmm i guess there are no instructions oh don't worry between a smart man and a smart monkey we should be able to figure it out hello what yeah i'll i'll be right there sorry george professor weisman needs me at the museum they're picking a new shade of yellow for the main hall i'll i'll be back as soon as i can [Music] george figured a smart monkey all by himself should be able to work this thing [Music] now what did juicy j say he put in that drink it's got five fruits and vegetables plus a special secret ingredient five fruits and vegetables and all of them seem to be red apples are red and peppers and strawberries [Music] and watermelons [Music] george didn't know what cabbage was but it was the last red thing in the fridge five red things huh now all george needed was a special ingredient [Music] a red fish why not [Applause] [Music] okay so maybe raw fish is not a special juice ingredient lake wanna sink lake is a very popular place in the summer [Music] wait for me [Music] on a really hot day george's little legs couldn't get him to the end of the dock fast enough oh wow [Music] we have a saying on the dark son look before you leave huh hey what happened to all the water well the dry spells lowered the lake quite a bit don't you know not a good time to dive off the dock but a great time to waterproof it that sounds like a big job do you want a hand well if you're our friend i'm sure not saying no [Music] hmm if the water was gone [Music] where were the fish uh i don't know where they are [Music] oh yeah mr yellow pants we have to go find the fish okey-doke be a good little monkey and girl [Music] we found them hiya fish [Music] what's he doing here look at that george he's so lonely we have to save him oh you're right we should move him to the big lake so he can be with his family [Music] honey sally just cracked a tooth and i have to take her to the vet you want to come sorry i'm in the middle of rescuing a fish oh well i don't think sally can wait all right well i'll come back as soon as i can [Music] for some reason the lonely little fish didn't want to be rescued by a monkey [Music] smooth strokes you see nice and thick so the water can't get in [Music] looks simple enough good fill your bucket you can start over there where's where's my bucket well you forgot where you put it already i um hmm that's odd [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this fish wanted nothing to do with monkeys or buckets [Music] if only there wasn't so much dirt the fish could swim to the big lake all by himself [Music] george liked visiting professor wiseman because she did so many different things this time she was helping out on a rocket launch and the man with the yellow hat was going to ride the rocket so you're ready to be the first average untrained person shot into space i sure am there's only room for one george but i have a special seat for you right beside me so you can watch [Music] this is dr alvin einstein and professor anthony pizza wow are you related to the famous no i'm not me neither the international space station's food supply has run out we found a peanut it was in the cushion of my chair this man with the yellow hat will bring your food supply today so then it's okay to eat the peanut now i'm not sure yes yes you may eat the peanut so uh this is your rocket designed by professor wiseman [Music] it's up to you to launch the food payload at exactly the proper moment after it detaches from the rocket it will connect to the space station can we count on you sure can oh [Music] professor pizza and i are loading extra experiments you'll deliver with the food george wanted to see what these experiments were george careful this is an expensive high-tech uh raccoon they'll live at the space station so we can study how they adapt to life in space george could see into all the containers [Music] except this one what was hidden in there [Music] show them the most important part these keypads launch the payload you hit these two keys on each pad at the same time on all four at the same time yes at the exact moment the rocket passes the space station [Music] uh i can't i only have two hands huh the keypads were pizza's idea the raccoon was my idea the four keypads was yours oh here we go check your memos i specifically remembered when you came up with the four keypads [Music] oh we have to scrub the mission or find an astronaut with four hands hey [Music] and wonder what was in that box he'd seen how heavy these boxes were so he gave a mighty monkey tug and found out he wasn't the only thing that weighed less in space toys it was full of toys ah poor george i hope he's not too scared being alone and out of contact george had never seen a top spin so long before space was a great place to play [Music] george wondered whether these toys would be more fun if he had someone to play with he's coming back into communication range what's happened where's george [Music] george you must put the experiments away hurry it's almost time to send them to the space station at least he didn't free the ants oh if ants get into the back they might eat the astronauts [Music] in food seconds he'll be in position to launch the payload [Laughter] [Music] you have 20 seconds to get everything ready to launch [Music] [Music] but george wasn't ready in time [Music] got to do it next time around george you'll only get one more chance then succeed or fail we have to bring you home we are really hungry hard to believe but cleaning his room had prepared george for an important mission in space [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he looks ready george are you ready to launch excellent i'll tell you when oh maybe we shouldn't have sent a monkey now george [Music] [Applause] he did now great job george [Music] thank you george you're in position to return home pull the lever to fire propulsion rockets [Music] george pull the lever now or you'll be out of position [Music] what happens if he pulls the lever late he could land anywhere top of the mountain the north pole george pull the lever now [Music] so george was a hero and he proved just because you're a small monkey doesn't mean you can't take care of everything down to the tiniest details [Music] when you wake up bleary-eyed normal things can look odd getting a drink of water [Music] and odd things even odder well i'm training in gravity boots tomorrow's the big day i'm scheduled to take my first rocket ride [Music] again uh george it's okay to look just don't touch anything [Music] well it's good to train for falling down too i guess [Music] good morning boys oh [Music] you remember professor einstein and professor pizza so are you ready to become the first normal guy to walk in space no one on earth is more ready or more normal just ask my monkey well you know your mission repairing the einstein pizza space telescope like this normal telescope it makes far away things look closer but our telescope is much bigger so we can see much much further plus it's in outer space beyond the ruinous interference of earth's atmosphere it gave us these amazing pictures of distant planets and nebula stuff out in space but the controls got stuck and now it only points at earth yes in fact it's aimed directly at professor pizza's kitchen window all we've gotten for a month are pictures of tony cookie and one of his dog licking a cake and i didn't see that one until after we ate the cake [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] to repair the telescope you'll replace four cube-shaped batteries oh here you go you will also replace three cylinder-shaped gyroscopes gyroscopes help aim the telescope it's hard for you to understand i'll explain it another time [Music] sorry george too complicated for little monkeys no i i meant you oh right [Music] you'll remove the telescope's grunsfield smith nut using this wrench when its lever is pushed to the left it spins left to loosen [Music] to tighten it again push the lever to the right and it spins to the right [Music] wow you hear that george lefty loosey righty tighty even in space okay it's time to launch so when i space walk i go out this door then close it behind me just like at home oh you don't do anything we designed it so it closes and locks itself automatically after you exit well how do i get back in i don't see a doorknob oh there's a secret button isn't there ah oh oh don't tell me you didn't design a way for him to get back inside after the space walk the automatic locking door was pizza's idea no the automatic closing door was mine he said let's make it lock too oh we have to scrub the mission oh no please what if someone else goes with me and opens the door from inside there's no room for another man [Music] [Applause] [Music] ten nine eight seven six five four three two one ignition [Music] george we're in outer space together [Music] i know my job is to push this button and let you back inside [Music] [Applause] and don't forget be a good little monkey space walker [Music] there's nothing a monkey likes better than a space walk [Music] wow that city kid really gets around george knew what he had to do first remove the nuts using the wrench [Music] didn't it move he knew the rule lefty lucy and righty tidy [Music] he wasn't the first monkey to mix up his lucy and his tidy just the first one in space [Music] oh did i mention george only has enough air to last two minutes well you did now george you must complete the mission expeditiously i mean finish up and get back in the rocket very quickly [Music] putting replacements in was pretty easy [Music] and then it wasn't [Music] maybe he needed to put this stuff in exactly where the old stuff was [Music] oh no this last hole was a completely different shape [Music] george you need to head inside now george i'm going out there after him you can't you don't have a tether oh boy [Music] why it wasn't a different shape at all now he needed righty tighty george you have only five seconds of air left that's it i'm going out no you'll float out into space [Music] he made it george is safe yes george george did it the telescope controls work again [Music] great work guys you're coming home oh it wasn't two minutes it was an hour and two minutes my mistake [Music] ready as promised [Music] ah it was worth living without it for three long days [Music] i'd rather carry it myself george you're not gonna wear your hat no i want to keep it perfect till tonight we're going to the opening of the new planetarium dome [Music] [Music] thanks let's get home before anything happens to my perfect clean hat [Music] [Applause] [Music] well we made it safely [Music] okay now george when i get back we're going right to the planetarium so take a bath [Music] there'll be photographers there i want you to look clean and fluffy george was going to take a bath just like he was told [Music] [Music] it sure was a perfect hat who could resist trying it on [Music] george wanted compass to see him in the yellow hat it'd only take a second oh [Applause] [Music] george saw the hat fly this way but it disappeared aah [Music] the hat was back home and still perfect almost george removed the piece of branch as carefully as any surgeon working on any yellow hat could okay there was just a tiny thread there no problem maybe he needed to pull harder [Music] or maybe it had to be cut off [Music] [Music] george had forgotten that the last time he used his safety scissors was to cut his strawberry jam and banana sandwich [Music] it was only a small smudge all he had to do was clean it off [Music] this stiff brush got the grill sparkling like new every time and the grill got dirtier than the hat [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he may have scrubbed too hard when i get back we're going right to the planetarium george had to do something fast [Music] oh hello can i help you do you want a hat like this one i have one just like it uh huh [Music] but it's exactly the same oh you want a yellow hat okay [Music] well that's the only yellow hats we have i'm sorry [Music] gnocchi had never seen george look so worried george showed her the problem but cats think every wiggling finger is a game they can't help it [Music] maybe he didn't need a new yellow hat maybe all he needed was something like a yellow hat [Music] [Music] hundley tried not to wonder what george was up to he really tried [Music] but he had to know [Music] what would make a good hat [Music] same color perfect [Music] hundley had wanted to see what george was up to and now he couldn't see anything at all [Music] good color [Music] too floppy [Music] not floppy but too pointy perfect if he wanted to be the man with the drippy yellow bag hat [Music] the man with the yellow ice cream stick pyramid hat [Music] the man with the yellow blow up george realized that no hat he made could ever be the man's yellow hat [Music] but the hole didn't look so bad when there was yellow paper inside that was it he didn't need a new hat he needed to patch the hole [Music] the paper looked good but something made of more hatty material would look better [Music] something like a yellow sock [Music] up george did hundley drop by for a shower or is one of our towels running away from home george where's my hat gnocchi don't touch my clean hat it has to be perfect for tonight [Music] george why does my hat have a tail and a hole [Laughter] [Music] george couldn't believe he didn't think of that you see it looks great all right we've got to go did you take a bath hmm [Music] fixed hat fresh suit clean monkey i feel like there's something we forgot to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] george always liked the sights and sounds of the countryside [Music] the tastes of the countryside were pretty good too especially the taste of the rinkin's homemade honey you ready to sample this year's first batch of honey george [Laughter] [Music] i packed some homemade bread in here to go with your honey enjoy [Music] if there was anything george liked more than sweet honey it was eating it with freshly baked bread but this bee wouldn't let him enjoy his snack [Music] now where did it hurry off to what could be more interesting than bread and honey [Music] george wondered how a flower could move when there was no wind touching all the flowers was definitely not as interesting as a bread and honey sandwich [Music] [Applause] who'd be mean enough to take a monkey snack [Music] a bear george had never seen a real live bear wandering around here before [Music] the bee came back it must have wanted to be friends [Music] well that bee thought you were trying to hurt it george bees sting to protect themselves now just keep ice on that finger for a while and you'll be fine [Music] you want cereal again you just had it for breakfast [Music] no george a bee stung you a bear didn't bite you besides no one's seen a bear in these woods in over 20 years [Music] but george was positive he'd seen a real bear hey there george bill always seemed to know everything maybe he'd know about the bear [Music] [Laughter] pretty good imitation george did you know no one's seen a bear around here in over 30 years [Music] george left those bees alone why couldn't they leave him alone that's just a honeybee george hey they're going toward my yard wow when did they build that i gotta get those bees to leave i don't want them to hurt my bunnies george george [Music] it's a beautiful day george why aren't you outside come on help me water the snapdragons they're in bloom see [Applause] [Music] afraid of getting stung again huh [Music] hmm i have to go to the rankin's place maybe you should come along i bet they can help you [Music] hello again george it's us mr and mrs rankins oh my is that the beasting we heard about it's his first now he's feeling a little nervous around bees oh perfectly understandable that's why you'll like this bees can't sting you when you're wearing this [Music] you want to see something really neat well look there don't worry we're protected george you ever wonder why bees like to crawl inside colorful flowers oh they're gathering nectar you can get close and watch now as the bees get their nectar their legs transfer a fine substance called pollen from one flower to the next it helps more flowers to grow in the future [Music] here at the hive the nectar turns into the bees food supply can you guess what it's called george honey george the same honey you like on your bread [Music] the bees make more than they can eat that's where we get it here's another jar for you enjoy george was amazed something so tasty came from something he'd been afraid of he wanted to say thanks [Laughter] not too close george bees will get angry if you disturb their height [Music] i'm staying to help with the hives george i'll be home soon [Music] [Laughter] george george i figured out a way to move the hive this is my homemade anti-bee suit maximum protection come on i jump on this plank to launch these mud balls they knock the hive loose it falls in the can then i take it to mr rankins yeah it's not the proper way to remove a hive but i need to act fast before bunnies get stung george knew bill's plan was going to make the bees mad [Music] oh [Music] [Music] who are you guys now bill you know there's a proper way to remove a hive [Music] let's get those bunnies somewhere safe and call professional bee removers huh
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 744,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: XqPI-dktG2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 24sec (3444 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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