Kirby's Fastest Ally

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this video was sponsored by squarespace kirby is dead or at least that's what i've been led to believe because it's been about three years since star allies somehow but apparently in that time gooey did the gui with sonic the hedgehog and elf popped a brand new game a momentum based platformer by the name of crumble oh what is this he has like mucus coming off of him right trigger i imagine this is the grapple oh here it is the other gimmick that i saw that made it look just a lot like gooey listen to the sound it makes oh my god dude who needs ice cream when you have sedimentary rocks my dog the second i come home from work oh there we go this is really cool i mean poor guy is going to get some type of infection that even scientists don't even know how to handle like i'm not so sure if you're supposed to be licking sky bamboo like is that even legal am i getting like right out of life gooey is losing a lot of a lot of mucus just rolling around on the ground like this am i going to start melting down like a snowball okay what baron terrain am i in oh gooey hold on gooey don't drop you've only just been bored it's too early to go to hell no what does hell taste like gooey what's down there that you keep on coming back for more oh like how how like relaxed the music is like like this nice chill piano when gooey is just you know centimeters from coasting directly into a fiery plane oh there's another one what why have i killed him why have i killed my brother why have i killed myself he's more existential than i expected this is a shoot oh i don't think i like where this leads what is the point of that when the dev team was like oh wait do you we need a satan straw on the rocket ship get me in there baby that might have might have clanked on the side please don't leave me behind how much swinging do you think it will take to break a tongue it's never something i've i've like thought about before well there's got to be like an upper limit to how much your your mouth can take give me speed goo give me speed oh my god whoa ow here we go here we go we got the anime focus line isn't coming out right now we're going off script there is no level anymore there's only as much level as i have saliva on my tongue let's go oh here we go oh it's just starting this on a ramp we are born into speed tarzan in 2020 looking real weird it's probably a haircut thing is this what it feels like to be an atom and like in like one of those hydron colliders yo who is this this what happens when you chew five gum no this is what the five gum sees when it's rocketing down your digestive tracts ew are you a new skin oh you can change the new the skins on the fly oh yeah what kirby you okay buddy kirby kirby's looking a little different guys this happened when kirby sat on the five gum sat on the five gum for like a few seconds and it changed his life forever it looks like that was just blood i don't look at it it was like a dang crime scene down there curve is just bleeding everywhere he goes what happened to him go kirby go oh oh there might not be a wall theater oh there better be something at the end of this like i'm as i like the six flags lazy river ride except it's slightly less lazy and a lot more anything but the six flags lazy river ride oh what like he's having a hard time keeping up with these graphics come on tripping kirby i can't imagine what this level looks like to your doped up free but just ignore the pretty colors and keep flying straight this is so cool what oh hi what kirby you you've made enemies kirby got drunk one night lost all of his limbs gained uh quite a face and also a crippling substance addiction whoa almost spiked myself into the blast zone boy do i always enjoy look what happened to me look i checked out the whole tree the stick broke off man you know what i haven't mentioned it yet but you got to give this guy credit this talk is incredibly long but you know what isn't long the time it takes to make a text to your parents to say that you love them no i was gonna say how long it takes to make a website with squarespace that just be squarespace it's a website that lets you make other websites it's like the circle of life except it makes websites that you can go on to and use in what is frankly nothing to do with birth or death just click on any of the templates to get started and within minutes or maybe hours if you're a procrastinator you can have a website up and ready to go about anything you want i mean look at this it's a website i made in 10 minutes with pictures of gooey in case you ever want to show someone a website i made in 10 minutes with pictures of gooey on it amazing what if this was like a portfolio of my art or a resume of my past work well man that that'd just be impressive too bad i instead spent the last 10 minutes making a website with images of guiana instead of anything productive you can embed videos on your website you can check the stats for when people go and check out your website you can connect your twitter to your website so you can be reminded of how bad your tweets are whenever you open your website go to for a free trial when you're ready to launch go to failboat to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain wait wait i have an idea i have an idea i have an idea oh my god yes that worked let's go here we go we can go into orbit gilly and so kirby flew and eventually kirby stopped thinking hey so i'm hearing explosions oh i see i grabbed the nuke what that tastes like i don't think i've ever knew i don't think i've ever licked the warhead you think that would be like a kind of memorable experience one of those things that you either remember for the rest of your life or it is the rest of your life oh my god wait if i press jump right at the peak of of an upward swing i think i gained incredible height here we go speed section what what what where am i where am i going the tree day 32 we are so far off course i don't think i'm even in the same game anymore don't die here oh the camera camera i'm not spinning it that's the game is doing i'll be real i don't exactly know what's happening with this camera i'm not touching anything yes we're still alive go into the furthest reaches of this bounding box and came back to tell the story this game has a better comeback story than most works of fiction i've seen that's enough and we're up and out of the game i can't believe we can get outside the level oh okay wait oh no the whole level's breaking apart gravity is just an idea here we go here we go come on go on the stupid rocks oh it's me it's a it's it's a gooey come on kirby you got this get him kirby's dreamland is definitely changed hasn't yes good good good pristine oh these levels are actually sick i mean you know i wouldn't say i'm the best in the world oh top 1306 what is this music karen you knew i always loved you why why did you abandon me for that wench i'm sorry she just has the bigger eyes i'm sorry what's happening am i on like a plane right now ground is just a concept loosely proposed by weak-minded people on the side of the level did we actually spin the level what oh my god i'm getting like motion sick i'm gonna take medication to play this game fun fact the developers of this level actually had to take five dramamine per minute in order to keep themselves stable enough to finish this level i see why they called it first flight good wall jump i think can we even call that a wall walls are just relative to where you're currently standing i mean if you lie down on the ground does that not make the floor a wall i just did the levels orbiting around each other i want to say i understand but that implies i get what's happening wait just stay down here for long enough the level might just turn around never give up so then the end the end finally my stomach can be at ease yes ah yes i love using bridges just like a normal human would that's the cannon why do you ram me into steal beams the only thing crumbling is my spinal cord a little bit back perfect this is a ring it's a dyson blade excuse me i don't know if that was intentional but i am not complaining ow slightly loud what is this uh oh i feel like i feel like we're building into something all right let's do it here we go oh is is this just minecraft parkour yeah i activated one pressure plate now the whole light the level builds itself let's do this level proper let's do it as the game designers had intended hey break this part go hit this thank you gonna be taking that to the bank let's actually go oh are you kidding me i hate this game never mind lick the explosive ball oh done done as requested sire stop stop stop hate this game dude good now on to the final part oh oh god can i slide to these wait who needs the level the level is just a suggestion the level is just a suggestion the level is just a suggestion yes gooey geez let's absolutely go so in conclusion this is why i think gooey breeding with famous video game mascots is a great idea and i think i it just frankly needs to happen more i wonder what field will write ah sub what could that mean it could mean anything
Channel: Failboat
Views: 521,913
Rating: 4.9731936 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Gooey, Crumble, Indie, Kirby, Funny, but some funny stuff happens
Id: BJxctK7ZTVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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