The Goose Game Experience

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untitled goose game is a game about stealth and deception but the devs are actually the sneakiest of them all because they saw our mansion contains all of Twitter that this game doesn't have a title but I have a question for you have a genuine question for you what's the screen called what's the screen called it's called the title screen check main house has sleep with one eye open I want my 60 bucks back 15 are you Oh got a slow walk you know you see this come out from a McDonald's dumpster and approach with three I'm in a dark alleyway what'd you do whoa whoa whoa apparently the goose also has a magnetic pull to it akin to a black hole it started with stealing sandwiches now it ends with stealing your gravitational pull we taken one of these with me yeah that's right oh you want that carrot buddy well that carrot I'm not a good enough goose yet well do not ask for Whom the Bell Tolls it tolls for this entire game bring your back to me coward I don't like what happens now fun and games for the goose start fidgeting joint oh no where to go where's the carrot go just like your white pulp down before you knew what you had you can turn quickly if you let go of B well I have to learn the tech oh you want the jam oh I'm so sorry buddy the jam is all No put it down I dare you I lock the door on them I can not why I mean hold on yeah we're both a little a little stuck now aren't we given how the key is on the other side well dudes is get all well what are you doing Howard turn it off I dare you do it he doesn't even care anymore my missus giving up it doesn't even care so done with this goose oh the water's on again oh no no how did the water turn on oh no the shovel oh how did I get access to that oh no wait look the waters off oh no the water turned on I wish I could tell you how oh oh oh sure enough like the sands of time continue to follow the water has turned on yet again me a key things are starting to happen right now aren't they what are you thinking Paul just you and me buddy in this big old world you want me on an adventure yeah yeah what are you doing to that bush buddy Paul please leave the bush alone it doesn't deserve this kind of harassment Paul I will speak to your higher up this is not okay thank you Paul thank you Paul don't mind me I'm just gonna get all you simple fool so you remember that time when you shoot me off when I had the jam you remember that time $10,000 for those $10,000 Paul oh no Paul I'll just reach it a little bit more all you're so close buddy what are you feeling what do you feeling Paul oh oh oh cert dominance on him yeah that's right that's right you better back off buddy Paul you've been my friend for all of like 30 minutes Paul I gotta I gotta ask Paul I gotta ask will you take my hand in marriage yeah you know what Paul okay go die alone um have a picnic bring the picnic blankets sandwich apple pumpkin carrot damn thermos radio and blanket do I have to kill Paul it's all fun and games to the goose picks up the Glock how am I supposed to get away with all that okay look look we got a bargain with him I will release one hostage hey Gopal reach for it work for it work for it wealthy man approaches except the trouble you walk away Paul you walk away I know we've had our differences uh-oh and suddenly you're startled we've had our differences it's all yours buddy come on in Paul Paul Paul eat this eat this Paul the goose is taking over this one powerful goose has taken everything from you now to take your dignity and your radio that's acquired have all picnic and done yeah it what's up Paul you're right call it's gone I don't think darling you staring at it will help could you Paul but man is ADHD focus on one thing at a time buddy oh [Music] you're having a rough day today aren't you Paul oh you're going it oh he's going in he's go I underestimated him Paul I'm done with you goodbye Paul goodbye Paul I'm taking this time with me an act of defiance I'm taking this with me or taking your keys you you get to choose now what stays your keys your sign are your life oh hello Oh what will we call this guy oh I know you've never seen a goose before your entire life have you all this guy's easily this guy's an Edward this guy's an Ed he staggered by the concept of a goose you're not an athlete are yet and I'm not even sure if I have knees and I think I can keep better than that whoopsie oh no dude your shoe came undone at that that's super unfortunate minute just super unfortunate oh oh wow they brought their weaponry the local FBI has been called on me this is war Susan aha so you want the broom ah well too bad now what are you left with nothing but uh embarrassment in a handle do what a silly play more to me like a submarine go get it on both your shoes and the plane okay well I can see everything now you have the gall to punch a goose in the face fight me Susan do it Susan [Music] okay where am i where am i take the shop choosing which whatever which one is the real one how'd she know how does she know can I have recruit you ade IDI I need you to put this in her shirt head it's a task I can not do myself so is it back off Susan ed get her get her head now's your chance Susan's really cold and heartless ain't she she knows what the glasses are she could just help ed ed by his own plane wonderful oh oh oh it looks like you found your plane yeah are you over there oh oh they're discussing prices Oh Oh your money's orphan hey kick it here's the ball I brought it for you a gift from me to you ed the ball the ball the ball coward coward coward play ball with me do it ed really launched that thing oh my god I'm done with it I'm done with this town I mean come on jump or that just honk at it until it feels bad about itself and falls down
Channel: Failboat
Views: 509,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goose Game, Failboat, Untitled Goose Game, Goose, Funny moments, Honk, goose game gameplay, house house, Nintendo Switch, Indie Game, Indie, but some funny stuff happens
Id: QGLGv53GOts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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