The Paper Mario Experience

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oh go car oh isn't this great bro we're so close to this cliff very close to this cliff have you ever felt alive brother into the main road beautiful glossy that door is oh my goodness he's got off the got the polish for that it's a well-lubricated door frames go I know she's made a paper but she's wearing those stilettos those taps those taps don't come from papers all I'm saying those toads should they be silenced for all of eternity see this one I agree with this one isn't even like a psychotic power trip you know alien form have you heard those things feel me I don't think anyone's ever said that actually I think everyone in the castle would agree if they could if they could all shut up for a little bit maybe we could get some sleep I'm gonna say yes to this one I don't want them dead I just want them to never speak again please do whatever you want to me go me down a hole say ominous messages whatever you like please silence the toads whoa Mario you're here I'm a big fan I mean I've always wanted to battle you even if I get stomped on I'm sorry did you just come out of the box and say step on me please Oh increase that guy okay we're taking that one out nope not that voice Mario is that you it's cramped and dark almost like I'm in between different dimensions or something I'm not sure if I should be amazed or scared I'm kind of you know actually if you leave me here I'm kind of I'm kind of into this hold up oh hey there this left a weapon back here this is a hammer left by that uh turned-on Goomba the hammer of the aroused is what they kill people in I'm fairly confident this is where you say the chance oh there we go I think those are called the thousand full arms okay but let's be real one two three probably I see it max 30 on that arm 60 on the other I guess there's a fold on either side so we're talking like 120 120 fold arm it's a mouthful I get it am i scratching your back a little higher how far are we going give me the start over look man we're not even at the puzzle section of the game let me have this Rock Paper Scissors shoot paper wins again come here Oh takedown Oh I'm freed from that weird in-between dimension if I hitch a ride what transformers she is in my eye did she go actually oh is that Bowser hold on friend what's up are they gonna staple him all this is grim no no staple them actually oh yeah well that one a couple times for me good this beam turned from thirsty to threatening real quick hey y'all buddy it's doing it for you put the left take it back now y'all what up this time oh there we go cha-cha feels okay oh the seat you don't jump till jump to make the guests don't do the hops before it's over oh let's it'll help again Oh Mario I found a wheel hey hold it soldier come on it's the Goomba Mario that look like one of your flat paper friends I never got to see your feeds oh god this is incredibly grim what I don't like that whoa what oh oh cool yeah just take us away to a nice little bouncy battle music oh yeah I'm not you're feeling emotionally scarred and in ten toes like hey by the way the song goes hard all for them up you can jump your way into the ROG buh buh buh buh attack him got it we can give them what they always wanted Mario you heard him all you wanted was to be stepped on and now we get to take them out just like that just for you guys I won't press a you guys are getting low step Bravo I assure you it is far from the deadliest creature in this realm aha see I knew that wasn't a shy guy now it was obviously as a fly guy the whole time whether okay easily all right faster Bessie Bowser you really trying to edge your way and I'm protagonist status aren't you whoa this cannon you're getting real oh no we're being wrapped into a delicately woven present who the car the getaway ride go and leave it to overeats keep the save at the last second they might have been only here to deliver my subway that they were right out of captivity tip for the Mexican for that one oh thank goodness our fall was stopped by this tree chatting nothing but multicolored skin flakes Oh Joe unless you can flow like me and be careful over there Mario this empty confetti bag hey Mario please is it Mario you messed around this entire time Marc what did you throw the bag uses strong legs can I'll agree that she has like the legs of like a bodybuilder does the reason she flies if she walked she would destroy the terrain we step upon her legs are too swole for common paper good tree bears good boy good tree that don't make me say I can make him caramel dance because I will do it now let's see how the crust of Peach's castle isn't it I see I think you should eat the whole castle with the crust included that's not everyone's opinion but that's at least mine so it's the right one could be outer crust don't you mean the wall yeah what you've never referred to the walls of your room is the crust in which you reside okay it's just a live chat next text bubbles gonna say Moo my Karen I'm progressing linearly oh my goodness I already have the live chat to deal with now I got the I got the voices in my head - we put slow mode on for these little voices take it like it all work in the top right there's a map and modes update or something was meant to be right now it's got all soggy well I guess back up it goes Berto huh if I had to bet money on the first Mario character I'd run into an actual gameplay I really wouldn't brutal that water must really work you've revived the character from obscurity I hate this so much there's Wacken things huh just whacking things I'm not very green of here nice hair just whacking things huh Oh lost wood should be playing right now just whacking things huh Oh God hey who's there who's lacking things huh why hello voice transition real quick against that old grand sapis head mister that's right he's the elder of this forest show him some respect he's got twigs older than you just whacking things huh yes I'm hardly the hard weeds to speak yeah whoa learn you some manners that's right tell him grand sappy new toads aloud wow wow wow mr. grand sappy we're not with those flat paper people who did this to you well then perhaps you may be of some assistance make by the way to restore my energy I may just let you two leave this place oh just whacking me huh god this game is gonna Ike you shame me isn't it it's like wow you weren't smart enough to handle this simple circle turn you guys are be smarter or spent five thousand coins for an extra ten seconds yo we can I go in the lake cleanse yourself Mario cleanse yourself of your sins get in there buddy cleanse yourself of your sins huh shatters immediately on the ground real talk just lack of things huh yeah like oh yeah I am hitting things with the hammer is very satisfying some of the colorful little explosion oh yes littering my favorite Nintendo endorsed activity all right send that seed brother so can I eat it myself can I throw it back in there yeah yeah like an extra powerful soul also who just screamed oh no are all the treat Oh leave the trees I was going to go save him but now you got all the trees unique dialogue impossible time to talk to them all as they scream about their friends deaths they get like sassy with me whoo oh my god ripped up his face what hollow down like some woodshop project gone wrong can't leave those poor sorry woodshop project gone wrong even a woodshop project gone right seems pretty detrimental to you guys surprised you're okay with either it's good enough hey so now that you're back alive I found this nut in a ball then I threw it at water then it came back out now it's a shining nut yeah so I eat it oh it's doing it's doing something watch oh [Music] these trees got some good taste [Music] and so he died on the spot oh yeah that's one talkative I see no need to keep y'all waiting any longer unless you want to run through that song and dance again shrubs open up for my main mustache and there's a little lady here hey you gotta stop oh my god oh don't mind me hey the flowers don't have the flowers don't have like lives or feelings right right cool
Channel: Failboat
Views: 831,323
Rating: 4.9573927 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Paper Mario, Origami King, Paper Mario Origami King, Switch, New, Mario, Paper Mario OG, but some funny stuff happens, paper mario the origami king, failboat paper mario the origami king, paper mario switch
Id: BJhsHbpLmlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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