Animal Crossing but death

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it's a nice chilly october morning you wake up oh you're villagers do not it's been months since you last opened animal crossing and the villagers who haven't passed have already begun planning a rebellion upon the god that is the player for neglecting them so but hey now there's body paint so you can pretend to be dead too hey there everyone right now on denny's everyone is dead i thought it was makeup at first and then i touched their flesh and it rotted on impact it just decayed it crumbled like mist in the wind anyway there isn't really any news to share today what are you interested in here chrissy what is this a metal can that would give the place a different feel oh i i don't have the ability to gift you the metal can sorry we're not good enough friends for that my bad that's like that's like tier three friendship before i start bringing out the home good in appliances what do we got for mail on this fine early spooky month day the bank of nook oh the most horrifying thing i could get a tax statement to my future loyal minions i'll be creeping through on october 31st for hello who got who gave this guy my address who is he oh we got jack's portrait man really just sent me a photo of himself and said i will be arriving on the 31st i think if you did that to anyone else you get arrested on site that is targeted harassment jack when you get here you will be granted the warm surprise of cold handcuffs wrapped around your wrists hazel what are you doing you're warming up by the forbidden gotcha i've tried throwing myself in that fire to find out what's in the forbidden gotcha i've never been able to do so without feeling incredible burns upon my skin hello um i'm sorry did you just spend four days here and you're like i'm out i have never seen a villager want to leave this fast hey guys wow halloween isn't even here and we already have the first ghost of the game yeah i don't know why he wanted to leave either how long have you had this candy in your warehouse is this like freshly imported or has this been here since like new leaf the reason that they're stopping at the end of october is that's just when they become too expired to eat like they're already well and expired but at that point they're just pretty much radioactive wait it was a one piece of candy per day what is what is this read the back of the box with a serving size recommended looking suggestion here what uh what are arbitrary rules and suggestions to one who can bend time to their will is you doing okay there sly don't look at me like that is he going for round two he's got an empty can ah yes the perfect thing to give to chrissy in a an aquarius urn why isn't earned in the lost and found who lost that how do you lose an urn are you taking it on like a walk and you're like oh whoops forgot about it outside it's like you know you guys never heard of like a gotcha game oh five star grandfather's ashes swimsuit edition what do we what do we do on this channel anymore man we have fun we have fun i think body paint costume tips excellent jump in a vat of blue food coloring so so we got oh oh we got we got a ghoul boat i can look like a clown finally all right i get it white ghost green blue uh zombie stuff i guess wha what what's purple and also dead no wait no no no what are you doing messing around my turf the clown gang turf that's right baby bada bing bada hey you think my pants look funny so will your head when it's floating at the bottom of the river it's not the bot it's not it won't it wouldn't be floating at the bottom of the river if it's at the bottom of the river i apologize [Music] i'm strapped it's me momo your local mafia clown with an unexpectedly awful and incredibly overdone italian mob boss stereotypical accent see he just talks about chopping off your head and lobbing into the water that's all that's all he does hey leaf i heard it was your birthday i didn't expect today to also be the day that you died on why did i come to this island a flashy animal what animal is that you just skinned barney the dinosaur this isn't a bit i actually don't know what that is what am i i'm chester cheetah they snack on a cheeto or you get beto kid move hey but actually don't look at me like that you think it's funny i'm trying to dig holes if you're not lucky i'll dig one for you too bada bing bada boom everyone in this island hates me we can't i oh i can can i actually just cosplay a minecraft zombie bruh killing it what's a good spot for this little uh for this farm that we can make we got all we all these pumpkins and not a single piece of soil to plant it on yet you want some uh want some candy anyone wants some candy just trust the clown old moomo's coming over here to give you some of them sweets like a kick cat like a snickers look i don't i don't want to be that guy but i will push you into that river you weren't a fan of that he's not going to be around next stream did he move he moved this big chicken took one step to the right he's like all right let me bring out the fanta garmin want some candy hello hey chef by the way if a clown walks into your house offering you some candy he's probably cool hello candy for carmen from the clown did you go back to the spot you know what i think i found a great spot for this pumpkin patch see now you won't want to move because if you move you will disrupt my wonderful beautiful crops of denny's you're stuck here not by a physical wall or a powerful plane but by your own morals to not ruin the community's crops that's right he can't he can't leave i've created a one-way gate only i can enter and leave at will he's stuck in there with his fanta for all of life that's it he can't do anything else this is my trump card my final move my perfect play the villagers cannot shred upon my crops and so that is where they will stay some person spamming in chat to unban their alt oh wow wow guys look it's me a ghost of all the cares i give wow you're a stupid clown i'm a stupid clown you say would a stupid clown tactically plant pumpkins all around town hall in order to trap its residents you see why would it go there though you had all that area oh my god i hate this game i'm going to scream wait eagley we can trap ugly iggly you fool you walked into my maze iggly that'd be funny no no no no no no no no no don't walk on the stop don't walk on my plants ziggly iggly iggly that ungrateful child yo i tried to trap him in a big maze where he would starve to death he just leaves i scum scum pass it for now but i'm just warning you don't be standing here when it's time for nature to take its course what a wonderful harvest this will be oh of the pumpkins no no no of the people trapped within them hello my mom's just showing up yo what's fieldboard up to ah okay i'm gonna go i'm gonna go i'll i'll ping the other mods i got i got stuff to do broke my finger oh do anyone hear that sometimes it might my idle hot in my idle time with idle hands i'll just snap my fingers ah yo check out my new high heels i'm rocking those big bumps hey you like my entire label my best goth outfit what do you mean do i look alive to you dark and moody oh i'm done this would scare my mother instantly label is this god have i learned something about color coordination this is god this just this look alone lowers my bit rate like by half instantly god what am i what am i i'm such a complicated design all right well i don't know what i am i think enjoy the rest of this game hey look pumpkins just enjoy the pretty music sly you think they're like chatting to each other like huh that looks different today can i eat it especially the whole pumpkin he ate the whole pumpkin rhymes stem it all and thus filbo passed away from pumpkin poisoning but he will rise once more again on hallow's day or something like that i don't know i just needed a convenient way to end the video because i like it just seemed like a good spot to end it at subscribe for more animal crossing content it's very big yes yes your sweat looks so shiny and beautiful
Channel: Failboat
Views: 790,972
Rating: 4.9592028 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Animal Crossing, Update, Halloween, Switch, New, Skins, body paint, Jack, Season, but some funny stuff happens, new horizons, animal crossing new horizons, nintendo switch
Id: 4Ta1U0vaDaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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