Paper Mario Origami King but some funny stuff happens

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yeah we can make a game on this paper mario but if escaping from streamers and overly sensual trees who are just whacking things is too much for you and get ready because today paper mario sets out to dismantle a religion by killing its god and hey i'll be streaming my whole paper mario experience here on youtube and at 750 000 subscribers i'll be playing sunshine for the first time so consider subscribing if you get a juggle from this okay here we go hey don't stop well i mean that's certainly a forward request oh hello i'm a town yikes well we're just gonna they took over the entire kingdom and they still couldn't silence the toads that was our deal well there's whacking things huh oh look at you i'll push you for my no no no i don't want to push i want to push you fiction mario quickly paid 60 dollars with his sound check put it on cat you told me there was a toad and said all there was was disappointment in silence [Music] no music put on our own music in this channel we put on our own music no not not actually i don't want to get copyright stricken oh going back into the town well that's generally not good oh good they tore this pavement up literally oh hello smack them in the butt we good here they surrender oh never never mind never mind nevermind combat is on pop also we're sort of standing in his skin flakes we're standing in the flakes of his being and we're about to literally eat his heart his actual heart okay we're also going to eat the skin say yeah no no part of the goomba goes unused don't remind me oh here we go man over there is eating up a shy guy i got you covered by that i mean i do not have you covered you will die there frosted flakes they're more than good their skin oh good actually didn't spook me [Music] yes this is how i'll kill them i'll dizzy them to death sun tzu once said the key to winning lies in merciless spinning come see me anytime and i will sell you the finest luxury confetti you've ever had the pleasure of scattering the skin seller nice to meet you mario i trade in skin goodness you cannot handle my finest flesh mario i don't like that guy i don't trust him at all i think i know this thing help me i'll fold it up somewhere wait is luigi in the hat i'm not forgetting about you i just don't know where you are are you here he's stuck in between i think he's actually stuck in between dimensions i'm not luigi give me more of a directional hint luigi isn't actually real luigi's constant reminders of his state are just a figment of my imagination to cope with the loss i'm so sorry brother i did all i could i want to say he's in the vases but when i was walking up here it's like why are you walking away i'm so close bro are you luigi are you i'm glad i'm glad to know keep that keep that to yourself hey welcome back and then we immediately abandoned him well i guess i have nothing to truly complain about i don't mind this per se i just wish it could be better sorry mario it's so nice here i almost forgot about the streamers i like this one a lot so nice here that i almost forgot about those dang streamers and all of our other problems oh killing it bad situation bad situation oh don't worry give it a couple seconds it'll be a lot worse when i get there door will open only when all five holy shell stones are placed in the shell stone receptacles but four of them are gone right now and he oh he's still glad hey [Music] god this game is gonna out me for being stupid that's what really worries me after everything i have done to keep my facade up that i wasn't truly bottom of the barrel it's all come crumbling down you sir with a mustache fancy a fair deal what do we got oh that's a shell stone i need it why do you need it why actually do you mean it's a national like landmark what possible personal use could you have with it i know he has paper in his hand it whacked it what was it was that is that a toad as well you can purchase this fine item for 5 000 coins i'm not buying that come on man i'm looking to sell you're looking to buy and frankly if you keep on pushing your luck mr mull you're looking to die 3 000 coins absolutely not you're kidding me you still won't buy it i'm losing it you want the shirt off my back too take this thing away from you avoid 1 000 coins i said no sir i want to sell it now at this price maybe i'll keep it pleasure doing business with you i looked away for a second i looked back and i thought this was the new face of the koopa you bring it in the fight you air trapped the goomba no oh goodness god i'm so dumb no matter how hard i try the incompetent still finds a way oh what seal it back up seal it back up i wonder what this will do that's almost like no get him get them all all these flowers too [Music] okay oh hold on i knew it i knew i knew you're good oh god what is that that's gross looking it was filthy is that meant to be rock linked can we just blow it down this pipe leads to the earth volume and the illuminate bilumental temple what if i pretended i was smarter i don't even recognize the line anymore what did i do the first time what what the heck oh we can put them in turtle form and then give them a big old kick let me in let me in on this okay okay so we're having a laugh aren't we well you two now what you got we're gonna pass to we're gonna pastor him him impossible quickly blind them ah oh wait no it was just toads can we can we go back to the shy guy can we just stuff him back in there fishing mini game i've been trained from animal crossing for the past three months i've been waiting for this chance come here uh it looks so weird from this direction well we're good what the heck he's using the collectible against me we still catch a sea bass can you imagine we reel him in let's cut the animal crossing gameplay not again wow the blue shell stone oh oh yeah of course it's a doorway i mean after all the ancient scriptures said after collecting the five gems of glass you must enter through the turtle's cave entrance temple path insert 10 coins why would i why would i why would i [Music] legend says the spirit of the dirt known as the earth elemental lives in this very cave that's really funny it's it's just like it's a museum [Music] this is just a rock why does this straight up look like a terminal montage interpretation of what a turtle looks like oh it's like a cat like those are just ears it's just a little kitty and don't worry about what this is but it's just a kitty dear earth developmental if you're there please find it in your heart to lower the rocky pile keeping us from the streamer don't worry if words don't work just whacking stuff huh ah nothing says a failboat live stream like dismantling of religion that's way more impressive than anything we've seen so far i want to climb inside that thing's mouth is that weird let's do it anyway by the way i hope this doesn't jinx us but i feel like we haven't seen any folded soldiers in a while i wonder where they could be olivia all the way up please okay well that's not exactly what i wanted at all okay you know what we're all having fun aren't we oh geez i heard the noise i heard the noise i heard the little alert noise i'm like oh well i don't really see anything we're probably fine these traps are actually on fire please be extra careful okay oh that does 15 damage okay hold on let me in is this gonna work oh hold on mario hold on i guess it did let's go by the way i expected to solve the problem but definitely the way i'll take what this is the big empty hole that's disappointing where's earth elemental we've come so far to see you and we're gonna come a little bit farther in a second won't we only be a puncher into the hole ah you oh oh my god giant it's also evil it wants to kill us and oh my god my controller is having a miniature earthquake right now let's do it oh little stars too first boss fight of the game oh bowser you've been replaced buddy there's a new turtle in town the earth elemental is in the center this time your attacks will reach from all the way back out here throws the hammer mars like try me put this over here use the action panel no spin the ring no press a i pressed it on my own imagine that olivia now we're gonna smash it its arm thank god it has the reaction time of maple syrup absolutely smash this thing incredible oh no oh did i block that oh nope there's multiple there's multiple stop throwing up on me first of all we need the entry arrow then i want this no no no we only have two rotations no top left you can fit both i'm going for the tail i'm going right oh never mind i'm going for the fail oh i i i'm okay look i guess we got this oh but i tried i tried to jump no matter what i do my brain can't stop the bleeding what is this is this like a smash invitation well we gotta get that one well also snagging this guy we in it all right excellent what you need to space an arrow in front of you if you don't you'll trip on the first step no my panels it was so good don't don't hit me please i had such a good setup ah he's not gonna like what's about to happen to him we're destroying this tale buddy we're all right for him baby stare me directly in the face like give you a little tickle yeah who's the good who's the good turtle who's the good boy not you let me say one quick thing be aware of your surroundings please don't shake the controller too i only that's what we love to see magic circle go developmental power what is this olivia become a live a turtle how do i look powerful imposing magnificent maybe even a little cute it's like on the earth elemental i definitely feel powerful i gotta really shake the land here effect i feel so powerful i don't think i need you anymore mario
Channel: Failboat
Views: 546,426
Rating: 4.9601254 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Paper Mario, Origami King, Paper Mario Origami King, Switch, New, Mario, Paper Mario OG, but some funny stuff happens, paper mario the origami king, failboat paper mario the origami king, paper mario switch
Id: 1mHLj73UiBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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