NEW Bowser's Fury but some funny stuff happens

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you know i'll never understand why they gave mario such an extra serving in the back like oh my god dude i don't know is he is this just me acting up after like eight months of being locked inside because that man definitely has a couple extra curves down low that world one dash two looking a little a nice summer cloudy day someone just like left their dog droppings on the road it's okay mario it's just some dog droppings we you know we can get a little baggie for that it's irresponsible of them but we'll find that dog oh that's a big dog is that is their dog okay oh no on one half of the timeline i press the b button and proceed to play the video game on the other half of the timeline i never do again and mario forever remains i i swear i'm not crazy they definitely added some more curvature down there anyway oh my god is that a furry flower oh god hey there buddy how you doing like five steps in and he's already pissed like it's okay dude all i've done is woken up oh jesus destroyed the blocks and destroyed my frame rate for a second there he used that fire breath and my switch actually went up like five degrees i could hear the fans turn off all right you know what forget you i'm getting this stupid cat shine cats shine this is what it's called cat shine beautiful this is just like oh god it's the furries it's the cat like come on man be a little bit more open mind or or just or just drown yourself in goo i mean i oh my god the whole world is risen from the ground wait wait wait there were live goombas in the water how are they okay help oh god no why would i what have you done for me i'm sorry those stupid seagulls have have kitty ears i don't know if you know what how like biology works i don't know if i know how biology works but if you ever see a kitty getting down with a seagull assuming it's at the cost of the seagulls life their eyes like freaking out dude what's going on why is there skin gelatinous this is the results of crossbreeding darwin wasn't prepared for this one also why does this why does this music sound like the one that goes like all right let's talk to the child oh you don't have cat ears what the heck is wrong with you your jeans haven't been put through the nintendo gimmick blender come back when you get some more hair on your body buddy that was bowser's real angry angry not only that title vibes as well as bowser's fury bowser's moody monday bowser's indignation the thesaurus for that one mario dad is out of control i tried to help him but he's too big and mad no dude this sounds this sounds like a whole bag of worms i shouldn't get involved in this sounds like it's a problem for like cps and like a therapist like i don't you've teamed up with bowser jr they might just stay in my camera ambassadors like stop stop i'm low on fuel oh you want me to dig there how about i start digging through your skull first wild bowser jr bowser jr oh my god he just sits on him to be fair him sitting on something is like super like i don't know man that's going to mess you up you ever seen what a blender does like a strawberry and banana i'll go all the way through their spine sorry i actually got scared for a second i'm sorry whoa whoa already fallen incredible mario don't look so proud oh god bowser you want to take them out come on come on junior this there's enemies in the way oh no oh no oh no you've alerted the horde oh god you're looking down on me like a goddamn predator mario you will receive retribution for your actions oh oh what the heck is this huh wait do i have a bowser pointer go [Music] we'll see you then buddy kill go oh cool what is that oh do i have like a like a like a selection menu oh yeah no no see that's what i was missing the cat suit on the go it's time to kill oh come on come on buddy come on honey there you go kill kill come on come on coward come on coward come on coward there must be no witnesses bowser jr it's just like riding a bike once you kill once you'll never forget how yes is it considered a pacifist run if they're the ones doing the murdering whoa it's a gigabyte i heard a cool saying about these i think it was when the beast arises jesus he's your father at least address them by name dude the gigabell will ring or something like that i don't know maybe we've got to get this splotchy goop off first some more cat shines might do the trick or like a clorox wet wipe like a couple boxes that we shouldn't be able to clean that up real good i don't know i feel like with the help of various everyday products the mario world could be solved fairly easily sure you could go around isle delfino cleaning it all up within the course of like 20 hours or or hear me out hear me out amazon hello this rain seems a tad foreboding this rain is a tad foreboding buddy didn't you like just run off five minutes without fighting this stupid thing so this is one where you like yeah okay kill get him kid you can do it dude so far all these shines feel very satisfying they have a big jump see the design feels good i miss the shine never mind it feels like trash don't wink at me bowser jr what is that hey baby wanna ride in my clown car oh my god hey hey buddy i love how he's like kill them wait wait bowser jr go over here now kill them that's so satisfying what the heck maybe mario was the bad guy all along like i don't know about the 3d platforming side of it but i can definitely say this is the strongest iron fist tyrant simulator i have played in a long time bowser jr is just an oversized turtle that's like saying isabelle's above that is it like an above average dog like give them a little bit of credit they got senties that's already pretty like three steps higher than most of my chat members rude hey i don't see anyone in chat saying it was wrong though okay hold on chill out i'm still insulting my chat don't cut me off when i'm doing that [Music] [Applause] oh that cat okay don't shoot me now you don't shoot me you don't shoot me i shoot you with claws through the uh neck shoot as in scratch kill claw whoa what is this i'm so gallant you know how cats cause a lot of damage to things imagine a cat like this walking around the shelves oh my god this feels like katamari oh when you get like so big that you can like roll up the terrain what this is so fun wait hold on one second bowser i'm ground pounding oh that that oh god that lighthouse just went up uh his 1-2 bowser jr kill go get him kid you got this one oh now i'm i'm i'm small big mario okay then anyway the final boss did cool time and that's not how that's not how rainbows it's really not how rainbows work big p hold on maybe i should call plessy by a different nickname it looks like vazgini has more to say no he doesn't he doesn't have more to say no no i'm done oh it's a little ball i'm sorry whoa bowser bowser so it's okay it's just sports equipment oh he's feral he's rabid he hates it what did the baseball do god he's hunting it down like a lion hunting down a gazelle in the wild forget about he's more of a cat than anything else in this game
Channel: Failboat
Views: 722,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Mario, Bowser's Fury, Mario 3D World, 3D, Cat, Let's PLay, but some funny stuff happens, nintendo, Bowser, furry
Id: 86UFlTs2pZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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