Animal Crossing but eat

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it's a welcoming brisk friday morning you wake up your house is on fire everything you own is actively being smoldered and charred beyond recognition and that sucks but today is a holiday of goodwill so remember to always be thankful for the friends that have your back even in the craziest situations and if we don't have friends we have animal crossing where you can spend 20 minutes making beautiful delectable food just to have it have less interact-ability than literal grass good morning everybody right now at denny's everyone's stabbing people with knives the turkeys running around wild still living we have to put it down in order to consume our thanksgiving dinner anyways we're all thankful to have you here today the viewers at home especially those who have subscribed what what are you thankful for huh the clothes on our back the hair on our head the lack of demonic entities within our yard i feel like i'm actually coming out of my room on thanksgiving they're like oh look who came out of his cave what are we wearing for thanksgiving i feel it's gotta be like you know we're around the table we're with all of our family it should be something that really you know a little bit more put together something that would make me look good on a postcard home to mom all right everybody dig in are you one of the locals here i just imagine he's like very like war torn didn't people actually try to kill him when he was like first announced why is he so pink he's raw i don't know what you're expecting he's he's literally living i'm franklin professional chef extraordinaire you are made of turkey meat well i don't think that's true the last time i went to the doctor they said i was all functioning and made of human flesh i guess i didn't technically say that in fact never once ever been told i've been made of human flesh so i guess i've just been making assumptions up until now but i appreciate the hundred dollars telling me otherwise so you you're pretty much like hey i'm a professional chef but nook skimped the prices on hiring me and literally didn't buy any food in fact all the inhabitants of this island are just wandering around with empty plates waiting for the food frankly i'm terrified for my life please get food so i don't have to be the food is this like a deal that we're striking how much is it worth to you franklin my bell been looking kind of low since i did the nook storage upgrade see what i'm saying i'm going to gobble gob a little bit of your wallet chad says to sniff him ever i was trying to ignore it every single person in this god forsaken live chat sniff the turkey sniff the turkey failboat like you would in you animals a bunch of freaks let's dig up some clams from the filthy ground but no matter how filthy these clams are they'll never be as filthy as the chatters can we not eat these please can we eat the sea bass please can we eat the sea bass god give them one use i got three manila clams i got it don't worry again can you please accept the fine offering goodbye you're not even a damn manila clam but you can fit in that shell while you go to hell send them out ah please can it be though oh that doesn't look too bad also what's in this cut scene it looks like link's about to open up on like the big chests but instead of being a hundred rupees it's just impressively mediocre clam chowder got got guys all the villages on the island are just like oh my god we haven't eaten in actually six months since this game came out do you know what it's like to eat denny's infinite pancakes for eight straight months i plan to cook up a pumpkin pie can i just keep giving him meals to cook and my villagers are just like please no more please we've we've eaten five straight pumpkin pies and chased it with seven jugs of manila clam soup and here comes the pumpkin pie hey turkey man you need eggs they're they're terribly rotten but that just means they have room to improve in a character arc this is a weird episode of hell's kitchen yes it's called it's as hell oh there you go so we we just have to make like four different dishes a turkey day wall is hands me a slab of meat go stick that to your wall it'll smell great during the summer i promise oyster and muscle here's the muscle you ordered hop on in iggly i fattened them up well over these last eight months you just want me to uh pop into the water yeah excellent is the hot dog glistening now i don't think it was shining with such ferocity before but it's real it's really like emanating isn't it can we see cucumber just toss them in the dish i can't promise it'll taste good but i can promise that the face will be explosive oyster baby muscle muscle you really you really may i made me have to catch those two little ingredients out in the most like desolate quadrant of this ocean what do you look what what do you buy in there sly oh look too intently at the glistening glizzy that's the last dish what's the final piece of the triforce that we've been cooking up that quad quad for i i didn't think that one through [Music] any anxiety you've given me any turmoil you've put me through water you know wading through that gross sewage water that surrounds my denny's like a moat of lava leading to a dragon's castle any sadness you've given me has been flushed and washed away franklin do you have a sea bass oh god yes do i have a sea pass for oh yes do not ask for whom the bell doles it tolls the entire sea bass population now a red snapper i will admit will be a little bit tricky they are of a much rarer variety i don't think it's going to be the uh the simplest task to snatch up one of those but if we can find a muscle and noise during the same little run hey franklin i got what you asked for take him take him please ah get those sparkles off of it those are not edible you just pick those up at like a party city don't throw those around all willy-nilly like that it's going to get in our lungs the whole island will be dead in a week i wonder what happened if we went off recipe with a few of the ingredients any ingredients you think you might might work you think any ingredients you think might work franklin you're letting me cook oh franklin please try my sea slug pumpkin pie just like father would make he is not the cook in the household oh it's still like scripted recipes i was really aiming to have the stomachs of all my animal crossing villagers pumped in about 20 minutes from now feel free to partake in the wonderful pngs currently sitting upon the table feel free to consume every single bite of the food you have been preparing yes good nice nice update i'm giving it my a game today everyone's uh here gonna taste my food and they won't regret it hazel you have no food and you have basic kitchen appliances you have a sink hazel can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they've had a bite hazel do you have a refrigerator hazel how long ago did you buy this meat i can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they keel over dead in the er uh yes truly delectable food this fish manure tastes oddly like cheetos franklin you made paper mache food none of this is real even the smoothies are made of piss franklin it's your piss franklin you haven't provided us with a single morsel of food franklin you're a fraud this is why we tried to kill you off in the opening animal crossing games get your stupid little hat out of my face this is benedict's home yeah benedict buddy it's a wonderful day to come outside hang out in the nice warm sun don't worry i'll be right here waiting for your friend franklin's gonna love what i'm bringing to the table next is all i'm saying [Music] you're giving me a a dungeness crab is it wrong to pick up crabs and a dungeness my favorite anime please draw is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon is it wrong to pick up crabs and a dungeness see here on denny's we only cook the most exquisite dishes for your palate well don't stop halfway either you eat the upper limit of the infinite pancakes being 10 pancakes or you don't get to go home they're not even tall enough to stay at the table they're all like actually can we make this table a little bit smaller they can't see the food it's taking photos of the legs of the furniture well frankly i appreciate what you've done here today finally i can cash in on this island you've gathered all the villagers in one spot we will be eating good tonight franklin i promise you that but it's because i'll be eating you as an appetizer for my mom's scalp oysters like i say you're the main dish but i don't know god damn man there's always there's like another family member to me
Channel: Failboat
Views: 487,091
Rating: 4.9717669 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Animal Crossing, Holiday, New Horizons, Turkey Day, Switch, new, Update, DLC, animal crossing new horizons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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