MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE | ALL Passions, NO Skills | Rimworld Solo Colonist on Merciless Difficulty #4

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hello everybody welcome back to these zero to hero rimworld playthrough where our colonists lee started off with no skills but all burning passions and has now moved up to a whopping seven in construction still working on that mail and shooting he's getting better with mining to have been prioritizing that with him and you guys gave me some good workflow tips so I set up just a few things before the video uh so that I could eliminate some of that work but we got the mining the cooking's coming along and I think I might wait a little bit longer on a nutrient paste dispenser if I do end up using it this is possible that I'll find another colonist who's a great cook or just that naturally over time Lee will become a better cook which would actually lead to you know less food poisoning ultimately for our colony although it is kind of a you know fork in the road on that decision I'm gonna stick with Lee's cooking he's also got good plant skill now so he can so fields and take them down in pretty short order which is nice because now he's been taking down this entire forest right in front animals he's been getting better slowly as he milks day by day as he tugs on the utters of Bessie the cow he is eventually going to be getting better with animals I don't think I'm gonna spend too much time trying to get him to do that because emergency meal our gazelle will likely not be a great defense against attackers if we had like a whole herd of them if I were doing a Beastmaster playthrough which totally sounds like a lot of fun where we have like tons of animals I would do that but right now I don't think I'm gonna focus Lee on that and animal disease flu okay red red the cow is actually not so bad sick I mean I like red but at the same time like he's he's the male and there's nothing wrong with males but I need I need the milk more from Bessie but I don't want red to die because Bessie is pregnant though we could have some sort of Oedipus thing go on too if she has a bowl as heard I'm not gonna go there anyway you can imagine that for yourselves we just need more cows would be very nice because I want to train them so that leek and get a little bit better I have set him to do this but he probably won't get to do much let me see his medical skill is slowly increasing because all the animals are getting sick and he's just torturing the prisoners by putting band-aids all over their massive wounded infections and other than that he's coming along rather steadily so I guess I'm just gonna keep it on explaining some workflow stuff before we really get into making the wall I made him for an A or an F I I forbid him from crossing through these trap fall way doors which some of you guys suggested and I think I'm gonna keep on building doors out just that we can kind of hook around this trap hall and hopefully have more you know more traps for prisoners to come through eventually we could actually you know what kind of thing we probably just reinstall this over there other than that being in darkness we fixed that so now he's working in the light and I have been checking these roofs because these roofs are if you look on the bottom left corner right about here these are rock roof thin so I think that these have no chance of infestation I mean it's a pretty low chance of infestation to begin with as far as I know but we are working with Randy random so we're gonna be careful here and right now good he's just doing smoke leaf in case if anyone goes crazy smoke leaf actually provides a fantastic mood boost because your colonists get high when they smoke it and then they are not going crazy anymore which is rather nice let me see you what else I switched up my stockpiles by the butcher table some of you guys have pointed that out and well I think at this point I'm just gonna prioritize the guest room because we've had two people fall from the sky and die and I do not like that why are you sowing that okay let's get rid of this grow zone we don't want that nope bad grow zone there we go okay delete that and okay fine girl potato there anyway he's gonna finish this off and why are you even cutting that did I designate did I designate that tree for cutting anyway we're gonna have Lee finish off some of this stuff today I think we're gonna prioritize the guest room just make it a little bit less than awful I also checked out my main room someone had said that roses are prettier in a pot than day lilies which I buy but I checked it out and it doesn't seem to be true so I think I'm just gonna switch this back to day lilies at this point but I think they also take less time to so that might be an advantage since this room is just barely dull and not um you know awful at this point what else might having him do I want to see if I can get this dining room to be a little bit more impressive so we're gonna start to replace the chairs it looks like he constructed some of these with that I guess like a better chance of it being normal or a slightly higher construction skill so good now we're we've got a dull dining room and these diet dandelions are actually good because it takes him very little time to sell that I may just you know what I may just plant dandelions around the entire place and see how that goes if we can get this dining room into better condition he may get a boosted mood light from it so we'll see if we can just get that up to a higher speed okay we're getting raided in the middle of the night fortunately this is resembling a lot of what's in a Casandra classic playthrough we've been rated by a person with a single Club you know no drops out of the sky no ciphers yet but we've got yak now tell me about yak I've got an old gunshot okay the first thing that we're gonna want to do is get the animals into the safe space so let's just go into restrictions and we can take all of our animals everybody come back to the safe get out of the danger zone okay there they go at this point yes this prisoner I did not notice his credit thank you for attacking me otherwise I would not have seen this granted ever okay let's deconstruct that entire thing because what I am planning on and what I was kind of doing in the break was to just lay out some of these granite walls ideally I'd like to have my outer walls made of granite because it is very very strong stone block and I'm also set up just a little stockpile down here so that Lee can start deconstructing some of these things and then if he does decide to stockpile them which hopefully will just bring them straight to the wall and we don't have to worry about that but for some godforsaken reason he does do that he will bring stone blocks hopefully to this stockpile well work on this side first since I feel like a lot of raids have come out of this side of the map but fortune actually you know what there's very little extra work to do over here for this part it looks like this radar I did not read the flavor text much but it looks like the Raider is going to be stalling here for a little while so hopefully they'll come through but otherwise we'll just have Lee get to work on the mining tomorrow morning and forbid him from this door I'm thinking that Oh peace ox quest well I can't go on a quest when it's just one guy that would be very very risky so we will stay here we'll leave the animals inside man look at Bessie sleeping in the dandelions that's actually very nice anyway let's just wait till this Raider comes over let Lee finish sleeping and then talk okay yak is beginning his assault I'm gonna be interested in seeing whether does he like the fields on fire this would be rather annoying no okay yeah Oh actually it's a she okay I can never tell the tribes people apart because of the hair I guess I should really be looking at the body type but let see how many traps it takes one oh great okay she did not hold up for a very long time and good our spike trap has been set to rebuild itself let's just see yak what were you like in your life man it's a good thing we didn't have to fight her because she's very very strong she was a reclusive child warrior yeah too smart oh she was pretty okay then she's 1648 okay could we didn't kill another young person let's allow the door again and not not that there's anything wrong with like God if you take if you take the what is it the converse the interest if you take the other side of that statement it sounds very very wrong so please don't imagine that too much anyway let's allow Lee to finish this up goodie has one meal left so he can focus on that today we've also got rice growing that rice grows so quickly in these like in these rich soil zones I'm really really happy with what's happening with those unless if you really have your you know like your [ __ ] together when you start farming you're good we have heal root that's gonna be here unless if you really have a good farmer and you can do a whole large area and you have that sectioned off and you have a lot of Technology research I really think that these rich soil grows in there a little Opie so I'm gonna definitely keep using those good are you milking Bessie let's get all the animals back out into the danger zone good alright so another day let's get to a I'm gonna just speed up so that he can get a few more of these things deconstructed and then we'll hopefully get Lee working on this wall and some more meals right now because it seems that defense and food are the really the two main priorities along with medicine just to prevent the absolute worst thing from happening okay I'm actually going to stop Lee from training the animals only because it's preventing him from getting any food done so yes although that these cows are very very good and sometimes he wastes milk when he tries to milk Bessie because he's bad with animals I don't know how that happens I guess the milk just goes everywhere I'm trying to picture it but if you spend too much time picturing in room world you will go crazy because if you look at the log it's like dwarf fortress you if you read too much into it you can get a very very flavorful description of everything that's gone on anyway we're gonna get lean too well we gotta get rid of this dead body and then we'll get to work do not do that oh I see a flaw in this plan okay we don't want him to yeah okay let's just really quickly draft him to get him to do that great so forbidding one of ya that's not gonna be perfectly safe so I am gonna have to allow him to these doors otherwise when he replaces otherwise I have to have doors every other one I don't really want that so let's have to manually do it as time goes on I'm gonna have to remember that but you know spike traps have given me many many headaches in the past so just keep it in mind if you do use them for your playthrough alright we've just had Lee meet a bulk goods trader from the tribe of Guerard so I'm not gonna get any of these animals I would like to spend some ultimate Lee I would like to have more of them now how far along is Bessie okay there she is but ultimately it would be nice if we could just spend a bit less time hauling food because I think that's a major time waster on Lee's day so I am going to just sell a little bit I don't think I need all of this stuff so I'm gonna sell some of the plate actually we may need that for somebody may fall out this guy kid so we don't want to let that happen we don't really need this light leather we don't need I think the plain leather we're also fine with my main thing is we're gonna have a lot of cloth if somebody comes along and we won't really need heavy clothes because we're in permanent summer so I think this should be perfectly fine even though these good traditional material for making clothes and bags so I think we're fine with cloth let me see I want to keep my animals can I sell them the gazelle no no one will take the gazelle unfortunately it's a beautiful gazelle but let's also just bring in a little bit more rice not three hundred not quite that how quite that much just fifties worth this is just gonna save Li a bit of hauling in a bit of time not much but a bit cuz you've been spending way too much time on that let's accept good okay so now let's have you haul the rice okay great so now he is enough for almost three more meals there ten food units to make a meal and he's gonna have he's gonna be back up to speed and that should get this rice crop growing again okay a pretty minor thing but I also I noticed some inefficiency in these stockpiles so I have now said it to be only meat in the ones next to the butcher table so that leek and just immediately drop down the meat and get back to work and anything else you can leave meals or like berries animal products anything of that nature in this room so that it'll be really close to his campfire where he's cooking another thing that someone asked about and I just thought this was worth mentioning is that it doesn't seem that even with open doors heat transfers between rooms because if you look here with the fire in the room we've got about 80 mid 80s Fahrenheit and then over here we've got like mid 70s so even though these doors are open it doesn't seem that the heat is getting through it all kind of useful because it lets him be a little bit more efficient indoors okay another thing that we've got is Lee is getting a decent dining room buff I don't know if this lasts for longer if you know the bed if the dining room gets more impressive but it's not providing with a negative moonlit but it's not really that great so what I might end up doing since he's so good with planting and he can just mow through an entire field really quickly or so afield to quickly actually how many of you got it's fine you probably could have hauled back more berries but it's fine what I might end up doing is just having him plant more beautiful flowers because that might bring this dining room up to like a very very impressive state despite that uh actually I'm not sure if that can happen without the cleanliness apprising ly fast we made part of the wall of sandstone because they think maybe before we're getting like rocket launchers and things like that we've launched at our base we may as well start with a quick material and we've got a good pile of sandstone over here so I want to use up a lot of that but he still does have a good number of granite tiles to work with so that's slate and slate I'm not 100% certain of the strength though I think it's it's slower than sandstone but decently strong too as far as I know so well haven't finished off this side and then come over here and then if you could use this ruin over here I've tried to strategically place these things so that you know he doesn't have too far to travel because really when we get this far in the game and we've got this much work to do with one guy the walking speed just becomes crazy and that's why I like playing kind of RPG style with one character at least at first because it kind of helps me manage the micro and really do a lot of justice to one guy's routines throughout the day because when you have more colonists you start to lose track and it's just good to zoom in on one or two anyway we got more daylilies planted in here and I'm queued up daylilies in the main room so we'll see what happens with the dining room and hopefully it will become somewhat impressive soon okay and let's see if Li succeeds at milking Vesey he's still at it okay he's at animals three now so you may come on come on yes he did it okay that's a good 15 food so that's a meal and a half per day plus whatever we get from berries so now he's set with meals again this was starting it kind of annoying and I don't like how far off this this grow zone is from our kitchen so eventually you know I was thinking of putting it like a what was I gonna say a fridge in here but what I might ultimately do since we wanna have our farms right nearby our fridge in our kitchen and our dining room and so on and we want to kind of master that workflow we'll probably end up moving the kitchen over to here in time cuz now that I have the great wall getting set up I'm thinking it's probably gonna be more worthwhile to just start to you know think about overall colony size and defenses because this area here is enough to have you know a decently well site or a decently large size colony that you know in-game and we also got to get rid of these ibex Rams and dose up how to I haven't really figured that out yet but I don't want them eating my crops okay and we got a refugee trace at the colony would be nice we can also just refuse him if we don't like him an inventor okay inventor would actually be very good we could have somebody do research maybe get some pemmican going in here inventor named Schwartz calls you from nearby I am spots he's being chased by pirates from persecution persecution outfit he begs for safety and offers to join your colony he's 26 okay so he's gonna have to back Shorty's could be random but there's no time to collect more information and he's got one drifter on his tail let's offer him some safety and just check him out what kind of person is he okay medical assistant and inventor transhumanists though so he's going to need a peg leg but that's okay that'll give lis more medicine skill he can test it out on him so you really want this man greedy okay so he's gonna need a better bedroom but you know what uh you probably have him and Lee trade I could have Lee in here it's a good thing that we got this set up so we could set up a new bedroom and then what else is he's got a chemical interest these not great traits actually it's three pretty negative traits I did also have one of my other colonists lik get very greedy and he started to hate everybody they were like rivals though and they vied for you know attention but although he's incapable of firefighting he's still pretty good at other things too and he's got decent number of passions nothing great but you know what I think I'm gonna offer this guy's safety because I can offer it to him and I need more people in general right now let's just get Lee out of here cuz I don't want him to be there and oh okay and so we immediately get this thing I get this request to call this from one of my friends so we will call our faction worm Valley after after our negative traits playthrough and we'll call our settlement I'm gonna go with what I went with for my last series Captain Crunch and the serial killers okay I am very happy with that we are worm valley and we are captain crunch in the serial killers okay so we want to get the animals into the safe space same thing as we do for any raid let's get worse let's just draft him really quickly and we'll bring him over there and then Lee you can clear your prioritize work I think he was gonna go to rest now he's gonna go relax socially anyway so we'll just have him do that and you know it might even be a little while till this guy comes along I'm just trying to think if there's any last-minute preparations we can do he's also got food poisoning - oh yeah so he's not gonna be able to move as quickly so it's a good thing that this guy took some time before he got here cuz it's gonna take me a little while to walk back we could have read the bull go out oh wait what what is wrong with him now okay he's developed an immunity to the flu so he's fine now wasn't really thinking too much about that to be honest but Wow did he just overcome that on his own he's a good bull man okay so we got Rudy Rudy Ruettiger is attacking us except he has a mohawk alright let's just check out this guy Rudy he you know we could if he doesn't die we could perform medical experiments on him and get further experience before we install that peg leg on Schwartz but let's just come on Lee you can do it is this guy gonna is gonna beat him there ooh that would really stink if he did oh come on Lee I did not think that the food poisoning would get you killed nor do I think it will but okay he's digging an alarmingly fast time to open that door let's also just have Schwartz equip one of these items you can take that steel Club that's probably the next best thing in here and go go go go go go go one two three wow he was a tough guy okay we're gonna get him out of here and it's a knife steel knife poor quality mmm I don't honestly know which one of these is better thing I think steel is better than a knife is better than a club so I think I'm gonna take that instead though it is poor quality and what is the was the quality on this steel club 53% so it's actually in decent condition maybe we'll keep him with the club I may be wrong about this if I'm being an idiot right now please let me know okay we're going to allow Rudy and then we're gonna bury him but what I also wanted to do while they were here was just fetch out some of these items and it looks like we have to set one of these traps to be made now let's also start making these traps of a stronger material because I don't think that wood is gonna be the best thing ultimately I think granite is supposed to be better since since granite is the strongest type of stone I'm assuming that we don't have any granite oh yeah let's just make them out of slate that's probably fine we haven't been using it for anything else and who has food poisoning least ill okay I'm all over the dandelions goddamn Italy and let's say we didn't even have to forbid any doors there okay so they will repair these in relative safety let's just set Lee to he's stressed though I don't want him to did he tend to himself oh no he can't even do that right now but he is set to self - yes he is set to self tend okay something that's fine he's gonna be cooking a simple meal you know what that's fine he's probably a better cook than Lee - cooking hey I believe it's cooking ate when it gets not so awful no he's only I cooking for so we probably won't want him to do any more cooking after this one meal in fact stop cooking that meal right now immediately do as I say okay let's also just set him to prioritize mainly the work that he's passionate about even if he's not that great at it he's also a decent Smith so we'll have him do that as well art would be okay but we'll probably want Lee doing the art because Lee's eventually gonna get great at it and he's also an inventor so he could do that as well let's just set some of these tasks to be first priority and then Schwarz you can what were you gonna do next Halling Rudy the gardener okay good he's bringing him over there so we won't spot and he dead bodies and get Lee into a worse mood let's also just put out another grave as soon as you do that he's not assigned to constructing let's just mmm do we want him constructing you know what you can construct a grave you can't mess that up and then afterward Lee will have to clean up his own vomit anyway I'm just gonna organize some basic tasks for them and then we'll get back to building the wall I was wrong he can mess up digging earth and he did okay so I've taken a quick look at actually worse can you just clean up this vomit for a second I've taken a look at Schwartz's stats and everything like that and of course he's going through some stuff right I'm just gonna pause that he doesn't go crazy or anything like that he's greedy for an impressive bedroom because he's greedy he also doesn't like anyone else having a more impressive bedroom than him so I've given him the better of the two he's living in dirt that's just a quick one he also absorbed if that will be going away in a second yeah we're gonna have to perform an operation on him soon and we also want to get him to have some clothes on basically he doesn't like being naked and not having a peg leg kind of an unusual guy but you know what Lee's Lee is making up for that with his normalcy I've also looked at his bio and it seems like the most useful skills that we could have him do right now our plants really just growing and plant cutting because he can he's not a bad he's the awful cook let's just be honest but we needed cooking plants mining and construction at the start of our colony so I think we'll move the Li well or we'll keep Lee on his main tasks right now but we'll just have Schwartz focus more on the plant cutting other than that I've also set up a Taylor bench area so we can hopefully start to get some use out of our cloth we were growing that cloth for a reason and now we should be let's also just get this stuff in as quickly as possible good he's finishing the harvesting we want to finish that off as quickly as possible because we may start to have more colonists joined before you know it and they tend to arrive at a pretty rapid clip eventually I am gonna want to start moving the kitchens over here and then we'll probably make these areas just in two bedrooms with some sort of central hallway because it's always good to have the bedrooms on the far edges of your colony as far as I know they're well protected in here from Raiders to you know by the mountain but not under the mountain mainly because they just won't be spending that much time their bedrooms throughout the day and we will start to restrict their schedules I know a lot of you guys have mentioned this too I'm gonna give them each two hours of recreation throughout the day just so I'm not thinking too hard about that and what else my zone area is where's my home right now I just want to make sure that my home is okay well we will start to set out more of our zone as the home what's going to architect zone will also call this our home and eventually we'll have this entire area in here be our home but for now that's probably enough let's just keep them about their tasks for today I may have I may have overdone it here I did not realize how much extra work slate traps are I'm assuming that they're much better I don't know where does it trap armor penetration ninety trap melee damage sixty so how much more powerful is that than would forty five so maybe we're not better off with slate I mean at the same time it's also gonna help Lee grind his construction skill but maybe there's a better material material I don't know what the optimal material for traps is if anyone does know that though comment down below but at this point we want to get Li out of an awful bedroom but he's still yeah I don't think he's had a single break for the entire time we could focus him on cooking we haven't had any food problems thankfully unlike in our last colonies and Schwartz's life is still kind of a mess so he may you know break once or something like that but he's working on him okay we have a slightly impressive bedroom now we'll see how this goes for today all right so now we are getting this slightly impressive rec room and dining room buffs which are fantastic because they're gonna last for much longer than the you know decent buffs which lasts about a half hour these lasts for an entire day so that's a slight mood boost for the whole day so even though that he's naked and he doesn't have a peg leg Schwartz will still be pretty he is gonna be a character I I swear that but now we'll want to focus hunger basic things like that and then starting to expand our stockpiles don't know if we'll be able to finish off this wall for today but we at least have a really good workflow going and there's nothing other than the rice which we are harvesting at a rapid clip nothing too valuable out here that Raiders could attack we will start to lose that though once we get this tailoring area going but let's just see how much more work they can get done today all right we finished our basic work for today we got Lee into a dull bedroom so he's not gonna be sleeping in an awful one tonight he may still have this debuff because he started sleeping in a door from yesterday or something like that and he's got unfulfilled recreation but he seems very stable to me Schwartz on the other end we probably need to work on more but I think that having him work on plants was a very good move because now we have tons of meals ready to be made you know we've got decent lifespans on most of our food and I think in general that was that was a good move overall but he also he's he's gonna we're gonna want to give him that impressive boot bedroom ASAP because that's not so hard to do and we're gonna want to make sure it stays well enough above Lee's because otherwise then it'll get greedy of Lee and I also want to just check the social relations between those two because that can be all right so opinion of Lee plus to chit chat I don't no you can like have them warden each other to become best friends and arrest each other I don't think I'm gonna go to quite that great length though because I have had people who are rivals live together and just sort of like spur spurt each other on throughout much they hate each other I suppose and then the last thing I wanted to just check out was the damage that these traps are doing as far as I know the spring chances are they all the same well I mean some of them are significantly more work and they don't really do too much more damage armor penetration I haven't even really been checking out this maybe that's the whoops I don't want to do that maybe that's the main part is that the wood ones even though they're not doing so much more damage it's like 45 versus 60 for slate you know from wood they're doing a lot more armor penetration so I guess that's for like higher level raids which I suppose is worthwhile since we've got Randy random boy what I might want to do is to switch around the order of some of these because you know we might want to have would be the first trap because most people you know we don't have to rearm that but I know it's kind of micromanage II and I think for the most part we're fine right now as we are okay at this point I'm going to do the unthinkable we have five herbal medicine but I think with his really amateur medical skill Lee will be okay though I've never honestly installed the peg leg on a columnist so we're gonna see how this goes we're gonna have operate on Schwartz I've had it sets of edge warts I I figure harvesting is uh yeah I probably the peg leg is gonna be the best one wooden foot I've heard peg leg is I've heard peg leg for most you guys so I'm gonna go with peg leg wooden foot would definitely be interesting them maybe it's better okay we were using up only one plant medicine to cut off this man's leg and replace it with the peg leg and one small one small log let's see how this goes oh man it's it's I'm not a real doctor but I play one on TV fortunately it will get ly better with medicine so it's kind of like two-for-one rare it's a budget option that we're going through right here now I don't know if there is a recovery time but let's just find out health whole-body anesthetic conscious max 10% this is beautiful God you know they really do a good job with the sound effects and oh no I thought they were friends even better friends oh no they are better friends because he installed the peg leg on him he's like oh thank you I really needed that okay and now he's got a peg leg and now aw that's so nice he's feeding him after he installed a peg leg on him so I guess that that's gonna wear off in a little while and then Schwartz will not be upset because he has a synth synthetic but a non human body part but he will be happy eventually we'll try to give him something better once we research the technology but now he no longer has that debuff and he probably won't go crazy all right so at this point we've got a somewhat impressive dining room I'm just gonna deconstruct this furniture because it turns out that the original furniture that Lee built is getting kind of crappy now so I'll take that away we got tons of daylilies in here which although they take a long time to plant Schwartz is a good planter and I figure if we have them pretty much doing only planting it's totally fine to do this instead of art because they're both terrible at art and that would also take a long time we're gonna have them do that and we also got a Taylor bench set up cuz for right now I don't really want to replace these floors with smooth floors because it's gonna be easier to track dirt I know I've also noticed like dirt on the floors so I don't know if that's a hundred percent you know big it still can get dirty but it just doesn't seem to happen as much as we've constructed floors so I'm perfectly fine with these rough limestone floors for right now still think we're safe from infestations because I haven't seen any overhead mountains that possibly no rear I may need to fill in if you fill back in does that cause it to stop having not sure about that and I would like that answer it if you can but at this point yeah I think we'll just do that and then I want to end by having him at least get some more work done on the wall because I think that's that's key and that's our next like milestone towards civilization other than a refrigerator okay we had a pretty crazy storm so there's just fires everywhere but fortunately not in our home area and in there behind all the stone walls so hopefully yeah you know just keep sleeping Li you'll probably be fine with this I don't really care too much about this environment it's providing us with a lot of wood but we could pretty easily go somewhere else for it and at this point one last thing I noticed was that the animal sleeping spots were not in there allowed zones so they were not sleeping in them but other than that and now let's just see what mood boost are they getting for somewhat impressive down here says slightly more and Bessie has given birth just came right out of her calf one okay we got a male nothing against nothing against men but it's it's it's not what we needed we may need to train these guys to be attacked Bulls in time I was just see okay it's tameness is five out of five OB eventually we'll get back to this but yeah on to the wall all right the fire has decimated a lot of the map but fortunately a rain storm came by not really net I don't know if Randy random has this much of an effect on weather if it's just events but that's more fire than I usually deal with and usually with fire comes rain unfortunately took too long this time so we're gonna be out a lot of wood but I mean on the bright side you know this did not get into our home area too much maybe a bit over here but it's nothing that we can't come back from and Schwartz says started to make himself some pants and a parka um let me see without a table soaking wet but eventually yeah he is gonna start to stabilize and Lia's seems very very stable right now because he doesn't he doesn't have the greedy trait or anything now what else can we do let's also just add in a new table and hopefully that will be in better quality and we gotta raid again from sardine at the shaman all right first things first to everybody back into the safe space fortunately I've not had anything too weird I'd prefer raids to like diseases and things that are debilitating to your colonists too anyway so nothing too particularly good out here so let's just run them back inside are you gonna finish this park up first you may be able to finish the park up first no that would be a stupid mistake I don't really want to risk this so I'm just gonna come in I don't want to estimate and think like that alright well hopefully sardine will not go into that building if he does set that on fire what is his melee skill we could we have a new baby bull oh I forgot the baby calf one which we named it alright write down what you think we should name camp maybe like blue I don't know I need a better name for it I think I'll wait on that for a little while but let's also just get him into the safe space oh wait he is coming into the safe space oh he's so adorable and obedient and eventually he'll be violent well we got plenty of spike traps let's just see this marble one and we'll want it to auto rearm I mean it's it's fine for now I don't want it okay sixty and ninety percent yes so they all have like differing bits but I suppose that probably would ones are better in early game just for vol not using up too many materials and I guess as you get into later game you'll probably need traps with better armor penetration let me just see actually I don't want to forbid you guys let's just forbid this door and just allow them to go oh yeah I forgot this one to draft again there we go okay so now they should go I stopped eating those meals okay look at the cap caps like ooh food all right goodbye sardine we did not know the well but I don't really want it we can probably just sell most of their clubs to traders anybody finish that off oh good the park is still in progress and we can get back to our tasks all right I had a really strange Randy random event so a rhinoceros self tamed and then immediately got sick but its name is sugar so I mean it's I guess it's named itself in the wild I didn't even know that there was a fire over there I wasn't aware of that but we'll keep sugar because I imagine that having a rhinoceros that you could just release it at any time is probably gonna be a good thing but on the I don't know if it'll get violent if I try to slaughter it rhinoceros meat sounds exotic but I don't know tell me tell me what you want me to do with the rhinoceros and I'll do it cuz I've never had a pet rhinoceros it's 34 so it's it's older than everybody here I think it will make it like the wise elder and have a do research or not and the last thing is I'm just having Lee remake some of the beds cuz now they're normal this one used to be awful and Lee's bed was poor sand now I guess it's it's probably most likely to be normal but I think there are likelihoods so we could get something even better if we get lucky I don't know but anyway it's actually a lot and we got a good bit done on the wall and I don't like to keep these videos too long some people requested them to be really long if there is a minute value let me know what you like to watch in the comments cuz I figured like 30 30 ish minutes is about as much as I as I would do if I were gonna watch one of these but anyway we got Schwartz clothed and not really great clothes but he's better off than he was before he's got food poisoning but that'll go away anyway let me know you think if there's any tips anything that I missed but we've done a lot of work today and we've still got a lot ahead of us and as always I will see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 330,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld merciless, rimworld randy random, rimworld randy, rimworld memes, rimworld brutality, rimworld randy random merciless, rimworld all passions, rimworld solo colonist, rimworld one colonist, rimworld solo, rimworld no skills, rimworld all passions no skills, rimworld all passion no skill, rimworld no skill, rimworld single colonist, rimworld only one colonist, rimworld game, rimworld gameplay, rimworld 1.0, rimworld part 4, rimworld ep 4, rimworld passions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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