NOOB NO MORE | ALL Passions, NO Skills | Rimworld Solo Colonist on Merciless Difficulty #2

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hey guys welcome back to the Rocklea zero to hero no noob no more playthrough of rim world we're cutting down a tree and well we did gain a few basic skills in the last video we actually the passions have helped us out a lot we're not so bad anymore it's taken him long enough but he started off with zero and everything so he's progressing along quite nicely and I found these random gazelles dead in the field and although I feel bad for them I think I'm going to try to grab them and bring them into my into my abode let's just have him we got a constructive zone here like this so let's just give him a stockpile zone for like chunks and dead bodies normally I don't like to keep dead bodies around for a long time we'd have a hunter do this but this is kind of a rare exception so let's have him do this and then haul the Gazelle and then all that other gazelle cuz if somebody else joins with one I have closed for them too and another because these animals I'm starting to like Randy random as a storyteller because he's just giving me a bunch of animals but I'm sure in a few days he's probably gonna cut my head off or something like that so let's just come on just go get those gazelles well you still can like I've had all these gazelles just throwing themselves at me I'm like a gazelle magnet so we'll have him haul that and then I guess afterward he can butcher the gazelles and I'm gonna keep them off of me too I mean they'll be nice meat shields which is the good part we might have to stage a few traps out here that what I could do is to have like a big field of animals and so much it traps around that because the animals won't mind the traps but people will get themselves killed trying to get the animals so it works out you know great job Lee okay you actually didn't get all of the leather from that or it didn't have as much leather as I hoped it would but let's see if we get one more and I bet if if it doesn't work out we could get that new gazelle in here it's like Sweeney Todd or something okay yeah then after that he can craft and then he's gonna be ready to cook the meals we've got still a decent amount of time for this I may have actually given him too many meals but he's gonna be in fantastic shape after all this now he's gonna have tribal where oh this is really nice so you should just put that on right away yeah okay there we go so he's no longer nude all right what else in sight unsightly environment darkness we're gonna want to take care of those ate without table well he's almost got that and he's gonna go to sleep now okay like hardly any time passed I think I'm just gonna let him sleep and then when he wakes up in the morning I'll probably try to finish off this table and then eat breakfast and then we'll start thinking about getting new bedrooms ready and added security for future colonists look at me as he milks the cow his skills go up he started out a c-list passionless weirdo but now he's milking cows already so we'll finish finish that off and I think the next thing I'm gonna want to get ready I'll get a bunch more of these traps ready and maybe like a little hallway so that you know evil doers die before they get to us and then I think that gizelle no I forgot to restrict your zone okay you stay in the field to get away from me disgusting animal and then after that we'll probably try to get I don't know refrigeration defenses and then refrigeration in that order and then after that we'll worry about impressiveness and cleanliness and so on okay I had Lee Bill this extensive hallway I might bring it back out this way we'll see what happens when they start attacking but I'm planning on putting a door here and we'll see how he and the other colonists work with this but my plan is to kind of have a doorway here that he could get through and then just a series of traps along here and eventually we'll expand that out but oh nice so actually those goods traders left me a hat well we'll see if he puts that on at this point little medicine yeah we'll probably want to start thinking about getting our planting skill even more high up and then I don't know maybe harvesting the rest of the heal here and then growing our own Hill Road if we can because generally speaking that's just a pretty good investment okay so Lee's getting his first crop of rice but he's gonna dodge that for a second he's got more wood he's got a harvest here and what I'm thinking of having him do right now is just build these two doors and we're gonna hold these doors open so now once he builds the other one then he's gonna be able to have enemies come through this area because they'll probably go to the open door and then we can keep running throughout here and they'll never get this mood debuff from seeing all this stuff because I don't want them to go crazy if they just see a giant hallway of traps over there because I think I'm gonna make this progressively more advanced might be emit a bit much for right now but uh I think it's you know it's it's alright it's gonna work it's at least gonna get us through having one colonists to to another gizelle just died to the hands of this links the links got injured it may be that I can eat the links soon - I just realized - that we don't actually have any of the research that we need for which people call it I was I was gonna put in a battery but we could do it with wind turbines we kind of need that more oh but we got our first person okay who's this gonna be alright you know what screw it we're not gonna get power right now we're not gonna worry about any of that I'll still get the resources because eventually I'm gonna need them but let's just cancel all of this I don't want any of this stuff anymore and in fact you know what I think I had more orders over here we won't worry about the steel for right now I just gotta cancel that I think I got more over there it's probably somewhere else but we could use the compact yeah they're right there but we could use it anyway all right we got to get a second bedroom ready now cuz I'm thinking of going deeper into the mountain so now where is this man okay so I'm not gonna think too much about like savings lake if it doesn't work out it's fine cuz Leo's got no social skill but he is wait is he gonna turn on me actually still walk otherwise he might just leave we might not even get another guy I mean it might be a little bit of melee combat experience Lea it's just like would you would you please come with me he doesn't even he doesn't even know how to fight yeah come on man he can't capture him do I need to draft him okay there we go so he's done that okay now capture him bring him into our main area if nothing else he's gonna be social skill practice for Lee because if we actually get somebody we would decently want to have in our County we won't and wanted to just go in cold come on I'll aim down there yeah this is good okay so it'll actually get some medical experimentation treatment here how is his medical skill doing actually he needs this so that if he himself gets wounded hug this is great we needed a guinea pig like this guy okay now he has level 1 he just put like a bandaid on something that needed a surgery okay the quality is starting to go up but we definitely need heal root okay and somehow he's no longer incapable of walking Lee must be a genius in some way we could use this guy for plants and animals too that would be a really nice colonist to have he's not bad he is mining he has made this is actually a fantastic guy he's a pessimist permanent mood effect negative 6 that's pretty awful but tough 2 is good alright so let's see if we could recruit him prisoner recruitment to go through 13 percent that's pretty tough but not like impossible so I don't know I think I'm just gonna try to get another bedroom ready mainly for another colonists if they joined but I'll give it to him as a prisoner but you know it gives Lee a project to work on because he doesn't have much else to do right now and I'm still far enough for him for refrigeration that I'm not gonna have him just sit around researching batteries okay slick immediately got an infection so he's pretty much like the guy from remember the boardgame operation I kind of picture him to be that guy so I'm thinking that little slick is just gonna die and Lee is just gonna be there when he dies what did he get an infection I hope it's nothing contagious cuz then Lee could get it no it's just an infection from his cut okay so that's fine he'll probably die and Lee will just get better from it I guess this is like ideally not ideally but this colonist would this colony would pretty much be fine if Lee just slowly gained a lot of skills he's like a one-man army but he just doesn't have any of the skills yet that he needs but when he gets there eventually he will be really ridiculously strong okay slick has gone berserk so at this point I think I'm pretty much just gonna let him go crazy I'm gonna keep Lee working out in the fields and then he'll run for a spy crap no no don't rest don't rest Lee I might just put your bed outside for today and you can rebuild that door tomorrow cuz yep yep you should go oh no no he went this way why did you go that way there was a perfectly good set of spike traps out there for you okay leo run run he's going mad I hope I didn't do a very good job with the medicine and he's dying because otherwise this could be bad um in fact you know what let's just make you a new bedroom or even set up a trap outside of a new bedroom for today I think that would be safer than what is about to befall you because this guy is probably still much stronger than you because he's very very good in melee combat all right wooden door right here Lee focus on this I know it's hard to focus right now but focus on this oh wait no slick hit the trap okay so slick just fell to his own doom that's completely fine we could keep rescuing him but I don't want to risk him going crazy again so at this point let's just let him die I'd like right there we might get a negative mood lit for this but at the same time like I don't care all right we got a psychic drone males so Lee's gonna go a little bit crazier but he's been pretty stable so far hopefully it won't last long and we can just keep on focusing instead of like refrigeration you know what I also realize is we could use a cam fuel generator not a cam fuel generator we could use it okay great he's dead we can put another second put a second the second death of our playthrough we could put him right there next to the criminal and then uh yeah I don't know I think maybe I'll go for a wood stove and just use that to power my refrigeration okay do sell gazelle one got the flu maybe Leigh can treat it but it's once again it's just more practice for him in medicine he's like a van and a people doctor at the same time this is just you know we're getting ready for the disease that's eventually gonna befall Lee but fortunately he's managed to avoid having anything too bad happened to him so far all right even though that Lee can tear through a lot of his work now in construction and plants fast he still needs a lot of work on mining see he's got not even one mining skill and we got a raid to like some of his skills he's just gonna be so pathetically bad at like social he's not gonna be able to talk anyone he's just gonna be a workhorse who never sees people okay we got to get back inside to even before we get out this compacted machinery did we get the first level I don't think we're even gonna have time to get the first level we're gonna have to just run him back in there run Lee run please don't destroy our fields and kill our animals that probably will do both of those though but I mean you know what that's another meal if they kill the cows I wasn't so invested in the cows or you know what I don't want this guy I don't want the animals to run back in the other way though cuz then the guy might get in the house so I think I might just let him kill the animals and then eat the animals he may set fire to our crops please don't do that please okay good good he decided not to he's probably gonna kill that cow yep all right cows dead maybe you'll just get himself killed by the animals on his way in here though and we could be defended by analysts you know I never thought of that but you could just defend yourself with animals in your room or County it would probably be a pretty inefficient way to live but you know you'd still survive while this cow might just win against the dude with a club that would be very surprising the other animals just don't give a crap come on that's your that's your boo cow holy crap that cow just want to fight I'm really proud of that cow right now you tend to that cow Lee Jesus this actually turned about even it turned out even better than using the traps cuz he gets more experience in medicine then I needed that before he gets really sick it's gonna happen at some point you know I think I was wrong I don't think that he gets any experience for tending to these wounds either that or it just happens oh no it does happen but it just doesn't happen like continuously okay we got a major break risk now on Lee why do you have major breaker that's the low psychic drone mainly innocent prisoner died ah yeah that also is happening unsightly environment awful bed weight awful bedroom always cuz the day lilies died yeah so every time that the day lilies died he's getting that debuff so we might want to just diversify that with like a dresser or something okay just because I want to make sure that we don't have some weird cow incident like before I give the animals a few new zones I named the pasture the danger zone and then we have the safe space in here so in case if there's another raid although I want the cows to defend me still I also don't want them all to die because I realized now it would kind of be nice stab a cow around cuz it's always nice to have cows around in the house let's go over to furniture and I just want to make sure they're sleeping somewhere sensible in the night let's just you know what let's have them all together because if they get attacked together something tells me that if they're all sleeping right next to each other there's a better chance that like the other cows will wake up and let's you know what let's deconstruct those and let's just see where is the edge of the pasture zone okay so we could have them sleep really close to the house and this would probably be safe because then Li could come out so let's let's go back let's go back to the dangers it's too bad you can't show the area okay I'm just kept to memorize that square grab now I have to look over here okay let's put it like right here that's close enough so that if something bad happens to the cows in the night they'll first defend each other and then leak and come back out what else I guess let's give him like let's just have him get to some work crafting today let's do he already made tribal wear so we won't need that anymore let's make like a really crude short oh wait he needs crafting - okay so then what is his crafting out right now Lee don't fail me now we could forbid him from clothes unless they're uh yeah you know what screw well well cross that bridge when we come to it hmm his crafting is at 1:00 okay so he's gonna need a little bit more so let's just see what else he can do otherwise I could just kill more gazelles and give him tribal where he could probably hunt like really small game at this point or we could just have him make a bunch of clubs until he's eventually good at it clubs clubs seem pretty easy to make okay we'll make like three clubs we won't use any of them we'll just have him make them so that he can get better at crafting I don't know I guess I'll let him wake up after this but we want to get power going okay there we go nice yes leaving that leaving that bed with the gazelle warm up next to the ass of that guy's el cow like the cows like got its head in the gazelles butt okay so we got the bow maybe you could get some small game but I don't know like our crop situation is is not that bad there's the believe this happy mega sloth just prancing through the fields I don't know maybe we'll try to train up the animals where's the bull he should look at this he's got that nice big horn on it that is a horn right and pulls up horns why does God give bull's horns cap bull's horns okay I did you hunt people then we should probably try to think of like power refrigeration and so on I'm just I'm kind of worried about the tree situation because I've kind of decimated nature right by my house and Lee's gonna have to make a big trip to get to these trees so I might let some of these grow but let's just try to harvest out the biggest the biggest of the trees sounds like a kid's story okay I'm gonna have him do some of that hmm and then probably bury that dead guy and then hopefully today will be better than yesterday turns out that this was a really good thing though just now he's gonna get more medical skill and if I get any future prisoners I guess I'll just have him perform medical experiments on them until he's better in medicine cuz doesn't he get like a I think he's supposed to get a buff when he gets to a higher level but okay we'll work on some of that right now and they get back I did not realize how just how much milk this cow produces and me just said that the cows actually produce more food or the female cows that bulb doesn't do [ __ ] he just product wasted okay I guess that's because he's so bad with animals or something like that but this is helping with his animal skill and this will actually helping animals more safely because the higher your animal skill I'm pretty sure the the less of a chance okay there's a mad buck somewhere fortunately we are we wait wait wait stop time okay I think of this buck what the buck I'm sorry I get nothing let's see is he gonna you might just come into the door of his own accord he's not gonna attack the other animals he's just gonna be prancing around in the yeah he's a man hunter he's not a horse hunter or a gazelle or a cow hunter let's just get Lee into the doorway yeah that's good eat the grass bull okay let's uh okay Lee's gonna be fine even if he has to stop his game of horseshoes let's just get this buck dead I want that buck dead all right let's see is it gonna come through now I would be I would be very surprised if - okay there we go same animal scream that's coming up so many times I love it all right well more free food I guess I didn't expect to have this much um what are you gonna do now okay he's gonna refuel the campfire and then I guess he'll get to work on this buck but we've got to get more spike traps out because that's that's not gonna be enough when we get attacked by God is there gonna be another crazy animal I don't know it's like a drone for animals here I'm not even sure if that's an event but it seems like it's happening with this buck we had a buck go crazy we had a what was it like a gazelle go crazy unfortunately the food game is on point you know he just needs refrigeration at this point he's got plenty of food so I guess we'll just do refrigeration and power next we'll defenses first then refrigeration in power okay I'm also just having Li set up a stockpile for more food and stuff like that in here and I'm forbidding food from in here because I don't want him how should I say this I don't I don't want him running around across the house just to make these meals cuz it's like a slight inefficiency but we did say we were looking for three things from our colony safety efficiency and like relaxation so this kind of fits under the efficiency part and I think it's gonna make it work slightly better all right we got the game's story fluff text I'll let you read that yourself you detected a cluster of cargo pods oh wow Panther refer don't mind if I do that actually might be maybe it's like better quality clothing I don't know I was kidding you still wearing these luxurious gazelle hide tunics I don't even know all right it's too bad that we didn't have this grow zone a little bit closer to our base cuz now that we and we don't even really need this cotton anymore - so I guess I'll just um well once it's done growing I won't worry about that anymore but we got pretty lucky with some of the other stuff nor do we even have to worry about food because this rice is growing at such a fast clip and we've got the cows to food it like we did so much food then I'm not worried about it for the first time in my life pretty much at all we have to worry about like oh [ __ ] somebody's thrown up is it like this cow this cow is pretty screwed up from before it still bruised from the man it's got the food why is it I guess it needs to be fed meals because it can't just graze in the fields like the other cows your life will never be the same again man alright at this point you know what just finish the cooking Lee and I'll give you some more jobs alright cow one is no longer incapable of walking and I think that since like the cow in the bow I'm probably gonna keep around for a while maybe I'll name them gazelle one though I think I'm just gonna leave as gazelle one cuz it's it's looking rather tasty right now and I've I have enjoy wearing gazelle clothing so at this point I don't know I think I'm gonna have them just work on this steel then after that we'll get this Panther offer I don't know if it's more expensive or anything like that he's gotten almost no experience at mining this I'm just gonna be wary of this cuz he's gonna be standing over here out in the open for a while but then after why do I even know I'm just gonna put a generator in the middle of this room cuz it's awful enough already boy am I even building a plant there let's just leave the main room as awful and then we'll worry about that later but for now okay you finished that off with leave a comment down below what should I name the cow I I you know what I'm gonna name the first one because I want her to be named after the Chicago Fire and I'm gonna name her Bessie okay the animals name is now Bessie all right what should I name the bull though red the Red Bull red the boat you know what you tell me what to name the Gazelle Ben okay let's see where's my other animal bull one will name you red okay Lee is so slow at mining that he actually gets ravenously hungry just in the midst of completing one task so at this point what are you do okay he's feeding feeding rice the best okay so Bessie I guess is still injured and maybe this is like helping her get back up to get back up to speed with with red Oh red come save me red at this point oh great [ __ ] those are friendlies okay good we have some traders here to defend our asses because we are not we're not doing too well otherwise okay at this point I'm pretty much content to just have the cow and the gazelle SiC here I mean Lee seems to be ahead of himself with the cooking I think he's feeding the gazelle these meals because it has the flu which I mean like how nice of him but it's actually how much this is helping his medical skill okay so he is getting a little bit of medical experience from this I'm okay with these sick animals it's kind of it's kind of cute too like he's there all alone with the animals it's like the nativity or something okay we'll do that I don't know maybe he'll work on this wood fueled stove though maybe I'm also being an idiot with the wood fueled stove maybe it's not gonna be the dream Barbie Dreamhouse of my dreams so I think let's leave it there I've got a couple options but I kind of need some advice on them so leave a comment down below on what you think he should do next I don't really know what to be prioritizing right here I was thinking I would do like refrigeration but the animals honestly seem worth keeping alive these cows are like Opie Oh Bessie and red alright but let me know what you think and as always I'll see you guys in the next video bye bye
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 537,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld merciless, rimworld randy random, rimworld randy, rimworld memes, rimworld brutality, rimworld randy random merciless, rimworld all passions, rimworld solo colonist, rimworld one colonist, rimworld solo, rimworld no skills, rimworld all passions no skills, rimworld all passion no skill, rimworld no skill, rimworld single colonist, rimworld only one colonist, rimworld game, rimworld gameplay, rimworld 1.0, rimworld #2, rimworld part 2, rimworld ep 2
Id: agoUKRv0JGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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