Can I Beat Rimworld as a TORSO?

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for a new challenge i'm going to play rimworld as a torso alone starting with nothing not even the clothes on my back i've tried this challenge in kenshi but never in rimworld before so i'll be learning as we go and i'm writing this script before i've begun as always our character will be torsolo a portmanteau of torso and solo get it we'll be starting on the naked brutality scenario which will cause us to enter the game crash landing from outer space in an escape pod nude and without appendages unfortunately in rimworld if you entirely remove both arms and legs it's impossible to play the game so in order to make this challenge still be possible i'm starting our character with a single peg leg made of wood and a wooden hand so that he can get himself started what dangers lion's store can we acquire and craft the necessary materials in order to restore the body to full locomotion onto the playthrough on the first day i spawned in by the traditional means crash landing from outer space in an escape pod despite the handicap of no limbs i had enough points to put into some necessary skills i possessed many passions but i was severely handicapped to the fact that i had only four stumps and a couple shoddy prosthetics thirty percent in both moving and manipulation it might seem like a lot but what it really makes you is a walking target unable to construct anything botching at every turn and failing in all forms of melee combat therefore all planning takes extra time it's dangerous enough to be starting alone but alone in this form and so i undertook a more cerebral approach when the body stops moving the mind starts thinking the ultimate goal would be to capture recruit or coerce any other colonist with a prerequisite medical skill into performing a set of basic surgeries on tor solo in real world there are multiple tiers of prosthetic augmentations ranging from crude wooden fabrications to complex cybernetic enhancements even more useful and powerful than their biological counterparts but before that day i'd need to fend for myself in the vast expanse of wild that surrounded me i slowly dragged my body a few meters south to pick some berries naked and cautious i spied a hollow rocky outcropping into which i could lean for some shelter from the elements around me otherwise innocuous threats such as boom rats presented a unique challenge i needed to proactively see the world in advance anything that might have previously seemed inane might be a cause of death if i didn't negotiate it correctly with my newly mangled body even simplistic tasks such as picking berries might yield only fifty percent or even less of their usual harvest hill root would help me anything i could hoard and store up i attempted to minimize my work by fashioning a stockpile zone in an inlet of a cave wall with the fabrication of a simple entryway nothing could deteriorate on natural undergrowth and if i hewed the logs from a trees and an arrowed pinch in the gap they'd yield enough resources to blueprint makeshift fortifications on the paltry inlet of land that was most easily defensible lead them into the gap and there set a trap evening approached and the sun set on the first day with the wall having been attempted but woefully many segments botched by my poor coordination i went to bed on the ground not bad for the meager thirty percent manipulation granted by a man hopping around on a single peg leg smacking together chunks of wood with a single wooden hand dawn rose on the second day and with it a burning passion to toil and strain at the dire need for survival there's some quality about the calculated effort by a solitary individual in the face of overwhelming odds that makes the struggle of the underdog so downright interesting despite dropping mood from all those common conveniences not being met around me a burning passion for the labor itself sustained me for the first few days i inched up by increments and commanding the environment despite weak and unwieldy lack of usable appendages i chanced a rare fortune when a traitor left a decent quality recurve bow on the ground as a sign of goodwill and yet i considered it more of an ironic twist why leave a bow for a man with only one wooden hand when a rabid rabbit attacked the only thing that saved me was good planning and the toil i had spent on fashioning a set of traps not some sleight of hand unable to rely on my body i'd need to fabricate the very structure of an environment around me into a robust defense this is how it feels to play rimworld to assert dominant right angles on the intractable roughness of the nature around you despite whatever failures your colonists might be or whichever ones might be getting sent to you from outer space best left to the fire and that's when i realized that torcello was not actually that much worse than most of the colonists the game throws at you at the beginning of your adventure i reflected guiltily on all the colonists i've left out in the dust for things like being pacifists or vegans or other people who refuse to consume anything perhaps resembling few human flesh in a pinch to get by they were better left to the fire or stuck in a spike trap that is until eventually one of them set me on fire i hopped on my peg leg to extinguish the flames with my wooden hand i don't recommend doing this but when life gives you lemons you know how it goes as i usually do in rimworld i waited through a sea of bad people with unusual names that the storyteller kept sending at me there was a man who wanted to kill me his name was just the word good there was also a woman named thomas i'm not one to judge i've never judged anyone before ever but unfortunately none of these colonists possessed the prerequisite medical skills to perform the operation not really that it was all that difficult i just needed to find someone capable of affixing a log of wood to my other leg or lack thereof stump then along came maverick the only colonist i met with the liberal arts degree required to be able to reattach a leg to man yes a sweaty pessimist every surgery in rimworld is a risky endeavor potentially either the saving grace that makes a colonist useful once again or the doomed failure that drives them mad with rage if the surgery is botched but this time it was a success under anesthetic the leg was securely fastened and my ability to move around rose from 30 to 60 percent maybe that doesn't sound like much but two peg legs are better than one with the leg on i breathed an early sigh of relief the first phase of the operation was completed and now i had one recruited a suitable doctor and two doubled my movement speed it was bloody and filled with chance and it had taken all of one in-game month to wait for those stars to align the next phase would be more cerebral now about a month in i began work on production tables inventions i would need to complete the research required to begin crafting more advanced prosthetics as it turned out maverick was a sweaty nudist pessimist i attended to her needs and carried on after all she was the only other colonist required in this play through as a doctor think of it like farming for people except that sounds more dystopian than it actually was there's no better feeling than watching everything work out and all of your base turning from manual clicks into automated self-completing tasks after all rimrold is a colony manager for people who enjoy automation games more than colony managers but there was still one major source of great dissatisfaction every single thing that i tried to construct kept getting botched due to the fact that i was constructing complex machinery with only a wooden stump i was wasting both time and materials as threats were growing and unpredictable outside the walls so i undertook the one type of task i couldn't possibly fail at learning thinking and researching it was all a grand endeavor to speed run my way toward artificial limbs and that meant climbing the ladder of progress with prerequisite technologies smithing machining and setting up workshops related to their employ when you're possessed by a demon that drives you to accomplish your task you work twice as fast and so the research progressed day and night while the compound itself began to reflect the developments taking place on technological fronts there were those two fronts of that war for survival one physical and the other mental whether they played out on the dirt or in the lab as with any great endeavor it's difficult to accomplish anything without banging your head against some brick walls but fortunately the acquisition of gray matter is a fluid process that gets easier and easier to grind out and before long the machining research along with the research on prosthetics was complete a sector of the renovated storage was sanctioned off specifically for crafting and there was more to celebrate with a few much needed fabrications from traders we finally undertook the surgery to install the prosthetic labored over by a single wooden stump the first surgery was awful and unsuccessful requiring a follow-up to set the limb on right but we kept learning and what was uncovered from the anesthetic was an entirely reinvented colonist maybe not a cybernetic warfighter yet but certainly an improvement from before every development was a turn in that widening gyre toward the singularity so the base grew and we continued in a dirge-like rock up the cyberpunk tree toward our biological deaths reborn as cyborgs torsolo grew toward legendary status a planet-known master outfitting the laboratory with an upgrade and flirting with the technological frontier toward bionic replacements blindsided we were raided by tribals the savage antithesis to our archotec destiny who marauded with grim intent the wounds were bloody but ephemeral just a reminder of the roots from which we had risen up what i'm trying to say is it was really cool blood and metal have a grim aesthetic and it wasn't long before the operations were back in action early investments in technology led to an explosion of compounding returns growth accelerated my ability to use my hands and work with tools started at only 30 with a wooden stump rose to 55 within a prosthetic arm then continued their acceleration with the bionic arm up to 105 and fleshed out in a god-like superhuman push to 125 manipulation with two bionic arms accelerating the creation of limbs and pushing beyond human boundaries metal and sparks replaced flesh and blood and the result was a marvel to behold i armed myself but can you imagine the humiliation and extreme lopsidedness of a superhuman cyborg hobbling and heaving around on two peg legs with the wooden hand removed in a few more days of progress i flashed like lightning back to the workshop the anesthetic having just worn off and spit out two bionic legs quickly constructed by my superhuman torso and arms ten times faster than i had made the arms in the first place the result after having been limited to about half the speed of a normal human was two surgeries for the price of one and just in time for a raid from pirates with high-powered armaments actual revolvers this time i was basically nomad the protagonist of crisis an overpowered geek capable of shooting his gun then waiting till the enemy shoots and escaping by turning invisible and outrunning the bullets the enemy just shouted him marvelously cheap were my victories i was essentially a walking drone strike you can curse technology as much as you want but that won't save you when i vanquish you and cheekily remove your bowler hat strolling off into the sunset on my robot legs and that was when i realized this was only the beginning why stop at replacement when you could become superhuman so i made a few calls and took advantage of all the content luteon has jammed into the game over the last few years applying the tech prints for a circadian half cycler a mysterious implant that circulates which half of the brain is in use at all times resulting in perpetual consciousness at the minor expense of 15 percent of your consciousness that is to say you no longer have to sleep i added both this and two bionic eyes fabricated in a day flat resulting in a perpetually awake zombie cyborg man who is growingly out of touch with his physical human needs proceeding ever higher toward the techno astral plane the problem with progress is that when you get too far you don't even know what to do with it anymore there's an upper limit to how interesting cooking rice can be and when you're up all night and alone you live on the edge and occupy yourself with things like nocturnal hunting we are truly alone in the universe but what was there left to conquer i could continue inventing ways to overcome biological needs adding nuclear power to my digestive system and foregoing the need for nutrition but it was here that i decided a darwinistic hunt would lead to the ultimate fulfillment yes after that i would be completely satisfied for sure i fabricated the necessary supplies and executed every last animal in the region as a training exercise it was a bloodbath now i was beyond torso torsplosion the ultimate warrior my final encounter with the mega sloth was the true display of both brains and brawn i could overcome anyone man animal the ultimate wombo combo physical and mental five head chad of that lonely dream world so to answer my original question yes you can re-limb and cyborgify even one with the least limbs in 100 days now the last test was to it wait a minute what are you doing tor solo no no don't eat without a table that's dangerous no don't enter into a catharsis and go on a murderous rampage stop setting everything on fire no why would you desert the colony torsolo we will bury you the moral of the story icarus flew too close to the sun and his wings melted so too pride is an insidious killer in ancient rome when a conquering general returned on his chariot a servant would whisper in his ear remember that you are human that he should be saved from hubris i hope you enjoyed thanks goes out to my patrons for each one of them is like another limb and as always i'm ambiguous amphibian until we meet again
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 1,224,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian, let's play rimworld, rimworld, rimworld 100 days, rimworld 100 days challenge, rimworld challenge, rimworld game, rimworld gameplay, rimworld gameplay ep 1, rimworld let's play, rimworld mods, rimworld the torso experience, rimworld torso, torsolo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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