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mom's been asking for pics on my new room finally sent one I'm so stupid nice except for the handcuffs what's up with that for my terrible sleepwalking mama I cuffed myself to my bed the keys on a necklace boy for breaks arm trying to float with umbrella while copying for it so clearly he should have used a glider being faithful in a relationship should be done without being asked hate when people are alike when he's faithful like didn't you cheat on my boy Nick dude delete that that's not cool into the question girl did you cheat on my boy Nick how did people in the Middle Ages know what skeletons look like without x-ray machines alright edit forgot about dead people forgot the word thing you know that thing everybody does forget that's gonna happen friend has been complaining about finding an avocado on his lawn every day for weeks now why would someone keep throwing avocados in his yard who would do that you guys he just realized he has an avocado tree how's this guy dropping so many different songs and genres at the same time it's called an album pop singer drops an album his fans how is he dropping so many songs and they're in a collection maybe Amish people have read it what is it like living without technology wait wait I get it uh see that's a good one that's silly Rick Wiles thinks that meatless foods can alter human DNA in order to cause human beings to no longer be technically classified as humans a plot that would make it impossible for them to be saved by Christ I don't like the face that Rick's given me looks like he just walked into the bathroom while I was using it all right do something man oh I gotta watch it he didn't just do what I think he did did he oh no he did man's hit himself in the nards oh he is down poor guy hey hi Thanks for liking my pick you're fit by the way welcome and thanks I have a BF sorry then why would you why would you even say something why would you say you're fit if you got a man's ridiculous really just finished this ballpoint drawing after five years after being diagnosed with autism I finally found the way to keep my spirits up wow this is awesome wouldn't you get diagnosed with autism my brother has autism take a close look take a close look and you tell me what's wrong with this image yep that's right op commented on their own post dude are you freaking serious if I got to switch accounts did you SMH why is there a quarter in the photo these are the things that kept me out of the good schools things I think about this is flat printed paper I don't think we quite get how Braille actually works don't worry they'll be able to read it one star custom life okay I started a custom life and y'all don't have Africa as a country so I can choose Cameroon how y'all have every other country besides Africa racist one nah this is a stupid game I hate this one all right what do we got man's gonna pull into the garage how's this a face bomb what's he gonna oh I see what's going to happen here you fool oh like a glove oh like a glove ceiling was Dripping I'm sorry it was what it was Dr ceiling was Dripping someone really thinks they're catching it with these baskets don't tell me they're laundry baskets oh they're oh [Music] [Laughter] and I put some baskets in there to catch all the water oh my God sometimes humans hurt but not physically just emotionally like this so a friend of mine works at a car dealership and a young person came in with an older car and wanted to know why his iPhone charger port is scratching his screen and not charging oh no I might get a new one I guess exactly what you want to buy a child in duty-free as they're about to board a plane listen just get some earplugs it's okay let the kid have his fun but if he starts playing the Family Guy theme song You betcher Bet Your Butt I'm taking that away from the little puke right here on the plane I'm breaking everything in my sight we're watching Family Guy recently and it's giving me a lot of stress climate change music festival attendees leave a disastrous mess behind I'll take irony for 500 Alex this is what Coke looks like when it's Sun bleached I found it on the railroad tracks oh I have some news for you friend that's not Coke it may have been at one point in time but I could promise you it is not now you holding PP son all right are they gonna fall over what do we got going on here toss it down there you go well what'd you think was gonna happen did you think it was gonna roll down softly it's a steep it's a steep drop like a roller coaster ingredients half a cup of rice half a cup of water one milk I'm sure that's liter but I like it saying one milk a quarter cup of sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla Essence uh just so it clear I only added a third cup of sugar because my husband doesn't like things too sweet yeah then why would you then why would you my mom ordered a custom backpack this is what came I'd buy something like that though I only I wouldn't even hate I would buy something like that I like it my text yeah what does it say doctor dries two pack cute hanger with fork spoon and bear-shaped three pieces one cent now see that's cute and all until you realize the bear has a well it's got something I'm not sure if I like it philosophers must have had no hoes just sitting in the crib and thinking about life Socrates had a whole wife and kid but he just neglected them to think all day who is Socrates I'm sorry so crates what about crates there's a lady at this joint that talks so rudely with customers very disappointed hello we just want to let you know that our store is closed since December 2017 and it's still under construction sorry we don't know where you had this experience at Little Caesars delinquent noun what does it mean delinquent person go ahead and Dot your eyes and cross your teens at the end of that for you I could guess what delinquent might mean for yourself Google ain't gonna tell you delivery drivers have read it what was the most suspicious looking parcel you've delivered mods mods mods bantam bantam bantam this is clearly a threat I'm sorry you have to come at this point in life but please do not do it report it and downvoted yeah so I delivered to a trap house that was weird don't tell me this poor woman's filling up just oh she's filling up the cap oh even I know nothing to do that and I'm terrible [Music] that's gonna take you forever oh man classic door stopper not stomping at the door joke yep go ahead close the door see what happens it's gonna ruin the paint does not stop any door how'd you throw your phone in the air how'd you do that throw your phone in the air it's drones yeah no but how'd you do that you throw your phone in the air in the sky maybe all right man is that an ATM what do you got going on are you good are you okay oh oh you poor oh you're having a bad day and that just made it worse oh my God oh I can't stop watching it's a car crash in slow motion that bottle just decided that it wanted to ruin your life oh my God have you ever seen a homo sapiens yeah I saw one one to the zoo I saw one once at the zoo flat earther spent twenty thousand dollars trying to prove the Earth is flat accidentally prove it's a glow checkmate if everybody in the world dropped out of school we'd have a much more intelligent Society Jaden no we actually that's the exact opposite Jaden Smith Mackenzie and I made cookies uh you made something definitely not cookies though yeah flowers apparently extremely necessary it's not optional I don't know what you made but cookies is not one of them loving with my girl takes pics of me yeah when your girl takes pics of you guess you could say she's always by your side like your right hand man huh it's funny because it's his hand he's the one taking the picture a microwave to charge it my charger broke yesterday my battery was pretty low so I thought I'd give it a go this happened I see that's why she why you should have gotten a no kid just would have made a demon spawn instead of you know blowing up like that been in hard traffic for 20 minutes when I got to the source if it turned out it was just a cyclist on a Mountain Road oh he is dead but he's pedaling real slow too just a gloat man you realize you only need one basket this is just a little obtuse and unreasonable genderqueer teacher gets sixty thousand dollars if the colleagues don't call her they hey wait a minute you're about to get fined 60k for calling them they see how I watched my tongue true gays TM make being gay their entire existence like if you've never been to a pride parade are you really even gay people need to stop defending mayor Pete because he's a homosexual man Pete that's that sure is a last name okay all right I'm gonna hooked on phonic style pronounce this last name Buddha gig that's the best you're gonna get out of me you're not gonna get any more I'm not that's that's the most effort I'm putting into that last name Pete bootage if he has a problem you can come to me personally and tell me Buddha gag doesn't have and Pete but again doesn't show any overt gay pride on his Instagram Buddha gig in the four years since he came out of the closet he hasn't posted any pictures attending a single Pride Parade if Pete doesn't upload a 10 minute long 4K video of him sucking wiener he is not gay I was plenty of pictures of his Buddha gag though Iceberg ocean Iceberg melts ocean ocean levels remain the same that was fun in the very bottom I just received my iPhone I bought online but I think they forgot to bite the Apple you actually bite it yourself in the new iOS 11 update that's why I'm not downloading Snapchat Instagram Facebook social media and others like that because I did not want to get kidnapped and talk to random strangers you have a YouTube channel under your name no which is button Alias this isn't a face palm my man's training for the big game he's at a bowling only playing bowling on his iPad he is training remember the first clip you saw that clip of the man bowling and failed it doesn't want to end up like him yeah [Laughter] what do you see old man what do you see Old Timer how do people know what roads to take before Google Maps was made they used Maps what no I said before Google Maps I know what you said women are hashtag women are wrong hashtag women are amazing men are and we got men are stupid men are dogs and men are pigs well it looks like you scrolled down because one of the top posts have more than just five thousand this is where my Conspiracy Theory comes any type woman I have 63k and 29k but in the men are it looks like you had to I got a time to do some science I'm about to debunk this stupid Reddit post hold on I'm about a game theory your entire world op I don't know who posted this but I'm challenging you all right I've opened up Instagram search I'm typing in women are all right the top post for me are women aren't funny foreign [Laughter] if I get men aren't funny I'll be very happy in the top poster that our men are stupid so I guess that's fear but my top post was women aren't funny and I think that was hilarious that was the funniest thing I could have read during this experiment nice try morgues says 1909 says 1927 after 45 . that's why I gotta cover your bases couch slash sofa 250 slightly used catch soft gray no pets hey bounce that in the background so that Petter is that a statue it's both fellow Christians since atheists worship Satan and America is a Christian Nation should we Deport all atheists to a North Korea or China please get back to me soon fellow Christians bless up high number neighbor who is this I'm your number neighbor my heart number neighbor our phone numbers are one digit apart from each other so how did you get my number you've texted a boomer I need you to stop right where you're at painting over roadkill looks like they did there's nothing funny I could say here that's just plain laziness send me a picture of yourself or anyone else and we'll sketch it for you that's not sketching that's not it's not sketching at all it says the same energy as those anime layouts that they pull from Google images and sell for five dollars selling goaded Twitter layouts contact me for more info Shutterstock a good pirate never takes another person's property I'm not sure Disney fully understands what a pirate is will it never say anything about a bad pirate ARG state population in double by 2040 babies to blame yeah let's go rescued a coyote thinking it was a dog his WTF face is priceless he's letting her pet her though that's cute live in Canada there's no need to do a second job do these things instead nine legal ways to make extra money in Canada okay what's number one cross guy statue on South side of the church he's the ultimate gym leader this poor guy he's in Portugal oh man that's a cool looking car though waterproof makeup is a must 12 strict rules synchronized swimmers have to follow well yeah I would assume that that's a must here in the water me calling out a name trying to correct an older mistake uh Leslie yes so we are Suddenly at a raspberry can I I didn't order that are you Leslie I order that is your name Leslie no well then why why'd you come up y'all do know that PC stands for portable computer now it stands for pretty cool homicide featuring Eminem launching an Eminem rap very quickly on homicide well that is something they do yes hey your boyfriend is out shopping with some fat girl I'm following them I'll keep you updated uh actually it's me with him oh I'm so sorry does Zambia have internet no we don't have Internet in Zambia has a Zambian living in Zambia I must fly out daily to Europe to access internet then fly back home to read all the offline pages I saved on my laptop you idiot this is not gonna work out well this is gonna this is gonna suck why why are they doing this what's the point I want to see the aftermath my wife and I are expecting our firstborn child in two months and we don't have a name oh you should name him jack well we're hoping for a girl but if you have a boy that'd be a strong Contender for his name because we're introducing eloni's first born child Jack ingoff poor kid yo is that a Kia dealership sick oh not sick so yesterday I said to myself that I wasn't gonna go play video games till my grades are up so far so good it's a gamer struggle dude you're online right now how do you think you're fooling myself 90 year old Florida man arrested for a second time in a week after feeding the homeless again I believe that's uh there was a reason for that though I think it was like a sanitation issue or something just safety for the public and at large I don't agree with it I think it sucks that that's something he can get arrested for but it's good intentions but you know honey where are you waiting for a bus well hurry up okay I'll be waiting a little bit faster honey a bible store in Kansas really didn't understand the meaning of the quote the best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible Mark Twain come shop at our store get yourself cured hey tell me another joke man what do you call a bear with no teeth what what do you mean that's stupid oh you weren't a stop being poor shirt nice you know it's easier said than done you know that but keep living off daddy's money thanks hey yo pass me to Ox okay but you better not play any Trash nah dude I'm playing porn on the aux cord everyone gotta everyone got a boner with it when I'm whatever I got the ox with Knuckles it says you're next but you misspelled your idiot so my next what my next what uh what is spunk it's sock pajamas underwear for needy kids and I am proud to help my daughter with her collection of spunk no no you're not no you're not not single yet looking for something serious and long term more importantly it's such a man who doesn't cheat but you're long you're not you're not single okay so I guess it's that you know whoever you're seeing can't cheat but you can love that toxic mindset nice triple your coins trivia coins from 20 up to 40. that's not tripling but I'll take it I guess why is there no flat Mars Society hi Elon thanks for the question unlike the Earth Mars has been observed to be round hope you have a fantastic day hiya Flat Earth Society you know what other planet that's possible to sustain life is found to be round that's right the Earth will they work with iPhones sorry that's something I haven't tried oh okay what we see what animals will the color range larger than RC uh there's no difference yeah it's because they have a okay you know let them let them it's okay he doesn't understand Marine arrested an airport after bomb joking security line no one laughed Air Wing Marine Lance Corporal Joseph simkus must have never heard the old adage about shouting fire in a crowded theater apparently not Kenyan official homosexual Lions learned it from copying gay tourists and personally I say hats off to the gay tourists who are willing to screw in front of lions that takes balls which the coincidentally both have and the people outside of the us celebrate the American Independence Day Fourth of July why would they I mean do you guys celebrate Red October Revolution no what's that exactly shut your mouth USP driver was murdered by Reckless police says stepdad seeking driver helpers in blank area earn 18 an hour license not required from UPS thanks job well I wonder why there's an opening sure if it wasn't with a murder or something Jim has a bachelor's degree in philosophy has a hundred thousand dollars in student debt can't find a philosopher job but Belize people without college degrees are stupid Joe has a four-year paid apprenticeship with no student debt earns eighty thousand dollars annually and disconnected Jim's electricity for non-payment Good crap hey dude why would you post this stuff when you do nothing and collect checks stupid and film black screen protector for Samsung Galaxy hey we'll help if my screen's already cracked do you really have to ask that question no no it won't help it won't all are welcome here but sorry it's a restricted area so no entry unless authorized go ahead and pick which one of the signs you want to follow say no to waste 101 easy ways to create less waste apparently wrapping that entire thing in plastic is not an easy way to create less waste here yet where were you when this huge storm came through Denver 106 years ago today the biggest snowfall in Denver history the blizzard of 1913 totaled 45.7 inches were you around in 1913 let us know in the comments Boomer I was born at a very young age that's nice to know that means I was born younger One customer review one star from Roger if it's really good in high quality the Y one star Raj can you guess where this is China or Japan oh no let me guess schoolgirls b m Advent calendar she's been eating for days was actually meant for cats how'd she not know how many calories did she eat before she realized it was meant for cats see how the sun has changed in 15 years see for yourself of the shape and color of the sun's changed the photo on the left was taken back in 2004. the one on the right was taken on November 30th 2019. see the difference yeah the world started churning brother that happens over time it's distance white potatoes but Chief that's a golf ball I can't eat that I mean I could try the cringe is unbearable and the cancer that is fortnite must die don't mind my profile pic though because you joined our slash insane parents r slash age Gap relationship I hope that's like maybe by one or two years because I don't want to see the thing with age Gap it's a very Sticky Thing If you're both over the age of 18 and it's like you know like a 20 year old and a 23 year old go for it you know it's it's it's all with reasonability I think it's really weird when it's like you know I don't know this it's a sticky topic that I'm not the the kind of person to talk about it I don't have any I don't have any uh I don't have any footing in this kind of argument I'm not that kind of commentator not even a commentator I'm Damien sorry Danny I only marry a man who's a true virgin and hasn't danced with the devil in his left hand let's chat people point out that the Bible does not name masturbation in the scripture nor condemn it the truth in God's word must read between the lines passion is to be had between two spouses not in sin this means out of wedlock or alone nah I'ma pound my pecker Chief and you can't stop me Christian Brothers against masturbation I'ma Pummel this pecker the Bible has 66 books subtract your age from it at 1953 and you get your birth year 1953 plus 66 is 2019. this essentially says subtract your age from the current year and the amazingly get your birth year magic okay Playmobil the movie has earned a catastrophically disappointed 670 thousand dollars in its domestic box office opening I did not know there was a Playmobil movie especially because I had a budget of 75 million dollars USD to my blind followers and how they supposed to read this uh it's sign language are you dumb no you are chief because it's a phone gay sperm donor told to pay child maintenance for his two children 13 years ago Mark Langer told the lesbian couple have a family now it's costing him 26 pounds a week jeez it's not that's not fair on that guy Jesus that's sad does that give him parental rights or not Minecraft trial I mean good game but we cannot play as much as we want there's time please make it without time please clothing as you already know space is extremely cold so astronauts were a special type of spacesuit called spacesuits really I would have never guessed as opposed to what Earth suits don't be depressed go out and make new friends talk to people oh don't be dead resurrect from your grave start breathing that's what Jesus did you know Africa is a third world country too you guys are idiots uh Chief Africa is a continent hey how about you stop trying to sound fancy What's even a continent they're poor in Africa too you know yeah but it's not a kind it's not a country all right where could I find Earth in the sky well actually Star Walk 2 is about observing the sky from the earth you cannot see an object in the sky when you're at the object keep that in mind Walmart apologizes for sweater featuring Santa with cocaine listen I nearly bought that sweater all I'll say is this if you want to buy this sweater follow me on Twitch and I'll buy and wear the sweater for a 12 hour stream that's what I'll do that's marketing baby hey there's 20 letters in the alphabet right 26. oh I forgot you are a q-t that's 25. oh you'll get the D later dad I don't think you know what this means wait what does it mean I don't think you want to know now dad wrong desert raid US jet accidentally bombs Arizona with white phosphorus screw them terrorists actually where is Arizona it's in the states if you judge people for how they like their steak you might be a trump supporter it's that right now didn't know it was that simple I don't know how he could screw up toast but somehow it's possible oh I put oil on it no that's cooked toast not with oil vaccines literally injects you with a disease illness you could possibly have no association with just to fight it off my kids will pass all right you know the next life strictly no running or playing at playground then it's just a ground at that point I truly hate this hate the people who run YouTube from the training page or the demonizations to tweets like this and yet you follow us please for the love of God do not attend to be some sassy Corporation account when your platform is in Flames please get my boys training about how to use a gun in the unlikely event Bernie Sanders beats real Donald Trump in 2020. in which case knowing how to effectively use a gun under socialism will be a must by the way most the headshots were theirs okay all right okay buddy snowflake students claim Frankenstein's monster was misunderstood and is in fact a victim but that's that's the book that's what the book is about it's not a snowflake student thing it's that that's the actual like that's the that's the story just had a job interview at Walmart and they showed me a video of me shoplifting did you get the job hey yo taking Netflix and chill to a new level oh no I do one wrong move in that TV sending you to God that's on demand the break in our country steal resources then do crap like this and Libs still wonder why we're pushing for immigration control hey bro those are Native Americans they were here first actually fans who announces an update at three in the morning Nintendo dull boy 3 A.M hey you know that you're on the Nintendo UK channel right it's 8 A.M buddy police overstepped when arresting woman for not holding escalator handrail Supreme Court rules well I I would hope that the rule that that was you know overstepping this woman is trying to convince the internet that butthole tanning is cool is she succeeding because I've never heard of this obviously not succeeding the Orr UFC first Swiss Park leads competition Y2 at home made at 13 a.m KO at 2 15 p.m thanks thanks for the info just because you you feel terrible now doesn't mean you always will I don't think that's how leaves work man please do not leave package here well he tried to be fair if Superman was in The Avengers he probably would have been the most useful person can Anthem be played offline yes Anthem is online only you you tried what is the biggest planet on Earth your mom will my laptop get heavier if I put more files on it Well yeah if you put anything on top of your computer it's gonna get heavier even if that's just paper and files do we do a lesson per lesson yes one lesson per lesson thanks Thomas yeah no problem dude has April Fool's Day ever been on Friday the 13th dude that's a fair question that'd be freaky I don't see how people can stay in one place for the rest of their life and not explore the world the answer poverty yo I don't have money it's the no Emojis allowed police you have become the very thing you swore to destroy oh god I didn't even notice message failed to send the message to John failed to send 1362 days ago is that what that's supposed to say God this is awful I smell like men's colon you might want to take a shower then kicking in the head should be a crime it's unnecessary especially when the person's already down you know I think it is a crime already it was amazing to go to Belfast which does not yet have 5G and feel the Earth Sky air and Human Experience feel the way it did in the 70s calm still peaceful restful and natural okay Boomer cell phone bad I don't get it if the lottery in America is 900 million dollars and 300 million people live there why don't they just give everybody three million dollars did you ever go to maths class what you could only give everybody three dollars not three million LOL um no there's 300 million people and 900 million dollars that's three times as many million as there is people that's three million dollars each this is why you didn't get into uni woman who marries herself then cheats on herself and blames it on men I'd believe it main character let's hope nothing goes wrong something goes wrong main character oh well you know what at least I know who that's supposed to be so Bravo to you my friend wanna go biking today like at what time bro biking that was in 2018 LMAO jeez guys what is the glue you make out of clay a slip wrong the correct answer is slip I've got many many questions about this image but the first one is how the heck did this happen and how can I make one we're both a mix of Slytherin and Hufflepuff oh that must be the reason we disagree all the time no we don't think Safety First well he's clearly given that a go oh no oh no backwards is oh no I've uh I don't know man no I think you mean dollars 500 UK pounds is 646.70 USD there happy no it's just 646.70 nothing else also why does UK measure in weight I think we all measure in weight Boris Johnson should be awarded the Iron Cross for bravery the guy died for us unlike communist gun Corbin sorry but the Iron Cross is German not the UK Giant my friends it's gay as heck for two men to go grocery shopping together fellas is it gay to get food I can confirm I've gone grocery shopping with my roommates it's pretty gay best before Monday which freaking Monday take a chance my man buy them Irish drinking age thanks Siri thank you so much for not answering the question oh look there's Google with the clutch somebody born in 2020 will see the year 3000 when they're 80. that's wild dude that's so crazy send let's see baby okay here use this who the frick are you God that was painful move the deer crossing to where there's less traffic a lot of deer get hit by cars West of Crown Point on us-231 there are too many cars to have the deer crossing here the deer crossing sign needs to be moved to a road with less traffic Tim you're a genius and you're living in the year 3000 whereas we are all stuck in April math is racist how data is driving inequality only on CNN folks your outstanding Vehicle tax refund from an overpayment is pending please visit our secure link to process I don't have a car I'm not old enough to drive asshad nice try suckers first guy to reply is gal okay wait congratulations you played yourself I don't want any engraving just leave the metal plate blank no engraving well they had one job and they refused to do it five hundred thousand plus Zoom accounts have been compromised in what appears to be an instance of credential stuffing over half a million Zoom accounts were recently found for sale on the dark web oh man I still don't know what Zoom is so I guess I'm lucky disturbance Godfather's Pizza caller to 9-1-1 says female became upset because the manager would not shake her hand due to the ongoing health concerns the female was applying for a job I take it the interview did not go well tldr scientific consensus shows video games are the prime cause of school shootings link your Source I don't have enough internet bandwidth remaining for the month to look it up but rest assured leading Scholars agree no gay ooh this one should be fun the building is closed to the public to further notices hahaha space gems stock photos uh what no top stories Johnny Depp's son looks exactly like him and it's almost as if they're related thank you this is the type of news I've been waiting for the ship's so fun you may never have to leave it now you won't be allowed to leave it another virus has been detected in the U.S and this one is bad news for chickens oh no come on those aren't CH whatever whatever we'll just let him live with it should I get this an MLK shirt oh my God Jen come on not in the UK like actual sane people smallest to largest LMAO you mean 24 12 2019. it's backwards there's only 12 months not 24. man oh I'm getting a headache hot surface do not touch well that blind guy is gonna find out the hard way I'm having some people over at my birthday tonight at my place with my roommate in dinky town you should stop by for a bit if you want bring as many people as you want we got all the Necessities LOL so you've got masks and hand sanitizer and gloves and perhaps even a vaccine somehow I think the answer is tequila free event solar eclipse party most kids go back to school that day can it be done on the weekend did this lady just ask to reschedule the Sun complete your meal with a mega jug and KFC will donate a dollar to the juvenile diabetes Research Foundation uh well it probably gets them some money at least how do you go offline on Facebook how do you go back to the old Facebook how do you Google something oh gee I don't know about that one partner is it just me or is Walmart closing at 8 30 some stupid bull crap that has nothing to do with covet 19. it's just you hey taika waititi we had an idea about how to explain how Thor goes from his beer belly Boden Avengers to his fit Physique in the upcoming Thor four solution make him a real protector for the Earth animals and health a vegan shut up Peter nice people courteous service and good food we're thankful for your four star review however we believe you may have reviewed Us by mistake as we do not serve food sir this is a library your profile is missing required information first name Henry last name Elliot please enter a valid name yeah dude come on you gotta get a real name message from a landlord don't cook meals in the kitchen please do not cook a big meal in the kitchen because of steam alarm went on many times kitchen just to eat and warm War worm the food it does not have capacity to cook for everyone just try to use it on Smart Way basically this is a dining area not for cooking real pig meal as you use it at your home thanks I think it's time for a Thanksgiving Extravaganza Isis flag spotted a gay pride parade CNN mistaking dildos and butt plugs for Arabic script is arguably the most apt metaphor for political discourse in America I gotta say though the dildo butt plug version is sure an improvement on their actual flag Cthulhu has risen we all know that this is fake come on you can do better than this no dude it's legit it's real can you prove it's not no idiot Crosshair extreme very it's crazy the game let your Crosshair be that big it's like a free kill because the bullets are so big attack come on my fingers touch toilet water what do I do now sit on the ground and scream inside houses please can you update and in the update make a feature that allows us to look inside people's houses I really wanted to look inside of my beach house and in my garden but there's no street view available if possible please can you add that yeah sure come right on in I don't care view my house watch me shower let's go miles away from ordinary more like miles away from the beach you idiot Chile counts deaths as recovered ah pulling the sneaky sneaky on us huh should Gamers be accountable for in-game war crimes absolutely although if we do I'm going to prison for a very long time I might even get executed via firing squad just because I know damn well that Sanic is probably the worst war crime you could ever commit maybe all games should have a very easy mode and easy mode has never ruined a game Final Fantasy VII remakes easy mode is way too easy huh you play on easy and then it's easy that's kind of crazy 18 [ __ ] while in car Springfield that are you guys serious with that if the government is taking their stimulus money back for child support and won't let me work what am I supposed to do stop having kids you can't afford oh oh iPhone leak inventions coming soon you won't believe are real I won't believe it because they're not and you're stupid God I hate this crap tell a joke here we go how does a train eat I don't know okay let me know if I can help thanks Google you're really brightened my day Warner Music claimed my video for defending their copyright in a lawsuit they lost the copyright for man the golden facts did you know the Roman Emperor Caligula once declared war on Neptune the god of the seas his men ran to the ocean and stabbed at the water Caligula was kind of a messed up dude so this this is just par for the course with that guy I just realized why they call it Long Island because it's a long island boy 11 pinned down and had each poured in his eyes by other school children how horrible this news story is brought to you by Clorox poor with confidence dang this place has crazy cheap pizza why just found out that Twitter automatically censors Ur credit card number LOL for real credit card number it didn't work bro no it did work bro thanks even Batman listens to his mom or did before she was brutally murdered in an Alleyway stay on 10 East 30 miles to 73 South 10 minutes slower why yes getting off of your route and then going the opposite direction to drive in a quick Circle and then get back on the highway is a little bit slower Google why do fullerenes make good catalysts yes ah yes I see Beth you are a professional thank you for sale bought an error I live at 45. oh jeez move the four to the left of the five should look like this 45 not too much messing around I'd rather buy the exact ones I need yeah fair enough don't push yourself a Boeing 767 from Iceland Air has drawn a big heart over I'm not even gonna try on arrival from China with medical supplies I know it's not intentional but it's cute yeah it's not intentional at all this one vegetable scrubs the gut clean ah yes my favorite vegetable the banana you knew damn well what was gonna happen when you put that up I don't like Geographic names like Brooklyn or London your child's name is India that's because it's not related to a location call that woman that freaking woman mayor tells cops to crack down on large Gatherings they found his wife at a party blind ass I hope it's blind can't stop thinking about this heterochromias when the eyes have different colors I don't have it my 15 year old son plays basketball and he told me his coach gave him 15 push-ups for fooling around how can I stop his coach from abusing him like this in the future sleep with him sleep with his coach a member microwaved his money so the germs would die before he gave it to me oh that's illegal good to see people have a basic understanding of how railroads work oh my God Milky Way is seen from normanville Australia now that's funny I don't think anyone knows it's faked how the F can we see the Milky Way if we're in it back to the third grade with both of you sun was in my eyes lull but my new favorite picture if the sun was in your eyes then why is your shadow in front of you oh I would love to see his reply when was floor invented 5000 BC to be exact and although the woven fabrics were primarily used as walls or table coverings until the rise of the Persian rug in the 17th century they're still one of the oldest flooring options still used today according to discount flooring Depot people in 49.99 BC a group of strangers called me asking to help them Buy fresh from the farm potatoes so I referred them to a farmer friend they called again today because they were complaining the potatoes have some soil around it oh my God just learned that I slept through an ordeal where a guy gave a sandwich to a homeless man realized he needed a pic for Twitter after the guy already took a bite and then deleted his account when people made fun of him oh my God if you claim to be a feminist and you're not a vegan then you're absolutely confused on what the meaning of feminist is I I am really confused should a self-driving car kill the baby or the grandma depends on where you're from I'm going with both let's get some collats up in here if they're going extinct it's very sad but at the end of the day I don't care we asked people if they care about Homo Sapien Extinction oh honey another reason to distrust China we bought my kids a PS4 and then got a second controller from Amazon the controller was made in China of course and it doesn't work it never worked it's junk oh man that's definitely a you problem X is for box box s is for dumb dumbass school superintendent faces charges for using own insurance to help sick kid how dare she Police Department reminds residents to wear pants while checking the mailbox they'll tell me how to live my life now that's Thinking Outside The Jug alive once daily men's Ultra potency do not take if you are pregnant or nursing don't worry I won't British politician wants the death penalty for suicide bombers don't worry it'll be super cheap if we let them do their thing it'll all take care of itself oh my God it's it's cool I guess but just not right click here for more info about farming today sure let me just get my mouse Give me liberty or give me death and maybe a small rocky road while you're at it good luck girls or as they say in Japan speaks Japanese ah yes we made a statement in the sand today yes I wanted to be picking up all the trash instead but would anyone have noticed yeah because that's that's why we keep things clean can you catch coronavirus from farts well don't go purposefully sniffing farts and maybe you'll be fine never drink alone again because now there's wine for cats oh my God this is what the world was lacking follow studio mdhr and reply with a favorite memory of playing cuphead on Nintendo switch let's celebrate Nintendo switch game code giveaway notice the patio is currently not open because it is closed well they're not wrong [Music] Hulk original movie prop fabric Swatch only one of a thousand Bruce Banner's purple shorts man only for the most die-hard of collectors in 2013 two men tried to rob a restaurant but were told by the owner to come back after an hour when the Men return back after an hour they were arrested well that's what you get for being nice you may not rest now there are monsters nearby yes there are three of them ooh what the heck's going on here is that the code do they just have the code out in the open and is that Comic Sans up there business hours from nine to five to uh uh what nature is beautiful it sure is guys don't you absolutely adore it when that happens I am so thoroughly confused by this image Joker 2019 book hi we would like seven tickets to book please virgin no more soon is there any air fryer that can handle a family of eight hey well take it easy Jeffrey Dahmer hey whoa that's not funny the man was sick and mentally unstable he was a murderer and murder is not funny so is it your first day on the internet come with me I'll be your guide does anyone know what this pill is pink rectangular tablet with the ID z3d on it Google doesn't show any results and I found it in my son's room and I'm very concerned it came out of this like Batman looking like Pill Popper I'm not kids these days man oh boy uh cual es tu numero de telefono is seven six four nine zero eight this kid of my old Spanish textbook calls someone and ask for their phone number yeah yeah I did actually man arrested for going back in and saving his dog from their burning home why would you get arrested for that that man should be honored as a hero he went in and saved a life that's dumb you're dumb has to be one of the coolest pictures I've seen in a long time our beautiful world to the lens of the Hubble telescope you know the Hubble telescopes on earth right you dumb idiot you [ __ ] hey guys look at that more on alert point and laugh at him all right trying to pick the car oh my God oh first truck goes down then we got a bigger truck in the down no no you're trying to send a third man in to help but it's too late this is a domino effect is the earth a star getting close to the Sun spinning burning a Libra running out of helium moving away from the Sun or a closed system the answer is a planet and also a Scorpio an air flying fish swimming through the air moves like a real shark but he's a clownfish how is he the top predator in the ocean like a shark would be oh you oh you're confusing me patients die as Manila traffic jam blocks ambulances patients die okay then minimize transporting them during rush hours better if during midnight onwards ambulance drivers doctors and nurses should have compassion for these patients also who let you comment get it off your iPad old man Sabrina the Teenage Witch hired this balding man to play a high school student sometimes you get that early bro I have nothing but you know sympathy for my balding High School Pals Bernie Sanders should be forced to give away 90 of his birthday cake happy birthday Bernie hey have you ever been to a birthday party Mike because it's kind of the point to share the cake anti-vaxxer Warrior mom if vaccines are so great why aren't they mentioned in the Bible if the Bible is so good why isn't there a Bible too Britney Carr takes vaccine denial to a new biblical level and it's it's hilarious why is the Goodyear blimp always flying around it's uh it's literally what we do Maureen Maureen more like [ __ ] show us what you got is it Mr Steal Your Girl nah booty bump give him one bag oh and she's gone you knocked her lights out you are you oh man a noob and a pro yeah sorry is it competitive hand reading now babe babe I got an interview for a carpenter position that's freaking awesome but I'm concerned that you won't work as often as you'd like it's full time though okay but like how many people are gonna be throwing out carpets for real LOL ah I'm dating an idiot that's when you get that's use your Carpenter money and buy a new girlfriend bro how do you spell congratulations you know if I leave this answer blank do I get a do I get a point copycat Chinese firm creates first cloned kitten that's an awfully weird looking cat two dead found dead they're dead hey Kurt love your style let's collab DM our main account men's trends and tell him we sent you uh you guys you guys know that he's dead right yo I ordered a pizza and came with no toppings on it or anything it's just bread Domino's what's going on oh we're sorry to hear about this please tell our friends at Domino's UK about this so they can help oh okay hey never mind I open the pizza upside down I was on some doinks dude me download computer 10 days me throws computer out the window did you actually do that oh my God no all right looks like what is this uh oh dude's just driving on to the the shoulder of the road oh it's a car with no one in it what the is he walking the car that's incredible I this is some red this is some Next Level redneck MacGyver stuff dude that is incredible no toe hitch necessary he has it on the goddamn steering wheel Mike put in 24 oranges how much fruit would he have how did you work it out oh well if I had 12 pencils and I shared them in each person got three how many pencils did each person get ah well uh oh that's a hard question but uh but three maybe maybe three you know I wouldn't trust NASA and the Earth is flat right you know there are documents from NASA that talk about the Earth being a plane so you just said you wouldn't trust NASA but now you're trying to validate your claims by documents from NASA he didn't think this one through digit button didn't wake up on the right side of the bed huh is Ebola a country no no Darkness ah more like Chris Evans what a hunk all right show us what you got man Starting Fire I like it what now is that in the balloon oh that is oh then there it goes I'm Indonesian good to see you're visiting us uh I think you means India facts something's burning down you know that was a good try ma'am but you kind of missed the part where you need a hose to have the pressure right you know a bucket of water's not gonna do much when you're on the bottom floor [Laughter] hey it crashed 1997 Conkey built fixable is it cars still need gasoline so uh they're not allowed to vote anymore I'm just kidding no one's allowed to vote anymore I've taken away your taken away your ability to vote it is now done by random dice throw [Music] the next president's he's elected via a game of Yahtzee and this dining room Reef Roar clean up after ourselves use our time wisely use manners and listen to adult yeah but it has that spell roar [Laughter] so I could pick my gender either kids or adult and it's only a dollar difference what's the really only a dollar's difference wow how to conclusively prove that the Earth is flat not to offend anyone just saying but people believing in the Flat Earth theory should walk off the edge that would prove that the Earth is flat nah nah nah man listen we got NASA super snipers posted on top of the firmament they would shoot anyone before they get to the edge try again Globe talk that's funny goats the houses those are some weird looking goats great food low prices a dollar 48 a pound for black grapeless grapes hmm just seeds we ask people if they care about Homo Sapien Extinction you know if they're going extinct it's very sad but at the end of the day I don't care she might just be a nihilist you don't know world map Focus Iraq there it is why is that [Laughter] why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch why is there something rather than nothing why is there no door to the balcony and friends why is there no KFC in Finland and why is there no base on Injustice For All some some hard questions true story a client just asked for a price for a bath and Nails I asked what kind of dog and she says I don't know what it is now but when it grows up it's going to be a black lab and I was dumbfounded literally I asked her how old it was and she said it was three months so I'm thinking maybe 20 pounds Max so I tell her maybe 20 25 swear to God the lady brings red in and he is a Pomeranian a palm I said sorry but this is a Pomeranian and she tells me well I know it's going to be a black lab because I have its papers at home I pulled up pictures of labs and Palms on the computer and I think she still believes it's going to be a black lab I'm going home to drink wine you earned it you earned that wine wow that was that lasagna looks crisp hey that's my daughter yeah that I stutter Mamma Mia Mamma Mia I want my baby lasagna whenever my phone battery gets to zero percent it shuts down and if I turn it down without charging it the white LED blinks it only boots when I plug my charger is it a problem or is it a normal thing it's not our hands ladies and round the whole entire life hey uh when using a wheelchair why don't they add pedals when your arms get tired um maybe it's because their freaking legs don't work yeah you didn't think this went through much did you I'm so pissed I would be too man this tree was cut down to make space for a billboard of a kid hugging a tree capitalism is great it this is exactly what it's for wow what is that name I've always loved the name Caitlyn but I hated how popular it was so when I found out I was having a girl my husband suggested we replace the eight with the Roman with the Roman numeral symbol for eight this girl this idiot named her daughter Caitlyn with [Laughter] even the daughter looks sad she doesn't even know how to spell yet she knows she's got a dumb name wow I need feminism because when Jesus does a magic trick it's a goddamn Miracle but when a woman does a magic trick she gets burned at the stake oh fabulous well I mean they did also kill Jesus that was a pretty significant thing that happened like I understand where you're coming from here but they very much did kill Jesus morg's Fest is canceled no but I can still get tickets to morg's Fest Florida woman calls 9-1-1 after McDonald's runs out of McNuggets you know what I would too I would too that's completely Fair that's a fed that's an emergency [Laughter] microwaves hey why do I feel a slight warm sensation when I stick my hand into the microwave is it still emitting with the door open I also put a fork in there to see if it would Arc and nothing I realize it's not ionizing by the way seriously you're wondering why the inside of the microwave is warm after you just pulled hot or warm food out of it uh did it ever occur to you that the your heating is heating the air around it your three pancakes short of a whole stack ain't you buddy why a career in construction you know what I've seen the tick tocks where they fixed stuff with Ramen this is not a face palm this is real this is real people are fixing things with Ramen and you should be afraid you should be very afraid can you patch my heart with Ramen that's sad Africa is the poorest country in existence hey is someone gonna tell him what okay nothing I'll let you figure it out he doesn't have the balls see this is clearly the explanation p is normally stored in the balls but it doesn't have any I understand your frustration but p is stored in your bladder no no no no no no that's not what my science teacher said what is the primary reason you ordered food I was hungry yummy nothing is possible hey thanks nihilistic it's inspiration rug these have got to be the two dumbest people alive predictor when you need to know yeah is that the only way you're gonna find out could it not be the fact that she's got that baby bump going on Chief Trump Administration reverses standards for energy efficient light bulbs oh good because the other light bulbs under Obama are causing cancer we won't buy them or put them in our house Obama knew this thank you Mr President oh hey Smart Meters also cause cancer uh do they you idiot God Facebook is like the home for people that are just so mind-bogglingly and and muscle numbingly stupid oh my God like I feel like I'm gonna like have muscle atrophy just reading what these people say is that white coconut caramel hand soap oh dude I'm gonna eat it I'm gonna eat that hand soap but why are there pumpkins on it this is what we woke up to this morning wow this is how Richmond police let that after arresting whomever was riding the bike the search didn't just left everything on the street and sidewalk there are razor blades and numerous personal items there are several kids that live and play here and we've spoken with RPD and they stated it's not their responsibility to claim the mess they've made is it not is it not the responsibility really that's dumb hey look at that conga line and that dog is having a day isn't he he's like hey this ain't no conga line girls want to talk about period pains have you ever rolled your ankle over like this yeah I'm so glad girls don't have ankles we just walk real awkward like like figurines advice I don't have proposable joints my mom this isn't a jewel pod it is a Logitech wireless USB receiver she refused to believe me I told her listen this does not have any flavored nicotine in it Ma #wear the mask video game or a threat suspicious signs in New York linked to bomb threat I mean it's just for a video game it's just for Persona I didn't play persona but I know that's Joker and I'm not talking about Arthur Fleck he's not in Smash what is the name of your favorite color red sorry that answers duplicated or has less than four characters as far as we're concerned red is not a color you can say orojo and be close but otherwise nah let me know how bad I butchered that pronunciation in the comments thanks Charlie Chaplin while directing his movie city lights made actress Virginia Cheryl redo a scene where she says flower sir 342 times the movie was a silent film that's not really a face so I wanted it to feel as authentic as possible I like that if it doesn't feel right with the director it doesn't feel right Stanley Kubrick was a perfectionist as well granted his movies had sound and color but perfectionism is perfectionism police accidentally get everyone high after burning three tons of marijuana sure accidentally we'll buy that story for now what the hell is with these Muslim anti-christian holidays weiring their heads this time of year accidentally bought this towel thinking it was Christmas themed I don't know what ungodly holiday yoj represents but we are returning this and speaking with the store owner hey a chief turn the towel around says joy you idiot give me your Vibe license it's revoked what country is mine sorry did you mean what country how much is my car worth you know what I want to see the answer yeah I did mean that I don't want my man to wear glasses I feel like that's a little gay hey fellas is it gay to see yeah cause then you see another man and that's gay bro [Laughter] uh face palm CVS and Target in the same what's the Facebook oh okay never mind I'm an idiot I see what's happening here my my my girl here she just grabbed the entire like docking station for the basket it's just dragging that behind her probably scratching up the tile I see what happened wow I'm dumb but so is she or is she secretly a genius I'm in Houston class talking about the Great Depression here's a conversation between me and my classmate her why don't they print out more money if they don't have any me that's not how it works her if that's not how it works how do we have money then she's 17. well you could rest easy my friend because I can assure you that she's had things paid for by mommy and daddy she doesn't know how money works because she doesn't need to at least not for now that's gonna be character to them in the future for her and I'm excited I've been in seven car accidents this year y'all can't tell me God doesn't have a plan for me and grow it sounds like you're trying to kill you I mean that is a plan how does this happen how in God's name do you manage to get a car into the roof was there a ramp behind it is this some sort of Dukes of Hazards garbage how did you do this did the car clamp the ladder and fall in please tell me there's a backstory to this because this can't just be I can't just look at this without context this disturbs my brain uh yes I I remember uh I I covered a post in one of this on my main challenge someone said the joke here was since this was for the um iPhone 11 it was supposed to be a triple uh bazooka no the joke here is that they cut out part of Arnold's face I don't remember who wrote that in my comment section but you're wrong and I'll say it again here you're wrong but their main problem was buying this from wish Jessica told the vaccine that the doctor gave my son has AIDS in it I knew better than to trust his corrupt Health System what you don't even have a child you've been single all your life and you're like 17. what the hell are you talking about you just wanted to fit in there's actually a 50 chance of winning the lotto it's either you or not you uh those are two possibilities they're not equal yeah I'm getting them from all these other replies super food to the rescue get the nutrients you're missing helps digestion just makes you feel plain awesome helps with bloating reduces Cravings gives you energy help SOS mad headache sore throat toothache can't stay out of the bathroom well that's what you that's that's what you get when you get a superfood Shake oh no not the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse what are you talking about there is no apocalypse yeah because they haven't bonded yet once they do uh Zooey mommy you better count your blessings one dollar cinnamon bun oh but it's not the actual size oh I wanted the Omega bun and now I can't have it how to pronounce the longest name in Canada well let's see what we have we have a lawn Fair blue running I want to watch this video hold on I gotta watch this video I've just looked at the video let's see so first of all that's in the UK second of all wow that is a incredibly terrifying Town name I just heard him pronounce it wow that's something so that's Helen wire go get a rich Leo Google something like that it's a Welsh name interesting weird but interesting uh kill yourself isn't a suicide encouragement hey chief I don't think you understand how words work because it is actually your store and I kid you not someone came up to me today and asked if we had a certain sweatshirt and extra medium you mean large that's extra medium no extra medium no that's a large molotile Aqua brush Marker set oh which you save zero percent oh that's gonna be flying off the shelves oh poor guy just replace the faucet on your sink man that's all you got to do no this is not Live Aid this is a trump rally in downtown Philly yesterday why isn't the media showing this um because it's for Live Aid it says it on there okay Alabaster 1996. but sorry this password why would you tell us who the password's taken by I've never seen that before that's incred wow okay just attempted to set my ex's house on fire but the big bush in his front yard only caught fire ended up running away like a coward eventful night so you tried to commit arson I mean it's not a crime since the fire didn't spread though but you went in with the intention of his whole house going up in flames that's a crime and you still ruined part of the property of a bush caught fire the police will get involved and you really shouldn't oppose this on Facebook imagine trying to set your ex's house on fire how jilted do you gotta be Mercury Venus Flat Earth you know the planets they're both pretty oh sorry it's there no it's there idiot I'm gonna tell you a secret Canada's in America what so Mexicans are also Americans and everyone in South America too interesting all right liberal four different space agencies four completely different worlds your delusional opinion is not worthy to me ah okay chief yo where the hell did my legendaries and Relics go all my legendaries and Relics just went gone I haven't played in like a week and they're all gone did I get hacked or what they sold almost 25 000 cronker worth of skins off of me and you have the same password as a username yeah but does that mean anything uh buddy yeah it means a lot uh when were the roads invented in 4000 BC the first indications of constructed roads date about 4000 BC and consist of stone pave Street at Euro and modern day Iraq and Timber roads preserved a swamp in Glastonbury England interesting people with 4001 BC flying uh actually that'd be 399 BC Chief two of them flamed you about it get bent hey what time is your interview today oh maybe on the busy in the hall okay and I said what time today time today is the time of my interview I give up you're an idiot you're not gonna get the interview you're not gonna get the job oh nice Cubs that look like they're just gonna fall out when You Yank on them huh sick oh I see you you pull it and it says help eliminate waste okay chief useful hacks you can make it home such as hot gluing a key to your Oreo cookie because that's what we hot glue keys to why Hungarian fanatic pastor says doing yoga is a way to summon demons I mean yeah and they're doing yoga with me they're making sure my Arch is right the arch to Hell the gates of Hades between the arch of My Back official NASA photograph of Mars versus the original stay woke four stars not anything wrong with the seller that's why I gave four stars uh my problems with apple how do they charge you for using their own gift card we'll see it's the gift card California mother 28 plows recurring to Barbara and smash to the windows of shut because she was upset with her son's haircut so let me get this right in your Infinite Wisdom you're mad that your little boy got a bad haircut so you decide hey I just drive my 2001 Honda Civic right into the front of the barbershop that'll teach them and now you're in jail bet that was a real smart plan huh idiot Jesus hey look at this and just try to tell me that all three of these one don't look exactly the same try and tell me that Disney isn't lazy when it comes to creating women wow two sisters and their mom you're right why on Earth would they look the same bromancer Environmental Protection Mark and afraid of wet I know I am Modern Art Auction Barnett painting sold for 43.8 million dollars it's just a bunch of blue with white down the middle and it sold for 43.8 mil all right 199 a pound for name oh I'll take it come straight from Costa Rica I farted in the bath earlier and the bubbles went up and clear the fines of your magic gravity how do your scientists explain that uh it's a gas chief does this video have 28 million views and there's only 7 million people on the Earth Meghan Trainor's buying her views and it's repulsive uh there's about seven billion people on the planet your ignorance is repulsive you are freaking [ __ ] the Earth would collapse if it had to hold 7 billion people think about it dum-dum before you speak oh I'm sorry police investigating threats against other area schools huh I think I think in coincidence that as soon as we get a Democratic governor now if you have school threats shootings Rising hmm cars stolen from Jackson gas station clouds with another stolen car University Boulevard and that's two Vigilantes stop on each other love that you have at your command the wisdom of the ages sorry ignore the previous cookie does anyone remember what the bow from that film Titanic is called please I I just know Jack was on it and so was Rose but what was it called Trump's salt and pepper shakers Tower over everyone else's Obama Bush and Clinton use the same size shakers as their guests listen at dinners sometimes you gotta put you gotta put your foot down and Trump Tina just had to do it keep your needles away from my kids Annie Baxters want people to stop calling them anti-vaxxers even though it's what they are water one mile water one kilometer Americans crawling towards that Mile Water uh but the Americans are right A mile is less than a kilometer one mile is 1.6 kilometers well damn GF texted this pig asking if they're HDMI cables uh I don't get it are they seriously do you not see the giant letters on the cord I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here it says it's engramed on it HDMI read woman read I saw a girl post her Spotify top artist on an Instagram story with a caption so accurate like yeah it's accurate it's literally data idiot holy hell did the Muslim mayor choose this sorry excuse for a tree shame on London get this scrag end change surely you know that our Christmas tree has gifted to US every year by Norway as a thank you for our efforts during World War II thankfully the mayor of London Sadiq Khan has more grace than you wouldn't be sued as to ask for it to be changed know your history hashtag love London sorry Katie Hopkins you're an idiot man is ordered to carry out 75 hours of unpaid work after he deliberately farted that police during a strip church and asked them how do you like that
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,135,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: XaCa_pCk1D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 35sec (3995 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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