I Spent 100 Days in an Evolved Parasite Outbreak in Hardcore Minecraft... Here's What Happened

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horrific isn't it this place didn't always used to be like this it used to be peaceful it used to be relaxing but that all changed when one of these showed up that is a buglin a small little tiny little creature that you wouldn't think causes a lot of problems I tell you right now it it causes quite a few problems these things infect everything for example take a look at this pig that is no ordinary pig or this villager does that look like a healthy man to you they all have one thing in common they've been touched by a buglin but the buglin couldn't infect everything for example the squid beautiful creature that was historically resistant to the buglin infection but in this new update that's changed oh no no no no no no not the squid or this he does that look like a normal iron golem to or does it look like something went horribly wrong with it because it did how could they do this to a man like this this was a good man and look what he's become the parasites have evolved all right and it's I don't know I don't even know what to say at this point she getting into a real nutty territory here I also have read that there's something called a Vermin uh something called a that oh look at that some sort of some sort of Flesh creature what is it like what what is it what what I got to look that up what is the flesh creatures what are we doing here ferals they're called ferals we're go there's ferals now so you might be wondering what's a feral I don't know I have no clue what a feral is but Robert and I are about to find out yeah it's going to be good it's going to be a lot of fun can't wait to have one of those charging at me trying to turn me into assimilated Albert Einstein hey it's good the mustard Institute has just came up with that right now has requested that Robert and I investigate these things figure out where they're coming from and eradicate every single parasite we will be stranded on a mediumsized custombuilt island known as I have a name written down here in the script gabal apparently that's what I've named the island all right G welcome to gabal omal Good Island I love it here the water is infested with aquatic parasites there's apparently flesh monsters on the island the the the parasites are probably out of control before we've even gotten there yet so it's it's going to be good all right it's going to be can't wait it's going to be fun you know what you too can try this out this uh this little island that we're going to be staying on it's going to be available on my patreon for supporters so if you want to get it go over to my patreon and uh I don't know I got a link to the mod pack as well it's in the description if you want to if you want to try this out see if I it's I don't know okay those I'm just thinking about the creatures I was looking at there but can it be done can two men with a combined IQ of over 120 can we survive on a deserted island full of evolved parasites and and wipe them out that is that was asking a lot of Robert and I see let's calm down with these requests there it is 100 days in an evolved parasite apocalypse it's going to be going to be rough very rough okay Robert yeah follow me I don't I don't like how it starts going to start out like this you saying follow me I have to show you something what have you done down here jump in the water and just swim I see squids yeah go swimming what is that it's like a are you in the water what are these fish yeah what are these fish oh no no no no it's going to it's going to kill me y forget you saw that all right we we're back again we reset the entire server we had it took like 10 minutes to restart this whole we're back all right and this time we have hazmat suits on they that they're going to provide absolutely no protection but hey you know what they cool so here we are we're in our little hazmat suits on the beach anyway so I went to look for food and uh wool for us so that we could sleep through the nights well Robert went to look for other supplies I had to resist the urge to kill every animal I saw because I I don't know how much how many of these things are going to be on the island and if I just start slaughtering these things right away we're going to be in a very bad situation very quickly so I needed to try to save them so that we could could Farm them later or something like that oh Noe never mind don't know why I'm saying that cuz here's me killing a cow now don't know why I wrote that in my off to a great start already going off the notes so that's anyway so I got wood Stone uh then I made some a basic set of stone tools to protect myself because who knows when things are going to start popping off all over the map which made me realize that we probably shouldn't split up right at the beginning like this cuz like horror movie stuff right here Robert Robert going try not to run cuz I don't want to use of all my why what's with the weird animals like a weird skinny donkey right here oh there's sheep right there can't ride that thing sheep there Robert I'm just try I taking everything out of me not to kill these things right now two cows we won't kill them I want to Robert what was that Robert where are you okay okay I just one I got to play this gu oh oh okay Robert oh that's new is that new I don't know I can't remember what what do I call the hype and poison oh my God robber cook that where is Robert Robert where are you I'm at the lake oh my there's robber down here stop stop stop stop stop get the get the beef in there get the be cooking I'm like watching over here I I don't know what's going to happen over there come on stake oh it's just two of them it's just two it's just two die with one shot who why are they dying so day one one shot him I knew that if we wanted those animals we were going to need to make a farm and without a bucket my only option was to make one near the water uh so for once in my life I I set up a farm on day one all the while I had no idea where Robert was hey this video is sponsored by oper GX oper GX allows you to customize your browser as you would customize your Minecraft world right you can do whatever you want there's all these mods you can change your entire browser within one click you sound effects keyboard you can do all sorts of stuff there's different themes different colors and take a look at this one like a Minecraft aquarium there a do a lot with this and Opera GX has also gotten a lot smarter okay you can now integrate it with generative AI there's like AI prompts on the sidebar access chat gbt and chat Sonic you can also summarize entire articles or fine related content you it's all in the sidebar okay you can initiate conversations you do all sorts of stuff with it okay you might be thinking oh I don't want to lose all my data from a different browser and have to start over don't worry okay you can import it all there's a very easy way to import it straight into Opera GX it's got an import tool get everything back like your previous bookmarks and all that sort of stuff comes right comes right over okay and it's also compatible with Google Chrome extension so hey you know what it's everything's good here use the link below to download oper GX today and uh thank you oper GX for sponsoring this video Robert yeah I've been fighting them fighting what parasites theyve been spawning they're here yes I haven't seen anything I also only have one wool there's there's two sheep up there they're like directly ahead of us or above us right now I'm going get them don't kill them I need wool I don't have wool either oh no that's why I'm making a farm so that I can Farm them good idea um did you change the damage of the parasites I didn't touch anything nothing no why cuz I was one-shotting them you were one-shotting them yeah one one sword swing is killing them no I didn't touch anything I hear something what what what what what what what what oh yeah right there buglin buglin buglin does not look like a one shot yeah know you're you're right I don't know [Laughter] one we need the walls this is going to go so poorly so fast we were like 9 minutes into this and things were already falling apart I was I was getting stressed out and it was only day one night was falling and we didn't have beds yet so we dug into the ground and wanted to spend our first night mining but it went so bad so quickly when when Robert found a small cave oh oh yeah there it is Robert you see it he's below us yeah here let me see I got him you got him yeah he's not down there anymore go down I see a creeper oh there's a lot of parasites down here they're they're all lurking in the caves there you see them where it's incredibly dark I don't know how you see anything what do you mean you just look down below I know but it's so dark with this this F pack oh I can see oh yeah look at them running around I can see them through the water there's so many oh they they're leap they're they're going after something oh there's iron down there too let's get in and out of this place what oh Robert they are they coming up they're trying [Music] to oh they're trying to jump up here oh there's so many down there okay we got some coal we need that oh there's we do need that iron we we got make shears you want to sleep there's so many there's going to be a better way of getting iron than going into the middle of this Atrium for one piece of like surely there's a better solution here I mean keep in mind that those things those like little like those little head things down there they jump you can't get up here though right um do you see where that water's coming out of over there where the iron is on the second they were able to jump up from the ground there oh yeah go find out no I need for place is terrible I I don't have any can they swim uh yes I got to make it brighter in here or something with this sh these torches there we goes a lot brighter they're right under you Sean Robert I'm going to get it no no Sean watch out what they're right underneath you that's fine what is that thing it's coming up what is that it's weird it's like green how are you just okay over there CU I I I know they can't get me I'm fine want to get this coal don't block me though I got to be able to run out of here if I need to this is so like when I say run you got to run all right this is stressful man I say run you got to run no why are we running they're coming up Sean Robert relax relax I'm going to freak out okay Robert I need you to run what's happening I'm dead I got you okay Robert you need to you need to kill the thing first seal it okay so I'm going to go ahead I'm going to need a little bit of food at this point in time so we were using the hardcore Revival mod which meant that if one of us died the other had a small window to revive the other person and get them up but but here's the important part if the other person dies within that window we're both dead and out that that's it and thankfully we had this mod installed because you are going to see me and Robert go down a lot I don't know who dies more but this is what I want you to do I want you to C count every single time one of us goes down and then at the end of the video we're going to figure out who went down more I I got a feeling it's going to be Robert cuz this man you're going to see later kept getting sick with a little disease that we didn't know was in the game you're going to you're going to find that out later this guy okay anyways I'm I'm getting so far off script already look at this when you're revived you are very hungry very very very very hungry so I had to beg Robert for food mind you it's still day one there's 99 more days of this to go and it doesn't get easier than this it it just gets it gets so much worse for us so quickly but Robert gave me a bunch of raw fish we cooked it and we got back to work we needed some iron that we saw because if we got it we could make shears and we could use those shears to get wool from the few sheep that were on the island without killing them and then we can make beds and then we could get it doesn't matter we got a plan all right the three yeah they're all down here with me all the parasites okay they're they're focused on you all of them are focused on me right now just just take a look around don't like there might be one hidden but we need those shears okay is it looking I'll tell you if they start coming towards you they're all still down here how much do you need for shars how much for one's coming one's coming one's coming one's coming come on come on go go go go go go okay it's sealed it's sealed I got three iron I got three iron oh they're all running around down okay let's get out of here you think it's daytime it's got to be we're 19 minutes I hear something up here something's up here I'm running into the water it's just zombies it was finally day two and we were still alive I wanted our farm to grow faster so I made a composter I got mad when I found out that I couldn't put leather in it and Robert got chased by a parasite I assured him that I couldn't swim uh and then we killed it and uh Robert I taught Robert a lesson that he would later have to learn the hard way okay one thing you got to watch out for all these things is sometimes after you kill them they pop open I don't like that so just be mindful of that and then it was time for me to learn a lesson because as as you may be aware I am quite the idiot I'm a very dumb man and so he gave me a two-handed hird which when used with an empty off hand is a very powerful weapon I knew this I knew it was a two-handed weapon yet I proceeded to run around holding a torch while using it for uh for quite a while so go ahead leave a comment saying hey you know what even though you're using a hellbird with two a two-handed weapon you still got the brain of a genius so don't worry about what am I saying focus on the okay anyways we're struggling for food so I went fishing to try to get some I was very scared of the assimilated squid that were now in the game I persevered that was Rob the fish is a parasite what are you talk what some fish are infected with the parasite kill it kill it kill it this thing does a lot of damage damage is looks like a Pokémon here so what which fish did that a Cod but you never know it could be any fish oh that is the water supply might be it's tainted that one wasn't it was about to get so much worse in that Lake and as you can see the parasite Hive mine had reached level one which meant that parasites were now slightly more powerful and smarter and more respawning I don't know the specifics I just know that this was this has already happened and it was day two what is going on and speaking of that Lake being infected I had the perfect place for us to make our base you know where we're going to build where look at this what you're looking at it pal the water oh yeah since there's two of us we can we can do an underwater base ooh that would be cool no parasites getting in that thing oh here we go subscription checkpoint hope if you've watched this much of the video and you haven't subscribed yet I got one one thing and one thing only to say to you I hope you do okay can't make you can't make you subscribe can't make you like the video and I also can't make you leave a comment saying hey I don't know okay hey enjoy the video all right I'm going to leave now see you later whenever I do one of these videos I get I get so many comments telling me to to just build your base in the sky or build a giant volcano out of lava and have your base in the middle of it so nothing can get in and I always always want to reply to those comments and say the same thing that they're all they're all excellent ideas that they would absolutely get rid of the parasite threat but I have an even better idea I could just uninstall the parasite mod and then there would be no parasites and I wouldn't have to worry about them I'm not that's why I'm not using lava I'm not building a base in the sky cuz it completely defeats the purpose of even doing this video in the first place right so there's no Lava no no Sky bases just two men trying to build a little fishing house in the middle of a lake with with a bunch of parasites if you ever see a man like me using lava to kill parasites or zombies or anything like that just know that I have become the world's most desperate man that I at a place where I am I am so desperate that I'm pulling out a bucket of lava I will do anything all right I'm not using lava okay there not happening this this water base perfect and it's going to look so cool when we're underwater and we see the assimilated squids like swimming next to the window I'm getting so far off script right now I'm I don't even know where I'm at anymore anyways this was the perfect place to build I also used the shears to get wood for our bed or wool for our beds and I finally found out that I was an idiot okay don't know why I wrote that in the notes that's don't need to be why am I writing I'm an idiot okay anyways I okay I I was feeling good oh hey how's it going what a cow what' you just get something look in the water Sean yeah yeah yep yep yep y go go go go go go go go inside go inside go inside go inside go inside go inside go inside go inside right now go inside right right now come down here right now right now close it close it they're on the island what was that that was an assimilated Ender they're on the island it just got so much more difficult for us to do this is it raining they don't rain they do what do you mean what do we do like what do we do we have to build our base underwater that's what we have to do we can do this Robert don't get discouraged we can do this oh my God what what what what what they they're just everywhere I open I removed one block and there's like one in the tunnel Robert right Robert he's coming up oh my [Music] God what is the world okay get out of here where's the exit I figg what the exit is close that close the stupid ladder for them okay I was no longer feeling good just like that a man go from happy to scared very scared but for now I put down our beds and we slept we are trapped in this cave Now with uh an assimilated Enderman outside side waiting for us the assimilated Enderman are by far one of the absolute worst creatures in this mod they do so much damage they teleport a million parasites to you they they're hard to hit these these things are scary all right so we needed to deal with it just go run run quick and run back it's going to kill me immediately no that's definitely it where is it I don't see it it's in the tree it's in the tree want something's in the tree I don't see it I see a zombie in the tree go [Applause] that oh get that oh oh oh they're raing for the trees okay okay I think it's I think we're good make sure you save your infected flesh we can use it for a lot of things fire bombs rotten eggs I hear something else what I don't know I hear it though I hear it what stand right here you hear that it's a regular Enderman right there no no no no right I can see it it's right there it's under us or is it in the tree that a regular end right there he's oh my you're you're not listening I am listening but I'm it's right here it's here just go under water is it on me I don't [Music] know Robert I need your help I I'm in what do I do all right I'm coming out I'm coming in I killed it it's head is still active I killed the Enderman that that's not the concern right now I know I'm coming I'm coming he was just angry at you okay the head's down oh we need to kill every and all Enderman we see because they're the ones that are going to I was getting worried about food that there weren't many animals left on this island and it seemed like the crops were taking a while to grow not to mention that sometimes we wouldn't even be able to harvest them because the parasites were out there and I was I was just getting paranoid about the whole food situation the the farm is not even I don't even know how that's going to work they're going to just turn the the farm animals into parasites okay before we do anything though we need to get a just a normal house going a normal house yeah and then from there we can have somewhere safe to be okay well okay okay okay okay I have an idea we will go get wood we'll go out to the middle of the lake we'll build like um like a little post Tower thing and we'll go to what the who this this Kim fish here who what the hell K fish look at this thing I know it's I just cooked one and ate one throwing this guy on on the grill right now real quick we spent the rest of the day getting wood the next day we finally started building our base it's only day four and we are just now building it doesn't matter anyway so we we we W but what am I saying right now cu I know what I'm saying cuz I know what's about to happen trying to build this base on day four when the parasites should be relatively easy to deal with we're not easy to deal with oh oh my God what oh it's a cow there's two cows I just I oh my God he like plunged at me oh where they bugs is that what those are bugs yeah they uhoh uhoh Robert I think I think what is that it's a squid it got the squid got infected oh my that's what they infect things yeah they infect things that's what they do oh there's more cows com across the lake I'm going to have to eat my Gary in a second your Gary instead of working on the house we spent the entire day fighting parasites okay let's go under ground oh my God Robert it turned it turned just get away from it just get away from it just come on come on get be Robert robbert Rob Robert behind you oh I'm almost dead run I'm almost dead I'm trying D there's an assimilated Enderman get down get down SE get down close it close it close it okay it's sealed it's sealed it's sealed we were not going to survive for much longer without armor so we put the whole building a house thing on hold so that we could get armor and we went deeper underground to try to find armor but even doing that even just trying to stay away from the parasites by mining proved to be pretty difficult oh there's some horrible noises downstairs what did you hear horrible there's so there's so many oh my God they're right underneath us there's chickens there's no parasite chickens that's just a chicken are you sure yeah I'm positive okay we can we can fight these scar oh we should there's an Enderman we have to kill the Enderman where it's right here I'm going to try to Argo it I looked at it look around you can it not fit through the a 3X one Enderman no Oh I thought it was an assimilated Enderman no but I want to turn it into a a dead end first because yeah I have one under chome cuz uh we're going to make our way to the end right um yeah I don't even think it exists in on this map all we got to light this place up huh down here yeah let's go I'm going to light it up all right let's fight these things I want to try to grab that Pearl got it it's all lit up remember they pop yeah I know oh there's some they're going to infect the chicken don't John this one jumped over me oh that's fine don't let them infect the chicken I don't know feel there's I hear something else there's assimilated end Robert it's down there isn't it yeah yeah but we're okay if we're in here I don't know if we're okay in here here actually oh man look they can get up that but yeah but they can teleport into rooms and stuff you know it you're right let's get to a little bit of armor cuz right now we got nothing we we ended up finding a bunch of iron in this first small area and then we used it to make some armor and weapons we wanted to clear out the smaller cave attached to this one because it sounded like there's a bunch of parasites spawning in there and we're worried that to get out of control but then we realized you know what who cares just let them be in that cave for now we'll deal with it when we're when we're not just scraping by we we slept the next day we just mined a bit more uh I think we just found some more iron and like 2x two tunnels or something like that day six was not very eventful okay day six was a very boring day we just tried to get a little break from everything that was going on I wrote something weird in my notes for day six I no idea what I was talking a man Ventures to the surface only to find darkness in his heart what what do okay anyway so we slept but when we woke up the parasites had had evolved three yeah there's okay we have we have a lot of considerations first of all I think if there's a beckon growing we should move it's the you'll see it eventually it's a thing that you see how it says three it's a stage three Beck in now which is just not good at all I I didn't want to be around this area whatever was going on in this area wasn't good there there was there was something about this area that was not good because we we were getting just overwhelmed so quickly so I told Robert that we should move the house in retrospect this wasn't really the smartest idea I said let's just move it a bit further in the lake I don't know why we just wouldn't move out of the lake anyways so he agreed he went to go get the wood that we had placed down uh cuz it was easier to mine it with one of the swimming mods we had on didn't take long at all uh and I want to go look for a better spot to build and maybe find some food and I don't know get some wood or something so we split up but while this was going on we could both hear these weird drum sounds in the background which was uh this was kind of scary what does that sound what is that I have never heard that before playing parasites what is that I kept looking for food and before you say it before you say why don't you go kill more fish why didn't you go fish up another Gary and and consume him the fish were infected every time you killed a fish and even some of the the farm animals now you they would just turn to black smoke and you wouldn't get any meat from them anymore there tainted meat on this island Robert con what are you doing I was looking for food for us there's a a lightning in that direction yeah it said I got think saying scent is active yes what is that about I genuinely don't know I'm hearing beating drums the background I genuinely I don't know what that is are you getting fish from the ocean no they're not I'm not they're not dropping any meat anymore why I don't know is the water infected I don't know I'm here they're infected what's everything in the water is infected what do you mean I I just killed one of those crazy looking fish it turned into a they're all infected the water's infected I I'm being serious like everything I'm hitting is turning into that black smoke that parasite smoke oh my God okay genuinely we can't get fish out of this water anymore our potential food sources were drying up quickly and Robert and I had no idea what to do and just as we were trying to figure out our next move it got so much worse again we to our we to go our beds we need to sleep I'm not staying out while scent is active the look at the look at the look at the water right now well we can get in a boat and you can sail past them watch all right let me get in Let Me In what what is that I know I'm going I'm going I'm going that's a long arm uhuh nope our our scent is active apparently so got don't know what that's supposed to mean let's let's get in our beds let's get in our beds yep yeah Robert I don't know about this anymore get the bed just get the bed and we'll get out of here I got my bed you got your bed go get your bed got it got it come on quick about all this stuff just ignore it come on quick quick Robert go go go go go go ah go go go you in yeah yeah go go go okay is this a is this just a a lake is there no this just a lake this is a straight up Lake there's no way out I thought there's a river okay follow me do you have food no I have three three fish okay that's all I got I'm walking okay try I I I I I what is it day what seven six or seven I don't know right now just come up here we have survived for 100 days oh what there's some explosions happening behind me yeah it's the parasites are killing mobs they're going to keep leveling up I don't like the sound of that mean they're they're going to keep spr what is your idea right now what is your idea oh my God no no there's a Giants oh we got to get out of here we have to get out of here where do we go now just dig into here dig into here there's stuff following us hurry hry hurry hry okay I'll I'll cover you dig what I'll Fight You Dig okay there's there's a few things we can do we're not out of this yet let get us nice and safe get it here get it we needed a concrete plan and we needed to stick to it otherwise the parasites would keep overwhelming us as soon as we dropped our guard staying on land at least for now wasn't a good idea because we were very vulnerable especially with no armor not to mention that building on the lake I'm going to be honest kind of looked cool still really like the idea of seeing the assimilated squid Swimming by the window he I got to stop thinking about that cuz that's going to really sidetracked with that we needed to secure the lake we needed to kill all the parasites that were on the lake and we needed to get rid of them but the problem was was that a lot of these parasites were very deadly especially in close quarters and uh we I didn't want to get up in close with with the long arms with like a a whatever we had now we needed range weapons only one small problem with that there was no the chickens there was no feathers how we we were two men who were in trouble but when a man's mind is troubled is when a man's mind was working the best all right and my mind was working over time to figure out the problem to this solution and it found one the boomerang all right you can make one of these things you just just slap together some wood with a little bit of stone boom Oh that's why it's called Boomerang hey just thought that's not even in my nose thought that right now you throw these things they come right back to you most of the time so we made boomerangs and got in our boats and went sailing so we can just circle it and hit it with a boomerang um theoretic yes but we'll need to run if we can it's in the water won't work oh I've never thrown a boomerang mine's not my boomerang's not working oh oh was that yours I hit it I hit it I hit it oh boy we're hitting it we're dealing damage it's still coming after me I'm just keep I my boomerang's at the bottom of the lake right now no okay it's it's not after you going to keep keep my distance if this kills it it's going to be so funny I think it's not taking damage [Music] anymore it's taking damage [Music] okay I it's not taking damage from me Tak maybe it is I don't know going to be out here for an hour at this rate just keep your distance from swiming Bo rang's gone yeah it's probably the bottom of the lake okay I'm going to go swimming for it okay okay uh it just My Boomerang is now at the bottom of the lake too where is it it's it's by the boat it's by the boat it's it's lunging at you oh my gosh this is this is ridiculous oh it Ate My Boomerang keep it on you yep oh I go crazy I I'm swinging at it but I'm missing and I'm scared cuz it keeps spinning towards me yeah I feel like if you hit it it's going to swing at you wait there's so many parasites over here oh no this is not good mouse mouse what it's coming after me I I I'm trying to give you your Boomerang back I don't wor I'm not worried about the boomerang right now I'm worried about my two hearts here here's your Boomerang it's right here I don't care about the boomerang right now we got to kill this yeah well guess what there's worse things than that thing right now all right they dropped it I'll I'll I'll kill the boomerang or I'll kill the thing no I can't focus on that right now Robert oh my goodness I'm going to go find the here take mine just take mine hit it hit it go go go oh that was a juicy it dropped a limb yeah it's falling apart [Music] oh the heads are flying at me my boomerang's at the bottom of the lake again we need bows we need ranged where do we go where watch out on watch out oh where do we go I don't know come down here you have your bed hurry up and sleep okay you know what didn't work at all that was I don't know don't know what I thought was expecting to happen there but kept drying the next day too this is unbelievable oh it dropped another limb it dropped another limb yeah okay what is happening I don't know what that I don't I genuinely have no idea what it's doing we're figuring this out as we go what is that red box just don't go in it it's coming after me no Robert I bring it away don't let it get close I know I'm go go go it's here it's here it's here eventually we realized it was best just to lure this thing away so that's what I did I got it to chase me and then I ran very far into a field and just as I was losing it hey look who it is Robert Robert there to to egro it again and then Robert it was now up to Robert To Go lose it so he did that and while he was doing that I went back to the beach ate some meat that I guess I found or something I don't know he ran even further with it and I don't know if I've mentioned this yet go watch Robert's video all right make sure you subscribe to Robert I don't even want you to subscribe to me subscribe to Robert get that man get that man good all right get that going anyway so uh what am I even talking about we got back we ate some two men eating meat and then we slept the two happy men cuz it was was fin the lake was finally clear we could start building now the the lake was clear I wanted to build the house in the deepest part which ended up being where we had already started to build the F you know it doesn't matter okay we started building the house exactly where we had torn down the first house the exact same format but you know what don't worry about it okay the plan was still the same I wanted to build a like a fishing house on top of the lake that led with a glass tunnel Down Under the lake and it would have been very cool okay it wasn't going to be a floating base in the sky where the parasites couldn't get us as and as a matter of fact just to avoid any floating base comments we might get I want everyone watching the video to leave another comment saying uh really really happy to see two Brave beautiful men building an underwater house in the middle of a lake and I'm absolutely certain a giant parasite spider will not swim out to it and then dive down and smash all the windows and try to eat you both like it's some sort of I don't know okay who that comment got out of control there okay anyways getting really far off script building this house was sort of annoying because we needed to fill it with sand and then remove the sand and this is the point where I usually remember why I don't do underwater builds was like what look at this just filling this hole with sand and pulling out any so we slept on the tower slowly but surely we got this thing built at least the main part of it the plan was to expand it once we got to the bottom the lake and have multiple rooms for multiple different things like farming animals weapons Etc but it all had to start with this shaft that went down I was pretty happy with how it was turning out and by the end of day 11 uh most of it was built we uh we actually moved our farm downstairs and our beds it's nice to have peaceful days like this if you don't get a peaceful day every once in a while you start to go a bit Buck nutty and this was one of the very few peaceful days we had left in this entire this entire thing uh but I was on my worst behavior taking these notes because right now everything I'm saying I'm just making it up as I go cuz I barely wrote stuff down like wrot we we finally had somewhere safe to return to if things went bad yeah of course we did why would I why write that that in the script who who car any we wanted to mine and get the rest of our armor finally cuz we're still like two two men with nothing you know just scraps on our back dealing with the world's scariest parasites so we got in a boat and we sailed over to where we thought that we'd build a mine entrance I don't know why I was under the assumption that we would have enough time and uh it would be peaceful enough in this world to build like a NIC looking mine entrance this it's almost like I forgot that there's parasites are you hearing that what something screaming [Laughter] there what is where are you digging in digging down and I'm not excited about any any of this oh what I found iron dug into a hole anything in there um I'm afraid that the answers going to be yes be a creeper a creeper okay Kill Kill The Creeper don't let them Kill The Creeper oh whates of which variety no oh there's oh Robert I I see that but don't let them explode oh come on TR I'm going to go ahead and need you to lift me up thank you so so it's not safe down here at all kind of I kind of don't have uh okay okay okay it's fine that's a giant spider wow oh my God I have weakness right now I need to wait 18 more how how much time you 98 98 seconds okay at least this thing's not breaking blocks yeah ites it can't oh I just found iron what is what is it doing I I don't know it's going to WB me up in aoon or something you getting me up yeah I'm trying to I'm trying to do it safely no just just let me know well I I'm going to be stuck in here you with it oh it's running away it's running away hurry how much time I got 60 come in okay I need to go back to our farm Robert oh you scared me so bad I didn't know you were coming I need food here all right two bread one bread again not healing it at all what are we dealing with here big spider we got we got to kill it we can't let that thing spread where where's going on if you die I I won't die I'm going to kill a spider come here you killed it I oh buglets oh no be careful be careful be careful whatever it dropped on the ground is like a aura or something what is that it's me up oh my God it poisoned me so now I get to beat half a heart this food situation that we're in is just brutal terrible terrible what is screaming down here I don't know we need iron we need coal how's it looking down here now not good obviously there's something there's something over there that's really bad looking there's a yellow eye down here Robert there's a yellow eye down here are you serious it's a small one it's a small one but it's down here we have to kill it yeah we can't let them Thrive it's already it's already night time let's go sleep okayy that was a good day of mining just oh what we got a visitor why why is he going in leave wait I Got My Boomerang go somewhere else what is that I don't know what that thing is look just s waiting for us okay come here yeah swim to us idiot why is it trying to get down there something just blew up on the coast it's the what are we doing what's the plane get down are we going in shut go down I can't come down here it's coming down what do you mean it's coming down it's coming down it's coming down the water it broke it broke it build build build build build break it get out get out get out get out get out get out get out it break it break it break it go go go it's you just swim just swim swim behind us behind us just go just go they're on the shore they're SP where do we go where do we go I I don't know I don't know our old cave oh kill these guys kill these things all right dead dead that big thing is launching the it's a it's an eclipse oh my God Robert our old hole it's coming down just run run run run run run run run come come come run bro it up behind you behind you behind you run [Music] run uh okay keep digging keep digging keep digging keep digging I I've I've just been blocking it the whole time away I learned a valuable lesson that day parasites can in fact swim and uh building a base underwater does absolutely nothing to protect you and you'll see later in the video the majority of the parasites emerg from underwater so this was just a a massive waste of it wasn't a waste of time was I learned a lesson I guess it wasn't a waste of time but what a mistake I made here our base lasted for a whole 9 minutes before it was destroyed and now we were homeless again uh but we were safe I mean sort of I don't know why I wrote we were safe that thing could dig anywhere and it was digging towards us as I was writing notes so we started digging up as far as we could and eventually we broke back into the lake and then swam up to the surface and took a look around this lake is a right off we yeah we got to we got to get I I I want to get our crops but and our beds but I don't know we wanted to get out of here this this Lake was clearly just not good there's something going on in this Lake and I I don't know if it was a beckon underneath the water I don't know if there was a parasite biome growing but this Lake was this Lake was just bad bad news okay so we wanted to get out of here but but we didn't want to just walk away with nothing so our plan was to get one of us to go and distract the spider thing and the other person would go get all of our valuables like the crops and I don't know so that's what we did yeah we got everything and left I had no idea where we were going we had no plan at this point we're just running for our lives strapped with all the stuff we could fit in our inventory looking for someone that might look safe and at the worst possible time the absolute worst possible time we got another horde but this one was uh this one was different no no oh great no where are you I'm right behind you okay I don't know what to do let's find out where they're coming from in the we have a hoorde so let's get out of here yeah but where are they coming from we have swarm by something yeah I don't want to run into the Swarm though I need to know where it's spawning from I really couldn't tell you at this point I don't see anything maybe that maybe it was a false alarm I don't think it works like that I think it's over here you want to go towards the hord I just want to confirm its location and then SE SE it's here what are they bugs it's just bugs it's buglin oh look they're over here wait we got to kill them Sean they're going to do things they're going to do bad they're all over here oh another wave oh Robert the buglin is can turn into the the I know we got to kill them all there's too many where they're they're turning in they're they're forming they're transforming what do you mean where are you run where are you I'm SE what you oh ah I'm going to go go go go go go run run run run run where'd you go just run just run there's too many they're going to All Transport I I don't care I'm good I just run oh my goodness on my last piece of bread I just heard another wave spawn oh watch out creeper Robert hey we need we need the gunpowder I know we have to get to the coast come on I got it I got it I got two gunpowder I don't care about gunpowder come on it's so dark you have to stop stopping for things another one's behind you I don't care I'm not stopping for it I I it's getting incredibly dark I don't care literally I don't care about anything besides getting out of this Forest Straight Ahead okay oh my God I'm at half a heart okay there's SPID there's a big spider there's big things in front of us too water oh my goodness okay I'm just fing do you have doors please tell me we got doors oh my God another another wave I got do John come down here oh there a b go down get down here I think we're safe um they're just above us okay they're the little guys above us okay t look what looking here we dig into the wall right here kind of doesn't look good yeah it's cheesing cheesing it we were quite literally chased off the island like look we you can see where the or the map author stopped building the map there's just a straight wall and we were on the other side of it we we just trying our best to live and everything was totally out of control at this point I had no idea how we were going to recover from this this was this was a huge mess but for now we made a simple underwater house again uh made some food and some fresh fish that we caught that weren't tainted yet and we just tried to think about what we were going to do next there was so much stuff on the coast of the island look at this what what is that what is a man supposed to do in a situation like this look at this four-legged thing I I I I still don't know what that is I think that was just running around the island sniffing us trying to get a good sniff of Robert well we were looking for a way out of here I got knocked down by something who knows what but but it just slapped me down so then Robert got me up and we were really starting to realize just how out of control this place was getting cuz everywhere we went was just we're just getting hammered by these things now at this point in the video you might be wondering Sean how on Earth did you and Robert get through this and I'll say say to you okay hey good good thought why didn't you uh what what am I saying of course we got what am I talking about right now get on the script and do not get off of it again every time I do something weird comes out of my my mouth speaking of weird things look at this massive uh Mass I guess growing on the shore like how are two men supposed to enjoy themselves when the island is doing this stuff so we spent the majority of the day killing fish and cooking them and the next day I finally had a new plan for a building that would keep us safe it was so simple just the most simple building ever I was going to build a floating base in the sky I me it was going to be a platform that was above the ground by like four or five blocks just enough that the parasites couldn't jump up to us and would hopefully just gather below us and that was it so we we found a part of the island that hadn't been infected yet and we started building it Robert brought me wood uh and then I buil built I was feeling good about this new base base number 15 at this point or something like that this one was the one that was going to work the only problem that I foresaw with a building like this was that there there are floating parasites or flying parasites so as long as nothing like a a yellow eye showed up uh we were going to be okay oh no what do any more iron no we're going to have to mine right after I get this platform built mining is our next priority no this ly where uh out towards the boat how far it's doesn't see us yet it will okay let's let's go underground now I needed Cobblestone so I guess this kind of worked out we we fled to the mine and uh I built a nice little roof entrance thing to help us get out when the time came we I thought we'd be able to like peek and see if there's any weird thing waiting for us um so we did that and then we started digging uh until I found something feeling we're going to be hitting Bedrock soon sh that's good that's what we want back up back up back up back up back up back up back up back up back up what was that a giant spider thing ah oh I see it we kept mining into day 17 and eventually I had enough iron to make the the rest of my armor and and a bucket which um I was starting to think that I might need to use lava to defend myself at some point all right I was I was getting desperate anyway so we're about to leave but we started hearing these absolutely terrible sounds coming from the worst possible place the surface oh my God what was that I don't know yeah yeah yeah what this way go go go go go run it's digging down to I'm digging up Don't Stop Don't Stop are you behind me yep yep y get the water get in the water get in the water go go go oh what what what is all that noise I don't know I still hear it yeah so do I oh there it is oh oh oh oh it's eating the look at our base Robert it's [Music] coming okay we have to lure it all way [Music] yeah oh my God look at the oh man we're we're chased out again once again chased out of our own no we're not we're we're not giving up this we're going to fight for it yeah we're going to find a way to do it we have lava now come on there's so many yellow eyes they are everywhere they just shoot down from the sky oh my God you think you should just keep sailing come on these guys are chasing me come on come on oh my God he's coming I what that is come on let go I'm trying to I'm trying to land I know there's two there's why are there so many yellow eyes watch out there's a big boy behind you there a spider here too now getting you I'm getting you go go go go Robert I know what we have to do you ready yeah I'm ready what would you what what follow me okay two men evacuating the island that is that is absolutely how you deal with a situation like that that Island got so out of control so fast I'm surprised that we even survived for 19 days on that island we should have been dead on day four now you might be wondering why don't we just continue on this island and I will explain to you why that is a bad idea for some reason when you're using a player made map in this case this map was built in World painter the parasites just go buck nutty they go way worse than they're supposed to and you end up very quickly having like very very high level parasites a lot of the parasites that you're seeing in this video so far should not have been spawning yet these are like day 60 and 70 parasites and we were dealing with them before we even had armor Robert and I would have just ended up building a base every 2 days and then getting chased to a new spot on the island and it would have been really boring to watch not to mention the island itself it didn't really have much to explore what you saw was what was on the island there really wasn't much else going on and the other thing was was that because this was not a natural generated map and was made in World painter a lot of the resources we needed uh to make bombs Rockets missiles and a lot of other cool stuff you're going to see in the rest of this video we wouldn't be able to find that stuff naturally so we wouldn't have been able to do a lot of the very very cool things you're about to see us do we needed a naturally generated map so let's just say lorewise Robert and I deemed this island to be uninhabitable in our research and uh you know what I realized this whole explanation is probably not necessary cuz we could have just said that we just sailed off this island to somewhere else in the world cuz that's exact essentially what we did we we sailed away from the island and sailed up to a new world uh I mean technically speaking we copied our player data onto a new world and then generated it but you you know it doesn't matter okay let's just say that lorewise Robert and I sailed off the island and deemed it inhabitable and here we are hey look at this well Robert we've arrived well well well well the swamp of your dreams where exactly are we I see a building over there we split up in the swamp and started cutting down trees to get supplies and it didn't take long for us to lose track of one another I have no idea where Robert is but I see turkeys and that that is quite all right oh lava it is a bad day to be a turkey all that got meat got six feathers good stuff I have completely lost track of Robert what is this oh my God it's one of these things here's how you deal with that not going down there without Robert it's peaceful out here you know don't have to worry about parasites right now cook myself some food later that evening I was able to find Robert again Robert die Robert come on where are you I'm in the in the hole what hole right underneath you where'd you go uh trying to get out into the hole that you said was right at the top of the hill at the top of the hill what's what's the Panic for cuz you left me well well went and got some good stuff did you get some wood uh I got a lot of wood getting some iron coal got a lot of food perfect sleep time yeah oh man I'm in a wall I'm in a wall I'm in a wall there we go oh that was scary all right oh hey there we go all right so I I took a little Scouting Around And I think I know something or thing or two about oh about the world around us yeah they're here parasites yeah I did you enjoy your day off cuz they're back there's this one and see I didn't see it oh there's a buglin no Sean watch out oh just looking at you yeah it wanted it they don't oh watch out I was just about to say they don't attack unless they're unless there's enough of them and behind me there's one of them the buglin went this way oh my gosh it turned into something what we we can't let them we can't let Thrive no the parasites were back already we we had one day of peace and we were right back to it but it was manageable for now at least we needed to build something fast and I didn't want to waste a ton of time looking for the perfect spot so we just started to build in the swamp I was going to use a similar design to what I had started on the island before we got chased off with the platform and then I thought i' put some barbed wire around it because I could do that now wasn't able to do that on the island so was I thought that was going to be cool but anyways we needed a farm also so I started building the base and I told Robert to go find some chickens or turkeys or something that could give us feathers so that we could finally get ranged attack and while Robert was off I got a lot done I had the entire frame built and even some of the second floor with the slabs that I had made I don't know wa it doesn't matter I was already really liking what was going on here but by Nightfall Robert hadn't returned and I was starting to get very nervous Robert Robert come back is that Robert sleep oh I guess he can sleep on his own out there all right Robert's going on a multi-day trip Robert didn't return that night but obviously he wasn't dead so uh it was okay however it was clear that he was having trouble finding turkeys so uh I guess I went out to look for some you know if Robert's having this much trouble getting turkeys I'm starting to worry that I uh maybe shouldn't have killed all those turkeys that I saw I assume there'd be more what is this like a witch house or something turkeys I got turkey let's see if they eat I can't remember if they eat seeds or not Robert has turkeys too why am I getting no seeds here what is this chickens too okay there's a chicken there that's good but let's see if can you like seeds good what about your friend does your friend like seeds but you need a male and a female turkey oh my God okay well come here come into here it's pretty good in here actually you know what here back up we're going to make this a little bit bigger probably not going to have enough okay I need you with your tail but come oh yeah are you male or female doesn't matter get in here come on get in get in your new turkey hole come on why are you guys smarter than the average turkey get in you guys mate with chickens do you even lay eggs is it better to get a chicken little tur okay but there's chickens here parasite Nest got to deal with that [Music] Robert go there all this stuff bone blocks bone block can I do anything with it can I turn it into bone [Music] me oh that's huge okay that is not good hi chicken I got to see where they're coming from I hope they're not going to come fear there it is there's just one like two of them I can do this come on okay they're oh my God that cow m going to pop him okay that's a lot more than two buglin okay I'm getting I'm getting hit I'm bleeding [Music] okay this is not [Music] good not good not good not good freak the ladder oh my God Robert board oh my God they're I am surrounded did he just jump can they jump now what do we do Sean where are you don't come don't come here Robert I'm in the water I'm in the water stay in the water I am there's so many underneath you are they surrounding me they're just they're going Buck nutty underneath you Sean you have your lava bucket yeah I don't want to burn this house down though I'm going to make okay I have the best idea ever what we're going to lur him out into the water you're going to get in my boat you're going to jump into my boat we're going to lure him out to the water we're going to make a little plat I'm I'll make a platform now and then we're just going to sit on top of it and drop lava down to them okay I don't know Robert I don't know about that they can they can swim they can swim up the lava and then explode on us there's one jumping at you like crazy shot I know they can leap no they're coming after me now I think oh jeez I'm not I'm not leaving this place minimal damage minimal damage a giant patch of cobblestone down here but it's fine it's fine it's better than being dead you'll have to watch Robert's video but apparently he had a very very difficult time finding turkeys so go watch his video and say my man I heard you were looking for turkeys well guess what I'm looking for you and I found you you are the modern version of a turkey half man half turkey what am I saying right now see that's again go off script weirdest stuff comes out anyways uh I think Robert was having trouble finding them because I did Kill A lot of them in the area that he was looking for them but he also wasn't super happy to know how many that were so close to us especially when I showed him my stash box that I made this man was going on about his turkey troubles when I noticed something in the distance it took me so long to get those turkeys across the water and there's also a nest right there Robert a nest and a village behind it oh my gosh those are long arms yeah we got to use lava bucket going to build up yeah all right let's let's get him watch outan he's coming he's going fast too oh [Music] man through oh he's going to kill me back up run run run run run run run don't fight him run I I'm I'm trying he's down okay that did so much damage I've had enough of these parasites my goodness all right I think the nest is clear there's the village Robert there's another Nest where with another long arms oh [Music] jeez he he just walked right through that um is he chasing me yep my I got I got him in lava there's more things chasing you though Sean yeah I'm going for [Music] I'm yeah run him through that where'd he go he's stuck in the trees he's coming he's he coming after me he's coming after [Music] me oh no oh all right killed him okay get me up and then shower me with food I hate not being able to pick you up if I have a shield on I know all I have is this raw mutton shower me with food oh okay a whole village I know let's check that out and then get back parasites in the trees though we should kill him no I want to see the village I'm too curious ah okay I I know what you're thinking you're you're at this point you're probably certain that it's going to be me with the most knockdowns at the end of the video and here's what I'll tell to you okay keep watching and keep counting because not long from now Robert is about to catch a a little nasty illness all right you get very sick in game and uh it's going to change things okay anyways The Village had had it all okay it had food wool string and for some reason a nuclear bomb in the back of it there was also this parasite Nest where I demonstrated why I am a pro Minecraft [Music] player is he coming after me yeah he is I don't know how I'm missing so hard with my axe come on walk through the fire yeah oh my God I'm I'm going to have to cut out about four swings in my video oh he's dead are you just missing over and over again no no I hit him perfectly every time okay before we went to the radio tower we wanted to sleep and in the morning Robert and I woke up two refreshed men wipe the dust out of our eyes and uh started looking at that radio tower and went over to it I'm eating fruit in case you're wondering what I was eating and I made a huge mistake while eating it what was that I was handling Raw meat now I didn't wash my hands I'm just eating this fruit with my fingers oh good so I might become sick while we're playing this Robert I might have picked up a parasite of my own that won't be good I had I spent 100 days in real life with parasites I have a tapeworm for ultimate immersion not only will I be doing the parasites in game what what I got snagged in the barb wire oh this Barb Wire would would be extremely useful for our base I was very confident that it would stop all parasites I see a yellowe get through this the bar I think you just fly right over it or that giant spider that kept digging us up out of the ground that thing was treating us like we were grubs in the groundless it came down her staircase Robert and I were having a good time at that radio tower very two men having fun on a radio tower who could who would have known my fingers are dripping wet from that fruit oh no my my keyboard's getting wet that's that's why all your stuff in your mouse doesn't work probably getting fruit juice in all the buttons and circuitry it is sticky okay I've got 49 steel scaffolding 23 barbed wire I got a ton of wood getting on the chain link fence what do you got Jesus I have 40 chain link fence 41 chain link fences seven Barbed wires holy moly what titanium nuca Cola I want to see throw it down here I'm trying to get through it right now Steel Ingot that's perfect slime ball iron crate oh there an iron crate yeah this would have been a good place to hold out you know all the walls already set up good good thinking on your first playr here what is this circuitry stuff I have here the circuitry stuff is in your mouse and fruit juice all over it doesn't work enhanced circuit that's perfect we make like automated defense systems no but you can do a lot you're going to get you're going to I'm going to be putting you to work real soon I'm serious you don't even have a clue what you got cut out for you clearly you didn't watch my other parasite video so you're going to which is perfect cuz I don't want to do why would I watch it I I had to go through it if I watched it then I'd know everything military grade circuit board I'll take it scrap asbest it's all in my ceilings advaned battery doctor told me I should I need to stop breathing that in he said woba all right let's go you want to keep living no more esus breathing I'm almost done you're not going to help I'm full what there's another radio tower right there too you know what what oh oh oh who whoa what is that I this fruit juice is not good on my keyboard right now Hur up the fruit juice hold I have to I have to wipe it off there's some iron down there I want that iron what I just throw my shield back some oh my God Robert sorry I fell can you throw my shield down I was wiping the fruit juice off my keyboard is so stick gosh the nothing of the fruit juice your Shield's down there I don't want to be stuck down here this is prime what is that is that lead what are you digging up right there copper lead what it's not iron Robert this is something different I just dug up iron okay well what is this iron ore I can't get it don't you can't get it right now my keyboard is so sticky did you try an iron pickaxe on it yeah oh it's coal it's liite break this stuff ligma what liite it's like fuel I don't know ligman night we're not going to be doing that today do you have um I can't play like this every time my fingers touch the W key it's just stick really it's getting dark yeah so let's get this stuff and get out of here SW the swamp water is like flowing into here all the barbed wire was was destroyed a lot of it was swinging in missing it or what what that sound it's one of those spider things oh all right uh we need to sleep we'll back to the village and we'll split one more night there and we'll go where the sun it's so dark wait is there stuff up there I can't what just happened I have enough wool to make uh beds do you okay make them right here I can't see anything and then I got to get some soap on this keyboard or something why did I get this sticky fruit juice right there put it down sleep there's chickens in this in who's digging oh it's you how high up was it it um at the top wherever the staircase ends oh Twinkie that's so worth it military grade circuit board did you get it you open up the chest air strike designator okay yeah get that that that might be worth it uh stealth device satellite dish the stealth device as well so you're starting to say some Stu that oh what what almost died there huh I like the air strike designator have you ever used that before no not a clue how it works either okay let's get AIM and click to call an air strike yeah that's going to be useful carpet bombing okay okay good good good good good good that we're going to be using that when the time comes oh man that's going to be good we were not good because an item I I picked up in that crater was highly toxic and an unbeknown unbeknown to me who do I think I am right in that of my script to me at the time it was slowly poisoning me this item was killing me but for now we wanted to get some seeds from the village so we could farm at the base okay well I don't have slowness I'm coughing now too you're coughing what do you got you got stay away from me you got parasites inside you why am I like this you you caught a cold I think you don't just catch a cold I got there's like maybe radiation you got too close to that nuke oh yeah it might be that yeah radiation sickness you you don't recover from that what are you coughing no I didn't get near that does it tell you press e how long it's just unlimited slowness we got to find you a cure then is it cuz I'm holding this here what I have a a Steel Ingot on me no pick that up um BR tell if you start coughing though all right I'll let you know let's get back to the base no we need the chickens oh let's go oh two I can't Sprint that chicken is the D dumbest chicken I've ever seen he wants me get up no Robert you might my mind's following you now all right well stop coughing all over the turkeys oh my stomach is growling I don't want to be radiated I no I I have slowness to and weakness to now like I'm getting worse hey maybe you'll just die eventually and then I can get you up yeah what did I pick up that has this I can't okay I got call The Hive I can't move weakness two slowness two see if there's something called medicine oh there is oh you know it's the what the asbest is making you sick I don't have it in my inventory yeah but you picked it up at one point how do I get them how do I get medicine to fix my this there's there's siox cancer medication what the reverses mesothelioma with a powder of asbestos oh you have mesothelioma what the hell we need to get the asbest powder and coal powder and bisou nugget this was not good I was one sick sick sick man and making the cure wasn't so easy it was going to require a lot and I I mean a lot of work it wasn't as simple as combining the ingredients as you usually do with other Minecraft recipes to make this we were going to need a shredder which was a machine that would scrap items down to their bare elements and to make the shredder we going to need to make an assembly machine and to make that we were going to need a press and to make that we were going to need a special type of blast furnace and to make that you get the point there was there was a lot of things that needed to be made in order for us to make just pills to cure this illness you you you get the point making this stuff was tough and it was going to take a while but it was worth it because medicine wasn't the only thing that we could make if we made all these machines we could also make some very very very large bombs bombs that are if you watch the video I did last time on parasites I made some grenades grenades are cool they do a bunch of damage but I didn't even get close in that video to making what we were going to make in this video okay we we take it so much further in this video and all of this only started because I got this weird funky disease that we started looking into see but you have Mesa I like that's apparent stop stop saying I have that I don't like I don't like hearing that well if you look up medicine we either have you either have mesela um you don't have any radiation right no imagine you were sick and your doctor was Robert and that and that's how he was figuring out what disease you head that would you hey you know what Robert should go to medical school I would I would love for Robert to become a real life doctor that would be Robert if you're watching this video go to medical school right now okay I want you to learn everything you can learn okay back on back on script again I I kept working on my base despite my worsening condition I got the rest of the walls up and I started to apply the chainlink fences for the walls in the bottom and uh I followed that with some barb wire along the top and bottom looking pretty good as for the second floor I wanted that to be like an actual house uh and then on the bottom where I I was putting the barbed wire and chain link fence up it was going to be where all our supplies and machines and all that sort of stuff would be and it was starting to look really good I'm not usually happy with the builds I do especially this fast and this one this one was looking good uh I also wanted to make a dock so that in we could sail out of here in the case of an emergency and I I don't know it also would look cool I guess you wouldn't sail you would row out of here which makes more sense anyways I made a simple dock uh and I I figured I'd just make it look better later and then after all that I was Sleepy Man so I took a little nap in the bed while I was working on the house and that was my project uh Robert's project was going to be figuring out how to make all of the machines and bombs and all the cool stuff that you're going to see later in this video uh while I worked on the house so again please go watch Robert's video because this man is about to make some very cool things do some very crazy things and I really want Robert to get more subscribers okay so please go watch this video go go watch him subscribe to him don't even subscribe to me subscribe to Robert okay go do that I set up more barb wire along the Dock and uh I made a bow and a saber and then we went mining we both needed various things for our respective projects the biggest being lapis which Robert needed so that he could start building machines and progressing towards making larger scale bombs there's also a lot of different types of ores and elements down here that we couldn't get on the previous Island some of them were were dangerous even to touch I'm founding powder yeah there's a lot of stuff down here that we might need nter yeah that's good stuff get that are you kidding me what I just picked up more asbest it's good keep the asbest you pick it up okay no no no no cuz if we both get sick then we're done I'll just I'll just be the human petri dish and carry on all the okay I have Robert I'm so ill now how how bad is it what does it say I have permanent nausea oh my goodness what can I do I don't know what to do this is horrible is it cuz I picked up more asbestos I'm going to throw up playing like this what do you you're now entitled to financial compensation yeah I got killed from the from the disease that that motion sickness that was disgusting I was I was starting to worry that I was going to have to have that for the entire video until the very end when we got the Cure that would have been absolutely awful so this get knocked down right here not so bad all right what Bingo baby you found diamonds turn my pain into my gain nice nice dude be very careful Sean Mama Mia oh yes be very careful I said yeah Robert don't come over here it's not [Music] safe what is all this black orb I think it's like oh there's a parasite right there watch out normal one Mama Mia what' you find oh nothing you got that many diamonds for a chest plate come on after what I've been through you used eight diamonds you joking me we needed to make a diamond pickaxe to mine that other stuff what stuff this the black stuff that we couldn't that was giving it to us coal no black stuff okay look it up like this right here what what what is this oh mind here tell me what do you want me to get there's stuff I right here this stuff what is that lead great if you're someone who is concerned about me not sharing diamonds with Robert uh don't worry about him okay Robert was Robert was picking up his own special items yay radiation suffer the effects of radiation poisoning so yeah you do have radiation Robert enjoy that okay don't worry about that man the only thing I want you to worry about with Robert is subscribing to him all right go subscribe to Robert I got I'm going to keep saying that throughout the video go subscribe to Robert anyways we found we finally found lapis lapis we got it I got it pack it up where are you well I don't have it yet I've located it I also got a treat for you later if you're if you're nice to me that well you'll find out I'm throwing up I'm throwing up everywhere I'm going to die probably okay stay close to me so I can pick you up where are you Robert you know back where we were all right just Mark where your grave is going to be so I can come get you when you die oh my goodness I'm going Buck nutty I'm probably going to die in any second now Sean all right just don't just stay there oh throwing up what was that sound I was thrown up that's probably what you heard okay I got lapis we were back up on the surface Robert had been c um I guess I gave him some diamonds and uh well we worked on the machines I worked on the house more and we needed more stuff from the mines I forgot what but I even found more diamonds call me Stanley I'm not calling you Stanley all right diamonds yeah I got some too but no you got diamonds I saw it explode yeah I was mining them when he came yeah I haven't found any diamonds yet you got to have that you got to be on that grind grind set mind set we got what we needed and went back up to the surface and slept I kept working away on the house the next day cutting down trees and putting up more fences and our house was looking our house was looking very good uh that was until uh Robert Robert Robert get inside get inside I got a are you serious yes okay hold on I have lava buckets at the Wazoo right now okay well let's hopefully don't need them hopefully our base where are they coming from I don't know but we should be sealed in here um and then if we get them to walk into the barb wire they should die so come up here oh oh look they're right there they're dying oh my God they're running through the oh that's so good Sean okay it's working somewh coming down the mountain there it's beautiful oh no no no there's worms everywhere buglin they're they're getting in they're getting in who's getting in Robert don't go down there seal it up here bugling inside there's a buglin inside let him Feast then that's it no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on get get in our house Jos climb up don't be connecting stuff I know I know there was no way else for you to get here but why would you start breaking it cuz I was worried that you're going to lead The Horde into here where no I don't even see anything I don't I don't yeah here comes another what does that sound I mean what does that sound a for no that was the for oh my goodness there's like 20 of them oh my God here we go I just lead him right right in I really hope that the the bug didn't affect our stuff okay perfect I thought the the little manglers would try to jump up and when they do they get snagged in the barire up here one's through that's okay every once in a while one's going to get through come on it's a head shoot it shoot it yeah nice see everything's good now oh that guy just jumped he actually got up here yeah they can they can leap so you just got to all right let's sleep I don't think that's it sure let's see got another wave coming you serious yeah well I don't know when but yeah just heard it okay come on I keep thinking you're like a sheep that got up here me yeah yeah I got to get diamond armor so you don't think that where are they I hear oh they're coming from the water coming from the water from the water that's the only place I don't have Barb wi are you serious here maybe they'll they'll oh maybe they'll con this way they're dying it's working is that it I think that's it nope hord is approaching there's a There's a Zombie horse over there try shoot it where where where where where where where where straight out that way don't let it infect anything good shot another one good work in the morning I went out and cleared up a bunch of the leftover goo from the attack I was happy that the barbed wire worked as well as it did it the barbed wire is good for now but eventually when the parasites evolve further they'll be able to get over it and uh cause some serious damage to Robert and I uh but for now right now everything is fine Robert and I wanted to keep mining uh but we felt as though we had found all the resources near us uh so we wanted to mine somewhere else so we got in a boat and sailed I mean um rode down the river and eventually we found this natural mine it didn't go deep but it had two chests Robert took the first one and I took the second one mine had protection four in it which was uh quite the enchant especially that I just recently got a diamond chest piece so that was uh hey pretty good there's also a village nearby which we looted entirely and got a ton of food again I also found a lot of arrows in this Tower which was uh also where Robert and I slept but in the morning uh we got another another horde of buglin we can mine anywhere uh I should warn you that I just got a hoorde right now morning yes well get back inside then want to see what's we we have a watch tower to see what's coming not be on the grounds joking me thought we get killed I don't see anything oh I hear things oh I see a buglin where one little buglin trying to get in our Tower that's not so bad bug careful careful with this uh oh okay two buglin two bugs trying to get in the tower that's yeah just see bugs it's not bad oh yeah they're coming okay three buglin three don't push me off oh there there's so many down there where I can see at least three more that just walk s they're turning to par SES they're about that okay we got nine buckins the villagers are going Buck nutty um okay they uh Robert Robert they're climbing they're climbing the tower Robert hey keep them away keep them away this is bad just keep them on this corner we'll just fight him down do all the buglin just turn into bad I I don't know what they e they're infecting everything though oh okay um okay yeah the bugs the bugs are transforming into these things that can climb the tower that we're in I need to get lava I don't have lava I got a bucket but I don't have lava uh they are they are climbing all over this Tower right now they're they're they're eating a villager over there but you know what they cannot break blocks so okay good a oh my God the bugs are coming there there's buglin everywhere there's there's so many oh my God they're just coming from beside there's so many bucklings look at the bu look at the buckins I know I see the buckins they're coming what's coming no there's like a million they're still com Robert Robert Robert you have to hit them down when they get up here I there's something there's something going on in those trees what do you mean there's something going on fight yeah they're chasing the villagers yeah there's some oh my goodness I see them turning over there as well at least they're not coming up any other direction oh now they are what what they're getting up this side as well they the tower is infested oh my are you not are you not fighting these things I can't I'm not going down there it's not like anytime I get near an edge I can't see them there we go one little Bugg now we're dealing with them look there there's so many of them just oh my God you see all them yep um I'm taking before they can turn into the head things there's so much xp down there I need it all I have to it's there's so many items down there too I want to go down and get them so bad yeah we're going have to deal with them first then we can go down all the arrows I just got just going to go away right now yep same nice shots okay are we are we good no there's still so many bug ons no we've killed so many there can't be anymore oh there's more the air is quiet okay we're going down going down son oh I got it I got it they're they're dropping down oh how many were on the tower a lot oh there's one chasing after you he won't get me ah almost dead I'm almost dead I can't get out here okay kill it there's a creeper beside you no gun pow oh they're infecting everything out out here what do you mean I'm going to die where are you oh just get back in the tower get back in the tower oh I'm in that was a close one the thing about buglin is that they infect everything around them so well they just look like a little tiny harmless creature that thing will that thing will squirm into squirm right into you and convert you into parasites so when you have a massive swarm of them just spreading out across the area of the map it's not so good not to mention every time they convert I could be wrong about but they they get points for the parasite and evolve the hive mind further so these buglin hordes while they look easy to deal with had had serious consequences later for us once we had cleared everything out we went mining again and spent the rest of the day down there trying to get resources before sleeping at some point while we were down there Robert had picked up another toxic element and uh once again became sick Robert what stop coughing hey it actually makes me feel gross when when I hear you coughing near me okay well you were coughing near me the whole time I I had to put up with it yeah but I was covering my mouth you were not we were finding a lot down there including more diamonds which I used to make leggings and then okay then then I slept hey this is a a quick question for you you ever wake up to a horse ah oh my God help yeah try to get away from it it'll blow up it'll blow up real bad get away get back get back I'm at one and a half hearts after that oh the poison how is there a horse down here how does that even make sense I don't know Robert and I woke up to a horse and we took that as a sign to get out of here and head home so we climbed out of the mine and swam to a nearby Village where we once again picked a clean up food by this point Robert was was quite ill he was the sickest man alive actually and and uh I wanted nothing to do with him didn't want him coughing on me or vomiting or honestly starting to kind of grow roast me out oh look at that guy best just to ignore stuff like that Rob but we're on the right track best not look too far into the I think I just heard another player in the game oh no coughing I forgot that you're ill we eventually found our way back to our house because of the eyesore that Robert had built in the lake that I told him like 10 times to take down he he never did by the way the thing is still there uh first thing I did when I got back was Mak an anvil and I used that Anvil to enchant my chest plate with protection four and killed a few more parasites around our house and then we slept remember how I said that the buglin would evolve the parasites pretty effectively well when we woke up that exactly happened since when do you have a diamond I made it right before we get St three why did three just happen right I I was reacting to your sword and the three happened as I saw that well that's good not oh there's a bugling little bugling oh a couple buglin do we miss these buglin oh I'm getting nauseous oh oh oh oh Thunders oh Robert what Robert I I don't know what to do here I'm going upstairs good luck I get messed with Thea I can't be doing this right now Rober they're flying everywhere Robert John John I I I will only do one damage to them me you got to just deal with it Robert I'm going to die you got but they're jumping all over you where's my bow shoot [Music] them oh oh are they making it up I'm almost dead I need to eat did you get a hoorde or something what what is going on I might have got a hoorde okay I can do some good damage with the bow you get me arrows that's all I can do okay are they coming uh there's some underneath us I don't know if you killed them okay okay okay we're good how how much longer you on your meth you're you're Loma uh I don't know just it's getting bad I'm hear you all right we're good just short little hord the hord's gone no there's bug there's so many buglin over there in the water oh my good goodness B powder steeling gets oh my goodness they can swim fast eh oh they're down here in our house no they're they're swimming all around us though you all the arrow they can climb oh no they can't climb up here you absolute idiots I'm killing them there's so many of them ah I'm feeling good today look at this good luck good luck getting in here idiot we got to put the barb wire up there they're mutating and I'm nauseous they're trying to get in you're trying to get in I'm I'm doing my best while throwing up everywhere don't waste your arrows here I'll I'll take care you just get yourself right Robert oh boy where did you really use that much iron uh for the Anvil yeah I had to is this is this it uh this is it I'll be ready to pick you up on the top time comes you know there's a lot of buglin out there that are that are not interested in us anymore and they are running somewhere else in the world that's not good why are you on fire I I don't know ruining your armor there we go I that's it Robert that's it we basically spent the entire day killing manglers and dealing with Robert's LMA I started working on the roof it it was going to be made out of deep slate because it looked cool uh I don't know I just chose it anyway I did this for a while but eventually we left because once again we needed to mine we were like the mining Brothers couldn't get couldn't get enough of that mine kept going down there so we sailed I mean Road away and got distracted on a beach where there were a lot of parasites we wanted to sleep here so we cleared out what we could slept and then uh in the morning we fought the rest of the parasites oh why did one creep there's creepers that are blowing up that have nothing to do with us right now Sean what there's so many parasites kill them all I'm trying I'm almost out of arrows don't use your arrows hello creepers I would like to talk to you oh there's a lot of you oh who oh my gosh oh no okay Robert right now I'm going to die here I need you to use your golden apple and run away I'm going to die here Sean okay okay just keep [Music] running behind you why is there so many bears oh my goodness this is bad we need to start to get out of control I really shouldn't have made this Warhammer is not good yeah you can't use a shield with it then we finally mined we needed Iron Coal uh copper copper was the big one we were down here for and I want a deep slate to continue building the roof I was also interested in getting sulfur because we could use it to make gunpowder later which we're going to need a lot of yeah we got a lot of stuff down here I got I got everything I got deep slay got Iron Coal and Robert got sick again this man this man it was an challenge don't get sick from touching a dangerous chemical for Robert level impossible you know that Meme someone make that all right make that and send that to Robert cuz that was this man who couldn't help himself like all them Sticky Fingers Robert he saw something dangerous finger straight into it what am I talking about right now all right let's do it let's do a who is the most useful man check right now how am I copper you got I got um 35 copper okay I've got 14 copper well looks like you're the more useful copper man than me how much iron do you got uh 27 I got 46 good good good so like I'm the more useful Iron Man how much coal you got uh 20 I have I have a stack of 64 plus 40 That's 104 all right well now you're just showing off we were down there for a while and Robert Robert eventually slept while I disconnected from the server bringing it to day 38 but when I reconnected I guess I waited a little bit too long because he had gone off on his own and he was now down so I rushed over to him got him up and add that to the score okay there a man going down eventually we broke out of the mine and went up to through the water look how slow you swim slowest man alive just splashing around in the water but anyways now all we had to do is get back to our base without getting distracted and everything would be perfectly it would be good just no no distractions oh that's not good on the left what is that that is the start of a Paras parasite biome I can see our boat over there that we put down so let's Robert we have to take a look at this do you have lava there's the beckon right there it's inside of it no yeah I do I do I do we need to burn this thing out before we leave there's so many parasites all over this there I know that's there's multiple beckons then yeah there's another paraso biome right there with meat sacks and then our boat is right we need to deal with this we cannot leave this and just walk away from this where's the Beck in I don't see it it's the like tentacle thing coming up there's two of them tell me you tell me where to pour lava and I'll do it come here it's that thing in the middle you see it I think I think it's giving off all those things oh oh oh Sean I got him I got him oh my goodness all right well you have to dig to it I'll pour the lava once you dig to it I think it got mad that we were getting close to [Music] it oh my oh I don't know where I'm getting hit from they're all over the place is where is where you got it oh it's doing something yeah it's blowing up oh careful stay in the water cuz they they'll ignite you okay good that's one and we got to deal with the other one and get out of here you got it yeah should we sleep first yes I don't have a bed so no the beds are over here beds over here both beds yeah I'm sleeping one's got meat meat uh it just spawned to long arms oh my goodness it's going to keep spawning stuff Robert it's spawning more they're coming at you build up over it and pour lava down into it oh my God they're so fast I know I want to deal with spiders as well I'm out of good quality meat they're coming out okay I I I'm I'm low on health I need to eat it's on fire I got it on Fire come on just die okay it's dead I think I killed it so right here we had to stop okay there was not only one beckon but two and beckons are incredibly dangerous because they will progressively grow and spread and eventually convert large chunks of the world into the like the upside down from stranger things speaking of which let's go take a look you remember the island that we were on at the beginning that we had to evacuate let's just go see what going on over there right now yeah not good this is exactly what would happen here if you don't deal with a beckon so Robert and I had to do that immediately whenever we saw them but what's even scarier is the beckons you don't see the ones that are deep underground and just starting to swell up a little bit and that is exactly what was happening back at our base we heard one but we couldn't find it so instead we we said we wouldn't worry about it no not a problem and I guess I started putting up Windows there was a serious threat growing directly below Robert and I and here's what we were doing day 40 woohoo big big 40 that's what we call it the big 40 you know what happens on day 40 what's that Kim no we're not adding Kim joins us not a chance was day 50 Kim shows up if this video gets 10,000 likes Kim will join we wanted book so that we could start enchanting our gear but instead of getting sugarcane and cows we went to a nearby Village and started looking the thing I like about these modded Villages is that you go into a house and look at that there's bookshelves everywhere you don't have to you just start cutting them down and taking them I'm going to be honest though watching some of this watching some of this footage back is uh I'm uh having a real hard time watch watching watching some of this I take my helmet off when I'm sailing so I can see what I need to see there's a windmill on this one next one I take my helmet off when I'm sailing so I can see what I need to see come on come on come on come on Robert also needed coal because the machines he was making used a lot of it I I thought he was exaggerating at the time no these things these things chugged coal so uh once I had like 90 books he and we took all the coal from all the various furnaces that were around the Villages uh we slept the next day we sailed home Robert started working on enchanting some stuff I or he organized some chests and I started to make a proper front door to our base cuz at this point that thing was just wide open for whatever weird creature wanted to Slither its way in I spent the next day working on the base more uh I finished the front door which is good and get that thing up and solid uh then I made a back door out to the deck and I started filling in some of the gap gaps that I had missed uh down below I guess uh since we're getting closer to day 50 I was getting more and more paranoid about the parasites that would eventually come because at this point the ones that we were dealing with were relatively easy uh it's it's the big boys it's the big boys that scared me and uh it wasn't going to be long before those big boys came and knocking you know what I mean I'm knocking down your door you don't want a big boy like that showing up at your what am I come on okay I also finished the roof because again uh soon flying big boys would be I got to stop with the big boys right not going to say that anymore flying parasites would start to show up and we were going to need protection from the sky while I was doing this Robert was busy enchanting and just as he was telling me about this new fancy enchant that he got uh we got a horde oh Infinity on my C on my on my bow Infinity listen to this Infinity flame power four you're lying to me come on that's a hoorde yeah I'm not in the mood for it this evening well can we just sleep it off I don't know oh we can but it doesn't deal with the problem can we just deal with it in the morning we can let's do that I'd rather there's Robert come up here I'm up here what do you mean you're up I'm in the second floor by our beds come to the first come to the first floor there's a giant spider oh my goodness oh you sealed it up good you didn't completely seal it up though uh see that oh looks like our bar wi is kind of dealing with everything I got my oh the Beck's inside our house what I killed it this bow is going to be oh it's breaking the walls no no no no no no no no no no no no the be was breaking the wall did you stop it yeah I put the wrong wood there it's fine it's fine look at this all right we need to get this stuff killed there a giant spider coming all these horses galloping there's spiders this open firing on me oh my god get inside what are you doing I'm just literally watching you do bad things I'm trying to fight these things off I don't want them oh my God I'm almost down it's I'll go out got a good I got a good bow for this you tried on light him up Robert oh he's gone shoot that horse if they're in water they're not going to catch on fire it's the problem with having a oh yeah the bug it oh it back get under [Music] you down I take out these bus is that everything yeah there bu look the hes oh a zombie killed the horse good go oh no how many waves okay they're coming in hot Robert inside there's a giant flying thing Robert I see it got it you got it yeah kill everything before it gets here oh the spider creepy spiders there's a million bugs are they in our house no they're I'm shooting them all now that the horde was dealt with and we had an enchanting room uh I got to work enchanting my stuff bow first chant power three that that just pisses me off what do you got for my legs protection three that just that just grinds my gears Fortune two knock back two protection three what I I have the worst the world's worst enchants what will you offer me on a book efficiency rip TI propulsion impaling impaling two you want that protection three come on why can't I get protection four how hard is that pretty pretty hard I can't believe fire aspect to should I take that uh on what power four on my bow should I take that no I want Flame or Infinity but yeah you want to make sure it gets Infinity so okay so fire aspect two I took it I also got just fire aspect too that's hey good protection three I'm giving up I can't believe this can't believe my eyes right now the one the biggest enchant that I really wanted and you're going to see this cost quite a bit of quite a bit of problems later I wanted Infinity I wanted Robert's bow okay I wanted that same bow as him I was I felt like a man who was stuck with feathers and that was kind of but what I also need more than a bow I guess right now was uh flaming barbed wire flaming barb wire I can't even begin to explain to you how good this is so I started making some regular barb wire flaming barb wire is good because when a parasite touches it it catches on fire and as you should know by this point in the video parasites are incredibly susceptible to Fire and they get stuck in the barb wire and they catch on fire it's just it's just a very good combo to deal with them but to make flaming barb wire we need a little element called red phosphorus and to get red phosphorus we're going to take need to take a little trip to the nether which was particularly dangerous because if you thought that the the random ores and and toxic waste that we were picking up in the overw world was bad it's so much worse than the ne you pick up one wrong thing and you just catch on fire and you you your insides come spilling out of your mouth because of how much radiation you absorb you you end up like a big toxic goo pile with some of the stuff that you're in here so uh anyways we made we wanted we need a nether portal so we went back into the mine I got some obsidian and then I made the portal I was also sick of hearing the turkeys uh and I suspect that a buglin had it infected them anyways speaking of which those buglin those are the scariest parasites of all those things just Slither around little tiny creatures they Slither about they Slither into something and then they turn it they're creepy okay I thought that there was buglin in here so I let them loose and I was thinking I'm going to get infinity in my bow anyway so I'm not going to need turkeys big mistake all right shouldn't have shouldn't have released these things now was just walking all over the place after all that we slept and the next morning hey you know it's time to go in the Nether and get that red phosphor for the uh the bar phosphor or phosphorus what's the difference who knows all right same thing maybe not I don't know I didn't do well in science anyway so uh we went to the nether what is this careful careful careful careful careful there's something that you pick up and you'll catch on fire if you touch it I don't know if that's it it's probably this go through the portal go through the portal go through the portal go through the portal The Infernal crystals go through the portal go through the portal I'm good I'm good I'm good oh that those infernal crystals that looks like red fos forus it's called infernal crystals okay I know but it I don't see that block though yeah sometimes it drops red phosphor sometimes it drops Inferno crystals so you have to like fill your inventory so you can't pick it up and then you can mine it okay I'll do that right now oh I got red fos right here oh come look at it that see it is it right here this thing kind of just in the way so it's it's around here as well o yeah yay radiation you're radioactive oh man cuz I picked up uranium quartz need quartz need all of it there's a guy that you said go to the nether get Quartz careful around here you okay it's taking damage cuz uh I need to head downwards I need like a spot just keep grabbing lava from now I'm nauseous we need to get to like an open plane jeez that was dumb There Goes My pickaxe Robert stayed back in the Nether and continued getting the stuff while I left and uh when he was in there I started working on making grenades you need to do a lot of stuff to make grenades first you need to make plate sheets or something uh then you need to make TNT then you need to make tungsten wire you also need the red phosphor that we're going to get to upgrade the grenades into incendiary grenades which if you haven't seen the first video These are these these grenades are called the parasite Killers it's not what they're called but they're they're called incendiary grenades I don't know I'm naming them they're already named these things are good these things are extremely powerful and when Robert got out he gave me some red phospher that he collected and and I started making flaming barb wire but however Robert well in the nether had started his body started to decompose because he had once again picked up some terrible waste and uh so we had to cure him go wa look at him getting cured all good add that to the score don't forget okay so I kept uh I replaced a lot of the old bar wire with flesh what am I saying fresh flaming bar wire not flesh barb wire it will be flesh barb wire cuz there'll be there'll be so many parasite bits stuck in this thing it may as well be a big okay anyways now the parasites and whenever they touch it they'd catch on fire and uh this was this was good only problem though is that around our whole house there's pools of water everywhere so this flaming bar wire wasn't going to do much if there's water all over the place so I started I spent some time filling it all in getting it ready to go uh but I could only do so much before I too needed to be cured so hey there we go getting cured as well you know what if you want to add that one to the score add it but but yeah make sure you add all of Roberts okay don't worry about whatever added to the score as well I finished the rest of the bar bler and uh our house was looking pretty good it's also very I was very for once I was very happy I guess not for once lately the builds have been getting a little bit better but this one in particular I felt very proud about cuz it was both functional and stylish the two things you want in a base when you're doing the the parasite stuff right functionality and you want it to be stylish too this this house had both of those things onto day 46 before I get to Sidetrack Robert had found or had made some sort of compass that was pointing somewhere and because our house was now in a good State he had that special enchant and things were not so crazy we thought this would be a good opportunity to go and see where this Compass was pointing at and maybe we'd find something very uh useful to uh fight off the parasites so we started sailing and like usual we found another Village along the Route so once again we stopped and got all the food we could from it uh and Robert had hand then Robert handed me the compass and told me to lead so I did and eventually we found it nice oh oh get away oh oh oh oh oh contaminated shoot what is that going to we going to die I hope not I think we're going to die no oh we didn't die oh my gosh I knew it we need to get radiation where you going fixing my radiation you're going to die yeah oh what is happening Sean a nuke's going off run what nuk's not going off yeah it is get me up I'm going to die I can get you up now Robert Robert where are you Sean I'm right here and you got to get me up you got to get me up where are you where are you go further into the forest oh my God it was a nuke yeah let's go see what happened Don what are you doing I want to see what happened I'm contaminated again yeah it's not good how long will we be contaminated for I don't know let's get away let's just get away did you just dropped seven chain link fences I didn't mean to okay that's that was not a good idea I'm out our suspicions were right I'm not contaminated anymore yeah I'm not either there parasites everywhere though let's go Sean leave this this area is go wow enough am I poisoned for a seconds let's go sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep that was a nuclear bomb or there was nuclear radiation I didn't know it at the time but if you look closely and you play back the footage oh right there there you can see that the ground has like it it was starting to change color some of the squares on the ground were like yellowish grass that is radioactive grass and I was just trampling around it trumpling I don't think that's the word I was stomping around in it rubbing it all over myself had no idea that was just a giant waste of time anyways so we sailed back to our base uh the radiation is no joke no you're going to see later how much of a problem the radiation becomes it it is a s I can't I this should have been 100 Days with radi radiation cuz this this radiation was anyway so for now I got right back to building I started making uh I wanted to make the dock look a little nicer and provide us with some more protection I didn't like how the parasites were starting to gather on it whenever there was a horde uh and I felt like putting up some walls and if I added some barb wire I could stop that from happening but before I could even finish doing that we got a chance to test my half-built dock here with another horde and Robert what just so we're on the same page yeah well I'll let you find out on your own no what let's just say what's going on with these chests I'm trying to like get yourself familiarized stop throwing random stuff in random spots hey are you prepared by the way for what the hoorde I mean I'm we're in here right SE yeah are you kidding me what you didn't tell me you got a hoard on yourself I I said you're in first surprise oh my goodness I'm going to trust your engineering outside well they're going to keep you see how they're they're putting themselves out in the fire oh what goodness just loud they're they're searing themselves they don't even stand a chance I am the king of the parasites you are pretty you're pretty crazy I'd give you that it's me versus a horde of parasites who's going to win who's going to survive longer me or Robert I think I think we all know the answer to that enough me okay and you know why cuz I got what it takes to be the champion of not only just the parasites but the world when does this end oh my goodness oh what an explosion immense explosions cuz I'm not afraid of parasites anymore I was when I my God Robert he's terrified but not me stop talking like [Music] this oh I actually got a horde what I got a hoorde really we got another hoorde I might want to get inside I'll just tell you that right now I would but I'm not afraid anymore oh my God okay all all the chests over here are completely empty oh my God it is it is an eclipse it is hitch black out there oh I want to be out there one of those flying things just almost scooped me up and turn me into paste okay it feels good to be inside but they can't get you I know I'm very happy right now spent so many days outside it's just these explosions are oh there's a back in I don't know where but there is one where's that back in Chon there's two of them where I don't know I can hear them it is dark Robert are you dying no but this idiot tried to fly into our house now he's dying look at him right there there there's one right behind you oh yeah there's another one open that door for a second no just do it can't it can't hurt you oh Robert Robert Robert robbert robt over the door get in get in get in get in chain link fences something yeah I do right uh here what is that put it down right now down right now oh oh I don't actually feels good let's get all these guys to chew themselves up the only thing I'm worried about is that it's only a matter of time before the parasites that can break blocks uh remember that what we experienced on the island yep I do remember that Robert turn around what is it oh the beckon in here these beckons need to stop getting in our house yeah are we safe I think so another H wave really yep this one's a big one this one's a big one there's flying ones I'm going to try to take them out before he gets here on the balcony oh there's one outside the balcony they're at both windows right now there at all the windows there there's one flying in oh left wa why why do you got the open why do you get the opening at the top there I haven't I haven't closed it up yet down down goes the flying thing back in back in back where where I'm going to die to what I'm going to die where where are you oh what are you open the door open the door I'm trying to I'm trying to get in get in get in I have one heart I I was I went up there and I was trying to take out the buglin and it or whatever the thing it was and it knocked me into the barb wire fence hey K oh I don't know how I survived that you I wouldn't have without you remember that next time year complaining about my methods oh a spider right out oh he's in our dock the air is quiet my goodness what a night you sleeping yeah sleep it okay okay right outside the house we needed to mine again but this time Robert had made us special pickaxes uh and himself some apparently radioactive armor or rad protection against radioactive substances or something uh but the pickaxes were cool because when we'd mine with them it would like break all of the ores that touch the source ore if you'll see what I mean in a second I need coal this oh that's insane pass that coal Robert had also made what yeah he the radiation suit this thing was useless he he picked up more toxic waste and just like every other time he became ill again 100 days of Robert getting sick all right this Robert should title his video I spent 100 days being world's sickest man coughing all over my good friend sea puking all over the place so we spent a while in that mine and eventually we slept down there and then we spent the entire next day mining also kind of boring so I'm not going to bother watching that Robert was just getting progressively more and more ill again you know they say about day 50 right they say two men who were recording this 100 days take a big break between day 49 and day 50 so when they come back they don't know what's going on that was uh Robert and I neither of us had a clue what we're were doing here or why are we down in these mines or we had no idea what was going on where did we come from did we come from up here I think we can just get out here honestly I don't remember what happened last we went mining for uh what what did we I don't know I got a lot of coal oh what I don't know what that thing is what is that it's down here don't I know shoot it with your fire arrow wait wait wait wait wait I'm going up I'm going up I have fear too so it's an advaned parasite than go what's been going on on the surface over here now oh oh my God on watch out got to get out of here Robert jump come on build up build up build up build up clearly things were not good because in the span of like 15 seconds two Advanced parasites tried attacking us which made me worry for a few moments that uh we had left the server running while we were uh gone and that when we resurfaced it was going to be absolute a just a wasteland up there of parasites luckily that wasn't the case but still makes a man worry you know so we climbed out of the cave and uh we had no idea where we were at first but then we got in a boat looked around and thankfully we spotted Robert's eyesore uh which got us home look on the right there where oh yeah let's take him out just a big old no no no no wa let the guy be and there he goes the bottom of the lake sinking in the water there's the eyesore no it's that's it's not an eyesore stop saying that I need to make a how do you think your house how do you think the house would feel if I was saying look here's the ice it would say you're completely wrong this looks like a cool house when we got back we looked at our notes and remembered that we were in the process of trying to make grenades yeah remember those of course you do cuz that was about 30 seconds ago in the video for us it was can't even I can't even tell you how long it was I don't know uh but we needed tungsten and steel to make uh these grenades and that's why we went down underground I wanted a bow like Roberts cuz I was useless against these here's the thing about bows okay they're very good against parasites and the bigger the parasite gets the bigger the bow you need and as a man who did not have a bow or a very weak bow I was useless against these parasites and being down in the mine that taught me that very quickly that I was going to need a bow exactly like Roberts uh so I made one and I tried to enchant it but I did not get infinity so uh I just kept trying and I kept going into the next day and honestly this is just kind of boring to watch all you need to know is that I did not get infinity on the bow so we just moved on Robert was sick very very sick and wanted to try to cure it properly this time instead of just the way we had been curing it before which was uh I mean you know so we went back into the cave and we started looking for asbest every time I see the word asbest in my notes I I want to say abos cuz I'm an idiot and I don't know how to read apparently I know how to spell aestus there's no way I know how to spell that that was absolutely spell check that got that right no way I could have spelled that so I'm getting off topic here again anyway so I don't know what this man was planning he's one of the speestest but he was he was sick sick as a dog down here this this man was just carrying toxic waste everywhere he went in the morning Robert finally had enough of being sick I guess he gave up on trying to get asbest so uh he cured himself again uh and then I made the grenades okay grenade First Step TNT created Next Step plates we have those we just need now the heating coil which is tungsten wire surrounded by Iron okay so need a wire stamp PL that wire stamp we need tungsten yeah we got a lot of that where is it oh perfect and this is now I get a copyright Dr will you stop throwing things go buck nutty if you keep throwing things did we find more steel where do you get steel you you iron and coal inside this Blast Furnace Okay cool so we can start making a lot of these bombs once I make one you're going to be like you're going to go wow wow wow wow wow wow give me one of them and I'll say okay going to use the bomb on the on the beckon yeah sounds good to me Buckaroo I'm going to I'm going to put sharpness on this do not know why it doesn't matter how hard I try Okay one grenade created now I take the one grenade it's so hard to make one grenade it takes so long and so much stuff there I have one incendiary grenade how do you make steel I want to make a bunch of it you put you got to fuel it up and you put iron on top oh my God the the coal yeah that's what I was that's why I was saying we need so much coal for it just it just gobbles it yeah it gobbles it up so fast like that or we need a steady stream of um I'll go to the nether were you able to find lava in the nether e we're so high up in the nether it's I tried to go all the way down but it's you need to make a boat drop down no I'm not doing that oh my God I just I just shot in it doesn't need to be full it doesn't need to be full oh oh okay okay so then what else uh iron on top coal on bottom oh my God yeah and that will create steel that'll create steel I think it should create two steel each time finishes we need a lot of it day 53 when I woke up I was thinking hey you know what a man like me would love this morning a bunch of parasites trying to thrash their way into my skull that would that would be the perfect morning for me prepare the defenses this is going to be a battle oh I got to kill the flying ones fast oh here they come oh they're swimming in oh boom I almost just died the flying ones are bad well here comes the boys hey guys how's it going perfect just get right up on our dock I got to put a barricade there oh oh oh oh oh my gosh oh oh man oh man I need XP so I got to fill in all that water cuz the water's just the water that's outside of our house is ruining the fire yeah okay another back in there's a horse in the tree over there you want out there I'm trying get really quick yeah XP all the XP is gone where' it go uhoh oh my God Sean Robert are you serious I got to get inside I'm I'm outside right now I'm getting weed up I'm getting weed up oh my God they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming I'm inside I'm inside I'm not open here oh get in oh Robert open it oh oh oh stay away from the walls yeah burn all of you burn e it's like jiggling it sack there's so many like there'd be absolutely no way we survived if we didn't have this house yeah but thank God I built this thing indestructible I have another idea too when the parasites get a little bit stronger I'm going to put like walls up in the field that have barb wire to get them all snagged up in oh it's so good okay the lightning is coming from that direction you hear that y where's all the XP the bar bar is killing it all doesn't make sense so we don't get any XP fear I fear oh no it's a bunch of wolves in the water oh no oh oh get inside where they oh they're so far we're good no they're coming from every direction what are you talking about coming from oh my God the flying thing I have no more arrows so I can't even shoot at it it's D it's there's arrows in here Sean this 14 perfect yeah I snagged up oh oh boy oh I got to make a wall over there oh back in back in what going on yeah no XP I'm just watching them not drop XP yeah not going to we're have to build up ourselves if we want XP we good oh what's going on what's going on with you I'm poisoned what I walked in Poison Cloud poison 3 oh this is a rough one for me like get upstairs oh my God what's going on severely poison there all right I'm going down to look for the beckon did the hord stop yeah just know after The Horde I sailed across the lake uh like nothing at all had just happened and casually got some wood toh keep building my dock cuz I was getting sick of these things getting onto the dock so I wanted to try to reinforce it so I put wood up around it uh more barb wire some fences I made a section that we could boat under I just generally tried to make it safer and while I was doing that we finally started to do something about the giant threat that was growing directly below our feet the beckon we didn't know where it was but we knew that it was close because these parasites were getting scarier and scarier and we were hearing this thing and I I don't know okay we needed to do something about this so while I was working on the dock Robert went to look for it yeah so I don't know I don't know where this thing is no idea all right well again we'll just wait till it finds us I guess oh Sean you want to wait till it finds us that was that was quite the quite the poor decision right there that that was a bad idea just tell you that right now I can't express how much of a bad idea that was but Robert kept looking and while I wanted I for some I don't know why I thought building this stupid bridge was more important than looking for the beckan Robert's down there in the mind digging look listening to the world's scariest most putrid sounds and I'm out up here building a nice bridge in front of our base and got my priorities all wrong but I got pretty far into building this thing and I was inter Ed by a creature that I couldn't do anything about because I didn't have a a bow so I need to call Robert for help Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert alert alert alert alert what alert yellow eye yellow eye okay I got I got my bow I got my bow where is it it's by your house I don't see it it's come over here oh I see it okay okay we got it we got to take that [Music] out we got get way closer than [Music] that oh thing is that thing's dodging it's getting closer there we go he doesn't know we're hitting it that's wait what why am I on you're standing in [Music] the that thing took three shots already there we go you got it right when all that stuff it dropped you might get a bone from it which you can use to make like a cool bow there's definitely a strong beckon somewhere hear that what yeah no it's it's it's underneath the the river here okay let's get out of here I I I heard things um turning it's what I heard when I was down there it's I I think I found the area that they're all spawning in from I got a yellowy bone sa that that's good while Robert was searching for the Beck and he had dug this big tunnel that was good because uh it also it provided us with a way to escape our house should anything happen the bigger the parasites get the more likely our house is is going to get destroyed so we were thinking we're going to need an escape rot sooner or later and uh this this would work perfect we just throw down some mine carts in here and if the parasites came we' get get in the mine carts and get out of here before they ripped our whole base down but while he was down there we I don't know okay just look look at this oh we're really close to our house to the to the mountain oh we're at the isore you should to take it out Robert Robert Robert Robert is do you see what I'm talking about yes what is that honestly I have no clue but clearly there's something going on there okay I'm gonna shoot it yeah yeah did I shoot it it's I don't see it anymore yeah it dis oh it's it's there come closer oh it's uh Robert there's also that thing there I'm just going to shoot it but no Robert there's to the right Robert the thing that I don't see it this thing is so much health I don't even know what that thing is we're going to lose our house it's not taking damage I found it I found the beckon I found the beckon I found the beckon I found the beckon I found the beckon this was bad this was this was so bad I I can't even tell you how bad this was I mean I why would I need to tell you you can see that there's these giant things coming out of this hole which is right next to our house who wants a hole like this 20 ft from their this is how the world gets destroyed by letting problems just you know I say that as I look to my right and I see a mug about with about an inch of mold in it that's a problem that I need to deal with more than these pant okay anyways this this this hole is not good if left unchecked we would be dead in a few days just like that mug if I leave that unchecked I'll be dead in a few days here you watch this clip of us trying to deal with it I'm going to go deal with this mug right now uh Robert hey how you doing down there I found it I found something yeah come down come down where the hole in the water oh this yeah so whatever that was just dug out yes I'm down here I don't see you no what do you mean you're not you're not down here come down I am down here no you're not oh je Straight Ahead they keep coming out I know you have to fight them you get tons of XP for them which makes me think maybe you should oh no it's okay everything's okay everything's okay they hurt so bad John they hurt hurt they're not hurting me oh watch out behind you it's going to blow this thing is grown Beyond repair this isn't even the back watch out that's not the be in no what is that then it's like a caesar or something or a oh I'm getting caught in yeah it's okay it's okay kill it kill it kill it kill it [Music] joh what is this I don't know what this thing I forgot what it's called but I had a problem with him before oh looks like it's going to go it's [Music] gone that means we're close to the biome which I hope is not a [Music] biome maybe that was the Beck no it's not it's not a Beck in hey I'm back that thing that Robert and I just took down I was growing in the mug I just cleaned out that was nasty there's like pink mold in there anyways this was this was not the beckon this was a dispatcher and uh while it is good to get rid of it it it would not solve the problems at all this was just another big parasite coming out of the hole so I don't know I don't know what we were doing here I don't know what was going on but we went back up to the surface and I made a diamond bow because uh I I was just getting worried about not being able to fight parasites when we eventually found the parasite biome and the beckon I was going to want to be able to fight stuff just as effectively as Robert was and I was going to need a good bow to do that only problem was I still didn't have Infinity so that was starting to stress me out anyways but the next morning I needed wood I can't I don't know why I'm all of a sudden just going to get wood now but while I was doing that I was jumped by a horse oh who who what in the that scared me oh yeah okay this is why I needed wood I wanted to make charcoal because if I had charcoal I could finally use the nigher and sulfur that I had been collecting to make gunpowder which I could then use and I did use to make more grenades which we were going to need to eliminate this parasite biome and while I was doing that Robert was making an emergency bunker but you're going to see that later I guarantee you you're going to see thater bunker later we're going to going to be in there sooner than you think he so I worked on the my bridge a bit more again don't know why I'm working on this bridge when there's clearly bigger problems going on in the world but here I am hey putting down putting down a block on the bridge it's good real important stuff right here I also learned that meteors they had been falling from the sky and I thought they were just useless junk that were going to eventually hit our base uh there's valuable items in their cores and if we used our special pickaxes we could hack them apart and get whatever the stuff is and one of the the meteors got some useful things that will be very handy later you'll see but for now it was that night I don't know we just we wanted to go to sleep but guess what couldn't sleep two men wanted to sleep couldn't do it cuz there was a hoorde so hey it's good Robert Robert it's they're in our house they're in our house I don't know I don't know I don't know are you serious yeah I'm very serious I'm deadly serious come on look dud right there what is that it's a thing what our Escape plant come back up we have to fight Sean we're so dead we're not how are they in our house it was that thing it was that thing okay so I I don't did they break through the walls or something don't know what is going on above me right now do you see this yeah yeah yeah I think one just go go I don't you go up see it's it's not very smart is it we're we're on the floor below okay oh my they're in here break the ground break the ground it's around our beds it's nasty what the heck is happening man there's slimes out there they're coming do we have arrows in a chest they flying once there's two flying things com you said there's arrows in a chest there's like 14 or something one of the chests oh you got the nice what did you put how are these things getting in our house wire up here did you put W yeah I did I did ow Robert these things are in our house how oh cuz the goo the goo is spawning them the goo down below okay we to destroy all the goo oh right here I get I'll get it I'll get it I'm about to die I'm about to actually die just stay still just get your Shield up if we need to go through our bunker we'll go go through the bunker go through the bunker I'm I'm going to die I'm going to die oh bunker bunker bunker bunker bunker flee we're out already we'll go back we'll we'll retake it I need I need to eat this is so bad God come on come on come on come on come back come back come back come back don't go back to the house Robert I got I got to finish stop you are going to get killed right now if you stop doing that we're good we're okay no you're not they're going to come through the walls they can't come through the wall they can they they absolutely can those things that the yes come on it's it's it's down here with us that's what I'm trying to tell you but we're so far away how is it it's fine they're going to keep coming to The Horde ends I'm just trying to keep moving so that they spawn all over this is the bunker right no se down below down below keep moving keep moving we we're losing every area not Robert no we are not it doesn't destroy stuff just keep moving you have to just keep moving it's spawning this it doesn't matter just keep moving just keep moving oh oh see yeah that's what I telling you not to stop do not stop so we just have to find where the host is that is the host you're just going we have to just kill him but it's going to take a few attempts to do it do this SW going to you have to kill the infested Stu as he's in here oh I killed one I killed one [Music] oh I got got him get rid of this Gunk the hord's over but there's horrible stuff outside still there's a beckon on our porch I'll get it in the morning on our porch like on the dock oh my God there's like a what is that oh it's eating the go go go go go go it's breaking it's breaking it to the bunker breaking it doesn't it you got to relax what just one of these things oh I can't rela I don't I don't know what that is oh oh here we we had it we got get rid of all this stuff okay keep going keep going I hear it it's above us yeah it's chasing us so I trying to get it away from our house stupid Gunk where is it it's all this stuff is too far away we can't even see it if it's in our house let's just wait till the morning I don't know what to do with Robert oh nice yeah I hit it hanging the hanging fruit hit the hanging FR okay the damage on our house doesn't look too bad looks like some wood from upstairs wow what a night yeah I'll say when the sun came up we got back to our house and uh we cleared out the goop and the parasites and tried to enchant my bow did not get infinity just wasted a bunch more experience no Infinity for me they were saying hey Sean you want Infinity too bad just only Robert can have that enchant so hey that's good I love that day 58 was boring don't even know why I'm talking about day 58 we just went mining we found out that I don't know I killed this guy whatever this thing is and we found out that we could use the special pickaxe that like mined all the ores on deep slate which was quite good because we could very quickly rip through the bottom layer of the world and find diamonds so that's I don't know that's good by the time we got home and slept and did all that stuff it was day 60 day 60 all right can't believe it's day 60 already I wasted the day by looking for what do you mean already apparently this video is already like this video is going to be a long video why am I saying already probably CU I keep getting off topic that's why I Wast the day by looking at things to build and just messing around with steel walls I don't know what I was doing on day 60 right pointless Day Day 61 I tested out mine cart so there was a man who's going back and forth going back and forth between the base and the bunker uh then I saw there was one big man right in the middle of the lake don't know what happened to that guy Robert probably dealt with him cuz I there's no way I could deal with something like that myself a nice little reminder about the problem was spreading below our feet I put up some fences in the bunker to try to make it a bit more secure then I spent the rest of the day trying to get infinity on my bow again and go ahead and guess if I got it or not what do you mean go there's no point in guessing I didn't get it okay day 62 is what I like to call spider day that's a terrible joke I don't know why I put that in the script I I walked outside there was cuz there's just a bunch of spiders outside of the house massive spiders Robert what we've got oh my God what there's just spiders all out here big ones why there's so many you see them yeah I see them wait those are the big ones yeah this guy's try to weapon that one's huge it's coming okay well it's breaking everything it's breaking everything yes oh it died it okay good good good good I was about to I was about to light that thing up I was trying to get more XP by killing parasites around our base so that I could get infinity on my bow but things went so poorly so quickly for us oh man I hear the screaming Sean that's not good there's a lot of parasites in the Woods I hear something loud yeah it's very loud fear through robbert yellow oh no it's going to kill me I'm trying to Agro it I hit it Robert oh man get out of that it dug I'm not in it I'm dead okay it's got you got got to be low Sean just take it out just your bow I can't I have no ammo what just happened Sean the grenade the grenade I'm going to burn up I killed it though all right put it put it all out put it all out I'm on fire can you put come on go go go back to the house back to the house back to the house I want its loot that was bad I want his bone there's his bone give me the bone baby there's a Beck in below us what was that what what was that I don't know but I don't like how these things can just shoot out of the ground like that like it's like it's Gears of War an emergence day these parasites were coming out of holes and they were making new holes all over the place this newest edition that they made was right in front of our house and they were finally in out of this hole I thought maybe if I poured lava down it that it might solve the problem uh that doesn't that doesn't do anything don't know why I thought that that would be a solution to this but I don't know day 63 I almost get tagged by an assimilated squid you forgot about the things cuz I absolutely did and here here's one trying to wrap its little tentacles around my leg and pull me down what is this lot what was that Sean SE what is that oh it's a squid oh wow okay I'll take that XP we really needed to figure out where these things were coming from this was going to get I mean it was already out of hand but it was what what's one above out of hand out of out of control okay it was going to get out of control it was it was already out of control we needed to figure out where these things were coming from from and the best way to do that we realized was just to find one of the holes that they had dug themselves out of and follow that hole down underground and it would hopefully lead us to wherever it was that they were coming out of that was the plan incredibly dangerous to do this a Terri absolutely terrible idea you see those tentacles what is that there's a couple of tentacles they got the mobs creepers I'm commanding you to stop blowing up I'm getting fed up with these creepers popping off on me absolutely my fault what the these beckons those beckons right no they're tentacles those those high pitch like ringing no I don't know I don't know what's doing that I think it might be who knows actually I see something huge down there it just turned what they just what is that what what what it's it's it's all the way down there you're safe right there things are just spawning and it's unbelievably oh yeah ridiculous I it's just horrible down here there's two of those things are you sure are you sure that's not the backend or anything I'm positive oh what is that slime garble thing these things are getting emboldened oh my God they're merging watch out wait I want to watch them merge Robert I'm watching I don't watch I've never seen that happen before something's blowing up down there yeah get get get rid of it but that was interesting put that put that down in the notes put what down in the notes the merge these these creatures are capable of transforming below me yeah I'm down here I got my guardian angel above me so what's the plan here you're I don't want to kill this thing because go what is that I don't know you know what kill it kill it kill it it's right I can't see it you know what I don't care we'll make another one what you just throw oh my joh it's jumping yeah I'm I'm I'm climbing it's breaking things I'm going to kill it I'm going to kill it right now it's got me I'll okay you it's got me Sean I got it oh my God what what just grabbed me Robert they're coming the parasites are coming I think we should leave Robert it didn't even kill that thing no one damage I have weakness hold I'm not doing it anything right now something's eating stuff yeah it's that thing down there you sure I don't know by the way those those dogs can jump up to five blocks I saw that it was absolutely it was also breaking blocks oh what is that the Sentry where where did it get you from it's a right across the way it went down to the ground going to pop up somewhere else maybe we should take a chill pill there I got lava directly on that thing can't these things adapt to fire resistance I don't don't say stuff like that is it taking damage from my arrows I I I don't know why didn't here I poured lava on it let's just come back tomorrow did the lava went away what no I put it in the new spot it's going down what am I saying I'm shooting it I'm shooting it kill it good job I want that XP I want that XP man I have no idea if this is doing anything no no no let's go home they're going to come down from above us Robert the sentries and the tentacles are coming to get us Robert you got the Sentry is almost dead I don't have any arrows I have no capability of cry one away Sentry one away the shield thing is driving me absolutely Buck nutty what Shield yeah I know I don't know how we're going to get home in a hoarde we have to get out of this cave come on come on we need to get back to our bunk our safe Safe House it's very dark wait can you sleep okay Sean yeah I'm in I'm underwater all right I'm telling you right now I don't know about this take your time you might need to dig to me how many are there I don't know if you could see my screen right now you would be fixed me get you up by I just saw things coming coming up from the hallway the sacks of Flesh no okay we have to dig in a different direction oh this Direction come on this was it we were on the right track to find the parasite biome but it was it was dangerous down here so we wanted to get out get to the surface regear up and then come back down when we're ready but uh things got out of control you think we can make it out I don't know I'm going to look I'm just going to keep trying to keep pulling them down and then see what else comes falling through oh boy oh snap don't say that look look out there's spiders Golems you name it there's so many things still oh he's popping oh look at those ew bugin they come out of them big carrier they call them oh no how many of these are there I don't know how many villages have there been around oh true well that's not how it works but I'm helping I had a dream last night that I had like level 39 experience it was peace it was peace in my heart cuz I get infinity on my bow we'll get you infinity okay SP yellow uh spiders and yellow eye spiders I don't really not too worried about oh oh oh oh that no Sean oh that's how they get you they web you up so that the other things look at all this stuff is goinging down there the true horrors of the world are up there how many things are there look at these flesh guys there's another Golem they're they're just multiplying I want you to just picture this we're outside when when we get this okay picture that yeah but we're in our house and they're touching flaming barbed wire all right go get go get that XP hold on there's a gold that's oh dead 22 all right what else we got up here I don't even know what that is o o what how many times I going to go up there go and then run back down I think there's still big stuff oh my God there's like 50 more Golems oh shoot oh jeez oh no Robert try to get back try to back Robert are you safe I'm in a hole okay okay okay I'm safe right now I think they're breaking to me just try to survive I'm going to try to Agro them as many as I can over here no they're all coming down to you how many uh a lot give it to me straight a lot they're all coming down there just stay tight okay I'm really far down here though okay so we went from good to bad to bad to good yeah how many things are going to be down here you think well if they're stuck down there and you can tunnel up to me okay I'm coming up this is actually yeah this is actually a smart play I meant to do this they get stuck in the water and a Robert there's a yellow eye digging down to me I'm trying to come to you right now I need to get to you cuz there's a yellow ey digging to me yeah I'm in a bad spot now okay I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming all right come here here here where are you is a really bad spot Robert come on come on we're good we're good we're good where are you they can't get up here I'm digging to you yeah but there's a yellow eye above us go leave water just started pouring on my head oh no I hate that okay we've killed most of the things you have you have your end Pearl right yeah oh I love that I love the jingle jingle jingle oh I can't fight when I'm weak oh I hear I I just heard a quack our ducks our ducks come on keep quacking Quack Quack please oh my God Ducks them oh they're above us what if the parasites are infected we dug into the house no no way the assembly machine we're in the house oh no they're digging down what do you mean they're digging down this water came from above us oh Robert this is not good what uh we don't really have a house anymore are you serious it's just one yellow eye I hit it okay we have to kill this thing our house it's dead it's dead it's dead is that it our house it's not so bad did you pick up the assembly machine yeah I have it okay oh my goodness anything that's our chests I know I I know I know I know we have to rebuild do you have wood do you have wood I don't have wood just get wood from both Robert and I fully thought that that was it we we thought that this video was going to be titled we survived 65 days in a parasite apocalypse but we made it out just I I I don't even want to say we made it out because when we came out our house was just leveled was just completely destroyed we needed to repair it because the parasites could out break blocks and this house wouldn't provide us with the protection that we were going to need the only blocks that survived the parasite assault were the nuclear blocks the ones that came from that mod so we're going need to repair significant sections of our base if we want wanted this thing to even offer us any sort of protection against these now very powerful parasites problem was was that making some of these reinforced blocks uh was not only expensive but also impossible for us at the moment because it was required special machines that we didn't yet have like chemical plants and assembly machines and all sorts of things so Rob Robert and I were just here trying to enjoy the piece and figure out what to do next but that didn't even last long oh my g is broken I need there's a yellow eye there's two oh boy don't worry my yeah my bar wi will take care of the bar wi is unmatched what it's in her house stay down there what a giant no you get out of freaking everything he's he's intentionally breaking our chests how rude I'm sick of that I'm absolutely I don't want to have to fix all the chests somehow our ducks survived all of that okay everything's in random chests now our ducks are our what our ducks are down here ducks are still alive yeah oh probably wondering hey those Ducks where they come from I'll tell you we we got these ducks several days ago I didn't show this because Robert had made an assembly machine and I this the machines are his video right there's there's a lot of stuff in my video that you're not seeing because I want you to go watch Robert's video he made this assembly machine and we're trying to find somewhere to put it was like back on day 62 or 61 I can't fully remember and while we were down there digging out a section for the machine underneath our base we found out that if you pressed o it would throw a duck ready yeah what the duck where did you get duck from press oh I'm not even trying to bait you into watching the rest of the video here these Ducks play a mass a a literal massive role later on in this video you will see what what I mean these ducks are I can't even begin to describe you what happened with these ducks anyways we've been stacking up all the parasite bits that we got and I finally decided to use them and try to make lures and hopefully lower the parasite points so that I don't know so we' stop getting attacked by these massive creatures uh and I made a ton of these things and you know what I wish I didn't because uh there was something way better that I could have made with these parasite bits and you'll see in just a second what that is but here I am building these blocks which clearly didn't do much because a few seconds later you I look out the window and there's you look at this because like just look out the window right now that thing's going to kill us I put my shield in a unknown chest if I had level 30 Guess what I'd be doing right now doing it yep sh that thing so we couldn't build these reinforced blocks yet but we thought maybe we could steal them we would just sail around and maybe find some sort of pre-made structure and then mine all the blocks off it and bring it back to our base and just rebuild it with a stronger blocks and then we be we' be safe uh but before we could even go to do that we did deal with some large parasites Robert what we have a huge problem just constant problems what what is it this time just come outside of the house this thing is we can kill this thing it's just like I'm just these parasites are just going here it comes hey how's it going buddy good to see you why are you getting so close to it to get it to come to us and I'm going to stop it on my bridge you shall not let Bridge uhoh Okay it passed the bridge we don't have a button on the door by the way okay well hopefully it dies any second now oh nice that is lucky and perfect for me a man who needs to get to level 30 not a drop of XP from that thing no oh no after that we sailed and uh slept in the village we kept traveling on day 67 two men out on the water or land I don't know we's two men on the go and by day 68 we finally found something so many animals here oh Bing Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bongo Bingo Bongo Bingo Bongo Robert these are all reinforced blocks that is a nuclear reactor and we're staring right straight down into is it actually yeah whoa oh my God this is one of the best things we could have found ooh steel scrap this best of look at that a gas mask stealth device I got that buck shot what is that thing right there you want to what did you just turn on I hit a lever I don't know what it did supply drop incendiary missile we can put missiles in here Robert I think small Thruster I don't want to mess with this stuff missile Launchpad yeah look I'm going to put a missile in it oh where is it going to go I don't know but we need the battery and we need small Thruster here you're going to get us kill I don't know what I don't know what these parts are first slot missile car second slot Target designator for missile satellite payload for cluster rocket Supply I got a supply drop request want to go do that yeah but do you want to take this all with us everything we got yeah of course but wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Robert what Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert Robert what have we not how have we not considered the possibility why don't we take this with us why don't we we live in the in the missile bunker is that what you're going to say yeah okay yeah we should live here instead instead of mining us all out and rebuilding our house cuz this is all reinforced and then I can just put barb wire and everything up around here we can make like a fence thing up top here we just have to move everything here and we could like reinforce this part right here we're pretty close to the house too like that's the first Village we oh my God come across okay let me hold on let me try this really quick ready [Music] okay I I clicked it like seven times and didn't mean click so many times let me see what you got there what is that supply drop requester what supply drop boxes are dropping I'll need a crate opening device get the loot Smash and the whole thing won't work what about no it said don't smashing the whole thing won't work I thought I would be able to pick it up no it said it in the did it say that yes smashing I knew it was going to open you got to search crate openings we need crowbar or something a crate opening device crowbar it's it's just steel ingots we have that yeah I got some right here like so three in the middle I got it open that bad boy up oh what' you get box of iron rounds and a stem pack heals 2.5 hearts that sucks do you have a gun ammo here I got another supply drop yeah drop it in oh my oh I got a Grenade a grenade enhanced grenade and Rocket container you really close up the bunker top yeah I will we got ourselves a little bunker here we expand with obsidian if we can get our if we can get the chemical machine down here we can uh make each one of these things a thing we can make more of these bricks okay I'm going to be honest with you what you're about to watch is a clip that I have known is coming for a while now and uh yeah I've been kind of dreading this one so uh I I don't know how to explain okay hey what what is on your legs Yoda I am why why ask not why I did what they have y it to you you you don't have any equipment on you don't have your thing equipment I have your lab suit lab suit you're going to going to get radiation I yod does not care about when is it going to end when is your when does the bit end end stop I don't know what you're talk I to I don't want to listen to this y there's one thing I don't want to be hearing right now while dealing with parasites you know what just just cut cut the rest of that out we we liked this Silo it was good it was strong it was already built for us the only problem was It was kind of small and I didn't know we were going to fit everything and I also wasn't super keen on I don't know we we weren't certain about moving here we kind of just were feeling it out but I also found out that I had these cloaking devices that if I you look at this I what am I saying right now what where'd you go did you just use the cloaking device John John you can still see you with the armor that cloaking device was a onetime use so that was just a nice big waste and oh look at this Yoda okay cool is active sense is active Robert oh I did see that I didn't think anything of it though that cloaking device thing is I wasted it no more enough of the Yoda we're not not showing that anymore Robert and I sailed back to our base um it was our base was way closer than I thought of us I thought we were far when we were in The Silo turns out we were like couple minutes away we're actually very close I had such a bad sense of direction in Minecraft anyways we were kind of thinking about whether or not we wanted to move or not but within five seconds of being here outside there's just stuff going on outside of the window look at this all right I'll make you want me to finish that off for you uh yeah here take take the books finish it they're right there on the bed um Robert what look just look what's going on outside of this house oh my God it's snared a dragonfly they're going nuts for you see that yeah down you go in the hole all right uh um sh did you see that I'm telling you there's no button okay well there's no door either that button keeps coming off it's oh Robert what are you doing don't say shabag goua and then make run it this way he's an idiot look that thing is terrifying but it's an idiot look at those beasts down there that that persuaded me it made me think hey why do we want to live here this this place is just a war zone remember those parasite lures that I made a few days ago the things that I said were kind of a waste Well turns out if I had used the those black like what are they called I can't remember ruptured viscera or something like that if I used those bits for something else specifically I could make Twisted fibers Twisted fibers are extremely useful because you can use them to make very very very powerful and strong Tough Armor and I wasted all of them making those stupid lures we had we had enough for that Robert and I both could have been decked head to toe in powerful armor but still we we had some left over so I started making this good armor I then used the Twisted fibers to make the base helmet I forget the name of it this isn't the helmet that I'm trying to make this is the first step to make the good helmet but I I doesn't matter this was the first part right I needed to then make armored scales which uh required Flint obsidian and long arms fragments uh fortunately I had all these things so I made them I then used the scales in conjunction with the hel helmet that I just made to make an upgraded helmet and look at this thing seven armor and two armor toughness on a helmet I have it what' you make the helmet of Des are you kidding me take a look that's crazy how much how much armor is that uh it is two armor toughness seven armor on the head my goodness it's massive man there is some good stuff now I wanted to make the rest of the set of this this armor was good and all but we still had a massive problem the the there's giant parasites digging around our base something's breaking yeah I heard that why I ran away originally I'm also sick of this water flowing into here what got to cross the bridge oh this thing is not that scary oh it's one of those I thought it was a come here big oh oh I hate this I'm I'm getting sucked oh I'm going to get you oh it's dead the next day we had enough and decided to once again try and climb CL into the holes that the parasites were digging out of to look for the parasite biome or the core the the mega beckon that had grown unknown to us and it went it went poorly to say the least what no no you see that thing I yeah it's stuck there dude I'm going to throw a grenade at it no save it save it yeah it's stuck oh no the the the biome was right there I see it I see it everything Robert okay in this case actually do throw a grenade at it okay fire the hole Sanara idiot well just came out of it I don't know but I'm shooting now yeah it's down good good good good good all the string we need all of it there it is we're here we're here we're here just a creeper okay how do we how do we do this oh there's some I'll show you how we do it is that you is that you digging yeah yeah yeah I just threw a grenade into it I'm shooting it it's dead it's dead we got it okay oh I see beckons I'm poisoned from something all right one of the beckons is down SE okay I I see a big beckon in there Cesar what in the world is that thing Robert get back I love [Music] to you safe [Music] no no no go away everything is in on me okay I'm throwing a grenade it won't harm you it will only harm that stuff are you okay uh Robert yeah are you there yeah it's dead no get off me get off me get off me get off me I'm going to cry it's dead it's dead where are you no there is zero reason for me to be alive right now where are you I'm in a hole I dug in [Music] ah no come on I got it I got it I got it me out I don't know what just bomb but I'm Tod yeah I'm going give me one second here okay I'm going to come into your what just happened to me Robert get away from the wall get away from the wall was the worst thing ever where even are we right now I that was ter we're back in the same position that we're in before that's where we are right now we need to get into that main no no no what we need to do is is get out of here look look look look look you ready we are not we're not doing this again come on come with me we're leaving yeah we're going to come back just come with me when we finally made it back out uh we slept it's Day 72 now right 72 days of two men getting just absolutely bashed around by parasites and I still got like 30 more to this is insane so it it was clear that the problem had gotten completely out of control and it was no longer something that two men like us could deal with okay I think we had just made them angry because the next day they were funneling out of that hole there like a big swarm of like bees coming out of a nest you ever watch those videos where you like tap on the ground all these bees compl that's what me and Robert were dealing with and at one point we nearly had both died this was a whole big thing Robert was on the ground at one point and was looking like this thing was going to kill me but I managed to take it down and we got robbert up we just were killing parasites all day and then we slept the next day I I I was sick of fighting parasites and in the morning I was starting to think hey you know this has got to be it there can't be more coming out of this hole but the the next morning I hey guess who was there my old my old friend my man the uh assimilated Enderman assimilated end's here oh yeah oh I'm coming I'm coming trying to get this house again there we go oh the head oh I hate how it shakes oh my goodness you might be wondering why we were fighting so many parasites here and why we hadn't just left well it was because I was very close to getting to level 30 so that I could finally get infinity on my bow it had popped up on the enchanting table a few days prior uh but it was taking forever for me to get to level 30 despite killing all these parasites I wasn't getting that much experience there's Infinity power three and Unbreaking three that's that's really good that's still really good you can get another Power Three book and a flame book yeah but you know what hey here it is finally got it look at this finally a man with infinity on his bow I can now help Robert instead of just standing around day 74 was time to get out of here right move out of this Wasteland this place was this place was bad completely ruined at this point so we stripped all of our valuables from our base gotten boats and sailed out of here but before we left we had one more thing to do a long time ago I think like day 25 or 30 I can't remember Robert had found an air strike designator and we were holding on to this thing in case of a dire emergency we were afraid that if we used it nearby our house it would destroy our house but since we were leaving anyways we thought you know what let's just see what happens let's use this air strike designator okay I'm I'm I'm I'm dropping it in ready yeah it's not working maybe because I have a shield on called it in where's it going to go oh my God oh my [Laughter] God what did that do it did nothing that was cool though that was really cool that would have been good if John run run run what what what what what what this bad things in the air over there we got in our boats and sailed to that bunker we had found and uh I secured it and then we slept we started moving all the stuff we carried over into nuke chest and setting things up on the surface I put down some fences that I had tore down from our house and then some barbed wire but I was interrupted by a bunch of yellow eyes it appeared that uh this area had also some parasites in it oh Robert it's here it's here they can't get in yeah but it can shoot down on us can descend Upon Us yeah if it shoots Us in here we're done for it's it oh dead dead you trap it that's what I call the dummy of the of the year they were digging up from under the ground again which stressed me out because we had we we just got here how was there already a network of tunnels we the whole reason we left the first house was or the last house not the first that was like the seventh house if I'm being honest was because of the tunnels below our house and now we get here oh look at this another guy digging out of the digging out of the dirt coming to get us Robert also got smoked there we go I was that close to killing it haa look who's coming to save the day you you were you did just hit it once I hit it once yeah we needed to get more stuff uh from the old house but before we left we stopped to look a little closer at the missile in our bunker and realized that we might actually be able to fire it and if we could fire it maybe we could deal with the underground parasite problem once and for all so the next day we looked into it a little bit further it turns out the missile was going to require some components and we actually had we had quite a few of them that we had found at the various places that we had looted and and chests and whatnot but we're still going to need a few more so Robert got to work on figuring that out you're going to have to go watch his video for specifics uh but you know speaking of Robert just looking at this footage this man was having some technical problems on the way back maybe not he's Frozen in time too [Music] yeah you stay there can you break the break the boat I'm stuck here I can't even get out you stay there get over here you stay there I'm stuck I'm worth it son why are you still there Robert just move the boat I can't move I'm telling you break the boat you're actually stuck you can't get out yes I can't get out I'm I'm hitting everything give me get out of here you're fully stuck yes when we got to back to the base my brain was also having technical problems because I decided to instead of filling chests go look in the swamp again to see if our air strike had did [Music] anything Robert I've done something so stupid there's a bomber chasing [Music] me that's also Robert there's a bomber what are you talking about ah shot there's something digging [Music] I oh oh my oh my gosh just hold it together for a little bit come here no not you this thing I'm going to kill it don't worry I got this [Music] robber know to deal with people in water yeah they get all funky in the brain when we got back to the bunker we got to work on getting the missile ready we needed to First charge a battery or a power cell or make some sort of engine or I I don't know again go watch Robert's video Robert was doing all this while I was I don't know what I was doing Robert was doing that stuff the next day day 77 I can't believe these days are flying by now yeah I was trying to make the bunker more safe because I I felt like I don't know we're going to come up the ladder and there's going to be a yellow eye there or like an assimilated Enderman or it's going to come down in here I don't know what I was doing here I was just I think I was just building stupid stuff but I was again interrupted by a yellow eye so I went down to the bunker where I thought I was safe but it turns out they can fire down in the hole it's a a missile silo it's cut a giant hole up above so it like spit on me with this green goo so Robert got me up we filled in the hole I got to make sure that we close that thing later when we go to fire the missile but H that that was just day 77 right day 78 kept building the next day and I got a brief look at what Robert was up to is it creating energy it is it's charging it how do you know look hover over it it is Robert you're a genius you're a bio Thal genius I can't believe it combustion generat look how slowly it's charging it oh my God so we're going to be able we got to make that Target designator now then yeah so we're very close to being able to launch this I wonder how to make we can make another Advanced power cell or we can make an a quadruple Advanced power cell if we have four of these which is very easy Wow way too complicated for a man like me and so day 79 we did the same thing but more par ites for spawning including beckons and I didn't want to repeat a last time so I went to try to deal with them right away and on day 80 there was a whole new problem for us or me specifically all of my armor was about to break which was fine I guess because I was planning on getting more of the upgraded armor the like that helmet I made I wanted the rest of the set but I was still worried that it would break midf fight with some scary parasit so I did what I could for the time being I repaired my leggings with the one Diamond that I still had we needed long arms fragments to make more of the upgraded armor and uh there was a lot of long arms spawning near our base so we thought maybe we could get some armor fragments from them so we spent the day shooting at them day 81 you know what they say 81 days 81 men what what what am I saying right now who care what in the morning we kept trying to get long arms fragments by shooting at more parasites and just killing everything we saw two men gone crazy that's what I say all the while Robert was either charging batteries or making explosive fuel or building some sort of machine I I don't know I this man was busy though the following day we just kept charging batteries battery boys you know two boys two bad stop with the stop trying to make slogans no one's going to anyway so uh Robert was getting antsy to blow off one of these missiles what do you what do you say we use we try out one of these missiles something something big you want to try one of the missiles yeah I got a cluster missile we're going to have to uh remove the uh obsidian from the top yeah we are what do you what do you think I should do uh I have a hord yep what is that they're they're Vermin look at the look at the look at the wall of what is happening they're walking into the traps there's something above us and it's not dying from the trap it's not dying yeah I think the things above us are are harmless so go out and just check no you go check well oh my God oh my God what is this dropping Gunk everywhere look at all the gunk is dropping oh oh now it's in the oh it's I killed it all right Sean I'm going to Target designate oh my God right here for now okay where here big holes everywhere there's an assimilated squid here yeah what do you think we should I I want to test it out you want to test go test it out on that on that uh Village over there okay what do you think I don't know I I don't know there's another there's another wave oh Sean get us in here it's not it's not the time to be missing jumps look at the squid Rober look at the squid oh look at the squid they're sailing down the river so fast why are there so many there's so many oh we got one dead oh we need we need armor I know I know I know don't go in the Water by the way do not go in the water those squid are nasty how do you you should have seen that you should have seen the little Fleet coming down another wave Robert oh boy here they come oh no oh what is it brutes worse what are you saying oh look at all those long arms more brutes worse why don't you just come down here oh what is that I don't know oh they be dropping oh w w w who who who who what if they what if they have ducked what if they have ducked they D I don't know but they they Dro a little powder look at them there's bugs everywhere they're they're going to I'm snared I'm snared I got no armor the hoorde has stopped okay okay we got one armor fragment all that one out of that all after we cleared The Horde and looted all the bits uh we knew we had to do something about the mobs that were spawning in this this this whole area was just a big mess okay so it's about to be round 17 of parasites overwhelming us um so we we just use the missile okay there's the money okay that's cool I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I'm going to hit this hit the switch see if it works going back here put the designator in don't you want to come up come up top to see it oh how you going to how you going to do it there's a there's a switch right here I don't know if it's still connected but it's probably not connected are you ready [Music] yeah oh there it goes oh already oh it already landed oh my God [Laughter] Robert it blew up half that was a cluster missile that was incredibly Reckless that I didn't okay well cluster missiles they yeah they're very cluster Robert and I could not catch a break because the next morning we got another horde okay um what we have a lot of problems right now what is this it's best it's best you stay underground I just saw something Peak over the ledge yeah there's there's there's uh I have an IDE DOA John what was that I'm dead what is that I don't even know what killed me are you in the bunker I'm at I'm at the top part yeah I think if horse exploded okay and now just let me down so there's a lot of stuff up there oh my God closing up the top oh my God what is that noise I have no boots anymore my chest PL is about to go the way of the dyo it's the way of the dino gone extinct a weird thing to say seriously it's about to go the way look at them look at the boys coming look at the boys look at the boys coming over there why you how is there another horde what you got to watch out for is the horses when they pop they pop so now that we could fire missiles we wanted to see how far we could fire missiles and ideally we'd fire it straight into the parasite biome that was spreading near our house but in order to fire one to shoot one there we were going to need to use a Target designator and manually Mark the location so Robert and I got in a boat and sailed back to our old house again and while we were there Robert RI his life by running into the swamp and registering the location I went through all of our old chest to grab some more supplies that we could use to make better armor because I was a man who was getting real sick of this broken diamond armor it was uh one one if a single Pebble touched me this whole thing was going to shatter so we did that got back to the P house I made a chest piece out of the Twisted fibers and then I made some armored scales and upgraded the chest piece again look at this thing two armor toughness and 11 armor good stuff good good stuff all around Robert needed some of this armor too so I made him a helmet but unfortunately we ran out of long arms fragments so we I could make the base helmet but I couldn't upgrade it for him yet so this she going to have to wait a little while I'm back up to the surface though and we're taking a look around at where our missile had originally impacted that was pretty good though this the bunker Buster yeah it did a good job Robert and I at this point we now missile crazy all right we we wanted to blow up everything we could but if we were going to fire one at the swamp we wanted to do it right we wanted to get more missiles and more explosives and just basically annihilate that entire area but if we were going to do that we're going to need a lot more resources so we thought that maybe wait hold on sorry Robert Robert got hit by a tree here hold on look at this try to find an ocean who Robert I did I forgot that that Could Happen what what' you do just I was waiting for the wood to drop and I just stood there inside the tree that's good okay well like I was saying we thought we're going to need to find more stuff right we need to go out and look around for more supplies and this began a a journey that I don't think either of us were prepared for because this this got crazy fast we kept sailing the next day for a while we stopped at a village we killed some deer some parasites we're basically looking for another missile silo or a nuclear type building because they usually had a lot of stuff like circuit breakers missiles themselves fuel batteries I don't know everything we were going to need to fire more of these bombs and missiles and stuff by Nightfall we had made it to another Village which was good timing because as we arrived we got a hoorde and this was a this was a bad horde there's monsters nearby no get up on the roofs Get Up on the Roof oh my God they're here Robert what did I just break this they're on both sides I'm fighting the ones on the other side okay another horde coming in can't even see what's going on oh my God another one in the air shooting at it Bug's going nuts took out the one in the air again oh my goodness oh my goodness this is terrible yeah this is bad just listen The Sounds out there oh I'm almost di same another wave yeah not good coming from the water there are so many what is going on I can't I can't take him out fast enough yeah I'm just nuts I'm slaughtering them yeah oh my goodness yeah it sounds like sounds like the Harvest going on down here the assimilated squids are creeping me out these are a freaky New Mob just weird it made me nervous about getting back in the boat and sailing but we did it and we sailed out into a very large body of water before eventually finding an interesting building uh to loot look at those doors oh that's a good door these reinforced blocks are good but you're going to be having to get some do you hear these doors yeah what are these things I think they're crazy oh there's so many steel blocks in here I I got something other than steel over here I got tungsten and titanium oh titanium's good stuff oh gas mask filter steel nuca Cola steel small caliber primer bomb on four leg what was that I didn't pick up anything military GD circuit board tier one gas Mas battery yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah good good good get that oh waa what I got I got two two revolvers two revolvers a mini nuke what what I got a mini nuke and three MV grenades where' you get it was three mini nukes oh my God explosive barrels an advanced battery a gun repair kit a chlorine pin wheel okay that's radiation I'm not picking that up what was that there's like balls going off everywhere here Robert oh over here Robert what there's a crater over here maybe that's maybe it just got nuked be careful it might be radioactive oh yeah yeah yeah I just walk something called I have a debuff called contaminated now oh no yeah bomb just went off I think I think this thing is sending bombs off it said bomb on four wheels oh is that a joke Robert I'm very sick I just got hit by a meteor are you kidding me I'm throwing up everywhere I'm ill will get get get me before you die I can't get you what do you mean it's not working take your thing out of your hand I don't know are you below the ground no oh my God Robert we got to get out of here okay you're good this is the one that hit you lava yeah it landed straight on me imagine that there got be some there hold on careful the r the The Fallout is spreading Robert Robert you have to get out of here what do you mean these these Brown blocks are radioactive Robert I'm okay okay go go go go that see the see the gray blocks those are yep yep yep uh where's oh I'm going to die get in the ship get in the ship let's just let's just move away from here I think a n went off oh Robert I'm going to die right here right now come on come on get further away oh I'm I'm going to die right now right now right now right now Robert stop just let me die here and then revive me Robert where did you go here I have one heart left why did that nuke just go off you get get us out of here this is the worst place possible worse than parasites can't and Duke just went off oh my God where where there's a bunker right here on the right on the right right oh my goodness do you think this place is sending off nukes could be Iron inot there's brillium here and another gas mask high explosive missile Launchpad Thruster large Thruster M missile Launchpad did you get the high explosive missile yeah I'll get the Launchpad I don't know what the nuca colola does oh we have two long arms fragments oh it's Eventing sleep down here sure this nice bunker Robert found many nukes but we didn't know how to set them off yet because they weren't the same type of missile they didn't use like a missile launching pad or but we knew that they would be useful at some point in this general area we also found another bunker type thing or one of those buildings again and we wanted to go loot it but as we were doing that we didn't realize that we were being chased by a yellow eye okay I'm going in yellow eye just get inside get inside whoa okay oh so many batteries Sean good cuz I dropped my battery why I'm full I'm full of good stuff and the battery we already have one small caliber primer military grade circuit board yeah take circuit twinky twinky oh a bottle opener we can use to open nucca biofuel canister explosions are starting Robert are they yeah did you hear the oh there I think I'm getting sick Sean are you really what are you holding I don't know okay listen up Sean sent is active where did you find that chest last time in here right here more mini nukes supply drop baby nuk golden nuke a grenade take that advanced Power Cell oh gun fo yellow ey uh-oh this is a different one oh my God ruptures ruptur go go go go go underground undergr ground under underground it's going to kill me oh kill it I'm sealing it there's someone named ahed outside what look I I don't know I don't know who that is Robert what is happening to us we're getting chased but we're not going to be chased out of here stay away from the windows I got a bottle of nacac Cola can I open it with this bottle opener uh hopefully oh I drank it speed boost three jump boost three the nuca cola you did yeah I could drink it cuz I have the bottle opener oh I'm fast I'm fast faster oh they're downstairs Robert oh we got so much good stuff yeah we need to maybe get out of this area you take the grenades and everything no I took they're breaking they're going to break the floor okay wait wait wait wait wait there's water right there okay I have a plan come over here just can you make a boat uh yeah oh come on everything's okay we're going to do this make a boat right here you can't you can't stand still you can't stand still you got you got to do it in I got the boat I got the boat I got the boat okay Robert are you moving Robert he's getting in he's getting in Robert no he's get in yes they are look at the end of the hallway they broke those blocks you see that okay Sean ready wait the water's right there yeah they broke all the windows where are you come here where are you we're going out we're going out ready you going to out this way go get in go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh my goodness oh Robert what did you get out no they they sucked me all right come on I'm here here get in get in get in get in get in get in get in go go go go go go go they pulled me right out of the boat go okay I'm going into s s I'm sing no you're fine you're fine just go go go straight straight gun it I'm going as fast as a yellow eye go I am that was that was insane imagine if we died here on day 89 and that was it upload a video title I survived 89 days that would be I don't know but we got to safety and uh took a look at some of the stuff we'd found we had a ton of new explosives we just need to figure out how to use them one in particular that I was excited about was the nuclear grenades that I found I'll tell you right now those those cause big problems for Robert and I in just a day or two here so keep your eye out for those about day 90 I was getting sick of these massive spider type parasites didn't want to see any of these things ever again it's out what's out a huge spider where I don't come on get in get in go go go oh it almost hit us okay why why is every parasite in the world just like that now what happened to like the sheep in the we started our long Trek home and eventually we just slept in the woods on day 89 we we were trying to just stop it anywhere that looked interesting uh we found along our route back home and one of those spots was another desert biome but we weren't there for long when things just started to get bad quickly Robert Robert Robert there's bombs going off out here why I I think I stepped in a mine oh there's a lot of stuff down here yeah it's a buried treasure watch out watch out watch out watch out fear okay we got to go day 92 okay I got to one thing I to tell you no I'm not going to tell you anything about day2 okay not going another stupid little Robert and I needed to get home because this stuff was just getting ridiculous like look at the just look at this new wh okay one of us is going to hit it one day there we go got it going down yeah see you later idiot biggest idiot I've ever seen right there after like 6 days of nearly dying multiple times and traveling so far we we finally made it back to our safe base that nothing could get in the walls were thick parasites couldn't penetrate it we were safe in this base all we had to do was not mess it up and now I'm about to show you in real time how fast I ruined another base got close this up what the hole the top yeah I don't have obsidian what you doing done I'm just looking oh what the this thing oh it's been it's growing what did you just throw a nuclear grenade a nuclear grenade Sean no no no no no no Sean we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good The Fallout is going to reach us no it won't it stops there oh my goodness what there that problem is now dealt with Robert yeah no it's it's still spreading the fallout's spreading no it's not it's stopping right there look at the water it's stopping right in front of our house we okay no it's not what the heck dude it's stopping uh it's stop but now we we it's not stopping our base was now highly toxic and everything we had inside of it was in the strike zone going down there meant you were going to die so we were once again chased out of our house this time by me or or Sorry by the grenade which I guess is by me what am I am I trying to say it's not my fault of course that was my fault so then Robert and I we we had to do it we had to go down get stuff out we started a long process of bringing stuff out of the bunker getting sick putting it in a chest and just doing it over and over again we can't live here my assembly machine we can we can we can we can we can we can it's fine it's fine just stay up here H look now parasite here on the throw up all over you the parasites can't stand on what you [Music] get everything's fine I'm not sick I cannot believe you did that how are you not sick I'm I'm fine just hit a little combo when we go down here Here Comes Sean I don't have a water bucket in my hand give me up there we go all good everything is fine say for yourself John what do you have to say for yourself oh well I I have to say I'm I are you sick um oh my God can't live here I might be very very ill right now we're we're sick yeah I'm about to I'm about to expire I can't believe you through that without even saying anything every everything is fine Robert we're okay cannot live here anymore yeah Robert I'm throwing up again I'm going to start I'm going to start moving stuff to the Village oh my God Robert what Robert this is becoming more of a problem than I thought why did you do this Robert Robert this is really bad I'm going to die again you got to get over here I'm contaminated you have to get over here I'm going to die I can't I'm going to die get over here okay I got to get you up before I die okay I'll get you up now okay that was really close that was insanely close yeah so this it's not ideal the situation that we're in right now I cannot believe you Robert and I were now staying in the nearby Village but we still didn't have all of our gear it was going to take multiple trips and every time we went down it was just this was just a big bit by bit I don't know the whole thing was a mess right but as a as a apology to Robert I made him upgraded that helmet for him so now Robert had a nice helmet too on day 95 we had we had found a lot of air drops from before that we just were we hadn't cashed in yet so we did that got a bunch of good stuff uh one of the things that I got I realized I might be able to use to detonate Robert's mini nukes wait what small missile assembly oh you can do a lot with this nuke laser designator Robert we can call you can use those nukes oh extremely easily if you make a laser designator which is just military grade circuit tier three which you have one Diamond two Redstone and some steel plate you can make the laser designator right put two nukes beside it and becomes a nuclear bomb atomic bomb Detonator you just aim it the then click it b boom when I logged back into the server I I don't even know what had happened here right oh my god oh I killed it oh my God look at our house no no don't let that up here yeah I just log in we could not catch a break it was day 96 and these things were still chasing us out of our houses this was like the 10th house at this point that we had lost we we had enough of these parasites we were about to go scorched Earth on these boys all right first thing we did we went and got the diamond that we needed for the laser designator you're excited to use these nukes eh got it got atomic bomb designator [Applause] that's what I like I like I like I like I like let's go sleep in this house over here day 97 I used the laser designator to register the strike zone in the swamp and we also built the lodge pad in the secure bunker that we made near our old base but we were attacked by a very large parasite but you know what we killed them right the parasites then reached stage six oh my goodness six six oh my God such a scary sound no the worst parasites are going to spawn now day 98 I make the upgraded leggings and I return to the Launchpad oh it's ready to [Music] go bomber shoot it shoot it it's in the wall oh it's an idiot don't let it drop a bomb on us that would be catastrophic there we go okay there's nothing left of our bunker fire the missile we launched the first missile missile out okay there we go let's see an impact come on Bunker Buster boom no sound though just me no sound no no nothing we're fine we charge this up high explosive missile you ready is it ready to go it is ready to go fire it's going out no big thing just came out of the ground yeah they're pissed okay that just went off okay one more uh I'm going to need a lot of charge now get a charge and we run Robert it's here start the charge and we run you want me to set it set off the missile no not yet is it ready you go gone what yeah it's ready to go the fire it fire oh my gosh I can't I'm stuck I keep getting stuck then run setting it off now okay run it's out let's go going in oh missiles in it went straight into the hole let's go me in the get me in the boat or I got my laser get ready I got my my Rockets ready okay grenade ready oh oh what is that go go go go go go everything's coming out of the soft ground now I got everything ready to pause I loaded a rocket into my my rocket launcher fire firing oh yellow eyes go go go go go we're going to go we're going to go over here and then we're going to fire the the nukes from this this one right here all right I'm going to turn this around so we can fly out of here if we need to we get closer yeah get closer oh I hear them come around this here come around this lip right here Robert right here there's one underneath us underneath us where kill it the long arms it's on long arms way worse than long arms whatever that thing is oh it is long arms kill it no let go oh oh oh oh oh you got to you got to let it run into my trap I'm trying me too stand just stand behind the Trap it's dead oh no it's not there we go oh what is on the ground okay we don't have time okay should I set off my air strike come here come to the edge and do it aim right here quick Robert do it now I'm I'm coming I'm coming I don't know where to even do it just right in the middle of swamp do it here we go it's coming in oh my god oh oh no Sean no I don't know if I can get to you get you you have to R safe it is coming look Sean it's all gone I can't see I'm weak I'm nauseous I'm getting sick it's all gone swamp is gone swamp is gone and I'm sick we have to get back everything's on fire there's nothing it's just water now yeah it's it's gone they're all gone we did it we we bombed every single parasite killed the core and eliminated the entire biome so we returned to the nearby Village and slept the next day we went in closer to Fair that they were all gone but we found one more beckon we had to get rid of it we couldn't let a single buglin survive oh my God throw it all throw it all you throw that gas can so far yeah I thre it how's it looking it's still alive all right I'm shooting with the rocket oh it's still alive shoot him with another rocket how is it alive the arrows aren't even doing anything to it oh it's dead by the bomber oh I've been stared it's it's it's not coming after you ascend Robert bomber bom just teleported it just teleported there's two bombers active we good is that it right there it's one the B not me got it said the bomber yeah oh my we killed it all that was its last breath that's last dying breath what is that what is that did you spawn that what is that no I I I promise you I did not spawn anything look at our house those were our those were our ducks no no it's not no those were the Ducks we we had no no no no no no no no no no no no no those those were the Ducks we created we did that those oh when the radiation touched them yes oh my God I thought I did not think this video was going to end like that that was it we did it we killed every single parasite in this world probably not if you went back somewhere else there there's probably still more about but you know what let's just say they're all dead okay we annihilated them they're gone day 100
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 19,966,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forge Labs, ForgeLabs, RLCraft, RLCraft Forge Labs, Minecraft, VR Minecraft, 100 Days, luke thenotable, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, and this happened, 100, 100 games, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft
Id: frYFifKDofo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 12sec (13932 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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