incomprehensible mobile game ads

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you can continue stop or continue but slowly what will you choose to do to the poor boy is this the game is this all it is oh boy oh boy it's time for everyone's favorite kind of AD the shitty mobile game ad we got everyone picking some stuff in the farm and uh-oh Invaders assemble attack form you've drawn guns that's no matter cuz we got attack form slingshot and he's going straight in like a homing missile you can fire all you want it's not going to take these guys out Adam when did you get swo and you can either go is that an apple we all know Eve with the Apple when you break out the Apple I mean you know I mean or you could say I've made my choice and you go with that that evil devil I mean who's to say what you choose is this Arabic comedy look at all these funny Arabic comedy movies from sniff the world such as the brakes won't work no I won't leave my friend live is bad let me die what a crazy ass statement baby we need this dog to save this depressed ass baby where's the cow press the button to pump the milk make him suffer if he doesn't give up the secrets you like the last one oh just a nice little massage go and crack that real quick M just a quick that hurt no it's all right it's all right don't worry about it this is all part of the plan okay this is what real chiropractors do I just came across the most incredible mobile ad in history on Facebook for Emperors and Beauties love don't leave me please just throw it cast her to the side get her out of here she's sad that's fine you're you're a baller what's the matter my Lord he wants to divorce she's not pretty anymore nobody wants her oh really nobody want nobody want nobody want if the man guilty yeah we'd say he's guilty and do a little promotion dance cuz you've earned it you can experience that in more high octane legal decisions and Emperor and Beauties and you do your little special legal dance after each and every decision it's a 5 minute un skippable dance can I return this calendar I don't want to do 2020 anymore you can either say suck it up Karen or sure let's go back to 2019 I mean it's your calendar Karen you can do whatever you want are you a good manager or a bad manager what animal are you Adam Driver more like a cat animalize yourself bro you know what I not for nothing by doing this kind of subreddit are we are we giving out a free promo for all the hey yo hey we even a free promo hey no free promo for these ads me coming out of area 51 knowing how to reach pink color I mean that's classified info that was not supposed to get out so the fact you breached Area 51 defenses just to get to pink color I mean that says a lot now you know now you know the secret chapters oh my god I've heard about chapters boss I need some blood Janet I should give him my blood I'm on my period run away well I mean does a vampire need blood from the neck specifically I think that's a fantastic question I think I've seen some videos like I I'm pretty sure I saw a YouTuber cover chapters in a video look I found it it was uh episode Danny Gonzalez played episode like three years ago I feel like all those games are one of the same too people in mobile game ads oh my God I can't beat this level craft Knight finally I thought we couldn't merge them but this brave soul proved us wrong care for your own horse we got breathe blink metabolize brush and milk it's like you've never cared for a horse before why you trash talking to me I need to Blink can't you you see you can't close your eyes how did I get stuck with you as my caretaker what what do you mean yeah I'm doing my best my eyes need moisture click on my eyeball so I can blink you can't but you're you don't know how to Blink it's the easy just just move your eyes this must be hell and you are my Tormentor well first of all I wouldn't say that wouldn't say that I'm your Tormentor there you go you blinked yeah you're welcome finally you figure it out and yet it was so simple you know you're worthless right you can't even properly care for a horse how are you going to make it in this world I'm being trash talked by a damn clip art horse what the what the what the fck is this ad what what game is this also now that I'm really analyzing it why is milk in the options here what can why can we milk the horse I don't want to do that there's no way this is real right what are you doing now and there's an episode ad hey we're all bored at this point you're going to either stop her or make her turn around and it seems like you guys don't know what to do you're in you're in the the the the thick of it with sadness and despair and she's just chilling she's having a great time I guess it's their fault for looking right he is cheating I had to swim all the way under the water to spy on them to find out I got either swim away quietly how they haven't noticed my shape in the water is a mystery to me or I could lick their feet H is it the chaotic option we're choosing today we need more downloads how 3D animated hot girls fake puzzle lands what about honest gameplay and funny memes get out of this building now that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard tower defense game with strategy with an offline bonus want fortnite no no you want this you want this idle Defense Tower game go ahead and play it and spend your money no v-buck become a Galaxy creator and build your own Universe all planets are free autotap is so good play it well if you're going to yell at me I'm not going to do anything I this meme feels very threatening I'm not going to do that at all tab Galaxy all planets are free yeah I would expect that it's space all these Idol games man it's how they get you homeescapes when they make an ad in terms of real game play we have no real gameplay but we have a mystery doesn't that count for something what's that one mobile game with like the uh with the grandma that has the mystery I think it's merge Mansion right it's really incredible to me that merge Mansion has an entire storyline it's really insane to me that this that this mobile game got some success with that and they went all out with it could you imagine like a really serious video essay like what is Grandma hiding maybe I'll do that maybe I'll make a merge Mansion lore video the evolution of the illustrations Garden Scapes guy and I mean look at him he was 3D animated then he was 2D and he's just freaking out all the time in 2D but in 3D he's chill as hell keep him in three dimensions he's a chiller dad gay beach Dad's girlfriend Dad you can either bury yourself in sand or kiss her passionately are you going to disappoint your dad like that M curious will you install the free Bible app and receive a Bible verse for me every day and that's coming straight from God God said that it's in the Bible somewhere you'll look you can look for it maybe you'll find exactly where it's in if you install the Bible app just saying just what that's what God Said please choose gender heterosexuality or homosexuality it's not really the answer to the question you asked but I guess we okay non ey funny user I Funny is cringe and bad use I funny I funny users I Funny is bad and cringe yes now you don't want to install I Funny nothing's worse than getting the I Funny Watermark your selfie cartoon effect look look at these carton effects nothing's changed that's the magic well that's a very forward Quest and catch app okay this adds tired of your [ __ ] that caught me really off guard do you think that worked do you think that was a successful ad campaign for them uh-oh level one Crook in a level 20 hit man got nowhere to run and he's got a pan in his hand you got either jump or beg for mercy and you chose jump but hey you're in front of a bank vault he you get yourself some funds plenty and now you're a level 60 boss with a level 30 Hitman and a level one family member give that boy an inheritance give her a house please look after them for me and he will the boss is dead what should we do we can either look after them or take over the family will you follow the boss's request or Forge your own path mobile game ads determining what percentage of players can't beat a level H let's run the numbers it's going to be wrong sorry for the ad we just bought some ad space so you don't have to look at another mobile game ad thanks appreciate that uh-oh it's Lily's Garden is this another one with a scary grandma I mean she's looking no tampons cuz he's got him that's right and he's building a gitty ass Shack and that's exactly what you can expect in Lily's Garden Chief there's no time to hesitate you must make a choice now the baby's hanging from the tree and the dinosaur wants the baby and now they're both drowning Chief what are you save the Beast or the kid great choice Chief you saved the kid what do you do now oh you got a shark even and the baby just hey wait a minute wait how did that happen so fast how'd that happen so fast Chief how'd you do all that my horse Prince will you be my owner I mean it looks like the roles are being reversed with how she's feeling you put your hand up your hoof rather against the wall so hard you cracked it your strength is unknown piggy boom I paid for this ad please try our game not if you're going to beg me like that absolutely not absolutely not ahaa after committing a dangerous crime peeee is out on bail and ready to come come where where is peee going to show up at app ads back then I tell my viewer what they truly expect when they download my app app ads now I can't reach pink can you do it no not even Phoenix Wright can reach pink color what is she doing she's two month 3 months in 3 months in what is this like a pregnancy simulator oh my God it is oh my God it is we can't even play the music it's copyrighted she's what no no you're not going to shoot no and that's the Miracle of Life I have your baby will you promote him to prin consort yes or no well he does have your baby so I guess you have no choice mobile game ads looks great the details insane the actual game oh no wow that's okay Royal chess game we see you what a reference Save the Queen she looks like she's perfectly happy where she is person in ad you're probably going to skip this ad me you are correct sir I'm swiping away as fast as I can grains of sand show me the smallest thing in the universe Adams I said the smallest thing hit box of X on mobile game ads Perfection blocky Pig Simulator 3D fool for almost $200 well hey it must be a really good game right I mean that must be why it's so pricey me before playing crusty cook off me playing after completely changed my physical form you should try it this is a crazy lineup this would be a crazy blunt rotation all right we sending them to heaven or hell looks like they're making the good choice the hell bar is filled all the way up legit Survival game oh no he doesn't have a lot of Health though he has to shed his clothes to stay cool drink some water it's salty and he's dead he's dead maybe not yet coconut water his stamina's refilled chopping down some trees where you got an axe I will not know and how that happened I don't know I guess all you need to make a big old construction truck is a couple of trees and then from there you can build a whole ass City Rome really was built in the day you built your city now it's time to defend it cuz there's zombies coming up on the on the shore that's a that's a crazy ad it's Thanos in GTA 5 and he has killed Iron Man that is he is holding his corpse that's the alternate ending the oh my favorite they add pointing to the close button why does he look like a thumb oh is that a human hot dog are you really quoting the comments from mobile game ads as like that's smart that's what real people are saying I think the whole thing is an ad like the the Reddit post the ads when into the close button that you know what points for creativity uh-oh it's Lily again all right mysterious box with a mysterious pack oh it's a washing machine I'm dumb oh what is she doing there's no time to relax yay and she's brought her friends in to experience Bliss light some candles drink some wine pop a coin in the machine incredible incredible advertisement my water broke just let me hit save and can't you hold it can't my water broke can't you hold it yeah my bad I like that she is also dragging him away he wants to finish this game so bad game pay only $2.99 to remove ads me turns off Wi-Fi game huh pretty sure a lot of games counteract that now too they they figured out your your Gambit your plot when you know that the x is from the ad so you wait for the real X to pop up you can't trick me anymore I know you're you're you're trickery
Channel: EmKay
Views: 98,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: xevWOxR1Bts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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