ALL Illusion Spells In Baldur's Gate 3! (Full Release)

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hey guys Omaha here today I'm going to be going over all of the illusion spells in Baldur's Gate 3 and showing you what their effects are as well as what they look like the first off for our can trip we have minor illusion create an illusion that compels nearby creatures to investigate you can remain hidden while casting the spell the spell can be cast while you are silenced silence is where you can't speak or cast spells with a verbal component and is immune to thunder damage it's gonna last 10 turns and it has a range of 60 feet so you're gonna cast the spell and it's going to summon a little cat hallucination all these enemies are going to go investigate if they're within audible range and it's going to group them up together so it's good for if you have like a wizard up here and you want to use an AOE spell and take all these guys out or if you have a rogue in a corner waiting to do a sneak attack or if you just want to lure an enemy away so you can sneak past and because it's a can trip you can use it as many times as you want out of combat then in combat cast it and they'll do an investigation roll if they fail they're gonna move towards at every turn and try to investigate and at the end of each of their turns they're gonna do another investigation role if they ever succeed the investigation role it's gonna just disappear investigation failed again he's gonna go check it out investigation failed still we're just gonna keep moving towards it it's a good distraction he has an investigation successful so now it has disappeared all right so moving on to our level one spells we have disguised self magically change all aspects of your appearance this is also a ritual spell so it doesn't cost a spell slot when you use it outside of combat this one's pretty cool when you click on it you're going to be able to choose any race or body type and this is going to allow you to do a lot of cool things like you can change it to a halfling then you can sneak into smaller areas or you could go on a crime spree as your disguise steal a bunch of stuff or you know kill someone or do whatever and then uh when you're outside of someone's visual range someone can't see you anymore and you change back to your normal self they're not going to have any idea it was you and then also certain areas of the game like I think the goblin Camp you can change into a Doral and you'll have an easier time getting into the goblin Camp so there's cool things like that there are certain areas of the game too where disguises won't work though some some enemies can see through disguises another thing that's kind of useful for is if you want to use the speak with the dead spell they won't talk to the person that killed them but if you use disguise self then uh they'll talk to you and then next up for level one we have color spray line creatures up to a combined 33 hit points that's got an area of effect of 17 feet color spray has disadvantage on attack rolls range of attacks and spells reduced to 10 feet attack rolls against blinded creatures have Advantage the disadvantage is going to roll two dice and use the lower value it's negated by advantage and attack rolls that's going to determine whether the attack succeeds so your attack roll has to match or exceed the target's Armor class and then Advantage is going to roll two dice and use the higher value so when you click to use the spell level one is going to be 33 hit points level 2 44 level 355 level 4 66 level 5 77 and level 6 is 88. so these two guys together have 40 hit points if I want to use level one it's only 33 I can choose one person use a spell on but I'm gonna try to Blind both of them this is 44 hit points at level two now that I've hit them and examine see that they have the color spray condition for one turn and then another thing with the spell is when you're casting it hovering over enemies down here at the bottom this little circle with the 33 that's going to tell you how many hit points left with that spell you have if I hover over this guy he's got 18 it's going to subtract the 18. I'm gonna have 15 hit points left so it kind of just helps you decide what other enemies you can hit with it at that time it's a level two you want to hit both of them I'm gonna have eight hit points left after hitting both of them all right moving on to our level two spells we have phantasmal Force this does one to six psychic damage deal damage to a creature each turn the type of damage changes to the last type the creature suffered that's for 10 turns it's gonna have a range of 60 feet it's an intelligence save so the target needs to roll against the Caster spell difficulty class if the role is equal to or higher than the difficulty class the target resists the spell and then this is also a concentration spell Caster needs to focus on maintaining the spell it can only cast one concentration spell at a time and their concentration might be broken when they take damage all right so I'm gonna cast phantasma Force what's agile Guardian S three damage on his turn now it's my turn again I'm gonna run up and hit him with my staff which does bludgeoning damage with six pledge any damage so now it says phantasmal Force bludgeoning one to six bludgeoning damage per turn here in his turn he takes six budgeting damage all right next up for level two we have invisibility touch a creature to turn it invisible attacks against it have disadvantage it attacks with Advantage visibility breaks when you fail stealth checks on attacking casting spells or interacting with items so this is going to last 10 turns the invisibility is going to end early if the invisible entity attacks casts another spell takes an action or takes damage so this is for melee range and it's a concentration spell so when you take damage you have a chance of breaking it so then invisibility up casting is going to affect additional targets per level so level two you can use one target level three you can have two Targets which shows in the circle on the right I'm gonna Target Shadow heart and me and then level Spore there's three targets five is four and six is five so then if I cast a spell it's gonna break or if I take damage or fill a stealth check all right next up we have blur attackers have disadvantage on attack rolls against you doesn't affect creatures that don't rely on sight or they can see through Illusions and that's going to last 10 turns it's a concentration spell and then up casting the spell at a higher level doesn't Grant any additional benefits so you're always going to want to cast it at level two unless you want to use another spell slot for some reason then we have Mirror Image create three illusory duplicates of yourself the distract attackers each duplicate increases your armor class by three so your armor class the higher that is the harder you are to hit whenever you successfully evade an attack one of the duplicates disappears this is going to last 10 turns and then up casting the spell at a higher level doesn't Grant any additional benefits so here I'm going to cast mirror image three duplicates so now my armor class went from 11 up to 20. when I evade an attack it's gonna disappear so now I have two left right now my armor class is 17. read from each one another attack hits I still keep the images missed now I have one left Armor class is 14. and then when they miss again this one's gonna disappear and I'll be back down to 11. and finally for level two we have silence create a soundproof sphere all within are silenced and immune to thunder damage the silence they can't speaker cast spells of the verbal component and their muted Thunder damage This is Gonna Last a hundred turns and the range of this is 60 feet and it's a concentration spell so using the spell might turn Target's hostile as well so upcasting this spell isn't going to Grant any additional benefits so you can use this enemies and if you're inside the radius you're silenced so it's good against spell casters another cool thing about this is you can use it on an alarm and any enemies outside of this aren't going to be able to hear the alarm go off or if you want to just cast it on an enemy and I don't know brutally murder them uh anybody outside of that isn't going to be able to hear it all right moving on to level three we have fear reject an image so frightening it makes targets drop everything and become fearful it will be easier to hit and cannot move if the target ends their turn when they can't see you they make another saving throw to shake off the fear so fearful is a condition affected entity has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls it must run from the source of its fear and can't take any additional actions this is a wisdom saving move area of effect of 30 feet and it's a concentration spell gonna cause fearful for two turns and it's going to cause disarmed for one turn affected entity has dropped its weapon on the ground if you use a spell and an enemy runs behind like a barrier or something where they can't see you they're going to have another saving throw it and have a chance to get out of that spell then casting the spell at a higher level doesn't Grant any additional benefits here's what fear looks like they all got hit by fear they all dropped their weapon and they've got fearful for two turns my turn his turn he left his weapon behind he also left his weapon behind running away and you know what I can just go up and uh grab their weapons they have nothing to come back to and then our other level three spell is Hypnotic pattern hypnotized creatures that can see the pattern they cannot attack you they cannot move or act the Spells can still be cast while you are silenced so they're going to be hypnotized for two turns they can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions removed by taking damage or when helped the range is going to be 60 feet it's a wisdom save and it's also a concentration spell passing the spell at a higher level doesn't Grant any additional benefits I'm going to use it here and they're hypnotized so he's not gonna be able to do anything on his turn unless this guy comes over and helps him all right starting with level four we've got greater invisibility turn a creature invisible attacks against it have disadvantage it attacks with Advantage visibility breaks when you fail increasingly harder stealth checks on attacking casting spells or interacting with items that's for 10 turns the range is melee and it's a concentration spell so in this case invisible entity has advantage on attack rolls attack rolls against a disadvantage when interacting with items casting spells or attacking the entity needs to succeed a stealth check to maintain an invisibility check becomes harder with each successful attempt so you're going to basically be able to keep slinging spells around or backstabbing people and if you keep passing the stealth checks you're going to be able to keep using the invisibility all right so I'm going to cast greater invisibility inside combat and upcasting the spell doesn't Grant any additional benefits unlike the regular invisibility spell and then I can go over here and they're actually going to go investigate where I was last time and since they don't see where I'm at it's going to end the combat is a detect presence ability but he wasn't able to see me then I can swing on this guy and I missed but the stealth was successful so I stay invisible and then I can try to cast Rey a frost on this guy and my stealth check failed so I came out of invisibility so because I surprised them when I popped out of invisibility they have the effects surprised so their first turn they can't take any actions so you're gonna be able to go again all right then our other level 4 spell is phantasmal killer this 4 to 40 psychic damage onto creature with illusions of its greatest fears it takes 4 to 40 psychic damage per turn can no longer move and will be easier to hit that's gonna last 10 turns so it's gonna take four to 40 psychic damage per turn it can't move has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls it's got a range of 60 feet the wisdom save and it's a concentration spell all right so phantasmal killer when you up cast it's gonna deal an additional one to ten psychic damage per level so at level five it's gonna do five to fifty damage and level six it's gonna be 6 to 60 damage per turn past that and now for 10 turns he's not gonna be able to move he's gonna have disadvantage on his ability checks and attack rolls and he's gonna take damage per turn let's end our turn keep in mind this concentration so if they do hit me it has a chance of Disappearing and there he took 19 damage and then for our last spell gonna be a level five spell I haven't seen any level six spells so far unless there's an item that grants one but I haven't seen anything like that yet uh disguise up to four members of your adventuring party and that's a range of 60 feet so that's gonna work the exact same way as this guy itself I showed earlier in the video except it's gonna be for your entire party you're gonna select all the targets and up casting doesn't Grant any additional benefits you're gonna disguise and then down here you can adjust seeming so you can select a different appearance and then you can just spell your disguise and if you click on each character you're going to be able to adjust their character appearance as well and you can also dispel this disguise for each individual person so that's going to allow you to go on a massive crime spree with all your buddies or if you want to sneak your whole party through a small entryway turn them all into dwarves gnomes and halflings alright guys and that's going to wrap it up for all the illusion spells in Ballers Gate 3 so far if you like this video hit that like button down below helps me out and subscribe if you want to see more videos like this I've also done subclass guides on a few of the subclasses so far showing everything you unlock for all the levels and I plan on doing videos like this for all the schools and Magic evocation might take me a little longer just because there's so many spells but I might end up doing that in two parts or something we'll see what happens anyway guys thanks for watching see you guys next time
Channel: Omaha
Views: 9,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 guide, baldur's gate 3 guides, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldurs gate 3 spell guide, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, baldurs gate 3 sorcerer guide, best spells, spells, baldurs gate 3 best spells, build guide, Baldurs gate 3 spells, baldurs gate 3 ps5, baldurs gate 3 wizard, baldurs gate 3 gameplay ps5, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay pc, baldurs gate 3 tips combat, bg3 spells
Id: EDacvxX0dHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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