All Enchantment Spells In Baldur's Gate 3 (Full Release)

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you can make them dance hey guys Omaha here today I'm going to show you all of the enchantment spells in Baldur's Gate 3. so our first can trip is going to be friends gain advantage on Charisma checks against a non-hostile creature the spell can be cast with near silence it's gonna last 10 turns it's got a range of 30 feet and it's a concentration spell so that means if you get hit after using this spell there's a chance that the concentration might be broken in the Spells effects will wear off and uh in higher difficulty modes the target might accuse you of enchanting them so contrary to the name I wouldn't use this on anybody you want to consider a friend after the effects wear off they're going to become more hostile towards you so plan on using it on somebody you will never see again so this is going to work on Deception intimidation performance and persuasion dialogue choices and you can either cast it beforehand on the enemy or when the dialogue options pop up I'll click persuasion one die here you can add bonus for friends it's gonna change it to two dice and it's gonna use the higher one in the roll so I got 15 and 11 it's going to use the 15. now one thing you can do to bypass the hostility is use disguise self before you use this can trip other than that there are better spells and stuff to use for this type of thing all right next up we have vicious mockery this does one to four psychic damage and when you reach level five it's gonna go up to two to eight psychic damage and when you hit Level 11 it's going to be 3 to 12 psychic damage so insult a creature it has disadvantage on its next attack roll so it's going to cause it to roll two dice and use the lower value so you're gonna insult him he's gonna take his damage the next turn he's gonna be pretty butt hurt about it and have a harder time hitting you all right for our first level one spell we have dissonant Whispers it's gonna do three to 18 psychic damage it's gonna frighten a creature for two turns it will be easier to hit and cannot move so frighten is where they cannot move frightened entities also have disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls so on a save the target's still going to take half damage and that's gonna be a wisdom save it's got a range of 60 feet and then upcasting the spell does an additional one to six psychic damage per level so 3 to 18 all the way up to 4 to 48 damage here I'm gonna cast it on him and he took 10 damage and he is now frightened for two turns alright next up we have heroism make yourself or a Target immune to frightened and gain five temporary hit points each turn that's gonna last for 10 turns and you can only have temporary hit points from one source so it's also a concentration spell and the range is melee so I tested it and you can only have a Max of five temporary hit points from the spell if you go a whole turn without taking any hits you're still only gonna have five temporary hit points and then up casting heroism allows you to affect an additional Target per level so level one you do one target level six you can do up to six targets it shows down here in this circle all right so next up we have Tasha's hideous laughter leave a creature prone with laughter without the ability to get up that's gonna last 10 turns so prone they can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions and they have disadvantage on strength and dexterity saving throws attacks against a prone creature have Advantage if they're made within 10 feet of the creature a prone creature must spend half its movement speed to stand up so the creature has to have an intelligence of five or more for this to work and the target can try to shake off the effect each time it takes damage it's got a range of 60 feet it's a wisdom save and it's a concentration spell upcasting the spell doesn't Grant any additional benefits here's what that looks like all right and he's gonna be down for 10 turns so at the end of his turn or when he takes damage he can try to shake off the effect with a wisdom save all right next up we have Bane up to three creatures receive a one to four penalty to attack rolls and saving throws so that's going to make it harder for them to hit you and it's going to be easier to hit them it's gonna last 10 turns it's got a range of 30 feet it's a Charisma save and it's a concentration spell so it targets up to three creatures when you up cast it to level six it'll go up to eight creatures so I'm here I'll use it on two next up is kind of the opposite of that it's bless bless up to three creatures they gain a one to four bonus to attack rules and saving throws so whoever use the song is gonna have an easier time hitting and they're gonna be harder to hit that's gonna last 10 turns it's a range of 30 feet into concentration spell so three targets at level one any upcast to level six eight targets use it on myself all right next up we have command command a creature to flee move closer freeze drop to the ground or drop its weapon it's actually going to give you five different actions all of them are gonna last one turn have a range of 60 feet and they're all wisdom saves when you upcast the spell this applies for all five actions it's gonna affect an additional Target per level so level one is one target all the way up to level six we're at six targets so there's command halt Commander creature to Halt preventing it from moving or taking any type of action yeah on his turn he's not gonna be able to move take actions bonus actions or reactions then there's drop command a creature to drop its weapon on its turn and do nothing else there he dropped his weapon and I can run up and grab his weapon if I wanted to anyone have nothing to pick up on his turn and there's grovel Commander creature default prone on its turn me a flee command a creature to flee from you on its turn and do nothing else foreign then finally there's approach command a creature to move towards you on its turn and do nothing else turn and he's gonna come towards you and then he's not gonna do anything one thing that's pretty good is if you hit multiple creatures with drop they're like three or four or five or whatever you can have like a rogue or someone that's invisible go around and just pick up all their weapons and it just makes the fight significantly easier after that we have sleep put creatures in a magical Slumber select targets up to a combined 24 hit points they're gonna fall asleep for two turns so they cannot move or act moreover the creature automatically fails strength and dexterity saving throws attack rolls against it have advantage and any attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the attacker is within five feet of the creature so it's removed by taking damage or when they're helped and it says a range of 60 feet up casting this is going to increase the hit points by eight every time so at level one you can hit up to 24 hit points level six you go up to 64 hit points pass sleep on him boom he's asleep until I attack him or until the two turns are over or if he's helped next up we have charm person charm a humanoid to prevent it from attacking you you gain advantage on Charisma checks and dialogue enemies have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed so charm is gonna last 10 turns it's gonna end early if you or an ally hurts the Target and in higher difficulty modes a Target might accuse you of enchanting them got a range of 60 feet and it's a wisdom save also up casting affects an additional Target per level so level one one target level six six targets in combat you're gonna use it and he's gonna be Charmed you can end your turn he's gonna come towards you but he's never gonna attack you while this is active keep ending my turn and uh he's just chilling and then in dialogue click on persuasion any of these really and you can add the bonus for term person so that's going to give you Advantage which gives you two dice to roll it's gonna use the Higher One so I rolled 3 and 15 and he uses the 15. and then next up we have animal friendship which is literally the Beast version of Charmed person convince the Beast not to attack you so they're going to be Charmed for 10 turns they can't attack the spellcaster and the spellcaster is advantage on Charisma checks and dialogue so if you speak with animals this will help you a creature must have an intelligence of three or less and it just ends early if you or an ally hurts the Target in higher difficulty modes the target might become hostile when the spell ends got a range of 60 feet and it's a wisdom save and then up casting affects an additional Target per level from one all the way up to six all right next up we have hex does one to six necrotic damage so make your attack steal an additional one to six necrotic damage to the Target and give it disadvantage on inability of your choosing if the target dies before your spell ends you can hex a new creature without spending a spell slot it's got a range of 60 feet it's a concentration spell and this is going to use a bonus action instead of an action so the disadvantage on the ability isn't as good as it sounds it's not saving throws it's just the ability rolls itself so if you use it on Charisma it's going to lower their chance to counterspell you if you use it on wisdom it's going to lower their perception to Spot party members attempting stealth Constitution doesn't have any effect really dexterity it's going to lower their initiative if you apply it before combat and it's going to help you be able to shove them easier intelligence it's going to lower their chance to successfully counterspell you again and then strength it's going to lower the enemy's ability to shove resist shove and jump usually the best choice is it on him so now when I hit him takes the four necrotic damage plus the six damage from my staff and then if I defeat him in combat while this is still active it's gonna let me reuse it without using a spell slot then up casting doesn't Grant any additional benefits and for the last of our level one spells we have compelled duel compelling enemy to attack only you it cannot attack other creatures so that's gonna last three turns got a range of 30 feet it's a wisdom save it's a concentration spell and it uses a bonus action instead of an action and then casting the spell at a higher level doesn't Grant any benefits and now he is forced to attack me for three turns alright for our first level two spell we have calm emotions humanoids can't be Charmed frightened or become enraged and that's gonna last 10 turns it's got a range of 60 feet and it's a concentration spell and then up casting doesn't Grant any additional benefits [Music] so surprisingly that actually worked on him even though it says humanoids only and my other humanoid spells don't work on them just to prove I'm not going crazy this has to be used on a humanoid Target must be humanoid all right next up we've got whole person hold a humanoid enemy still they can't move act or react attacks from within three meters are always Critical Hits that's gonna last 10 turns got a range of 60 feet wisdom save and it's a concentration spell up casting this affects an additional Target per level so at level six you're gonna hit up to five targets if you can hit up to four or five or six Targets in a battle that fight is gonna be easy here's what it looks like he is going to be completely he's just gonna be stuck like that for 10 turns and you can just do whatever you want don't be sussed with it and if I attack him critical hit guaranteed because I'm within three meters he's just gonna be stuck like that for nine more turns all right next we have enthrall reduce the creatures peripheral vision and make it look at you that's gonna last 10 turns it's got a range of 20 feet and up casting this doesn't Grant any additional benefits so there's what does vision cone looks like normally I use enthrall in him say it failed that's going to be his Kona Vision right there it's pretty narrow good for distracting uh enemies so the rest of your party can sneak by or do whatever they want all right for our last level two spell We have crown of Madness it's still Madness in a humanoid enemy making them attack the creature closest to them other than you even if it's Allied so it's the last three turns it's got a range of 60 feet it's a wisdom save and it's a concentration spell and up casting doesn't Grant any additional benefits so I'll use it on the goblin boss here now Afflicted with that and my turn threw a bomb at his teammates and he's attacking this guy now saw the last three turns it's concentration so if I get hit is a chance of breaking the spell but pretty good spell and there are no level three spells so we're gonna move on to level four next all right for our first level four spell we have dominate Beast make a beast fight alongside you every time the Beast takes damage it makes a wisdom saving throw against your domination that's gonna last 10 turns and it's gonna follow and fight alongside the Caster of the spell it's got a range of 60 feet it's a wisdom save and it's concentration spell and then up casting doesn't Grant any additional benefits so I'll use it on the hyena right there he's dominated light on my feet and he's basically my little pet for ten turns and for our other level 4 spell we have confusion we fuddle a group of creatures causing them to attack at random wander around aimlessly and occasionally skip turns in the stupor this is gonna last three turns they're gonna become hostile to everyone it's got a range of 60 feet it's a wisdom saving throw and it's a concentration spell and then up casting's gonna make it a larger area of effect so it's level four that's level five and then that's level six well then they're all confused he was saved from the confusion and my turn and the rest of them skip their turns all right starting off for tier five we have dominate person make a humanoid fight alongside you every time the creature takes damage it makes a wisdom saving throw against your domination allies cannot be dominated so that's gonna last 10 turns it's gonna follow and fight alongside the Caster of the spell at a range of 60 feet it's a wisdom save and it's concentration spell so I'm gonna use it on Leonard here and up casting doesn't Grant any additional benefits dominated and he will follow and fight alongside me for 10 turns foreign spell is hold monster paralyze a creature it cannot move act or react attacks from within three meters are always critical hits It's Gonna last 10 turns it's got no effect in Undead range of 60 feet wisdom save and concentration spell upcasting is going to let you affect an additional Target so it's either one or two at level six use it on the wargs it's basically whole person but for creatures and then for our level six spell we have Otto's irresistible dance cause a creature to start dancing making it unable to take actions or move its attackers have advantage on attack rolls the dancer has disadvantage on attack rolls and dexterity saving throws so this is going to last 10 turns compelled to shuffle and dance got a range of 30 feet it's a wisdom save and it's a concentration spell here's what that looks like in my turn and he does nothing on his turn not actually dancing though which is kind of disappointing [Music] well the skeleton dances so there's that pretty nice moves and Shadow Hearts got some moves check that out foreign she can dance there's no reason Leonard can't he's just a buzz kill at this point alrighty guys thank you for watching hope you guys like this video subscribe if you want to see more stuff like this and let me know down in the comments how I can improve and what you guys want to see next see you next time
Channel: Omaha
Views: 3,047
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Keywords: spell guide baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 wizard, baldurs gate 3 sorcerer, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 best spells, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 spells, baldurs gate 3 warlock, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 ps5, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 gameplay pc, bg3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 tips combat, bg3 spells, baldurs gate 3 gameplay combat, baldurs gate 3 gameplay ps5, baldurs gate 3 spells showcase
Id: N5io7HgfNa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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