Storming Through Act 1 Lonewolf-Storm Sorcerer bg3 Tactician

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is it possible to beat balers Gate 3 with only lightning and thunder damage short answer yes long answer shockingly yes with the help of two keys F5 and f8 so let's get right into it lelle has no use for me so I shock her to death then in an effort to get a little bit of exp I fight with some cultists on board blast them with Thunder Wave round one and one barely lives so I finish him off with the lightning orb as I'm trying to escape the ship I run into commander zelk and a mine player that's about to get slaughtered well as way too many imps and bores for me to handle on level one so time to get out of Dodge after safely Landing the ship and getting knocked out my first goal is to get to level two ASAP so I go talk to Shadow heart don't mistake blood for kinship that's not very kind I started blasting now that she's dead I get jumped by a Starion who I won't kill yet and finally I have a civil conversation with Gail and I get level two in which I take feather I'll talk about why soon and I get two metamagic abilities twin spell and extend spell time to save the Grove from The Scouting party I take the high ground and blast the Goblins off so it's no longer contested territory I then cast twin Thunder orb to finish off the fight I give up The High Ground in favor of spamming shocking grasp for a grand total of three damage Dage thanks zor that was the last of them here's where the game opens up to me and I can start putting this build together first on the list is the spell sparkler in order to get it I have to save the Grand Duke so like the hero I am I run into the building after everyone else of course oo water barrel and then break down a door counselor Floric where's the Grand Duke u he's been taking West balers gate so I'll forget about this Quest till we get there but can I have my reward thanks this is going to be one of the main parts of my build for the next area I'll be visiting the underd dark where a lot of my next items are to get there I'll be going through The zenium Hideout upon receiving a quest I don't plan on doing I get level three take invisibility and quick and spell and make my way into the underdark in order to get to the mik in the colony I have to make it around two minotaurs and a Minefield of spores this is where tempestuous Magic Flight comes in handy I cast featherfall as a ritual spell activating my flight so I can safely fly over the mushrooms making it to the Mike and colony where blur is he sells me the lifebringer I then get a Quest from Ellum to go to the Arcane Tower to get some timis spores and tongues of Madness after making it to the Arcane Tower and picking up the quest item I grab the staff of Arcane blessing the Sparks ball and the mage's friend Upon returning omum mixes the shrooms I picked with some lemon juice and I get the trip of a lifetime Alum tries to join in on the trip and ruins it for me it's about time you let me access your shop so I can buy the boots of Stormy clamor and Misty step after a bit more aimless wandering I set up camp for the night where we catch a ston trying to suck my blood I'm not having any of that time to die back witch yeah I know that wasn't lightning or thunder damage but I just had to watch hope drain out of his face as he real bam b b b bomed pow [Applause] probably shouldn't have used three spell slots for that one interaction but hey to the Ender dark to murder the dagar after taking a long time to figure out positioning I use the strategy that I'll be using for most of the run to get set up minor illusion to get people grouped up next to a water barrel I then break it and enter turn base mode so I can line up a lightning bolt scroll calm down the setup is really annoying I won't safe scum once the fight starts but before then anything goes luckily I go first at initiative and hit a chromatic orb to finish him off I get the feeling this won't be the last time I see counter spell good thing I have Quicken spell with one spell slot and two invisible guys left to kill there's only one logical option run I'll be back for you duar don't you worry oh you guys are just going to let me take your boat vessel all right ly crossing the river gives me level four which I take blade Ward shatter and Elemental Adept lightning Sergeant th I believe these belong to you he's stuck in there with poisoned Gees oh oh near stuck and you want my help nah I'll just wait for him to die and pick up his head and return that to the Colony now for what I really came here for items using my free flight I make my way across some large gaps and over a gate to pick up another big part of my build protect the Sparks wall place is trapped giving me a plus one to both AC and spell save DC is huge this will stick with me for a long time I also go pick up the real Sparky Sparks wall which does not stay around very long but 2 AC is nice for now though back to the goblin Camp time to hit him with the good old onew combo get him wet then blast him did you know you can twin spell shot Gras well I didn't but after this I start to see some potential for consistent use cases more on that later I got to go kill drawer now that's a lot of damage fight is pretty straightforward from here twin lightning orb then run away and pick off every [Music] enemy off the Gan crash to pick up the gloves of belligerent Skies completing my reverberation portion of the build now that I'm feeling way too confident on level four I dip my toes into act two to go pick up an item after I hit level five I make my way back to the Wither to do a little bit of character redesigning on level four I take dual wielder feet and I optimize my spells just a little bit time to go kill anti effl and get that plus one to Charisma now if I'm being honest anti ethyl scares me a little bit so I take plenty of time to prepare by casting bless giving me a plus 2 D4 to my attack roll then I drink a haste potion to make sure that I have enough actions to kill her then I throw a water bottle and it's guns a blazing uh um yeah so anyway I got the plus one modifier and with my newly discovered power time to go on a murder [Music] spr oh uh let me just load this up [Music] again [Music] [Applause] [Music] after killing the general queen vth wants me to go kill the dream visitor and I'm not willing to do that you wish to see godhood I wish you to end anyway till next time wait I think I forgot something uh true Soul near got to dispose of these guys real quick first though [Music] there we go now to pick up near Year's head how are you not dead yet fine I'll do it myself the decaying corpse lies before you thanks for sticking around to the end I'm hoping to get a little bit quicker than one video every 3 weeks so expect the next video in the next two May CLE anyway we'll see you
Channel: Player_5
Views: 67,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MV4IKov8obY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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