Abandoned Ca$h! I Buy Stuff from abandoned buildings!

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hi i'm alex archbull and i've been buying and selling antiques since i was nine years old from basements to scrap yards i'll look just about anywhere i can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes i'll go big and buy everything with my wife and kids we run an antique shop in edmonton alberta canada filled with some of the most unique items we can find i never know what's going to happen or who i'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity home honey [Music] good morning guys uh it is a bright sunny beautiful day perfect day for a road trip i am headed out of town to a farm and a house i guess the fellow had two properties uh sadly he's passed away and there's an estate full of stuff and i get to be the first guy through the doors to go dig around and find some treasures but the old buick is not quite big enough to fit what potentially might be out there so i'm gonna switch out to the ambulance so follow along in today's episode as we go on another exploration and hopefully bring back some cool treasures now that i've got the ambulance i hope i can fill it up with really cool stuff this is the vehicle i bring on a trip when i really mean business and i want to buy a lot of interesting items when you go to a farm or you go to a house that's apparently as full as the one i'm going to you never know what they might have old signs gas pumps whatever so we got the big guns with us today well not me the car that company says it's an extreme shuttle sometimes there's moments where you just want somebody to do something and it's not extreme i think they overuse some words i feel like that was in the early 2000s extreme became a big deal but what is an extreme pizza anyway what are you gonna throw it at your face when you're ordering it's just a pizza folks just like that's just a shuttle but hey i guess it got my attention and where am i today well the lovely town of munder alberta where if your last name ends in either a chuck or a ski you'd be right at home because there's a big ukrainian population here being part ukrainian myself i feel akin to being an area like this but there's one thing to know about mundare [Music] that's because mundare also hosts the world's largest sausage and if you had any doubts who had the biggest sausage in town well it's right here in the park in downtown munder enough of that for right now i've got to get over this guy's house before i'm late uh yeah so let's get to it hmm i don't know this place looks abandoned almost i guess this is the place it doesn't look like anybody's done any yard work around here in a while or yard maintenance but that could be a good thing sometimes uh abandoned houses have cool old stuff inside i guess we'll find out i'm just waiting for my contact to arrive but this could be interesting here's something in the trees here i'm going to work my way through try and find an entrance that i can access hello hmm having watched deliverance doesn't help me feel more comfortable about going in this place uh this is super weird so far it looks like i've been directed to an abandoned property um with nobody around but a bunch of wild animals and birds lurking in the trees i'm gonna give another 10 15 minutes or so i think i'm a little bit early hopefully all goes well i am kind of curious to know what's in the old building in the backyard here sometimes people would line these buildings with old signs and oil cans like we discovered a few videos ago i went through an 1800s barn and it was lined with very rare oil cans but they were unusable okay he's arrived and he seems like a really friendly guy so i'll probably make it home today and not be buried in the backyard of this old house but um oh yeah you know the more i've been looking at the house the more i kind of think it has some charm original wood siding you know the original facade this has got to be turn of the century 1900 right around there bones don't look too bad careful alex you might want to buy a house but let's look at what's inside first but some of the stuff our appliances included that was supposed to actually be taken already and then the guy didn't come in he didn't so it's got that yeah musty aroma yeah probably you can see there's been some water getting in the roof yeah i mean this is old like this has been this way for quite a while april 2017 and on saw chuck street i was saying if your last name is chuck or ski you probably belong in mundare okay and there's no power in here right so no okay i totally forgot a light okay oh they kind of uh built the fridge into the wall yeah there's you know some stuff back in the day i don't know why it even bothered there's not room to leave it out but um just wanted more space well i mean why not these are very 1940s looking cabinets in here too yes and it's one of the cool things yeah then you come in here and see that oh like brand new um you know it's funny that you know people have these houses that need massive renovations and they drop in like a brand new expensive furnace or hot water tank but don't bother to fix the floor i think this tank well this is a brand new it's newer yeah and that's a good size tank too oh yeah this is a little bathroom back here and see it's there's good potential because of the size and some of the old stuff i mean you can't keep somewhere it would it would definitely need to be gutted but that breaker panel has been upgraded at some point yeah good to switch them out okay so there's furniture what year was the house built you know i can't remember i don't know if we knew that at all it to me it looks like a turn of the century like it's an early home so if you want to look there's a clock there and then there's some if you open the drawers or some looks like he knew what the neighbors were up to he'd get up in his watchtower there and it's just a oh yeah a little uh like a practice order yeah a little yamaha okay well yamaha's aren't bad guitars um they make some good quality stuff ornaments have you gone through the stuff yet or yeah i keep thinking each time i come out because i don't come out very often that i would um just wrap them up and bring them back to edmonton because it would be simpler to show people right and i never end up doing it because it's just even today i'm looking for you guys should be and it's tough to get around to doing everything of course i'm guessing he's ukrainian since he's got pasanka in there like i'm part ukraine my mom's ukrainian oh yeah whole sewing machine that's a neat pattern too very kind of art deco egyptian looking yeah this one i can't remember i didn't take pictures there's one in the house at the farm but it's pretty you know dilapidated because was he an artist uh yes there's some stuff upstairs yeah i see there's some there's artwork holographic last supper yeah okay um yeah there's brushes there's this artwork is that julian's so if you want to have a look at that stuff and there's a antique rocking chair over there okay so i had to make sure i mentioned that yeah lots of uh pastels and drawing paper my son's an artist my mom's an artist i draw really yeah yeah yamaha guitar is not too bad yeah like it's uh there's a lot of little things that are kind of cool okay and every shoe that the man probably owned and yeah there was julian couldn't attach to this because him and his cousins did all the cleaning brand new shoes in box i never looked down there but there's a under whatever i don't know if it's a seller you've never looked in the cellar i don't know if it's a mix of things so there's the one hatch i think there's another one oh right here yeah do you uh you have not attempted to have you even look have you looked down here no i haven't had a look okay i've always meant to oh there's stuff down there there's bottles and what's left of a staircase and i'm gonna go around to this side see if i can get down low guys who knows um what treasure is there well it's a it's a dirt floor yes root cellar yeah oh yeah it's a little it's pretty dusty and uh bank down there i'm gonna just poke my head i'm not gonna attempt to stand on that ladder it's actually not very big it's only as big as what we see and i don't think there's really a whole lot there's some canning supplies in that but that's probably the gist of it like most root cellars are just that's what it is it's just a little root cellar room kind of thing okay we can throw the hatch back on so don't forget that come running out of here in a hurry bugs bunny it through the floor even these stairs are just the wood the dark wood yeah and i love this green i grew up with a house that had uh furniture um safety top and walls and stuff like that the same color so i don't know why it just does it for me but an upper room like this like you're in upstairs like this just i always love these type of ceilings always wanted a bedroom with this oh yeah dormers this was where he did all his artwork here psychology today i never checked and uh but i believe there's every national geographic since the first one well there's a whole pile of fur coats here yeah there's there was a lot more but some stuff went so all these are yeah there's some good early ones but they're over there too like they're everywhere i see that from what i've understood i can't remember why i knew that he bought everyone he had a subscription from the beginning but it's tough to say yeah what year are these from 1955. what was he doing with all the uh newspapers and stuff i mean was he doing using them for art or i'm not sure 1933 see like this is crazy because this is number five number one january 1944. yeah well that would be number one from that volume yeah well truth be told people buy these things because they have neat advertisements in them and yeah you know you frame them do something with them if you look inside the trunk 33 1932 man national geographic yeah 19 19 20. like wow man ooh that smells like an old trunk yeah that's uh probably part of a family member's wedding gown just a piece of it i have more clothing blankets it's what you expect to find in a blanket chest it's a good old trunk though yeah there's some people that have them most of that is uh cufflinks there was an older watch there see what's in the basket some thread no underwear and more clothes and stuff okay see what's in behind door number one other than spiders okay a hornet's nest up there i gotta be kind of careful when you poke around in these places doesn't look to be any old valuable signs or oil cans but trust me folks this is exactly the type of place you find them that a bunch of spiders okay we are done with the house i am gonna follow him out to a rural property the same fellow owned that apparently is just full of all kinds of crazy stuff too hopefully there's some good things we'll see off to stop number two okay we've now turned off a dirt road which i presume will lead us out to the country and that's where we are [Music] this road is so dusty i can't even see him in front of me anymore there's just a big cloud of dust here we are i'm in foot long grass i did not want to drive any farther because it looks like a little bog up here but once you get off the beaten trail look at the age of that house over there that's an actual you know pioneer homestead log cabin that's still sitting there and intact and all these buildings are hugely old i'm actually kind of excited you don't get a chance to go through a you know an 1800s house and barn that are pretty well untouched very often i just got to make sure that's what i didn't want to drive into right there you can see why so we're doing the walk hey there's a boat i guess if the water gets so high around here you might need that boat what's in the garbage pile old tobacco tin looking through someone else's garbage you got the right kind of vehicle to get through this stuff i can get through oh there we go boy certain thing for newspapers yeah you know people this is nothing there's there's a shed over here that well we won't be able to go in and look at it yeah like i can see there's an old porcelain stove that's why i brought the hoist i'm gonna think about attempting to get it out of here okay there's three of those one that you saw was modified the one in one there yeah the one there's two this one here and then there's one and two in the one in the main house and then a i don't know what you want to call it heater furnace whatever is there another room or does that go outside i believe that's just outside i've never actually brought up that you look when the last time they hung this calendar was 1937. yeah there's some stuff that's just bizarre that's been hanging on that wall since 1937. i like finding stuff like that now here there's been lots of it i mean i'm sure you see it all the time well then it looks like they just decided to store newspapers in here oh there's the old well pump see that still in place sitting there for ages there's a ton of dragonflies which means there's probably a ton of mosquitoes this looks like mainly newspapers i'm gonna try and get close oh without getting spider webs all over myself just a whole pile of soggy newspapers wait the house i didn't even know there was a house here like where's the house well okay i yeah there it is all right well that's old too look it that's what they used to do they used to pack uh mud and straw in between the logs i had put this here because i didn't want this was hanging in the barn oh yeah i'm surprised you even found the door over there you want me to hold that up here i'll hold that for you it's going to fall over okay there you go yeah this this must've been in the family for some time this is a really old structure hand-hewn logs i mean oh yeah it's an old old building try and peek in through the window the pictures are still up on the wall after however many years and someone's left their medicine cabinet pretty well intact i don't know what they were stacking on top here mail what year is the mail from they didn't pay their power bill they're probably a little overdue it must not have been since the 70s or 60s that somebody's been living in this place with these old abandoned houses it's always the remnants of the flowers and bushes and things that remain even decades after the last owners were here a milker uh cream separator here it was in mint shape 20 gallon i think it's gone i'm gonna i'm gonna attempt to step inside you should be okay yeah i'm just making sure i'm not walking into a literal hornet's nest you can run for my truck well your ancestors had lots to read a lot of people did yeah i can see yeah they look all nice and neat at the back and then over the years things fall over and unfortunate tumble down there are some paintings back there it looked like they might have been his have that same style oh yeah another just hold out building bottles well there's an oil can there it's not terribly old but there's a few old few young efficiency yeah all it takes is the right one the head off of something my friend rooted in the back of there looking through stuff and he took a few and that was it most guys that i've got like friends or tractors yeah one or two cans and that's it this appears to be where they dump most of the oil and oil cans and stuff the question is finding one that's old enough that has value to you know risk bringing it back out into the move that out of the wild what's underneath there's alone cans yeah it's 60s 70s sort of stuff you'd be surprised the the right oil can is definitely you know worth digging for there's lots of collectors for that stuff [Music] that's the same year as my car 73. yeah let's see the ones that guys are interested in that i know what they are i want to rustle up all the critters [Music] case tractor flip there's some brake shoes [Music] what's in the box books it looks like let's see papers poetry don't expect to find books of poetry in a shed full of old antifreeze cans okay we're getting close there's an old oiler right there we're getting close we haven't found we haven't found the uh you know the lost city of gold or lost city of oil cans haven't found that yet but we're finding stuff what's the tractor sitting here well it's got case gauges on it because the tractor that was sold was the case well somebody buy that yeah one is like the head i think is that one sitting oh that's inside uh no that's not from this one from the other one here well you never know what people were storing and stashing well this is just feed holy oh wow that smells off it was an old bicycle that is an old bicycle i am going to climb in and see if i can grab that old bicycle out of there let's see keep your eye open dear mice and pigeons who are bound to be in here i'm going for a bicycle don't eat my feet okay i'm taking a step i'm surprised there's still any grain and stuff in here after all these years yeah you think you'd get beat up okay guys yeah that's an old timer okay i'm gonna pull this out this is something i will will want to buy from you what's it sitting on wood okay let's drag this thing out this has been here a while a long while look at this thing it's a little crusty but it sure looks cool this one hard to say whether it's salvageable or not but you know it's worth bringing out of a barn when you see it that's what the ccm looks like yeah it could be it's probably 1930s okay i'm gonna hand it to you over the edge i see you've got an outdoor toilet out here this must be where they kept all the old windows and extra wood sort of a catch-all some of this old barn wood and barn boards those big planks can be recycled into tree um tables and all sorts of things these are steak sides off of an old truck just waiting to go back on like an old farm truck like a 40s gm or something i just sold that truck did you well that's those are the stake sides from that truck he wouldn't have taken him okay i'm crawling in here quite the old bathtub tires off the old trucks see these are all old oil cans that were flattened out oh i see what you're saying though yeah and i don't know if those are uh old license plates or what but they would take them and they'd they'd edge these old buildings i always look because you never find even if you find one that's been flattened out there's guys that can uh restore them and put them back one imperial gallon yeah it was gallon jugs up there they won't be next year because that wood's gonna rock and they'll fall off oh the glass jugs yeah i know my parents have a bunch i've got some of my garage from either apple cider in dc or a w root beer back in the day the old beer bottles almost makes me think like some old cowboy sitting in here after a hard day working in the field having a bath and chucking his beer bottles in the corner kind of doubt it well i heard an eagle just now okay oh it makes me wonder what the tin is on the side there like look that's a tin uh religious sort of sign i'll grab it somebody's painted some decoration on that one nothing else up there what was your sister telling you about this barn we're going to she was saying and she was a kid and she's a good amount older than me yeah okay so that's the one in the barn yeah are you gonna tell me that there was like a some scary story around this part oh no not at all actually more of a funny story that uh she said oh yeah that thing was half full of manure you couldn't get in and blah blah blah so what you're telling me is that we're walking to a barn that might be half full of manure not might is oh so you weren't kidding yeah that's when i found out she was telling the truth you found out your sister's story about this barn being full of manure wasn't full of manure it is actually a full of manure story that's true you've been up in the hayloft i know you can see from that side okay uh let's see if we can get in the non-poo filled side i mean at this point it's just basically dirt anyway but yeah but there's a pile on the other side because they couldn't get into the barn i think anymore i still wouldn't want to fall into it why would that okay there's an old sickle here on the ground i think there was one in that oh yeah right there yeah again if i walked out and over there to see but i can't remember there's some more uh horse farm stuff there oh yeah yeah attack and bridle and stuff there's still a hay falling in from the hayloft yeah it's weird how i don't know if you're colored i am if you can see up in there from where you're standing or oh let's see not a great place to well hang on i stood the old fence board up here like a ladder and climb up a little bit get a look in the old hayloft oh well it looks like hayloft yeah there's still hay there's still bales of square bales of hay up here not much left of this one but there's stuff in it looks like there's machinery in it that's the one piece that i was thinking about dragging out because i didn't uh i didn't know what it was i didn't get a chance to look it up and see what this piece of machinery yeah like it looks like a a lot of driver it's got a big bucket it's got a sifter and it's you know obviously driven by it could be a shaker yeah it could be a shaker a rock thing or a gold i don't know thing it looks like mining equipment almost it's got the belt and you hook the belt up to your tractor it's got the levers but this filtering system makes me think that it's for uh like you know shaking crush or something yeah maybe or something like that well that's yeah maybe i'm gonna have a peek inside here of you know yeah look at the uh the old roof and how the logs are put together all hand hewn there's a really good old chain sitting in there well you know this uh radclean can if that thing was in good shape that would be probably like an 80 well maybe 60 canadian sort of thing not in that shape though minion there's a few more in here this is just an old stove that they've crammed stuff in yeah this is the same type of snail that's in there i think that there's something missing on the front and if it was missing a bunch of pieces i was just going to say nope not interested i'm not going to spend the time well i like the tile work on the back that's pretty cool yeah that's after the fact obviously i mean putting the screws in well actually maybe it isn't no it might be original that would have been a pretty expensive stove the nickel plating and all that for this being a tiny little building that was a pretty hefty stove that would heat this up real good oh yeah i'm gonna put that on my truck it looked like a toolbox from the side but there is a crate underneath it though i'm just going to toss this i think it's all there what's that okay the front looks good yeah looks like it's all intact shucks just kind of hoping it wasn't because i didn't feel like doing this today i've got so many well it's a fun property to go through but all i found was a bicycle and the sign which i'll try and wash up and see how they turn out but i've got to pay up and head back on the road [Music] [Applause] clearly that guy had a better day of picking than me he ended up with three mustangs and two of them convertibles that old tin sign that i found in the garage it ends up being um painted hand painted on tin and guess what your dates from 1877. boy i've been in there a while as i stopped to grab a traditional ukrainian meal of cubasa and pierogies i decide to chew on the thought of owning another project house i wonder what melissa will say well that's it i hope you enjoyed today's adventure uh always fun going through these old buildings and it's even more fun when you get to bring stuff home that you find and discover so tune in for more episodes make sure to hit that subscribe button if you haven't already and we'll see you all soon bye for now
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 163,084
Rating: 4.940238 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, abandoned, urban exploration, hidden cash, curiosity inc, alex archbold, antiques
Id: vu_SW1zxUOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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