Sealed Since WW2! time capsule mystery trunk! what's inside!?!

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I followed my dreams and open an antique store to have adventures and spend time as a family sometimes you have to climb a mountain and open some new doors to find the treasures inside this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc hey guys it's alex with curiosity so today was kind of an interesting day I got a call from somebody I've been to their house a couple times before actually bought some stuff but they had a whole bunch of old books and things and we ended up buying a pretty big collection but the one thing that I thought was cool and I didn't want to do it without bringing you all along the trip here is that they had a trunk that belonged to I think he said his grandfather or great-grandfather and he was in World War two and the trunk has been sealed up since basically just after the war I don't know whether it was you know 46 or 51 anyway the things been sealed up pretty much since then is his old military footlocker so we are going to dig through this live on camera for the first time in 6070 years who knows what's inside so it does have some good weight to it so I know there's something in there it could be close if it's an old uniform that would be cool would be books it could be you know garbage so who knows what's gonna be inside hopefully no no weapons or anything like that but we will see we're gonna open it up on camera here so we're gonna go through it my father-in-law's here and the kids are gonna be around so we're gonna go through this thing and see what's inside so this is the trunk I can get my door open on my car here I had to bring the old ambulance out because it's such a big trunk this is an old world war two footlocker was in the family since the war and my understanding is that it hadn't been open really since about nineteen forty six or seven or just after the war anyway it's been locked up a really long time because they didn't find the key for it well a locksmith got the lock open on us and we are saving it I know it seems crazy but we were saving going through this to do on camera because I think it'll be more exciting it could be a bunch of laundry could be who knows what but we're gonna open up this mystery box and see what's inside so it is about a day or two before Halloween which is why we have bats in our house normally have a rat problem a rodent problem in here except for our little dog whose rat size but we I've got the kids and my wife and my father-in-law are here there's Dave you've probably seen him in some videos we aren't here because we're gonna unpack this trunk now you might ask yourself why would somebody sell a trunk without going through the contents first here's the thing I paid a thousand bucks for the privilege his stuff when your wife is right there I paid a thousand bucks for this thing for the privilege of opening without knowing what's inside that was the number that that got me this trunk it is heavy like I said so hopefully there's some good stuff in there so you guys ready so earlier today we got the lock undone so we pried that guy off and it's open but we haven't undone the class yet so we're gonna is it really sticky on that side do you want me to come over and give you a hand there we go okay well there's paperwork let's hope it's full of money all right let's have a look guys okay well that's a pretty old map Wrigley's official arrow city map of Greater Vancouver 35 cents population 418,000 what's the population of Vancouver now like four or five million something like that yeah let's see Toronto visitor guide yeah this is then we don't know exactly when this thing was sealed up last oh you did a little traveling extras map of Manhattan and Bronx 1946 edition okay so this is right after the war that's a good sign subway elevated elevated streetcars that's kind of cool okay so let's see what the first folder is what do you hope it is yeah I know what do you think Dave yeah let's just hope it's a thousand dollars interesting it's blank paper oh wait hang on somebody did do drawings with it let's just bring this over into the wait a little bit so this is dated see if I can get the light on yeah that's low it better had to turn the light on so this looked like it's wartime art so he's chasing the girl and then comes our major and it's sorry enough to see that seven signatures 1945 February 8 it looks like there's a bunch of us if somebody might have been a bit of an artist did some drawings well we can dream can't we well I see he's mopping the floors so it looks like February 8th was a busy day for this guy he had time to do much of drawings some of our invasion plans are missing sir never mind who stole my pencil battle of Rideau Canal you know it's funny these little comics and cartoons kind of tell a story of the time too let's see we girls are tough we aren't afraid of anything eeek and what's she afraid of a mouse [Music] got some talent so there's the soldier and the other ladies aren't very happy was it say what she got that we haven't that's funny oh I see he gave her kind of a funny nose so I guess they're not supposed to be very attractive well it's a bunch of little drawings that's kind of cool I mean if this artist ends up being somebody who a mounted to something and ended up becoming an illustrator maybe they're you know we're something even as art from that time they might even you know I'd say how many are here seven or eight or so yeah and their original solving yeah Scott B or something well I would say even you know if they're framed nicely maybe even like a hundred bucks each or something so if there's seven or eight of those that's potentially 700 bucks 300 bucks so that's just our first folder actually does an interesting fine let's do you guys want to put that somewhere safe maybe on that I put the table over there so we could sort you've all this thing hold itself up let's just prop that up newspapers Ottawa Journal 1945 it's so crazy going through something after so long you know you think about what was happening obviously this is some of the last things he did after the war was over she surrender complete that's Nathan there's another one here which one's this Toronto he must have been in Ontario at the time peace at last so the kept these because he just been fighting in the war he was probably very happy got to go home and see his family yeah we'll meet 8 1945 so that would when was Armistice May 7th yeah May 7th and 8th through that's a piece of glasses that's historical old myself personal or quarters and instructions what's this this was like it's military it's a list of small arms bicycle trip outer parts peculiar parts so what data on equipments and guns and mortars this is all military documents looks like maybe he was in charge of ordering or yeah Department of National Defense 1945 July 9th Pacific Command so this is all stuff that has to do with is maybe these are top-secret documents well they would have been at the time they definitely would have wanted out of your hands to get a hold of this stuff knowing you know how many guns a person is buying and how much they're spending on their defense Major General JH McLean oh I see it's like an org chart yeah I have to go through it you never know what stucked in between all these little layers to attention and Elevens so this is all wartime kind of secret ish documents and memos and stuff that's really cool I have to go through that a little bit more carefully oh look yeah Canadian active service for there's a creepy doll hobby Oh what do you want to play with that I think it's meant to look like a baby um it's kind of creepy creepy pile let's see so what are these little books Kings regulations and orders 1939 these are all you know regulations and orders and I guess this is probably just more military documents is quite a lot of do's and don'ts in here yeah well what rank would you have to be - how would everybody have had to memorize this you think or would this have been for more of an officer yeah that's a good question I don't know maybe somebody watching knows the answer I know they were they were accessible by a hall that they could so they had to know what the rules and regulations were so they had access but it might have been through their through their superiors hey Jason why don't you open up this little envelope and see what's inside what does it say on the outside first captain ger okay cool open it up let's see captain Honorable Minister of National Defense the trustees National Gallery of Canada invite him present the opening of the Canadian Army art exhibition oh well that explains why there's some drawings in there maybe the guy enjoyed art that's pretty cool okay and nothing Oh crumpled up paper okay hang on but there's another level in here this isn't it okay we gotta get the tray out okay okay okay this is all well this must have been all of his books and guides and Canadian what's Canadian artillery magazine most likely 1944 there's a bunch of them let's make a stack of those and see how many we have now it's something the whole object of training is to teach the soldier how to fight and how to kill well that's the truth that's what they had to do to keep us safe current affairs Spain Army Bureau current affairs 43 this is all documents and magazines and paraphernalia to do with the war let's see what's in here toys demand for ordnance doors are new forms and the management to the dumps I don't mean to be immature but I think you guys need that must be at least one dad joke oh look there's a there's a letter in there captain army 1942 say all officers and warrant officers issue over the county of arms clothing equipment ordinates stores I don't see any there's no clothing in here I definitely don't see I mean it's probably a good thing that there's no guns because we don't have our license for those types of firearms ok let's make a stack for all the books here small arms and machine guns training guide that's pretty nice traffic and transportation just pretty much if you needed to know if you needed to start World War two over again this would be a good start on how to manage ordnance I think training memorandums military law for Canadian officers even you know like original letter and letterhead that are unused since the war sitting here it's in perfect condition you know somebody who collects this kind of stuff late well let's see this is signed it's so assigned by the the fellow who who's drunk this was military law we're gonna have to go through all these little papers here and see what we have well let's get cracking and just make some piles and then we'll go through them oh and every time I see something kind of interesting in there I feel like I can take out and have a look art Canadians for the use of Canadian Affairs what's this you were saying Stephen the group of seven a lot of them art in war and after we think his resources why do Nazis burn books is there risk the notion that life is just arty hmm so they're speaking of the importance of art you know it's pretty interesting that this was a military issued you know Katie a ferrous piece they found it a for important enough and this is printed during the war they want to maintain and keep keep our art safe okay they want to know it's a bomb it's a bell so I don't know it maybe was something that maybe they went when the war was won maybe he made this out of whatever they had lying around to celebrate power for prosperity prairie provinces what's this one people on the land fewer children the population problem too late for us I'm happy with the amount of children I currently have but I wonder what they said what can be done look they have a family of five yeah well that could very well be yeah that's I mean it looks like he went through it it definitely has where and you can see the thumb marks on it so he's used it there's actually a couple little leather-bound books in here one if we're gonna find any top-secret notes or anything corporal - field officer fifth edition lieutenant colonel Langford it's gonna need training and there's a Christmas ornaments the old glass ones looks like - a lot of them are missing but there's a few in there a few broken ones probably to spend Christmas away from home logbooks so there is just a ton of vintage paraphernalia and magazines and brochures and a lot of it these you were saying Melissa that they say you can't the weren't supposed to show them to anybody yeah not to be published like this one it's parachuting as a career live herd that has its ups and downs so there are just a pile of these old war brochures paraphernalia handouts so you can see that this fellow is really involved in spreading the information getting the troops notified and these are marked as being not to be published you know these aren't things that were given to the people at home these were meant for for officers or for people there were in official positions it says so pretty neat stuff we're gonna go through just see how many of the different piles of these we have so we're just gonna start sorting okay so Jason what are you excited to look at okay he found a file folder and he what he thinks it's full of money I don't think it's a napkin where was he he was at the Commodore so that must have been a restaurant that he stopped at probably when he was overseas I saw there was a couple napkins in here just were keepsakes I guess the places he went to I'll put it back in for now yeah these are all training manuals and all sorts of things but you have to think that if the average you know a little booklet or manual is even worth five or ten dollars each which they probably are realistically maybe some are worth more and there's maybe you know 100 or more then that's well over $1,000 worth of stuff but I mean the history here is what's really important what's really neat this one's kind of neat notes on Japanese army tactics and countermeasures not to be published 1942 it would presume give them tips on how to how to fight when they're fighting the Japanese the Pacific Knight attack the plan this is kind of neat stuff freely and this was kind of cool this is the telephone directory from the National Defense Department for the army from 1945 so that's everybody's phone numbers and names and ranks and everything in here so if the person really wanted to do you know some investigating this is probably great if you were looking at your family heritage or wanted to know you know I can see there's names similar to my own last name in here really really cool piece you know this is you know anybody really have rank I guess that was in the the Army National Defense back in 45 really cool list of training leadership illustrated 1937 when you look inside it's kind of little cartoons almost showing the right and wrong way for carrying out a battle there's all sorts of things in here firing machine guns the vehicle T is correct other John continued so even you know how to stop when the troops are getting out of a truck this is really I've never seen anything quite like this before very neat like rules of the road that's a cool piece some helpful tips know your enemy weapons the Japanese Nambu 6.5 and then it tells you exactly it obviously captured some and give some information out so I'm guessing this fellow is in the Pacific for most of his tour you know and some of these field manuals come in handy for guys that are collectors now because you can get the breakdown of how the guns come apart how they work and operate so if somebody's a collector of military firearms a book like this is a really nice companion piece for their collection so although I didn't find any bars of gold or anything like that there's a lot of history in this case and it's pretty amazing to see you know from him getting enlisted to learning how to fire his first gun and then you know things like the the Train we think from the late 40s he's coming home and there's nothing in here newer the 1946 so this really is a journey of young Canadian officer during World War two surviving the war going through the war and then coming home just outstanding that something like this still has been sealed and sitting in a house all these years makes you wonder what else is out there but pretty privileged to feel like I got to be the guy to go through all this stuff really really neat so there was just a pile of cool literature inside of this trunk it hasn't seen the light of day and it smells like it hasn't seen the light a it's pretty musty in there since 1946 but I'd say my favorite things by far were these are original little sketches wartime sketches from 1945 I just love them they're fantastic and you know I think that these are probably in terms of value in us having a store I think this is where the value is in this unit for us let alone all the other magazines and paraphernalia it's you know I did have to pay up for it but it's a pretty cool collection of stuff but if I didn't have the art I don't think I'd be as thrilled but this is a really good find so thanks again for tuning in on another adventure of ours I hope you liked it whenever we find something cool like this that hasn't been seen in years on occasion we come across really interesting and rare finds so if you haven't subscribed you should hit the button and check us out you can also find us online at curiosity Edmonton CA we're on Facebook and Instagram as well where you can find us follow us contact us and see some of the items that we have for sale as we are an actual store so we do sell everything that we find yeah so glad you guys came along for the visit we'll see y'all soon and bye for now
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 623,220
Rating: 4.7009711 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, curiosity inc, curiosity incorporated, mystery box, time capsule, opening time capsule, american pickers, pawn stars, alex archbold, antiques, ww2, war, wartime, history channel, discovery channel, rare, wow!, trending, look what we found, you have to see this, mystery, treasure chest, unboxing, trending top ten, top 10, trending top 10, viral, viral video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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