Ca$h found in a grease pail! What’s inside!?! Todays unboxing

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adventure is in my blood finding treasures big or small and having fun is what it's all about with my wife Melissa and our three kids life is pretty full but there is an amount we can't climb together this isn't your ordinary antiques store my name is Alex Archibald and this is curiosity hi everyone and welcome to today's episode this morning actually I should say this afternoon because it was after lunchtime a gentleman came through the shop and he had some mystery boxes of things to sell me now some of them were life amidst rebe cuz the boxes were open and from what I saw we were able to make an offer but there was a couple items that I didn't get a chance to look through and I'm not sure exactly what's inside of them we're gonna dig through the bucket and the bags and basically see what we got and with any luck there'll be some good treasures in there so follow along today as we go through some mystery estate bags and boxes and see what we found for the shop so some of the boxes that he brought in to me I could kind of tell what was in it right away there is some old tobacco tins a little bell maybe I should put that on my counter actually on second thought with the amount of children come through my store I should not put the little bell on my counter they'll drive me crazy Orange Crush bottle some shaving stuff going through this this almost looks like it was dug up out of the ground but an old cap gun so some odds and ends I had kind of a rough idea what was here these are always really popular it's a feather-light featherweight sewing machine it's a singer people still use these in the world of sewing machines the larger machines that come in a nice cabinet you think a really fancy and probably expensive are not actually it's this model here looks very very simple but people still take these to quilting parties their compact they're an excellent machine and they're an easy sell at around 400 to 450 Canadian I knew that was a good piece lots of sort of generic Canadian license plates and I'm sure we have a friend in in the US who in the Washington area who builds burnt houses out of cowboy boots I'm sure he's gonna contact me now he sees I got a bunch of plates here but one of our customers came through Zach we were kind of chatting here you do dump digging and fines and stuff right yeah I do dig in Yemen scenario yeah so we said maybe this summer we'll get you to come and help us out with our yard and see what's back there but you were asking about this team car that you're holding yeah what you would do is this little cap comes off and this is made by a company called Mamet and they did steam tractors and stationary engine it's a little bit dusty but that cap loosens a little bit tight right now I have to get a little pliers on there but that loosens off you fill it with water there's a boiler underneath which is right down there you can kind of see it sticking out there there so this is what you put your heating peloton that goes in heats up the water and it makes the car Drive and there's a little steering wheel and the lever for start and stop now we have one of these year to go and I got Steven and Jason a beagle outside and we drove it up and down our sidewalk fun little piece worth a couple hundred dollars at least like two hundred two hundred fifty or so there would have been a little handle that went up here to help you steer so you don't have to put your hand like lean over too far but a fun item in an easy sale that's why I picked that up fine I'm gonna go through while Zach is looking around the shop here I'm gonna go through some of the other items that he brought in and see exactly what there was this is kind of what I have not gone through same with this bag he told me there are some coins and some things in there hopefully it'll make sense for us this was part of the lot that I got today - it's an Italian I think it's you would say murasa accordion it's a big one I do have accordion don't ask me why I have so many accordions I don't play the accordion I don't know that many Italian people but I have a hole I could start a whole band I could have a whole polka thing going on here nice piece though you know for someone who's playing accordion it's got that great kind of look and there are still people who play chord Ian's out there and it's got the original case so that was kind of cool but what I'm most curious about is what's on the counter here we're gonna go through this together and see what we got this little blue binder was kind of cool it's if you read the outside it says the world's first gold and silver banknotes the saga of treasure ships and pirates well that sounds neat on its own and I guess what they do that antigua some point made some currency but they did it official legal tender currency minted in 23-karat gold in 0.999 fine silver betraying the golden age of treasure ships and pirates limited to twenty thousand says that's not that limited I mean there was probably only twenty thousand people that bought this stuff but apparently the gentleman that I got this from said that you had to mail away and kind of like a Franklin Mint sort of idea and they would send you one of these every month now albeit cool and it's one hundred Barbados dollars that's not really it's not worth a hundred dollars it is pretty neat though it is actual gold but it's paper-thin because well heck it's it's meant to be paper so this is uh I guess you could go to Barbados and spend that I don't know if they look at you funny if you want to go spend a solid gold note but there's a whole bunch of in here and the price is really ranged seems like you can kind of pick them up for around twenty-five dollars and up online but there's over 30 of them here and as a as a collection you know that starts to add up I think it's a really really neat collectible I don't usually deal in a whole lot of coins and currency but given the context and the fact that they're actual gold and their ships I thought it was kind of me so yeah a couple fun little things in there okay Zach you think I'm ready to dig through this bag I'm excited any predictions on what we're gonna find inside um probably a lot of box coins but okay yeah well I can see some boxes in here this is a really great way to do this I think I'm just gonna kind of dump it out let's well maybe I'll take it out fit by bit I don't want to loosen these that there is a Canadian yeah those are pennies and some of them go back to nineteen twenty so it looks like it starts in nineteen twenty and when they started with the smaller cents and it goes up to modern or more modern day of course we don't do the pennies anymore you can see my counter how ironic look I'm looking at a collection of pennies on my penny counter these are a little bit better than turning into a counter top but honestly a lot of the pennies that you know are a little bit newer are not worth a whole lot this penny right there that 1936 if there was a little dot down in the corner could be worth six figures of course this one doesn't have it but you have to check every time you find in 1936 penny you might find one that's worth like over a hundred grand not the case today penny said lots of bills remnants of what was maybe the world's worst drug dealer who paid everything in $1 bills but no these are just old one dollar Canadian bills we don't use these anymore they're not oh look somebody wrote on that one lucky dollar that's somebody's lucky dollar it ended up with me as you keep it generally as much as these are not in circulation and people think they're really collectible they're only worth face value so this dollar bill is worth a dollar now they could be worth a fair bit more than that if you have something called like a radar so if it went 9 to 6 and then 6 to 9 or if it was all nines or all twos anything that's kind of a little bit more unusual like three four five six people collect certain types of digits or serial numbers I am NOT a coin and stamp guy I am NOT an expert on this stuff but I can tell you this much I do know to look for certain things like that's almost a radar note that's one one three one one seven seven I'll go through these and see if there's anything that's a little bit more unusual that might help the value a little bit otherwise I'll probably give these out as changed to kids who come and buy candy I like to give them a little memory of the past it doesn't cost me a whole lot of money and it's something that they might like there's also a replacement notes too and I camera with the the notation is with its replacement I'll have to phone a friend who knows coins and stamps and stuff much better but there's still like you know forty bucks worth of dollar bills here even if they're only worth the dollar each that's 40 more dollars that I didn't have a few minutes ago there you got back on that collection more money and this is that's like uncirculated $2 bills yeah they are crisp these are like brand-new we don't use those anymore this is called ash in plaster it's a 25 cent note and I think they call that people would actually tuck them down inside their boots and keep them by their shins so they call them skin blasters there's some uncirculated 1950s $1 bills certain years not this one this is a 67 by the 1950s notes you could find one that had what looked like the devil's face right there in the Queen's hair and she wasn't real happy about that or somebody was on her behalf they weren't very happy about it so they ended up taking all those bills back the devil no bills and in getting rid of them now here's some uncirculated once okay we're finding some bills that's good some some good coins and bills in here okay this is actually like a little treasure bag looking a little pocket watch it's had some serious soldering done on the case but that's just an outer case this is a Walton Walton were a good quality watch they were railway grade in some cases we're gonna open this up and see what kind of grade this watch is see what it looks like underneath this ugly case so you might look at this and think that's just a beat-up old pocket watch but that's just an outer case because look in the side we have what's actually a reasonably good condition gold filled walton pocket watch and this watch looks like it's a Swing Out style which means the movement pivots and comes out from the front I'm gonna see if I can pivot that movement out and check and see what grade or how many jewels it is and tell me give me an idea what sort of watch it was okay so this has a little pin set you pull that little lever right there pull the crown out and the watch will tip forward the bonus with this watch is that it actually is in working condition and if we look at the jewel count which should be on here it is a 21 jul 1 s was this would have been a railway grade pocket watch which is much better than your average pocket watch which could have been like a 15 jul 2013 10 karat gold ring with tiny little diamonds inset into it oh that is probably at least a couple hundred dollars with the gold let alone the diamonds so starting to see my money coming back to me already on this deal and I haven't even gone through like the majority of this bag yet and I'm already getting all kinds of cool stuff be fun to find a bag like this in the dirt hey yeah that's for sure hundred years ago yeah well that stuff's out there you never know you're gonna find a look there's another pocket watch this is an Ingersoll this would have been a very inexpensive watch and in perfect condition running in mint shape it's worth all of about twenty five dollars in this shape it's probably worth the whole five bucks but the fact that that Walton ended up being in that case made up for the fact that there is gonna be a few duds in here oh here's a whole bunch of pennies and these are all old ones too 1930s pennies okay I'm gonna just keep going through Oh what's this silver dollars no these are tokens these are all Klondike day tokens but there is some some religious sort of icons in here and Elvis how did he make his own coin they did a lot of commemorative melt Elvis stuff they still do but we've here we've got you know commemorative tokens and coins those are pretty neat there's another ring oh that's quite ornate that almost looks Victorian what would that blue be like maybe a topaz or I don't I don't know my stones that well other than Mick Jagger and you know to me it is stamped hard to make out what it says but it is stamped that's kind of a nice ring actually well I'll do a little bit more research on that to me it looks like it's silver that's gonna be silver they would sell this sort of stuff in Mexico you own vacation and you get a watch band or in this case a bracelet and in half some nice little semi-precious stones in it look at all this cool stuff all in a shopping bag folks see commemorative tokens there is another slightly nicer looking pocket watch that's another Walton a nice gold-plated case it's missing the little band that goes around you detach too but I have some spare pocket watch parts let me keep me around in that case over there just in case the occasion popped up that I needed one and see if it's working mmm-hmm no does not appear to be working yet but sometimes it's just a balance now for not too big of an issue a couple nice little pocket watches so far this is just the first bag men's wristwatches these are parts and pieces but you know if you get a 21 jul 21 joules this one at least is the crystal automatic so it should yeah it's working there it goes second hand was starting to go on it mid-century piece 1950s gold plate you know good cleaning and service that could be made into a good wearable watch again all kinds of fun stuff just all sorts of odds and ends that's a funky looking watch I bet I could probably polish that up and make it look like new again you can polish out crystals acrylic crystals can be sanded and brought back up with a bit of effort and this isn't automatic but it doesn't appear to be working at I'll take her on some of these and see I like to spend time going through with watches and looking at them there's a nice thin one there that's a doc so actually that's a really good brand of Doc's is a good watch didn't even know that was in there that's pretty cool look at how slim that is compared to your average pocket watch like that you look at the doc set and they were really known for being ultra thin and that would be a good piece if I can piece this back together I can tell from the tarnishing that's probably solid silver with some gold inlay and is it working it's winding and it's not not going yet but this is one that I think I will take in and get repaired because that's that's a worthy watch all sorts of things in here I mean it's so hard to focus on you know what the the cool bits are there's all sorts of me fun stuff in here oh that's cool if you're into uh bulldozers of caterpillars that's a tie clip probably from a cat dealer back in the that's a 1930s 40s kind of style tie clip that's neat some of these things are not worth anything you know just like a random pin that's probably worth a few bucks of someone I mean it's still worth money but you know we're looking for the the treasure we're looking for this is a marked stamped sterling or well 925 silver ring and we're saying that's a big that is a pretty big chunk of silver you know you get some semi-precious like little wedding bands that are most likely solid gold mixed in like that's why it's worth going through this perceivable junk bag of assorted stuff because there might actually be real precious metals in there this little souvenir Tenace souvenir made from a tennis match is stamped as being silver so that's another little chunk of silver right there - and pretty neat - if somebody's into tennis well heck that's that's a cool piece maybe it came from like a Wimbledon match or something back in the day but anything that looks like it's um you know like a wedding band or ring we're gonna set aside in fact most of this I'll have to set aside and look at just to make sure I know what I have here because you know some of these little pins even can be military they might have special meaning you know old Legion pins and so forth they're not just you know common run-of-the-mill some of it is going to be and some of it's gonna be kind of neat and special so I'll finish sorting through this bag off-camera and then we'll go through the mystery bucket right here the mystery bucket which I don't know who knows what's inside we'll find out in minutes stay tuned sometimes you find things are a little bit surprising this was in there I don't think it was for a hardware store and don't worry honey if you're watching I'm not gonna try and cash this in later but apparently it's only good for the Golden Girls anyway so if Blanche is watching well you know just a funny oddball little thing there's all sorts of you know things in here somebody's picture their kid you know just fun but enough of going through this stuff I'm gonna go through the the bucket now move some of these things out of the way and see what's in here hopefully it's not just a drum of grease that would really suck I know it's not he said there was coins and other things in there based on what I'm finding here I'm kind of excited to see what we've got it would say drum roll but it's a drum let's see okay well nickels see how complete it is okay well it's fairly complete starting in 1922 we've got every kind of nickel you can imagine oh it's nice when you find a set that's complete a lot of times you find these books and they're missing you know one or two or three or so but and they've even they had extras that they taped in their nice little coin book I'll put that with the coins and other sorts of things more shin plasters under glass this time nice little selection of them ranging you can see the three different styles that's probably why they had this collection put together like that so you can see the three different types and there's some loose shin plasters right there coin sets these are gonna be what your grandma would have given you on your birthday that one's not that old this is our current coin but that's 97 I think it was 87 was the year that they came out with the loonie that one and it would have been probably around 97 or so they came up with the tuning I'll have to double check the date on that but sometimes you get these significant years that can bump the value up of an item - these are all coin sets all different years and more coin sets from the looks of things no stamps I don't know a heck of a lot about stamps folks unless they're an upside-down airplane that's the 1964 dollar set with the Silver Dollar and that is uncirculated mint you can tell Queen Elizabeth has a pony tail here she's got her hair back different with a little ribbon in it she's still a young lady there funny you line up the coins you can watch Queen Elizabeth get older you did as a flipbook of pennies it'd be kind of depressing there's another coin set here this is 91 the 64 is me better because that 50-cent piece and the dollar those are both silver and you can kind of see the coloring is different between the quarter and the two silver coins silver is it quarters but lot brighter looking than what you see on a regular dime or nickel but those are gonna have much greater value than the newer set and some hockey cards Lil Wayne Gretzky's probably only worth 5 10 bucks or so still from the 80s his second year these other hockey cards upper deck and pro set and so forth they're not really worth a whole lot they were over produced they told people that they'd be the next best thing and collectibles but you know what they made millions and millions and millions of them and as a result these really aren't worth anything at all so great buck bag from Reno Nevada well maybe there's at least a buck inside of it let's see what's inside the buck bag oh that looks like it's silver but that isn't a coin at all this is a War Medal or it's a medal voluntary Service Medal and on earlier if this wasn't World War two if this was World War one they would have had the the enlisted person's name on the side of the coin but we don't have it here but that's a nice World War two piece inside the buck bag we've got a couple silver dollars fine silver what here is this 1993 Liberty dollar but saying it's one ounce of silver and there's another silver dollar one dollar US that's a Morgan dollar 21 there's certain years that are worth more than others and as I'm filming this I don't know exactly what years are the the better or which are the worse I know that a Morgan dollar is not a bad thing and there's a little box here too with more silver dollars more Morgan Dollars 21 again same year and what's this one underneath 1921 oh really good shape though you can kind of see the condition of her hair it's very very fine it doesn't really have much for wear on it at all as opposed to this one where her hair is all worn out you can't really see it too well the condition on that is really really good it's probably why it was underneath all that cotton and in the bottom of the box so you've got what three Morgan dollars already this is turning out to be pretty cool pretty cool assortment of stuff every Canadian has a Crown Royal bag around their house somewhere usually it's full of marbles in this case it's full of coins we've got dollar coins 50 cent pieces I'm gonna have to go through and see if any of these are silver cuz they're gonna be worth a little bit more they're circulated so not worth as much you know I did a video where I bought a whole bunch of coins at a garage sale a while back if you haven't seen that go back and watch it really happened a guy had a big trunk of coins for 300 bucks and there ended up being thousands dollars worth of coins in there but once they're circulated the values really diminished but that is a lot of 50 cent pieces there's another oh this one's even heavier that's even heavier yet buffalo nickels us and these are early pennies these are the big ones these are all teens probably 1800s and 1900s Canadian and British pennies I dumped some of the contents of this bag out because there's some really early Canadian coins this dates to 1859 really decent condition that is only the second year of the Canadian penny Canada's first penny was 1858 Rattata hear that that's the only did small numbers of those 1859 wood in the first major distributed year of the penny and there's other tokens in here too like Nova Scotia trade tokens look at that 1833 we're getting back there in terms of history Canadian history right here with some of these coins and tokens 1861 Nova Scotia lots of fun stuff lots of treasures too I'd be careful out to lose them on my penny counter here guys some new quarters we have a pill bottle full of silver quarters bags full of old coins always reminds me the scene in the Goonies where they have the the bag full of jewels and gems yeah some of these old English pennies going back to the 1800s and 1900s halfpennies from jamaica there's some world coin in here that looks like an early one you know this you can tell by the yeah 1785 see that'd be a nice thing to find in the ground as you find it in a bag in an old grease bucket it's not as exciting but it's still exciting 1785 why some old stuff in here and this bag is just packed full more coin sets we've got silver silver dollars silver 50 cent pieces it's a big bag of silver right there is it like foreign coins you might be some ancients in there too I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this never-ending bucket of coins and bills you ask money to our coins looks like uncirculated 1960s Centennial $1 bills or bills is like tons of actual money in here to Bank of Canada $1.00 that's an old one literally an old one it's for 1937 okay lots of bills in the mix it's nice to get the one the ones that are uncirculated like this that were basically probably bought at the bank and put right in does that means there's probably gonna be sequential knows maybe some radars in there lots of coin sets I mean tons I'm just bringing them out but there's a lot of coin sets another belt buckle it's not silver anything but these turquoise is a little something wrapped up in paper towel what was so precious that it got wrapped up in its own little bag they are indigenous arrowheads were you saying that you were trying to find some of these down by the river yeah I've been looking and looking and here you find one in a grease bucket yeah I know well yours are more exciting when you find them when where somebody was hunting somebody else found these and put them in a ziplock bag that's pretty cool yes they don't take any wooden nickels that's what this is it's a Wooden Nickel yep but I took it anyway I took a Wooden Nickel today mama would be so proud look this is all I think this is all silver well not the nickels but that's a big bag of Dimes some are silver and some hard I think for the most part those are just regular times so that's a lot of Dimes that's still probably like 40 bucks worth of Dimes some early nickels quarters a lot of loose change but you really got to go through the change because you never know when there's gonna be some hidden gem inside of it yeah just tons and tons of mixed coin that's silver 1914 Canadian dimes 1909 Dameon dimes that's a little bag of silver right there okay that's a pretty good haul out of a bucket I'm gonna have to take all these coins home and really research the heck out of them when I get back and see if I found any real gems in there so what came out of the green bucket full of treasure well I had so much stuff in there I had to bring it all home and I've been sorting it through on my carpet and on my table let me show you what was inside tons of vintage banknotes which aren't in circulation anymore some going back to the 1930s and even one as far back as the 1800s in plaster there was silver and gold rings nice turned out to be silver ornate kind of Victorian looking ring pocket watches Morgan Dollars them we've got some wristwatches there's the shrimp last reset coin sets all kinds of fun stuff pins pennies knickknacks these are mainly just regular quarters this is just regular expendable currency there are some that are commemorative coins that are a little bit better but for the most part that's just regular change there's all sorts of silver dollars Canadian silver dollars and silver 50 cent pieces stacks and stacks of them US money they bringing that with me when I go to New York old nickels dimes and some of the foreign coins I thought were really cool and foreign of course for us being anywhere outside of Canada where I am early British minted Hong Kong currency from the 1800s there is quite a few coins in here early Canadian coins going back to the 1800s including one of our very first pennies several of these 1859 here we go the Queen's looking young that was look a little bit younger they've got their ponytail then later they change it up there are some 1830s see if I can get that to focus there we go 1833 these would be from the east coast like Newfoundland Prince Edward Island very early trade tokens and coins before Canada even existed and had its own currency Prince Edward Island had its own 1871 then eventually they all had the same currency there was several coronation 1937 coronation coins this very worn coin dates to the early 1700s 17:31 barely legible there but you know coins been around for that long you're gonna see some use and some wear on it but that's still a really early coin to find amongst you know a bunch of regular change so this collection might pale in comparison with the bigger collection of coins that I got last year but that's still a really good haul there's tons of change and quarters and dimes that are already just spendable and then on top of that you've got the silver coins and some early bills really good collection lots of fun stuff thanks so much for watching today's episode if you like these sorts of videos make sure to hit that subscribe button and check us out online you can find us on instagram at curiosity Inc yeg on facebook under curiosity incorporated and I've got my work cut out for me to try and get this mess cleaned up before my wife gets home you guys have a great night we'll see y'all soon bye for now
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 245,174
Rating: 4.8998661 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, Curiosity inc, tv show, television, antiques, antiques roadshow, treasure, time capsule, unboxing, full episode
Id: uFge8dTuZv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 59sec (1979 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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