What’s in the barn!?! Searching for treasure in barns! farm finds

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hi I'm Alex arts bull and I've been buying and selling antiques since I was 9 years old from basements to scrap yards I'll look just about anywhere I can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes I'll go big and buy everything with my wife and kids we run an antique shop in Edmonton Alberta Canada filled with some of the most unique items we can find I never know what's going to happen or who I'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity home honey [Music] good morning guys I am headed back out to the farm where I found 450 bottles and all kinds of other cool stuff last time but this time I'm bringing my friend Josh he is looking for some free materials to do some art and some crafts list so we're gonna go out together and see if we can get some stuff for him and for myself let's go you know how you're saying like you want to pick up scrap metal like on the cheap because you don't have any money yeah you know it doesn't bode well for that story but you pull up in that and you're like can I have some free stuff and you're like driving a monster truck yeah I'll mind you with the amount of gas I think probably goes trees like yeah you can't afford nothing so okay let's go get some scrap metal that's what I see out my back window right now is crazy giant truck it looks like something out of a Stephen King movie while they're still behind this mom I don't know why that trucks following us it just won't quit it's like raining on my back end good grief oh it's kind of a rainy day today glad that we're heading out there but I'm not super glad that it's raining it's gonna be muddy mess and I did not wear the right kind of shoes today's I wasn't expecting this I have to rethink my plans when we get there driving through the town of the Kalmar right now town that was famous at one time back in the 1980s I think it was they had a big water tower and the crew that they hired to take the water tower down took all the bolts off of one side first and say guess what happened the water tower fell oh and I guess the blast was so intense that a shot some guy out of his easy-chair I must have been quite the fright right out of his living room in the middle of the street so let's hope that they're not removing any water towers in town while we're passing through today and we'll have a chance to make it through there Josh's pointing his camera all around it was kind of a bummer he said it's pretty wet out here he doesn't really want us going through the greeneries today but yeah there is a truck full of scrap that way in this building there's also oh that building over there which we might be able to ask to walk over to and there were some things lying around in that side so hopefully we'll find some stuff today oh by the way around the corner is a big scrap pile you can kind of see it it's on the other side of this truck the truck itself is kind of cool sitting in a bit of a bog it's probably getting a little rusty but that's all scrap metal right over there yeah and he said he doesn't really care too much about what happens with that stuff last time I was out here I ended up making a deal on this little yamaha dirtbikes and honda is a big red right neither of which are 83 neither what you're running right now but probably will run with little TLC all that worked for the record you can fit a trike or quad and a dirt bike in the back of an ambulance I pulled a couple of car ramps out of the scrap pile because when I get back to my shop I'm not gonna really have a great way getting that trike out of the back so probably have a use for that Josh is over here digging this is all scrap metal that's destined to be squished and crushed and melted down some of its kind of neat like the old machinery even bits of old chained like that can be used in projects how's it going Josh there's lots of rod there's wire this rod there's chain I mean for me for reselling a lot of this stuff probably isn't good for me but for you for reusing I don't know what but I could I could turn it into an axle it could make a stand for a lamp you could put one of your crazy old light bulb looking things on top yeah I mean even just like bits of steel you can heat up and Bend and hey well do you want me to ask him if you can just oh yeah old aluminum hardhat was it say on the front of it you know probably the guy's initials there's some old rims okay well I'll chat with them and see if you can put together a little pile of stuff and see if he's willing to make a donation or you can talk to him about that I'm gonna go oh him before we do this let's go back inside he's got a truck full of stuff it's literally going to the dump so it's definitely garbage and I hold a lot of good stuff out of there yesterday or a couple days ago so that stuff we know they consider trash huh I just realized these barrels are British American oil those are old ba barrels that one is that actually has a little bit of collector value okay but not a whole lot maybe like 80 80 to 100 bucks to somebody but if it's going for scrap it's worth falling out you can dream it you can build it can't you Josh oh not that bad the chickens really cool though they're pretty popular I've made like probably five of the chickens yeah all right up his alley [Music] life signs yeah just like a super long neck what would you do it out of metal yeah yeah well you have to start stockpiling metal to build a life-size trap I'm just looking for old oil cans or whatever else in here I can find I know we'll look there's even a little taillights sometimes you hate to see this stuff go to the dump because you might maybe you got an old trailer or something you need it's the glass ones that guys like better than the plastic well like a like you said before I'm sure there's probably stuff went out with the first couple loads of scrap well somebody was happy at the dump the next day I'm sure that's a insulator okay you get a crawl right in there Josh yeah it's all valuable well maybe don't break the glass on the back of the truck may that be the one thing that really shot Josh is forging like a ferret in the wall right now um what is that oh it's part of a pump jack or something yeah it looks like it could be off that one the water pump oh boy see you know what everything is empties there's some shells you need some bullet shells but see it's it's all that little stuff it you know oh yeah like you should see that oh you didn't animals at the other place but he's got an anvil with the back end of our the the bottom is an old like model a wire wheel it's really neat there's um I didn't go through the garbage can I don't know what's in there these look like accessories off of maybe a vehicle or something hey Josh there's a there's an old one-ton pulley here well you can ask if you might want to sell it I don't know sometimes you can look at these wrenches and they've got the name of the company like they'll say Massey Harris or Ford Springfield you but yeah they're probably considering there's a lot of tractors stuff around here maybe I'll put them in my Alex to go pile I was trying to find a place to empty this out that's a cool antifreeze tin it's got the TP on it Canadian tin not in the greatest shape but that's a that's a neat graphic and somebody would somebody think that's have you tried to start it it's Minneapolis Moline right Oh Chalmers right Chalmers is the orange color this is what early 40s probably it's a good-looking little tractor so what would something like this run as is [Music] okay I'm sure it run these things pretty bulletproof it's old royal 810 oh gosh did you see this really cool vise this bench mice look it's still bolted on but this bench is half fallen over and this hole yeah that's that's a good piece there there's another one of those in one of the greeneries I believe I'm gonna probably pull these this whole drawer is full of all the original tools gonna want an old Rancher do you remember what I was looking for these yeah I was trying to hang that canoe from my ceiling and I needed some old eye bolts oh yeah those come in actually pretty handy wrenches I think I'm gonna have to buy these you hate leaving it behind right and being the guy who's gonna appreciate it poof dipper okay OOP there it is extraterrestrial vehicle was in here once AET lost his hubcap off his spaceship when he was landing and I'm going to be brave here and reach up into cobweb central this is full of little oil cans there might be something kind of neat up there well untie that rope pull that thing down yeah well I might just be able to pull pull the rope see that's why I said you should be wearing gloves like me and you wouldn't be worried about the Black Widow that's probably lurking up here okay hmm I'll get you Josh's dislodging what have you bought there Josh I got the vice yeah - good perfect for my new show and it still works yeah it does yeah it's nice and smooth yeah yeah that's great he's got so the bolts are off the top he just gotta loosen off the nails from the bottom yeah that's back when nails were nails and wood was would not like this fake fiberboard stuff he got nowadays I was probably solid oak tree actually turned out to be a nice day it was really rainy all the way here I thought this is gonna be a bust but the birds are chirping josh has got a pile of scrap and he spent real money his his harder and Josh money you know for an artist that via that means a lot and I've got a pile of stuff I'm just gonna move over by the ambulance to get it ready okay so far round two for me that's a decent oil can right there that in really good shape with a nice top surprisingly about a hundred bucks not in that condition though there's a nice old Ford and it's got the gt40 you see that lets go to gt40 on it so 1960s oil can some old wrenches including where is it this is a Model T that's a Ford Model T lug nut wrench right there some other wrenches sat iron with the handles that wouldn't be a popular name for a home product nowadays he wouldn't name your product telethia is best to Saturn but at the time it was popular as an old chandelier in the box couple other cans I mean you hate leaving something like that in the scrap pile when you have customers that buy those things even if it's for like 10 bucks or 15 bucks it's still you know money for us and the ramps I pulled out of this crap pile because well have to unload that chart later and those will come in handy but we still haven't been to the granary yet that's going to be next you have even been through the buildings I actually came out here to show you either no we've been to the full ones okay let's go I'm gonna mark this moment on the video is the last time these shoes were in good condition it's it was pouring just cats and dogs literally maybe if there was a you know really tall veterinary clinic nearby but we're wearing inappropriate Footwear you've got your black chucks on I've got my red ones we didn't even coordinated a Josh and I would say you're cooler guy than me and yet I'm wearing similar footwear so what does that say about you I mean really how many farms you go to and they've got these buildings sitting in the back and you just never know what's inside well today we do some digging again I've been in here once before but I know that I missed up I know that I did and this is the building that has the tire machine that I want to buy but I have no idea if I can get it out it probably weighs like 400 pounds I guess worst case scenario we could probably pop some boards off the other side these look like they're but there's barbed wire mmm okay and we go there were some cool tools up on the top at the back if you can work your way back there are some cool tools hanging up in the rafters yeah at the very back yeah there's those tools I think are for peeling logs back and putting out blog buildings no hey I survived this the other day I'm sure you can there's a whole bunch of tin that was at one time newspaper plates and you can still see the writing on it but there's probably about 10 or 15 sheets underneath your feet and I see another bucket of bottles that I didn't buy last time so I'm gonna have to come in there and do some digging with you I think last time I was here there was a Goodyear Tire belt rack over there and it's a really old lawnmower flipped upside down which is kind of cool and I don't know why I think it's a cool kind of way but I you know maybe somebody else will too are you trying to get the pickaxe down [Music] well I'll see what they want to do with them I was kind of checking out this Briggs & Stratton little push mower underneath your feet there well no it's I can't tell if it's a mower or if it's a rolling pin oh yeah that's probably a mower it's a really old lawnmower yeah there's some equipment back in here like that's a push mower right there so this is where the mowers went today I was looking at these bottles that's why I didn't buy them last time they sold their bottles they're not as exciting as finding buckets of cool soda bottles there's an engine on for something a little kind of see it down there through this what was once the nice Morris chair probably sat in the old farmhouse you know Morris chairs are actually pretty collectible if you if you said your wife that does furniture restoration this is one worth restoring I'm digging by this old lawnmower here this whole push mower which is seeing better today look it still got the grass from the last time at mode stuck in it but there is some kind of sign there I'm gonna dig that out and see if I can get to it how are you doing over there your files my good my good junk never we were saying I should buy these cream cans they don't really sell for anything around here I mean sure I could but why I do need to find an old steering wheel for that kiddie ride boat I bought but I don't want one that has a Chrysler logo on it I want like a generic even won't like the tractor or you see a little steering wheel over there let me know what's that yellow thing right by you is that what is that yeah a lot of a tractor is something okay all right there's that Hey oh yeah it's like a yard light sort of porcelain fixture yeah I could use those how many of them are there there's a whole stack perfect for the front of your store and if I buy a Land Rover I could wear it as a safari helmet exactly okay I think I found the moonshine collection back here there's all kinds of jugs full or something oh yeah well then here you go there's a whole bunch of I think I'll be tasting it no you don't want some black cherry countrified pigeon infested moonshine this is the building that I'm least looking forward to going back in because things have literally died in here I opened the door I didn't catch it on camera but a pigeon flew right at my head from up there and why haven't I passed my noggin so it's active it's an active pigeon den so Oh crawling here oh look I see bottles more bottles I'd have to do a little diggin um so yeah it's back all right little buddy time to go we gotta go find treasures in there that you're not pooping on it's the nest right there if you exhibit oh yeah that's why the pit you kept coming back yeah cuz it's little babies are in there I missed this last time these things are like in brand-new condition yeah these are like a whole stack of them in there I see something that might represent you Josh as a can there what this can i think it's got your name on it says chock full of nuts now the condition of this book isn't great but that my friend is a quality name right there his name was Cornelius as Engel that's an a-plus name wait did you hear that there's something else in here with us yeah something alive folks there's something living and moving around oh hey that's an old underwear box cuz you know that's what you do you get down your long johns and you wrestle alright that's the recommended activity according to this I don't think we'll be doing that does only make noise when I move anything you know if you get chased out by like a little I don't know well then it's well then it's gonna be pigeons yeah obviously don't looking for their lost uncle who's underneath that box now yeah okay how close were you getting that tire machine in view okay I'm trying to I'm making a path here so we can get back there that okay Josh made some good progress digging it out but it's kind of incomplete it does have the bits to grab onto the rim down below but there should be a big sort of rod that wraps around thought it might be that one but it's not so I think given the fact that it's missing some parts we'll probably just leave it behind but we did make some headway and get to the back but I didn't see all this before those dishes never know when there's like dishes from a steam ship or a boat or something stamps oh that's for it yeah for making your orange juice that's kind of cool that's neat hold this old medicine cabinet out in the inside look it's still like they just ripped it right off the wall 1944 there's a Gillette there's a straight razor 2 in here some shaving soap it's like it's all ready to go like somebody just was somebody was like we're upgrading the cabinets and we're just gonna rip this right off the wall I guess you had to upgrade your razor the guy comes home where's my razor it's gone chucked it in the barn this box is full of books what's this one the story of the world's only fertile man his first million women well I don't think that anybody would be smiling if that were the case sure it sounds like a good idea now but you won't be smiling later trust me here comes the Josh mobile monster truck so how did it drive down the highway the truck with that lift get on there it's four by four right well it's time to load out josh is getting his truck all packed up kind of glad that he brought it today yeah we're loaded back up yeah I'm loaded back up we're headed down the highway the rain has stopped and I not being a good day for pickin when we first came out he said that we wouldn't be able to go through the grain reason I was a little bit bummed out but at the end of the day I spent $300 and I ended up with an ATV a motorcycle and a car and a half load of antiques Josh got his whole truck filled up for only 60 bucks so really good and the reason the deals were so good is because a lot of it was deemed as being scrapped they weren't interested in keeping it we pulled it out of the scrap pile so if you can pull stuff this junk can save it it gets it out of the scrap yard and it gets it back into the place where someone can reuse it he's filming me I'm filming him we decided to stop in so called town of Kalmar because there's a couple antique stores here not that we have been any room for it but I also haven't eaten yet and the bakery in town you're supposed to be really really good mmm it smells really good in here no but I've been told we had to stop and check it out and there's doughnuts cherry turnovers brownies butter tarts most of these would be horrible nicknames to have in high school but when your bakery you're nothing but a cherry turnover mine cinnamon tastic how's your glaze is it glazy alright ed look there's an antique store right next door I notice that they have a bathtub exactly like the one I just pulled out of that granary that he just came from okay this isn't just like the one I pulled out it is the one I pulled out of the granary the guy I sold it to as an antique dealer so he obviously has a booth here he's got it priced at 200 bucks well good for him I guess now we know where it is nothing exactly it's the exact same one that I just pulled out I wanted the guy that we bought it from he's probably gonna drive by and see in front of the antique store would be like what yeah that's the one I just pulled out of the light duty I was fast [Music] the allure of an antique store [Applause] and I always get drawn to little things like the toy cars because that's what I collect and you still got to look at the stuff that you think is cool but I think I hear some rustling in the back melody are you around oh there she is how long you had the business for now as of Canada Day we are two years old two years old well congratulations thank you and calamar is this not that far it's a hop skip and a jump from Edmonton so if people are looking for fun things to do in the area what else would you recommend that they do while they're coming you how here see you well a great place to come out and spend an afternoon a few different things that we have going on for us here in this quaint little town is we actually have two fine antique stores so between the two you can definitely spend a few hours looking around right next door to us is of course the famous calamar bakery and they've got some wonderful doughnuts their bread is to die for as well so definitely come early in the day so you can get some treats from the bakery we also have the zip gallery art gallery here in town located in the medical building and we are what we like to refer to as the Gateway to the lakes we're right on the way to Wizard and Pigeon Lake we also have Buck Lake Twin Lake in the areas as well so we go walking Almanac why aren't you standing out on the street telling people what to do around eat you can stuff your own information booth yeah yeah well you know what I've been from kalmar for many years and I'm very proud to live in rural Alberta and it's a great little community so I like to support it whenever I can well perfect so you're okay if we have a look around absolutely all right and I still have Josh here with me who is secretly recording me at the same time I'm sure this will show up on his vlog somewhere along the line but I can see all sorts of treasures and trinkets now you have a lot of vendors that could have space diners involved with us here in the store okay I see yeah there's some people doing toys and gasoline cans and there's other people who are doing musical instruments so there's lots to look at in a store like this so I see something really neat the nickle Cola sign is pretty cool I like that it's got the little he looks like he's a waiter bringing out your nickel Cola now a while ago somebody had discovered just pallets full of new old stock nickel Cola soda signs and they kind of flooded the market but this isn't one of those this is a little less common and it's a really cool piece and it around two hundred dollars Canadian that's a very fair price really really interesting Keio the real chocolate flavored soda I don't know I guess it was a chocolate flavored drink it doesn't say soda that'd be weird it was carbonated that would be really gross I don't think anybody would like that but they don't I don't think they make it anymore there's the old fisher-price play family castle all sorts of fun stuff looks like they've got quite a collection of Coleman lanterns and they say they're all pressure tested and working so it must be someone who's a big Coleman fan and you can see everybody's got their own little thing that they are kind of into matchbox and wind-ups of course I like cold wind up toys too I'm gonna reach in and have a look at this this looks like a German maybe you shook oh it is I collect shook OH some of these have a device inside where you whistle and they go back not sure which one that is but I think I've got this guy already I think this originally emerged from a little garage really neat piece though of course I found one one little thing that I collect okay now this doesn't happen every day but sometimes it's good when it does I came in here to have a look around the antique store and notice that my bathtub was here and I figured well if they like some of the stuff on buying I may as well sell them the dirt bike and the trike while I'm here so they're out of my car they're sold you know 30 minutes after buying them I have an empty vehicle how about you Josh yeah well you got a lot of my junk in the back but yeah so that's kind of crazy hey there they are for sale at the shop it'll be cool once they give them wipe down and a clean up that was actually pretty cool-looking trunk but they're theirs now and I don't have to worry about it I have to admit I feel just a little bit guilty because now my vehicle is completely empty well except for the shaving kit and a couple other things and Josh's trunk is like loaded twenty-eight out but it's done it's gone I could have made a little bit more profit for myself and I kept the motorcycle and the trike to sell at the shop or online but sometimes you have to be happy to make any quick nickel versus slow dime I am gonna make a pit stop though before we head back to the shop I know exactly what I'm going to spend my newfound profit on and I think it's gonna be a nice improvement to the store I'm going to spend my profit on trees to plum trees at one cherry tree courtesy of fresh found motorcycle money popping yeah that's the other benefit of having a big long vehicle you can put your trees inside we bag them up so the dirt wouldn't fall out now to get those back to the shop so aside for the motorcycles I ended up getting some windows that where he new use for craft or later on some old porcelain enamel lights some lampshades some pickaxes some greats that I can use a nice little barrel which is going to be used as a flower pot and a bunch more stuff in my other car [Music] last one let's bust up the roots in place and then there were trees we'll have a nice happy little orchard back here before long Thank You Josh for your help much appreciated and what did I have planned for this barrel well it's a perfect place some nice flowers flowers now I'm hoping this is something kind of cool it's really gross [Music] it actually might yeah I think it was Orange Crush but oh the greasy eat it off the lettering well partly yeah no no yeah maybe I'll try it garden over the most he's like loosen this up a little bit yeah I think it was Orange Crush alright super busy day today was really nice like last week and we were talking earlier he's looking for stuff that I would dump out like I would want the oil pail and he would want this up inside of it so it works out really well because he wants all the old nuts and bolts and nails and I want the oil Canada turn inside so pretty sweet that there's one difference between United I pay more money than him I got like I got less stuff for like three times you know money but I'm not complaining because I got three beautiful fruit trees for the back yard to plum and one cherry and even a nice flower basket for the front of the store all freeze essentially with the profit continuity so good day yeah I want to do this again great back and then hopefully before long drops you helping us that with the bill it's like I'm gonna make him feel awkward on camera and committed to do it but I'm sure he'll do okay there you go so thanks for watching today's episode guys I hope you tune in soon if you haven't checked out johnson channel what you go for on youtube channel so they'll know and if you haven't subscribed to our channel do the same thing to thanks for watching guys we'll see y'all soon bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 136,067
Rating: 4.9640665 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, junkyard, junk, treasure, money, pickers, american pickers, discovery channel, tlc
Id: 0tP_2OwwXQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 35sec (2075 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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